#barrio colon
linkrecargado · 2 years
Targeted Individuals
Utilizan las antenas de 5g y los satelites de comunicacion masers para enlazar neuronalmente a las personas, Telepatia Sintetica pueden leer los pensamientos en texto , pueden ver y escuchar lo mismo que la victima. Cyberacoso y Gangstalking ''bullicio callejero'' Teatro Callejero'' Esta practica busca difamar a la victima en su entorno destruir su reputacion ventilando temas de su vida privada, se genera un grupo de acoso vecinal o zonal en el cual estas personas tienen acceso a monitoreo de la victima 24/7 Usan los celulares para ver lo mismo que ve y escucha o dicen. Las victimas de estas practicas se llaman ''TARGETED INDIVIDUALS'' Individuos Señalados o Marcados, esto se lleva realizando por el Servicio Secreto de cada Gobierno en todo el mundo luego de la decada del 50 cuando se desarrollo esta tecnologia conocida como Sindrome de la Habana, por el ataque con energia dirigida DEW micro ondas efecto Frey calientan queman el cerebro y ojos, lectura de pensamiento a 23 diplomaticos en embajada de USA en Cuba. Tambien el presidente Obama en 2013 blanqueo aun mas la situacion al detallar el programa PANDORA de monitoreo cerebral. Recientemente sumar la exposicion publica del Presidente Piñeira en relacio a los Neuroderechos. Actualmente el unico pais en reconocer que se puede implantar remotamente frecuencias al cerebro pensamientos recuerdos etc. Actualmente me encuentro en Montevideo Uruguay siendo el primer caso la primera victima de Targeted Individual llevan 8 meses atacando mi familia con radiacion electromagnetica de las antenas de 5g. Todas las torres de telefonia son usadas para esta practica a nivel global.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
There's no such thing as 'Punk Percy Jackson aus' because Percy Jackson is canonically punk since he fills out all the requirements for it but if you're refering to Percy being a fullfledged member of the subculture,then he'd be punk the same way Hobie Brown is and i'm including being black since Hobie is afropunk and that's the truest form of punk since it was created by black people
He should be afro-dominican since he's from El Barrio in New York and darkskin and super strongfeatured since it's a running thing he looks exactly like Poseidon(who's black in race but etchnically greek to not erase greek rep and yeah,greeks need it too because they were colonized by the west,including that the concept of race didn't exist in Greece until white people forced it onto them).He should have long locs and the mermaid colors style hair dye and different black hairstyles per book and an eyebrow piercing,forward helix on both ears,a spider bite and a tongue ring and a battle jacket with dominican and trans flags patches and ones to represent Sally,Tyson,Estelle,Nico,Hazel,Rachel and his girlfriend.His girlfriend should a pastel punk black woman who's got the same sense of humor as him and his childhood best friend starting in TLT who mutually undoom eachother from the narrative instead of Annabeth because wisdom wants to be bow downed to but the sea does not like to be restrained
His full name should be Perseo Isadore Jackson.She should be transfem genderqueer and use any pronouns and neos.She should be afrosolarpunk as her specific punk subtype since as the son of Poseidon,she naturally cares deeply about enviormentalism and is drawn to nature based aesthetics.She should know how diy things that don't even exist and steal necessities and play only indie video games and free phone games and on emulators on anti-capitalist principal.She should be audhd and not know how to mask and be a straightedge and a fan of Alt Black Era and Teezo Touchdown and Meet Me @ The Altar and Direct Hit! and The Cure and Megan Thee Stallion.He should go to underground parties and shows and on petty crime sprees and to protests and riots and charity events.He should deface public propety and use his powers to help his activism be even better.He should prioritize Hazel and Nico because they're minority kids and be their older sibling,pseudo-dad,mentor and best friend
He shouldn't have crush on Luke but brutally kill him in Tlo since Luke was a fascist.He should kill Zeus too post-Hoo and kickstart a revolution with that which works since unlike Luke,he was actually trying to make one happen instead of lying about hating authority and corruption like he did since as a fash he was a self-trained expert at propaganda.He should work at a family bussiness with Sally,Nico and Hazel to not work for a capitalist chain and it should be 'Familia Jackson Beach Shack'.He should radicalize Nico and Hazel and harrass Poseidon into giving him money for his chronic pain meds and mobility aids and guide Hazel in how to talk to girls because she's a transbian.He should be a guitarist and know how to do guttural metal screamsinging.He should be addicted to energy drinks but only the blue flavors.He should radiate swagger and a friendly vibe that's terrifying to normies.He should be Percy Jackson and Hobie Brown-adjacent,so basically Percy Jackson but with an author that deserves him and Hobie Brown should be Percy Jackson in Spiderverse Pjo aus instead of sidelined 'cause y'all are boring as hell
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elbiotipo · 1 year
some stuff that inspires me when I write the Biopunks, in no particular order:
Argentine and Latin American memory: the weight of everything that came before us, all our victories and struggles, dictatorships, crises, revolutions and democracies. The characters are young, and yet they are defined by things that happened decades before they were born.
