#based off of IW trailer footage
scarletphantom1704 · 5 years
Attack (Scarlet Vision)
So this was a scene I’d written before I watched IW based on trailer footage. It got lost in my mess of WIPs, and even though the fic it’s apart of is trash, I felt this part was worth posting. Hopefully it’ll help us all cope with the events of one Endgame.  I hope you enjoy! (x)
Wanda’s powers burn with rage as she dodges another attack from the extra-terrestrial woman. Her eyes, which she had learned to tame and mask, burns scarlet with an unimaginable intensity. Fury boils under Wanda’s skin as the two connect eyes briefly. She then blocks a strong punch and sends an energy blast forwards into Proxima Midnight’s chest.
She grunts and stumbles back, nearly losing her footing. Wanda sends another blast but Proxima blocks it with her spear causing it to ricochet back to the young fighter. Wanda quickly blocks her rebounding energy but leaves her legs vulnerable. Proxima uses this chance to attack, leaving a deep gash in the redhead’s leg.
Wanda gasps in pain and her knees buckle, leaving her collapsed on the ground with Thanos’ child hovering above her. The spear is pointed at her face and Wanda looks up to meet the blood-red, piercing gaze of her combatant.
“You never give up, do you? Arrogance has consequences, deadly ones.” Wanda doesn’t listen to the woman, instead she aims a sharp kick at her legs and then shoots another pulsating energy blast at the villain. This projects her backwards into a nearby brick wall, causing Proxima to gasp out in pain.
Wanda takes this quick moment to inspect her injured leg quickly, her flesh torn with jagged sides from the spear and blood spilling slowly from it. The wound wasn’t fatal but that didn’t stop it from hurting immensely.
Wanda growls with clenched teeth, muttering profanities while looking up, expecting to see the alien still crumpled on the ground from the impact but instead she had disappeared. Quickly, with the help of her powers, she rips a strip of fabric from her jacket’s sleeve to wrap around her leg. She winces as she dresses the wound with her makeshift bandage. A scream then echoes out into the dead of the night and Wanda’s heart starts to quicken as she recognizes it: Vision.
A chill runs up Wanda’s spine as his scream echoes in her ears briefly. A million thoughts flood her mind; many of them portray the worst possible situations. A brutal wave of guilt rushes over her. If it wasn’t for her asking him to stay, he wouldn’t be in this situation. She pushes the guilt away, saving it for a time when she and Vision weren’t in danger.
“Leave him alone!” She yells, ignoring the sharp pain in her leg and standing up. Just as she did at the airport battle a few years ago, she propels herself up into the air and vaults onto the roof of a nearby building. Her leg aches as she puts pressure on it. What she sees causes the blood in her veins to boil and her heart to fill with a wild sense of hatred.  
Vision is trapped under the foot of Corvus Glaive, Proxima’s husband and a fellow child of Thanos. His glaive digs into the Mind Stone and Proxima aims her spear at Vision’s temple as if threatening him to move.
Any sense of logic slips from Wanda’s grasp and she propels herself over to save the synthezoid. “Vizh!” She exclaims, aiming an intense energy blast forward. Using her telekinetic powers, she splits it into two while it soars, aiming it at their chests. They are launched away from Vision, with a force strong enough to kill the average human being. They land in a heap next to one another, stirring slightly. Wanda rushes forward and gently helps Vision backwards, leaning him against a railing.
“Are you okay, Vizh?” He shakes his head, removing his hands from his side to reveal a deep gash, shimmering a bright yellow color. Wanda gasps, her eyes transitioning from their scarlet color to a soft green. Her heart aches at the sight of him in pain and she quickly assesses his current state.
His breaths come in sharp gasps and the mechanical spinning of his eyes slows. She lays a hand on his cheek and he leans into it, craving comfort. Despite wanting to stay, Wanda knows that the threat needs to be eliminated. She spins her head around to see the alien couple rising to their feet. She causes them to crumple once more, buying valuable time. She can strongly feel the searing sting of her wound, but she ignores it and focuses on the larger matter at hand.
“Can you contact Steve?” she questions, kneeling down beside him and clutching his hand. His cool, vibranium hand encased around hers provides a bit of solace. She bites her lip, worried. He nods with a flutter of the eyes and she smiles softly before saying, “Good, I’ll hold them off. He can’t be too far away. We need to -”
“Wanda!” Vision exclaims with a weak voice, pulling her downwards towards the rough concrete. With help from the railing, he stands up quickly and shoots a beam from the Mind Stone, crippling Corvus. Proxima rushes to his side, worry plastered upon her unusual face. Vision’s expression is furious before he winces again, collapsing to the ground.
