#barty: i packed enough socks
birlwrites · 2 years
will hocruxes still be a thing in ttdl? and if so are regulus and his homies gon have to go find and destroy them all??? i’m imagining barty and evan camping in the woods like the golden trio did and it’s cracking me up honestly
they will have to find and destroy the horcruxes but there will be absolutely minimal camping, because evan is prepared to do pretty much anything to avoid camping. he's never done it but he knows he hates it. a tent large enough for the main essentials of life (bed, shower, walk-in closet, candy drawer) improves the situation, but the fact remains that he'd be bored out of his skull after 3 straight days of no progress, and if you're camping on the horcrux hunt there is nothing else to do.
but also i'm envisioning barty and evan packing for their camping trip to find horcruxes and barty throwing spellbooks into one trunk and potions ingredients and equipment into another so they're Ready For Anything™ and evan installing an extra closet for his top 5 favorite broomsticks Just In Case, except for his very favorite which he's keeping at home where it's safe
evan rolling up to the tent on the morning they're supposed to leave: okay i got the last stuff i needed i'm ready to go
barty: do we actually need a potted plant and three bags of mini marshmallows--
evan: yes.
barty: is the plant useful at least
evan, in between handfuls of mini marshmallows: it brightens up the space
i can also see like. two months down the line. evan's persevering on the horcrux hunting front but he keeps dealing with his boredom by making illegal portkeys to go to diagon alley and find some new things for their tent. they now have six plants, two packed bookshelves, eighteen enchanted ceiling mobiles (one of them sang but evan got bored of this after ~15 minutes and ended that particular enchantment), a couch, an armchair, three area rugs, several landscape paintings, a full tea set, a bathtub, and a stained glass window. evan is considering getting a cat. or maybe a herd of peacocks like the malfoys have. or maybe a puppy--
if regulus is there, evan is at least less bored, and the horcrux hunt definitely goes faster, but regulus INDULGES evan's complaining about camping which means barty is in hell. fortunately for everyone, he tends to take his feelings out on death eaters, which means regulus's side is doing great, but evan should probably invest in an additional wing on the tent just for space purposes
and then if evan does get a cat, it will adore barty, which barty thinks is HILARIOUS
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poetskings · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic | April 18: sock | 1.6k
James is sexiled and decides to spend time with Regulus.
There’s a sock on the door knob.
It’s been a long day and James is tired and there’s a fucking sock on the door knob and if he listens close enough he can hear soft grunts.
He’s happy for Sirius and Remus, really, he is, he just wishes that they’d fuck at Remus’ every now and then, and at least keep it to the bedroom.
Sirius and James share a college flat with Peter, Marlene and Lily, so there aren’t many options when they’re all out. Today,  James knows that Peter and Lily have chess club, and Marlene’s training for the women’s boat race, so it’s only him who’d be around.
He sighs and turns around, sending Regulus a text as he goes.
Been sexiled – your dorm free?
He’s walking before he’s received a response – he’s almost positive that the answer will be ‘yes’, and he hasn’t seen Regulus in a week, so they’re long overdue a catch up.
Their friendship was one of the more unexpected things to come out of Regulus bucking centuries of Black tradition and instead following in his brother’s footsteps, choosing Cambridge over Oxford. He settled in nicely to Corpus Christi, flying through his first few years as a history undergraduate while Sirius and James chose Trinity instead.
It took a while but slowly and tentatively Sirius and Regulus attempted to heal their relationship, strained by Regulus’ years at Harrow after Sirius packed up and left when he was sixteen, dropping out and enrolling at a local state school instead. They’re much better now; their barbs at each other aren’t quite as jagged. There’s love there, now, rather than just animosity.
As Regulus and Sirius attempted to mend their relationship, James and Remus had been called in early on to mediate, or sometimes it was Regulus’ friends, Evan and Barty, or even Pandora. From those early tentative meetings in neutral territory, new and interesting friendships bloomed, most of all between Regulus and James.
From early study sessions, it evolved into coffee dates and library outings, and when Remus and Sirius sorted their shit out it became even more frequent – the pair never make James feel like a third wheel, but nonetheless they deserve time to themselves, even if James would prefer for them not to fuck on every and any available surface in their dorm.
