#basically for the next thirteen work days mon-fri
gatheredfates · 1 year
Hi all, just a little life update:
I'll be reblogging this intermittently but, because my work is so short staffed atm, I have offered to work some extra hours to learn another facet of my work site/instil some good will to call upon in favours later/upskill myself to earn MORE money.
This means I will be leaving for work at around 6am and getting home at 4pm for the next two and a bit weeks; basically until 22 September. Because of this... I will be dead.
I'm going to reduce my queue so I still look active, but the majority of my active time during will be me trying to write/read ffxivwrite entries (which means this post is now more relevant than ever, because I WANT to read my mutuals' work) and decompressing with youtube and the like.
I will still be doing my question drive, it'll just be even slower than before, and trying to reach out/chat to people where I can. I just ask for some patience during this time. ♥
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