“Thanks, Vizh.” Wanda spins around, standing in between the Children of Thanos and the injured synthezoid. Her power runs swiftly through her veins and it appears as glowing, threatening spheres resting in both hands. Her eyes, once again, transform from their usual green to a menacing scarlet hue. Her rage holds the undeniable power of a raging wildfire ripping its way through a forest in July.
“You will never get to him, at least not without killing me first,” Wanda growls, her nostrils flaring in the process. Vision whimpers in an attempt to protest but he just collapses back to the ground in agony. Exhaustion starts to seep its way into Wanda’s body but she fights it.
She hears the Children of Thanos laugh in disbelief; a grunt from Corvus follows as he stands upwards. With him back on his feet, the villains converge on the young woman dubbed the Scarlet Witch. With an unusual, animalistic growl, Wanda rips a bench from the ground and, with it now encased in a scarlet glow, throws it at the couple. The two jump away, dodging the bench.
In desperation, Wanda scans the depths of her own memories of how she’s defeated villains in the past and her mind instantly finds the Ultron battle; how she tore apart the Ultron minions, splitting them in a matter of seconds.
Wanda furrows her brows, staring at the glaive held in Corvus’ hand. She feels as her powers start to tear apart the molecules slowly before it bursts; the shards of the glaive falling to the ground still encased in the scarlet outline. Corvus’ eyes widen in shock as it falls before him and that, in turn, draws a smirk on Wanda’s face. In a blind rage, Proxima launches her spear at Wanda but she blocks it with the help of a force field, causing it to clatter to the ground.
Without her weapon, Proxima Midnight rushes in quickly, aiming a sharp punch to Wanda’s face. Wanda blocks it, instead planting her own punch to the side of Proxima’s horned skull. Using her knee, she jabs the alien’s shin sharply and then sends a quick blast of energy to Corvus, who quickly rushes in to avenge his injured wife. Proxima grabs her spear and launches it forcefully. Wanda dodges, the three small blades grazing her arm. It falls next to Vision, who carefully grabs it, placing it far from the grasps of its owner.
Proxima snarls before stepping forward, sending a series of kicks and punches at the young fighter. She lands a few blows on Wanda’s pale skin and a swift kick to her chin results in a busted lip. The metallic tang of blood rests on her tongue because of the attack; Wanda raises a hand to her lip, wincing slightly at the sting.
She recovers quickly from the attack before sending a ball of energy forward. It skims Proxima’s legs, not causing her to fall over but it does provoke a flinch from her. Corvus is then by her side, assessing his companion quickly just as Wanda did to Vision. Proxima brushes him off as if saying she was fine. He returns his gaze to Wanda and Vision with a hungry vengeance. The blow of losing his powerful spear has left an impact on the alien but the reason why is unknown to Wanda.
Wanda stares back at her attackers and her powers spark in the palms of her hands, her raging anger easily known to the seeing eye. They rush in simultaneously, both of the villains weaponless. Wanda dodges a few attacks but she retreats back to Vision and creates a powerful force field around them. Her exhaustion was getting the best of her and she needed to find an escape.
“Wanda?” Vision croaks out with worry laced in his voice. “What are you doing? You know how much energy that your force field requires and with it being this large, you could -”
“I know what I am doing Vision. This is the only way to protect you without getting the both of us killed,” She responds forcefully, causing Vision to not respond back. Now that she’s had time to acknowledge it, the searing pain in her leg causes tears to spring to her eyes.
The only noise present is the deep breaths from both human and synthezoid and the angry, muffled yells of Thanos’ children outside of the force field. Wanda winces each time they strike the force field. In desperation, she breaks the unusual silence.
“Did you get in contact with Steve yet?” Wanda grunts as she focuses intently on repelling the two individuals. Her muscles ache from the extensive battle and she can feel her body screaming in protest.
“Captain Rogers is fastly approaching along with Natasha and Sam.” Vision responds, stopping mid-sentence to take a breath. “The team were off on a covert mission in London when they got my message. I am unsure when they will be arriving exactly but it can assure you it will be soon,” he explains, his breathing still labored.
Wanda nods despite comprehending very little of the message. Thanos’ children are now pressing against the force field in an attempt to get to their victims which is also putting a grueling amount of strain on Wanda’s powers. It is evident that the two won’t leave without the Mind Stone and they’d kill anyone who’d get in their way to complete their mission.
