#barring any relationship to pregnancy/maternity AT ALL because actually no thanks to ANYTHING to do with that 😭😂
sunlightfeeling · 5 months
https://www.tumblr.com/sunlightfeeling/750228921948225536 < nono, please continue.
It’s actually kind of a cross of two special interests, to be honest. Ever since I watched “I Love Lucy” with my mom, specifically the episode where she learns she’s pregnant, I can’t help but identify this style of coat:
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where it appears more fitted above the waist but then become more flowy below
or where the coat is buttoned above the stomach to leave the bottom open/more flexible
and considering how its fitted on Takuya in that gif, I

I really couldn’t unsee the image

and his hair probably doesn’t help either because hello, I’m kind of seeing a hair similarity wth 😭
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fanficwriter013 · 5 years
The Tower: Unexpected - 2
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The Tower: Unexpected An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist
Pairing:  Avengers x ofc, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2354
Warnings: Y’all it’s us, if you don’t know what you’re in for. Boy, you gon cry. Angst baby angst, pregnancy, sickness/vomiting.
Synopsis: A little over 2 years after moving into the Avengers Tower, Elly finds herself pregnant against the odds.  While some are excited, others are terrified, and pregnancy that none expected to happen causes rifts through the group and threatens to end the relationship.  
Author’s Note:  Written with my wordy bitch co-captain @avengerscompound
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Chapter 2: Against the Odds
It took quite a while to suspect I was pregnant.  It was after Thor had left for Asgard.  I know you’re probably thinking I’m a huge idiot for that.  You’ve been following the story.  You’ve heard about the kinds of sex I have and with the sheer volume of people I have it with.  I’ve also never mentioned a condom once.  The thing is I have Implanon in place.  The stats for that are good.  Yeah, okay, no birth control is 100% effective.  But this one is like 1/1000 women every three years.  The odds were in my favor.
I also can hear the mom in the back of my head yelling at me about how ‘condoms don’t just protect against pregnancy, Elise’.  That is true, and okay I’m not the smartest person.  I got carried away sometimes, but they are the Avengers.  I figured with the amount Natasha had stalked me, to begin with, they had something in place to make sure nothing was passed on to other people or vice versa.  I was right in the end too, so back off, mom.  Also, don’t follow my example, it gets you pregnant.
The thing I didn’t mention, was before I even came along Bruce had developed a contraceptive for the men.  He didn’t want to risk himself getting anyone pregnant and he thought it would save any problems with women outside trying to make claims against them.  I’d had a talk very early on with Sam about babies, and if they had wanted them and what would they do if say Wanda ever got accidentally knocked up.  He’d told me that the men were all on this shot they took every month, and babies weren’t really in the books for them.  That maybe later Wanda might decide she wanted to.  She was very maternal.  Right now though, none of the men in the group wanted nor felt they could handle being parents and if that changed for Wanda or if it was something I thought I wanted it might be the thing that took us out of the arrangement we had.
 fuck my life, seriously.
So I’d come to terms with that.  With my upbringing, I was never really sure if my biological call to have kids was me or the conditioning my parents had beat into me that I needed to be a wife and mother.  I knew at the time I had that conversation I wasn’t ready to, and maybe that would never change.
Then I started getting sick.  It was low-level nausea that dulled as the day progressed but it worsened every day.  I felt achy too.  Yes, in the breasts.  No one questioned it.  Double birth control, we were fine.  I was coming down with the flu or something.  I didn’t notice if I’d skipped periods or not.  My birth control made that happen anyway.
As soon as the thought passed through my head I panicked.  With Wanda here, I couldn’t risk her hearing that thought until I knew if it meant anything.  If she heard it, she’d get excited and then I wouldn’t be able to think about this rationally.  So I rushed to the closest CVS and bought some pregnancy tests and took them straight to my apartment and used them.
Every single one of them turned positive.
I didn’t know what to do.  I had been told in explicit terms they didn’t want children.  I wasn’t even sure if I wanted them.  Only looking at the tests I wasn’t having an ‘I’ve got get rid of them’ feeling.  I was worried they’d be angry with me.  That conditioning I had that I’d get in trouble for disappointing people was pretty heavily ingrained.  I was worried that I would make them feel trapped into doing something they didn’t want to do.  It was just, I could picture myself holding this baby.  I could picture them with a child.  Maybe it would have been better if Wanda had heard my thought then she could have told me what to do.
