#basically I was like omg this is so cool! an apple clock
bunibelles · 3 months
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I love u apples 🍎🫶🏼
Wip in progress
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paradoxxinvader · 2 years
DITTO - do you want somebody? like i want somebody?
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pairing :: riki x fem!idol!reader
synopsis :: yn, the leader of girl group trio ATTRACTION, has a major crush on ENHYPEN’s maknae, nishimura riki, since before her debut in 2022. she related to him, confided in his photocards, and befriended the idea of him, so much so that she fell in love with someone who barely knew of her. when she debuts under the same label as him, HYBE, the tables start to turn when she starts to realize that who he is isn’t the same person she fell in love with, all while nishimura riki starts to fall for her. what could possibly go wrong?
word count :: ~1.2k
warnings :: mention of food, mention of death, ugh omg mention of the gym, that’s pretty much i think
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“hello, everyone!” yn sung, setting the camera on the kitchen island. she was making a quick breakfast for herself before heading out for the gym- the clock was in frame, showing both hands on the six. “i’m heading out to the HYBE gym before promos start,” she was filling up her black water bottle before stuffing it into the duffel bag that ENHYPEN had gifted her. 
“i thought it would be cool to vlog it a bit, and have a short q and a kinda video as well! pae-ri unnie and sungie are gonna have their own videos on this as well! but they’re filming later in the week.” she explained. 
she cracked a few eggs in a bowl, beating them lightly with a fork and hadding small bits of meat and seasoning. she put a lightly oiled frying pan onto the lit stove, waiting for it to heat up before adding her eggs and letting them cook a little before scrambling them with a spatula. ditto was playing in the background, and she was humming to it while spreading butter onto her toast.
“for the q and a session type thing, our label prepared a set of questions from some of the comments you guys have left onto our posts and videos, as well as general ‘get to know me’ questions from the interweb. there are like- how many questions are there?” she asked off-camera, nodding when someone said something. “ok, there are like twenty or so questions, and i’ll be answering them in the car!”
she plated the eggs into a few plates, handing out the breakfast to the staff that were in the dorm off camera, and sat her own plate down on the dinner table, pouring herself a glass of apple juice. she forked some of the eggs into her mouth, covering her mouth while chewing. yn quietly ate her toast, not talking that much, just scrolling through her phone, answering a few texts. she didn’t talk much while she ate, because she considered talking while eating to be rude. she made a mental note to ask the editors to play some soft music on the background during this section of the vlog.
she turned the camera off after she finished eating, and put her dishes in the sink, bowing once towards the staff before picking up her duffel bag and leaving the kitchen. she had already called a car from HYBE before she started on breakfast, because the dorm was a bit farther away from the company building, on foot at least. once confirming the car was downstairs, she slipped on her shoes and went downstairs, turning the camera on in the process.
“ok, so it’s around six forty-five right now, and i should be getting to the company building in around fifteen or so minutes. i’ve got the questions here with me-” she waved her phone in front of the camera. “-so we’re gonna answer as soon as i get into the car,”
after a minute or two after settling in, she set the camera onto the seat in front of her, adjusting the tripod so that she would be fully in frame.
she scrolled through the pre-prepared questions, answering some basic questions about the group that were asked in the comments and such, before heading into the personal questions that she wanted to answer.
“ok, soooooooooooo- how old are you? ok, so i was born in ‘06, so i’m 16 internationally- my birthday is in the latter half of the year- but i’m 18 in korea. it’s a little confusing, but yea. i actually kinda ‘go by’ my international age, because i didn’t grow up in korea, but my korean age is on my local legal documents, but my international age on all of my international legal documents, if that makes any sense,” she tried to explain, knowing full well that the editors would just zoom in with a bunch of question marks around her figure. she paused for a moment, letting the words sink in. “ok, yea, that doesn’t make sense, but- meh,” she lifted up her hand, palm facing downwards, tilting it up from each side.
“ok, next question! did you always want to be an idol? yah, this is a good question! uh, yes and no? so, i grew up in australia, and i wasn’t really exposed to idol culture, i guess you could say. like, my parents didn’t force me to listen to kpop or watch kdramas and stuff, so i didn’t even know what idol culture was in korea. but but but, i did love music, like singing and writing and producing songs was my thing back in middle school! my best friends and i started, like, a girl rock band that was called mgk, and then in parentheses (not machine gun kelly)!” yn giggled, remembering the fond memories. “it was honestly so much fun, we decided to keep the acronyms as random food items that we loved! i was korean, and one of them was korean-japanese, and the other was japanese- it was just us three-, so the acronyms stood for miso, gochugaru, and kimchi! we were the asian-australian girls of our school, so we just naturally became close friends because of that,” yn smiled.
