#based and boston-pilled king
j-femmescoli · 2 months
aw lads he’s done it again
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nicklangfordmuse · 3 years
The Bachelor Party | PART 1
Nick had no idea whats going to happen tonight. All he knows is that they're going to a hotel, just outside of Boston. So there's people there already to check them in a suite and they'd be checking out at noon the next day. It was quite different from Katrina's bachelorette but hopefully, it would be just as fun.
Getting ready in front of the mirror, he wore a white button long sleeved, which he folded up to his elbows, partnered with black pants. He has a bag ready since he was hinted that they might go night swimming at the hotel so he got an extra set of clothes ready, as well as his swimming shorts. Checking the time, it was 10 minutes till 6 so Tyler and Grant would be there any minute.
Nick went downstairs and saw his family on the couch, watching some Lion King to lift up the little boy's mood. Now he was feeling bad about leaving them. Especially with the bag in hand, he wonderedhat was going on in his fiance's head. "Babe. Uhm...the boys are gonna be here any minute." Nick said as Katrina got up and went to him to fix his collar. "Okay. You look handsome, by the way. As always." She said, smiling lightly which made Nick pout. "I feel bad for going. Maybe I should...just go home later tonight."
Katrina gave him a look and Nick knew what that meant. Raising both his hands, Nick chuckled and surrendered. "You deserve to have a great time just as I did, okay? So don't worry about your pouty son and your...kind of jealous fiance wants to be swimming at the hotel pool with you and see you stunning and." She told him teasingly, giving Nick a quick kiss on the lips. "But it's fine. Come San Diego, we'll have our own jacuzzi, three pool options and several beaches to swim in." She said, trying to look at the bright side before pulling Nick down a bit to whisper to his ear. "And have sex in. Of course." Nick chuckled and shook his head at her. "You're a tease. No boners allowed tonight." He responded with a smirk.
Just a few minutes after, there's honking outside the apartment and he knew it was time to go. "Alright, bubba. Come on. Give me a kiss. I'll be back tomorrow." Nick said and the little boy wrapped his arms tightly around his dad. "I will miss you, daddy. Come home soon." He asked and Nick nodded. "I'll be home sooner than you know it. You'll have lots of fun with mama and Milo here, okay? I love you." Nick assured his son, giving him a kiss. Getting up, he said goodbye to his fiance next. "Have fun, okay? Use your phone, only for emergencies. Just enjoy the night with the boys." Katrina told him, knowing he could easily get worried about having too much fun. "I promise. I love you. I'll be home tomorrow." He said, giving her a couple of kisses before hearing the boys repeatedly honking for him to go out. Chuckling, Nick nodded and waved at his family. "Okay, okay. I'm gonna go. Love you guys."
He went out and was greeted by Tyler and Grant in a red convertible mustang which was just so good in the eyes. "No way. Come on, where did you guys get this?" Nick asked, jogging towards the fancy car. "It's an expensive rental, okay? We're going for a bit of a long drive and might as well look cool for your bachelor party, right?" Tyler said, seeing Katrina and Shawn come out to check the car. "Mama! It's so cool!" Shawn said excitedly, pulling his mama closer to the car to check it. Katrina figured a closer look wouldn't hurt so she went with Shawn. "Where did you guys even get this?" Katrina asked the boys, chuckling. "I have my sources." Grant told them with a grin. "Can I ride, mama? Please. I wanna go with daddy." Shawn begged. They all chuckled, figuring he would ask that. "I'll see if I can rent this car again next time, okay bud? But tonight is your daddy's night so he's gonna get to ride it first." Grant said and Shawn had to nod with a pout. "Okay, big boy. Go inside with mama. We have to go now." Nick said, kissing his son again before kissing Katrina quickly. "We'll bring him home tomorrow." Tyler assured Katrina. "Preferably in one piece, please." Katrina replied jokingly before waving at the guys as they left.
The drive felt so cool and relaxing, just watching the sun slowly setting right before their eyes. About an hour since they left, they finally got to the hotel. The rest of the guys were already checked in the room so they just carried their bags upstairs. Once the suite door opened, he was greeted in surprise with the decorated room. Donnie, Sam and Joe, all high school friends, were already in the room waiting for him. They've decorated the place with just balloons that spelled bachelor party. He was glad that they all got to come since it was close to Rockford anyway.
"Okay, okay. Get settled in before we start with the first order of business." Tyler said, somehow leading the party. "As you can see, we have two bedrooms available. We can just keep our stuff in there and bring the mattresses out here." Tyler said, as if they're going to use the mattresses tonight. Suddenly, the doorbell of the room rang and the guys cheered. "Looks like our first order of business is here." Grant said teasingly and Nick swallowed hard, trying to act cool. But he's seen enough movies and videos to have a clue where this might lead to. Please, no strippers, he begged in his mind. Tyler opened the door and welcomed a hotel staff, pushing a tray. "Thank you, sir." Tyler said, tipping the guy before he left. Nick had a huge relief on his face, glad that it was just food. Taking the cover out, Tyler revealed what was inside. "Steaks and shots. It's dinner time, boys."
Everyone took their seats in the dinning table and was distributed a big slab of steak each, along with some carrots and corn. The boys were about to dig in but Tyler stopped them. "Shots first guys. Come on. Let's toast it." Tyler said before nodding at Nick to make a speech. "Okay, okay. I'm not...big on speeches but...I guess I should get used to it since I'm...saying my vows to a garden full of guests." Nick started, chuckling.
"Thank you, guys. Not just for today. I know the day hasn't started yet but it already feels so amazing, having you guys here with me to celebrate my last days as a single man. I know I'll have you guys by my side for a lifetime. Cheers to a fun filled night and lifetime of friendship." Nick said, raising his shot as did everyone else. "Cheers. To Nick." Donnie said and everyone repeated. They all took their shots before sitting back down to start eating their steaks.
"Okay. No filter, no judgements. Are you excited to finally be officially off the market?" Grant asked as they ate. "Of course, I am. I mean, I've already been off the market since Katrina and I got back together so...it's just...sealing the deal now. No backing out, for her mostly." Nick said jokingly as they all chuckled. "You better put a helmet on your woman's head before she wakes up to this reality." Donnie teased him as the boys laughed. "No need, man. No need. We're both wide awake from the engagement till the wedding. We want this." Nick assured them.
"No regrets? Really? I mean, you were engaged to someone else a year and a half ago. What makes you sure that...this is really it?" Tyler asked.
Nick paused, chewing on his butter-like steak before answering. "Katrina is the love of my life. Back in high school, we've talked about this once or twice, that we want to marry each other. Back then, it wasn't that serious but...a part of me was hoping we both meant it. And...as for Jess, I guess I was scared, you know? I left...everyone years ago, I was afraid that...karma would hit me and she'd do the same to me. So...I popped the question to make sure...I wasn't alone for the rest of my life. It was selfish but...it is what I honestly thought. And for Katrina, I popped the question because I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life." Nick revealed as the guys listened, looking quite serious about the discussion. "And...after what Jess did to Shawn, I'm 101% sure she's not the woman I'd want to be with. Shawn came to my life and he instantly became my priority. My decisions got based on how it would affect Shawn." He added and guys smiled at him, seeing the father in him glow.
"Yeah well, it all came full circle in the end. The mother of your child is also the woman you'll call your wife." Donnie told Nick, patting his back proudly. "Mother of his children, you mean." Tyler teased, smirking at Nick and there was a loud gasp in the room as they all turned to Nick. "Katrina's pregnant?" Grant asked and Nick chuckled, shaking his head as he threw a piece of corn kernels at Tyler. "We're... we're not pregnant but...we agreed that we'd start trying on our honeymoon. She'll stop taking her pills a week before the wedding." Nick revealed and the boys cheered.
"Wow. Shawn's gonna be a big brother soon." Joe teased and Donnie had to chime in. "I doubt they'd take longer than the honeymoon. Knowing Nick, you'd probably get her pregnant before the wedding." He teased and everyone laughed along. Nick could feel his face getting red but he just laughed along.
"Tell me about it." Tyler joined. "This man can't keep his hands off his wife. Wherever they are." The boys kept laughing as they ate. "Come on. If your fiances anything like Katrina, who would want to keep his hands off her?" Nick replied and everyone chuckled. "Okay, okay. No offense but...how is she...in bed? We all know your gal has the best moves on stage but...what about your own stage?" Tyler asked teasingly. Nick was quiet for a while, trying to think of a response. "Let's just say...if she got a few medals for dancing on stage, she deserves a hundred trophies in bed." Nick answered and everyone cheered on. Shaking his head, Nick knew they should stop talking about this. "My wife's gonna kill me if she finds out I talk to you guys about our sex life. Enough of that." Nick said, chuckling.
Once they finished eating their dinner, Nick thought they'd be resting at the room with more drinks but there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Grant said, going to the front to open the door. He was greeted by an officer. Two officers in uniform. "I'm looking for Mr. Grant Rhodes." The officer said and the low and heavy tone was enough to catch the attention of the boys inside. "Yeah, that's me. What's...what's going on?" Grant asked before getting surrounded by the boys.
"Hey, hey. What's happening?" Nick asked, feeling like the responsible one since it's his party.
"Mr. Rhodes, we've received an Intel that a red mustang convertible has been missing since 10 in the morning today. It was reported that one Grant Rhodes checked it out from Octa Intelligence Firm without official permission so we're filling it under robbery. We'd like to bring you down at the station for questioning." The officer said, already pulling Grant out of the room to handcuff him but the boys tried to stop. "Hold on, hold on. There...there wasn't a robbery. Grant, come on. You said you got it from a source." Nick said but Grant was quiet. "Look, officers, the car is at the parking lot. You can...you can just...get it there. There's no need to arrest my friend. We're just here to celebrate." Nick tried to explain but Grant is already in handcuffs. "What's the celebration for? Stealing an expensive car from the Governor?" The officer questioned and Nick's eyes went wide. "The Governor? What? No, no. It's my bachelor party and..." Nick tried to explain. "Please, sir. Anything you say can and will be used against you. If this is your party, might as well come with us to the station for proper questioning." The officer said and Nick just wanted to go home already. This isnt how he imagined his bachelor party would go.
Nick was also handcuffed but remembering what he says can be used against him, he stayed quiet, feeling extremely confused and stressed. "Follow us and...don't call Katrina until I say so." Nick told the guys and they nodded, already getting their stuff and following them. Going to the elevator, they were lead to the basement parking of the hotel and the cop car is there waiting for them.
"What the hell, dude? Why didn't you tell me you stole the Mustang? We could've just used our car!" Nick said, feeling a bit angry at the guy. They were sat in the backseat but before the door was closed, the cops put a cover over their heads, preventing them to see what was going on. The door was locked and their hands were cuffed behind them.
"Hey! Hey! What's going on?" Nick said out loud, trying to kick the doors out. "Shit, shit, shit!" Nick said, panicking a bit as well as Grant. The cop car drove like it was racing and it was starting to stress out Nick already. "Just...just calm down, Nick, okay? We're gonna get out of here." Grant assured him calmly but he just couldn't stay calm. He could hear the sirens going off but just a few minutes after, the car stopped. "What's going on? Why did we stop?" Nick asked but Grant was quiet. The car door opened and Nick was forcefully pulled out of the car. He wanted to go hysterical but there was loud music going off around him. They're definitely not at a station. His cuffs were removed as well as his cover.
"Surprise!" Everyone shouted and Nick was surprised where they are. "What the fuck?" He asked in confusion as the 'cops' and boys were laughing. "Dude, I have enough Benjamins in my bank to buy my own mustang. I would never steal one." Grant revealed as Tyler laughed along. "We just know you'd say no if you find out where we're going so...we had to forcefully take you out of the hotel." He revealed as the boys pulled him inside the club. Stepping inside the dance club, he saw what was inside and he already knew why the guys kept this a secret from him. Girls dancing on stages but there was a big dancefloor in the middle. "Guys, come on. No strippers." Nick tried to stop them but the boys kept pushing him. "Dude, no bachelor party is a success without strippers. Trust us, we got you. They're just there for entertainment. We have our own booth. You can look but you can't touch. We got you." Donnie assured him.
Letting out a breath, Nick knew Katrina would probably get mad but as long as he doesn't get near the strippers, he's all good. "Fine, fine. But we're just here to drink and...dance, but not to socialize." Nick said but Joe and Sam shook their heads. "None for you but who says we can't meet girls for us?" Sam said and Nick nodded at him. "Okay, maybe for you guys but none for me." Nick said and the boys cheered, glad that he's willing to stay now.
The guys made their way inside their booth and drinks were instantly served to them. Nick figured he'd just relax and be prepared for whatever surprise the boys have for him. An hour into drinking, the boys could already feel the effects of the alcohol and Sam already has a woman in his arms. Half an hour later, Nick noticed a familiar face. Unknowingly, he has been in the same club as Mateo was for the past half hour. And it looks like they've had one too many drinks already.
Mateo's group came up to their booth, looking all tough and pissed. "Well, well, well. It looks like... we're now closer to being even. Another failed engagement, Langford?" He asked, trying to mock Nick.
"Who is this?" Donnie asked after taking a shot. Nick stood up, wanting to be at eye level with the guy. "Mateo. Katrina's...ex-colleague and former harrasser." Nick revealed which pissed off the guys so they stood up too. "Seriously, man?" Tyler asked, feeling protective of his friend.
Mateo had that smug look on his face as he shook his head. "I did not harrass her. Get your facts straight. She was...kinda asking for it." He said and that just boiled the blood up Nick's brain. He was almost about to attack Mateo but Grant and Joe stopped him. "Stay out of our way, man. We're just trying to celebrate here." Joe told Mateo but the guy shook his head. "Nah, nah. I've been wanting to go toe to toe with you, Langford. Paul wanted me for Katrina. He saw a future for us and none for you." Mateo kept taunting him and Nick just wanted to punch that teeth down his throat. "You know what, man. Run your mouth all you want but the truth remains. Katrina will never love, even like you. You're nothing to my future wife." Nick said as both crews stopped Nick and Mateo respectively as they tried to attack each other. It caught the attention of everyone, especially the dj who told them to stop over the microphone.
"Stop that, guys. Clearly, there's some beef between two parties so...let's just settle this the way we always settle things here at Rave Wave." The DJ said and the crowd cheered, knowing what's coming next.
"DANCE OFF!" Everyone said out loud as the music got louder and the crowd cheered for both teams.