60s-70s counterculture: revolutionary students and hippies, the connection between ecology (bioengineering in this case) and spirituality, self expression in a repressive culture, the hope for a better world, for the world revolution... and how it all faded away and the legacy it left behind (papá cuentáme otra vez...)
Argentine Rock: A bit too wide since it covers everything from Te Hace Falta Vitaminas to Inconsciente Colectivo, but every chapter is titled after an Argentine rock song, it's intended to be the soundtrack.
Pirates of Silicon Valley: the movie yes, but more accurately the whole PC revolution, the dichotomy of open vs. closed source (in genomes this time), hacker (biohacker) culture, the rise of megacorporations vs academia vs subcultures... but this time it's genetics...
Neon Genesis Evangelion: for real, don't laugh. Exploring what they didn't talk about much: what is a world with billions dead? Ruined flooded cities contrasted with bright futuristic buildings, the UN taking over after a worldwide catastrophe with helicopters patrolling the skies, the contrast between high technological infrastructure and a mostly normal life.
Argentine fútbol: the canchita de barrio, even if it's a biotech club this time! Competition among institutes and among countries, the bioclub as a nexus for young people, pride on the camiseta, old glories, the joy of winning for your team... even if it's a bunch of nerds, it's really a story about a team on the C Nacional who wants to revive its old glories...
Art Nouveau: Not exactly the one from the early XX century, but the main art style everywhere. There were never real Art Nouveau skyscrapers and major buildings, now they are everywhere, and they are complemented and even made of biotechnology too, and how it contrasts with the sharper, more practical style of the post-Ecocide world.
Transhumanism: trascending the human form yes, but also all that's associated with it: the deep view of humanity's future, the potential of technology to change the nature of Homo sapiens and the biosphere itself, space colonization, inmortality, AIs and new sentient species, things that looked like fantastic dreams now are practical problems as technology advances...
Enviromental restoration: The world is not over, not if we have anything to say about it! A healing Earth and the scientific, technological, but also social, political and even spiritual debate on what shape should it take. Whole armies of people dedicated to regrowing forests, cleaning oceans and recovering wastelands, and what does it mean for a society which adopts an almost warlike approach to enviromental conservation and restoration.
Argentine Academia: of course, since I'm on it. The eternal stress of writing grant plans and struggling with your director, trying to make the best of your little funding, making your obsolete equipment to last as long as possible, and managing great things with it.
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notasfilosoficas · 2 years
“Cuanto más difícil es la victoria, mayor es la felicidad de ganar”
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Edson Arantes de Nascimento mas conocido como Pelé fue un futbolista brasileño nacido en Três Corações en el estado de Minas Gerais en octubre de 1940.
Pelé es reconocido por muchos especialistas como uno de los mejores futbolistas y deportistas de todos los tiempos.
Su padre fue un futbolista jugador del equipo Atletico Mineiro quien vió truncada su carrera futbolística por una rotura de ligamentos.
Se dice que Pelé vió llorar a su padre tras el conocido “Maracanazo” de la Copa Mundial de 1950 en donde la selección de Uruguay venció a Brasil llevándose la copa del mundo, y prometió ganar el título.
Dico, (como era conocido en su infancia), creó un equipo junto con sus amigos de barrio que le llamaron Ameriquinha, posteriormente jugó en divisiones inferiores y conoció a Waldemar Brito, quien lo ayudó a perfeccionar su juego y convenció a su madre de abandonar su empleo en una fábrica de zapatos para irse a jugar al equipo Santos de São Paulo.
Su primer partido oficial con el Santos fue en el año de 1957 siendo el máximo anotador en el campeonato de ese año.
Al final con el equipo paulista (1974) terminaría siendo el máximo goleador de la historia del equipo con un total de 643 goles en 659 partidos.
Pelé debutó en la selección brasileña en 1957 a los 16 años de edad y es junto con Neymar, el máximo goleador de la selección con 77 goles.
