#barachiki award
helloliriels 4 months
For always asking the truly tough hilarious questions ...
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And then photoshopping the worst best answers!
And the Award goes to ...
(maybe they're born with it? maybe it's photoshop!)
To barachiki, for their hilarious gifs and perfect Sherlock crack to brighten up any day! Their briliant work always make us smile, if not laugh out loud! 馃槀馃巿馃幐A conductor of laughs indeed!
Nominated by @meetinginsamarra for this shiny gold Sherlock in a Sheet award (being used the way GOD intended!) ... and I heartily approve of such shenanigans! To Barachiki!
Note: full res images below cut (since my gifmaking skillz are not Barachiki level and this got pixilated lolz) 馃拫
@chinike @rhasima @whatnext2020 @peanitbear @peageetibbs @hasenkind687 @safedistancefrombeingsmart @a-victorian-girl @totallysilvergirl @fluffbyday-smutbynight @raina-at @sarahthecoat @7-percent @fluffishere @chriscalledmesweetie @discordantwords @arwamachine @kettykika78 @khorazir @unburstedbubble-was2smach @calaisreno @ceruleanmindpalace @lisbeth-kk @gregorovitch-adler @iwlyanmw @missdeliadili @topsyturvy-turtely @justanobsessedpan @dragonnan @meetinginsamarra @bluebellofbakerstreet @johnlocky @impalaparkedat221b @solarmama @blogstandbygo @weeesi @john-smiths-jawline @anyway-kindness @aquilea-of-the-lonely-mountain @keirgreeneyes @demonicangeling @chained-to-the-mirror @jobooksncoffee @marta-bee
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dragonnan 2 years
I tagged myself from a post made by @barachiki for a 3 Random Facts About Yourself Meme. If you鈥檇 like to play you can do the same! 馃グ
1. I was pigeon toed (in-toed) as a child and clearly remember a doctor suggesting leg braces to help straighten my feet. I was so opposed to that that I chose to straighten them myself by deliberately pointing my feet outward when I walked. It worked over time and 40 years later I still habitually point my feet slightly outward when I walk.
2. I lost the fingernail on my right ring finger (it grew back). See, a cousin had a pool table and, like rational teenagers, instead of playing properly we would just roll the pool balls as hard as possible by hand instead of using the cue sticks. Well I鈥檓 one predictable moment my hand was hanging over the edge of the table and sure enough, a pool ball hurtled across the table and smashed my finger. The pain was immediate and breathtaking! Over the following week the fingernail turned black and eventually fell off. Thankfully it grew back within a month.
3. When I was very young, kindergarten age, my mom made all of our costumes for various things. That year my class was having a costume contest for Halloween. Mom decided to make a duck costume for me. She bought a fluffy yellow bath mat set and cut and sewed it into the costume and used the toilet seat cover for my head. I had the idea to use orange dishwashing gloves for my feet. On the bus ride to school, the school bully (several years older than me) teased me about the costume and called me toilet head - which really hurt my feelings. But then, during the contest, after the judges evaluated all the costumes, the suddenly awarded me first prize for the clever construction of my costume design. So both mom and I were vindicated!
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helloliriels 1 year
2 Short, 2 Perfect ...
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And the Award goes to ...
@lynneyginnyjoan for
& 'From the beginning then'
Read the fics critics are calling: "Damn-near perfect!", "I have lost my ability to even!", "You've captured something we all feel", "I'm having a Sherlock-after-John-tells-him-he's-his-best-friend system failure moment", and "this is my favorite", "make it SO!"
The two shortest, most perfect ficlets I've ever run across. Each time I find 'Can You See it?' on my dash ... I read it breathlessly, and smile.
Proof that only two fics ... can be enough to make a mark in someone's life, in a big way.
Join me in celebrating 馃嵕 @chinike @rhasima @ohlooktheresabee @fluffbyday-smutbynight @johnlocky @inevitably-johnlocked @topsyturvy-turtely @gregorovitchworld @safedistancefrombeingsmart @calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @chriscalledmesweetie @arwamachine @7-percent @shelleysprometheus @mydogwatson @khorazir @kettykika78 @iwlyanmw @inatshej @iamjustreading @the-reading-lemon @demonicangeling @masterofhounds @missdeliadili @peanitbear @peageetibbs @eplapourdissant @lovelenivy @justanobsessedpan @barachiki @spooksicl-e @bluebellofbakerstreet @sarahthecoat @discordantwords @simplyclockwork @randomwordsonpaper @carla-creates @ghostbees @kitten-kin @sherlockedcarmilla @pocketwatchofmycroft @gaylilsherlock @impalaparkedat221b @summerfly-blues @a-different-equation @wizama @neverlet @ineffableuser
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