Regulus is a comforting presence for James; he doesn’t demand anything of him. James is naturally an extrovert; always the centre of a room, but sometimes he needs to recharge, and Regulus lets him do that. He reminds James of calm waters on a spring day, and whenever James needs to quiet his mind, he finds the youngest Black. He only hopes he offers Regulus some of the same comfort in return.
That, and maybe something more. Maybe he hopes that one day there’s a sock on his door knob, and that the reason is Regulus..
James is drawn out of his thoughts as his phone dings.
Sure – text me when you’re here, will come meet you
It’s a five-minute walk but James makes it there in two, calling Regulus to get him to buzz him in. He’s a familiar figure amongst the second years at Corpus, and he’s pretty sure a few of them will have also texted the youngest Black to alert him to James’ presence.
The college door opens and Regulus emerges, dressed in sweatpants and a Trinity rowing sweatshirt that James left last time he was over. He’s so lovely, James thinks, an impulse he doesn’t know how to control; isn’t sure he wants to control it.
“Sexiled, huh?” Regulus holds the door open as James steps through, falling into step with each other and walking up a flight of stairs to reach Regulus’ dorm. It’s empty, although that isn’t uncommon for Regulus. Barty and Evan hold unsociable hours, and Regulus, Pandora and Dorcas have a frankly insane amount of extracurriculars to attend, so they’re rarely together.
“There was a sock on the front door and I’m pretty sure I could hear noises so I didn’t want to risk it,” James says, settling himself in the kitchen, finding Regulus’ mug and a new one with a deer in glasses; a ‘congratulations’ for James’ performance in the inter-college boat races that’s become a permanent fixture in Regulus’ dorm.
He locates the teabags; Yorkshire for James, organic for Regulus, before turning back to the mugs.
“I don’t blame you – those two seem to spend more time fucking than not – it’s a minor miracle they get any work done,” Regulus chuckles, gently bumping James’ hip to get to the fridge, taking out his oat milk and James’ rice milk.
They settle into the routine like it’s second nature; they’re familiar with each other in a way that’s almost intimate. They stand together waiting for the kettle to boil, perhaps a bit too close for it to be entirely platonic, but James isn’t going to move away if Regulus doesn’t.
He always feels like they’re teetering on the edge of something more than what they are, something better, but for all of James’ bravery, he isn’t sure how to make the next move, and he doesn’t want to wreck this peace that Regulus and his brother have been working so hard on.
“So, how was your day?” Regulus asks, tilting his head to better look at James. He looks unbelievably soft in James’ jumper and James thinks that if he just moves his pinkie he can link it with Regulus’.
“Exhausting. I had rowing first thing and a few readings to do for my supervision that I’d completely missed,” James sighs. He loves his degree but he’s never been as organised as Regulus, who seems to have work done almost before it’s set. “Also, I spent a solid ten minutes looking for that jumper.”
A light blush creeps up Regulus’ cheeks at that. “Sorry, you left it here after practice last week so I washed it but completely forgot to text you.”
A smile falls across James’ face. “You’re fine, Reg, and besides, it suits you. I guess I should get myself a Corpus one to match, huh?” He smirks as the red of Regulus’ cheeks becomes more pronounced.
The kettle whistles and Regulus turns away from James to fill their cups. “James Potter, behave yourself.” He hip checks James again, this time with a bit more force. Except he doesn’t move back. He stays there, leaning against James, and James feels like his entire body’s a livewire.
The tightrope they’re walking is getting more taut, and James finds himself eager for the fall.
“But Regulus, dearest, where’s the fun in that?” He leans forward, entirely too close for it to be platonic, and Regulus is turning, turning-
“Ow! Fuck!” James forgot about the fact that Regulus was holding a kettle of boiling water, and he’s paying for that now. Water splashes over the counter as Regulus rushes to put the kettle down, taking James’ hand and leading him over to the tap.
He turns the cold water tap on, letting it flow over their entwined hands. He is too still, too silent, and James wants to go back to where they were. He wants the tightrope back. He wants to fall.
He can be brave, he thinks, if it means he gets to have something with Regulus.
Regulus is staring intently at their entwined hands, like it’s the most fascinating thing in the universe, and James breaks the silence.
