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Vixen ~ Chapter One
➼ Pairing: Park Jimin x OFC (Shin Ara)
➼ Length: 5.7k
➼ Rating: pg-15
➼ Content: Arranged Marriage AU, CEO AU, Mafia AU | TW: Medical Issues (resolved), Mentions/Discussion of Human Trafficking (not by BTS or SKZ members) | JK is Ara's BFF and bodyguard and Best Boy; Bangtan and Stray Kids are mafia; think Kitty Gang Jimin; flirting and fluff; multiple ARMY and STAY easter eggs sprinkled throughout (I welcome comments detailing which ones you caught); author does her best to beat the Wattpad allegations and fails miserably, which is funny because she went straight to ao3 and skipped the orange app phase
➼ Many thanks to @kookthief @moonleeai & @yoongiobsessed for betaing this chapter<3
➼ Taglist (Open): @bangtan-famiglia-net @kookthief @otome-wandering
➼ Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and in no way represents any member of BTS, SKZ, or any other K-pop group mentioned in any way beyond the face and name claims the author made for this work.
➼ Chapter Two (14/10/23) ➼ Chapter Three (15/10/23) ➼ Masterlist ➼Ao3
The door to the opulent room swung open soundlessly, allowing the tall, muscular man to enter unnoticed. He cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the young woman seated at the vanity.
“Your father has requested your presence ASAP. When will you be ready?”
The woman glanced up from her careful application of sparkly gold eyeliner.
“Give me five minutes, Kookie! Is he home?” She moved towards the walk-in closet across the spacious bedroom.
“He’s at the office. I’ll bring the car around, then.” The woman’s bodyguard –but first and foremost her friend– left, and she began the process of accessorizing.
Fifteen minutes later, the car pulled up to the tall office building in downtown Seoul, the headquarters of ShinCorp.
As the heiress of ShinCorp, Shin Ara was immediately escorted to the CEO’s office and served tea by the secretary.
Secretary Kim set the tray on the coffee table, leaving father and daughter to their meeting.
Ara glided gracefully over to warmly hug her father. “Jungkook told me you wanted to speak with me about an urgent matter. Is something wrong?”
Shin Jungok sighed, lowering himself onto the sofa across from his only child. “No, nothing is wrong. What has my beautiful daughter been accomplishing lately?”
Ara crossed her legs, smoothing her ruffled swiss-dot skirt over her knees. “I’ve been looking at property for my gallery. Other than that, I’ve been rather quiet. You’ve been busy with work, so I haven’t wanted to disturb you, Appa.”
Jungok smiled. “You are such a respectful child, Ara. Yes, I’ve been occupied with work. I just finished a meeting with the new CEO of Park Group.”
“Oh, their former CEO died recently, didn’t he? His son took over, I suppose? Awfully young to be CEO,” she mused.
“Yes, he’s only twenty seven, but he has a good head for business. We’ve never partnered with the Park Group before, though a contract was once drawn up between us. I guess he’s trying to show the board he’s capable despite his youth.”
“Maybe he’s capable because of his youth,” Ara arched her brow at her father.
Jungok took a long sip of his tea. “Ara, are you seeing anyone?”
She blinked at the non sequitur. “Uh…no? I’ve been busy planning my gallery. I haven’t had time to date.”
“Park Jimin asked for your hand in marriage,” Jungok stated simply.
Ara stared. “What?”
“Will you at least think about it? I’m sure he’ll take good care of you and be a good husband to you, and if we make this partnership, he’ll be more solidly accepted as a businessman. You know I’m getting older, and ShinCorp will stay in our family when I retire. I am proud of you for following your own path, and a little pleased that you do not want to take over ShinCorp, but I want to make sure you are taken care of.”
“May I see the contract?”
Jungok handed her the portfolio, and she read through it carefully. “Will ShinCorp go to Mr. Park or to our children?”
“Mr. Park will have a share and your children will receive the rest. Until they come of age, you and he will have joint control over the company,” Jungok explained. “I know you don’t want to be CEO, but we must take caution in this day and age. I know you will make sure ShinCorp is run according to our mission statement.”
Ara hummed an acknowledgment and flipped over a page.
“Do you have Mr. Park’s number?”
Her father looked up in surprise. “Are you sure? I’m not pressuring you, Ara!”
“I know, Appa. I accept his proposal.”
“Well, I believe he left his card…” Jungok moved to his desk and shuffled through some papers. “...here!” He handed it to Ara.
“Er…the marriage is best announced and signed on sooner rather than later.”
Ara barely glanced up from creating a new contact in her phone.
“I’m aware, Appa,” she said briskly. “Will next Saturday work? I saw the perfect dress when I was out shopping with Unnie last week. I’ve been planning my wedding since I was a little girl, Appa.”
It was Jungok’s turn to stare at her. “In just over a week?”
She smirked. “Money is king, is it not? I’ll get everything done in time.” She patted his shoulder on her way to the door. “Leave it to me.”
Twenty minutes later, Ara slipped into her car. She clipped the seatbelt in, and Jungkook took off.
“You’re looking at the future Mrs. Park Jimin!” she announced cheerfully.
“What?!” Jungkook swerved, then corrected the car.
“I’m marrying Park Jimin next Saturday if that works for him.” Her phone pinged. “Speak of the devil. ‘Yes, Saturday is perfect. Thank you for accepting my proposal. I am sorry it is so short notice and businesslike,’” Ara read aloud. “He sounds decent. Good.”
“He’d better be more than decent,” muttered Jungkook darkly, turning a corner smoothly.
Ara cooed. “Aww, are you worried about me? You’re the one who trained me for my black belt in taekwondo.”
“It’s literally my job, Ara!”
“I know, but still…Anyways, can you drop me off at the Whalien Cafe so I can meet all the girls at once?”
“Sure. Should I come in?”
“If you want. Have you ever tried their special 52 Hertz menu item? It’s sooo good.”
“No, I haven’t. I’ll come to crowd control your friends and try it while I’m there.”
“Wise choice.”
Ara and Jungkook walked into Whalien Cafe and ordered, then joined the five girls at two squished-together tables. Ara’s friends and unnie updated her on their lives since she had seen them last, then Ara dropped her bomb.
“Will you be my bridesmaids next Saturday?”
There was a beat of silence, then complete chaos erupted.Once they calmed down, she explained the situation. They immediately agreed to be her bridesmaids and began planning.
Ara explained her vision, then sat back as the ideas ran wild. By the end of the afternoon, she had a list of her favourite suggestions and a promise from each of her friends to join her the next day for dress shopping.
The friend group had met in college, except for Ara’s unnie, Kim Sihyeon. Sihyeon was the cousin of Jungok’s PA, Seokjin, who Ara viewed as an older brother.
Ara’s mother died in a car accident when Ara was eleven and Jungok immediately hired Ara a bodyguard-chauffeur. Jungok had Jungkook befriend Ara and trained him to become her new bodyguard-chauffeur when he was old enough. The other four members of the friend group were Jennie, Rose, Jisoo, and Lisa. They’d all been dorm mates in college and were quite close.
After a light supper, Ara spent the evening reserving things and purchasing necessary items for her upcoming nuptials.
Her phone dinged with an alert. Curious, she turned from her laptop and tapped on the message.
PJ: You’re certainly very organized! I was honestly expecting a month at best. I have people working on a story of how we met earlier. Here’s a link to the rough draft. Make whatever changes you want.
Inquisitive, Ara tapped on the link to the document, a professional publicist’s work, of course. It was well-written, if a little sensational, but she frowned at the extra drama sprinkled in, such as their coincidental meeting in Italy in the spring and their secret romance (none of which she recalled).
SA: Why do we need an article? Do you need this for appearances? *I* don’t mind being ‘just a business marriage’. It is a good story, though:)
PJ: I thought you would want it to seem as normal as possible. You are quite intriguing, Miss Shin.
SA: Good;) Let’s just release a formal announcement stating we’ve decided to get married. The media really doesn’t need anything else.
SA: I have the place and time booked for the reception and ceremony. Is there anything you’d like me to add, like family traditions?
PJ: Whatever you like. I will be giving you my halmeoni’s ring, if that’s alright with you.
SA: Of course! One final question…pink?
PJ: It’s a decent colour?
SA: 👍
A light knock echoed from the heavy wooden door, then a man popped his head into Jimin’s private office.
“Hey, Boss, there’s a box from your fiancée.”
“Bring it in,” the man behind the desk ordered.
He carefully opened the box and lifted out a pastel-pink silk tie. The paper inside read, “I hope this hue of pink is a decent enough colour to wear to our wedding. If this is satisfactory, text me and I’ll send over the rest for your groomsmen. Black suits, please. ~SA”
Jimin smiled a little at the slightly wonky smiley face Ara had drawn beside her name and carefully replaced the tie.
PJ: It’s perfect. Thank you.
A woman all in black walked purposefully into the old warehouse. Several men and a few women were working busily in the large space, barely looking up at the click of her heels.
The door to the private rooms built into the warehouse swung open with the slight squeak of a hinge needing oil.
Gold eyes scanned over its occupants.
“Where’s Hyunjin?”
“He’s restocking the medical room since he got his new supplies,” answered a man with vermilion hair, stretching from his slump over a computer.
“Thanks, Chan.”
A tall man with long black hair popped out of a side room. “You called, Boss?”
The woman nodded shortly, clapping her hands for attention. “You all know that since Park Wonshik died, Bangtan’s been targeted. Well, the head of Bangtan had a brilliant idea to partner with the Grays, business-level and gang-level, through marriage.
“The head of Gray’s daughter is marrying Park Jimin on Saturday. The other mafia will find out tomorrow. With Bangtan and Gray united, the mafia looking to take over Bangtan may set their sights on smaller game, so we need to be prepared for any backlash against us.
“Minho, you figure out if the others are planning to attack anyone. Hyunjin, find out how much Bangtan has on Stray Kids. Everyone else, get ready for an attack, worst-case scenario.”
“Yes, ma’am!” saluted the eight men in unison. They turned to their tasks, leaving Chan to approach the woman.
“Vix, you sure about this?”
Vixen’s blood-red lips curved in a smile. “Don’t worry, Channie. I have everything under control and I have plans for every variable, just like oppa taught me.”
Chan sighed. “Alright, then. I trust you, Vix.”
“Boss, here’s the file on Shin Ara you wanted.”
“Thanks, Hoseok.”Jimin took the file and flipped through it.
Good grades, though they slipped the year her mother Aeri died; friendly but only had a handful of close friends- four girls she met in college, four of her father’s employees, and one ex-boyfriend, Lee Minho, whom she was still friendly with. Graduated high school and college with honours, has an arts degree in photography, and had recently purchased a building on the edge of downtown Seoul for a gallery.
Who are you, Shin Ara? Why did you so readily agree to marry a stranger?
Jimin mulled over the possibilities, staring at her picture on the screen before him.