"Dance off? This guy can't even dance to save his life!" Mateo said out loud, trying to embarrass Nick.
Nick was so pissed and maybe it's the alcohol talking but he's not backing down from this. "I can still beat you even if I have two left feet." Nick said which amped the crowd more, cheering him on and Mateo shook his head as his crew went to the dance floor.
"Nick, you can't dance." Donnie said, reminding his friend of that one ability he's a bit terrible with. Taking one more shot, Nick put his glass down and shook his head. "I don't care. I'm gonna win this for my wife." Nick said, moving towards the dancefloor to get this competition started. "Holy fuck, we're gonna lose." Tyler said, palming his face and shaking his head.
Having no choice, the boys went to the dancefloor and followed Nick. The Bachelor looks so determined to win this but his face showed how drunk he is to be making his decision. "Alright, two teams. You have three rounds to dance to whatever song is on. The crowd will decide who wins after three rounds. Who goes first?" The DJ asked and Mateo raised his hand to get the first dance.
The DJ played Lady Gaga's Just Dance and Mateo and his crew immediately knew how to dance, just following how Mateo was moving. Nick and his boys stood back, watching them move. One did a flip and the crowd cheered. "Can you do that?!" Donnie asked Nick and he shook his head. "We don't need flips." Nick said, trying to think of a dance to lead his team. When it's his team's turn, he suddenly felt embarrassed but he figured he should just go for it. Moving forward, Nick did a few dance moves, ignoring the fact that people are watching. People could tell how terrible he is at dance but his confidence was gaining him cheers. The boys followed suit and started copying Nick's dance moves. Six adult men, dancing terribly to Lady Gaga but it was hella entertaining so the crowd cheered for them. Clearly, Nick won that round.
The DJ changed the song and it was Nick's team's turn to start the round. Once the song played, it was some sort of classical tune that's perfect for slow and elegant moves, something under Mateo's forte.
"What do we do?" Donnie asked, starting to feel embarrassed as they were just standing there. The people started booing and the group knew they lost this round. Mateo came forward and started doing ballet routines that people enjoyed. He clearly knows this genre and Nick just had to give up. "Nevermind. We'd never win against those jelly legs." Nick said, shrugging it off. If this round broke their hopes of winning, then the next round is a sure loss.
The crowd cheered and the DJ announced that Mateo's team won. "Dude, it's just a fun competition. All he'll win is bragging rights. Katrina's still marrying you." Grant tried to give comfort to the groom but Nick doesn't want to take it. "Nah, nah. That's not it, man. I need to win this. I'm like...fighting for my wife's honour here. We need to get the next round." Nick tried to explain and its clearly the drunk in them that's talking.
"For the final round, y'all need to be prepared. Crowd gets to decide the winner here." The DJ announced as Nick and his team, as well as Mateo's team got ready for the next music. The DJ played a track and the entire club was in confusion. What song is this?
Then, the words started and Nick's face lit up, getting extremely familiar with it as the song kept going. "Oh, I'm a gummy bear. Yes, I'm a gummy bear. Oh, I'm a yummy yummy funny... I know this song!" Nick sang and shouted out loud. "This is my son's favorite dance in school!" Nick said proudly out loud, remembering all the times Shawn would ask him to join him in practicing. They dance this a lot in school so how could he forget? Nick ran to the middle of the dance floor and started dancing. He looked so silly but everyone enjoyed it so they started cheering. His best men followed him to the middle and danced along.
"That's...that's not dancing! No one dances like that." Mateo tried to reason but Nick shook his head. "That's where you're wrong, boy. Dancing is when you express yourself with your moves. And this is how I express winning, doing what my son loves!" Nick said out loud and everyone cheered more. "Gummy gummy gummy gummy gummy gummy bear!" Nick sang along, knowing the words by heart as Shawn loves to sing it apart from dancing it. The rest of the crowd danced along, following Nick's dance moves which clearly showed who the winner is. Everyone danced to the tune and the club looked like it was full of dancing giant toddlers and Nick was starting to enjoy this dancing thing.
Unfortunately, Mateo wasn't having the time of his life as losing is something he's not used to. His drunk head pushed him to attack Nick with a kick which caused him to fall. Both teams started a fist fight and Nick isn't backing down, flipping Mateo down to the ground and he finally got to punch him for what he did to Katrina. "That's for being an ass to me!" He said, punching him one more time. "And that's for everything you did to my wife!" He said, getting a few more punches and before they know it, cops arrived.
To be continued...
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billcouture · 5 years
Godzilla King of the Monsters Critique (Spoilers)
After my first viewing, as well as taking in many reviews, I’ve gotten through a spectrum of different, opposing opinions.  First off, critical consensus isn’t wrong, all those issues exist.  The critic's responsibility is to uphold character, motivation, story, all the things that make for a resonating whole.  It’s nothing to get upset about, I love that stuff.  However,  if those opinions were the end all, it would discount mostly all of which fans love, and get fully delivered, in this insanely awesome movie.
My favorite critical opinion on this film, as well as 2014′s was Cinemassacre’s James Rolfe.  In his 2014 Godzilla reanalysis, he rightfully pointed out the major fault being the early death of Brian Cranston’s character.  The movie was a redemptive story between father and son, and his death halted that storyline, effectively laboring the remaining half.  All other decisions are simply that, choices good or bad, monsters, side characters, they may put some off, but they're inconsequential to this one glaring issue, the pacing.  After the Honolulu airport scene the movie dragged, because the purpose left it.  It became the supporting character getting home to his background family.  Other, more surface level issues can be forgiven, or more enjoyed, if this base is retained, which in this one it wasn’t, and the new one struggled with as well.
For Godzilla King of the Monsters, the grounded reality that was established in 2014′s, is left behind, starting with the very first shot of San Fransisco.  It is now seen through a very different lens, a godlike larger than life one, fantastical, and tinted in color.  This compounds more and more with each new development.  Instead of ‘on the ground’ natural disaster set pieces, the POV is quickly taken up and away into The Argo, (Super X equivalent) globetrotting though the eyes of Monarch.  This is a shift into a whole different game.  Monarch and G Team are basically GI Joe, locations are outlandish, and lore is deepened into archaic mystery.  I freaking loved it!
However, throughout the amusement park ride, is the issue of character.  The family’s division and loss driving the plot existed, but simply that, it just existed there.  The base issue of dead son, to estranged father, to distraught mother, to distant adolescent, was laid out ineffectively.  Especially since their dead son was what drove the mother to unleash armageddon, a very rash decision, it needed a lot more weight and care (such as Brian Cranston’s wife’s death in 2014, the impactful inciting incident that got him, and the movie, along it’s way).  As well as collaborating with a heinous villain with a mercenary army, also very rash, and a rushed through development.  This core was difficult to swallow by how it was presented.  I was most pumped for Charles Dance’s character, the ex military Eco terrorist (he was great, I just needed more).  His could have had full Bond villain proportions, but was just allowed part of the background schemes.   
Besides this core issue, others are lesser, and the rest is pure beauty.  Bradley Whitford’s lines are standouts as Dr. Rick Stanton.  Surprisingly, the quip master,  most necessary to diffuse some key scenes and allow the fun in (something that really needed more allowance, the admittance of fun to enjoy the awe inspiring fights on display more).  Dr. Stanton’s lines like ‘bad day to be a Red Sox fan’, ‘Serizawa’s got that lizard juiced’, and ‘come on big guy, fight it’ (which I laughed with in that break neck situational absurdity). On the other hand, Serizawa’s storyline was so rewarding, and I was right there engaged with them, and many more scenes as well.  
Director Michael Dougherty, wrote and directed Trick r’ Treat and Krampus, both of which I loved for their sick, black humor.  Going in, I was expecting, and looking forward, to this film having his signature fun, sick tone and personality, to feel distinctly his.  It doesn’t, it’s more dry, which I thought would disappoint me, but not entirely.  He instead takes the material very seriously, and with incredible reverence and care, which is rare, given the fantastical route he chose to pursue.  Most would be seduced to laugh with, or not take it to it’s complete end, but he did, and it was incredible.  It’s my highest praise to say that this movie is an insane Saturday morning cartoon, but presented in a very sincere way.  In other words, very much for some, but the enemy of those without an inner child.  For me, it’s achievements far outweigh it’s faults, and it is definitely benefiting to dedicated fans over those more casual.  
A couple gripes/ points I agree with by Cinemassacre’s James Rolfe:
-Day time fights, simply for variety and a psychological need to have a break from the dark.    
-Destruction with civilians.  Besides Rodan’s escape, there were no scene’s with civilians to put the scale against monsters besides Monarch’s people.  Boston was evacuated and empty, Washington DC, destroyed off camera before the Argo’s arrival.  Just some scenes of hundreds of people underfoot or wing in different locations.  Specifically, monsters knocking buildings over before them, some type of clear, wanton destruction.  
Aspects I loved:
-Hollow Earth elaboration.  More than I hoped, so much fun lore to get into.
-G Team, basically Titan GI Joe.
-Mothra, and the twins explanation.  
-Monarch’s HQ, Argo, every fantastical element.
-Titan personality, specifically King Ghidorah and Godzilla.  Surprising traits and great rivalry.  
-Musical Score, awesome. 
Second viewing additional points; Action, specifically key moments, could have been bettered with clarity. Such as the monster fighting in Kong Skull Island. Lingering, very clear, allowing a break for the eye. This would have prevented dreaded Michael Bay comparisons, more to what George Miller achieved through clear action on Mad Max Fury Road. The plot was extremely packed with missable moments upon first viewing. Second was much more enjoyable, already having been able to digest the core film and subdue expectation. This is an issue though, asking viewers to maintain pace with the material they presented so rapidly. Lastly, reinforcing character decisions in service of plot over satisfying rationale. The mother deciding to unleash a monster cleansing, where as she lost her son to monsters fighting. Still weird. Charles Dance could have been more a key master of manipulation, as well as Monarch’s shut down already in effect as a final push to better swallow that pill.
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newyorktheater · 6 years
It was a good week to test your view of New York — the 1990s Bohemia  presented in Rent Live on Fox (which was largely Rent Recorded), or the grittier view expressed by the city’s teenagers in “Generation NYZ,” part of Ping Chong’s Undesirable Elements series at LaMaMa?  How about by the African-American playwrights of the Fire this Time Festival? The truth is, in some ways, all of these share the sardonic and romantic view of the city by Rodgers and Hart in the 1920s, as presented by Santino Fontana as part of the Lyrics and Lyricists series at the 92nd Street Y? (It’s very fancy on old Delancey Street, you know/The subway charms us so.)
  Week in New York Theater Reviews and Previews
Generation NYZ
To the seven young performers who tell the stories of their lives in “Generation NYZ,” New York means subways and pizza and opportunity, but also cops and catcalling and homelessness.
They are all New Yorkers, but — as they recount for us over the course of 70 increasingly engaging minutes — either they or their parents or grandparents came from somewhere else. They tell, in other words, the story of New York, and of America.
.@BrandonVDixon, national treasure.#RentLive pic.twitter.com/RFzZ8ROjeq
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) January 28, 2019
Rent Live
I had worried that, in Rent Live,  Fox television would ruin Jonathan Larson’s musical about bohemian life in the East Village of the 1980s by bowdlerizing it. I felt it worth watching anyway because its cast of celebrated young screen stars and recording artists would make the most of the catchy tunes.
As it turns out, it wasn’t the redacted content but rather a bad break and a series of poor choices that made “Rent” disappointing. And though the cast was clearly full of talent, only a few standouts brought it home in any memorable way. Brandon Victor Dixon, the one performer with the most live theater experience, floored us as Tom Collins,
We’ll Have Manhattan: Rodgers and Hart in New York
When at the age of 17 composer Richard Rodgers met 24-year-old lyricist Lorenz Hart in 1919, he instantly acquired “a career, a partner, a best friend and a source of permanent irritation.”
So Rodgers wrote, in one of the many tidbits Santino Fontana tells us in “We’ll Have Manhattan: Rodgers and Hart in New York,” Fontana’s celebration, as part of the 92ndStreet Y’s Lyrics & Lyricists series, of the hundredth anniversary of Rodgers and Hart’s partnership
    God Said This
Leah Nanako Winkler was sitting on the couch in her mother’s hospital room in Kentucky while her mother was undergoing chemotherapy for a form of cancer called carcinosarcoma, when the playwright started writing what became God Said This. “It just came out.”
The play, now on stage at the Cherry Lane Theater through February 15, revolves around Masako, a Japanese-born mother who is undergoing chemotherapy for carcinosarcoma, and explores the effect of her illness on her family.
The Fire This Time Festival
Over the past decade, the annual festival, created to showcase early-career playwrights of African and African-American descent, has presented some of the first New York plays of such now-celebrated writers as Katori Hall (known for such later works as The Mountaintop and Our Lady of Kibeho), Dominique Morisseau (Pipeline, Skeleton Crew  and the book for the forthcoming Broadway musical “Ain’t Too Proud”), and Jocelyn Bioh (School Girls or the African Mean Girls Play) .
This year’s offerings are not particularly political, although they do touch (often obliquely) on issues as varied as gentrification, immigration, protest, feminism, homophobia, and affirmative action.
Ruthie Ann Miles as Immigration Judge Craig Zerbe
The Courtroom
Elizabeth Keathley moved to the United State from the Philippines, married an American, and three years later registered to vote, even though she was not yet a citizen. As a result, the government ordered her deported.
“The Courtroom”is a re-enactment by Waterwell theater company of her deportation proceedings,  using the transcript as edited by Arian Moayed, directed by Waterwell’s artistic director Lee Sunday Evans, with Ruthie Ann Miles as Immigration Judge Craig Zerbe, and Kathleen Chalfant as Chief Judge Frank H. Easterbrook for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. The play is being presented for free through February 1 in a series of court-like settings
Red State Blue State
Near the end of Colin Quinn’s stand-up comedy, which promises to “lay bare the absurdities…on both sides of the political divide,” the Saturday Night Live alumnus manages to insult every single state of the union…It’s a baffling routine, almost tedious and even tacky…emblematic of Quinn’s enterprise….hit or miss and a missed opportunity.
Week in New York Theater News
Alanis Morissette
Anais Mitchell
Melissa Etheridge
Michael Jackson
“Jagged Little Pill” is coming to Broadway. The musical by Alanis Morissette @based on her 1995 album, put together after she was robbed at gunpoint. will open sometime in Fall, 2019, directed by Diane Paulus, who directed it for the American Repertory Theater last year.  Cast, dates and specific theater to be determined.