“What are we doing, James? We’ve been tiptoeing around each other for weeks and it’s driving me insane and I want to be around you all the time and I think I’m already half in love with you so I’d love if you can clear up what this is,” he states, false bravado injected into his tone, but James can hear the tremors. He’s so nervous, but so brave. Regulus Black, the Lion Heart.
It takes a while for the words to register in James’ head.
James removes his hand from the running water, ignoring the slight sting and the inevitable burn that will be left. He cups Regulus’ cheek, forcing the younger boy to look at him. Regulus is terrified, but so hopeful.
“Reg, I- I want-” James runs his hand through his hair in frustration. He can’t get his words out.
“Jamie?” Regulus’ voice is so soft, as though he’s worried he’ll scare James off, and the only thing James can do is kiss him.
Regulus’ lips are rough, a bit chapped from where he nibbles on them when he’s nervous. He tastes of tea and cinnamon and James wants to devour him. There is nothing soft about it. James’ tongue darts out, soothing Regulus’ lips, and the younger boy lets out a moan that’s pure filth and ecstasy and James is falling, falling, fallen.
He wants to do this forever.
His hands find their way to Regulus’ waist, tracing the skin underneath the Trinity sweater that’s been driving James insane since he first saw Regulus wearing it. It’s his, it’s him.
They break apart to breathe and James attaches his lips to Regulus’ neck, marking, claiming. He can’t think beyond this moment, beyond the boy in front of him.
“Jamie, we should- we need to-” he cuts himself off, broken sighs escaping his lips as he tangles his hands in James’ hair.
James reluctantly removes himself from Regulus’ neck, taking the boy’s face in his hands. “Do you want this, Reg? Do you want me?”
Regulus’ eyes trace James’ face, and whatever he sees softens him.
“Always, Jamie.” And James is lost.
They’ll talk about it later, as the sunlight paints the walls of Regulus’ room, but this is enough for now. For ever.
And if Barty finds a sock on the door knob when he comes back from the library, well, that’s between him and Regulus.
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blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 17
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 -
The dim Hospital Wing sat on the other side of your enchanted doorway that you passed into giving the Professors a weak grin in their relieved exhales seeing you safely back again under their watch. Wetting your lips you paused peering up at Albus drawing your hand from your jean pocket to pass him the ruby awkwardly cut stone, “I, um, this was in my pocket, when I woke up.”
Albus grinned accepting the stone, “Thank you. Nicholas will be grateful it was not stolen.”
You nodded, taking a faltering step before saying, “Hagrid didn’t mean for anyone to get past Fluffy.”
Albus’ brows rose then he nodded, “Of course not. I would never imagine blaming Hagrid for Fluffy being bested.” You nodded again and he continued seeing the doubt in your eyes, “Riddle managed to gain knowledge on a great deal of our defenses this year. I will see to it Hagrid is free of any blame. There will be no scapegoats for this attack.”
Steadily after your turn you made your way to your empty bed where Sirius laid out holding you tightly after you had taken the Dreamless Sleep Draught making you melt across his chest and side in a deep sleep. In your heavy drop into sleep Quirrell’s body was moved in an enchanted casket for transport to secure the curse with his body steadily turning to ash inside.
“What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows.” Albus quipped out stirring you to roll onto your back to find Severus blowing onto a steaming bowl of soup he was stirring for you.
Inching up he gave you a soft grin, “Sirius and Regulus are off in Hogsmeade gathering more treats for you all. Plus, new shipment of socks last week,”
“Ooh.” He chuckled as you sat up against your pillows accepting the bowl from him after brushing your black curls from your face, “Any news on detention for me yet?”
Snape chuckled shaking his head, “No. In fact you were awarded 150 points collectively from the Professors with fifty each for the twins and Cedric. Ronald received 50, Hermione as well with 60 for Neville for trying to attack Quirrell and ten for Harry.” Your brow inched up as he added, “For being kidnapped, I suppose.”
Giggling softly you asked, “Why those challenges?”
Snape grinned, “When we heard from you who was in the castle we had to grant you a personalized path to the mirror. Flitwick, I believe, took the most liberty.”
