#bart: opps spoilers (young justice)
onelittlesparkx · 3 years
metaphorically and literally. The Reach tech he was forced to lug around seemed to get heavier every day. So did the feeling of responsibility to safe the world once his mother finished with that time machine.
There was a cry; the distinct voice of Meloni Thawne rung in the air and cut into his ears until it pierced the speedster’s heart. “Mom!” He cried but Bart couldn’t see her. “Mom!” but all he could hear was the sound of laughter as the Reach Aliens enjoyed his reactions.
His heart raced faster then he could have ever run.
“Oi, Amigo!” there was a shaking on his shoulders and golden orbs burst through their curtains of slumber.
He sat up, looking around to see all the key indicators of the hub; giant couch, snack bar, zeta tube...he was fine. A deep inhale rattled his ribs as he composed himself. He hadn’t had a nightmare like that...in a really long time. Joan’s funeral earlier must’ve triggered it.
“Bart?” Eddie didn’t often say his name like that; they had always enjoyed their exchange of Amigo.
“Just a bad dream...more of a reminder.” Of the last time he saw his mother. Despite finding a home in this time, a family and friends...there was still much the future speedster hadn’t divulged. He looked over at Jaime snoring in his sleeping bag with Khaji-da in view. “I’m fine.”
“No me mientas.”
He brought his blanket up to his chin and rolled into a burrito on the couch. “I’m just not ready to say...” and after all these years he didn’t know if he ever would be.”But I promise I’ll tell you when I am.” He would have saluted if he could. “Scout’s honor. You’ll be the first.” He cracked his signature smile and rolled over so Eduardo couldn’t see his despondency in that moment. Closing his eyes, he decided he would think about everything good he had until he finally fell back asleep.
[ mentions jaime reyes and eduardo dorado jr. ]
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onelittlesparkxrps · 5 years
bart: impulsive (general)
bart: im only metahuman (visage)
bart: it’s scavenger rights (aesthetic)
bart: im still comparing your past to my future (headcanons)
bart: dont forget about me (video)
bart: so crash (live action)
bart: opps spoilers (young justice)
bart: young just us (comics)
bart: totally feeling the mode (drabbles)
bart: totally feeling the aster (replies)
bart: the ghost of you (barry allen)
bart: impulsive arrow (cissie kingjones)
bart: in a zetaflash (eduardo dorado jr)
bart: our love of chicken whizzies (jaime reyes)
bart: you dont have the allen family eyes (wally west)
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kaylathekittykat225 · 5 years
Mama Drake // Tim Drake!Robin x Reader
Warning/s: Um...angst? Sorta? I don’t know
Word Count: 3,385
Back again, oh yeah, you know, writing this kinda stuff before a paper that I need to write, if we just pretend the paper doesn’t exist, I don’t have to write it, right? By the way, your last name in this will be Buteo, which is the Genus name for the Red-Tailed Hawk, just and FYI. 
Here’s my Masterlist.
You know, working with the Young Justice team was awesome: the training helped you in great leaps and bounds that especially with your training under Hawk Girl, your social life grew faster and stronger around the team than the people you knew as Y/N and you felt pretty cool running around with the alias Red-Tail.
But working with the Young Justice League was not so great. At least, Batman's sidekick wasn't so great.
Every move you made, he criticized you.
You jumped in front of a bullet for him, he'd yell at you.
You sweat a little less than he does, he'd scream at you.
You ate the wrong kind of cereal, he'd flip. Yeah that one happened before.
What the heck did you even do?! Every time you asked Hawk Girl, she always gave you some convoluted beating around the bush.
Right now you were just sitting happily on the kitchen counter in the base, this place being your home when Hawk Girl dropped you off to live here. You sat with a bowl of frosted flacks held in the center of your crossed legs, your eyes watching a fly fly around the kitchen, landing on random places and then flying off again.
A huge crash came from the main room, the fly jolting away to another room in the compound and you leaning over your bowl to see down the hallway.
"Get back here!" Nightwing's voice shouted down the hallway, his almost silent footsteps to your ears matched another pair at a much quicker pace.
"Wallace?" The younger flash had been a quick one to introduce himself when you first joined the team before he retired.
"Red-Tail! Grab him!" Hopping off the counter, you stepped into the doorway of the kitchen and looked down the hallway, not knowing what to expect until you were sliding backwards across the floor.
"Whoa! That was totally crash!" You finally caught a glimpse of the white and red blob that had run you over. His brown hair looked almost as red as Wally's, that is, it looked like a dog tried styling his hair with his tongue, shooting in twenty different directions. A yellow visor was slipped over his wide eyes, but they didn't block the surprise at seeing you.
"Yes, you did totally crash into me." It took some getting used to when you finally came here to understand everyone's slang, Nightwing was the worst, half of his words did were cut up ones of other words you barely knew already.