  When it opens on Broadway April 17, @Hadestown will feature the same cast that just appeared in London’s @NationalTheatre: left to r: @pagepatrick, #AmberGray, @Andre_DeShields, @EvaNoblezada @reevecarney pic.twitter.com/NgMmBsG3X4
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) January 28, 2019
.@metheridge will provide the score to a musical based on the 1988 movie Mystic Pizza, the first time we noticed Julia Roberts! MT They are writing the script now and I am looking forward to getting to work on it pic.twitter.com/3xMQCAfJwa
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) January 22, 2019
The Michael Jackson musical, @dontstoponbway (Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough) premieres Oct 29 – Dec at the James M. Nederlander Theatre (@broadwaychicago) before a 2020 Broadway run. Book by @Lynnbrooklyn ! Music by the King of Pop pic.twitter.com/jShiAsLdnk
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) January 23, 2019
.@AudraEqualityMc & Michael Shannon will star in a revival of Terrence McNally’s Frankie and Johnny in the Clare de Lune @fandjbway . Starts in May, 2019 for 16 weeks at a Shubert theater on Broadway. Details to come pic.twitter.com/2gHdflj3SG
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) January 23, 2019
Thanks @USPS for this new postage stamp of Broadway’s own Gregory Hines, Tony winner for “Jelly’s Last Jam.” He died in 2003 of cancer at age 57 pic.twitter.com/nbFRnATWel
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) January 28, 2019
Finalists for the 2019 Susan Smith Blackburn Prize, honoring women playwrights
Jackie Sibblies Drury
Ella Dickson
Lily Padilla
Martyna Majok
Nina Raine
Ella Road
Heidi Schreck
Lauren Yee
Hilary Bettis  (U.S.)- 72 miles to go…
Jackie Sibblies Drury (U.S.)- Fairview
debbie tucker green (U.K.)-  ear for eye
Ella Hickson (U.K.)- The Writer
Martyna Majok (U.S.)- Sanctuary City
Lily Padilla (U.S.)- How to Defend Yourself
Nina Raine  (U.K.)- Stories
Ella Road (U.K.)-The Phlebotomist
Heidi Schreck (U.S.)- What the Constitution Means to Me
Lauren Yee (U.S.)- Cambodian Rock Band
.@magicmikebway, a musical that’s touted as a prequel to the Magic Mike movies, Nov 30, 2019- Jan 5, 2020 @EmColonial in Boston prior to an expected Broadway run. Music by the Next to Normal team pic.twitter.com/JfC6gyXU3e
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) January 24, 2019
the third annual WOW – Women of the World Festival. March 12-17@ApolloTheater “Performances, conversation, activism.”https://t.co/3x7F0eP5yM pic.twitter.com/1y10Y8S7I2
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) January 24, 2019
House Seats, a series that’s part of @ThirteenWNET‘s forthcoming streaming service @AllArtsTV, will launch Feb 3 w/ screening of @TheaterofWar‘s #AntigoneinFerguson. I saw the play in a playground in Brownsville in 2017, & wrote about it for @HowlRound:https://t.co/iDapHiXSxP pic.twitter.com/fYEnCiOYCp
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) January 24, 2019
Applications to compete in the 2019 @RogerReesAwards for Excellence in Student Performance are being accepted until Feb 4 at https://t.co/gAN1zmqZBa pic.twitter.com/t6dFM5X7gv
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) January 24, 2019
What Should We Do About Scandalous Artists? Accusations of misconduct against beloved creators are changing the way we think about genius
today as in the past, one of the most visible ways that our culture negotiates changing ideas about morality is by thinking about art and artists. Is an artist’s work tainted by his personal wrongdoing? Should we give honor and respect to people who excel in their art but are deficient in what we consider ordinary morality? These questions have been at the heart of modern thinking about art since the 19th century; but since the advent of the #MeToo movement, they have begun to receive new kinds of answers.
if Oscar Wilde’s case were being tried today, he might once again be widely scorned—not because the prostitutes he patronized were male, but because they were young, poor and powerless. The hostile gossip that surrounded him at the time, English critic Kate Hext writes, “would be nothing compared to the long lenses and comments section of Daily Mail Online, or the verdicts of social media.”
RIP Kaye Ballard, 93, Broadway veteran (The Golden Apple, Carnival, The Pirates of Penzance), familiar face on TV, funny lady. She was impersonating Maurice Chevalier at age 5)https://t.co/6cMmnOm1ji pic.twitter.com/yfSs5MZk1L
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) January 22, 2019
RIP JoJo Smith, 80, Broadway veteran, dancer and choreographer. @msdebbieallen‘s teacher, #JohnTravolta‘s dance consultant on #saturdaynightfever pic.twitter.com/URzdmuj9D2
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater)
RIP JoJo Smith, 80, Broadway veteran, dancer and choreographer. @msdebbieallen‘s teacher, #JohnTravolta‘s dance consultant on #saturdaynightfever pic.twitter.com/URzdmuj9D2
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) January 28, 2019
Rockers on Broadway: Alanis, Anaïs, Melissa and Michael Jackson. New York on Stage: Rent, Generation NYZ, Rodgers and Hart. #Stageworthy News of the Week It was a good week to test your view of New York -- the 1990s Bohemia  presented in Rent Live on Fox (which was largely Rent Recorded), or the grittier view expressed by the city's teenagers in "Generation NYZ," part of Ping Chong's Undesirable Elements series at LaMaMa?  
1 note · View note
keywestlou · 4 years
DAY 1…..Greece the First time
Posted on May 28, 2012 by Key West Lou
I made it! I am in Italy! Screwed up a bit, no, a lot, from jet lag.
I could not write a blog yesterday. My head was all over the place.
So many things to share with you. I am going to run through as many as I recall.
Lets begin at Key West airport. The family saw me off. Robert and Ally excited. Each pulled one of my pieces of luggage. A big deal for them!
I have not flown in a while. The following may be old hat to you who do. To me it was new.
TSA security now permits those over 75 to go through with shoes on. No more shoes off. I am 76. Three different guards attacked me with shoes off! I looked, smiled and said I am over 75. They looked back in disbelief.  The scenario made me feel good. Vanity involved. Meant I do not look my age.
New cell phone a disaster. I still do not have its use down. This one has Bluetooth. Decided to use it in the airport. A mistake. I screwed things up. Every time the phone rang, no one was there. I could not correct it. I needed to put the cell phone on airport mode. Took me 20 minutes.  It is still on airport mode.
Trip from Atlanta to Milan a pain. Nine hours. I did not sleep a wink. It seemed like the whole plane slept but me. I walked the aisles and everyone looked dead as they slept.
Because of blood pressure and heart problems, I have a fluid problem. My ankles swell occasionally. I feared they would be huge by the time I reached Milan. I visited with my heart doctor before the trip. He said wear compression socks and take a water pill as soon as you get on the plane in Atlanta. I did both. Peed a lot. It worked! Swelling very minimal when I got off the plane in Milan.
Arrived in Milan 8 in the morning Milan time. Two in the morning my time. Permit me to interject, I was up 34 straight hours before I went to bed. There was no time to rest once I arrived.
My driver took me to Navarro. I am staying in Navarro a few days till I am over jet lag. It was a 30 mile drive.
The scenery reminded me of two things. First, it was like driving route 5 from Utica to Frankfort in upstate New York. A smattering of houses and barns. Fields otherwise. Second, in many places there was heavy foliage. Like that I saw in Virginia near Mount Vernon.
The fields were rice paddies. As far as the eye could see. Pools of water with what appeared to be blades of grass growing above. I had never seen rice paddies before, except in movies about China. Turns out northern Italy is one of the largest suppliers of rice world wide. The reason is the area sits at the foot of Mount Blanc. Water flows down the mountain. Fills the many streams and rivers. Water abounds below the land surface also. Easily tapable well style.
After miles and miles of rice paddies, there appeared a castle. Sitting on a mountain nearby. The driver told me the man who lives in the castle owns all the rice paddies. Plus a golf course nearby.
We drove over many bridges. All old in appearance. Some stone. Others metal. Napoleon responsible for them all. The people refer to Napoleon as King Napoleon. He conquered northern Italy in the early 1800s. Many French persons came to live here under Napoleonic rule. Their descendants still speak French. France itself is a hop, skip and jump away. Switzerland is nearby and French is common there.
I found it strange that in our 30 mile drive I saw very little traffic. Whether on a major highway complex or on a back road. I was told it cost money to drive. The price of gasoline is $12 a gallon. Additionally most roads have a tolling system which is expensive. When contracts are let to build or repair a road, the contractor gets a long time deal. Beside the construction or repair, the contractor gets to maintain the road for 30 years. It is the law! The contractor charges tolls purportedly to pay the cost of repairs. Actually it is a big money maker. Called positive cash flow. The tolls are very expensive. Some of the persons I discussed this topic with blamed the Mafia. In fact, in the short time I have been here I have discovered Italians blame the Mafia for everything.
We entered Navarro. I was impressed!
There is an extensive downtown area. Most of the buildings were built 1100 to 1300. They still stand. Are referred to as medieval. The roads are narrow. Very narrow. Like downtown Boston. The streets are all closed off, except to pedestrian traffic. No cars.
The buildings are magnificent. Majestic. Most muted pastel colors. Yellow, gray, tan and pink. Some concrete colored. Nothing big. Three to four stories. Ground floor expensive stores. A restaurant with outdoor seating here and there. Apartments on the floors above. The buildings appear to be of poured concrete. No wood. Tile roofs. Where ever stucco or brick is apparent, it is a facade. Merely attached to the wall of the building.
I am staying a few nights in one of the apartments. The buildings are magnificent as well. The staircases! I am staying in an apartment on the second floor. It is actually two stories. Once inside the apartment, there is a staircase to an upper floor. The apartment I am in is at least 4,000 square feet. Many rooms. Many baths.
The ceilings are art. Each is painted with a story. My bedroom is a hunt involving stags and dogs.
The furniture is all antique. It is like walking into a museum.
Every room has one or more outside balconies. Overlooking the street or inner court.
The inner court is a beauty in itself. Entrance is gained through a heavy wood door. The courtyard reminds me of the Roman courtyard to be found in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The exhibit on the first floor to the left of the staircase as you enter the left hallway. Resident cars are parked in the inner court.
I attended a dinner party last night. Great food!
There was a mixture of people. Navarro is obviously cosmopolitan. People from all countries. I spoke at length with a Muslim woman from Morocco. Actually, Casablanca. 35ish. Lovely. Dressed like every one else.
I said Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman. She did not know what I was talking about.
Her husband is Italian. He converted from Catholic to Muslim to marry her.
They have two grammar school age children. Both attend Catholic school. Neither has been baptized or confirmed. Their parents are leaving it to the children to decide when they are older. The Catholic Church is giving them no issue. The priest and nuns welcome the two into school with open arms. I doubt such would be permitted in the United States.
I was told that Morocco is very modern. None of the women cover their faces or wear long black robes. Mini skirts are very much in style. Although there are wars in the African countries all around Morocco, there is no conflict in Morocco. The people are of a different mind set.
We drank Italian champagne. By the case. Apparently it is the drink of choice here.
Everyone was dressed as if we were at a party in Key West. Casual. Women in jeans. Men in  jeans and khakis. Too cool yet for shorts.
Everyone wanted to talk with me. All were interested in our Presidential election. All like Obama. He is respected for his international endeavors. They knew we had financial problems also, but did not understand them. The euro is on their mind. They agreed however that if Greece goes down, so will the rest of Europe. With the United States being severely impacted.
I am sleeping in a suite complex. All for me. A bedroom, dressing room and bathroom. Bathrooms are big in size. Decorated. Different from ours.
Mine has a bidet. I was pleased. I have one in my Key West home and have become accustomed to its use. I found this one strange. A bidet requires a water spout near center from which the water can shoot up to cleanse the underside. No spout.
I inquired why. Turns out Mussolini was the driving force in bidets. He made sure every Italian home had one. Like a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage. At the end of World War II, Mussolini was not too popular. You will recall that he and his mistress were beaten to death and then hung by their heels. The post war government decided to do away with bidets since they were Mussolini inspired. A law was passed outlawing the spout on the theory it was bacteria/microbe infested. My bidet is nothing but another sink. Based on its height, for child use I assume.
I got to bed at 10:30 in the evening Navarro time. I had been up more than 30 hours straight. I fell asleep immediately. Woke at 2. Was awake till 4. Then slept to 8.
Writing this first blog has been an exercise. A frustration.
Electricity is rationed in Italy. The computer I was working on had rationed electricity. Fifteen minutes and it went off. And stayed off for an hour. All to conserve electricity. This blog has been written piece meal over the course of a day.
Enjoy your day! More to come tomorrow!
I hope you enjoy Greece My First Time. The late spring and summer of 2012. I did this blog daily for the 80 some odd days I was away. I never published it in any but blog form at the time. Hope you enjoy.
The  Greece story opens today’s blog. Used it as such to introduce you to the writing. Not sure where it will appear from this point forward. I suspect as the closing topic.
We begin.
Schumer came out a winner. He called McCullough’s bluff. The Democrats will be the majority party for the next 2 years.
I am disappointed Schumer will be in a tough position in attempting to get rid of the filibuster. Two Democrats assured McCullough that they would never even have have an intention of getting rid of the filibuster.
A shame. More could be done if the Democrats were able to go for the nuclear option.
Each of the two Democratic Senators have their own reasons. Some to be respected. Some not.
Joe Manchin is a Democratic Senator from West Virginia. He has been a successful politician his whole life.
West Virginia is a Republican state. It is also a coal mining state. Manchin has always walked a fine line. In fact, he voted with Trump 50.4 percent of the time.
Krysten Sinems is a Democratic Senator from Arizona. Always a deep red state. The Democrats did well in November. Better than normal.
Arizona is definitely leaning Democratic. She should start throwing off her false Republican mantle. A conservative, she voted with Trump 25 percent of the time.
Twenty five percent does not seem like a lot in comparison to Manchin’s voting record. However 25 percent placed her in third place among Democrats supporting Trump policies. Ergo, the 25 percent is significant.
Schumer sounded confident last night that at some point the filibuster would go. I hope so.
A comment in Citizens’ Voice this morning spelling out the state of the COID-19 pandemic in the U.S.: “We were dying from COVID-19 and now we’re dying from state and federal incompetence.”