“Oh yes, waltzing and singing no doubt it would have been funnier to have Riddle take that path and give me the chess match.”
Making him chuckle again, “True.”
Not a few moments later Neville woke and moved to your bed to sit by you, accepting your hug and peck on the forehead as he delved into his night as Hermione finished her own bowl of soup across from you chatting with the twins and Percy through Cedric’s being roped into another chess battle with Ron on your right.
The start of dinner found you freed into the gossiping populous again for the brief eulogy for Quirrell, after which Dumbledore declared the quarter mark exams canceled earning groans from a select few in the hall including you, the twins, Hermione and Percy while the others cheered. The unexpected death freed up one thing however, in the Hospital Wing you had sent word to the Unicorn herd through Idris, who gladly led them back into the forest calming them that the threat was gone.
Thankfully you had the weekend to recover, with Hagrid especially inviting you all to tea in his hut to thank you for your words to Albus; Snape and Barty as well in an approved dinner at the Hog’s Head in Hogsmeade with pre baked desserts for you as they listened to your worries and understandable bad dreams.
But in the end of the two days you all were heading back into the courses again with Dumbledore heading your double DA courses he once again assigned to each of you like the year before.
Wednesday rolled around and marked Halloween, meaning the halls were filled with glowing pumpkins and the usual decorations. Though at the reminder of the loss of your family on top of Quirrell you weren’t able to force out a usual festive tinge to your hair without a hair dying potion shifting your hair to a pale peach. Candy and treats filled your evening easing your crash for a nap before your Astronomy class.
News of what had happened rippled through the Wizarding world, all mainly argued by Fudge who still held to the notion that Riddle was dead. Though through it all you were calmed mainly at the fact that Opal and Norberta were getting along swimmingly with the latter having grown several pounds and nearly a foot already in length and height. That with an added bonus that Tulip was free to wander the grounds once again after she had shed her last skin completely finally greatly easing her mood.
Down in the Chamber you carefully eyed the skin Tulip agreed for you to take out so she wouldn’t have to shred it herself. Shrinking it down you eased it inside a charmed glass jar. Once you had checked on the potions brewing in your office you collected your latest batch for your wolfsbane customers then went upstairs to send the vial and a copy of Cedric’s story about your time with the Chimera off to Newt after reading his latest letter to you checking to see if you were ok.
Another trip to Hogsmeade came at the end of November just a week ahead of your first Quidditch match, which along with your tutoring lessons with the first years had certainly helped to bring you back to yourself at the extra practices you were able to sneak in with late practices at your pitch at home. A single awkward gust of wind slamming Cedric into Cho’s lap after his having caught the snitch granted him the ego boost to flounder his way into asking her out to the Hogsmeade trip coming up the next week.
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Five full days of awkward blushing grins and not so subtle stares at you each time you came to join them with the twins finally snapped the sweet Ravenclaw’s nerve. All in your latest trip up to the Ravenclaw dorm to help Draco with his latest assignment for extra credit in History of Magic after having gotten a lower score than he wanted in the latest exam. Coincidentally your cousin shared the dorm with Cho and a couple seventh years, the third of which had taken up the Head girl dorm for extra privacy.
Pausing in the doorway in her class break Cho wet her lips spotting you at Draco’s desk built into the wall by his bed in a setup similar to yours. Straight to her desk she moved to set her bag down then awkwardly inched closer to your side until you tilted your head back flashing her a grin. “Hi Cho. Oh, Cedric was wondering if I could subtly learn from Draco what color scarf you were going to wear for Hogsmeade.”
“Oh, um. I suppose my house scarf.”
You nodded with a chuckle, “Then he will choose his accordingly.” On a stool she drew over she gained another grin from you saying, “Did you have a color choice in mind for him?”
Draco beside you brought out another book to add a quote from it saying, “She thinks you like Cedric.” Your brows inched up as her mouth dropped open  looking at Draco, “But she didn’t know how to ask.”
An awkward giggle left you and you caught her eye as she blushed closing her mouth to hear you say, “Um, I mean, he’s not, bad looking. More like my brother though, we share a dorm, and he’s crazy about you, so if that’s all you’re worried about please don’t be. He’s one of my first best friends outside our jumbled family, so ya, I’ve got a soft spot for him but nothing to worry you about. All family, besides, we haven’t fully examined my family tree, we might be related.”
