ashery24 · 4 years
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Everything is better with you by my side
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pidgedee · 5 years
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a concept: matchmaker sidequest
day 3 of @hphm-rarepair-week!
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hphm-rarepair-week · 5 years
Introducing HPHM Rare Pair Week!
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Move over, MC! The real dating sidequest has arrived - you know, the one where we set up the two NPCs who are obviously perfect for each other. From August 18 through August 25 we’ll be celebrating one NPC ship every day for a week, plus a bonus 8th day to appreciate whatever NPC ship you’d like. 
Day One (August 18) - Talbott Winger x Badeea Ali Day Two (August 19) - Tulip Karasu x Merula Snyde Day Three (August 20) - Barnaby Lee x Ben Copper Day Four (August 21) - Rowan Khanna x Bill Weasley Day Five (August 22) - Diego Caplan x Andre Egwu Day Six (August 23) - Penny Haywood x Liz Tuttle Day Seven (August 24) - Jae Kim x Chiara Lobosca Day Eight (August 25) - Free Day!
You can participate by drawing fanart, writing fics, creating playlists, moodboards, or whatever other type of content you make! Tag your posts with “hphm rarepair week 2019″ and mention @hphm-rarepair-week to make sure we can find your post to reblog it here.
- No NSFW content allowed at all.
- Angst IS allowed, just remember to tag it properly!
- Remember to use the "hphm rarepair week 2019" hashtag if you want us to reblog your post!
Most importantly, have fun celebrating your favorite npc ships! If you have any questions or comments, send us an ask and one of the mods will get back to you as soon as we can.
See you all on August 18!
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no53472 · 5 years
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“I love you.”
Barnaby Lee x Ben Copper
I’m still soft reading all the Barnaben fics I’ve seen on my dash recently aaaaaaaaa
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pennyisalesbian · 5 years
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we were discussing ben’s height in the discord the other day and let me tell you? a whole bunch of intellectuals in this group
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softfairies · 5 years
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Day 3 - Ben x Barnaby
The thrid day!! MY BOIS!!!
I love them so much ohmygod I’m so soft??? 😔💖
This is for the @hphm-rarepair-week !! 💗
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thetiniestpasta · 5 years
so in conclusion I believe all of sixthyear!Ben’s problems could be solved with a warm hug from his Large Slytherin Boyfriend
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strangebiru · 5 years
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shinyrockalaska · 5 years
Everybody scares me but you, nobody scares me but you
A Barnaby x Ben fanfic :3
For day 3 of @hphm-rarepair-week
Word count: 1.4k
Title reference from a cavetown song called "nostalgia in my bedroom"
(I don't really have a summary)
Ben was scared of Barnaby Lee. He didn't really knew him, but Barnaby was in Merula's gang, and since Ben was scared of Merula, he was scared of Barnaby too. The third year was a tough year for Ben because he needed to study hard to catch up with all the lessons he missed when he was stuck in the ice vault in the second year. though he noticed somewhere in the middle of the year y/n started hanging out with Barnaby. It was strange, but y/n has done all sorts of strange things in order to find their brother.
When y/n finally introduced Barnaby to their group of friends Ben was still a little scared of him, of course, but Ben was scared of a lot of things.
It was in the beginning of the fourth year when he actually got to know Barnaby better. The summer was boring for Ben and he spent most of the times in his room. He couldn't talk to his parents about anything that happened to him at school because they were both muggles. He couldn't talk to them about his feelings either because they never understood his fears and anxieties. But after spending the entire summer worrying about his next year at Hogwarts he was so anxious that when his parents left him on the 9¾ platform he had a breakdown.
He hid behind two trash cans all shaking and crying and barely breathing and panicked even more at the thought of missing the train to Hogwarts. 'But maybe it's better', he thought, 'being a muggle isn't that bad...'
Suddenly, he heard a voice. He looked up and found Barnaby looking at him with a worried face. "Ben? Are you okay?" Ben shook his head. There was no point in lying.