Acuñó el término “jogo bonito” para designar el estilo que practicó la Selección de Brasil en los años que integró su selección, y disputó cuatro Copas mundiales de las que fue campeón en 1958, 1962 y 1970, siendo el futbolista que más joven y más veces lo ha obtenido.
Se retiró del fútbol en 1977. Anotó 1279 goles en 1363 partidos incluyendo juegos amistosos los cuales son reconocidos como un récord mundial Guinness.
Tras su retiro como jugador fue actor y cantante. Fue nombrado ciudadano del mundo por la ONU en 1977, Embajador de Educación Ciencia, Cultura y buenos deseos por la UNESCO, Caballero de Honor del Imperio Británico en 1977, entre muchos otros reconocimientos.
Pelé perdió la batalla contra el cáncer a la edad de 82 años, estaba recibiendo quimioterapia, tras la extirpación de un tumor de colon en septiembre de 2021, muriendo de un fallo orgánico múltiple, derivado de la progresión del cáncer de colon.
Fuentes: Wikipedia y latimes.com
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So When Can I Go Back?
What you’ve all been waiting for, Part III!
We woke up early on Friday to catch a flight back to Buenos Aires. Once we arrived, we were starving, so my friend and I went to an Italian restaurant called Los Inmortales! My friend from Argentina recommended the restaurant to me, and it lived up to the hype. Argentina has a lot of Italian influence, so it’s known for its delicious pizzas and pastas. I ordered a pizza that was loaded with mozzarella and olives, and I devoured it in seconds.
Later, we caught up with some other exchange students who happened to be in Buenos Aires too! We stopped by the Floralis Generica, la Universidad de Buenos Aires, and el Museo de Bellas Artes. All the national museums are free in B.A. I was shocked to see several Van Gogh, Picasso, Monet, and Jackson Pollack paintings in the museum! They weren’t even enclosed by glass or anything; I was scared that I would accidentally brush into them. That night, the girls and I had a relaxing night in watching Mafalda, a famous animated movie in Argentina, like Charlie Brown in the U.S.
The next day, I woke up and went to this super hip café called Café Martinez, one of the top-rated cafes in B.A. There, I got a waffle loaded with pecans, banana, and Nutella. I always like to order something on the menu that I’ve never tried before, so I got an orange cold brew, or coffee with a few splashes of orange juice. It sounds gross, but it hit the spot. I then decided to get my miles in and walk through the Teatro Colon, La Catedral Metropolitana, and the Casa Rosada where the president lives. It’s like the White House but it’s the Pink House! I also walked by the Obelisco, where everyone flooded the streets after Argentina won the World Cup. After, I stopped by Puerto Madero, a scenic and tranquil part of B.A. where boats used to come into port. There is the Puente de la Mujer which is shaped like the spine of a woman’s back when dancing tango! Fun fact: tango was born in Uruguay and Argentina at the same time. In Puerto Madero I got a choripan, which is like a hot dog but with grilled chorizo. Can you tell that I’m eating my way through Argentina?
Later, I went to the Cementerio de la Recoleta where I saw the mausoleum of former Argentine president Domingo Sarmiento. It was amazing to see how big the mausoleums are for these prominent Argentine families! After, I got dulce de leche ice cream at Luccianos. It was so delicious but so rich that I felt a little sick afterward :/
After another relaxing night chatting with family and friends, I woke up the next day to get breakfast and go shopping at the Feria Artesenal Intendente de Recoleta. The market was filled with local artists and their creations, including jewelry, hand-made clothing, and custom mate cups! could have spent a fortune there, everything was so unique and specific to Argentina. I especially loved anything to do with Lionel Messi. It’s clear that he’s a national figure in the country. Then, I checked in at a hostel because I spent one more day in Argentina than the girls, and I walked through Avenida Corrientes and got three empanadas: jamon y queso, carne picante, and humitas. They were so tasty and even better with a cold Coke-Zero. I later met up with some other international student friends and we walked through the Jardin Japones! It was a gorgeous little sanctuary that had ponds with koi fish and plants native to Japan. There was also a spot where you could make origami and write a message, so the four of us made penguins and wrote where we were from. There was also a spot where you could write a wish and hang it up on a tree. I saw one message in scribbly handwriting that said “quiero ser futbolista”, or “I want to be a soccer player.” How precious! After, we walked an hour to the Barrio Chino, like China Town in New York. I loved looking at all the different types of sweets and drinks they sold. I didn’t realize how diverse B.A. is in terms of food and culture; it’s incredible!