On this day in 1998, President Clinton lied re his engaging in sexual relations with Monica Lewensky: “I want to say one thing to the American people; I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”
When Clinton had to own up to the deed, his excuse somewhat difficult to understand. However showed the genius of the man that worked in many other ways for the betterment of the U.S.
Clinton’s position basically was that he did not have sex with Lewinsky, she had sex with him. It was limited to oral copulation and she did him. He did not do her.
I have wondered about Trump and his sexual life if any while President. The man had a terrific career of philandering. Having a wife never seemed to bother him when it came to cheating.
A  leopard does not change his spots.
Query: How went his 4 years in the White House?
One further observation since I am comparing Clinton and Trump. Clinton was a far superior President than Trump. Without question.
Tuesday again! My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Join me at 9 my time. I may have less to rant and rave about this week. However, I promise to do my best. You will not be disappointed. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.
Enjoy your day!
    GREECE THE FIRST TIME was originally published on Key West Lou
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activities-in-hawaii-11.txt adult-asthma-symptoms-11.txt advantages-of-email-33.txt aggressive-behaviors-11.txt airline-approved-pet-carriers-16.txt airline-ticket-for-under-100-16.txt alarm-systems-28.txt alcohol-addiction-11.txt alcoholic-behaviors-11.txt a-line-skirts-16.txt al-khaleej-hotel-dubai-16.txt allergic-reaction-04.txt all-inclusive-vacation-packages-16.txt alternative-health-11.txt american-cancer-society-11.txt american-presidents-11.txt anaheim-best-western-23.txt angel-wind-chimes-16.txt anger-management-24.txt animated-greeting-cards-10.txt animated-outdoor-christmas-decorations-11.txt antique-farm-tables-24.txt antique-furniture-value-lookup-16.txt anxiety-panic-attacks-03.txt apartment-reviews-04.txt apple-cider-vinegar-benefits-16.txt apple-cider-vinegar-diet-16.txt aptitude-test-04.txt arbor-snowboards-23.txt archery-equipment-24.txt argosy-university-23.txt artificial-plants-33.txt art-prints-16.txt art-shows-28.txt asbestos-removal-04.txt auto-repair-04.txt 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screen-printing-t-shirts-16.txt seafood-recipes-04.txt search-and-rescue-04.txt search-for-jobs-24.txt sea-world-orlando-19.txt security-safes-03.txt self-help-books-23.txt selling-a-car-33.txt selling-on-the-internet-24.txt selling-skills-24.txt sell-used-books-03.txt shopping-baskets-24.txt short-term-disability-24.txt short-term-memory-loss-14.txt signs-of-pregnancy-11.txt simple-will-28.txt single-women-03.txt skin-care-ingredients-24.txt smart-bargains-33.txt smoothie-recipes-33.txt special-education-04.txt spinach-salad-33.txt spoken-english-course-04.txt spray-on-tanning-28.txt spray-tanning-salons-03.txt spring-break-cruises-04.txt stainless-steel-charcoal-grill-24.txt stainless-steel-sinks-14.txt stock-history-24.txt street-maps-24.txt student-travel-deals-33.txt swing-dance-lessons-04.txt symptoms-of-anxiety-attack-16.txt talent-agency-24.txt tax-preparation-services-10.txt teeth-whitening-system-19.txt the-art-of-shaving-33.txt traffic-accidents-04.txt travel-agency-33.txt treatment-of-dementia-04.txt treatments-for-diabetes-33.txt trident-technical-college-23.txt tuna-fish-04.txt types-of-martial-arts-03.txt unfinished-furniture-24.txt unusual-gift-ideas-10.txt used-cars-for-sale-24.txt valentine-radar-detectors-10.txt victoria-secret-angels-23.txt vinyl-flooring-24.txt vitamin-c-04.txt vitamins-for-acne-03.txt walkie-talkie-headsets-10.txt weight-lifting-exercise-03.txt westgate-lakes-resort-and-spa-23.txt wholesale-cigarettes-04.txt work-from-home-03.txt write-a-research-paper-04.txt writing-an-ebook-10.txt yamaha-motorcycle-parts-10.txt
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jordanrosenburg · 8 years
My Week in Israel
Most students go home to work, catch up with friends and family, and relax over their winter breaks from college. I did all of those things, but not every student has a chance to go over seas on a free trip. I am Jewish, and therefore I have the birthright to visit my homeland of Israel.
In October 2016, my older sister and I began our application process with URJ Kesher, and in November it was confirmed that we were accepted to go on our birthright trip. 
We flew out of JFK International Airport on Sunday, January 15th at 10:50 pm, and landed in Israel at 4 pm. Thirty-two Americans waited for their tour-guide. We were also greeted by Israeli soldiers, who I initially thought would be with us for extra protection. This was not the case.
The eight Israelis were there to experience birthright with us. They each got a week off from the army to go on this journey with us. A lot of people have preconceived notions about what Israel is like. I felt completely safe the whole time. We had a security guard with us the whole time, and he was one of the nicest people I have ever met. There aren’t bombs going off every second, and there aren’t military people walking the streets with guns. In fact, if you didn’t know that Israel was in a controversial area of the world, you would think it was one of the most peaceful places on Earth.
The weather was gorgeous the entire time, or at least I thought so. I am originally from Boston, so going from 20 degree weather to 60 degree weather made it feel like Spring time. This was cold for the Israelis, and for some of the Americans who were from down south/the west.
The first three days were jam packed. We had a lot to cover in seven days. The first night we did a lot of stuff to get to know one another, that I was expecting. 
The next morning we were up early, and we wouldn’t be returning to a hotel until two days later. The food for breakfast was interesting. There was pasta with sauce, different kinds of salads, fish, dessert, and much more. They had eggs and cereal and toast as well. I will say that everything I ate tasted totally fresh and delicious.
After breakfast, we hopped on the bus, and headed to the old city of Jerusalem.
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I was literally walking on history, thousand year old ruins were before me. We were able to see King David’s temple, and walk where our ancestors walked. Our tour guide was absolutely incredible. He would explain the history of where we were, and then connect it to why it is important today, and explain why we tell these stories.
We walked a little further, and we found ourselves at the Western Wall.
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This was an extremely emotional experience for me. I wrote a personal note, and was able to put it in the wall. I touched the wall and really felt the energy run through my body. I felt truly blessed to be at one of the holiest sights in the world.
Then we got a lunch break. We got to walk around for a bit, and I tried falafel for the first time. It was absolutely delicious. After that, we took a two hour bus ride out to the desert. We stayed with the Bedouin people and experienced their hospitality.
The first thing we did there was ride camels.
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Riding a camel is an odd experience. I don’t like roller coasters, and the way the camel had to get up off the ground scared me a little. I was only on it for twenty minutes, but at least I can say I rode a camel in the desert.
Later that night, we got to meditate under the stars with no light pollution. I’ve never seen a more beautiful sky. After that we ate a Moroccan style dinner and it was so delicious. Eating real pita in the Middle East is oddly satisfying. 
After dinner, we played a bunch of games that the Israelis had to come up with for us. We played a name game, they taught us Israeli slang, and a couple other games that had some meaning behind them. When the games were done, we all sat behind a fire, talked, and played some music. It was a great way for us to get to know each other even better. We had to be up at 5am the next day, so I called it a night around 11. We all slept in this big tent on these little mattresses. We were given sleeping bags as well. I was smart enough to take a sleeping pill, so once I fell asleep, I stayed knocked out until my alarm went off. It was very cold in the tent, and a lot of people did not sleep well. 
I remember hearing a lot of different alarms go off that morning. My sister, who slept next to me, stayed sound asleep. I gave her a little nudge and I told her it was time to get up. 
We were up so early because we would taking a hike up to Masada to watch the sunrise. The actual hike up was only about twenty minutes. It was a little bit of a struggle for me, but I felt really good once I made it to the top. It was a little cloudy, but we all still saw the sun rise together. 
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Masada is an extremely important place for the Jewish people. It was where King Herod built his home. It was where the Jews tried to fight off the Romans. It was one of the few times in history that the Jews really fought back, using their brawn instead of brain. After our tour guide explained all of that to us, we took a group picture:
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Then we walked around the ruins and got to see a lot of really cool architecture. We walked through King Herod’s actual bathhouse. which he based off of a Roman bathhouse. It was cool to see how he lived. 
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Walking and seeing the desert was incredible. It looked like a much larger version of the grand canyon. It looked like it could go on forever. 
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It was time to hike back down the mountain to go get a much deserved breakfast. But this would not be twenty minutes like before. Instead, we took a snake trail back down which took over an hour. The rocks were really rubbly so of course I slipped and fell right on my knee. I didn’t get seriously hurt, but it was sore for the next couple of days. Luckily one of my friends was walking next to me, and he helped me up, and made sure I didn’t slip all the way down the mountain. I heard my sister yell a little further up, “Are you okay?!”, and I yelled back, “Yes! Be careful!!”. 
We ate breakfast at a hostel/resort and it was absolutely incredible. This time they had fried eggs on toast and potato filled pastries. There was still dessert and salad stuff, so that really must be the culture. 
After breakfast we had some time to rest up on the bus, we were headed for the  Dead Sea. When we got there, we stopped at a factory. This factory makes organic creams, gels, washes, etc all from the natural minerals, clays, and water found at the Dead Sea. So we each bought a little something before driving down to the private beach. 
Here’s what you do at the Dead Sea: you rub the clay all over you that you find in the shallow part of the water (it helps make your skin soft and smooth), and then you go in the water. They have rules there, however, no swimming on your stomach and no splashing. Why? Because there is so much salt in the water that it would burn your eyes and if you drank like a cup of it, you would die. Magic happens when you lay on your back though. You float. Any person can float in the Dead Sea due to all of the salt. We were all laughing and freaking out, because a lot of us don’t usually float in water. 
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We had a long bus ride back to Jerusalem. I could not wait to take a real shower. I rinsed off at the bathhouse at the beach, but the Dead Sea leaves you feeling a little slimy. So we all took our showers, changed our clothes, and headed down for dinner. This consisted of more pasta, salad, and bread. 
This was the toughest day of all. We got up early, had breakfast and packed all of our stuff up. Then we had a political discussion as a group. We talked about Israel and Palestine and what the fight was really over. I won’t get into everything that was discussed, but I have a much better understanding of both sides of the conflict now. 
All of the Israelis had to be dressed in their uniforms this day. We were going to Mount Herzl which is a large, beautiful cemetery where important leaders and veterans are berried. When we got there, our tour guide asked us what Americans do on Memorial Day. A lot of them said they party and get drunk. I sat there with another girl, disgusted. She saw that I kept shaking my head, and she asked me if I had any family in the military, and I said yes, but that wasn’t why I was so disgusted. For the Israelis, their Memorial Day isn’t about celebration, it’s actually quite somber. Since everyone in Israel has to join the army, that means they probably had a family member or close friend die in the war. Back here in America, if you don’t know someone personally, you probably have a friend of a friend of a friend. The Israelis use their Memorial Day as another day to grieve and mourn, not drink and party and have cook outs. We also talked about how in America, Memorial Day is commercialized, and that also makes me sick. Stores have big super sales because they know everyone has the day off. That’s not what our people died for, in my opinion. 
After we discussed all of that, our tour guide explained who Herzl was, and why he was so important. He was the first big leader of the Zionist movement, so his grave is at the top of the mountain, and his children are berried right next to him. Our tour guide took us to where a lot of the presidents and prime ministers of Israel were berried and their importance. Then we went to the veterans part of the cemetery. I felt something strong in the pit of my stomach. 
The last time I was at a veterans cemetery was over the summer, in Sarasota, Florida. My papa passed away, and it was, and still is, extremely hard for me. So being back in such a sacred, beautiful place, put those awful memories back in my head.
Before we walked to the graves, our security guard wanted to read us a story that he translated for us. It was about a man named Jon, and how Jon would never get to do basically anything again. This got to me. I cried the whole time he read the story. All I could think of was my papa. No, he was not a young man who died in battle. He lived through his time in the service, and lived a long, happy life. But, he would never get to meet my boyfriend, he would never get to see me get married (some day), he wouldn’t get to come to my college graduation. Even though I feel his spirit with me, and I know he’s watching over me, I would obviously still rather him be physically here. I would give anything to hold his hand one last time. 
After our security guard finished, I asked a friend for a tissue, and ran over to my sister. I gave her hand a squeeze, and kept walking. All of the Israelis had a story to tell that day, each one of them more heart-wrenching than the last. We all cried that morning. Out of respect of where we were, I did not take any pictures, but believe me when I tell you, it is absolutely breath-taking. 
We took a break from the heavy stuff, and got to walk around a market place in the new city of Jerusalem for lunch. One of the Israeli girls took a few of us to her favorite pasta place. You could choose from a list of pastas, sauces, and whatever you wanted in it. It was a very delicious, and filling lunch. It reminded me of something I would eat in America, and it almost made me feel a little better. Plus it was nice to have a break from my usual lunch, falafel and pita/hummus. 
Walking around the market place gave me some perspective, and I’ve been telling this story to everyone because my ignorance, in this moment, was pretty funny. So, my sister and one of our new friends and I were walking, and we walked by a wine and cheese shop, so I say, “Oh my gosh! Look, they have a wine and cheese store here?! We have those! That is so crazy.” And behind me I hear one of the Israeli boys laughing, and I turn around and say, “Wow, that must’ve sounded stupid, of course you have stuff like that here.” And he said, “Yeah, and the best part is, you can even buy stuff with actual money, you don’t even have to trade your camel.” This made all of us laugh, so for the rest of the trip, that was our joke. Anytime we saw something we have back in America, we would joke about it with him. And he would say something funny like “Yeah, we actually have things here, it’s not just desert people.” But it really was funny because they don’t teach us how modern everything is there. It kind of looks like Florida or New York, depending on the area that you are in. 
Play time was over after lunch, our next stop was the Holocaust Museum, once again, I did not take any pictures out of respect. Every inch of this place had some sort of significance. The architecture of the inside of the museum had significance. The woman who explained everything to us did a fantastic job as well. Everything she talked about, I had basically already learned, but there were a lot of small details that I had never learned that she brought up. There were also a lot of screens set up so you could listen to survivor stories. 