Black spots start to fill her vision and her surroundings start to spin. She can vaguely see movement occurring from behind her flickering force field but slowly, the black spots start to fit together like puzzle pieces. A loud ringing fills her ears and the darkness consumes Wanda; the darkness like a predator and the Scarlet Witch like its unfortunate prey.
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artemisegeria · 5 years
Endgame Predictions
With one month left to go, 91.67% of the waiting between IW and Endgame done, and two trailers and a TV spot released, I do not think we will be getting much more information, which is appropriate for a movie like Endgame. I am going to try to keep myself from anything else until I see the movie.
I’ve posted about what I want to happen and what I don’t want to happen. Now, I am ready to make some predictions about what I think will happen. I am not that confident about many of these, and a lot of them are based on nothing more than a vague feeling. But we’ll see what happens.
 1.      There is no time travel, aside from maybe whatever Scott does to get out of the quantum realm. The early leaked set photos that looked like they were from the Battle of New York were all BARF technology, dream sequences, illusions, alternate universes, etc.
2.      They do explore multiple realities/universes.
3.      The dusted people are not in the Soul Stone. I know this is one of the most popular fan theories, and I really like it myself, but I just don’t think it’s actually the case. I saw a theory, I forget where, might have been a Screen Rant video, that posited that the dusted people ended up in an alternate reality, where the half that survived in the main universe were the ones dusted. When I first heard it, I didn’t find it that plausible, but the more I think about, the more I think it has merit.
4.      Tony survives and gets to marry Pepper and have a kid and a farm. RDJ has been so central to the MCU that I don’t think they will kill him off.
5.      Steve survives, too. With everyone debating whether Steve or Tony or both will die, I think they might go for a surprise and kill off neither of them, making the death(s) someone(s) more unexpected.
6.      I think at least one major or semi-major character will die and stay dead. At this point, I have no idea who.
7.      The MCU going forward is in a totally new universe/continuity. The more I think about the possibility of the multiverse, the more I think they might pull a Star Trek (2009) and have the fix involve creating a new timeline, therefore making permanent changes and definitively forging a fresh trail.
8.      I hate to say it, but I think we will get some variation of White Vision. Prove me wrong, Marvel. I do not want to be right about this, but I just have a feeling. This would not be the absolute worst outcome because it could still be fixed, but I really, really hope I am wrong.
9.      They will fight Thanos more than once. Ever since the second trailer, I’ve seen multiple people theorizing that the Avengers and allies will try to fight Thanos once early in the movie, without their full team/strength, and get defeated again. Then, the time jump happens, and they regroup and return to fight him again for the climactic final battle. I’m not sure why, but this seems plausible to me.
10.  Shuri is fine. The picture of her on the missing people board in the first trailer was either a misleading shot or at that point in the movie, the Avengers genuinely thought she was dusted. She will help them defeat Thanos.
11.  There will be a time jump. Despite the admission that misleading footage was used in the trailers, I think certain appearance changes in the characters point in only one direction. Individual shots may be misleading, but I think the general sense that a lot of time passes at one point will remain.
12.  The Snap will still be reversed, but the fix will not involve undoing it entirely. Instead, people will be brought back to after the time jump has occurred. I just cannot fathom Marvel not bringing back half the universe’s population. But if the time jump remains intact, that will provide some permanent changes and losses.
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thelonesomequeen · 6 years
The problem with the latest plot leak is that it doesn't make any sense in terms of what happened all the way back to CW. Cap was pretty much over it at the end and even gave Tony the phone. It wouldn't surprise me if these theories are based off of the leaked photos. For all anyone knows, these leaked photos aren't even scenes in the movie and are meant to throw people off. For IW, they filmed multiple things and the trailer footage wasn't even in it.
I agree. And it’s common blockbuster movie tactic to include clips in a trailer that never make it into a movie 🦎
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goarticletec-blog · 6 years
Avengers 4 trailer hype has you just where Marvel wants you
New Post has been published on https://www.articletec.com/avengers-4-trailer-hype-has-you-just-where-marvel-wants-you/
Avengers 4 trailer hype has you just where Marvel wants you
Rumor has it the long-awaited Avengers 4 trailer will hit this week, and Marvel fans are ready. They’ve been awaiting this trailer for months — possibly since credits rolled on Avengers: Infinity War back in April.
How ready are they? 