My friend, Cleo, had studied abroad in Buenos Aires a few years ago, so she knew of a spot where people meet up to dance tango! We went there and we watched several couples dance around the plaza. They would often change partners and chat with each other as they were dancing. I loved how free and serene they looked; now I want to take tango classes! After, we went to a Mexican restaurant because one of my other friends, Karen, is Mexican! We had some delicious tacos, although I will say, they weren’t nearly as spicy as they should’ve been. After that, I headed back to the hostel and slept like a baby.
On Sunday, I took the ferry back to Uruguay and conclude my whirlwind of a trip. I’m so proud of how independent I was and that I got to visit some touristy spots as well as experience the authentic Argentine culture! Now, I understand why everyone in Uruguay spends their weekends in B.A. I came back to Uruguay a few pounds heavier to be sure but also with a reminder of why I love traveling so much. Argentina, tenés mi corazón!
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ivanreycristo · 1 year
X cierto.. Cuando PALMO pau Dones de JARABE DE PALO (=CASTIGO) x un cancer de COLON diagnosticado con 48 años tras volver de su gira x EEUU (cosa q LEIVA de PEREZA todavia no ha hecho).. LEIVA puso una foto con Pau DONES (con el q grabo VECINA del cd SOMOS q me firmo con SALUD y llevando camiseta de cerveza mexicana SOL sin mangas en pleno febrero 2014)..llevando camiseta de the FILL-MORE (Sala de conciertos de SAN FRANCISCO) con la frase ME CUESTA CREERLO, HERMANO LIBRE Y VALIENTE (justo lo contrario que creo que es quien oculta la VERDAD que OS HARA LIBRE=VERDAD Y LIBERTAD=lema del colegio ALAMEDA DE OSUNA o de nuestro barrio cuyo 1er director SR GARRIDO fue precepto de JuanCarlos i).. y ahora LEIVA se hace una COLON-OS-COPIA
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¿Transición ejemplar?
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La historia del albañil que fue tiroteado por la Policía en una protesta a plena luz del día
Se cumplen 45 años de la muerte de Francisco Rodríguez Ledesma, albañil de 54 años del barrio obrero del Cerro del Águila (Sevilla). Fue asesinado en una manifestación por un agente de paisano de la Brigada Político y Social.
Francisco Rodríguez Ledesma (54 años). Albañil en paro. El 9 de julio de 1977, se realizaba una asamblea ante el expediente de crisis de la fábrica textil de Hytasa, que amenazaba 2.000 puestos de trabajo. Llevaban varios meses de acciones y protesta. A cada asamblea o concentración acudía siempre el mismo Seat 1500, color crema, con agentes de la Brigada Político Social. Los trabajadores les conocían de sobra. Aquel día, “un tipo con gafas” bajó del coche policial y disparó 5 veces sobre un grupo de unos 100 trabajadores que les insultaban. Una bala alcanza a Francisco, le estalla el bazo y le perfora el colon… Tras seis meses de agonía, el 4 de enero moría. A nadie se identificó y juzgó como responsable de aquel crimen.
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..y hablando de HEROES DEL SILENCIO os recuerdo que casualmente cuando hace unos dias fui a la plaza de SAN IDELFONSO en el barrio de MALASAÑA [MADRID] para recordar que en la cabina que había frente a la FARMACIA [o a la IZQUIERDA de la puerta LATERAL de su IGLESIA con una VIRGEN nada más entrar]..sale VIRGINIA MAESTRO en su video DEL SUR [que empieza LA GLORIA DE GANAR FUE UN RUMOR..y la cual canto GLORIA del cd VERTIGO Y TRANQUILIDAD de GONZALO ALCINA de MELOCOS grupo del PUERTO DE SANTA MARIA]..y había un tipo vendiendo antiguayas como el cd SENDEROS DE TRAICION DE HEROES DEL SILENCIO en el formato con el que lo regalo el diario EL PAIS..y a continuación fotografie pasando frente a la Iglesia con camiseta del cd GRITANDO POR VENGANZA de JUDAS PRIEST..