Barnaby took Ben's hand and hold it tight "It's all going to be okay, just close your eyes and take deep breaths" he said and Ben obeyed. After a while he was less anxious and he and Barnaby managed to get on the train in time. "Thank you Barnaby... I don't know what I would've done if you weren't there to calm me.." he said. They were in a train booth all by themselves. "I didn't knew you have anxiety attacks but I'm glad I could help. Hogwarts won't be the same without you there" Barnaby said with a smile, making Ben feel loved and warm.
"There you are!" The booth door opened and y/n and Rowan entered the booth. "I was worried you missed the train.. where have you been??"
"I.. I had an anxiety attack.." Ben said quietly. Y/n and Rowan knew about it since the first year but at some point he told them it was gone because he didn't want them to think that he's weak.
"Wait, again? I thought it was gone" Rowan said, confused.
"I lied to you back then.. I still have it. I'm sorry"
"You don't need to apologise.. I'm sorry we didn't noticed before but we'll keep looking out for you from now on. Don't worry, Ben. We're here for you" y/n said.
"Thank you guys, you're the best"
The fourth year passed, to Ben relief, without him getting hurt.
At the ending of the year there was the celestial ball, which Ben wasn't planning on going to but somehow y/n managed to convince him to go. It was rather fun, even though he sat with Rowan in the corner of the room most of the time. Ben spotted y/n and Barnaby dancing together and felt weird. He knew they were going together to the ball but felt a bit sad seeing them together. "Who are you staring at and what's with that weird face?" Rowan asked, a bit bored.
"Oh, just y/n and Barnaby.. I don't think I like seeing them together but I'm not sure why.." Ben said without really paying attention.
"Well maybe you're jelous.." Rowan suggested.
Ben was surprised by Rowan's answer but thought that they might be right. Is it possible that he likes Barnaby?
"I don't know.. Barnaby is nice and all but.."
"I meant y/n" Rowan, thankfully, cut him off
"Ah yes!" Ben said nervously, "of course. Maybe you're right"
But he knew he didn't liked y/n. Not that way.
The summer was, again, quiet boring, but Ben was a little more relaxed. That's because he got some letters from his friends, asking him how's he doing and telling him some stories about how theirs summer going on. He answered all of the letters except one, the one from Barnaby. He just missed him too much though he didn't really knew why.
When he got on the train back to Hogwarts Barnaby hugged him real tight. "Oh I'm so glad you're okay! I was worried when I didn't got a letter back but you're looking just fine" Barnaby said, making Ben blush a bit
"Sorry about that.. I didn't knew how to respond but I really missed you"
"I missed you too! It's going to be a great year!"
It wasn't. It was a really long, hard, Tiring year.
After being under control by R and almost hurting y/n, Ben knew his friends don't trust him anymore so he isolated himself from them. Or maybe they're the one who left him. He was alone, he's anxiety got worse and he had nobody to talk to.
Ben has almost lost all hope. But one time he was crying in the training grounds, behind the trees at the beginning of the forbidden forest, when someone came looking for him.
"Ben! What happened?" It was Barnaby. The fact that Barnaby was looking for him made him feel a lot better. "N-nothing." Ben replied, but Barnaby knew he was lying. He sat down next to Ben. "No you're not.. if you were okay you wouldn't have been crying" Ben sight and explained, "I'm just tired of being alone.. ever since I was controled by R and almost attacked y/n, Rowan won't talk to me. And even though it wasn't my fault I know the rest don't trust me anymore. And I hate being afraid and pathetic and anxious all the time. I just want things to be okay.. and I wish I was a muggle..."
