#basically a fuckin Punfest lmao
thenerdytomboy · 3 years
If Toriel and Mal were able to meet, I could imagine it going something like this.
Toriel- So you're this "Mal" person that Kris has told me about?
Mal- That I am! It's nice to finally meet you, Ms.Toriel. I do hope Kris hasn't been telling you any "Mal"evolent stories about me!
Toriel- * snrk* Haha! Nono, they've only told me good things, I assure you.
Mal- Ah that's a relief. You know kids though, they can have quite the imaginations, wouldn't want you to get your hopes up over a norMal bird like me. They all just looked rather lost when I first found them, so I took them under my wing.
Toriel- * laughing*
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