His face split into a happy grin, quickly standing up and using his speed to pull you up just as fast. "No, crash means...wait, Mama Dr-" His eyes widened and the next thing to you knew, you were back on your butt with a bleeding nose.
"Ow!" You screeched in pain, your cry causing the people in the room to recoil in pain.
"What have we said about you using that!" Robin's obviously annoyed voice screamed at you, his voice higher than normal, making it obvious he couldn't really hear himself speak with his pained ears.
As much as you wanted to shout back at him, you didn't.
You just didn't.
"Robin, Red-Tail, quit your bickering." You pinched your nose tightly as you looked over to Nightwing, he was holding onto the rouge speedster by the scruff of his uniform like a puppy.
"Here, Bart, you must have worked up a thirst coming from the future like that." You and Beast Boy looked away from the speedster to see your leader walking into a room with a glass of water in his hand.
Garfield, whom wasn't the brightest grape on the vine introduced himself to you by name the first time you met him, was helping you clean up the blood that was still dripping from your bruised nose.
And Robin had yet to apologize for smacking you in the face with his Bo Staff. But you couldn't really complain because he did manage to shut off the electrical current in the staff before it struck you.
"Oh, well thanks." The speedster, who you now knew was named Bartholomew Allen, similar to Garfield, wouldn't shut up about being Barry Allen's grandson, who was the Flash, another person you now knew the identity of. Give him five more minutes and you'll know who Batman was, and no one knew who he was.
As he was downing the water, his eyes opened once again quickly as he smiled cheekily up at Nightwing, who looked concerned by the speedster's smile. "Oh, I get it. DNA sample. And you need my spit." He then promptly spits back into the cup. "Ha, that is such a Dick Grayson move."
Robin next to you instantly tensed up and looked over to his mentor, the white lenses of his mask were wide with surprise. "How did--"
"See, I know stuff only a future boy would know! Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Garfield Logan," Bart paused and looked at you before he smiled even wider, almost happy to see you. "And Y/N Buteo, although it's been a long time since you've used that name!" Bart's voice sped by and quieted down before he could go on about you.
"Your name is Tim? And yours is...Dick?" Garfield almost cringed next to you as he said Nightwing's name.
"Opps, spoilers." Bart turned his head away, muttering to himself, "Well, it was a pleasure to meet you all in your fighting prime, now if you'll excuse me, buh bye!" He stood up with wave, his hands and feet now free of the hand restraints and sped over to you. "Bye Mama Drake! Love you!"
Your mouth dropped open, staring down at him with wide eyes, "Wh-what!" But he left the compound before you could ask him further.
Robin and Nightwing turned to the computer and began chattering about how to catch him, and calling up someone, leaving you in your own world.
Mama Drake??
You're not a duck, you were a Hawk, obviously since your mom was...
Looking over at Robin, you were replaying what Bart said over and over in your head.
Garfield Logan. You knew that one already.
Dick Grayson, name probably derived from Richard, but that's nothing clicking in your mind.
Tim...probably Timothy, but his last name, Timothy Dra...Drake.
If your mouth could drop any lower, it did.
You could feel the cereal slowly rising up your throat. "I think I'm going to be sick." Muttering with your hand pressed to your mouth, you ran from the main room and towards your own, running away from the sudden knowledge following you.
Mama Drake.
Mama Drake.
Mama Drake.
Mama, mama means mother figure.
Drake. Bird, duck. Robin's last name.
Tim Drake...
Mama Drake.
Oh gods of the Falcons, help me...
You have been curled up and leaning up against the wall for the past three hours, your hands pulling endlessly at your H/C hair. All that's been going through your mind was what Bart told you.
Wait. What if you were just over thinking this? He couldn't have meant that. Obviously, what were you thinking? What the heck could you be thinking? You were just jumping to assumptions, he seemed to have a fast mouth.
"I will just speak with him! That is what I will do!" Your confidence was wavering, but you still walked into the main compound room, searching for some sign of the newest speedster.
"Red-Tail," And your confidence was gone. You slowly turned to the voice, with a rosy hue running across your cheeks and the base of your neck.
"Ye-yes Robin?" You didn't want to have this conversation for a plethora of reasons, and yet here you were.
"Nightwing wants to see you in the kitchen." He barely looked at you and then turned away to the direction he came from. "Seemed pretty urgent."
After changing your course of direction as well as your confidence, you arrived in the kitchen and met the white lenses of your leader who was leaning up against the metal fridge. "Red-Tail, good to know you're alive. You kinda disappeared on us once Impulse left, thought you mighta gone after him."
"I...I was not feeling well so I returned to my room. But I am feeling much better now." You bowed your head in apology, thinking only of how you need to get to Bart...wherever he was.
"Hmm, well I needed to talk to you about you and Robin." Even hearing his name now made you a blushing mess. "We have a new mission and it's a duo mission. I'm opting for you and Robin to do this, since you seemed to be the most adept in this kind of mission."
