#based on images
queersrus · 2 months
OH MY GOD??? hi 🐦 silly !!!!
then could i please get names , pronouns ( 1st & 3rd ) and titles based off of the following drawings? you can pick & choose which ones you wanna do so please don't feel forced to do anythin'!
https://i.postimg.cc/1tnb0XFP/20240622-111341.jpg ( ac: @/chudokucha — primarily the left character but based off both of their vibes is good too :3 )
https://i.postimg.cc/zXS6F9yL/20240625-124743.jpg ( ac: @/bomal1215 — both characters )
https://i.postimg.cc/T3tsZgqf/20240625-124835.jpg ( ac: @/bomal1215 )
— @rwuffles
you got it ! so sorry this took a while!
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image one:
alabun, alabaster, alabastrine, arctic bunny/bunnie, blanc, blanch/blanche, blair/blaire, bianca, bianco, bronwen
cotton, cinnamon, cinnabun, cinnabon, cocoa, cloud, cream, choco, caramel, chili/chile/chilie ember
floppin, fluff ginger hazel ivory
kit lop, loppin nutmeg
pearl, pearly, pepper satin, silk, snow, snowy/snowie, sweetie, sorrel tawny, toast whit
1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
bi/bune/bunny/bunine/bunnyself ci/coze/cozy/cozine/cozyself si/softe/softy/softine/softself sni/snuge/snuggly/snugline/snugglyself
3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
bun/bunny, bun/buns, bunny/bunnys, bun/ny co/cozy, cozy/cozies, co/zy so/ft, so/soft, soft/softs, soft/softly, soft/softys, snu/snuggle, snug/gle, snug/snuggle, snuggle/snuggles, snuggle/snuggly
the soft one(s), the gentlest, the white rabbit, the cuddly, the cozy, the snuggly, the soft darling
*one who is soft, one who is cozy, one who is gentle, one who is loved, one who gives the warmest hugs
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image two:
afix, afixture, aid, arter, arterie/artery box, blu/blue/bleu, bp, bpm cotton(candy), candy/candi/candie, coated, cross doc, docta, doctor
jelly/jellie, jellybean lil, lillie/lilly medi, medic, medica
nurse objecti, organa
pulse, pill red skele, skeleta vibrant, vein
1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
di/docte/docty/doctine/doctorself mi/mede/medy/medine/medself mi/me/medicy/medicine/medicinself(medicalself) ni/nure/nursy/nursine/nurseself
3rd p prns: they/them/their/themself
blue/cross do/doc, doc/tor, do/doctor, doc/doctor, doctor/doctors med/meds, med/medical, med/medicine, med/ical, med/icine, medical/procedure, medic/aid, med/medic, medic/medics nu/rse, nur/se, nu/nurse, nurse/nurses red/cross
the doctor, the nurse, the medical supplier, the medicare, the medical team, the medical objectsonas, the monitors, the living medkit, the living med equipment
*one who supplies medicaid/medicare, one who posseses medical supplies, one who consists of medical kits, one who is made from medical equipment
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image three:
amber, aero, aera, aqua citrus, cat, catty, clementine, cara, cyba, cyber, citrine digi exe, exie
fruit, fruti/fruiti/fruity, file jellybean, jaffa, jpeg kiti/kitti/kitty
mandarin, mouse, mew orange pond, pute, puta
splash, summer, sommer, surf teal, tangerine, tiger, tangelo, tide, tropic, tropica web, wave, wade, wire
1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
aei/aere/aery/aerine/aeroself ci/cate/caty/catine/catself ci/citre/citry/citrine/citrusself fri/frute/fruty/frutigerine/frutigerself oi/ore/orangy/orangine/orangeself
3nd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
aer/aero, aero/aeros ci/citrus, citrus/fruit frut/frutiger, frutiger/frutigers, frutiger/aero ora/orange, orange/oranges tropic/tropical web/core
the frutiger aero cat, the webcore cat, the orange tide, the orange loving cat, the refreshed page
*one who loves citrus fruit, one who adores frutiger aero, one made of orange slices and wires
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*one can be replaced with any prns
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lanciilatte · 2 years
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Man this scene in FNAF 2 movie is gonna be wild-
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annabelle--cane · 1 year
sure, "I'm part of this marginalized group that I'm writing about" isn't a get out of jail free card for all bigotry, but if someone says "I'm portraying an exact experience I've had, this literally happened to me" and your response is "okayyy but think of the optics of showing that that happens? maybe keep that to yourself?" it might be time to reconsider your approach.
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athousandsuns2010 · 10 months
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valdotpng · 2 years
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jenderenvy985 · 1 year
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puppyeared · 9 months
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these two are so interesting to me
characters belong to @canisalbus
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pillowspace · 1 month
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For someone who wanted them back so badly, you sure do look afraid of them.
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(Basically, it's an AU where Loop's first wish to stay with their friends merged with their second wish for help. Loop's party got dragged into ISAT's universe unbeknownst to Loop, but very slowly started gaining tangibility after Loop woke up in the middle of nowhere post-canon. During canon? They were the stage's audience! What good is a show without one?)
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frogcroak · 3 months
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As an elder, our clan should have taken care of you. But now... You're the only one left to protect the kits. Hide in the mountains. Keep WolfClan alive. I grant you nine lives. Good luck, Shimmerstar.
moon 0: the clan is attacked by wolves. only shimmerice, an elder, and four kits make it to safety. the previous leader appears in shimmerice's dreams to promote them to shimmerstar, and charge them with keeping the young cats safe.
click to see the full size gifs!
if i continue the series i don't plan to make every update this big, or in the exact same style - this was just a trial run.
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yuzuuu4 · 9 months
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Now Showing: The Polaroid Starring Lu Guang and □□□
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twigstick9 · 3 months
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how do you draw ze medic i feel like it’s impossible
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sketchingdemonss · 5 months
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Lots of regretevator (mostly lampert)
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That vengeful spirit mad as hell in the FNAF movie 💀
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roskuil · 6 months
Vesemir's first day ☀
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wiltshiree · 5 months
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my polysho vision
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