Her grin eased out and she nodded eyeing the books asking Draco, “Project for Binns?”
Draco nodded, “I’m trying to get the dimensions for the Whispstick Colony for a model. I heard he enjoys a good model to add to his collection. Sometimes even more than essays.”
Cho drew in a breath, “You know, there’s an old bound set of blueprints that might include that in the library.” At that you all stood and made your way down to the library. There Draco was thrilled to find just what he needed so he could race back up to his dorm for a pop up work station Regulus had sent him inside a suitcase he had found and gifted to Draco in one of the rooms of your house stocked with all the supplies he needed for his model crafting hobby he had gotten into over the summer with Neville.
Adorably enough in your Hogsmeade trip with the twins and Professors you kept sneaking glances at the new lovebirds eventually as you had bet money on made their way into the pink painted tea house full of couples soon joined by the timid pair enjoying their first date, soon edging their way to a first kiss. Lunch after at the castle had Cedric over at her table with Draco claiming the bare spot between you showing you the progress picture of his project so far after having taken a picture of the couple for his house paper’s gossip column he was helping to fuel for extra credit points.
The project once completed just in time for the last week of classes secured him a solid O for the semester matching his straight O’s for the rest of his classes while you managed your minefield of an exam schedule for each of your teachers to test your abilities. None of whom were stunned to find you and the twins keeping up your solid O average while Percy took his trio of E’s on his practice OWLS filling up the final week right up until the day before you rode home.
Eagerly Draco packed and waited, soon to be joined by Hermione and your cousins and Ron you all led out to the front hall to make the walk to the Thestral drawn carriages heading out to Hogsmeade station. Drowsily you laid out across the booths with the twins as Cedric and Cho shared the car with her friends behind you chatting away letting you sleep off your late night with Hagrid consoling him when Filch had informed Dumbledore of his secret pet.
A late night sneak mission from two of Charlie’s two best dragon ground buddies came out to fetch Norberta through the enchanted doorway to silence any worries about her being taken by the Ministry. The effect of the separation of Hagrid and Opal from their little friend eased only by the fact they were both spending the holidays with you and the Weasley brood, minus Molly and Arthur who had gone to spend Christmas with at his first year away.
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Fully charged with Ginny’s care, who was elated to be with you all again and to hear what you all had faced this semester. The station however brought an unexpected surprise, a house elf with a quirky smile stood at Regulus’ side drawing his gaze to him until you showed up and he let out an eager squeak. Inching closer to Draco you watched your cousin look to the Elf moving to claim his trunk, “Allow me Master Draco. Mistress Malfoy transferred me to your possession.”
Those words froze the teen along with Hermione who looked at him asking, “Possession?”
Gently George nudged her forward mumbling, “Ixnay on the ossessionpay in the station.”
Your arm circled Draco’s shoulders as he whispered to you, “Why would Mom send me Dobby?”
“Um, maybe extra protection.”
Draco peered up at you, “Any extra suits? I don’t want him to think I’ll treat him how Dad does.”
Leaning in to kiss the top of his head you replied, “We’ll see what we have at home.”
His arm eased around your middle for the walk through the King’s Cross station beside Regulus. Your trunks added to an enchanted bag on his hip easing your stroll out through the streets to an empty alleyway where you eyed the Knight bus driving up after Regulus raised his wand into the air. Your entire group filled the lower floors free selection of armchairs that skidded and slid around the floor until you came to a stop a few blocks away from the Grimmauld Place entrance.
Fully decked out with the holiday décor you eyed K in his usual greeting for you only to look down at Dobby in his anxious path inside after Draco. A grin eased onto your face saying to K, “Draco’s parents sent Dobby to help take care of him for some reason.”
K nodded eyeing Dobby’s pillow case with a disapproving scowl before saying to him, “I will show you Master Draco’s bedroom.”
Dobby trotted after K and you glanced at the twins in front of Barty who tagged along as you said, “We should probably find Dobby some clothes before K throws a fit.”
Barty chuckled as George stated, “He does have standards from you.” You giggled guiding them up to the attic, where Barty’s lips parted eyeing the seemingly endless supply of clothes rack you had organized years ago.