“unfortunately, the group had to disband when we were around 13-14, because our japanese friend passed away due to a complicated heart condition,” yn continued, looking out of the window. “i miss her a lot,”
“but yes! back to the question! um, so i didn’t always want to be an idol, but i kinda got exposed to idol culture about two years ago, when i-LAND started to air. the reason i started watching it was because i heard that an australian dude from brisbane was gonna be on the show, so i kinda had to watch it, because obviously. i started getting into kpop then, and then i randomly went up to my parents one day and was like, “eomma, appa, i wanna become an idol!” and they just made a face like-” she tried making the face, but was unsuccessful, erupting into giggles. “but yea! they were super chill about it, and enrolled me into dance classes in brisbane until middle school ended, and then helped me move to korea for proper training. i lived with my halmeoni, and now i live in the dorms! i visit australia as much as i can, but that isn’t very often, because i was super busy as a trainee and now since i’ve debuted, they’ll become even less frequent. but my parents visit a lot, usually ever other month, so i spend time with them then! so, uh, shoutout to jake sunbaenim from ENHYPEN for being the reason i’m an idol today, i think?”
“ok next questio- oh i’m at the company building!” she picked up the tripod, and panned the camera to show the building that was out of the window.
yn picked up her things and left the car after thanking the driver. she balanced the tripod in her laft hand, while throwing her cap on and shoving the duffle bag onto her left shoulder. “ok, i’m going in! i’ll turn the camera back on when i’m inside the gym area,”
she turned the camera off and walked inside, her running shoes squeaking against the marble tiling of the lobby. she smiled at the receptionist, explaining that she was here for the gym, and fished around for her id from her wallet when she needed to sign in.
she rushed to the elevator, hitting the button for the 6th floor gym- which was arguably one of the better ones- and waited patiently for her floor while listening to cliche elevator music. the elevator stopped at the fourth floor, the door’s opening to reveal-
“oh! anneyoung!” yn bowed at the young men in front of, which were three members of ENHYPEN. 
“anneyoung, yn!” jay oppa smiled, bowing his head a little as well, nudging sunghoon and riki to do so as well. “heading towards the gym?”
“yep! wanted to some cardio done before promos start at nine,” she explained, shuffling a little to side to allow the three males into the small space.
“ahh, ok,”
there was a bit of awkward silence, so yn thanked whatever deity was up there when the doors opened to the sixth floor. the boys let her out first, and she thanked them, rushing to the gym doors, inserting her company card to let her in. 
she dropped her gym bag on a plastic seat, getting her water bottle out, and removed her rings and bracelets, shoving them into a small pocket inside of the duffle. she headed to the treadmill, setting up her camera in front of the machine, and started at a slow jog, putting her headphones on her head. after a bit or so, she kept on increasing the speed, eventually setting at a fast run.
it continued like that for about a half hour or so, before jay joined her on the neighboring treadmill, flashing a peace sign at the camera when yn pointed it at him.
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taglist (open!) :: @acousticking @mitsukifilms @hyem1ngyu @loveliii @ahnneyong @azngamis-blog @hanniluvi @heesitation @brahms-heelshit@mirakura @adeolalily13 @sunoozz @enwlrd @3chae @bucketofhiros​ @ilovewonyo @jaxavance @calijimenez @adajoemaya @judeduartwannabe @heartwonder @wonypop @dimplewonie @coalalalinha @rikimylove @jamaisunoo @sd211 @aki1e @asapia @simeonswhore @bougiesunoo @hatdugin @cass1814 @ilvsoup @nia-xxx @byhsng @soobnism @futuristicpiepsychicalmond @nuoyishi @akashisthighs @facelesswrittes @tinie03 @noiacha @mmaplepastries @curly-fr13s @sweetjaemss @lcv3lies @nikiluvs @urszn @kittyeij @jeonsy98 @sserafimez​ @j-wyoung​  (CLOSING SOON)
lu speaks :: hello everyone !!! this was such a delayed chapter omg but like. so much stuff happened. my sister got married in october of last year and she then moved abroad w her husband and she visited for the first time like two weeks ago !!! it was really fun she left yesterday so i’m really emo lol OH AND ON TOP OF THAT I’VE CAUGHT A STOMACH BUG ???? like it’s really bad and i still have it and it’s just. really bad :( but yes i managed to get this out and i know it’s really bad but pls bare with me !!! i’m gonna try to write another chapter sometime this week but i have my mocks coming up so that’s gonna be. so much fun 🙂🔫 n e wayz i’ll see yall soon !!! make sure to apply for the taglist for ditto bcs it’s closing soon !!! also omg jungwon bb ur 19 !!!!
