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numbdarkjedi66 5 years ago
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You might not know this...... but its off season. This time every year is when we start rebuilding our cars and our team, all based off what we learned from the previous year. Since this year has been such a huge learning experience, given it was my first year, we have a lot of huge improvements to be made this off season. I can promise that Next year will be my fastest and most competitive year for our Team. Huge shoutout to my sponsors, my friends, and my team mates, and my family. With out these people we couldnt of made this year as rad as it was. Next year is going to be the year of the shred. #keepshredn #yearoftheshred 馃馃馃馃馃馃馃敟 Sponsors/friends/team/Family: @haagperformance @mazdamike55 @dominic42 @justinkinder @kindersbbq Tom's Garage @joyota92 @bigmike5958 @rocketman.dan @smileygrandma @_kid_codi @rick.smiley.735 @flex.with.lex @8smileys @_amr16_ @meadperformance @drift_federation @mcginnis_racer22 #bartonoverheaddoors #smileysautosales #racing #racecar #california #hoosiertires #latemodel #asphaltracing #nascarracing #v8sound #builtnotbought #driftfederation #fivestarbodies #haagperformance #monsterenergy #californiaspeedway #gofast #westcoastracing #passion #motivation (at Tuolumne, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5IlT6wh820/?igshid=1cpyuakh61t14
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numbdarkjedi66 6 years ago
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Its official!! Thanks to my good friend @dominic42 , I have official autograph cards ! So stoked how they turned out. I can not express how pumped I am about these cards and the upcoming race. We got a setup on the car, and I feel like this car will be hooked up!. What do you guys think? Keep shred'n, myfriends! @haagperformance @drift_federation @meadperformance #bartonoverheaddoors @hoosiertire @summitracing @five_star_bodies #haagperformance #driftfederation #meadperformance #racing #stockton99 #california #america #nascar #hoosiertires #summitracing #fivestarbodies #racecardriver (at Sonora, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzYw2AABfaJ/?igshid=50myiwhw5irl
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numbdarkjedi66 6 years ago
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I cant believe how rad this car turned out! Whoes ready for the big 3rd of July Race ?! Its going to be a huge car turn out and a huge firework show. So you're going to want to buy your tickets quick. Come out and hangout with me, as we shred for 125 laps! My first hundred lapper! So stoked. Keep shred'n Myfriends! #keepshredn @haagperformance @drift_federation @meadperformance #smileysautosales #bartonoverheaddoors @summitracing #racing #racecars #nascar #drifting #hoosiertires #summitracing #toyotaracing #haagperformance #driftfederation #cocacola #autometer #supercars #racer #fivestarbodies #msdignition #california #californiaracing (at Sonora, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzD4900hIyC/?igshid=1jfypeyyqyo4i
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numbdarkjedi66 6 years ago
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Todays the day, myfriends! Second race in the 2019 Stockton 99 Late Model championship. We got the car dialed in and ready to go ! Fresh new look is coming out to the track. Special thanks to my core sponsors @haagperformance Boogity, boogity, boogity, lets go Shred'n!!!!!! #keepshredn Sponsors: @haagperformance @kinderssauce @meadperformance #randystires @drift_federation #bartonoverheaddoors #smileysautosales #smileysservicecenter #haagperformance #latemodels #nascar #hoosiertires #hoosier #summitracingequipment #stockton99speedway (at Tuolumne County, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv7QBhyBCQq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=25b9btz9d2vu
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numbdarkjedi66 6 years ago
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LAST NIGHT was incredible. My very FIRST race and my first time driving with our new car. I can not believe we've come this far. I learned a lot about my car and a lot about how I need to drive. We have a fair amount of work to get ready for the next one, but we have a way better idea about where I need to and what we need to adjust. Get ready everyone! Cause we're bring the shred to @stockton99speedway in less than 2 weeks. Just want to shout out to give a shout out to @dominic42 for getting me into this mess we call racing. And all my sponsors that have helped me get here! @haagperformance #bartonoverheaddoors #randystires @meadperformance @drift_federation @kinderssauce #smileysautosales (at The New Stockton 99 Speedway) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvaGGkyhCke/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=178msc90dqbf5
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numbdarkjedi66 6 years ago
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Try to tell me its not race day, baby !!! RACE DAY!!!! Pardon the lack of stickers, killer designs on the way. Stockton 99 is where its going down at 6pm. Come out for a rad night of racing. Time to shred ! #keepshredn Sponsors: @haagperformance #bartonoverheaddoors @meadperformance #randystires @kinderssauce #smileysautosales @drift_federation #hoosier #haagperformance #racecarparty #racingbros #driftfederation #drifting #driftcar #toyotaracing (at The New Stockton 99 Speedway) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvXoxrqhk6j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13z5rlgl0ajjs
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numbdarkjedi66 6 years ago
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Making a little last minute switch before the race on sat... our powerglides front pump busted again due to a valvebody issue, but that wont hold us back! Thank you Joe for coming through! I can not believe the amount of people that have gone out of there way to make racing my life. Its been truly amazing to meet so many rad people, even before ive even been to my first race. Saturdays race might be rained out ! But fingers crossed. Sponsors: @haagperformance @bartonoverheaddoors @meadperformance @drift_federation #randystires @kinderssauce Smileysautosales #haagperformance #bartonoverheaddoors #meadperformance #kinders #kindersbbq #smileysautosports #driftfederation #racing #racscar (at Tuolumne, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvPKfNCB3hg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=197xel2xmo2us
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