"Um...Nightwing, you are a phenomenal leader and all, but...Robin and I do not appear to be very compatible with each other around the compound, much less so on a mission. I just do not want to jeopardize a mission if we do not appear to see eye to eye." The twiddling of your thumbs should have been a dead giveaway that the idea was an uncomfortable one for you.
"I know, Robin's already said basically the same thing, but we need your two levels of expertise in the arena." Sighing, you didn't answer right away, yes, you were going to say yes, but you mulled it over in your head whether this was a good idea. "Red-Tail I need-" Nightwing kept talking but something in your mind had shifted and you felt your body was no longer under your control.
Your mind screamed at you to talk, shout, scream for help, move, but you couldn't.
Your mind was shutting down.
Your body was falling, and there was nothing you could do about it.
"Red-Tail, Red-Tale wake up." Groaning, you slowly opened your eyes to be welcomed into a dark room.
As you looked around the room, you saw that you were not in a room, but somewhere what seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. Continuing to look around you finally saw the head that was hanging over you, "Robin?"
"Bout time you woke up."
"Well good morning to you too, sunshine." You sat up, groaning at the cramping of your stomach, it felt like you had spent ten hours doing only ab workouts. "Where are we?"
Robin shook his head in answer, his focus mostly on his watch that was telling him there was no connection where he was. "I would love to know that too." He grumbled back, throwing his hands in the air to emphasize his distaste for the current situation.
"Last thing I remember was...Nightwing was telling me the two of us were being sent in a mission, is this it?"
"Well why the heck would he send us on a mission is we don't have any clue what the mission is?!"
"Okay okay." You held your hand up in surrender, standing to your feet to try and find something out. "I will fly to see what I can." Large bird of prey wings materialized behind you, and you were then in the air, the large red tipped wings lifted you into the air and high above the ground below with a grumbling Robin.
Looking around in the dark wasn't as good an idea as you had thought, even with your night vision turned on. Before you could see anything, something shot at you. A red ball of light barrelled towards you, giving you enough time to stop it from hitting you directly. What it did hit was your wing.
Pain was everywhere.
Your wing was blackened and singed, the once brown feathers were now gone, showing the tender and raw skin beneath. Falling from the height you were at hurt your back, you were surprised it wasn't broken.
"Red-Tail!" A voice called out to you as you shakily stood up, their slippery footsteps to your right confirmed their movement towards you. "What happened up there?"
Robin began looking at your wing, his cool glove feeling both painful and soothing when he touched you. "I do not know, something shot me down before I could see anything."
Slowly and very painfully you pulled your wings flush to your back and they morphed back into the sleeves of your jacket where they hid during when your wings weren't needed. "Well I guess that confirms that we aren't alone here."
Nodding, you followed next to him as they walked forward, the both of you holding onto hope that there was a way out if this.
"Okay, next time Nightwing tells us we are going on a duo mission, just at no!" You were yelling at Robin while the two of you fought off wave after wave of oncoming clones.
The sun hadn't even risen and the two of you were as food as dead. The one thing, ONE thing you've been above to say you found out about this place is that there were clones of the Justice League everywhere you turned. You knew they were clones the minute you stabbed Superman's arm and circuits and wires crackled beneath the fake skin.
"I've taken down at least 3 Batmans so far, he would be proud of me." You heard Robin groan behind you, and you couldn't stop the chuckle slipping past your lips.
For a second you turned your eyes to look at him, seeing him masterfully fighting off a Wonder Woman and Green Lantern at the same time, while you had both Hawk Girl and Hawk Man on your tail.
You had tried many times to before to try reasoning with the clones, but they had no sense of who you were. They fought you as though the fate of the world depended on it. "We really need to ask Nightwing what kind of a mission he thought this was!"
"I second that! We deserve a raise or something!" You shouted back, grunting at the mace brushing your fore arm.
"I say burgers! I know a place!"
"It's a date!" A smile pulled at your lips at the thought of you calling it a date, Bart's words ringing one more time.
Mama Drake.
"Hey, Tim, I have to tell-" A sharp pain stopped your words, your ears slowly began to ring.
Dark eyes stared you down, the eyes of your mentor and best friend, Hawk Girl, a snarl present on her lips.
"No!" Another sharp pain sliced through your abdomen again, the slicing of your stomach the only prominent noise as she pulled a sword out of you. Where did the sword come from?
Your body began to sway back and forth before you feel down, your knees collapsing as you fell to meet the sand below. Warm arms pulled you close to an equally warm and slightly sweaty body before you could touch the ground.
"No, Red-Tail." Robin's voice was unusually soft towards you, it's been growing softer of the past few hours the two of you had been isolated together. "You're gonna be...wow that's really bad."
