lukaxradcliffe · 9 years
☯ :Do they believe for every darkness there is a lightness? If not, why?
in depth headcanon prompts.
Lukas doesn’t believe in that simply because he thinks that notion is silly and that the world can’t be dictated by something like that. For every good there’s an evil, for every darkness there’s a light-- he doesn’t believe in any of that. He believes that there’s more than dark and light, evil and good, there’s more than two sides to everything.
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frankiestorm · 9 years
∗* edge of glory
nineteen days. the longest she had gone without seeing her husband since they were sixteen. since before they were dating. since before they even met. he called first, naturally, and she answered because she didn’t know what else to do. franesca was confrontational but never held grudges. she could never stay mad for long. their lives were so finely intertwined that one walking out on the other was something that neither knew how to cope with. or at least, that’s what she hoped for. 
this lunch would answer a lot of questions that she had. one of which was simply where does this leave us? thinking back, she really didn’t mean the things she said. the threat of leaving him and all that that symbolically entails. francesca sits, fingers locked together over her tiny, tiny, tiny reminder of a belly, glancing at her phone for any sign of communication. 
“did you want to order something?”
she looks up, taken from her trance, and nods. “coffee, please--” she was told to watch her caffeine intake, by a woman that might have been her mother, she isn’t sure, neither is her father, and that made her not care much for the advice. johnny tells her that she rest as much as possible and she finds herself too tired to argue with her father anymore, “--actually, can you just make it a lemonade? i'm watching my caffeine intake” 
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lvhowlett · 9 years
You really have to leave your room more often Lukie.
Don’t call me Lukie, Sebastian. 
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troicstorm · 10 years
"You've had your shots? Measles, mumps, rabies?"
     [ ლ ]—-“Of course I have, Bash!” Troian flashes her brother-in-law a huge grin, even faux-flexing one of her non-existent arm muscles to emphasize on her point. “Heroes like me gotta stay strong aaaaall the time, you know. Sicknesses are a total no-no!” 
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cvbarton-blog · 10 years
he blindsides his goddaughter in an armlock, giving her a birthday noogie "little camila barton has grown up into the scary mass of a woman that we see today. i'm proud of everything you've accomplished and can't wait to see you accomplish more. happy birthday hobbit"
"uncle bash—gerrof—" she’s trying hard to fight against her uncle but with his height and his strength, she really held no competition. she’s struggling against him through everything his says, laughing because it was true, and punches him in the gut for the hobbit comment "great things come in small packages, thank you very much"
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nicobarton-blog · 10 years
because of their mutual interest in sciences sebastian found it easier bonding with nico than he did camila; though she was his goddaughter. sebastian appears to surprise the other with a slap square across the face “now we’re even. happy birthday buddy and, maybe just for today, the science bros can live on — ” he’s grinning now, pulling a letter out from his inner blazer pocket ” — i gave my old lab a call, you know that one in london, and they’re happy to give you an interview under my reference if you choose to pursue a career in science” 
he’s confused when sebastian slaps his across the face, for no reason he can think of. his hand comes to sit on his cheek, where he can feel the slightest tinge of pink underneath “even for—what did you just say?” the slap is forgotten, as was the greaten, as he greedily dives for the letter, internally screaming when he reads the letter head. “uncle bash—this—this is too much—you didn’t get me—uncle bash" he’s spluttering, embarrassed and excited melding together. his resists the urge to hug his uncle but it gets the better of him as he tackles the other, arms aiming for his waist and pulling him into a hug "you dont know how much this means to me. thank you, thank you, thank you”
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kashaveksen-blog · 10 years
[text]: as i say every time i hold a pop quiz, the highest mark will receive a free meal of their choice. [text]: you chose burritos from a particularly exceptional establishment. kudos to you. and the angelic man who made our burritos.
[ text : Mr. Kenobi ] I hate to burst your bubble, sir, but I think you may have given that reward to the wrong student.
[ text : Mr. Kenobi ] I'm not in Physics.
[ text : Mr. Kenobi ] Suffice to say, I'm not complaining. Your high praise of the man was very...amusing.