Another knock on the door roused him. “Sir, it’s time for your suit fitting.”
Jimin looked eagerly at the doors, waiting for the first glance of his wife face-to-face.
The audience stood as Ara strutted down the catwalk with a grace only a girl who had been bred in high society could achieve.
She took his hand, her fingers gripping his tightly. Her hand fit perfectly in his. A whiff of her floral perfume wafted through the air. Her very presence seemed familiar, though Jimin figured that could be from the hundreds of texts they had exchanged in the past eleven days.
Kim Seokjin was officiating at Ara’s request; it seemed to Jimin that he spoke slowly on purpose, taunting him with the veiled face of his bride.
Finally they reached the vows, and Ara’s grip on his hand tightened momentarily.
Jimin slipped his grandmother’s ring onto her finger, admiring the sparkle that seemed right. The three red garnets bookmarked by tiny diamonds suited her.
Ara slid the gold band on his finger, a little shock running up his arm from where she touched him.
“Sorry,” she whispered.
“...You may kiss the bride,” announced Seokjin.
Jimin carefully lifted the veil over Ara’s reddish-brown hair, careful not to mess up her hairdo, and met her eyes with a smile he hoped wasn’t too eager.
Her eyes locked on his, a hint of a smile in their mahogany depths. He smiled back, placing his hand on her cheek, his thumb cupping her jaw. The steady beat of her heart pounded under his thumb as he dipped her slightly, the crowd cheering in celebration.
With a wink at her surprised glance, he swept his thumb over her lips, pressing his own to his thumb.
Seokjin gave him a minuscule nod that he caught out of the corner of his eye. No one else appeared to have caught the faux-kiss, thankfully.
Jimin really didn’t want to have to explain to his teasing brothers that the big, bad mafia boss didn’t want to scare his new bride away.
Sihyeon straightened the train of Ara’s Alexander Wang dress and handed her the bouquet of pink ranunculus. Jimin extended his arm, Ara looped hers through his, and they swept down the aisle.
Jungok caught his eye on the way by, “Don’t forget your promise,” he mouthed.
The promise, in Jimin’s copy of the contract– Jungok’s only stipulation.
Do not let Ara find out that you or I are in the mafia.
Ara was a total Daddy’s girl, only idolizing him. He didn’t want to break her heart, tell her that her appa wasn’t all she’d thought he was.
Jungok had been secretly overjoyed when she had come to him, saying she wanted to study art, not business to prepare for inheriting ShinCorp. It was much easier to hide the fact that he was the don of the Gray mafia, one of the biggest in Seoul.
Jungok could leave ShinCorp to his Head of Strategy, Kim Namjoon, who would run the Grays as well, and Ara would be none the wiser.
Jungok’s one wish was to never crush his little girl’s world of gold and pink and glitter and peace.
Yes, he had insisted she learn a martial art and have a bodyguard, but many CEOs’ families had more protection. Aeri’s accident may have truly been an accident, but after he failed to protect his wife, he vowed to make sure Ara would always be protected.
After the luxurious reception, the Parks drove to Jimin’s home and base of operations, codenamed Cypher. Jimin drove them himself- Ara had brought Jungkook with her but given him the night off, and he was hitting it off with his new colleagues and Jimin’s friends/groomsmen, Kim Taehyung, Jung Hoseok, Min Yoongi, Choi Soobin, and Choi Beomgyu.
Jimin pulled the bulletproof SUV up to the steps and sighed in relief. None of the other mafia or gangs had attempted anything, and Bangtan was now officially allied with Gray; the gangs pressuring and testing him since his father’s death should relax now.
He leaned his head against the headrest and looked over at Ara. Oh, right.
“So…it didn’t seem quite right discussing it over text, but where should I put your things? I have a suite prepared for you, or you can have the master bedroom, whichever you’d like…”
Ara smiled a little at his awkwardness, masking her own. They hadn’t exactly had the time to discuss the finer points of married life, beyond the ‘getting married’ point.
“I think the suite would be best for now, although I am looking forward to getting to know you better, and I hope we can make this relationship work.”
“I do, too.” Jimin pulled out his phone to text the housekeeper to move the rest of Ara’s things to the prepared suite . “You looked beautiful, I meant to say that earlier.”
“Thank you. Er- did you dye your hair to match the colour scheme? I wasn’t expecting that level of cooperation.”
Jimin chuckled, getting out of the SUV and stretching to relieve the lingering awkwardness. “No, that was a coincidence. I’m glad it didn’t clash with the colour scheme, though. When you asked about suits and colours all I could think of at first was, ‘Oh no, what if she wants one of those ultra-modern black-and-white weddings’ or something.”
Ara’s light laughter floated through the crisp night. “Don’t worry, I like colour. Photographer, y’know?”
“I was really impressed by how quickly you got everything prepared.” He paused, debating on broaching the subject now or later. Curiosity won, and he plowed ahead. “Can I ask why you agreed to marry me so quickly?”
Ara shrugged, bending over to pull off her sparkly pink Louboutins. “You needed a partnership with my father’s group. Appa would have a beneficial business agreement with your company. I would like to be a wife, and in the future, a mother. I’ve never had a long-term boyfriend or anything…all the chaebol heirs are too old, too young, pricks, immature, or just not my type. I confess I did a little stalking of you, and Appa approved of you. Even if this was a business marriage, he would never suggest a man who wouldn’t treat me well. And you saved me the time and stress of introducing my boyfriend to my family and waiting to see if the verdict would fall in your favour or not,” she shrugged again.
Jimin nodded, fascinated by the peek into Ara’s brain. “I hope that, at the very least, we’ll get along as friends. Would you like to go on a date tomorrow?”
“Sure, I’m free. What time?”
Ara settled into her very comfy bed and pulled out her phone.
SA: 2:00 p.m. tomorrow
KS: Done so soon?
SA: Shut up. 2:00, be there or don’t.
KS: Got it. I’ll be there.🙄
At 1:55 p.m., Ara descended the stairs of her new house, ready for her date. Her peach tunic dress hugged her curves and fell to her knees, complemented by her chunky brown leather heels, gold jewelry, and an oversized burgundy purse.
Jimin had just pulled the car up, and his jaw loosened a little. “You look stunning!”
Ara blushed, pushing a loose curl behind her ear. “Thanks, you look pretty nice yourself.”
Jimin wore his loose white suit well, his plum shirt complementing his peachy-pink hair.
The car ride to downtown Seoul was filled with quiet chatter as the newlyweds got to know each other better.
Jimin pulled up to an art museum and got out, heading quickly to Ara’s side to open the door for her. She took his arm, and he let her tell him all about the art and curation as they toured the museum.
“Abeoji first took me to a museum when I was six, I think? I really liked it and begged Eomma to take me back. I just kept making my parents take me to museums until I’d seen them all, and then repeated it. I tried drawing and painting, but I wasn’t very good at them and didn’t want to put in the hours of practice to attempt to be good.”
They strolled along to the photography section, having gone through the traditional paintings and sketches.“Photography caught my attention when I was ten or eleven…Jungkook had taken up photography as his hobby, and he let me try sometimes. I really loved those times taking pictures and decided that’s what I wanted to do as a job, not run ShinCorp. Appa was surprisingly accepting of my decision, but he’s always spoiled me a bit,” Ara laughed.
“Jungkook, as in, your bodyguard?” Jimin asked curiously. “He couldn’t have been much use when you were ten…he’s only a bit older than you, right?”
“Oh, Kook wasn’t my bodyguard till he was eighteen. We grew up as childhood friends since my eomma’s accident. He’s from Busan, but he was kidnapped and trafficked around the time of my mom’s accident. The police rescued him and some other children when they broke up the ring of gangsters that had been trafficking kids,” explained Ara, pausing in front of a photo of a field of wildflowers.
“Jungkook was an orphan, so one of the policemen who’d rescued them fostered him. He was Appa’s friend, and they thought it would be good for both of us to have a companion.”
Ara turned to see what Jimin thought of this revelation. He was frowning at the floor, one hand in his pocket. Running his other hand through his hair, he exhaled. “That must have been tough.”
Ara nodded. “He doesn’t speak about it much–sensitive, you know? Oh, and you don’t need to worry about…anything between us,” she added hesitantly. “We did have a crush on each other in high school, but we realized we’re better off as friends. There’s no competition.”
He raised his head to smirk at her, pushing his hair back one final time. “So, there’s a chance of winning your heart?”
She smiled back, lifting her lashes flirtatiously. “I’d say there’s a good chance.”
“Shall we go for dinner, then?”
“Sure, I could eat. Could we try this new French restaurant nearby?”
“Whatever you want, milady. What’s its name?”
“L’Domino. Main floor of the Star Lost hotel,” Ara pointed down the street to a tall building several blocks away, visible from the museum parking lot.
“Ah…I’ve heard of that place. Let’s go, then!”
The maitre’d heard their names and immediately showed them to a table. Dim lighting, but not so dim you couldn’t see what you were eating, opulent fabrics and the quiet instrumental soundtrack gave the dining room an atmosphere oozing exclusivity. Jimin pulled out Ara’s chair for her, then sat opposite her.
A black-suited waiter approached, his chubby cheeks lifted in a smile. “Good evening! My name is Jisung; I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with a beverage?”
At D9, Vixen’s HQ, Chan picked up the phone, halting its first ring. “Chan.”
“Christmas, it’s me. Have Park Jimin’s hacker find Jeon Jungkook’s file of his kidnapping. Shin Ara told him about it; he’ll be suspicious.”
“Got it. Did Seungmin make the drop?”
“The goods are in position. I’ll contact you later for news on our plans, I just wanted to give you a head start on the file. Vixen over and out.”
“Thank you for the lovely date, Princess. I enjoyed getting to know you. Perhaps we could make this a regular thing?”
Jimin opened the front door, and Ara stepped into the low-lit foyer. “Thank you. I had a lot of fun, and ditto,” she returned. “Making this regular sounds lovely.”
Jimin inhaled and pushed further. “Would you like to have breakfast together in the mornings if I’m not at the office early?”
“I’d love to. What time do you normally eat?”
“Quarter to eight. Does that work for you?”
“Sounds perfect. See you tomorrow, then?”
“See you then. Sleep well,” he called after her, already halfway up the stairs.
“You as well. Goodnight, Jimin.” Ara entered her suite, all done in pastels with gold accents. It was either a strange coincidence or someone had been talking (she bet it was her appa), but it was very similar to her room at home.
She headed to the ensuite to begin her nighttime routine, replaying the whole date with Jimin.
She had expected maybe dinner or an outing, but not the entire afternoon and evening. It was lovely, but she wondered if Jimin would face any backlash over spending so much time off work. It was crucial he maintained a flawless profile in the first months of being appointed CEO, Ara was enough of a businessman’s daughter to know that. Their marriage was, in part, to help stabilize his takeover, and she didn’t want to be a hindrance.
