#bart and ed
thecittiverse · 9 months
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Ed Edd n Eddy Art Dump
It's Ed Edd n Eddy''s 25th Anniversary! Didn't get a chance to draw a new Ed-style piece, but here's a few drawings and memes I've done over the years, including an old page of Nazz sketches I never posted!
Hope I find some time this year to do some more squiggle lines!
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redwiccanrobin · 1 year
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(Impulse #48)
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K, you know what? I'm gonna say it. I think this new Julian character should date Bart. I don't typically have preferences when it comes to shipping (and tbh if Bart got another love interest I'd be for it too) but I think DC should confirm Bart as Queer and that's sure as fuck not happening without a love interest (unless they pull a Hawke which I would love but unfortunately life isn't that nice to me)
DC isn't gonna fuck with other 'families' so they'd either keep the love interest in house or make up a new person but uhhhhh Jules is honorary Flash fam and a Force user. And a Central resident. Dude does rodeo shows. Jules is a country boy. Bart is a country boy.
I just, I don't know, I think it'd work!
Also I don't want Julian to have the same fate as Jess and Hartley and literally only get featured during pride month. Setting up a mini series or something would be good for the character I think. I really like Jules and I want him to stick around and be in stuff.
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mo-ok · 23 days
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thank you do it again please
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lowkeloki · 1 month
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Bart Simpson is drawn by other artists.
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hellowhoisthere · 1 year
guuuuuuysssssss I finanlly for the idea! The premise of the ZetaFlash fic. I just rewatched all YJ epiaodes with Ed. But still need understand his powers? Can still teleport only on sight lines? In 'Into The Breach' he flashes right into the pain space but can't get out due to lack of "bearings" which has these meanings
the direction or position of something, or the direction of movement, relative to a fixed point. It is usually measured in degrees
awareness of one's position relative to one's surroundings.
relation; relevance
It could be that Ed flashed from into the warehouse which made into the space from bioship but what was his bearing? And like Ed its no cowinky-dink that Ed flashed 1st to Bart. BART WAS HIS BEARING.
And it assumed that Ed's power function similar to Zeta tube tech. Which transports between to fixed location. So I'm writing under the idea that Ed just needs a idea of how far something is. Like saying he want flash from taos to central city. He has to know how far that is. If he flashes to a person he needs to know at least where that person is. For relation and relevance.
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trobednation · 1 year
sillies :3
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dc-tournaments · 6 months
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Why do they deserve to win?
Ed Nygma
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Bart Allen
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gbirrd · 4 months
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so...coffee shop AU?
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noconsistencyhere · 8 months
Young Justice (animated) The Quarry au. I hear you thinking. “Ed as Ryan and Bart as Dylan.” But I raise you: Ed as Laura and Bart as Max
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annon-guy2 · 3 months
Father & Son - Son/Father Voting Poll
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Note 1: Please note that for some of these pairs, there doesn't ALWAYS need to be blood ties for them to be family.
Note 2: The sons will be in Aladdin's role while the fathers will be in Cassim's role.
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kidflashimpulse · 10 months
A new chapter!!!! Dude it was SO GOOD
Your backstory of Bart is so so so interesting and MAN I'd love to read a prequel of it or something because BOY it sounds like he went through it
And his time travel shenanigans being public record in the future?? I can't help but think that he was the one that inspired the Legion to build time machines, that'd be so cool
And GAH his conversations with Imra and Reep?! He's a hero through and through, but we know our boi, and he's going to get that information one way or another, so interesting to see how it all started and where they are now
I feel so bad for him though, he's not having a great time lately, hopefully Ed can cheer him up
rlly glad u enjoyed it :) thank u for reading 🧡 yeah bart sure has been through a lot understatement of the year lol
yes i really would love to write something like that some time !!! i have the major events of his childhood roughly mapped out for such a story (including what happened with Owen, Jenni, Meloni, Don etc) so it’s definitely been on my mind. With how i’ve drafted the Owen Bart fic that i’ve mentioned in the past, i included most of it there cause it would really explain the specifics of my HC of their troubled relationship, so hopefully i’ll write about it sooner rather than later 👀
since i try to roughly base lore on “canon” content i think time travel is just a standard thing in Legion era that came about in different ways. For ex like mentioned by Reep in the fic, their “guy” i.e Brainiac 5 builds the Legion their time spheres. But the one LOSH used was in a museum, and from comics the origin is kinda complicated but some other guy has been mentioned to have built it. Then in YJ we see that Metron keeps Lors time sphere for himself and plays with it to set Lor up.
Basically quite a few different aliens and ppl are in involved with time travel stuff, but i like to think for Earth and human contributions Bart (and in my HC the Thawnes) are significantly involved. time travel is major part of Thawne/Bart lore and Bart is the person most associated with in the series, dubbed Space and Time expert etc. Considering his history with Timelines and the Reach, I don’t imagine it wouldn’t be public record at some point in the very far future i.e 31st century.