..lo dicho tomaros todo esto como os SALGA DE LA PUNTA DE LA POLLA O DEL FONDO del COÑO..como que frente a la FARMACIA se anunciaba COLECTIVO PANAMERA con cuyo cantante Nacho TABOADA [novio de SARA CARBONERO o ex de IKER CASILLAS..con problemas de salud antes de los 40 ..algo habitual en esta BASURA DE CIVILIZACION donde el SEXO CUESTA CARO O ES UNA ESCLAVITUD COMO LOS VICIOS E IDOLATRIA QUE HAY=LOS JOVENES MUEREN ANTES DE TIEMPO de DE_LUXE o grupo de XOEL LOPEZ al que teloneo VIRGINIA MAESTRO en el patio del PADRE NUESTRO del MONASTERIO DE SANTA MARIA DE LAS CUEVAS en avda AME_RICO VESPUCIO en la isla de la CARTUJA_SEVILLA con pintada de MONEY HAVING SEX y dibujo del cigarrillo post_coital de JESSICA "DIAMOND" y que visite camino de EL ROCIO'23 cuando el idolo de oro sergio RICO casi muere por un caballo desbocado] ..canto la canción mexicana EL RELOJ en EL BUHO REAL como el que se poso en la cabeza de la VIRGEN DE LAS ROCAS de BIARRITZ al jugármela subiendo a su promontorio día de mi último CUMPLEAÑOS durmiendo en SAN JUAN DE LUZ
El 12 de OCTUBRE Dia nazional de ESPAÑA por el DESCUBRI_MIENTO DE AMERICA al llegar a una isla que llamaron SALVADOR para luego llegar a lo que es REPUBLICA DOMINICANA+DERRUIDA HAITI [cuyo presidente asesinado tenia una mujer llamada MICHELLE BENNETT=ex_novia de SUICIDADO HUTCHENCE a la que llamo antes de suicidarse por lo que se presento en el HOTEL RITZ de SIDNEY pero no abria la puerta]..que llamaron LA ESPAÑOLA construyendo el FUERTE NAVIDAD con los restos de la NAVE "SANTA MARIA" que zozobro para luego ser INCENDIADO por motines cuando COLON regreso a BARCELONA a informar a REYES CATOLICOS por lo que luego construyeron el Fuerte SANTA ISABEL]..que toca GLORIA Gaynor y VIRGINIA MAESTRO en MADRID..sería una FECHA IDEAL para acabar con un PAIS de MENTIRA que es un MATADERO en SILENCIO
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the-good-projxct · 4 months
March 5th, 2024
11:07 pm listening to dull by Asake while sitting in my room in Karen with Kendi. Wow, KaMami and LoustaLousta baby is here. I am so happy to have them in the city of God with me. They got here pretty late last night, I was on duty to open for them so I slept but like an anxious sleep. I was scared I wouldn’t hear their call and they would be locked out. LMAO, that's how I know I was excited and that I Love them…I had disrupted sleep willingly for them. They got in, had some food then everyone went to bed. I woke up a lot later than usual today, it was 11:30 but it felt like 3pm. I had nothing planned today which was nice after being on the move so much for the last few days.I had breakfast of champs: matoke, greens and a sausage. Then I chilled with the fam and the kids. Baby Jason Mwenda is becoming good friends with LoustaLousta. I would say Lousta is being kind but Jason is two so he is following Lousta and hitting him. I am quite impressed by LoustLoustabears kindness and patience. Anyway, we all hung out at the house for the day. KaMami was getting her hair retied so everyone was on the veranda or around that area hanging out. I went down to the farm with LoustaLousta, Barrio had some dead rabbits and he showed them to us. LMAO, I didn’t know/expect he was going to bring the little dead baby rabbits and put them in front of us which made LoustaLousta a bit nervous, sad and then curious about death. This child was asking me questions I didn’t know how to answer but we had a decent convo about death and how sometimes it just happens. It was nice to walk with him down the same lane my brother and I grew up on. It feels full circle. We came back in, I went upstairs to watch a movie then I went for a walk. We had dinner all together at the table instead of the tv room. KaMami really changes things around here, making it more wholesome and more of a home. During dinner SweSwe was pretty violent with baby Jason Mwenda because he was crying. She beat a two year old because he was crying and kept beating him so he would stop crying. Like he is two, he doesn't understand and he will cry because he is being hurt. Anyway, it was quite upsetting and LoustaLousta got upset and cried because his friend/brother was being beaten. He has never witnessed something like that and it really shook my baby. He refused to eat, he literally said: I cannot eat with this going on. LoustaLousta is such an empathetic kid so that was hard for him to see. Imagine how hard it is to be a two year old experiencing that. LousataLousta was given ice cream and he didn’t even eat his ice cream. You know how rough things gotta be for a 7 year old to reject ice cream? I took him upstairs to watch cartoons and hang out in my room. I know his dynamic with his great mama has kinda shifted but he is a very forgiving kid. When we went upstairs, it was my turn to get in my feelings. I recognized what had happened there was the effects of colonization. My grandmother went to  the African equivalent to a residential school. The violence the schools and the missionaries imposed on them is the same violence my grandmother imposed on her kids, my dad and now her two year old grandson. It made me sad for my grandma. Then it made me think how this evil spirit of colonization, this violence has permeated every crevice on Earth and I wish I could end it. I wish I could undo it. But I cannot. And I felt helpless. I Trust the Universe, that all this hatred too shall pass. That colonization and it’s effects will pass. Because life is Gøod. And we deserve a Gøod life. Every single being, creature and cell on this Earth deserves to live to its fullest potential without being harmed by other humans or systems. Life is Gøod. God is Gøod. Ase. Ase. Ase