I’m not going to discuss everything I saw at the museum because I just can’t do  a lot of it justice, but I want to talk about the room they have at the end. At the end of the tour there is a big dome shaped room. When you look up, there are pictures of those who died. And around you are shelves of black books filled with 4 million people’s names. These are the recorded people who died in the Holocaust. There are also empty shelves for the other 2 million people they don’t have the names of. This room is chilling, and should remind us: NEVER AGAIN.
I didn’t think the day would get much heavier, but I was wrong. That night we all learned about this database that if you swab your cheeks, you can be matched with another Jewish person, and you can either give them your blood or your stem cells. A woman who had leukemia spoke about how she matched with someone from a birthright trip, and it saved her life. So I swabbed my cheeks, and now I’m in the database. This was my mitzvah for the trip. 
After having such a heavy day, we were able to have a little dance party in one of the rooms in the hostel we were staying in. It was a lot of fun. We were all able to unwind after a somber day. It also gave me time to talk more to the Israelis about their every day life. One of them told me he was self conscious about his English. Let me tell you, all of the Israelis were very easy to understand, and their English was incredible. He said the hardest part was understanding some of our slang, and when we were being sarcastic due to our tones. I loved listening to them talk about their lives and the way they grew up. 
This was one of the first days we did not have to be up super early, and I was grateful for the extra sleep. However, my throat started feeling sore, and I ended up having an awful head cold for the next three days. 
At this point and for the rest of trip, we would be in Tel A’viv. After breakfast, and a brief history lesson from a university professor (he gave an in depth lecture about how/why the Middle East got divided up the way it did) we got on the bus, and headed to a place called Jaffa (a town right outside Tel A’viv). 
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As you can see, it was a gorgeous day out. We got to walk around there for a little bit, these pictures are actually at a historical sight. We were sitting and standing on thousand year old steps! 
Then we got to go to this giant market place in Tel A’viv. The girl in the picture above stuck with me (after I asked her to be my shopping buddy) and she helped me haggle in hebrew. We had a nice lunch together and I got her perspective on what it’s like to grow up in Israel and deal with what they deal with everyday. I had such a wonderful day with her, and it was one of my highlights from the trip. 
That night, we all got together to do Shabbat. I grew up going to a conservative temple where the Cantor would chant the prayers from the torah. This trip, however, was reform, not conservative, which means we had a reform Shabbat. The only difference really is that the prayers are sang to a different tune played by a guitar. It was sort of tough for me because I knew all of the prayers, but I kept getting tripped up by the different tunes. This was also another time that I cried on this trip. During the service you say a prayer if you are mourning someone, and the minute the woman who was studying to be a rabbi spoke up about this, I began thinking of my papa. He was my nannie’s second husband, but was around ten years before I was born, so he’s always been my grandfather. He was catholic, so when he left us, we had a catholic ceremony for him, I never got to pray for him in hebrew. I looked over, and saw that my sister was crying, so I went over to her in the middle of the prayer, and we held each other and we cried. I didn’t care that people were looking at us, we needed each other. Later on, one of the Israeli boys told me that was a very beautiful and powerful moment, and he enjoyed watching us comfort each other. I was happy to know us getting emotional didn’t weird anyone out like I thought. That moment gave me a little bit of closure, getting to pray for him the way I knew how. 
You’re not really supposed to do much on Shabbat, so after dinner, we all hung out and played games and listened to music. We also had a mini talent show which was very entertaining to watch. Since I wasn’t feeling well, I went up to bed after hanging out for only a little while. I also spent most of the time talking to my boyfriend on the phone when I could have been a little more social, but with the time difference I took any chance I could to hear his voice. 
Another morning we got to sleep in a little late. I even slept through breakfast. This was the worst day of my head cold, I did not want to get out of bed, but I did. We concluded our Shabbat service, and by the time we did that, we went down to lunch, and I made sure to have some orange juice. 
This was a very chill day. We went for a walk, and saw a couple more sights, and we got a chance to grab some ice cream which I had been craving. Everyone was really excited for the night to come. We’d be going to a dinner and then to a night club. So everyone got dressed up.
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We broke off into groups when it came to dinner time, some people got sushi, some people got pizza, and of course my group just had to go to a hummus and pita place where I ate falafel for the fifteenth time, but it was still fun.
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We were told to meet at a corner so we could all get into the club together, and of course we had to take another group picture. 
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This is one of my favorite pictures of a few of us, I can’t really explain why, but I just love it. 
The club was so cool! One of the Israelis set it up for us, he knew the owner so we got these wristbands, and anytime we ordered a drink we would get a free shot with it. We even got the whole upstairs pretty much to ourselves. They played really awesome music too. Lots of killer throwbacks and stuff from now. They even played the “Friends” theme song and we all freaked out. 
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Did you really go to the club if you didn’t take some selfies to document it?
We had to leave a little after midnight which was sort of lame because we were all having such a great time. A lot of people stayed up late that night, but of course, I still wasn’t feeling well, so I socialized for like twenty minutes when we got back, and then I went to bed. 
We got up early, it was the last day of the trip. The week flew by insanely fast, and even though we were trying to have fun throughout the day, the sadness of having to leave kept creeping into the backs of our heads. 
We got to walk around Tel A’viv a little more, back near Jaffa. We got to walk closer by the water, and the view was just beautiful. 
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Then we went to a farmer’s market, where I got a very fresh fruit smoothie. My friends went to get more falafel and I just couldn’t do it. One of the Israelis went with me to get the smoothie, he also wasn’t feeling the falafel. 
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After lunch, we got to go to this really cool building where the CEO of birthright was, and we got to learn about a lot of the technology that was invented in Israel, they are super advanced over there! 
When we were done with all of that, we went back to the hostel for the last time. We sat in one big circle, and the CEO of birthright sat with us. We went over all of the stuff we did throughout the week, and then we had to fill out a couple of surveys. Our last task was to go around and talk about our expectations of the trip, and our highlights of the trip. I talked about how it was such a good surprise to see how safe and normal everything was there. It was also a good surprise to see that the Israelis were silly just like us. At the end of the day, their still young and trying to have as much fun as possible like the rest of us. They aren’t these overly serious military people like I thought. My highlight was when my sister and I came together at the Shabbat service, and of course I cried when I brought that up, and I remember there was an Israeli sitting between my sister and I. He put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a little squeeze, and my sister and I held hands. I truly felt like we were all one big family.
Our last meal was burgers and fries, super American. The goodbye at the airport was bittersweet. This was where the Israelis had to leave us. Once again, I cried. I wish I had had more time with them. They were all so wonderful and I really wanted to keep getting to know them. I became friends with all of them on Facebook, but that didn’t make me feel much better. 
We got our boarding passes, walked through the airport, and got on our plane back to America. After we had all gotten through customs, we had another goodbye. A bunch of Americans sharing tearful goodbyes after such an important journey. We were all friends on Facebook, and some were even already talking about setting up a reunion. This was such an amazing group of people and I’ll never forget any of them.
My sister and I made a quick pit stop to change, and then we went to find our dad, who was waiting for us. We ran to him and we hugged, and after being on an 11 hour flight, we now had a four hour car ride from New York to Boston. 
I am so incredibly glad that I went on this trip. I am also thankful birthright offers seven day trips, they used only offer ten day trips. I was happy to return home,  but at the same time, I wish I was still there. I would love to go back some day. My new Israeli friends said we could call them anytime if we returned and they would tell us where to stay and where to go. Being able to go on this trip that was basically free was so worth while, and life changing. It made me think about a lot of things in my personal life and the world around me. I’ve always been proud of being Jewish, and I always thought I was a good Jew. Being able to be with only Jewish people was nice for a change. I go to a college in New Hampshire, so there aren’t a ton of Jewish people around. This trip reaffirmed that my heritage is a good one. I wouldn’t be who I am now if I wasn’t Jewish. The stories of my people are important, not that I ever thought they weren’t. But hearing those stories in basically the same places they happened, being immersed in that history is something I will never forget. I’ll go back to Israel again some day. Being able to take this journey with my older sister was also something I am grateful for. We aren’t super close, but now we have this. We shared this trip with one another, and that’s really important to me. I don’t think I would have been able to do this without her. Being able to grab her hand, or lean on her when I needed to meant more to me than she’ll know. 
For those of you who are Jewish, and are of age for a birthright trip, I strongly suggest you go. Just do it. Fill out the application. You won’t regret it. 
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ghaw2007 · 4 years
Albums of Inspiration
Albums of Inspiration
Michael Jackson: Thriller https://lyrics.fandom.com/wiki/Michael_Jackson:Thriller_(1982) Michael Jackson: HIStory: Past, Present and Future - Book I https://lyrics.fandom.com/wiki/Michael_Jackson:HIStory:_Past,_Present_And_Future,_Book_I_(1995) Michael Jackson: Number Ones http://lyrics.wikia.com/wiki/Michael_Jackson:Number_Ones_(2003)
Arcade Fire: The Suburbs http://lyrics.wikia.com/wiki/Arcade_Fire:The_Suburbs_(2010) Arcade Fire: Neon Bible http://lyrics.wikia.com/wiki/Arcade_Fire:Neon_Bible_(2007) Arcade Fire: Reflektor http://lyrics.wikia.com/wiki/Arcade_Fire:Reflektor_%282013%29
ABBA: Gold: Greatest Hits http://lyrics.wikia.com/wiki/ABBA:Gold_-_Greatest_Hits_(1992) ABBA: ABBA: The Album http://lyrics.wikia.com/wiki/ABBA:The_Album_(1977) ABBA: ABBA [1975] http://lyrics.wikia.com/wiki/ABBA:ABBA_(1975) ABBA: Greatest Hits Vol. 2 http://lyrics.wikia.com/wiki/ABBA:Greatest_Hits_Vol.2_(1979) ABBA: The Singles: The First Ten Years http://lyrics.wikia.com/wiki/ABBA:The_Singles_-_The_First_Ten_Years_(1982) ABBA: The Definitive Collection http://lyrics.wikia.com/wiki/ABBA:The_Definitive_Collection_(2001)
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Jonah Hill joins the Five-Timers Club on a uniformly funny Saturday Night Live
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Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, Candice Bergen, Drew BarrymoreScreenshot: Saturday Night Live
“I guess the worst part of the play was their confidence in it.”
“I’m not an actor, I’m a [movie, Netflix, directing] star!
It’s be nice to think that Jonah Hill has fully stepped out of his pigeonhole at this point. A couple of Oscar nominations, co-lead in an hit Netflix series, writer-director of a promising new coming-of-age movie, Hill has emerged from the Apatow star factory still straddling the line between serious artist and broad comedy movie star. (Sort of like James Franco, except that people actually seem to like Hill’s directorial debut and no one—as of this writing—has accused Hill of being a sex creep.)
That dichotomy showed up in Hill’s monologue, as SNL legend Tina Fey ushered new Five-Timers Club member Hill into the selective lounge set, where fellow FTC members Candice Bergen and Drew Barrymore celebrated his entry by showing an old sketch where Hill’s character admits to doing some serious damage to a toilet. Protesting that he does more than toilet humor now (“But that’s where you shined!,” enthuses Bergen), the disappointed Hill can only endure an all-ladies Five-Timers welcome, since, according to Fey, Bergen, and Barrymore, all the male members have turned out to be, well, sex creeps. (Steve Martin will just play his banjo “without consent.”)
Saturday Night LiveSeason 44
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Fitted with the coveted FTC smoking jacket, Hill is disappointed to find that the new female leadership has refashioned it into something like a kicky boldero number. It’s a neat little way to incorporate Hill’s evolving comic persona while still trading on the downtrodden victim vibe he carries with him, especially once Kenan pops in to remind everyone that his record-breaking seniority carries its own privileges. “This is my show. I let you in here sometimes,” he responds to Hill questioning his presence in the Five-Timers lounge.
Over at Vulture, AV Clubber Jesse Hassenger recently did a ranking of the relatively rare phenomenon of SNL hosts’ recurring characters, and placed Hill’s Borscht Belt six-year-old Adam Grossman near the top. I get it. For one, the field isn’t exactly littered with gold (glad I’m not the only one sick of the Omletteville guy), with most of the bits weathering even faster than those done by the actual cast. But Grossman keeps working as well as he does because of a character throughline, as the garrulous little guy keeps tossing out his inexplicable Catskills schtick to his unlikely Benihana co-diners alongside a series of guardians indicating the unstable family life that’s somehow spawned such a weird creature. Here it’s forbearing nanny Leslie Jones, sighing deeply as she weathers Adam’s insult comic “I’m just kidding” one-liners as Grossman attempts to puncture any tension his borderline racist material generates by proclaiming his age (complete with specific and funny awkward hand gestures). It’s never been my favorite sketch, but Hill (who created the bit alongside Bill Hader and Seth Meyers, based on a bafflingly tracksuited child diner Hader once sat with) is into it, and he suggests the merest hints of the defensive mechanisms that are powering Adam’s transformation into a hacky joke machine, which always lends just enough shadings to the idea. Leslie kept breaking, but, then again, so did I.
Weekend Update update
There was a certain elegance to the way SNL kept weaving themes through its political material tonight, with jokes about Trump’s “caravan of scary brown people” terror tactics, and the importance of voting on Tuesday reinforcing each other throughout. Jost and Che were on, each landing their material confidently. On the caravan (of desperate asylum seekers that are a thousand miles away), Jost noted how Trump’s sweatily named “Operation Faithful Patriot” (where American troops are needlessly stringing barbed wire for a piece of election eve fear-mongering theater) sounds like a company that makes “reverse mortgages and catheters.” (Fox News commercial viewers get that.) Che followed up on the race-baiting scare tactics by urging that the old white people being hyped about the looming but nonexistent threat should be more worried about the less-easily-scapegoated specter of their grandkids stealing their pain pills.
On the election front, Che continued his role as Update’s resident “slow your roll” skeptic, confessing that, while he does intend to vote (on Tuesday, November 6, kids), he’s not going to buy into any “final notice for democracy” panic. Joking that, if final notices were actually final, his college debts would actually be paid, Che, as ever, positions himself for the long view, an edgy place to be in a time of national crisis (see, there’s that panic), but one consistent with his stance as a (black) guy who’s been living in a dangerous situation his entire life. For Jost (white guy), the jokes were less pointed, but not bad, as he noted that things are pretty dire when ice cream is taking a side, and that it has to be a complicated feeling when Oprah knocks on your door, only to present you with a pamphlet about Georgia governor candidate Stacey Abrams instead of a new car.