“Okay, Malfoy crest or Black crest?”
Draco, “I think Black crest would be best. So dad can’t claim him later.”
You nodded, “Good choice.” Nipping at your lip you moved to the childrens racks where you found a vest and short set in a similar cut but different color to K’s with a short sleeve shirt underneath in festive silver and blue with snowflakes stitched across the vest. Shrinking it just a tad you passed it over to Draco, who hurried downstairs to go and find his new house elf.
In his room he located the pair of elves who eyed the boy, K, who grinned seeing what he was holding upholding the new tradition for the Black family. Nearing Draco Dobby asked, “Does Master Draco wish for Dobby to wash this suit for him?”
Draco shook his head, “No. It is yours.” Dobby’s mouth fell open, “If you would still like to look after me I wouldn’t want you wearing a pillowcase. You wouldn’t be a servant anymore, just like K. You are free to go if you wish, but if you stay these are for you.”
Dobby cradled the clothes and teary eyed started bouncing up and down elatedly cheering, “Dobby is free! Dobby is free!” When he calmed a few moments later he neared Draco again, “Thank you! Master has given Dobby a fine suit to wear. Dobby will wear it proudly and serve Master well.”
Draco nodded then looked to K, “You do get a salary, correct?”
K nodded, “Yes, Mistress Jaqi has rewarded Kreacher finely for decades of service to the Black Family.”
Draco looked to Dobby, “How much would you like to be paid?”
Dobby, “Pa-, Paid?!” his eyes lowered and in a pivot of his head and twitching ears through his mind racing he found an amount answering in a tilt of his head, “Dobby would like a galleon and a day off each month, if agreeable to you, Master Draco.”
Draco nodded extending his hand that Dobby eyed curiously, “You have a deal.” A grin split awkwardly onto the elf’s face and he clasped the boy’s hand for an over eager shake before turning to K asking for help in putting his clothes on as Draco excused himself to help you inspect your snake room for any needed repairs and some overdue measurements.
Barty, joining you again peered between you asking, “Was your elf always wearing a suit?”
You shook your head saying, “No, I gave it to him when I was little. He has done a lot to keep me safe after Mum died. Why?”
Barty, “My family elf got freed when I ran away. Of course I called out to her right after I had heard. She has always been kind to me even under my father’s orders to keep me locked away. I might borrow your idea.”
You grinned, “Up to you. Certainly won’t be upset for starting a trend like this.” Making him chuckle and turn to eye your snakes and then Opal in her blind path straight for you to climb up to your shoulders with a sigh in missing Norberta.
All the way through New Years you enjoyed your break off of school along with the dental appointment, of which Barty was puzzled you all so freely volunteered to go until he tagged along seeing it was Hermione’s parents that worked there. A sudden trip away while the boys snuck off, to once again inspect the cloak Harry had found in his room from a secret gift giver, took you on New Years morning secured you another rare snake breed on a tip from a dingy breeder close to selling it to some clueless muggle. A find easing a great deal of favors you had to pull each time you needed more of this style of venom for a few potions you were tweaking before offering up for sale in your small supply of products.
The full break you wondered what to write to your aunt Petunia between visits from Neville’s parents and baby sister now up and waddling around after her older brother when together. The simple holiday card sat painfully in yours and Petunia’s mind compared to how lengthy your previous letters had been the year prior. But one week to go you finally caved in and shared with her how heavily your losses had been weighing on you as well as a continued hope that how your first meeting could be looked past for some sort of time together or form of communication at least to mend the gap between you.
In school again right away on top of your lessons with the first years you had Percy joining in as well using your prior tutoring tips for his benefit to help him try for the full 12 OWLS offered. Hogsmeade trip would arrive once again in a couple weeks and in a request Fred had agreed to take Angelina Johnson from Gryffindor up on her request to spend the day with her on a fake date to keep a seventh year from pestering her on her trying to focus on school.