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shawlinpalangdao · 8 months
Five Literary Theories from Philippine Authors
Literature is the mirror through which we can see the world and ourselves." - F. Sionil Jose Literary theories play a crucial role in our understanding and interpretation of literature. They provide us with tools and frameworks to analyze and appreciate the complexities of literary works. In the Philippines, there are several literary theories developed by Filipino authors that shed light on the unique perspectives and experiences of the Filipino people. In this blog post, we will explore five literary theories from Philippine authors that offer valuable insights into the rich literary landscape of the country. 1. Cultural Studies: Cultural studies, as proposed by Filipino theorist Nicanor Tiongson, emphasizes the importance of understanding literature within its socio-cultural context. It recognizes that literature is not created in a vacuum but is shaped by the historical, social, and cultural forces of a particular community. By examining the cultural elements embedded in literary texts, we gain a deeper understanding of the Filipino identity and the issues that resonate within the society. 2. Postcolonial Theory: Postcolonial theory, influenced by the works of Filipino scholars such as Renato Constantino and Epifanio San Juan Jr., examines the effects of colonialism on literature and culture. It challenges the dominant Western narratives and seeks to uncover the voices and experiences of the colonized. Through postcolonial theory, we can analyze how Philippine literature reflects the struggles, resistance, and resilience of the Filipino people in the face of colonization. 3. Feminist Criticism: Feminist criticism, championed by Filipino writers like Soledad Reyes and Judy Taguiwalo, focuses on the representation of women in literature and challenges patriarchal norms and stereotypes. It explores the power dynamics, gender roles, and social constructs that shape female characters and their experiences. By applying feminist criticism, we can uncover the hidden narratives of women in Philippine literature and promote gender equality and empowerment. 4. Queer Theory: Queer theory, influenced by the works of Jose Neil Garcia and J. Neil C. Garcia, examines the representation of non-normative sexualities and gender identities in literature. It challenges heteronormative assumptions and explores the complexities of queer experiences. Through queer theory, we can analyze how Philippine literature portrays LGBTQ+ individuals and their struggles for acceptance and self-expression. 5. Indigenous Literary Theory: Indigenous literary theory, developed by Filipino scholars like Rosario Cruz-Lucero and Maria Josephine Barrios, focuses on the narratives and oral traditions of indigenous communities in the Philippines. It recognizes the importance of indigenous knowledge, cultural practices, and storytelling in shaping literary works. By engaging with indigenous literary theory, we can appreciate the diverse cultural heritage of the Philippines and amplify the voices of marginalized indigenous communities. These five literary theories from Philippine authors provide us with valuable tools to analyze and appreciate Philippine literature. They offer unique perspectives and insights into the Filipino experience, challenging dominant narratives and promoting inclusivity and diversity. By engaging with these theories, we can deepen our understanding of Philippine literature and contribute to the ongoing dialogue about the power and significance of literature in our society.
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ivanreydereyes · 11 months
Esta es la peluquería CRUZ [junto a la frutería TUS FRUTAS] con PECERA a la q iba en mi barrio..hasta los 30 que ya empeze a raparmelo y de lo último que recuerdo es ver el INTERVIU [fundado en un LOCAL de la IGLESIA en BARCELONA por el malogrado Antonio ASENSIO junto a la revista TIEMPO creando el grupo Z y el cual revento los derechos televisivos del futbol..con El PACTO DE NOCHEBUENA ]..con la MISS ESPAÑA Esther ARROYO desnuda y la cual tuvo un grave accidente con Ana TORROJA de MECANO [=LA FUERZA DEL DESTINO del cd DESCANSO DOMINICAL en cuyo video debuto Pene_lope CRUZ con 14 años en el 88 liandose con Nacho CANO q se puso junto a mi en EL CAFE DE LOS ARTISTAS bajo la antigua CATA_RATA de la plaza COLON en 2002 y cuyo cd debut en solitario UN MUNDO SEPARADO POR EL MISMO DIOS tiene un video homonimo mezclando futbol de niños y JERUSALEN..y el cual se compró mi padre]..cuyo TIO era el FISCAL JEFE de la AUDIENCIA NAZIONAL cuando el 11_M y el cual estaba en silla de ruedas x un accidente en la juventud
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linkrecargado · 1 year
Armas Psicotronicas .