Pete Davidson has become such a strange star on SNL, his very public statements about his battles with mental health and substance abuse and the recent ongoing saga of his tabloid-fodder relationship with now-ex Ariana Grande have made Davidson more of a personality star than anyone I can think of in SNL history. Pete’s never been the most polished sketch guy (although he’s improved), and his Update pieces as himself have always been his best showcase, especially since he’s sharpened up his material beyond the adorable stoner little brother schtick he started out with. Here, with newly-dyed hair and the elephant of his recent, much-publicized breakup hanging over his head, Davidson delivered a solid series of political takedowns in advance of the Tuesday midterm elections. Sure, they were all cheeky appearance smack (NY Republican Peter King looks like “a cigar came to life,” Florida candidate Rick Scott looks like “if someone tried to whittle Bruce Willis out of a penis”), but, for a young comic staking out political material for the first time in his life, it’s funny stuff. And since SNL has made hay all season long about Davidson’s rising media profile, his genuinely sweet and decent-sounding appraisal of ex Grande was both de rigeur and unexpectedly touching.
Melissa Villaseñor made the leap to the main cast this year, but hasn’t had much opportunity to show off her mimicry skills or her comic chops much on the young season. So, taking a page out of Heidi Gardner’s playbook, she debuted a specifically targeted character piece on Update, with her “Every Teen Girl Murder Suspect on Law & Order.” Honestly, it’s such a specific Gardner niche at this point that I was surprised to see Villaseñor in the chair, but Melissa did fine, as her Brittany—ostensibly there to talk about young adult literature—squirmed and equivocated about what happened to her friend Logan at that “big alcohol party.” Not to harp on the comparison, but Brittany wasn’t as immediately memorable as any of Gardner’s similar turns, even if Villaseñor delivered on the premise with a uniformly strong performance.
Just when I think I’m tired of Kenan Thompson’s Big Papi, he pulls me back in. It helps that there’s a reason for his appearance tonight, as, you know, the Red Sox won the World Series again. (That’s, like, what, four in 15 years, right? Huh. Cool.) Petty sports partisanship aside, Kenan’s performance as retired and beloved Boston slugger David Ortiz has never been the problem. Kenan’s Ortiz, with his nonsensical endorsements, gap-toothed ebullience, and food obsession, is an all-time belly laugh, his infectious enthusiasm for baseball, food, his spokesman deal for the concept of spokes, and simply being Big Papi is impossible to hate. (Presumably even for Yankees fans, whose team got clobbered in the ALDS 3-1, including a humiliating 61-1 loss on their home diamond.) But the jokes don’t change much (as in, at all). Thankfully, it’s been a while, the Sox won the series, and it was nice to see the big lug again. Mofongo all around.
Best/worst sketch of the night
Look, some of you are going to clamor for a “worst” tag on Kate McKinnon’s teacher sketch. You’ll point to both its unexplained weirdness and its languorous pace, and how it never quite announces its authority as something that should appear as early in the show as it did. Well, shush. This was great stuff, not as much for the sketch itself (it really could have used more writing punch to match McKinnon’s performance), as for how it represents the sort of oddball conceptual idea Saturday Night Live desperately needs to encourage. The premise of someone acting weird while other people comment on it is hardly new SNL territory, but, as McKinnon’s overly dramatic drivers ed teacher sprawls on the classroom floor and rambles on about her predicament and its meaning, it was like a cool drink to realize that the sketch wasn’t going to go out of its way to hammer the premise home with explanations for the slowest possible viewer. It was just weird for weird’s sake, and McKinnon, accusing her charges at laughing at her “like this was some episode of Friend,” worked within the framework of the sketch to craft an enigmatically loopy character whose comic integrity isn’t over-explained. There is room on SNL for a lot more shades of humor than its current template generally allows.
This week’s branded content sketch, on the other hand, was pretty unnecessary, even if some of the performances livened it up a little, as another NBC property got some free advertising. Not watching interminably long-running televised talent shows as a rule, I’m not particularly invested in how the celebrity judges were impersonated here (although Kyle Mooney’s perpetually amazed Howie Mandel got a laugh). But at least the joke that there are only a very few possible narratives to every contestant’s journey on such shows took the piss a bit, and Cecily Strong, Kenan and Leslie, and Jonah Hill all sang their hearts out as the contestants who are probably terrible—but then are shockingly not terrible!
Also not terrible but not that surprising was the newscast sketch, where Cecily Strong’s weatherperson is nonplussed by boyfriend Hill’s decidedly unwelcome on-air proposal. Hill manages to create a nicely realized character is his unimpressive suitor, unwisely wearing a green shirt in front of Strong’s green screen and even more unwisely busting out a proposal rap. And the bit even has a decent turn, when Strong reveals that her refusal was only because she’d planned an elaborate on-air proposal of her own. I kept waiting for the reveal that Strong’s too-perfect twist was only in the downtrodden Hill’s head, but the sketch decided to let the improbable duo have their happy ending, so that’s nice.
“What do you call that act?” “The Californians!”—Recurring sketch report
Adam Grossman, Big Papi.
“It was my understanding there would be no math”—Political comedy report
With SNL’s resident guest Trump Alec Baldwin otherwise occupied (and pointedly joked about), the show opened with the always more-profitable tack of doing Trump without Trump. With Kate McKinnon adding Fox News talking head and smirking white supremacist Laura Ingraham’s glint-eyed provocation to her long list of current right-wing a-holes (“No, you’re an a-hole,” McKinnon’s Ingraham responds to her viewer mail), the sketch ran through the usual roster of weekly outrages. Finding ways to satirize the news at this point is a thankless task since reality is so far beyond satire that our pals at The Onion can essentially just transcribe stuff. Here, the jokes leant on hyperbole to make comedy out of Fox and friends’ (and Fox And Friends’) daily klaxon blare of racist bullshit designed to make white parents vote against their self-interest. Like Trump’s ginned-up, racist, Hail Mary, pre-midterms caravan, which Cecily Strong’s appropriately wild-eyed Jeanine Pirro’s claims contains such terrifying, non-white figures as “Guatemalans, Mexicans, the Menendez brothers, the 1990 Detroit Pistons, Thanos, and several Babadooks.” Similarly, Kenan Thompson’s cowboy-hat-wearing disgraced former Sheriff David Clarke showed footage of the caravan in the form of a swarm of migrating crabs. “And those are humans?,” gently presses McKinnon’s Ingraham, to which Clarke replies, “Basically, yeah.”
Unlike Baldwin’s uninspired Trump, which serves as a crutch for some very one-dimensional writing as a rule, the satire here is more layered. There are the performances, which are uniformly great. (McKinnon and Strong don’t need more praise at this point, but they are both outstanding, nuanced comic actresses). And the sketch casts a wider net, encompassing Ingraham’s fleeing sponsors (and the reason why), leaving her thanking warm ice cream, nurse’s sneakers, and White Castle. (“A castle for whites? Yes please.”) And, divorced for now by Baldwin/Trump’s absence, the cold open works to lay the groundwork for some recurring satirical themes for the rest of the show. There’s GOP voter suppression, here prodded along by Ingraham giving non-white voters the wrong advice. There’s Fox’s feverish efforts to mock the very idea that Donald Trump is a bigot. (“Except for his words and actions throughout his life how is he racist?”) And there’s the transparent propaganda of Trump’s latest “brown people are coming at you from below” propaganda, with McKinnon claiming that Trump’s try-hard gung-ho operation is actually named “Operation Eagle With A Huge Dong” and bragging that there will be “five armed soldiers for every shoeless immigrant child.”
Hey, there’s a midterm election coming up on Tuesday, so vote in that. Pete Davidson ended his amiably goofy Update stint by urging everyone to vote, as did musical guest Maggie Rogers (via T-shirt), and, in the Vote Blue campaign ad, so did a roster of very fucking nervous Democrats. While polling shows that maybe, perhaps, enough Americans are motivated, pissed, and goddamned terrified enough to actually go out and vote on Tuesday (yes, this coming Tuesday, you) to put some checks in place against Donald Trump and his GOP accomplices in dismantling democratic norms, environmental regulations, and civil rights of any kind, well, we’ve seen sweaty Democratic overconfidence explode in our faces before. That’s the message here, as the person-on-the-street interviews parroting optimistic election messages all veer into a series of forced grins, shaking hands, binge-drinking, eyes-averted mumbling, and, in the case of Heidi Gardner’s tremble-voiced suburban mom, hair-trigger panic. “Get inside until Tuesday!,” she snaps at her frolicking children, while Hill’s anxious doctor tries to take comfort in the fact that Nancy Pelosi predicted a big victory on Colbert, and Leslie Jones grits her teeth in her stated faith that “white women are going to the right thing this time.” Pitch perfect stuff, right down to Aidy Bryant hauling off to slap teenaged son Pete Davidson when he jokes about forgetting when Election Day is. (It’s Tuesday. November 6. Check here for all the necessary info you need to vote. On Tuesday.)
“HuckaPM” continued SNL’s baffling comedy position that literally every woman involved in the Trump administration is secretly ashamed of her role in, well, every shitty thing Trump and the Republican Party does. You know, despite the fact that there is no evidence to that in the public or private actions of any of them, including (or especially) the sketch’s target, White House Press Secretary and sneering daily mouthpiece for whatever bigoted nonsense dribbles out of Trump’s Twitter account in the middle of the night, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Still, this sketch works because of Aidy. Good god, is Aidy Bryant great at physical comedy. Even if one can’t follow the show’s premise that there is some glimmer of humanity in Sanders’ soul somewhere, Aidy sells the hell out of the idea that only a sleeping pill loaded with quaaludes and “what Michael Jackson’s doctor called ‘one-and-dones’” can knock Sanders out after a day of claiming that “CNN spelled backward is ISIS” and that Trump’s caravan boogeymen includes ravenous chupacabras with a trio of outstandingly timed and committed falls. Sometimes performance overcomes everything else.
The off-Broadway show short film trafficked in a sort of joke that never doesn’t work on me, so I’m going to allow myself to be pandered to. The main joke—that an actor-written topical revue is not very well written—is fine. (I loved how at least two of the numbers shamelessly aped Hamilton). But I’m just a sucker for jokes where scathing review blurbs are read out as if they’re raves by an enthusiastic voice-over guy, and these had me laughing. “This is helping no one,” and “Whose parents paid for this?” were good, but the New York Times critic’s economical “Jesus Christ!” got me out loud.
I am hip to the musics of today
Maggie Rogers came out flat in her SNL debut. Like, vocally, very flat for her first song of lilting, pretty pop. It was the sort of wobbly beginning that could knock a fledgeling performer right off her pins, but, to her credit, Rogers came back stronger in the second number. It helped that that song was more uptempo and didn’t highlight a delicate introductory vocal, but, still, props to Rogers for pulling it together. As Adam Grossman might bellow, “Redemption song!”
Most/Least Valuable (Not Ready For Prime Time) Player
Ego Nwodim got a line. Keep plugging, new kid.
Otherwise, in an exceptionally strong night for the female cast, Kate wins it by a whisker, edging out Cecily and Aidy.
“What the hell is that thing?”—The Ten-To-Oneland Report
While it’s no “Whiskers R We,” “Wigs For Pugs” ably carried on the ten-to-one tradition of doing adorably weird stuff with animals, as Hill and Cecily Strong played a couple of clearly mobbed-up entrepreneurs whose pug toupee business is in no way “a front for something.” Mainly, it’s just pugs in wigs, with a succession of very chill pugs getting carried out in their hairy finery, but sometimes that’s enough. And Hill, Strong, Aidy, Mooney, and Kenan (as a guy making pug beards) are thoroughly committed to their characters in a broad yet deadpan way that adds another level to the premise. Pugs in wigs. What more do you need, people?
Stray observations
Kenan’s Clarke cites his caravan sources as “the crows from Dumbo,” echoing Clarke’s description of his current state as “unpopular with my own people.”
McKinnon’s Ingraham refers to Baldwin as “disgraced former actor Alec Baldwin” and shows a clip from “Canteen Boy” to explain.
Che claims that the country would be doing better if red state parents would stop “sending all their liberal kids to coastal cities to do improv.”
Pete Davidson, addressing his new blue hair, claims he looks like “a guy who makes vape juice in a bathtub,” and “a Dr. Seuss character who went to prison.”
Melissa Villaseñor’s teen suspect finally breaks down, telling Jost that she only stabbed her dead friend as a joke, “but Logan took it the wrong way and started bleeding.”
Big Papi for Apple Watch: “You gotta watch your apples or a monkey’s gonna steal them, man!”
Vote on Tuesday.
The Red Sox won the World Series.
Source: https://tv.avclub.com/jonah-hill-joins-the-five-timers-club-on-a-uniformly-fu-1830206395
0 notes
flauntpage · 6 years
Trust the Process
After four years of watching the Philadelphia 76ers step backward in order to leap forward, I forgot how frustrating it feels to witness your team lose when it is actually trying to win.
Sixers fans have endured multiple seasons of strategic tanking while the franchise positioned itself for long term contention. They told themselves and each other to “Trust the Process,” an affirmation coined by former general manager Sam Hinkie that became an homage to the exiled architect of the Sixers’ controversial rebuilding plan.
The 199 defeats compiled during Hinkie’s three-year reign in Philadelphia were much easier to swallow than the bitter pill the fan base was forced to ingest Wednesday night when the Boston Celtics eliminated the Sixers in five games. It’s easy to accept failure when you convince yourself there’s a master plan in place. For four seasons, Sixers fans stopped looking at the standings and started counting ping pong balls. Each loss got the team closer to landing an elite, franchise-altering prospect in the draft.
What happens, though, when the plan evolves from the abstract to the tangible? How do things change when a lottery selection morphs into an actual player? Will Sixers fans practice the same patience they showed during the Process years that will be required as the young talent coalesces into a formidable unit?
In the case of Markelle Fultz, I hope so. Fultz, whom the 76ers selected with the 1st pick in the 2017 draft after swapping spots with the Celtics, became a target of scrutiny during the Celtics series. While Jayson Tatum, the player Boston selected at 3, claimed a role in Brad Stevens’ starting rotation and thrived, Fultz rode the pine. Brett Brown did not call the rookie’s number once during the semifinal series, opting instead to hand the reserve point guard minutes to T.J. McConnell. McConnell seized the opportunity and played himself into the starting five by game 4.