Several dozen people on Twitter have changed their handles to some version of “GIVE TRAILER UNTITLED AVENGERS.” Fans using the Twitter hashtag #MARVELVSTHEFANS have made multiple videos begging the Avengers 4 directors for the trailer. Fans on Reddit have shared, then deleted, moment-by-moment descriptions of what supposedly happens in the trailer, based on unofficial leaks. They’ve pored over the social media accounts of the film’s directors and stars, looking for clues to a trailer release date and a title.
Complicated theories about a trailer release date for the film have arisen based on past practices, planned events and possibly the waxing and waning of the moon. Expectations were high for the trailer to drop on Wednesday, Dec. 5. But on Tuesday, rumors began to spread that Marvel would wait until Friday to respect Wednesday’s solemn event, the state funeral of former US president George H.W. Bush. Marvel did not respond to a request for comment on whether this supposed schedule was accurate.
Trailer watchers have been burned before. Fans hoped Wednesday, Nov. 28 would be the big day. It was almost a year after the Avengers: Infinity War trailer came out, and the film’s directors, brothers Joe and Anthony Russo, were speaking that night in Hollywood at a screening of Infinity War sponsored by Collider.
But that date, and the Q&A, came and went with no trailer reveal.
Footage on demand
The first ever trailer was shown in a New York Loews cinema in way back in 1913, and it wasn’t even for a movie. Instead, it was a short film made to advertise the Broadway musical The Pleasure Seekers. But it was a brilliant hook: Tease entertainment seekers with a preview of another piece of entertainment they might enjoy. Naturally, the promotional films took off.
Star Wars and superhero films create the most intense demand for trailers.
Trailer hysteria isn’t new, but it’s certainly reached new heights, thanks to YouTube and social media, as well as the continued boom of sci-fi and superhero flicks. Studios have even managed to squeeze a little more publicity out of their trailers by offering super-short versions, often called teaser trailers.
Anton Volkov saw trailer love growing back in 2016, when he started a movie-news Twitter account and website he called Trailer Track. A wry quote from writer-director James Mangold that’s pinned to the top of the site’s Twitter account sums up the current trailer infatuation: “[Trailers] tend to debut a few weeks after you’ve reached a peak of frustration,” it reads. “Marketing’s like foreplay.”
“This sort of level of anticipation for marketing materials, be it trailers or posters, was always there,” Volkov says. “It’s just becoming … more mainstream.”
Constant intrigue
William Bibbiani is a film critic and co-host of Canceled Too Soon, a podcast about short-lived TV shows, and the movie podcast Critically Acclaimed. He agrees trailer madness goes back — at least decades. 
“Audiences were so excited for Tim Burton’s original Batman [in 1989] that many people bought tickets to another movie, just to see the trailer in a theater, and then left before the actual film began,” he said.
The trailer for Star Wars: The Phantom Menace created similar buzz 20 years ago. CNET film critic Richard Trenholm calls that era, with no Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, a “veritable Stone Age” as far as viewing trailers. He notes that Steve Jobs described the second Phantom Menace trailer as “the biggest internet download event in history.”
Three major developments in the 2000s ratcheted up the hype, Bibbiani says. 
High-speed internet connections allow fans to consume trailers and marketing materials instantly and share their reactions just as quickly. The surge of successful superhero movies made “geeky blockbusters” the norm — who better than a self-proclaimed geek to dissect even the smallest movie detail? And the 24-hour online entertainment-news cycle has created a beast that’s always hungry.
“Fans of these properties are being kept in a state of constant intrigue, so that new trailers — or even the conspicuous absence of new trailers — become big events, even though they are, at their core, just commercials,” Bibbiani said.
Building the buzz
Marvel’s extreme level of secrecy about an Avengers 4 trailer is getting all the attention lately, but it’s not the norm.
In 2017, extended footage from Avengers: Infinity War was shown in summer at both San Diego Comic-Con and Disney fan gathering D23. Though that footage wasn’t shared on YouTube at the time, some of those fans revealed what they saw, and word spread.
But we’ve seen nothing for Avengers 4 besides a release date and basic plot synopsis.
“I think it’s quite clear that (Marvel executives) have spotted how much buzz and conversation the very lack of content and the secrecy generates,” Volkov said.
Even dedicated fans understand it’s all a part of Marvel’s business. Alex Rodriguez, 19, started a Twitter account this year called MCU Speculation to share news and theories about the studio.
“The hype and the tension builds up more and more for each day that the trailer doesn’t get released online,” Rodriguez said. “This makes for a huge launch for the trailer.”
