#basically any kind of outsider pov alluding to their power gets me going lol
padfootastic · 2 years
Okay, so I I know it’s established that Sirius never really gave anyone true reason to suspect he was the traitor that Halloween and it’s mostly because nobody questioned he was the Secret Keeper that they all accepted it (because the entire plan hinged on the switch being a secret known only to those involved, with the end result being nobody knew Sirius couldn’t have betrayed the Potters), but I actually would have loved it if Sirius was just highly morally grey during the war and that’s why people bought it, he was off doing morally dubious stuff the entire war to win the battles, specifically because books should always have more “morally grey/dark but fighting for the light” characters. Just, a Sirius who was taught the same magic as the rest of the Death Eaters his age and who decides he’ll use whatever necessary to beat Voldemort, regardless of how moral or good it is, would have been awesome, just to show that a) we’ve all got good and bad in us and what matters is what we decide to do with it and b) give us a character that grew up with all the wrong lessons but who meets the right people at the right time and then decides to use all the weapons at their disposal to protect their loved ones.
ok how did u know the way straight to my heart, anon???
i am actually so obsessed with morally grey characters bc they’re just so much more interesting and ruthless.
also i get such a lady boner for super powerful characters, i can’t even tell u. like, all my fav fics have some element of that and whenever raw power is mentioned, i just start squealing and kicking my legs around like a toddler lol. i’ve read a few fics where there’s lines like ‘they could finally see why people believed sirius black was the right hand man of the dark lord so easily’ or ‘this was the man who was easily believed to have killed twelve people with one spell’ or something along those lines. it’s just so. !!!!! hot !!!!!!
i wrote a lil oneshot around just this a while ago where sirius takes on the entire dark faction after they hear of the prophecy and singlehandedly ends the war bc no one touches his potter yanno? i love it.
also!!! imagine all the blacks in voldy’s service warning everyone else about sirius bc they know firsthand how powerful and ruthless and protective he is and no one believing them until the first round of DEs come back in body bags. ugh. yum.
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