Undoubtedly, Tatum vs. Fultz in the 2018 Eastern Conference Semifinals was no contest. While Fultz claimed 5 DNP’s, Tatum lit up the scoreboard. For the series, the Celtics rookie averaged 23.6 points, 3 rebounds, and 3 assists. He also made over 90 percent of his free throws, which Fultz might never do in his Sixers career. Most importantly, he was a difference maker on the court. The Sixers had a difficult time matching his combination of athleticism and physicality. He was a match-up nightmare for whichever Sixer drew the assignment to guard him.
The disparity between the contributions of the two players was so great that even Dr. J regretted the Sixers’ selection of Fultz over Tatum. It’s become accepted wisdom that Celtics GM Danny Ainge fleeced his Sixers counterpart, Bryan Colangelo, in the trade that enabled the Sixers to draft Fultz. In addition to the selection that landed them Tatum, Boston was given the Lakers pick that will finally convey in the 2018 draft, provided the pick lands in the 2-5 range. There is only a miniscule chance the Lakers pick moves from 10 to the 2-3 range, so the more likely outcome is the Sixers will send Boston the rights to the Sacramento Kings’ 2019 first round selection. Sacramento, a dysfunctional franchise that hasn’t sniffed the playoffs in over a decade, will probably remain in the lottery next season.
The 76ers parted with a promising asset in moving up for Fultz. Nonetheless, only a person viewing the situation through the prism of the present would declare the rookie a bust. Ironically, the play of McConnell in the series gives me hope that Fultz will prove to be a significant contributor on the court next season.
In Game 4, the Celtics were so concerned with the Sixers’ athletes stationed along the perimeter that they allowed McConnell to run wild. The Philly reserve-turned-starter went off for 19 points, providing a much-needed boost for a team on the ropes. With the Celtics determined to stop the three-pointer, McConnell had easy access to the basket. He drove at will, creating opportunities in the offense for himself and his teammates.
Once Fultz gets himself fully integrated into the Sixers’ starting rotation, he will present a similar challenge to defenses. With Simmons established as the primary ballhandler, Fultz can play off the ball. The offense can also run through him. If the three-point shooting he demonstrated in college finally translates to the professional game, Fultz will be another outside weapon for which teams will need to account while designing their game plans. He also has proven he can get to the rim at will, which will make the defensive strategy Boston employed in this series a much riskier enterprise. The Ringer’s Paolo Uggetti covered this very topic in a piece that is well worth your time.
Most importantly, the development of McConnell over the past three seasons should give us all hope that Brown and his staff will have a similar impact on the cultivation of the triumvirate of Fultz, Simmons, and Embiid. Two years ago, McConnell was an undrafted prospect who likely should have been exiled overseas or to the NBA’s development league. However, the 76ers’ unique situation afforded them the opportunity to provide a roster spot. They gave the former Arizona and Duquesne point guard the space he needed either to flame out or catch fire.
No one would have predicted that the same point guard who struggled to find his footing and run the offense during a 10-72 campaign would morph into a pivotal role player on a 50-win playoff team. If Brown and company can guide McConnell to professional success, why can’t they do the same for a more talented prospect like Fultz?
Even if the franchise cannot land an impact free agent this offseason, the Sixers are well-positioned to make a deep playoff run next year with a young core featuring two former #1 picks and a #3 pick who would have been the first selection barring injury concerns. The Simmons-Fultz-Embiid foundation will likely be augmented by the Lakers’ lottery selection. Can you imagine how a future Celtics-Sixers series plays out with, say, Mikal Bridges in the lineup supplying a desperately needed physical presence to combat the bruising tandem of Jaylen Brown, Marcus Smart, and Tatum?
Now is not the time to panic. Sure, it doesn’t look good that the Sixers lost to a team missing Gordon Hayward and Kyrie Irving. The Celtics are only going to get better.
But here’s the thing. So are the Sixers. Now, more than ever, it’s crucial that the franchise and its fan base stick to the one guiding principle that has defined the direction of the team over the past four years:
Trust the Process.
Trust the Process published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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allisonfitzgerald · 7 years
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aprilwilham · 7 years
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caredogstips · 7 years
Man v rat: could the long conflict soon be over? | Jordan Kisner
The Long Read: Rat spread infection, ravage crops and very sometimes eat beings alive. For centuries, we have struggled to find an efficient way of controlling their numbers. Until now
First, the stories. “There wasnt” super rats. Apart from a specific subtropical make, they do not get very big than 20 inches long, includes the fanny. They are not blind , nor are they so worried about “cat-o-nine-tails”. They do not carry rabies. They do not, as was indicated in 1969 viewing an island in Indonesia, fall from the sky. Their communities are not led by elusive, monstrous king rats. Rat skeletons cannot liquefy and reconstitute at will.( For some otherwise rational people, this is a genuine relate .) They are not indestructible, and there are not as many of them as we remember. The one-rat-per-human in New York City estimate is pure fiction. Consider this the good news.
In most other respects, the rat problem, as it has come to be known, is a perfect nightmare. Wherever humans travel, rats follow, forming shadow metropolitans under our metropolises and hollows beneath our farmlands. They thrive in our squalor, attaining dwellings of our sewers, vacated alleys, and forgot ballparks. They poison food, gnaw babes, undermine builds, spread malady, devastate crop furnishes, and very rarely eat parties alive.A male and female left to their own machines for one year the average lifespan of a town rat can beget 15,000 descendants.
There may be no prince rat, “but theres” rat lords, an organization of up to 30 rats whose tails have knotted together to form one monstrou, swirling mass. Rats may be unable to liquefy their bones to slide under doors, but they dont need to: their skeletons are so flexible that they can constrict their route through any pit or crack wider than half an inch. They are cannibals, and they sometimes titter ( kind of )~ ATAGEND specially when tickled. They can seem en masse, as if from nowhere, moving as fast as seven paws per second. They do not carry rabies, but a 2014 consider from Columbia University found that the average New York City subway rat carried 18 viruses previously unknown to discipline, together with dozens of familiar, hazardous pathogens, such as C difficile and hepatitis C. As recently as 1994 there was a major reappearance of bubonic haras in India, an distasteful flashback to the 14 th century, when that rat-borne illness killed 25 million people in five years. Collectively, rats are responsible for more human death than any other mammal on earth.
Humans have a peculiar talent for obliterating other species. In the case of rats, we have been pursuing their total demise for centuries. We have invented elaborated, horrific nets. We have trained hounds, ferrets, and “cat-o-nine-tails” to kill them. We have invented ultrasonic machines to drive them away with high-pitched racket.( Those machines, still popular, do not work .) We have poisoned them in their millions. In 1930, faced with a rat infestation on Rikers Island, New York City officials flushed the region with mustard gas. In the late 1940 s, scientists developed anticoagulants to plow thrombosis in humen, and some years later supertoxic versions of the medications were developed in order to kill rats by making them bleed to extinction from the inside after a single quantity. Cityscapes and farmlands were drenched with thousands of tonnes of these chemicals. During the 1970 s, we utilized DDT. These periods, rat poison is not just sown in the earth by the truckload, it is rained from helicopters that track the rats with radar in 2011 80 metric tonnes of poison-laced bait were dropped on to Henderson Island, home to one of the last untouched coral reef in the South Pacific. In 2010, Chicago officials croaked natural: figuring a natural piranha might track and kill rats, they secreted 60 coyotes wearing radio collars on to the city streets.
Still, here “they il be”. Harmonizing to Bobby Corrigan, the worlds conducting expert on rodent ascendancy, many of the worlds enormous metropolis remain totally overcome. In New York were losing that war in a big lane, he told me. Combat analogies have become a central boast of rat conference among pest limit professionals. In Robert Sullivans 2014 volume Rats, he described humanitys relation with the species as an unending and bestial battle, a battle we seem ever, always to lose.
Why? How is it that we can send robots to Mars, build the internet, keep alive infants born so early that their surface isnt even amply made and yet persist unable to keep rats from peril our food supplies, biting our newborns, and appearing in our toilet bowls?
Frankly, rodents are the most successful species, Loretta Mayer told me lately. After the next holocaust, both rats and Twinkies will be the only concepts left. Mayer is a biologist, and she contends that the rat problem is actually a human trouble, a result of our preposterous selections and lacks of curiosity. In 2007, she co-founded SenesTech, a biotech startup that offers the promise of an truce in a conflict that has lasted thousands of years. The abstraction is simple: rat birth control
The rats primary survival knowledge, as a species, is its disheartening charge of breeding. Female rats ovulate every four epoches, copulate dozens of times a day and continue fruitful until they die.( Like humans, they have sex for solace as well as for procreation .) This is how “theres going” from two to 15,000 in a single time. When poison or catches thin out its own population, they mate faster until their numbers regenerate. Conversely, if you can keep them from copulating, settlements collapse in weeks and do not rebound.
Solving the rat question by putting them on the pill voices ludicrous. Until recently no pharmaceutical concoction existed that could shape rats infertile, and even if it had, there was still the issue of how it could be administered. But if such a thing were to work, the impact “couldve been” historic. Rats would die off without the is necessary to poison, radar or coyotes.
SenesTech, which is based in Flagstaff, Arizona, claims to have created a liquid that will do precisely that. In experiments conducted in Indonesian rice fields, South Carolina pig farms, the outskirts of Boston and the New York City subway, the produce, called ContraPest, effected a fall in rat populations of approximately 40% in 12 weeks. This autumn, for the first time, the company is forming ContraPest available to commercial groceries in the US and Europe. The team at SenesTech believes it could be the first meaningful advance in the fight against rats in a hundred years, and the first workable alternative to poison. Mayer was weaken about the implications: This will change “the worlds” .
Mayer is a tall, vigorous lady in her mid-6 0s with bright eyes, spiky gray-haired whisker and a toothy grin. Her dogmata of selection are Buddhism and the Girl Scouts. Its various kinds of my core, she enunciated of the latter, to do for others. In gossip, her demeanour is so upbeat that she seems to be holding forth radiantly before an audience or on the brink of explosion into ballad. When wished to know how she is doing, she routinely reacts in a near-rapture: If I was any better, Id be a twin! she also appears to enjoy watching parties be interested to know whether this is an expression they should know.
When I took a seat in her office earlier this year, she applauded her sides triumphantly and articulated Ooh! Youre sitting outside record and strength! There was a breather. I had a feng shui party come and do my agency, she explained.
Loretta Mayer, CEO of SensTech, props up a test cup of the companys rat contraceptive formula. Photograph: Taylor Mahoney/ SenesTech
Mayer came to science later than customary, in her mid-4 0s, after a career in real estate development and a stint as the international vice president of Soroptimist, a global voluntary organisation dedicated to improving the lives of women. The job change was surprising, even to her. After a close friend expired abruptly of a heart attack, Mayer called up a biologist she knew and asked how something like this could have happened. The biologist “havent had” filling answer; she explained that while congestive heart failure in humanities had been thoroughly studied, little attention had been devoted to post-menopausal congestive heart failure in dames. Well youve got to change it, Mayer responded, scandalized. The biologist was otherwise occupied, so Mayer decided to do it herself. At 46, she penetrated a PhD programme in biology at Northern Arizona University.
After graduate school, her initial study as a prof of biology at Northern Arizona focused on artificially persuasion menopause in lab mouse so that she could analyze changes in the postmenopausal mettle. Three years into her efforts, Mayer was contacted by Patricia Hoyer, a peer in Phoenix, who said that she had stumbled across a substance that seemed to make mice infertile, without having any other outcomes. Together, Mayer and Hoyer synthesised a new complex, which they announced Mouseopause.
Shortly after Mayer and Hoyer published their work on Mouseopause in 2005, Mayer received a telephone call from a veterinarian in Gallup, New Mexico, who had read about her research. The Navajo reservation where he worked was overrun by wild puppies. There were too many to spay and neuter, so “hes been” euthanising virtually 500 a few months. If you are able do for a bird-dog what you can do for a mouse, I could stop killing bird-dogs out here, he told her.
Mayer describes herself as excessively connected to animals, dogs in particular. When she arrived in Gallup and identified the piled bodies, she agreed to measure Mouseopause on an initial group of 18 booking puppies. I held up that first puppy, who I called Patient Zero, she told me, and I pronounced, I dont know what this is gonna do to you, but you will live on a satin pillow the rest of your periods. The insertion saw the dogs infertile, but left them otherwise glad and healthy.( Mayer delivered home all 18 pups and built a kennel in her ground to house them until she could find residences for them with houses she knew personally. Patient Zero, renamed Cheetah, lived with her until she died of old age though the pillow was fleece .)
The next request received from Australia in 2006. Biologists there wanted an adaptation of Mouseopause for rats. Rats, they told her, were snacking 30% of the rice harvest in Australia and Indonesia. If she could reduce the rat person by even half, they claimed, the harvests that would be saved could feed millions of people.
Mayer was moved by the idea of finding a solution to rat overpopulation that was neither lethal nor noxious. Since its fabrication, rat poison has been our primary procedure of curbing rat people, but it is dangerous. Assimilated in high-pitched doses, its lethal to humen, and it poses a particular to children because it is sweet and brightly emblazoned. In the US alone, more than 12,000 brats per year, the majority of members of whom live below the poverty line, are accidentally poisoned by pesticide symbolize for rats.
The collateral mar incurred by rat poison likewise extends to the environment, leaching into the grunge and poisoning house babies, farm animals, and wildlife that feed on rats. Worst of all, rat poison is not very effective at eliminating large-scale infestations. As long as there was a meat generator, colonies bounce back, and, especially in Europe, rats has been an increase resistant to the poisons. As Mayer often enunciates, Doing the same concept over and over and expecting different ensues: isnt that the definitions contained in madnes?
Persuaded by the research, and by her bride, fellow biologist Cheryl Dyer, Mayer decided to devote her job to developing a new, smarter direction to control the rat person. In 2007, they founded SenesTech. Beings do never to invest with a husband and wife squad, Mayer joked to me. I speak, Oh absolutely not! Then you have preeminence. But wife and partner? Works enormous!
For Dyer and Mayer, the immediate problem was obvious: while the laboratories mice and feral bird-dogs had received injections in controlled studies, wild rats would have to eat the formula of their own choice. Rats are neophobic they forestall what they dont know. Whats more, municipality rats are already well fed. In New York City, for example, they have fresh bagels, pizza, defrosted ice cream and fried chicken in unending furnish. To attain, Dyer and Mayer had to stimulate the combination not just edible but delicious.