He was a perfect gentleman and quite attentive. She’d miss his company, but she’d make sure their next date was a little shorter. By their first anniversary, he should be able to spend more time with her again.
It’s not like she was expecting love and him to wait on her hand and foot, even if she did hope they’d grow to genuinely care about each other. Time flew by, anyway– she’d survive a few months without his constant presence. Resolved to broach the subject at breakfast the next morning, she crawled into her comfy bed and replayed his every action again.
He was too perfect. She’d find his flaw sooner or later.
Jimin tapped his fingers rhythmically on his desk and sighed. Finally, he pushed a button and asked for Jungkook to be fetched.
Minutes later, Ara’s bodyguard stood at attention in front of him.
“You’ve known Ara since you were eleven?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You were adopted by Jeon Jeonghwa, an officer in Seoul’s police department, Organized Crime division?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Ara told me you were kidnapped from Busan and brought here by traffickers, till you were rescued by your adoptive father.”
Jungkook nodded.
���You became her bodyguard at eighteen…you’ve trained in martial arts for twelve years?”
“Yes, sir. Mr. Shin insisted Ara and I take self-defense lessons, and I wanted more.”
“You know who Shin Jungok is? Who I am?” Jimin leaned back in his chair, studying Jungkook.
“Yes, sir. Head of the Gray Gang and the Bangtan Family.”
“Does Ara suspect who we are?” Jimin narrowed his eyes. The million-dollar question…or maybe, billion-dollar, considering the revenue estimated to be brought in by this alliance.
“No, sir. Mr. Shin wants her to know nothing about your other business. He’s made sure she knows nothing.”
“Tell me if she ever mentions anything about it to you, please. Thank you for your time.”
“Yes, sir. Also…there was never really anything between us. We’re like siblings, sir.”
Jungkook left, and Jimin resumed his finger tapping, staring at the spot where the man had stood.
Time went by, and the newlyweds fell into a routine. They would have breakfast together four times a week when Jimin wasn’t ‘at the office early’. When he came home, they would have dinner, either trying out a new restaurant or one of Ara’s home-cooked meals.
Cooking was her hobby, and she enjoyed experimenting with various cuisines and fusions.
Mrs. Lee, the housekeeper, let her have free reign of the kitchen, a feat not easily achieved.
The long-date problem was solved by the compromise of several shorter dates. Once a week, Jimin would take Ara on a coffee or lunch date, the short distance between Ara’s gallery and Park Group’s buildings coming in handy so they could stretch out their precious minutes together.
Ara had almost finished setting up her gallery and excitedly shared her plans for the opening and all the organizing she had to do. Jimin was bemused by her enjoyment of organizing things and creating organizational systems, imagining if she knew about his secondary business and how she’d whip everyone into shape. He had no doubt that she would be a force to be reckoned with if someone got into her path. Grinning at the mental image of Ara siccing Jungkook and maybe his own men on someone standing in her way, he realized he was smiling like a loon and quickly smoothed out his expression.
Just in time.
His secretary knocked on the door and poked his head in. “Sir, the dress was delivered. However, Mrs Shin has not opened it yet.”
With a fond smile, he rolled his eyes. She was probably busy focusing on the networking for the ball tonight.
For all her love of order, she could be so scatterbrained and distracted sometimes. Her suite was a disaster when she was getting ready to go out, and she was always leaving something behind somewhere. Maybe it should have annoyed him, but it only endeared her to him more. She wasn’t completely perfect, something that reassured him to no end. Perfect people were too good to be true, something that made him suspicious of Ara and Jungkook in the beginning.
At first, he’d only spent so much time with Ara because he wanted to know what she was hiding behind that girly-girl, society and gilded mask, but as they became closer, he realized she truly was that good-hearted; not shallow at all, but she didn’t shy away from being the cliche chaebol princess.
Her openness drew him to her like a moth to a flame. He had so many secrets. What was it like to just be who you are, unapologetically? Not worry about what people thought of you?
Jungkook was similar to Ara, probably because they’d been practically attached by the hip for over a decade. He’d quickly proven himself to Jimin’s closest circle, and as Mrs Shin’s guy, he was quickly welcomed to the inner ranks. He gave Jimin good advice about how to deal with Ara, which Jimin truly appreciated, and he was always down to join Jimin in a workout or spar.
Even Hoseok, Jimin’s Head of Security, approved of Jungkook, a difficult achievement.
By the second month of the contract marriage, Ara and Jungkook were permanent fixtures in the Bangtan Family’s life, and it seemed unthinkable that anything should happen to them. They were Parks now, and it seemed like they always had been.
Jimin knocked on Ara’s door, fiddling with his garnet cufflinks while he waited. The thick carpeting muffled her footsteps, and the door swung open unexpectedly.
His jaw dropped.
The form-fitting red dress had a sparkling corset bodice, laced up tightly to emphasize his wife’s curves, and a hint of thigh winked at him from the slit in the gauzy skirt.
Diamonds glinted from her ears, between fluffy curls he wanted to wrap around his fingers.
Shin Ara looked every inch the mafia queen she was, even if she didn’t know it.
Jimin’s gaze slowly slid down to her strappy gold heels, then back up, making Ara blush.
“You look wonderful,” he said, extending his hand.
“Thank you.”
Jimin proudly escorted his wife into the high society, clandestine mafia ball.
Jungok spotted them arriving and came over to greet them.
Every two weeks, the entire group of Gray and Bangtan’s inner circles came together for dinner. Jungok had been at their mansion two days ago, yet he acted as if it had been two months.
“Hello, my beautiful daughter; Jimin. You look so much like your mother,” Jungok stared wistfully at Ara. “Speaking of, when will I get my own grandchildren?”
Blushing furiously, Ara thwacked her father’s arm. “Appa!”
“What? I’m an old man, I want to see my grandchildren before I die.”
Ara scoffed. “You’re so dramatic, Appa; you’re not that old. Anyways, how’s your new secretary doing? Has he learned anything yet?” she grinned, recalling her father’s exasperated rant on the secretary’s new structuring and organization tactics earlier that week.
“Yes, Seungmin just needed some time to learn the ropes; he’s quite bright. When will you have your opening night?” Jungok switched the topic.
“Next month, the twelfth. I’m so excited!”
Jimin chimed in with a chuckle, “It’s all she’s been focused on for a while now.”
Ara glared playfully at him and swept off for some punch.
Rejoining the men, she saw her father grip Jimin’s wrist tightly and speak lowly into his ear.
“Appa? Gwaenchana?”
“Just a little thirsty,” Jungok said thickly. Ara quickly passed him her punch and watched in horror as it spilled all over the front of her dress, the cup crashing to the floor moments before Jungok.
“Appa!” Ara stared at the sweat gathering on his forehead, at the light, fast breaths he was taking as he weakly tugged at his tie to loosen it.
"Call an ambulance!" She demanded of no one in particular, crouching beside him in worry.
Jimin dialed the emergency line quickly and waited for the ambulance to come. Jungkook rushed over, checking Jungok’s pulse and loosening his collar and cuffs, rolling him onto his side.
The EMTs arrived and transported Jungok to the hospital, sirens blaring as they sped through the streets.
Ara nervously twisted her fingers in her lap, her gaze fixed on the flashing lights directly ahead of them as Jimin followed the vehicle carrying her father.
Finger twisting was joined by impatient pacing in front of the row of chairs as she awaited any news.
After what seemed like hours of pacing under the glaring white lights, the doctor who’d taken her father approached.
“Mr. Shin is stable but unconscious right now. He had a heart attack. Do you know if he had any of these symptoms lately?” the doctor rattled off a list of concerning things Ara wished she knew about.
She shook her head helplessly. “I-I don’t know. I just got married recently and moved out- I’ve only seen him briefly…”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Jimin wrapped his arms around her comfortingly, returning from making calls to his secretary, letting her know that he wouldn’t be in the next day. “You didn’t and couldn’t know– that’s not your fault. It’s not anyone’s fault; it’s just a fact. Your dad is stable now. It’ll be okay, yeah?” His hand rubbed soothing strokes up and down her arm. “Ara, you’re cold.” Shrugging his coat off, he wrapped it around her like a hug.
“We’d like to run some tests on Mr. Shin, just to make sure he’s okay besides this issue,” said the doctor, eyeing her sympathetically. “Could you come to my office to sign some papers?”
Once everything was finally sorted out and she had seen her father, reassured that he was going to be okay and there was nothing for her to do at present, Jimin took her home and sent her straight to bed.
Tucking her in, he smoothed the comforter over her shoulders, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. “He’ll be okay, Princess.”
“Thank you for everything, Jimin.” She blinked up at his shadowed profile.
“Of course. Get some sleep.” His finger brushed her cheek, then she heard his light footsteps head toward the door and the quiet snick of the door closing.
Closing her eyes, she did her best to sleep. Its comforting embrace welcomed her swiftly.
#bangtanwhq#bangtanfamiglianet#group: bts#group: skz#type: fic#author: star-my#series: vixen#chapter: 1#au: mafia#au: ceo#au: arranged marriage#tw: medical issues#length: 5-6k#tw: human trafficking#star scribbles
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A New Member has Joined the Family!

Please welcome @btskitten7 to the Bangtan Famiglia!
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berserk tiger - iv. impulsion

Pairing: Min Yoongi x Kim Seo-ah (OC)
Rating: PG-13
WC: 1.6k
CW: sibling shenanigans (Jinah extorts Yoongi semi-seriously), lack of boundaries between characters, Miran may (not-so-)secretly be a voyeur? (Jin is Shocked)
A/N: No beta so feel free to point out typos or give concrit. Compliments are always nice. Moodboard photos are taken from Pinterest, edit is mine. This part is inspired by @sabiekay <3
| Series Masterlist & Description | Masterlist | Ao3 |
Taglist (open): @bangtan-famiglia-net @bangtanwritershq @kayleefriedchicken @veronawrites
Seo-ah knocked on Yoongi’s office door, poking her head in when he greeted her. “I’m back.”
He nodded. “Did you have a good time?”
She grinned, thinking of what she’d left in her closet. “I did. Miran is really fun to be around.”
Yoongi’s eyebrow raised. “Good, maybe now that I have a wife, that’ll keep her out of my hair.”
With that cryptic comment, he returned to his work. Taking the silent dismissal for what it was, Seo-ah closed the door silently and returned to her, no their, room. She had a closet to organize.
Jinah immediately tracked Seo-ah down when she returned from school, plopping onto the tufted bench in the middle of the closet with a sigh. “How was your day, unnie?”
“It was good, I went shopping with a new friend and then I’ve been putting my things away. How was yours?”
“Same as usual,” she shrugged, pulling a candy out of her pocket and popping it into her mouth. “Want one?”
Seo-ah refused the offer, not wanting to get her new things sticky before she’d even worn them.
“You should go study, Jinah. It’s almost time for your exams.”
With a belaboured sigh, her sister got up, though she lingered at the doorway. “What’s that?”