A request that came on the first day back again that Fred leapt on the chance to focus entirely on the farce to play it up on the seventh year who was baffled at the seemingly love struck Weasley always somehow around to thwart his plans. By the second week Angelina was floored seeing just how fun the dubbed Weasley Triplets were against Alicia’s one sided feud, a grin always on her face each chance she got to spend with you all. The act itself calming any worries you would have a problem with how welcoming you were to the new addition to your group, and contently she settled that even though they were only fake dating she had some unquestionably loyal friends.
The third Quidditch match was next, and in support of Cho you all joined Cedric in rooting her on against Slytherin. Support she clearly needed in the snow storm growing by the hour until the final snitch was caught by Terrence but far too early with their lag behind in points still securing Slytherin’s loss.
Alone with Fred you shopped trying to give George some space while inspecting what was new until you had to duck at the awkward swoop of your owl arriving with a letter you accepted in its second swoop to land on your raised arm.
George couldn’t help but laugh reading the letter with you about Norberta being dubbed too unruly and refusing to accept the Dragon herd’s laws as her own leaving one solution, he had ‘faked her death’ and snuck her to your home through the doorway with the help of the dragons. Who all agreed she was welcome to visit again when it came time to breed along with Opal, of whom she refused to keep from bringing up as well as the life she had been forced into before you had freed her.
Cackling for a few moments you turned eyeing the Inn. There Hagrid had mournfully joined you for a cup of tea, a mood that would be shattered when you passed him the letter widening his grin. He passed the letter back with a request to set up some visitations so he could check in on his girl to hear all about her time away.
Valentines day split up the week leaving for an awkward fumbling of flowers and candies between the clear prank gifts you had offered on anonymous cards left in each homeroom. Glitter bombs and swarms of paper birds that would keep flying around the heads of those opening the fake gift boxes with an added bonus of your new pixie petals, fake flower pins given to students who then smell flowers nonstop with hourly petal flurries and puffs of pollen while their hair and eyes turn bright pink remaining so even after removing the pins. The pranks were easily traced back to you and even at his public telling off of you three Flitwick after your next Choir practice informed you he was giving you 20 points each for the masterful charms.
The next week brought with it the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff for a clear win in your favor at Cedric’s stealing the snitch right out from under Harry’s nose in the pouring rain. A few weeks again brought on another trip to Hogsmeade, this one with you all in large groups enjoying the signs of early spring that would no doubt be gone by lunch just a few days before Easter break.
Where Christmas had time for your father and uncle to get off along with Remus in altering days Easter had them in full swing at a parade of enchanted cars were being led back to their manufacturers for a companywide glitch in their invisibility cloaking device they drew the short straw on overseeing alongside Arthur.
A short week was the break you used to your advantage to explore and focus on your store room and new products down in the Chamber. In the empty halls Percy used the space to his advantage to practice charms and spells against you all in turns grateful for the extra practice while Hagrid used the empty grounds and break for Filch to have Norberta back in his hut again wearing an enchanted harness to help her control her size she loved as it aided in her sneaking around.
March ended and as always, at least for those who were aware your shared birthday on April first was coming up and in true Weasley fashion something extraordinary was expected to happen. The Professors however advised otherwise, like they always did and at a last minute change due to expected weather forecast classes after lunch were canceled to allow an early playing of the Puffs against Slytherin. The green and silver did all they could to best your team as always yet once again they failed miserably and using the game as cover a party was now allowed and not so subtly a large supply of cupcakes were sent to your dorm along with a smaller cake for the three of you coated in thirteen candles you blew out.
Hogsmeade came again, this time in may as tensions grew among the fifth years and even in your spotty quidditch rivalry Oliver Wood joined in on your study sessions in hopes of getting great grades. Even just as third years you felt the pressure yourself eyeing the set final exam schedules aiding those with time turners to take theirs hours later over the weekends once the OWL exams were through for the day. 12 exams played out and each of the fifth years in the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw teams were relieved to blow off some steam in the final match of the year while the rest of you took the chance to let out your agitation built up in shouts for the teams of your choice.
A final dinner was set out before you in the Puff banner filled hall at your winning the House cup with Slytherin a few points below yours while Ravenclaw cheered at having bested you by cumulative points collected weighed against penalties giving them the Quidditch cup. Each of your Professors wished you the best and hoped you would take their summer suggested studying books and packets they had set up for those willing students up for the challenge.
Pt 18
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