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Salsa Magazine History Joey Pastrana Luis Chaluisan Salsa Magazine from El Extreme Luis Chaluisan on Vimeo.
I meet Joey Pastrana via Latin NY in 1977/78. At the time he has finished producing a 12 inch Percussive single targetting the Disco crowd of the period. He gives me my first set of Timbale sticks in 1978 and teaches me pointers at his house. (He doesn't live far from our home in the North Bronx.) He also gives me a copy of his 1972 LP El Padrino. An interesting thing about the LP is that it features "El Telefonito" later made famous by Ruben Blades and Willy Colon. On the 1972 LP it features Joey Pastrana as the composer. On the Fania release it shows (DR) Derechos Reservados. The DR tactic is used by Fania accounting to divert millions of dollars into escrow accounts that are later looted when Fania is sold.
Joey Pastrana nació un 22 de Agosto de 1942, en Santurce,Puerto Rico, fue uno de los mayores representantes y exponentes de diversos géneros de la música Latina y afrocaribeña que se vino cuajando en la década de los ‘60 en Nueva York. José Luis Pastrana Santos, mejor conocido como el salsero Joey Pastrana, partió desde Borinquen hacia el Barrio en Nueva York apenas a sus cuatro años de edad. Fue en esta ciudad en donde Joey encontró su pasión por la música al tocar los timbales y la conga. Una anécdota que contó Ismael Miranda, “El niño bonito de la Fania”, y que confirma el mismo Joey en una entrevista, es que Pastrana fue el que le dio su primera gran oportunidad para grabar un “hit” memorable, como lo fue “Rumbón Melón” (1967). Esta canción que preparó Joey para el joven Ismael que tenía 17 años en ese entonces, es representativa del trabajo pionero y el revolucionario repertorio de ricas fusiones musicales que nos ha legado el maestro Pastrana. Joey es una de las primeras figuras que habría de simbolizar una nueva onda musical que valientemente incorporó a la música los diversos ritmos y ricas tradiciones musicales de la herencia afrocaribeña, latina y afroamericana en una misma composición. Entre otros ritmos revolucionarios que se deben en parte al trabajo novel de Pastrana, se destaca el famoso ritmo del Boogaloo. Según suele ocurrir con frecuencia, el éxito suele venir acompañado de rivalidades. Muchos vieron en esta nueva fusión una amenaza a sus bolsillos, puesto que ésta cobró un corto pero enorme éxito popular, la cual comenzó a desplazar a los que hasta entonces eran los reyes de la Salsa clásica. Junto a otros maestros del boogaloo como Joe Cuba y Pete Rodríguez, Joey Pastrana se abrió camino en cotizado mercado anglosaj��n, en la época del Boogaloo. Allì Pastrana fue consagrado como un ídolo por su estilo natural y sus facciones de chico callejero. Sus primeras influencias surgieron del sonido logrado por Orquestas como la de Tito Puente, Bobby Valentín, Charlie y Eddie Palmieri y Daniel Santos —quien era primo de su mamá — Aunque se consagró en la ciudad de New York, como ejecutante del Timbal, su carrera se inició como baterista y luego tocando el bongó y la campana en la primera banda de Bobby Valentín. Esta leyenda de la música latina falleció a los 72 años, dejando un gran legado y una cantidad de temas entre boogaloos, latin souls, boleros, guaguancos, los cantantes con los que formo su banda fueron: Ismael Miranda, Carlos Santos, Chombo Rodriguez, Chivirico Davila entre otros destacados.
Joey Pastrana El Padrino Introduction. Love Theme From The Godfather. Ka Kai. Slaughter On Pleasant Ave. Serenata A La Luna. Sambu. Flamingo. Tristeza. Malcriada. El Pillo Soy. Soy Dichoso. Salamangu. El Telefonito.
Presented by: Luis Chaluisan WEPAwebTV - New Edge Theater WEPAwebTV Roughrican Productions Rocker Roller Rican vl?g Salsamagazine.com 2014 Recognition Awards Maria Hernandez Federico Chaluisan L.f. Chaluisan Batlle Editors WEPAwebTV - New Edge Theater El Extreme Luis Chaluisan facebook.com/groups/salsamagazine/ plus.google.com/u/0/+LuisChaluisan
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noticiassomosponce · 2 years
Sobrevive una mujer que se quedó dormida y cayó por un barranco en Aibonito.