Barnaby put his hand on Ben's shoulder, "don't be so hard on yourself, Ben. You're amazing! Having anxiety doesn't makes you weak, it actually makes you braver. Think about all the things that terrifies you and you still do them everyday. You are so much stronger than you think! I'm sure everyone will forgive you soon. I know it wasn't really you who almost attacked y/n and I'm here for you, I promise." Ben couldn't help but crying, hearing Barnaby mini-speech. "Thank you.." he whispered, "I don't know why you're so nice to me when you're a strong pure blood Slytherin and I'm a small mudblood Grifindor, but I really appreciate it"
"Those words don't really define us and they shouldn't matter to anyone, either. You're you, and I like you because of this. I care about you, Ben. You're adorable and I really do like you" Ben was a bit confused, hearing those words. "I like you too" he said even though he knew Barnaby meant it in a different way.
"Probably not in the same way, though.." Barnaby said quietly.
He liked Ben for a while. Of course he didn't understand it at first and was really confused about it, but after a long talk with Andre, who noticed the way he looked at ben, he understood.
"Do you mean-" Ben started to ask but couldn't finish. Instead he started shaking again. "Do you-" he tried again, but failed. "What are you trying to say Ben?" Barnaby asked hopefull, but Ben shook his head, "I can't say it". So instead he just hugged Barnaby. He always felt safe in his arms. After a while he managed to speak again "I really like you" he whispered in to Barnaby's ear "as more than just friends" and Ben didn't even had time to panic after saying those words because Barnaby immediately kissed him. It was they're first kiss, for both of them ,and it felt sooo good.
"There you are! We've been looking for y- AHHH!!!" Ben and Barnaby broke the kiss and look up horfied to find y/n standing and staring at them. "S-sorry.. didn't mean to interrupt or anything.. Rowan was looking for you Ben.. I think she wants to apologise." y/n said looking a bit sad. After all, Barnaby was their date to the ball! "So are you two a thing?" They asked and when you both nodded they now smiled, "good, I'm happy and proud of you"
Everything was better after that. Everyone trusted Ben again, including Rowan, and everyone was supportive of Barnaby and Ben's relationship, too.
Everything was good.
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plasticdodecagon · 5 years
Day 3 of @hphm-rarepair-week, with Barnaby x Ben! 
Synopsis: Barnaby finds Ben sulking in the Artefact Room and tries to comfort him.
When Barnaby opened the door to the Artefact Room, he was glad to see Ben. That was who he'd been looking for, and he rarely found what he was looking for. (It helped that Rowan had pointed him in the right direction, though he knew he had heard them mumble, "Maybe he's threatening to kill someone else," which Barnaby didn't find particularly nice.)
"You're not at dinner," said Barnaby.
"No, I'm not," agreed Ben, before biting into a sandwich which was half gone already. He was seated on the floor, looking at him with an unreadable expression. Unreadable to Barnaby's eyes at least.
"Why are you eating here?" amended Barnaby. "Did you find that in the Artefact Room? Because Madam Pomfrey told me to stop eating food that I found outside of the Great Hall, and my tummy feels much better."
Ben shook his head. "No, I got it from Jae Kim. And I want to eat it alone. That way, I don't hurt anyone."
"You can't hurt anyone while eating," exclaimed Barnaby. He added, thoughtfully, "Depends on what you're eating, I suppose."
Ben cracked a small smile, which lasted a second. It meant that he was happy for a second, and that made Barnaby happy for a second, too.
"You're all safer without me there," said Ben, shaking his head. "I could have killed them...Rowan...all of you."
"That’s not your fault. You were under a curse."
"But why? Why didn't I fight it more?" he demanded. "Why don't I remember what happened? How could I do something so terrible, under any curse, if deep down I wasn't a bad person?"
Barnaby was quiet for a second, thinking. He didn't know what to say, and he didn't know the consequences of saying it wrong. "I don't know very much," said Barnaby finally, "but I know bad people. You're not one of them. You're nice to me, and you're nice to our friends. You're brave, and generous, and smart. You're not a bad person. You're one of the best."
Ben's face turned a little red. "You don't really think all that."
"I do," promised Barnaby. “I might not think a lot, but I think a lot about you.”