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homestuck-archive · 11 months
Semi-Daily Homestuck Pages:
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ROSE: Iss,
ROSE: Prehhhhtay strong I geush?
ROSE: Whups. Guesh?
ROSE: *Guessss.
ROSE: Eheh.
DAVE: pretty strong
DAVE: rose you just bootlegged some fucking rubbing alcohol
ROSE: Pshf. ..
ROSE: Overaeact much?
ROSE: I'm yam completally in command of my faculities.
DAVE: faculity isnt a word check mate
DAVE: this kinda strikes me as a sort of misappropriation of alchemy
DAVE: like fucking with the mystical technology of creation to whip up some moonshine just seems
DAVE: i dunno man
DAVE: tell me you at least alchemized a bathtub first to stir this shit in
DAVE: at least that would be hilarious
ROSE: Iii,
ROSE: Omg, you're right, I messed a golden opportutiny for a puticularly humoroush approach to this endeavor... :(
DAVE: and where the FUCK is my applejuice rose
DAVE: gotta say
DAVE: you really let me down on the aj front
ROSE: I tried!!
ROSE: I tried making it...
ROSE: Is was HARD, Dave.
ROSE: (Sluuurp.)
DAVE: bullshit it was hard
DAVE: whats so hard about applejuice its like
DAVE: the most basic goddamn juice
DAVE: like the square one of juice
ROSE: Yes, tha's the POINT!
ROSE: Apples are stalartingly difficulf to reproduce.
ROSE: We take for granned our ability to take idealized intsances ofeven quie comlicated objects and conshure them from the void.
ROSE: But compalexity implies a heavilly recombinatife nature.. So.. so many things are synesthized from a series of mushh simpler ideas!
ROSE: To those ennities capable of, of conceshualization and absraction, an apple is as closed to being a noshushnally irredushible object as it gets....
ROSE: Ahem. *Notionally,
ROSE: **Irr, ed, ducible.
ROSE: Tell me, hoch shot, what ideas would you combide to make and apple?
DAVE: uh
ROSE: Exaaalley/.
ROSE: Thusis why apples are sush indivisible symbols, when it comes to thefield of ideas and their reducshunistHIC!!!!! reductionishtic essence from the perispective of humans in paticular.
ROSE: Both from a stantpoint of cultrulal and mytholurgical singificence,, and from a pratical one a swell, if you happen to fine yourself acshualy trying to ENGINEEEer one.
ROSE: Why do you thing, HIC!!! Why do you think Adam mand Eve were punished for biting in to one??
ROSE: They attemped to pentetrate an indivisible unit, uf fundamenetal knowledge. To consume the interior of a thought whish cantot be reduced any further.
ROSE: This knowleshe was for BIDDEN..! Hic. So humanity was forever bandished to live in sin, and, hass strive ever sinse to redeem isself from the hubrinse of this innallectual foily.
ROSE: Hahaha! , Foily.
ROSE: Or what about, the tale of Isaac Newdon under the tree?? He was BONKED on the head by an apple.
ROSE: Not reallyan apple though... an atomic idea. An emlemental unit of inspripation itself, id clocked him right on then noggin.
ROSE: And this indivisible notion colliding with hish awareness, much like.. . a high speed partical fired to create a nuculear chain reacation, jarred from the void a more profund unnerstand, HIC, ing of the intrinsic nature of nothiness. Thatis,. Gravivitation.
ROSE: Of course thess stories are acutually bullshit. They didn't happen in realaity. But thef act that they'rare bullshit makes them more inshresting.
ROSE: Men have crefted many stories that are bullshit out of symbols risen from the abyss of coinsciousness withou necesharily knowing whath e fuck they were doing or saying, as they flounered around for some truth.
ROSE: Bust in spite of themseleves they would for howefer briefly cross through a ray of light regarless. Becuss of the sbymbols. Dave.. The symbols hol dall the power.