I rlly tried my best with the Legion conversation because i wanted to try to make it in a way where i can fit it into canon themes and not have my HCs make it vary too much but kinda naturally slot in, so i’m rlly happy u liked it <3
yeah everytime i think of bart i just think this guy needs a bed like now LOL
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dangerdeficit · 2 years
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man i love ed so much it's so healing to see him in targets after how s4 treated him...
side commentary that he and bart are just so perfect for each other. i just KNOW they're constantly "yes, and"ing each others' antics (see s3e16 too). kings of being annoying <3
(from Young Justice: Targets #3)
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diddle-riddle · 2 years
New Year’s Resolutions from the Batfamily - 7
VII / Tim Drake - Red Robin
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1 - Stop playing nice with Bruce. 2 - Stop playing nice with the rest of the Batfamily when they refuse to see my true potential. 3 - Tell Bart his new haircut is hideous. 4 - Tell Hal Jordan is old haircut should be classified a natural disaster. 5 - Drink less than seven cups of coffee on Sunday morning. 6 - Book at least one vacation away from Gotham during the year to take time for myself without the fam. 7 - Get my ears pierced. 8 - Remind Nygma he is NOT a Batfamily member, he has no right to behave as if he is one of us. 9 - Think of a name for my future alias, I think ‘Red Robin’ is getting old-fashioned.
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I think it was you but it may have been someone else that talked about the flashfam and their eating disorders? I tried to find the post but couldn't and I wanted to go back to it. Anyway if it wasn't you could you go into if Bart has an eating disorder anyway? I'm mostly interested in Bart over everyone else but I'll take whatever is out there
Trigger Warning: Eating disorders, food, calorie mention.
The post you are looking for I believe was done by @givemewallywestorgivemedeath and iirc it had less to do with the Flashfam having eating disorders as a whole than it did going into Wally's past complicated "fringing on ED" relationship with food (I couldn't find the post either).
Wally used to have to consume LARGE quantities of food in order to just survive because of his metabolic rate being accelerated at all times and it was an amount that was insurmountably excessive even by Speedster standards.
Wally no longer needs to do this anymore and it is a plot that writers have generally stayed away from for a long time.
When it comes to Speedsters and their food intake, generally they DO consume more food than the normal person because of their metabolism, but for the sake of story pacing and keeping things simple we don't really have a solid caloric amount they need.
But you wanted to know mostly about Bart so here we go and I shall try my best.
Below I am just going to give examples of when Barts eats (large amounts), explore the reasons why, and then allow you to come to your own conclusions but I am NOT going to diagnose anything because I do not have the expertise in this subject to do so.
When we're talking about Bart specifically we do see him eat quite a bit across a lot of different incarnations of him.
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Young Justice Phantoms.
(One of many items consumed...)
In Young Justice Phantoms for example he was shown carb-loading while talking with Saturn Girl and Chameleon Boy... This was for necessity as he was planning on using his speed to traverse the galaxy like how a marathon runner would prior to a race.
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Young Justice Invasion
Bart is also shown nibbling on food in otherwise inappropriate occasions in Young Justice Invasion (during a memorial and during a stealth mission) which could be evidence for him carb loading again (or this was his trauma instinct kicking in).
In Bart's comic adventures we also see him eat... a lot... BIG portions and he thinks about food a lot too. Most of his food intake in his own comics are just for eating with little explanation other than he was hungry.
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Impulse #2
Biggest sandwich I have ever seen, Shaggy and Scooby would be proud.
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Impulse #23
Bart likes sandwiches, and this was during night when Bart should have been done eating for the day.
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Impulse #47
During a stake-out he is surrounded by bags and bags of food.
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Young Justice 2019 The Emancipation of Bartholomew Allen (I only have the compiled books not individual issues so I don't know what issue # this is.)
In Young Justice 2019 it is suspected that Bart fainted because he didn't eat for a while, but this has yet to be confirmed. Bart INHALES the Chocos after waking up.
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Young Justice #49
The above issue reveals to us that Bart does go to food for other reasons than just keeping up with his metabolism while having a normal teenage appetite.
Bart is a stress eater confirmed by this one panel, but I am not going to say this is an eating disorder because I am not at all qualified to diagnosis this.
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Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st Century #15
Bart doesn't eat A LOT in this panel here in this reality, but he does talk about his relationship with food. Bart simply eats a lot because he has to due to his metabolism.
Within the context of the animation, comics and traversing comic realities Bart does eat a lot but so far other than stress eating (which is very common) I have my doubts that he has an ED.
I hope this helps and was what you were looking for.
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hellowhoisthere · 11 months
Zetaflash Playlist
making the playlist for fic and am sorting through vibes
Anyone have any Ed or Bart or Zetaflash songs???
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