He did. He liked the small smile that spread on Ben's face when they studied together, he often wondered how to describe his brown eyes (they reminded him of mud but in a nice way), he was one of the few of his friends who had never called him dumb, he was one of the few of his friends he felt safe with, he didn’t understand the knot in his stomach or the thudding in his heart when he was around (or maybe he did, he had to admit, if he was honest with himself), he didn’t understand the way that Ben was looking at him now, he couldn’t read the expression on his face, even as it got closer, and closer, and--
“You taste like sandwich,” he said.
Ben’s face turned bright red. Like a phoenix. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” said Barnaby, grinning. “I like sandwiches.”
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Guess I’m a barnaben shipper now
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ashery24 · 4 years
The parings of Helpless Crush:
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pidgedee · 5 years
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it’s a soft kinda night
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jolynejay · 5 years
Ben: We are screwed...
Barnaby: Hey, no! I don't want to hear that defeatist attitude. I wanna hear you upbeat!
Ben, upbeat: We are screwed!
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hm-ficposts · 6 years
Barnaby x Ben: Stormy nights
It was late when the storm hit hogwarts. Swirling black clouds loomed over the castle as a tidal wave of rain came pouring down. Most people were too scared to even leave their bedrooms, but not Barnaby Lee.
He had been halfway up the steps to the owlrey when he had heard the noise: a sniffly sob echoing through the tower. Barnaby followed the sound, expecting to find an injured pet or perhaps a lost Sickleworth. What Barnaby hadn’t need expecting to see was his good friend and long time crush Benjamin Copper sat on the steps, hugging his knees and recoiling at the sounds of the storm.
“You alright, Ben?” Barnaby asked as he sat on the steps beside Ben
“Barnaby!” Ben gasped, almost jumping up out of the owlrey window “sorry, I just wasn’t expecting to anyone up here... why exactly are you up here?”
“Tulip. She’s losing her mind since she can’t find Dennis and she doesn’t want him to get hurt in the storm. She asked me to check up here while she searches Jacob’s room. How come you’re here?”
“I was scared about the storm so I came up here to pet my owl as a way to calm down. But I caught a glimpse of the clouds when I turned to leave and now my legs won’t move. I’m just kind of stuck here.”
“Do you need me to go get someone? I could call Penny, or double check to see if Talbott is in the owlrey since he keeps falling asleep in there, or maybe I could go get-“
“Please don’t go!” Ben suddenly snapped before looking back down at his feet “I just- I don’t think I can be alone again right now”
Barnaby’s voice softened “of course I’ll stay, Ben. Whatever you need”
Barnaby wrapped his arm around the smaller boy and pulled him into a tight side hug in an attempt to comfort him. He felt Ben move his own arm around the brunette’s waist as he shuffled closer on the large stone steps.
“I can try and take you down the stairs if you’d like” The slytherin said after a while
“Let’s just stay here for a bit, I don’t think I’m brave enough to face the outdoors in this weather”
“Oh please, Ben. You’re one of the bravest people I know”
“Absolutely!” Barnaby grinned, his voice thick with sincerity “you’re a muggle born, you abandoned everything you knew to come and learn about the stuff every adult says is a myth. If I had been in you’re shoes, I don’t think I would’ve even tried”
“I never thought about it like that..” Ben muttered, pulling away from Barnaby and sitting up
“You should, you’re incredible Ben. Don’t forget that”
As Barnaby turned his head to face the gryffindor, he felt a hand reach under his chin. He was gently pulled forward until his lips made contact with Ben’s. The kiss was short and sweet, he wished it would have lasted longer but he knew that it was a lot for Ben to do something like that, let alone initiate it.
“Maybe you could be there to remind me, to always be brave” Ben smiled, nervously avoiding eye contact. Barnaby put a finger under his chin and almost closed the distance between them. Only muttering “it would be my pleasure” before he kissed Ben again.
And that was how they spent the night of the storm: kissing, chatting, simply being two boys in love. Somehow, the evening that Ben had been dreading became one of the best he’d ever had.
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pennyisalesbian · 5 years
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sometimes u just gotta lay on ur boyf
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