You chuckled at the young teenager's excuse at trying to comfort you, his own horror setting in before he could finish his thought. "Finish the mission, Tim." Your voice was hoarse as you said his name, glad you got to know the other half of the emotionless Robin, even if it was but his name.
"Not without you, Hawk Girl will kill me if I let you due."
"Looks like she got to me first." Your eyes grew heavy as your breathing shortened and quickened under the stress if your body.
"Hey, hey stay with me."
"Tim, turn arou-" Your voice gave out before you could tell Tim to fight off the Wonder Woman behind him, your eyes shutting down and your mind going dark.
Air suddenly filled your lungs and you sat up chocking on the influx of oxygen. "She's awake." A familiar motherly voice filled your ears before gentle hands found their way to your cheeks.
Looking up, you met familiar dark eyes as the eyes that had moments who sent a knife through your stomach. A frightened screech left your mouth, you were confused and scared as you scooted yourself away from your mentor, her warm hands leaving your face.
"Y/N, it's me." Her voice. The ones that belonged to the person who killed you.
But you weren't dead.
You were perfectly fine. It all was just...just a dream?
Slowly you looked up to the winged woman you know as your mentor and mother figure, your eyes finally met hers. This Hawk Girl was your Hawk Girl. "H-Hawk Girl?"
"It's me, Y/N. It's me." You released a shaky breath and rubbed your face harshly with your hands.
"How did...what just..."
"Y/N!" A third voice cried out, drawing you to notice that you weren't alone. Batman, Nightwing and M'gann were all crowded around a second metal table with a struggling Robin. "Where's Y/N?!"
"Tim." Whispering you slid your legs over the edge of the metal table and stepping over to the table. "Tim." You spoke with much more fervour and volume, your steps slow as you approached the other table.
"Y/N!" Tim met you in the middle, pulling your body close to his own. "I thought you were...I saw you...you were dead!" You tried pulling yourself away from him, but he wouldn't let go. He had you right where he needed you to be.
"Robin, Red-Tail. You need to know." M'gann floated to the two of you, you moved your head to see her, but your grip never loosened on the boy in your arms. "Nightwing, your mentors and I all agreed that you two needed to undergo one of the team training mind simulations. We just...I didn't think it would affect either of you. Robin...you...wait where are you two going?" Robin pulled you from the room, M'gann and the others calling behind you.
"Robin," Your voice meek as you watch him gently tug you behind him, leading you to a quieter part of the compound.
Once he pushed the door closed behind him, Tim turned back around and stared at you, or at least you think he was staring. He stared at you for a few seconds more before he pulled you close to him again, hugging you even tighter than when you last hugged him.
"I thought I lost you." He murmured into your hair, his fingers pulling through your H/C hair. You pulled away from where you kept your face hidden in his shoulder to stare up at him.
"Why...why are you being so nice to me?" You questioned his sudden change in demeanor, especially in such a short time. "I...I guess I don't mind? But really, why?"
"Honestly, it was watching you get shot out of the sky. I saw you falling and I just...something clicked. I don't know what it was, but I feel...so different." A shiver ran down your back as his hands moved to rest under your chin, gently tilting your head upwards, allowing him to see your face fully. "And watching you die...I snapped."
You didn't let him finish before you raised your height ever so slightly on your tiptoes to kiss him.
Tim kissed you back as soon as you began it, swiping his finger across your jaw. You left your arms around his waist, hooking your hands together as if to tether the two of you close. He said he was afraid of letting you go, but you couldn't stop the ache in your chest when you watch Winder Woman attack him from behind.
Pulling back, you hummed happily before smiling up at him. "You remember Bartholomew from this morning?"
He chuckled at your question, twirling a piece of hair around his finger, "Of course I do, he caused a heck of a lot of trouble over in Central City."
"Well, when he got loose he um...he said something to me. He told me as he was rushing out, 'Love you, Mama Drake'." Tim's eyes seemed to shrink as he mulled the words, either thinking of thanking or murdering the brunette speedster.
"As in..." Your smile was answer enough, "Well then, I'm glad the troublemaker showed up." The two of you started laughing before Tim leaned down again to capture your lips
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onelittlesparkx · 5 years
Tumblr media
bart: impulsive (general)
bart: im only metahuman (visage)
bart: it's scavenger rights (aesthetic)
bart: dont forget about me (video)
bart: so crash (live action)
bart: opps spoilers (young justice)
bart: young just us (comics)
bart: totally feeling the mode (drabbles)
bart: totally feeling the aster (replies)
bart: the ghost of you (barry allen)
bart: impulsive arrow (cissie kingjones)
bart: in a zetaflash (eduardo dorado jr)
bart: our love of chicken whizzies (jaime reyes)
bart: you dont have the allen family eyes (wally west)
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onelittlesparkx · 2 years
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onelittlesparkx · 2 years
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