DAVE: well shit
DAVE: looks like i wandered into a really weird uncharted side of town tonight
DAVE: its called the drunk rose district
DAVE: and i am scared out of my fucking mind
ROSE: For a guay whos's supposedly, an I quote, "so cool,"
ROSE: You relly are almost comically up tight.
ROSE: Here, why don't you have some...
DAVE: no!
ROSE: What a prune.
ROSE: *Prude.
ROSE: Hic.
DAVE: i told you i dont want any of your experimental fucking spacewizard booze
DAVE: id rather not go blind
DAVE: then terezi will have to teach me to lick shit to see
DAVE: is that what you want do you want me licking everything in sight
DAVE: like oh hey mayor SLURP oh fuck youre
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the professor layton series is a series of games for the ds/3ds (with the exception of one movie, an anime about laytons daughter [katrielle], and an app) that focus both on their storyline and puzzle solving. it follows professor hershel layton, a professor in archaeology who i have never seen actually teach, and his self proclaimed apprentice luke triton who layton like basically stole from his dad because clark sucks lol. (1/?)
the first game in the series chronologically is professor layton and the last specter, which is set in the fictional town of misthallery england. its lukes hometown and its where the professor and luke meet. layton gets a letter calling him to the town because they need help with a specter that has been destroying the town. luke can predict when the specter appears. so layton and his newfound assistant emmy altava the kickass lesbian (2/?) 
go to misthallery to help but then they find out luke actually wrote the letter somehow despite being literally 7 and like yeah. the rest is basically spoilers so we’re moving on to the games i actually know about (bc the next game chronologically is the one im on rn) so professor layton and the curious village is the most boring of all the games imo but its the game where luke and layton meet flora. people have been disappearing around town (3/?) 
 the town name i have forgotten whoops. and also theres a huge family dispute bc some old dude left a fortune behind in his will to whoever found it and supposedly some guy got murdered. so what do they do? they call upon our ARCHAEOLOGY PROFESSOR here because hes totally qualified to solve crimes and shit. so basically layton and luke get pulled in to finding the golden apple (the treasure thing) and then people get kidnapped and shit and its p wild (4? i think/?) 
 the rest is spoilers but they almost get ran over by a ferris wheel. the next game is the diabolical box/pandoras box which has multiple settings being two towns and a train. supposedly there is this mysterious ass box that kills whoever opens it and the professors old mentor like fucking died from it apparently (not really it was a heart problem thing but shhh) so layton takes this like 10 year old boy (luke) along to to find a fucking death box (5/?)
nd theyre on a train for a while and flora is also on the train bc she didnt wanna get left behind. so they go off to find this box but it takes fucking FOREVER and then they pass out on the train (the first town wasnt rly important so) and wake up in the second town and also im pretty sure they get basically high or something and theres a vampire i guess and they have to find the goddamn murder box??? idk (6/?)
the next game is my favourite game. the unwound future. luke recieves a letter from his future self urging them to go to a clock shop in london where they get transported 10 years into the future and eventually go meet future luke at a casino run by a mob which is apparently run by future layton. they make a cool coin machine gun and then future luke challenges the professor to a battle of wits! which is where my queue tag is from (7/?)
and then they like adventure and shit and are trying to stop future layton from building a time machine to go save the missing scientists and prime minister + his girlfriend from the original time machine explosion which i totally forgot to explain. so like they spend a lot of time in future london trying to find the guy and stop him from making this mistake again and theres an epic showdown and shit and then the rest is spoilers and also CLIVE. i think im done now
omg that sounds rlly interesting!!!!!!!!!! i wish i hadt he money to buy the games ajdsflsjdflskd
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... meh.
this week has been long & annoying. 
there was some good parts - i went to comicon in boston w/ my dad & sister & saw some hella cute waiters at the coffee shop we went to & at the 99- that was pretty nice. legit- the waiter at the 99 was soooo handsome dude, he looked like a younger & more hipster version of brendon urie (if that’s possible) and he was just gorgeous. i got to meet that chick from overwatch - the woman that plays d.va - charlet chung - & ig that was kinda cool. it would have been a bit nicer if she wasn’t 2 hours late lol. two days ago i got to see some puppies at the pet store (i live in a smaller town, so it’s in one of the larger town/cites near mine) & there was this super super super cute puppy - he was a fluffy black and white (insert-breed-here) & he wAS TEETHING ON MY FINGER OMG- he was p r e c i o u s. too bad he was like, more than a thousand dollars. ;/ 
yesterday i skyped my two guy friends - patrick & sam - for like, 2 hours i think? it was really funny. my new backpack also came in, along with some new boots for school!! they’re dr. marten’s bc my dad insisted for me to get that brand, i guess? they’re this nice reddish brown color & i’m psyched to rock them on the first day! which by the way i’m not looking forward to lol 
i also covered my laptop in a shit ton of decals that my sister gave me & my laptop looks awesome now. i did the same w/ my speakers & dudeeee - one of my speakers specifically has a weed & a nearly naked lady gaga on the same side & it looks like jesus lmfao
now onto the baddd stuff. 