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frankiestorm · 10 years
give you something good to celebrate ! 
francesca sets out to start her day at five am; a huddled form of herself as she waddles across the campus to the staff kitchens where a cake for her husband waited for her. she fumbles about with the lighter and carefully places it on the tier she had bought with it.
a longing tradition from his childhood, francesca liked the idea of greeting someone before their day starts. waking up to the reminder that someone remembered your birthday was perhaps the best present she could think of. her eyes are still blurry with sleep as she waddles back to their dorm (when will they find a house, honestly) and she uses her shoulders to open the door. one hand holds up the cake, the other creates a barrier so the wind can't blow out the candles before they reach him.
"happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you! happy birthday dear mr. kenobi--" she begins to sing but notices no reaction from her husband. she sighs, she just had to marry the heaviest sleeper ever, and kicks hims, lightly, in the side to wake him. when he stirs, she grins like she hadn't just tried to injure her husband, and sits on the bed beside him: "happy birthday mr. kenobi!" she squeals, leaning in to kiss him "yes, those are thirty candles and, yes, if you get any wax on our bed you are sleeping with tristan for the next week"
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nicobarton-blog · 10 years
"Science bros are not a thing, Nico. I am not letting you—or Caleb for that matter—anywhere near my lab or office” He’s firm with his decision, his face attempting it’s best at appearing serious. It takes a full moment until he’s fallen into the students trick, “It sucks. I was having coffee this morning and I actually had to get up to get sugar. How do you kids survive without The Force? I’m going crazy”
{* for a minute he actually believes his uncle and his heart turns over in dread. when his uncle mentions his discomfort without the force does he relax, laughing at him } isn't that all the more reason to reunite the science bros? it would take your mind off you being without The Force....
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frankiestorm · 10 years
16. In an Embarrassing/Provocative Costume
the horrible thing about sebastian, she realises after six years of marriage and twelve of dating, is that he is very literal. as in, when he says something he means it. she had made a joke about victoria’s secret and a few days later a pretty pink bag ends up on her desk. she pulls the dazzling item from the rustles of pink paper with a grimace. he can’t be serious. only when she is in the privacy of her bathroom, and is absolutely sure sebastian would not be home for a while, does she pull it on. only when she’s trying poses in the mirror does she understand why those models looked so goddamn happy on the runway. it was liberating. wearing something that covered just enough, that made her feel good, hell, it made her feel like she could take over the world if it was socially acceptable to do so. she’s inspecting how great it makes her butt look when she misses the click of their front door and, it seems without a single though, sebastian opens the bathroom door. she’s horrified at him seeing her like this; especially after she had spent so long denying lingerie. “dont say a word” she narrows her eyes at him, knowing full well he’ll never let her live this down. “shut up. i look fantastic and you know it”
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frankiestorm · 10 years
Before hopping off to his next class, Bash leaves a note on her desk besides the unnecessarily large bouquet: you'd think after twelve years I'd be sick of getting you flowers for Valentine's Day but I don't think I ever will. I love you.
she almost jumps right out of her skin when the first thing she sees, at eight in the morning, is a massive bouquet of flowers sitting on her desk. from a distant it looked like a person and she is the school hadn’t taken away her ability, she’d have flamed on right then. instead, upon careful search, she reads the note he’s left for her and can’t help but let the wave of butterflies take over her. god damn you, sebastian kenobi, she thinks with a grin.
[ text | bash ] : i love you more than kanye west loves himself and i dont need a day to let you know.  
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frankiestorm · 10 years
∗* lightless
the last time she had been in this position, she remembers the wave of excitement that flew through her when the first test came to a blue line. she remembers how ready she was, when the second confirmed it and how much she wanted to see this to come when the third gave her the same answer. she, as hard as she tries not to, also remembers the crushing disappointment and months of depression that came with the miscarriage that followed. 
on a rare day off that required no attention from her, she's sitting on the toilet cover down, legs crossed (because even if she just peed onto a stick she was a lady, by god), as she watches the third test. another blue line. looking over at the sink she sees two more tests telling her the same answer. she was finally pregnant. 
she tries to still the beat of her heart and the dryness in her throat. for the past year had been what she always wanted--she wanted nothing more than to bring a child of her own, a little francesca or a lot of sebastian, into the life that they have. she had watched the enlightenment her friends found in their children and wanted that, needed that, not only for herself but for her husband. 
at that exact moment, though, all she really wanted was to share this news with someone. anyone.
checking the clock on the wall, she's glad when it clicks over to 4pm, informing her that he would have just finished classes and would be on the way back to their room. the quicker she told him, the quicker they could celebrate. sitting on her bed, she busies herself with replying to emails on her phone, waiting for him to arrive.
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