I considered calling up Jax and talking to him.  Maybe getting Clarke to just take me to a clinic and getting this over with and the others would never even have to know how close I came to ruining their lives.
Only I couldn’t do that.  They had a right to know.  To have input on this.  I imagined every single worst case scenario that you could imagine.  Bruce Hulking out and destroying the place.  Getting tossed to the street.  Having them accuse me of cheating on them.  Demanding DNA tests.  Even with all those thoughts, I told FRIDAY to call an emergency family meeting and took the elevator up to the common room with one of the positive tests in a baggie to wait for them all to arrive.
One by one they all trickled in each asking me what was wrong as I sat curled up in one of the recliners.  Each wanting to comfort me, but not knowing how when they didn’t know what I was dealing with.
Finally, Wanda came in with Sam and she looked at me and squeaked rushing over and climbing into the chair next to me and nuzzling into my side as she stroked her fingers gently over my stomach.
“Okay, so we’re all here.  What’s going on?”  Tony asked.
“So... um... I need to tell you something and I really need you to stay calm Bruce.  And also... I didn't mean for this to happen.  Okay?  I ... this wasn't something I planned.”  I said looking directly at him.  I could feel my pulse racing.  Even with Wanda’s comforting touch, all I could think was the next thing out of my mouth was going to destroy all of this.
“El, honey, we've talked about this. You can't start a sentence like that, and expect me to stay calm.”   Bruce said, stiffening up.
I shook my head feeling a very strong urge to cry.  “I don't know how else to do this, B.  It's bad either way.  At least you can brace yourself.”
“Rip the band-aid off, El,”  Tony said.
I took a deep breath in and dug in my pocket for the test and tossed it on the coffee table.  “I’m pregnant.”
Wanda squealed and squeezed me, peppering little kisses on my cheek.  The rest of the room froze and stared at me.  Some with their jaws dropped open.  Steve slowly went and picked up the test and turned it over in his hand.
“But - but - but 
 I, I, uh, made
”  Bruce stuttered.  He seemed to be turning green at the edges and I jumped up and rushed over to him, getting on my hands and knees in front of him and taking his hand.
“I know.  I know.  I was on it too. Look,”  I said twisting my arm so he could see the little bar implanted under my skin.  “I still am.  I don't know what happened.”
“I don't
”  Bruce said and shook his head suddenly, he was turning a darker and his muscles started shifting.
“Bruce.  Come on, you can't run from this.”  I implored, putting my head in his lap and digging my fingers into his thigh.  He started breathing heavily and I could feel the way his thigh muscles tensed and grew under me.  “Bruce.  I swear to god
“El, back up,”  Wanda said.
I burst into tears and scrambled back from him, tears streaming down my face as Bruce doubled over and changed, growing larger, his clothes tearing and his skin turning green.
“El,”  Nat said, “Come here.”
I moved up next to her and she wrapped me in her arms as Hulk took complete control over from Bruce.  “I’m sorry.”  I sobbed.  “I know no one wanted this.  I fucked up.”
She pulled me tightly against her and rubbed my back as I cried against her.
“Hulk, baby?”  Hulk rumbled moving closer to us.
I looked up at him through tear stained eyes.  “Hey, big guy.  Yeah.  Something like that.”
“Hulk, here.”  He said tapping his chest.
“Thank you,”  I said patting the back of his hand.  It was nice knowing I had someone else here who would support me, even if he wasn’t exactly the one that I wanted.  “I don’t know... I don’t know what to do.”
“We get ready,”  Wanda said.  “For a baby.”
I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand.  “Yeah?”  I said and looked around at the others.  “Is that what everyone wants?”
Hulk huffed and nodded his head.  “Hulk want baby.”
I took a deep breath.  “Okay.  I guess.  I guess I need to give the rest of you time to process.  If anyone has strong reasons why you think I shouldn’t go through with this, now is the time.  I literally have no idea about the biology factor.  I don’t know how far along I am even.  Might be timed with a Thor visit.  A week either side I think in any case.  So I’m not sure how we tell him about that.”