Seo-ah glanced down at the item in her arms, a smirk tugging at her lips. “It’s a wedding present from me to Yoongi. Don’t you think it suits him?”
Jinah cocked her head at the fabric Seo-ah held up. Nodding, she agreed. “You must tell me what he says about that.”
“Okay, as long as you study,” Seo-ah insisted.
Rolling her eyes, Jinah left, leaving the door open behind her.
“I left you a snack in the fridge!” Seo-ah called after.
She continued her folding and sorting, down to the last bag now.
A cough behind her made her turn to see Yoongi standing in the doorway. “I thought I should let you know that dinner is almost ready. Uh, I’ll leave you to–”
His gaze flicked down to what she’d paused folding, then back up to her eyes.
Willing herself not to get flustered, as she remembered that she was putting away a rather scandalously lacy lingerie set Miran had forced her to buy, she simply nodded. “Thank you, I’ll be there in a minute. I’ll be settled and ready to cook tomorrow.”
“You don’t have to–”
“I like to,” she insisted, turning to hang the lingerie in the darkest depths of her half of the closet.
“Alright. Do you mind if I join you sometimes? I like to cook as well.”
She smiled at him. “Of course not, it’s your kitchen. There’s plenty of space so we shouldn’t worry about getting in each other’s way.”
He nodded silently and left just as silently, leaving her to stare after him curiously.
The meal was fairly quiet, though Jinah did her best to contribute conversation.
“How would you feel about hosting a welcome dinner so my closest employees can meet you and Jinah?” Yoongi suddenly asked, setting down his chopsticks.
Seo-ah blinked. “That sounds fine. When were you thinking?”
“Hm, would next Thursday work for you?”
“That sounds fine. You know I never have a packed social calendar,” she grinned.
“And what about the first of next month, we reveal our relationship to the public? Quietly, but just something to show off my beautiful wife and let them know that I’m a taken man now?”
Jinah cooed. “You’re earning more and more Husband Approval Points, oppa. Keep it up!”
Yoongi glanced at Seo-ah, who tried to hide her smile behind her water glass. “Thank you?”
“When you reach one thousand HA Points, I may consider forgiving you for not letting me know you were dating my sister until after you were married,” Jinah informed him.
“Jinah–” began Seo-ah, but Yoongi raised his hand, shushing her.
“How many Husband Approval Points do I have at the moment?”
He tsked. “How do I gain these points?”
“Being good to Seo-ah. I will also add two points for every ten thousand won you give me.”
“Jinah!” scolded Seo-ah, now truly shocked. “That is very out of line for you to say!”
“I respect your hustle,” Yoongi told Jinah seriously, fishing his wallet out of his pants. He handed three 5,000 won bills to her waiting hand. “15,000 won, equal to five Husband Approval Points, correct? That brings me up to ten points, or one percent approved of.”
Jinah nodded. “You’re smart. I knew I liked you.”
Seo-ah kicked Yoongi’s foot under the table, making him look at her and her frown. “Don’t encourage her extortion, Yoon.”
He stared at her.
Clearing her throat at the sudden tension in the air, Jinah spoke up. “It’s May twentieth now, which gives Yoongi-oppa approximately six and a half months to reach one thousand points by the end of the year. Care to make any bets on if he’ll make it?”
Yoongi tore his eyes away from Seo-ah to face her sister. “That sounds very arbitrary, especially if you plan on being in charge of the betting and point-awarding. What’s to stop you from rigging it? I think I’d better call my financial advisor here so we can settle this clearly.”
Seo-ah kicked his foot again, harder. “There’s no need to disturb Seokjin and Miran this late, Yoongi. Jinah, no betting, and no bribing Yoongi. You don’t need to disturb him.”
Jinah tsked but settled down, winking at Yoongi when she thought Seo-ah didn’t notice.
Yoongi’s head poked around the closet door to their bedroom, his sudden appearance in her peripheral vision making her turn.
His deadpan face made her blink in confusion for a moment before she remembered what she’d left on his shelves.
Ah. He’d found it. “You found my present?” she smirked.
He stepped out of the closet fully, revealing the cat-print pyjamas she’d bought under Miran’s urging after they giggled about his feline-ness that morning. Stifling a giggle as she took in the look, she managed, “They look very nice…they really suit you.”
“It would be rude not to wear them when you took such care to get them for me,” he excused himself, sliding into bed and hiding the view under the covers.
She snickered again, joining him and turning out the lights. Miran would be so happy to hear how their prank had turned out.
Kim Seokjin and Miran’s house
“Babe, you have to leave early to meet Yoongi at the office for that meeting this morning, right?”
Jin turned from fixing his hair in the mirror to his wife, a little puzzled at the non-sequitur.
“I’m going to leave in half an hour, why?”
“Why don’t you carpool today and go pick him up? I’ll go with you, I want to visit Seo-ah.”
Jin shrugged in acquiescence. “Alright, I can leave in five instead. You’re getting close to his wife fast, aren’t you?”
Miran’s head emerged from the dress she pulled on, arms patting down the creases. “I guess so. It’s nice to have someone who understands what it’s like being married to a mobster.”
“Jagiya…we don’t know what she knows, yet. Please don’t get too attached until we know what Yoongi is doing.”
“I know, I know,” she bumped him out of the way to brush her mascara on. “It’s still nice to make new friends, though!”
Jin let them into Yoongi’s house with his key and passcode, surprised at how dark and quiet it still was. He headed to the kitchen to make some tea, expecting Miran to be right behind him.
Of course, his nosy wife was not, instead tiptoeing down the hallway to Yoongi’s room.
Jin followed her reluctantly, wondering at her invasion of privacy while also knowing that Yoongi had to be up and ready to leave soon.
“Aren’t you even going to knock?” he whispered in Miran’s ear as she wrapped her fingers around the handle.
“Shh, I want to see something,” she hissed back.
Jin gasped. “Since when was my innocent Miran-ie a voyeur?!”
She elbowed him back with a glare. “Not that, Jin. Seo-ah got him cat pyjamas and I need to see if he’s wearing them. There’s no way he’ll wear them unless he’s actually in love with her.”
Now Jin’s curiosity was aroused, and against his mature adult brain’s warnings, he followed his impulsive teenage brain’s idea instead.
Yoongi and Seo-ah’s house
Seo-ah blinked her eyes open, feeling surprisingly rested. Where was she? Oh, yes, her new husband’s bed. He was awake already, looking at her for who knows how long. She blushed, reaching up to pat her bedhead down.
“How long were you awake?”
“Not long.”
His already sensual voice was even worse better in the morning, she found out, feeling something when he spoke.
“So, about last night…”
She hummed, closing her eyes, still too asleep to remember.
“You called me Yoon.”
Her eyes flew open. “Sorry, was that inappropriate?”
He shook his head, one arm emerging from the covers to pat her still-mussed hair down. “I haven’t been called Yoon in years. It was nice to hear. Nicknames really sell the act, too, don’t you think?”
“You’re right…yeobo.”
His eyes crinkled at her teasing advance.
“Glad you agree, jagiya.”
A scratch at the door made Yoongi turn, eyes narrowing.
“Would that be your sister?”
Seo-ah shrugged in confusion. “Jinah?”
A loud yelp sounded from outside, and Seo-ah rushed out of bed. Yoongi halted her at the door, putting his arm in front of her and quietly wrapping his hand around the knob and turning.
He yanked it open to reveal Jinah holding one of his nice kitchen knives in the air, pointed at his second and his second’s wife, who were directly outside the door.
“What is going on?”
#bangtanwhq#bangtanfamiglianet#group: bts#member: myg#type: fic#author: star-my#series: berserk tiger#title: impulsion#length: 1-3k#rating: pg-13#au: mafia#au: haegeum#au: contract marriage
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Vixen ~ Two
➼ Pairing: Jimin x OC (Shin Ara)
➼ Length: 8.4k
➼ Rating: M (minors do not interact)
➼ Content: Arranged Marriage AU, CEO AU, Mafia AU | TW: Human Trafficking (not by BTS/SKZ members); Light Violence | Bangtan and SKZ are mafia; think Kitty Gang Jimin; Jimin calls Ara 'Princess'; Smol Ara is a menace to Seokjin | SMUT: Oral (M + F receiving); Fingering; PiV; Loss of Virginity; Aftercare
➼ Thanks to @moonleeai for betaing!
➼ Taglist (Open): @bangtan-famiglia-net @kookthief @otome-wandering @sarcasticbambi
➼ Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and in no way represents any member of BTS, SKZ, or any other K-pop group mentioned in any way beyond the face and name claims the author made for this work.
➼ Chapter 1 (13/10/23) ➼ Chapter 3 (15/10/23) ➼ Ao3 ➼ Masterlist
Jimin knocked gently on Ara’s door. No answer sounded from within, so he poked his head in. To his surprise, his wife was nowhere to be seen.
Frowning, he headed downstairs to ask Mrs. Lee and Jungkook if they knew where Ara was, almost walking into her.
“Princess? You’re up early.”
Her white suit was open to show her silver-gray blouse and thin gold chain jewellery that glinted in the light from the foyer chandelier.
“You look nice; where are you going all dressed up?”
“Thank you. I’m heading to the hospital to check on Appa, then to ShinCorp to talk some things over with Jin-oppa and Joon-oppa. I’ll see you at lunch. Bye, yeobo!”
With a swift kiss to his cheek, Ara headed out the door, her ponytail bouncing behind her.
Jimin let her escape with Jungkook, momentarily stalled. “Yeobo?” he mouthed, pressing his hand to his cheek.
He didn’t stop grinning all morning (at least in private).
Ara sat confidently in the seat her father normally occupied. Namjoon and Seokjin stood in front of her desk, hands clasped in front of them.
“Namjoon-oppa, you’ll take over like Abeoji wanted, and Jin-oppa, you’ll stay where you are. I will be totally uninvolved, except when I’m not, of course,” Ara winked. “Let’s try and make Appa proud so he doesn’t worry, huh? Hwaiting!”
“Hwaiting!” echoed the two men.
Jimin entered the warehouse cautiously. A couple of lanterns in the middle provided just enough light to see who he was meeting: Vixen, head of the Stray Kids mafia that had rapidly grown over the last few years.
In the shadows behind her, he could just make out her two bodyguards, dressed all in black, just like Vixen: black combat boots with steel toes, black cargo pants, a black leather jacket with steel studs and zippers, and a black mask covering the top half of her face. The black hoodie underneath the jacket covered her head, casting shadows over her face that were only broken by her glowing gold eyes.
Jimin had to admit Vixen was a bit unnerving. Her mind games started before you even saw her face-to-face; there was the reputation of the female mafia leader who lived in the shadows, whose face no one had ever fully seen. Her gang had really exploded in the past five or six years, taking over a sizable chunk of the city with minimal bloodshed. Vixen relied heavily on secrets and manipulation, preferring nonviolent threats to force. Her reputation included being a whiz with a blade, proving she wasn’t a one-trick pony.