Now playing: Watch this: Watch the ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ official trailer
Trailers still serve a purpose. Hard-core fans, the kind who wear costumes to midnight showings and buy day-one tickets well in advance, are going to see Avengers 4, preview or no preview. But a trailer can help sell a film to more general audiences.
“When a film like Avengers 4 comes in, there’s always at least one writer for a site making the argument that maybe that film can get away with not releasing a single trailer,” Volkov said. But he notes Marvel isn’t about to leave millions on the table by not marketing the film to pull in an even larger audience.
And studio dollar-signs aside, trailers create a social experience that can be just pure fun.
“The urge to share certain experiences simultaneously is often irresistible,” Bibbiani said. “And why wouldn’t it be? Who doesn’t love a good trailer, and who wouldn’t want to talk about it with their friends? Especially if it’s trending on Twitter?”
There are ways to deliver the goods without driving fans to Thanos-size levels of insanity. Some studios and distributors make pretrailer announcements. Fox and Warner Brothers have even used a Facebook and YouTube feature that counts down to the arrival of an uploaded trailer. Volkov thinks this is a smart way to build anticipation for the movie while easing fan frustration.
Movies with dramatic events that are easily spoiled have to play trailers carefully, so plot twists aren’t ruined. Isn’t that right, Thanos?
When a trailer finally does drop, its actual content sometimes has little to do with the film’s quality.
“We’ve all seen good films that weren’t well served by their promotional campaigns, and we’ve all seen disappointing films that looked pretty good in trailer form,” Bibbiani noted.  
An extreme example of this was 2016’s Suicide Squad, whose trailer was such a hit Warner Bros. actually brought in the company that cut the trailer to help edit the entire film. (It didn’t help: Suicide Squad ended up with mixed to negative critical reviews.)
But recent films at the center of the trailer storm have unanswered questions that make their trailers even more coveted — even though the previews themselves will have to walk a fine line or risk too many spoilers.
Drawing out the wait for a trailer only makes the desire for footage more intense.
“The upcoming trailers for Avengers 4 and Star Wars: Episode IX are bound to be huge pop culture events, because both previews will … answer questions that fans have been speculating about for months,” Bibbiani said. “What really happened after The Snap? And will (Episode IX director) J.J. Abrams continue down Rian Johnson’s controversial path from The Last Jedi, or will he make the next Star Wars movie more like his relatively safer Episode VII?”
The trailers are unlikely to tell us, but fans will watch them intently regardless. In 2018, anything released before a much anticipated movie, from a poster to an Instagram image, will be picked apart by viewers and entertainment sites hungry for clues. Apparently the cat in the recent poster for 2019’s Captain Marvel isn’t just a cat. And in September, the Russo brothers tossed out a Where’s Waldo?-style challenge, inviting fans to “look hard” at what appears to be a boring black-and-white image of an almost-empty Avengers 4 set.
Drawing out the wait for a trailer only makes the desire for footage more intense. The trailer for Avengers: Infinity War wasn’t released until four months after footage was shared at Comic-Con and D23, which gave fans more than 100 days to moan and complain online. Even Marvel Studios co-president Louis D’Esposito tried to soothe trailer-hungry fans by tweeting that he loved the IW trailer, but wasn’t ready to share it yet. When the trailer finally came out, however, fans made up for lost time. The original Infinity War trailer has been viewed more than 214 million times.
Start the countdown
Volkov says the anticipation for Avengers 4 is the biggest he’s seen for any film since starting his site in 2016. After that, he ranks Avengers: Infinity War, Justice League, and war movie Dunkirk as the most anticipated.
“It does just come down to superhero and Star Wars films being the biggest game in town in terms of general interest and box office today,” he said.
Once the Avengers 4 trailer finally drops, look for fans to start demanding the second trailer, Volkov says. And naturally, interest in Star Wars: Episode IX, due out in December 2019, will be galactically high.
Now playing: Watch this: ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ trailer debuts
But while the final film in the main Star Wars saga holds many mysteries, a trailer date might not be one of them.
“At least in the case of Episode 9, it’s fairly clear and obvious that (the trailer debut) has to be at Star Wars Celebration in April,” Volkov says.
You heard him, fans. Start the countdown. Only four months to go.
First published Dec. 4, 9 a.m. PT. Update, 9:29 p.m. PT: Adds likelihood that trailer won’t be released Wednesday, as rumored, due to the funeral of George H.W. Bush. 
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Everything we think we know about the Avengers sequel: Think Avengers: Infinity War was intense? Stay tuned for part two.
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