“I could maybe run some tests,”  Tony said.  “You'd have to take your own blood, and I'm not the biologist.”
“Okay.  So we run blood tests to find out who?  That’s what we want to do now?”  I asked.
“No,”  Steve said firmly.  “We shouldn’t know whose they are.  We’re in this together.  That is all our baby.”
“You don’t want to know?  But what if it is Thor’s and there’s some special Asgardian prenatal care I need.  What if it’s Bruce’s and it hulks out inside me.”  I said.  I was half joking and then it occurred to me what I’d just said.  “Oh god, what if it hulks out inside me?  Can a fetus hulk out?”
“I'm not even sure I'd be able to read the results to know who's it belonged to,”  Tony said.
“I can.  But I - I’m gonna need a Doctor.  Like an actual obstetrician.  I haven’t made an appointment yet because I just found out, but it can’t just be the way we do things.”  I explained.  There was a tendency in the tower for the others to rely heavily on Bruce and Sam for their medical care, even though neither were technically medical doctors.  If it was really bad they’d call in Helen Cho but they didn’t like to trust other people.  I needed to make sure Tony didn’t just try and take over as my doctor instead of actually getting one.
“I'm going to do the research,”  Tony said with a nod.  “With the potential, we need the best.”
“Okay.  But also quickly.  There’s vitamins and stuff I’m supposed to take and I have to get this out of my arm.  And I don’t know what I’m doing.” I said putting my head in my hands.  “I guess we can make it that if you don’t want to know we don’t have to test you but if you do we can.  That’s fair right?”
“I can agree to this,”  Steve said and Sam nodded with him.
“Okay,”  I said and took a shaky breath.  “And we’re all... I’m keeping it, right?  That’s what’s happening?”
Bucky looked at me with a pained expression.  “Do you not want to keep it?”
“I don’t know.  I don’t know what to do.”  I said breaking down again.  “I thought you’d all be angry at me.  Bruce is obviously angry at me.”
Hulk shook his head.  “Puny Banner scared.  Hulk here.  Hulk want baby.”  He put his hand forward.  “Hulk feel?”
“Yes.  There’s nothing to really feel yet.  But you can.”  I said leaning back against Natasha to give him room.  He gently placed his hand on me, so it wrapped around my side.  “You’ll be able to feel them when they’re bigger.”
“Them?”  Natasha asked.
“I - oh no,”  I said rubbing my head.  The idea of more than one was more I could even deal with right now.  “That was just a nongendered them but what if it’s them?”
“Twins.”  Wanda squealed.  Her excitement was nice but I was starting to feel emotionally exhausted like all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep until the baby was born.
“Let’s not... let’s just wait it’s probably just one right?”  I said.
“And you think you're how far?”  Steve asked.
“This thing messes up my cycle,”  I answered, tapping my arm where my birth control was.  “I haven’t had a period for over three months.  I started feeling sick a few weeks ago. I started actually throwing up three days ago.”
“Okay, something for a blood sample then,”  Steve said.
“Ultrasound too, I suppose.  I'm sorry.”
“Honey, no,”  Steve said.  “We should have been more careful.”
“How more careful could we have been?”  I asked.
”  Sam said quietly.
“But?”  I asked.
“Bruce’s drug. There were tests.”  He said.
It felt like Sam had slapped me in the face.  Of all the people to suggest I had manipulated this somehow I didn’t expect it to be him.  “What do you think I did, Sam?  You think I sabotaged it somehow?  You think I've been going out and sleeping around on top of the 9 of you and hoping this would happen?  I'm sorry.  I'm sorry that I'm apparently the most fertile person on the planet that only one escapee managed to do this.”
“No, honey. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.”  Sam said.  “I'm just trying to figure this out. Trying to process it. Which I'm sure you're doing the same.”
“Sorry.  Shouldn’t have snapped.   I know no one wanted this.” I said quietly.  I’d started feeling really sick and I didn’t want to be in here anymore.
Wanda looked over at Natasha and something seemed to pass between them.  “I wanted this.”  She said.
“So do I,”  Natasha said.  “Now come on.  Time for you to have a sleep.  They can have some time to process it.”  She said and scooped me up, carrying me into the shared bedroom.  It was quite a while before I saw many of those men again.
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