Vixen took a step forward, the glint of a silver-and-gold dagger strapped to her thigh catching Jimin’s eye.
“Why did you want to meet?” Jimin met her gold eyes steadily.
Vixen took another step forward. “I want to ally with Bangtan. I have a partnership with Gray…we run a bar; you may have heard of it, Blueprint?”
Jimin nodded. The Blue bars run by the Gray Family were some of the most popular in Seoul: Blue Moon, Blue Side, Blue Hour, and Blueprint. “I’m listening.”
Vixen’s signature red lips turned up in a smirk.
Jungok stayed in the hospital for another few days while his private doctor got caught up on his issues and treatment, agreeing a longer stay would be more beneficial to his healing.
Once he was cleared to go home and rest, he was taken back to his house, refusing Ara’s offer to have him move in with her and Jimin.
Taking time out of her gallery-opening schedule, she made sure to visit him twice a week and check up on his care.
Jimin didn’t see Ara very much (though they did make time for their weekly dates), as they were both busy working on their separate projects; Jimin on opening Dionysus, the bar Bangtan and Stray Kids were officially partnering over, and Ara on opening Secret Secret, the name she’d finally settled on for her gallery.
Ara surveyed her closet as she changed from the outfit she’d worn to her date tonight to her comfy pyjamas.
She frowned. “Jimin hasn’t been paying me much attention lately.”
She opened her spacious drawers, holding up outfits and juggling accessories.
She pulled up her contacts list on her phone, selected a name, and pressed call..
“Hey, it’s me. Want to help me with something?”
Jimin leaned against his car in the parking lot outside the mall, frowning when he saw his wife laughing with another man.
Jealousy bubbled up in his chest, and he frowned harder as they briefly hugged before separating.
The man turned–it was her ex-boyfriend, Lee Minho–and winked at her cheekily before heading to his car. Jimin walked up behind Ara and put his arm around her waist firmly.
“Hello, Princess,” he purred in her ear. “What a surprise to see you here.”
Ara tensed but relaxed when she recognised his voice. “Hello, yeobo,” she said cheerily, as if she hadn’t just hugged her (ex?)boyfriend in front of his salad.
He scoffed quietly. “What are you doing here?”
“Shopping, of course! I found something I’m sure you’d love,” she winked at him adorably, an awkward one-two blink. “Oh, and I got you some chocolate. But what are you doing here?”
“I was coming to shop for your birthday present, jagiya. I suppose I can take you home.”
“How sweet of you to offer,” Ara smiled, and Jimin felt his jealousy fading.
While Ara was distracted, gathering her bags before stepping out of his car, Jimin slipped her phone out of her purse and into his pocket. Being the exemplary husband that he was, he dropped Ara off at her suite with her armload of bags before heading to his office.
The bookshelves were rather obvious, so Jimin’s father had constructed his secret lair opposite them. Jimin put his thumb on the light switch, the built-in sensor reading his print and unlocking the Genius Lab.
“Suga, are you busy?” He greeted his tech guy by his hacker name in case he was on a call with someone.
Yoongi grunted, turning in his chair to face him. Jimin tossed him Ara’s phone, Yoongi’s fingers snagging it out of the air.
“Can you put a tracker on it, in case she’s ever caught up in this?”
“No problem.”
“...and while you’re at it, can you trace her activity for the next few days?”
Yoongi eyed him but said nothing, opting to work in silence. “There’s already a tracker in here. Must be Seokjin’s,” mused Yoongi.
Before the alliance, Jin and Suga were rival hackers-slash-frenemies. The first time the two met in person, Jimin was a little worried until they decided not to deck each other but talk shop instead.
Yoongi fixed the phone and handed it to Jimin. “That all, Boss?”
“For now, thanks.” Jimin left and knocked on Ara’s door. “Hey, I found this in the car,” he said when she answered.
“Oh, thanks! I was wondering where I’d left it! I guess it slipped out of my purse when I grabbed the bags or something.” She shut the door, and Jimin headed to his office to plan.
After one of Ara’s lovely meals, the couple said goodnight and headed their separate ways. Jimin lay on his divan, planning what to say tomorrow, when his phone got an alert.
Ara was talking to Minho.
Jimin scowled and tapped into the call, mid-chuckle from Minho.
“Yeah, it was pretty obvious.” Ara laughed.
“Anything to help,” said Minho smugly. “So, how does it work?”
“It fits perfectly, you smug cat-boy. Thank you for your advice.”
“I bet he’ll be shocked when he finds out, huh?”
Ara giggled. “Yeah, I can’t wait. That’ll teach him to ignore me.”
“Tell me if it works,” snickered Jimin’s rival.
Jimin ground his teeth.
“I will. He’s been off all afternoon, I should probably tell him sooner rather than later. He probably saw us.”
“Good, maybe he’ll finally realise what he could lose.”
“You’re so cynical, Lee. But yes, I am a catch for anyone.”
“Park is either blind or in denial if he’s not in love with you.”
“Thanks for humouring me today, Minho; it was fun. See you later!”
“Night, Ara.”
Jimin huffed and disconnected.
A second later, a text from his wife popped up on his screen.
SA: Can you come talk for a minute?
PJ: I’ll be right there, Princess.
Jimin yanked his robe’s belt shut, stomped into his slippers, and flounced down the hallway to his wife’s room.
She answered his irritated knock immediately.
All thoughts fled his mind; in front of him was a blessed sight most certainly not intended for his mortal eyes: Ara in a red lace onesie.
He swallowed and tried to refocus his thoughts. Focus, Park! Did Minho pick this out for her? They discussed her wearing it over the phone?!
…and Jealous Jimin was back.
“Why did you want to see me?”
“You seemed off all afternoon…I wondered if something was wrong.”
“Yes, something’s wrong!” Jimin exclaimed, his eyes travelling the length of her heatedly. “You went shopping with your ex-boyfriend for that? Is he even your ex?”
Ara grinned widely. “Ah, you saw Minho and me. No, he didn’t choose this for me, I chose it myself. I did ask his opinion on a hypothetical situation or two while we were at the mall, but nothing inappropriate happened, and yes, we are definitely exes. We only had one true date, where we realised we were better off as friends. We pretended to be dating for public appearances and such, a mutually beneficial, platonic relationship to keep gold diggers and well-meaning matchmakers away. Also, I’m married to you, and I’m not a cheater. I apologise if I gave you that impression, but I have in no way, shape, or form acted in a way that would break our vows.”
Jimin sighed, knowing that Ara was right. She wouldn’t hurt him like that; she was loyal to those she cared for.
“I’m sorry. I got jealous.”
“I can see that,” she said wryly, taking his hand. “Don’t worry, yeobo, I only love you.” She looked at him from under her lashes, her eyes sparkling, yet uncertain. Attempting to stay calm and ignore the butterflies in his stomach, he replied. “I was trying to plan the perfect date tomorrow to tell you that,” he said. “I love you too.”
The uncertainty morphed into complete love as Ara tiptoed and waited for him to kiss her. It was perfect.
Their lips barely brushed, then Jimin pressed more firmly against her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to him. Ara returned the favour, prodding his lips with her tongue until he opened up for her. He obliged, gentleman that he was. His warm hand trailed from her neck to her waist, sending sparks through her nerves as he grazed her almost-naked skin.
He nipped at her lip before pulling back a smidgen, his eyes dark and hazy. “I love you, Princess.”
The words settled in her core, warm and insistent. “I love you, too.”
His plush lips turned up before he leaned forward for another kiss.
She placed her hands on his shoulders, pushing him down to the loveseat so she could straddle him, running her fingers through his hair and her other hand down his firm chest.
Sensing her goal, Jimin leaned against the back of the seat to untie his robe and push it off impatiently.
He leaned towards Ara’s tempting cherry lips again but she wasn’t focused on his face anymore.
“And why haven’t I seen you shirtless before?” she demanded, her fingers sliding teasingly across his rib tattoo. “You never told me you had abs!”
Jimin shrugged, focused on sneaking his finger under the strap of her onesie. “Didn’t think to tell you. Would it have made a difference?”
Ara paused, tilted her head consideringly.
“Yah! Want me for my mind, not my body!” He pretended to cover himself with his hands like a scandalized maiden. “I’m more than just a pretty face!”
Laughing, Ara collapsed into his neck, pressing kisses down it as an apology. Her warm, wet mouth continued down his chest, pausing to run her tongue over his nipple. He shivered, and felt her smirk at the information she’d just received.
She straightened again, dropping a last kiss on his mouth. By now he’d slid the straps of her onesie down her shoulders, the loss of support causing the neckline to droop and expose her breasts to him.
Ara’s hips began moving slowly over his as he began kissing and nipping at the sensitive skin on her neck and chest. A tug, and the red lace pooled even lower at her waist. His hand was arrested from ripping it off completely as Ara clamped her hand over his, surprisingly firmly.
He glanced up at her, taking in her loose, mussed hair, shiny red lips, and half-lidded eyes; the prettiest sight he’d ever seen. “Princess?”
She glanced down to their hands, biting her lip. “I…uh…you’re my one and only, Jimin.”
Jimin’s eyes widened. “Oh! I see…uh…do you…Should I slow down?”
“No, it’s fine. I just want it to be slow and special?” She met his eyes.
“Of course, Princess. Thank you for telling me. Is there anything else you want…?” She shook her head. “No, you’re perfect. I just thought I should tell you so you’re not surprised.”
“Right, yeah, good idea…I just thought…y’know…” “Yeah,” she giggled awkwardly, swooping in to sweetly kiss him. “Thank you for being so understanding.”
Jimin smiled widely at her. “No problem at all, jagiya.” He kissed her softly. “How about you tell me what you want me to do, eh? Do you want to keep making out or…”
“Park Jimin, we have been married four months and have kissed only a handful of times. If you stop now, I swear I’ll call Minho back!”
“No need to call your ex when your husband is right here and is more than willing to help you.”
“Good.” Ara wiggled in his lap, pointing at her bed. “What are you waiting for, then? Make me yours.”
A growl escaped his mouth as he swept her up and carried her to her bed in three large steps. He gently tossed her on the bed, crawling up her body to cage her in with his arms and knees.
Breathless, Ara stared up at him. He was so pretty and handsome at the same time. It was unfair, she decided.
His soft, expert lips covering hers broke her from her admiring musings, a tiny noise escaping the back of her throat as his hand slid up to gently twist her nipple between his fingers. She lifted her hips so he could pull her lingerie off the final stretch, his thigh settling between her thighs.
Only Jimin’s underwear and sweats remained, and she hooked her fingers under the elastic band of his sweats.
He got the message, kicking them off to join the rest of their discarded clothing. He crawled up slowly between her legs, running his fingers lightly over her sensitive skin till he reached her inner thighs, diverting them to trace over her stomach and hips teasingly.