so i’ve been sleeping a lot lately. i mean, sleep is great. i just wish my body would just automatically wake up at 9 or something so i could actually do stuff during the morning & not eat breakfast at 2 pm like i did today. it’s probably bc i stayed up till like, 2 or so. i just don’t get why i’m always tired?? like i go to bed sometimes at 11 or so & i still sleep in till the afternoon ;( i should probably start setting alarm clocks in the am & stop going to bed so late. i just like sleep ig lolol
i kinda have a prob w/ one of my ‘friends’ & it’s really bugging me- basically, her & i have been friends, let alone been in the same friend group since 4th grade. it’s until 6th grade that she started ditching me & my friend (zoe is her name) for her boyfriends. she did that in 7th before i left to be home-schooled (that’s a long story) & she did it  m a j o r l y  in 8th grade, let alone throughout the summer. when we went to washington d.c. for a field trip at the end of march (a week after my birthday) she only hung out with her boyfriend (who was tucker at the time) & ditched zoe & her own partner, abby, the whole time. then when i tried confronting her about it in our hotel room (since we of course shared one) she just shrugged & completely disregarded our hurt feels. that was the more major time she did that.
over the summer, she had been dumped by tucker, & not even within a few days did she get a new boyfriend. he was at this campground she goes to during the summertime, so she only got to see him during the weekends, depending if he went or not. she once invited me to that campground w/ her, & it was fun at first. then she kept flirting w/ ANOTHER GUY WHO WASN’T HER BOYFRIEND & i’m p sure she was talking shit about me w/ some of her friends away from one of my own acquaintances i had met there & i. they kept looking at me weird & changing where they were gonna talk every two minutes. 
after a while of them doing that, they wanted to go to this place called “teen tower” which is just a treehouse only for teens. i didn’t feel like going, (bc y’know, her friends were kinda assholes to me) so i just waved them off. when we finally met up again, we were at the park right in front of her campsite. her, i, and two of her friends were just talking at the top of the slide - playing some game where we talk about the sexual encounters we’ve had. by the time it got to my turn, i asked, “with a boy or a girl?” & they gave me a confused look. then i said something like, “yeah, i’m bi.” & they just fucking jumped off the thing yelling about how disgusting that being bisexual was. being the sensitive child i am, i started crying, & my friend kept saying it was a joke, but she looked like she was embarrassed of me. she didn’t tell them off or anything or tell them to apologize to me when they came back for my ‘friend’. later that night she ditched me for all those boys while i waited outside until my phone died & i needed to charged. when i went back into her camper, her mom made me feel better by giving me some food & her little brother showed me some games on his ipad. when she got back, she got in trouble with her parents, & gave me the silent treatment the entire night. she even gave me the silent treatment in the morning, not making me feel any better. 
pretty much ever since then, she hasn’t been talking to me nor zoe. she keeps posting on social media & sending streaks.. but she’s just.. ignoring us. she also posted something on her spam account on insta about how she wished the friends in nh (which is where zoe, her and i live) were as great and amazing as the friends in ma were. (which is where the campground is that she goes to) i just don’t know. i don’t even know if she’s worth it anymore.. she just gets embarrassed of how bad my anxiety is & how i can kinda be a debby downer bc of that & how i tend to jump to conclusions or assume the worst to happen. i mean, my dad always used to say to me “assume the worst to happen & it’ll be way better than you expected” so that’s what i’ve been doing? i just wish she’d be more.. understanding about anxiety, & not get angry with us if we do freak out about little things... i don’t know. i can’t tell if it’s us or it’s her? i can’t tell if i’m not good enough for her and not good enough to be her friend, or that she’s just stuckup? *sigh* i just don’t know. 
listening to: true love cafe by nicole dollaganger (this song is sexual yet so calming hhhh)
eating: imma plan & get an apple or something. maybe celery & peanut butter?
drinking: water 
mood: confused, thinking too much 
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