After a series of tests, they speedily settled on a liquid, rather than solid, formulation. Rats have to suck 10% of their own bodies heavines every day to survive, and so are always ogling out for something potable. We compared the[ two] and they urinate on the solid and drank the fluid, Dyer told me. Rats are pretty straightforward.
Where Mayer is tall and voluble, Dyer is short and broad-shouldered, quiet and succinct. She seems most comfortable behind the scenes, if exclusively because it is easier to get away with wearing Hawaiian-print shirts and no shoes. At SenesTechs headquarters, Dyers windowless office is right next to Mayers, and if Mayers office evokes Zen, Dyers evokes an island paradise. Incidents from Hawaii envelop her walls, hula( and rat) figurines row the shelves, and on her table sits a small wooden mansion, which does, WELCOME TO THE TIKI BAR. I still have a widescreen Tv, on which Dyer likes to watch old-time movies on soften all day.
It was Dyers job to acquire Mouseopause appetizing for rats a ticklish overture because its active ingredient, 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxide( VCD ), is fierce and caustic. Rats have the same smell advantages as humans they adoration fat and carbohydrate though Dyers experiments with various smells profiles indicated that their desire for both surpass ours.
She was also tasked with the greater challenge of adapting Mouseopause to work on rats, which are much hardier than mice. While VCD effected the eggs in mouse ovaries to decline rapidly, female rats were far less susceptible. Hoping for a complex gist, Dyer included two seconds active ingredient: triptolide, which stunted any germinating eggs. The solutions become better, but still not been enough. They precisely had smaller litters, goddammit, she said.
Eventually, out of a mixture of curiosity and madnes, she fed it to both males and females. The develop was drastic. It turns out that the triptolide destroyed sperm the males became sterile almost immediately after assimilating the formula. This was a total bombshell: no one had ever experimented triptolide on male rats before. It was dazing, Dyer told me. Totally unpredictable. Research after test: no puppy. She sighed. Man, you should have viewed the No Pup party. After three years of research and evolution, they had a make that worked and did not trauma other swine.( The active ingredients are metabolised by the rats body in 10 minutes, which means that any piranha that chews it is not affected, and the compound rapidly breaks down into inactive ingredients when it makes grunge or ocean .)
ContraPest, the finished product, is viscous and dessert. Electric pink and opaque, it tastes like nine packets of saccharine blended into two tablespoons of kitchen lubricant. Rats adoration it, Dyer added. Affection it. Mayer, who taste-tested every form during the development process, has not been able to say the same for herself.
In 2013, New Yorks Metropolitan Transit Authority( MTA) reached out to Mayer after hearing about SenesTechs early experiments to ask whether the company would experiment ContraPest in New Yorks metroes as part of a citywide effort to find brand-new, most successful alternatives to poison. Numerous municipalities dedicate manpower and fund to keeping the rats under control, but New York, which is more or less the rat capital of the western world, is the epicentre of anti-rat efforts. Every incoming mayor of New York shows his intentions for a enormous rodenticide Giuliani even commissioned a rat czar to oversee the carnage merely to leave the next guy even more to deal with.
Brown rat( Rattus norvegicus) rearing up. Guardian Design Photograph: Frank Greenaway/ Getty Images/ Dorling Kindersley
When the MTA officials contacted Mayer, she echoed, they were worried that the formula would not work on New York rats, which have the reputation of being bigger, tougher, and smarter than any other metropolitan rat in “the worlds”.( Norway rats, the species infesting New York, are not in fact the largest rat kind .) They requested Mayer whether they should send a few New York rats on a plane to Arizona so that SenesTech could experiment with them before coming to New York. No, I dont was just thinking, responded Mayer, entertained. I never met a rat I couldnt sterilise.
Mayer dispatched two of SenesTechs youngest scientists, women in their 20 s, to New York that are intended to test whether the formula was appealing enough. Would New York rats favor ContraPest to ocean or pizza? Wearing the most appropriate approximation of hazmat dress to protect themselves from the excrement, the scientists patrolled the metroes trash storage rooms under Grand Central Station. They planted bait chests filled with feed depots of ContraPest and then stood nearby, counting the rats that came in and out with clickers in order to racetrack how many rats were taking the bait. For six months, they baited and weighed, their suits at the end of each day in bleach.
The two young women went home to Arizona with good report: is not simply did the New York rats drink ContraPest, the drink actually worked on them. The measure approved the most important one hopes of the company there was an alternative to poison that would work, even in New York City, and they had observed it.
When humans and swine come together, there are selects. Mayer believes that if you understand the ecology of the swine and you understand your own ecology, then you and the animal will be able to coexist peacefully. After centuries of misperception and squeamishness, we are at last have a good clasp of rat ecology. Now the problem may be our hesitancy to look too carefully at ourselves.
In his 1983 journal More Cunning than Man, scribe Robert Hendrickson rolls the obvious spaces in which rats so well resemble humans: brutality, omnivorousness, adaptability to all climes, movement from east to west in the life journey of their species, reckless fecundity in all seasons, with a seeming need to prepare genocidal conflict on their own manner. He describes rats and men alike as utterly destructive, both taking all other living thing for their purposes.
Humanitys long struggle with rats predominantly signals the worst traits we share with them: our inability to live responsibly within environmental purposes; our bias toward hedonism and avarice; and our failures to look after the weakest among us. Going rid of them makes chastising ourselves first.
SenesTech is not alone in its to make efforts to organize a more sustained, responsible procedure of dissolving the rat difficulty. Its the job is heir to an existing method: integrated pest management, or IPM, which holds that if humans particularly city-dwellers took more care with their milieu, rats wouldnt thrive.
IPMs most vocal advocate is Bobby Corrigan, who has brought its principles to farmlands and metropolitans all over the world, most notably New York, which recently revised its rat domination program on his advice. Twice a year, he teaches the New York health departments Rat Academy, a three-day trained for manufacture professionals. This April, there used to be perhaps 100 attendees wedged into wooden theatre benches in a downtown auditorium, comprising feeble coffee and spongy muffins.
Corrigan is a thinnish, pale man, bald-pated except for a low-grade, wispy crown framing his ears. He invests his nighttimes on wall street or in basement recess analyse rats. Formerly, he lay in an alley with peanut butter spread around him all darknes so he had been able to get good photographs.( No, it wasnt safe. Yes, the latter are urinating on me. In grad school, you do crazy things .) He sees his work with utmost seriousness.
Heres what health professionals do, he said to his audience by way of introduction. He placed at a slip behind him and read aloud.
We protect the ceiling over folks chiefs . We protect the meat they snack . We protect their health, consolation and safety .
Im not saying this to pat us on the back. This is real. This is our job.[ Rat] get on airplanes. They chew on wires. They justification maladies. To me, this is the shot listen round “the worlds”. Then he spent 20 hours explaining how to divine datum from rat fells based on their moisture.
As the day wore on, Corrigans core message for his audience developed: struggle rats entails has undertaken to holistic attempts , not looking for a speedy, flashy mend. We love to spritz troubles away, Corrigan told me afterwards. A compound or a net, its a Band aid, and theyre Band Aids that come off very quickly. Instead, Corrigan highlights the fact that you first need to remove the rats food, then remove the rats shelter, and only then take lethal quantifies if you have to.
In theory, this solution is simple-minded. It does not involve radar or handguns. Instead, it necessitates eyelids for the trash barrel, and caulking for the rifts in foundations, or retaining our own little dens cleanse, as Corrigan articulates. It is the obvious answer, the one that has been sitting under our snouts for centuries: stop feeding them, stop housing them, and they will go away on their own.
The problem is that people, as the standard rules, favor the quick fix. Mounting out poison is easier; the ultrasonic machine looks cool. The sensible, labour-intensive alternative matches with defiance. Often, when Corrigan is called out to consult with a property owner, the owner rebuffs his advice, simply because following it would require too much contemplate, effort or expense.
And sometimes, even those who are willing to try his methods do not have the resources. Ricky Simeone, the director of pest ascendancy for New Yorks health department, explained to me that the neighbourhoods that struggle with the most difficult rat infestations are not the ones who file the most reports to its term of office. The poorest vicinities are very overwhelmed with other social or economic questions to file complaints or, worse, they consent rat infestation as one of the conditions of living in poverty.
Corrigan had reaffirmed that rats, particularly in metropolitans, affect the poorest of the poor more than the rich, because effective pest govern services are expensive. But he pointed out that no one absolutely escapes the rat question , no matter how rich. Municipalities such as New York make evident a universal truth. Were all accommodating mitts whether we know it or like it. Your rats are my rats. If the city blows it off, the sewer rats become everybodys rats. Rats are everybodys issue.
Everyone concludes, Its not my job, its someone elses job, Corrigan sustained. They envision, Oh I live in New York , no one can get rid of the rats in New York! He leaved a short sigh. We dont think we can do it alone, this is why we dont do anything as a group. As with all conditions that menace everyone but harassed the disadvantaged above all, developments in the situation is not better because we are not better.
Homo sapiens, Corrigan said to his audience at the Rat Academy. Does anyone know what this entails?
He smiled a grim little smile. Wise man.
Improving society is a collective project, but as Corrigan attests, it happens because individual beings make it their business to incite change. Mayer and Dyer, very, see this as their assignment. We have to be better stewards than this, Dyer told me strenuously. Were better than this. If SenesTech appears whimsicals in the endeavor, its founders do not seem to mind.
Rats are so longstanding a danger to humanity that contemplating an discontinue to the rat problem seems like a fiction. Photograph: AFP/ Getty Images
On a Tuesday night in August, Mayer and Dyer braced a revelry in their backyard of staff members and investors. The fellowship had just received US Environmental Protection Agency registration, a process that are typically takes times and often overheads more than companies of SenesTechs size can render.( The EPA is making an active great efforts to get rat poison off the markets in the US, and received word of SenesTechs science with enthusiasm .) Now, with the EPAs blessing, the company could take ContraPest to commercial-grade sells. Immediately, more than 100 calls and 200 emails came in with tell requests.
Mayer and Dyer live in a one-level wood hut a few miles north of downtown Flagstaff, in a wooded sphere near a subject of wildflowers. For the opportunity, they had cleared the back patio, where Mayer does her morning reflection and yoga, and replenished it with deck furniture and folding tables. The sunlight was coming down the San Francisco Peaks.
It was not a usual investors dinner, but then, SenesTechs nearly 700 stakeholders are primarily firefighters. While most biotech startups are funded by investment bankers and venture capitalists, Mayer chose to pursue funding from grant-giving the organizations and a multitude of private donors, all of whom built small investments, and each of whom Mayer knows by epithet. It was a pure accident of networking that so many of them shown itself to be firemen, but she is stimulated with the situation. Firefighters certainly believes in doing good, Mayer to present to me. And theyre like teenage girls. Formerly one of them invested, they all missed in.
There were perhaps 25 people investors, board members and SenesTech staff picked on the back terrace, ingesting tacos and drinking from Mayer and Dyers impressive liquor accumulation, but they constructed racket for 50. They were boisterous and caring, hugging one another, teasing each other, shouting old-time storeys to roarings of laughter, and clinking glass. About half the room seemed new and wearing Hawaiian patterned shirts.
When the time came for Mayer to pay a communication, she demurred for a moment before standing. Her toast altered briefly into an fable about flattening mouse skeletons in lasagna tins. But seriously, she mentioned, returning to her topic, We knew[ the working day] would come. Its enormous to be riding this motion with you. Its just so sweet. Glasses heaved into the air.
There was considerable work left to do: now that SenesTech had its national enrollment, it would have to file for registration in every position.( Since then, the company has registered in 11 US countries, and begun enrollment in the EU .) The manufacturing crew was hurrying to construct enough ContraPest to accommodate any such requests coming in.Dyer was working hard on modifications that would make the formula work in a variety of different milieu, and projecting alterations for different species. Mayer was preparing for a deluge of satisfies. While ContraPest has been effective in every experiment SenesTech has run in so far, there is a lot still to learn about how rats in different parts of the world will provide responses in it in the wild.
It sounds crazy: a banding of animal loversand firemen in the hills of Arizona, led by a Buddhist girl scout, making a pinks milkshake for rats that may eventually improve the lives of millions of people. They are unruffled by scepticism: In the middle of one interrogation, Mayer forgot a detail and yelled towards the door, Cheryl, who said to you, Thats exactly not how we do it? Dyer hollered back from the other area. Which day? In answer, they point to hard discipline, solicitations from governments and companies around the world, and an promotion from Stephen Hawking, who featured them on his documentary mini-series Defy New World.
Rats are so longstanding a danger to humanity that seeing an cease to the rat question and one that does not require us to kill them seems like a fantasize. They are, as Mayer herself applied it, a most successful species than us. Long after were moved, they will still be here. But the possibility of a peace seems closer than ever before. The answer in the future may lie wholly within biotechnology, answered Corrigan when I asked for his impressions.( He and Mayer consider themselves allies in awareness-raising campaigns to make sustainable solutions to the rat question. Mayer fondly recalls a nighttime rat safari she formerly took with Corrigan in New York .) The SenesTech product is a breakthrough, but it is still at the exceedingly infancy theatres of biotechnology for this species, Corrigan enunciated. This is going to be perhaps years of refinements and changing and experimentations. Were not moving yet. And were certainly not running.
Mayer, Dyer and their crew seem joyful at the prospect, and self-confident that they are doing the work of the future. Do you see this? requested Ali Applin, a senior member of SenesTechs staff. We were sitting in Mayers office, and Applin pointed to a little sign on the coffee table that read Make it so.
This is what she tells us, Applin said.
Mayer gestured, smiling. Thats what you need to do. I intend, why squabble over something and tell, I cant do that. Constitute it so. Find a practice. Theres always a way.
After a moment, she had another pondered. Youre genuinely gonna “re going to have to” do that, Ali, when you take this to Argentina soon. If we pondered Laos was hard I represent, my God. She grinned mischievously and folded her mitts together and pressed them to her forehead and replied a mantra. I wish you ease on the path to peacefulnes. I wish you an outcome to your suffering.
Follow the Long Read on Twitter at @gdnlongread, or sign up to the long read weekly email here.
This article was enhanced on 20 September 2016. An earlier version incorrectly was also pointed out that DDT is the active ingredient in Agent orange, and were of the view that C difficile is a virus.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post Man v rat: could the long conflict soon be over? | Jordan Kisner appeared first on caredogstips.com.
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ghaw2007 · 4 years
Albums of Inspiration
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ghaw2007 · 4 years
Albums of Inspiration
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