She caught her lip between her teeth as he glanced up to check on her, the vision of her husband between her legs a sight that made her unbelievably wet.
“This okay?” he murmured, his fingers pausing just above her heat.
She nodded eagerly, resisting the urge to trap him between her thighs and make sure he never left her.
The first gentle stroke of his thumb through her wetness had her gasping, nerves lighting up like she’d never felt before.
“You’re so wet, Princess.” His awed voice was strained, his other thumb holding her open as his tongue darted out to lick his lips.
“All for you,” she replied, hands moving to tug at her nipples.
“You smell so good. Bet you taste even better.”
She whined impatiently, and who was he to deny his wife’s wishes?
At the first pass of his tongue over her heat, they both groaned, Ara at the sensation and Jimin in ecstasy. He dove in hungrily, a man starved for his wife’s plentiful juices.
Her legs tightened around him, and her hand flew to grip his hair as he swirled his tongue just right.
He brought a finger up, gently circling her entrance, gathering her arousal and his saliva before entering her tight heat.
Her head dropped back onto the pillow, involuntarily clenching around his finger as he worked it in and out.
He groaned, sounding pained. “Can you take another, Princess?”
She gasped out an affirmative, groaning louder as a second finger joined the first.
Jimin moved them around, feeling for something.
Sparks tingled up her spine and she gasped, “There!”
He resumed sucking at her clit as he stroked her inner walls, the pressure building higher and higher.
“Come on my face, Princess.”
With a cry, she let go, falling over the edge to pure pleasure.
When she opened her eyes, Jimin was staring at her in awe, licking his fingers clean, his pink hair mussed from her grip. “You are gorgeous, Ara.”
She smiled, pulling him in for a steamy kiss, tasting herself on him as she waited for her legs to stop shaking.
With him distracted, she flipped him, straddling his thighs, arms around his neck. “Your turn!”
“Princess, you don’t have-”
“I know, but what if I want to?” She peered up at him, fingers already working his underwear down.
She licked her hand, wrapped it around his length, and gave him a couple tentative strokes. “Tell me what you like.” She licked at the head, looking up at him for guidance.
A pained sound escaped him. “You’re doing great so far, keep doing what you’re doing. A little harder, ye-ah.”
Ara took him further in her mouth, running her tongue over the smooth skin. This would take some getting used to, but lucky for him, she was a perfectionist and willing to practice often.
Careful to keep her top lip over her teeth, she began moving up and down, attempting to take a little more each time.
Jimin’s head was hanging back, his mouth open. “You’re doing great, Princess. Use your hand...yeah, like that.”
She coughed and pulled off him, the tip hitting the back of her throat. “Yeah, I’m going to need some practice.”
“Anytime,” he groaned, holding the base of his length firmly. “What position do you want to try?”
“Good old missionary?” she asked, settling herself.
Jimin leaned over her, grabbing a pillow and tapping her hips so she’d lift them for him to slide it under her.
“You’re sure?” he asked her, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Yes.” Hooking her arms around his neck, she smacked a quick, reassuring peck on his lips. “I feel like you’re more nervous than me.”
“Well, it’s only the responsibility of making sure I don’t ruin this for you and us forever,” he said dramatically.
She snickered, making him pout. “You’re doing an amazing job so far, jagi. I have faith in you. Besides, even if it’s not great at first, we have a whole lifetime to practice together!”
He carefully pushed in inch by inch till he was fully seated inside her, the previous orgasm and foreplay loosening her up marvelously. There was only a slightly uncomfortable stretch that was quickly fading as he kissed and nipped up her neck.
“You can move,” she said, rocking her hips experimentally.
He started off slow and gentle, getting into the rhythm. Ara moved her hips up to meet his, her fingers digging into his shoulders. “Harder,” she gasped.
He acquiesced, his head dropping to her chest, his lips finding her nipple and tugging.
A particularly hard thrust had her nails dragging scratches down his back. “There, Jimin! I’m close!”
He moved his free thumb to her clit, rubbing in circles. “I’m close, too. Come, Princess. Let go, Ara.”
She loudly moaned his name, tightening around him and triggering his own orgasm.
“Princess…you are going to be the death of me.” He sank into her arms. “I love you.”
“I love you,” she replied, and kissed him softly. “Ew, we’re all sweaty.”
“Join me in the shower?” He kissed the tip of her nose.
“Of course, my prince.”
Gathering her into his arms, he swept her off to her ensuite, running the water till it was an appropriate warmth.
Ara stepped in, and he lathered up a loofah with her body wash. They took turns washing each other, trading kisses and teasing touches besides the soap.
Once they had dried off with their fluffy towels, Jimin wrapped his robe around her, tied the belt, and picked her up.
“Where are you taking me?” she squealed as he headed for the door.
“My room. You’re sleeping in my bed tonight, Princess.”
The air whistled in his ear as he dodged Vixen’s roundhouse kick. He attempted to punch her stomach, but she brushed his arm away with her own. She feinted a sweeping kick and followed up with a jab to his solar plexus.
One bodyguard pointed to Vixen. “Three points.Vixen wins.”
Shaking their sweaty hands, Jimin and Vixen ended their spar.
His opponent took a bottle of water from a second bodyguard and handed it to him before drinking her own. “I’m planning on attacking a human trafficking ring on Friday. I could use more manpower; care to join?” “What will you do with the ring?”
“Take care of the leaders, send the rest to the cops, find good homes and resources for the victims. Don’t worry; I know what I’m doing. I’ve done this a time or two.”
Jimin considered. “I’m in. How many men do you need?”
“Six to ten should be good. I’ll have my guy send Suga the time and place.”
The door shut behind Jimin, automatically locking. Vixen turned on her heel and headed for the back room, her inner circle already gathered there.
Vixen pushed her hood back and took her gold contacts out, grimacing.
“Okay, there’ll be us nine, plus Jimin, Jungkook, V, Jay, Kai, Taehyun, and Yeonjun. The predicted twelve traffickers will be easily taken if we have all sixteen of us.
“Chan, when you send Suga the message, can you add that I’d like Suga to be on standby online to follow the police scanners? We don’t want them there too early, and Jin will be busy with his division.”
Chan nodded. “You got it, Vix.”
“Thanks. OK, you all take the next two days off, but prepare for Friday. I’ll be on a date at L’Domino Thursday night. I don’t think we should reuse waiters, so Hyunjin, you’re up.
“Call or text me if anything comes up or there’s a problem. I’ll see you Friday morning for a final debrief.”
Vixen hung her jacket in her locker and folded her hoodie, placing it neatly on the top shelf beside her mask and contacts case.
“Boss, why aren’t you hurrying like normal?” asked Felix. “Did you hurt yourself? Need Hyunjin to look at it?”
Vixen waved off his concerns. “I’m fine. Ara just texted Jiminie to pick up ice cream on the way home. He’ll need to text her a picture of the case and ask which type she wants, so I’ll have plenty of time to escape.”
“Smart,” her boys nodded.
With a wink and a nod, she headed into the small bathroom.
Five minutes later, she emerged in old sweats, a college T-shirt, and a fluffy pink jacket; her blood-red smirk had become a pink glossy smile.
“Bye, boys.”
A beep sounded from her phone.
PJ: [1 Image Attached] Vanilla, chocolate swirl, caramel crunch, blueberry, or mint choco?
SA: Caramel crunch please🥰 Get two 😉
PJ: You got it, Princess
Friday night the members of Bangtan and TXT (Bangtan’s subunit of hoobaes) gathered in Stray Kids’ warehouse for the run-through.
Vixen sauntered in her usual outfit, but a kevlar vest bulked up her jacket. The dagger had a twin strapped by her left boot, and a pistol was fastened on her left thigh.
Her normal scarlet smile had received the expensive upgrade of fangs designed with razor-sharp edges. The better to bite you with, my dear, she smirked, remembering the first time she’d tested them out. Ah, that piece of trash had let out a most pleasing yelp when she sank her teeth into hisd forearm. Served him right; he’d attempted to choke her, besides committing many other crimes, of course.
The men introduced themselves as their callsigns, most of them meeting for the first time.
Jimin had brought JK, V, Jay, Kai, Fox, and Kang to meet Vixen and Chan, Lino, Hyune, Han, Felix, Min, Bin, and I.N.
Chan handed earpieces out like candy, each one connected to his, Suga, and Jin’s lines. The members of Bangtan were directed by Suga and Stray Kids was guided by Chan. Jin was set to watch the police and help Chan if needed.
The echo of doors slamming in the warehouse signalled the start of the mission as four black SUVs were filled with armoured men (and women). Tires screeched and they peeled out, ready for a hunt.
A breeze gently played with Jimin’s hair as he and Vixen carefully scouted the area ahead of their men.The soundtrack of city nightlife filled the air until Jimin broke it.
“Do all your captains work at L’Domino?” He asked quietly.
“No; they were keeping an eye on someone for me, collecting information. It’s my chosen currency, you know.”
“It was my understanding that Min was a part of Gray.”
“He’s my spy in Gray,” Vixen returned in a monotone, peering around a shipping container’s corner.
“Do you have a spy in Bangtan?”
Even with the crescent moon’s feeble light, Jimin could tell Vixen was smirking. “What do you think?”
“Lino?” ventured Jimin.
She scoffed quietly. “You met him as your wife’s ex. No, he’s too obvious to be a spy on you.”
Up ahead, a figure of a trafficker exited from a crosspath. “Focus. Bin, two on your two o’clock.”
“Jay, one on your nine; V, one at twelve.” Suga’s voice cut through Jimin’s line. The dozen traffickers were quickly and quietly taken out by the combined gangs’ ruthless efficiency.
The shipping container’s lock was shot off. Even with the silencer on, the echo hung in the air, the humidity from the coming rainstorm accentuating every noise.
Unearthly groans sounded as the doors creaked open. Letting the people inside acclimate to the night’s dim light before barging in with bright flashlights, Vixen marshalled a few of her helpers to speak softly and convince the victims they were there to help.
The children inside still didn’t trust the men’s words, so Vixen crouched where the metal base met the damp concrete.
Raising her hands high enough to be shown by the backlight, she spoke slowly and calmly.
“Hey, kids. My name is Vixen; I lead a mafia here in Seoul. I asked a friend of mine to help me get you guys out of here. All the bad guys out here are taken care of. The police are on their way to help you, alright? Do you have a person in charge here I can talk to and try to prove we want to help you?”
A gangly teenage boy, maybe fifteen or sixteen, Vixen guessed, raised his hand.
“If you’re mafia, aren’t you the bad guys? Why would the police come here if they’re not in on it?”
Ah, lovely, it was time to have the morals talk.