Sobrevive una mujer que se quedó dormida y cayó por un barranco en Aibonito.
Un accidente de auto fue reportado a las 3:40 de la madrugada de hoy a través del Sistema de Emergencia 9-1-1 en la carretera 717 kilómetro 7.4 del barrio Algarrobo en Aibonito. Según se informó, mientras Adriana Colon de 39 años residente de la urbanización Bella Vista del mencionado municipio, conducía una Nissan Verza del año 2017 de color gris por la mencionada vía, se alega que se quedó…
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ivanreycristo · 1 year
Hoy google fotos me recuerda q hace 10 años (31-5-13) vi a LA UNION (tras 12 dias de verlos en la plaza de la PROSTITUCION de GETA+FE=CARADURA+CREENCIA.. x sus fiestas VIRGEN DE LOS ANGELES) en la clausurada sala ROCKITCHEN presentando su disco de mezclas HIP. GNOSIS (=grupo de artistas como STORM=tormenta THORgenson.. q hacia las portadas de grupos como PINK FLOYD o LED ZEPPELIN) tras su ultimo cd de estudio BIG BANG con single EL MUNDO EN TUS MANOS cuyo video empieza con un MADRID Post_apocaliptico
X cierto.. Casualmente les grabe el final de VUELVE EL AMOR del cd EL MAR DE LA FERTILIDAD (del q venian 2 iguales y q se lo vi presentar gratis en la plaza de toros de TERUEL=TRAGICOS AMANTES en cuya IGLESIA me firmo mi compañero de colegio SANTA MARIA DE LA HISPANIDAD javier SIERRA su libro EL MAESTRO DEL PRADO Y LAS PINTURAS PROFETICAS a nombre de mi abuelo SALVADOR LOPEZ=12-4-13..pues x acabar la 1/2 maraton te regalaban la entrada y plaza de TOROS donde murio ultimo torero en ESPAÑA en la FERIA DEL ANGEL como fue VICTOR BARRIO.. pues IVAN FANDIÑO cuya furgoneta fotografie frente Hotel NH PLAZA DE ARMAS en SEVILLA encontrandome un pañuelo con su nombre con el q me fotografie en un RELOJ-TERMOMETRO en calle ASUNCION junto restaurant MEXICANO "AMANECER".. murio en FRANCIA tras decir QUE SI TENIA Q MORIR, MORIRIA LIBRE.).. dejando de grabar cuando justo le tiraron un SOSTEN y diciendo q hacia AÑOS q no le tiraban ninguno aunque es GAY como conto RAFA SANCHEZ al actuar x dia del ORGULLO GAY 2010 estrenando cd BIG BANG como KYLIE MINOGUE estrenando cd APHRODITE en plaza de ESPAÑA
X cierto.. El padre de RAFA SANCHEZ murio al Volcarsele el TRACTOR junto a un niño aunque otros Saltaron a TIEMPO y produjo el MUSICAL las BOTAS ROJAS sobre que le vende el ALMA AL DIABLO para ser ESTRELLA DE ROCK en el q debuto Malograda BIMBA BOSE cantante de CABRIOLETS muriendo de CANCER en 2017 tras romper con padre de sus hijas y liarse con un INGLES 17 años menor q conocio en plaza COLON asi como conocio en sala MOROCCO a su amigo david DEL_FIN q murio tambien de CANCER ese 2017 y q hizo el arte del cd VELVETINA de miguel BOSE
X cierto.. Cuando iba a sala ROCKITCHEN a la altura de la plaza de TOROS de LAS VENTAS me fotografie con el BUS 21 a EL SALVADOR (barrio de madrid)
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leothelula3 · 2 years
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Module Six - Latinx Identity, Language and Music
The chapters fourteen through sixteen of the book “The Routledge Companion to Latina/o Popular Culture” dig into the post industrial Pinto Poetics and Maiz Narratives. Pinto Poetics and Maiz Narratives have provided Latina/o people with a form of inhabiting a creative borderland in their bodies. The author talks about the ways that space and land play a significant role in the discussions of identity among Latina/o culture and literature. The United States colonized Mexican territory by means of force, which kept them from their homes, food and wealth. Many forms of art have been used to combat and restore these acts of colonization, poetry, song, dance, literature, language, horticulture, etc. As a result of this colonization, a social hierarchy was formed and Latino/a people were segregated, which resulted in the formation of barrios. To this day, Latina/o people are still forced from their homes due to a lack of basic necessities such as food and a safe place to call a home.  
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