“Good question! Technically, mafia are the bad guys. In this situation, however, we are what you could call the good guys. Our mafias do not participate in human trafficking–some of our members actually arrived with us because they were trafficked themselves. We may be mafia, but we have rules, and one of ours is no human trafficking. As for answering your question about the police,” Vixen sighed, wondering how to explain dirty cops and their tenuous relationship. “We sent an anonymous tip. They’ll be here in a few minutes to make sure you get support. We’ll make sure they send you home, if you have one, or that you get a good living situation worked out.”
A tween girl nudged the boy and whispered in his ear. He straightened and looked at Vixen. “We’re trusting you,” was all he said.
She nodded solemnly. “Thank you. I will do my best not to break it. While we’re waiting for the police, how about we get your information, so we can make sure you’re taken care of?”
Jin logged the kids’ info as they gave it, creating a file for each one. Suga had taken care of identifying the three head traffickers.
By the time the police arrived, the kids were all in a huddle, wearing warm hoodies a size bigger than they needed and holding a pocketknife that Jungkook had given them once they promised not to use it unless it was an emergency.
The traffickers were left in a heap, thoroughly roughed up, courtesy of Jimin, Felix, and I.N. The three men heading up the operation mysteriously disappeared from the pile containing their underlings.
Once the red and blue lights disappeared from the maze of shipping containers, carrying the kids to the station to be processed, two shadows jumped from their vantage point.
Vixen’s fist met Jimin’s in an unspoken acknowledgement before they split, heading to their respective pieces of the night.
Ara ducked into the closet in her dad’s office, laughing to herself. She’d been taking pictures around ShinCorp’s HQ as she explored the newly renovated and furnished office tower.
Jungok was supposed to be in soon, and Ara planned to surprise him and then show him the photos she’d taken that day; she was really improving, thanks to Jungkook and Photography for Dummies.
The sound of his door opening made her peer through the crack, ready to surprise her appa…but there was a strange young man with him.
“You’ll be organising my schedule for both ShinCorp and the Gray Family’s business. You’ll have Jungjoo’s list of legitimate contacts and who I’ll be meeting with on both sides of the business. Jungjoo has agreed to be available to answer your questions if you’re unsure of my contacts’ connections. If I’m around, feel free to ask me as well. The rest of the details are in our contract. Please do your best, Secretary Kim.”
The young man bowed to her father and bent over the desk to sign his employment papers. The new angle let Ara see more of his features.
Ah, it was one of the Kim cousins– Kim Seokjin, she believed. Ara had heard of the Gray mafia of Seoul–they’d just recently opened a new bar downtown, Blue Side. So her father was the head, huh…
“My daughter, Ara, is around today. She does not know and is never to know of Gray’s connections to ShinCorp, do you understand? Generally, I allow her free reign in the building, as she is not a mess maker, but keep an eye on her if she's in the vicinity of a forbidden area or wants to enter my office when I’m in a meeting. Keep her out of sight of any of my visiting rivals and allies, except my immediate family and Jeon Jeonghwa. I want as little attention on her as possible. Her mother’s death was truly an accident, but I don’t want a second accident, planned or not. Ara is all I have left, and I will do anything to ensure she stays safe. My daughter’s safety is of the utmost importance, understand?”
“Understood, sir.” Seokjin bowed. “I will keep Miss Ara safe with my life, sir!”
“Good. You’re dismissed.” Jungok nodded approvingly at Seokjin as the man left.
A few minutes later, he called his car around to head for a meeting.
Ara snuck out of her hiding place and crept to the door. Observing the new secretary leave for a cup of coffee, she waited until he was fully gone before she snuck out of her father’s office.
Her sneaking skills had really improved over the past couple of years. Her appa was much more secretive, and in the months immediately after her mother’s death, she’d caught him breaking off a phone call about her more than once. Wanting to know what had happened to her beloved mother, she memorised all the creaks in the floors, how to wear socks and slippers to dampen her footsteps, and to remember to check where her shadow was falling while she eavesdropped.
This, however, was the first time she’d realised her father was involved in some less-than-legal proceedings.
A shrill yelp pierced Ara’s ears as Jin caught his mug, startled by her sudden movement from under his desk.
Brown coffee splashed dangerously close to the edges of the mug he clutched to his chest. “Are you Miss Ara? Aish, you almost gave me a heart attack, child!”
“I’m thirteen, not a child,” Ara rolled her eyes. “Just call me Ara. Are you the new secretary? I’ve seen you somewhere before.”
“Kim Seokjin at your service. Yes, I'm the new secretary. Your father is good friends with mine, Kim Honggil.”
“Ah, you’re one of the Kim cousins. Kim Seokjin, Kim Sihyeon, and Kim Namjoon.”
Seokjin nodded. “What’s in your hand, Miss Ara?”
She glared at him. “Ara. It’s my camera. My best friend Jungkook taught me how to take good pictures. Can I take a picture of you…oppa?”
Seokjin shook his head. “Aish, I’m going to die of a heart attack caused by this girl. Sure, you can take a picture, as long as I get a signed copy.” At her quizzical glance, he explained. “I need to have an autographed copy from when you were young and unknown, before you become some hotshot photographer and forget your first model, whom you used to call Jin-oppa.” He sighed. “Ah, the good old days…I don’t know how she forgot such a handsome face,” he mourned.
Ara giggled. “You’re ridiculous, but I like you so you can have a photo.”
Picture taken, Ara headed for the elevator and waved goodbye. “I’m just keeping you on your toes, oppa! You’ll never get old with me around!” She laughed maniacally as the door slid shut and Seokjin slumped over his desk.
“What have I gotten into?”
“Jungkook, you know how you’re going to be my official bodyguard in a couple years, when you turn 18?”
Jungkook’s head was in Ara’s lap, her fingers combing through the soft black strands. “…yeah?”
“So then I won’t have Lee watching us all the time?”
“Yes? Where are you going with this?”
“Patience, Kookie.” Ara booped his nose, making him crinkle it at her.
“Well, then I’ll be able to sneak out with you more. I won’t have to make you sneak out to get my stuff anymore, and I can really begin my- our plans.”
“But I don’t mind it! I like it!” Jungkook protested. “It keeps you safe and under Lee’s watch, where you’re supposed to be.”
“Yeah, but it’s so boring. I don’t get to practice my black belts on anything…you can join the underground rings but I can’t, yet. Ugh, I wish you were older so I could polish the plan better.”
“Slow and steady wins the race, Ara. You’ve got two years to finish learning all that stuff you want to know, as if Namjoon-hyung and Jin-hyung won’t help.”
“Yeah, but they’ll be busy for appa, and it’s too close; he’d be suspicious, and they’ll be in trouble even if I’m not. It’s good for me to know hacking and strategy, anyway. You’ve been with me for my physical training, but I can’t lead a gang just because I have five black belts in martial arts and a gun.”
“Okay, you have a point, Bug.”
“When do I not?” she smirked saucily at him.
Ara popped the second contact in and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Two gold eyes stared back at her. Black combat boots laced tightly; black stretchy jeans to allow for more agile movements; black kevlar weave-shirt layered under her black hoodie and leather jacket; scarlet lipstick; special-made mask seated over her face, forehead-to-nose.
The get-up was about as far as she could get from her typical glitter-and-pastel outfits. She slipped the knife Jungkook had given her to celebrate Vixen’s first outing into the holster, her pistol into her ankle holster, and her backup knives up her sleeves.
Vixen stepped out of the bathroom and Jungkook, also masked and all in black, fell in behind her. Their black motorcycles sped quietly through the night to the old warehouse. Underneath the floor was a lively auction in full swing.
Jungkook entered first and began mingling with the patrons, sussing out any members of Gray or a rival family she’d need to be aware of. Seven and a half minutes later, Vixen entered quietly, staying in the shadows at the back as she analysed the room. About half an hour later what she was here for was beginning to be auctioned off.
Making eye contact with Jungkook, she nodded at him to place an opening bid. Once a couple offers were made she also joined the bidding. She and Jungkook upped the price, creating a flurry of a bidding war, until Jungkook acquired one and she the other two.
This was the highlight of the auction, so once they won the bids, the auction house cleared out slowly. Too many people leaving at once would be far too blatant to any prying eyes.
The auctioneer approached Vixen. “Lady Vixen, your goods await your retrieval.”
She nodded curtly, motioning him to step forward, and she followed him to the room at the back, covered with steel bars and securely locked up.
Jungkook passed her on his return from the vault, nodding subtly, his new purchase behind him.
The auctioneer unlocked the door and the armed guard retrieved Vixen’s purchases: two Korean-Australian teenage boys, handcuffed and blindfolded. “Pleasure doing business, Lady.”
She smirked slightly and inclined her head at the auctioneer. “Indeed …I hope to do further business with you.” She put a hand on each of the boys’ shoulders and turned them to face the exit. “Straight ahead, boys!”
With a jaunty wave at the remaining staff in the warehouse’s secret bunker, she headed for the exit to meet up with Jungkook.
Once they were topside, Vixen put motorcycle helmets on their heads, warning, “No funny business, or we all die.” She put the smaller one in front of her and the bigger one on the seat behind her. Revving her engine, she headed for her warehouse HQ, where Jungkook awaited.
The two boys Vixen had brought were put in a small, specially prepared room while Vixen surveilled them and Jungkook’s boy, who was in a room twin to the other.
Vixen didn’t put it past the black market guys to slip a plant in, attempting to pull the wool over her eyes since she was small, fairly new to the illegal scene, and a woman.
She flicked her knife open and cut the zipties binding their wrists tightly. Leaving them, she shut the door and joined Jungkook in the surveillance room.
The first boy pulled his blindfold off, blinking at the dim light till he could see a table, two chairs, and two sealed water bottles. Once he perceived no one else was in the room and it was (so far) harmless, he undid the second boy’s blindfold and started rubbing his wrists.
They began to talk in whispers, but Vixen had bugged the room so she and Jungkook could hear everything plainly. They spoke in English, with an Aussie accent.
“Where are we?” Boy Two asked.
“Another holding cell, it looks like.” “I hope Innie’s okay.”
“Me too. At least we’re together,” Boy One reassured him. “I wonder why the ‘Lady’ bought us…” “She didn’t seem as bad as the others, but you remember Roxie…”
Both boys shuddered.
Boy Two continued, “Do you think the water is for us?”
“It could be a test. We should inspect it.”
Each boy grabbed a bottle, carefully holding it up to the weak lightbulb in the room.
“Let’s just share a bottle in case it’s not for us,” Boy One suggested, twisting open the cap.
“Good idea, Chris-sorry.”
“Chris”--Boy One– tasted a sip thoughtfully, then passed the bottle to the other. “It tastes okay.”
The water quickly disappeared, and the boys sat on the floor facing the door, backs to the wall.
It was the same position “Innie”--Boy Three– was in. He, too, had carefully inspected the water before drinking it, before retreating to his current position.
They had definitely communicated before, Vixen decided. If anyone was a plant, it was likely to be Innie, but he seemed a bit young to be an actor.
She unlocked the door and Jungkook walked in. “Innie?” he tried.
The boy’s head snapped up.
“Do you know ‘Chris?’”
Innie pursed his lips, then nodded slowly.
“Please come with me.”
Innie followed Jungkook to the door, retying his blindfold behind his head.
Jungkook frowned, then mimed a punch at Innie’s head, stopping just before he actually hit him.
Not a flinch of a reaction showed on Innie’s face.
Jungkook gently took his elbow and led him to the room next door, opening the door and spinning him in.
Vixen, watching the cameras, saw the two scramble up to meet Innie, hugging him tightly.
Jungkook rejoined her and they shamelessly eavesdropped as the three caught up.
“We were so worried about you!”
“You got taken together?”
“Yeah, by a woman. The man took you, right?”
“They must know each other,” nodded Chris.
“Are you okay?” asked Boy Two.
“Yeah, you?”
“We’re fine. What do you think they want?”
“I don’t know. The guy just came in and asked me if I knew you and told me to follow him. I didn’t see the woman, and the man had a mask on.”
“They’re listening to us, then,” said Chris. “Unless they asked the guard at the other place our names, but they just called us all ‘Boy’...”
The trio looked at each other.
“Why? We don’t know anything; we were handcuffed and blindfolded most of the time,” said unnamed-Boy-Two.
Jungkook left Vixen to knock and enter the boys’ room.
“That’s the guy,” whispered Innie to his companions.
Jungkook kicked the chair from Innie’s cell over to the other two and nodded at them. “Sit, please.”
They sat down, eyeing him, and Jungkook moved to face them all.
“We were eavesdropping because we wanted to make sure none of you were plants to take down our newly-formed operation,” explained Jungkook. “What’s your name?” he asked Boy Two.
“Chris, Yongbok, and Innie?”
The boys nodded, confirming their names as Jungkook pointed at them.
“Do you remember how you got to that auction?”
Chris and Yongbok told their take on how they’d been kidnapped in Australia and became friends on the way to Korea.
Innie was taken from his native Incheon streets and met the other two at the cells where most of the trafficked children and teens were kept. They became friends during the three weeks they were captives before they were moved to the auction warehouse the day before this one.
“No one’s looking for you back home?” Jungkook asked the Australians.
“Why?” asked Chris, while Yongbok simply shook his head.
“So you’re technically illegal immigrants,” mused Jungkook out loud, telling Vixen to contact Jin and have him finagle two new Korean IDs and an updated one for Innie.
Once that was done, Vixen joined the group in the room, smiling at the boys.
“Hello, Innie, Yongbok, Chris. I’m Lady Vixen. JK here, and I bought you from the traffickers.” She nodded at Jungkook to continue.
He inhaled deeply.
“I was a trafficked kid, too. I’m from Busan, but one day a bunch of us young street kids were grabbed and shipped up to Seoul. We were rescued by cops who were breaking up the ring, and I was adopted by one of the cops, who is friends with Vixen’s dad. I’m Vixen’s bodyguard, so we spend a lot of time together, and one day Vix hatched this scheme to help trafficked kids like me. If you want to go home or find accommodations elsewhere, that’s cool; we’ll help you as much as we can, or you can stay and help us. No pressure either way,” JK said slowly.
“Right, you spent all that money on us just to let us go home? What do we have to do first?” asked Chris sceptically.
Vixen smiled. “I know; it’s strange. But I know not all the kids get happy endings like JK did, and I don’t want that to happen to more. He’s my brother in all but blood, and I have plenty of money to spend as I please, so why not help little JKs?”
“If we don’t leave, how will we help you?”
“I’d like to analyse you separately and see what you’re best suited for. Tech, medical, espionage…” “You make it sound like a gang,” said Yongbok facetiously.
Vixen didn’t bat an eyelash. “I am starting my own mafia, if you must know.”
“Wait, jjinja?”
“Yep! There’s a difference between a mafia and a gang, you know,” Vixen explained. “Mafia are higher calibre and have more rules. They only bring out the big guns if they need them; they prefer to have boring meetings first to attempt peace or treaties before full-on bloodshed. Ideally, no one knows they’re mafia. They’re the one percent.
“In comparison, gangs are…the middle class, at best. Gangs are always fighting for their turf, showing off their affiliations. There is a world of difference between a gang and a Family.”
The three fell silent, contemplating.
“What if I join and I want out later?” asked Innie.
“As long as you spill no secrets about us, you’re free to leave whenever. I’ll even help,” promised Vixen.
“I’m in,” they decided at last.
“Glad to have you join us!”
Jungkook left and Vixen stood up, slapping her thighs. “Okay, JK’s off to prepare your assessments for later. I have a room ready, but I’d like it if you’d shower and see my doctor to make sure you’re all in good health before you sleep.”
They agreed to her suggestion, and she led them down the hallway to a plain wooden door.
Rapping on it four times in a row, she waited till a tall, lean man with long dark hair answered.
“Hey, Doc, these are tonight’s recruits: Chris, Innie, and Yongbok. Dr. Hyunjin is my team’s doctor–he’s currently apprenticing under my father’s doctor, Dr. Lee. Are you okay with me leaving to get some breakfast for you?”
Chris nodded, and Vixen left with a smile and a look for Dr. Hyunjin.
JK found Vixen in the small kitchen, frying egg rolls. He snagged one off the plate and she smacked his hand.
“Tonight went well, Bug.” He leaned against the counter, mouth full of egg.
She turned back to the stove, rolling another layer. “Names, JK. Yeah, it did. Thank you for helping me. How were the memories?”
“Better than I’d hoped. I think it helped that I was the one in power that time, going there to help instead of as a weak little kid, y’know.” “Mmmh.” Vixen flipped the roll onto the plate and sliced it neatly. “Hyunjin’s making sure they’re all physically okay, but I’m sure we’ll need to get them a counsellor, too. Should I hire one when we make it big?” she mused.
Jungkook swallowed another slice of egg roll and contemplated as he danced away from Vixen’s spoon. “It probably wouldn’t hurt, but I don’t think you need to worry about that at the present.”
“Right. Thanks, Kook.”
The boys were in pretty good shape, all things considered, so once they said they were ready for their assessments, Jungkook set them up.
Jin made and dropped off IDs for Bang Chan, Lee Felix, and Yang Jeongin–the names the boys chose for themselves–now that they were confirmed to stay as a part of Stray Kids for the foreseeable future.
Chan became the Head Strategist and Hacker, Felix the Head of Security (Vixen’s bodyguards and strike team), and Jeongin was appointed one of her bodyguards.
Seo Changbin was her other main bodyguard, and the pair became known as the Double IN team.
Vixen’s close friend Minho was her spy in high society since he could gather intel on the male-only parties that she couldn’t attend.
Her second spy was a street kid Jungkook had saved in the winter and introduced to Ara. He fell for her hard and rapidly agreed to join Stray Kids as its first member, though officially he was still unaffiliated with any gang or mafia. Jisung (or, as his contacts knew him, Han), was Vixen’s Head of Espionage.
Even the best-trained forces aren’t always perfect, and Ara’s small band often needed medical attention. Namjoon was able to get Hyunjin in with the Gray Gang’s doctor as an apprentice medic; when Hyunjin wasn’t busy patching up sparring wounds, he was acting as an infiltrator for Vixen, utilizing his good looks to their best advantage. He was kept in the wings, so he wouldn’t become easily recognized.
Since Jungkook couldn’t be with Vixen all the time, he began training Felix and Jeongin as her bodyguards and fighters. Felix was promoted to chauffeur once he got his license, and Jeongin, or I.N. –his street name– became the Head of Information.
Changbin became a member of Stray Kids by following Jungkook and Vixen from an underground fight he’d spectated at. Finding them curious, he stalked them back to their HQ, where they agreed to let him join once he proved his skills in the ring. As the son of a wrestler, he was a prime candidate for bodyguarding.
Vixen’s third and final spy, Kim Seungmin, was kept under wraps from all but her inner circle. He was needed on the inside of Gray, to uncover the more mundane information Namjoon and Seokjin were usually too busy to gather for her. These eight became Vixen’s closest friends and joined Jungkook in the ranks of honorary brothers.
A/N: Jungkook's nickname "Bug" for Ara is a shortened form of the nickname "Shutterbug" because she was always taking pictures.
#bangtanwhq#bangtanfamiglianet#group: bts#group: skz#member: pjm#type: fic#series: godmother#title: vixen#chapter: 2#au: arranged marriage#au: ceo#au: mafia#rating: m#length: 8-9k#tw: human trafficking#star scribbles#bts ff#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#bts jimin smut#bts jimin fanfic
21 notes
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berserk tiger - i. inception

Pairing: Min Yoongi x Kim Seo-ah (OC)
Rating: PG-13
WC: 1.7k
CW: mentions of stalking, threatening
A/N: I have very little plotted out for this series. It's gonna be random and sometimes I'll post non-chronological pieces. No beta so feel free to point out typos or give concrit. Compliments are always nice. Moodboard photos are taken from Pinterest, edit is mine.
| Series Masterlist & Description | Masterlist | Ao3 |
Taglist (open): @bangtan-famiglia-net @bangtanwritershq
Tap tap.
Tap tap tap.
Tap tap tap tap tap.
The quick tempo of his footsteps sped up even more as she glanced behind her. He was gaining on her quickly. Practically running, she ducked around the corner, coming face-to-face with a man in black.
Gasping out a quick apology, she made the executive decision to ignore the stranger danger signs blaring in her mind. She was in enough danger from non-strangers as it was–besides, most crimes, especially violent ones against women, were committed by people the victim knew and were close to. Statistically, she was safer with this random guy she’d found all in black in a dark alley where no one else was around…wow, she wasn’t safe anywhere, was she?
Ignoring everything but the fact that so far Random Guy hadn’t pulled a knife on her, she cleared her throat and widened her eyes pleadingly, begging him to play along.
“Babe, I was waiting ages for you! What took you so long to come get me?” she exclaimed, taking his hand in hers, unwilling though he was.
He stepped out of the alley into the street and saw who she was running from. His gaze flicked down to her, then back at him.
His grip tightened on her hand.
A black car came gliding to a stop at the curb in front of them, and a man in a black suit climbed out of the driver’s seat to open the rear passenger door.
Random Guy handed her in with the grace of one born into a chaebol family, then closed the door and turned to face her pursuer.
She glanced through the smoked glass to see what was going on, surprised that she could barely hear any noise through the car.
The driver flashed a bright smile at her through the glass, blocking her view. Wow, he was really pretty.
The smile disappeared and he opened the door, letting Random Guy get in. She scooched over, tugging the hem of her dress down, aware she didn’t look her best at the moment. The interior light showed his gelled hair, soft features, onyx-sharp eyes, and a faded scar running down the right side of his face.
He studied her silently in return, making her uncomfortably aware of her wind-blown hair falling out of her braid, the perspiration beading on her body, and her rumpled clothes.
Putting a bright smile on her lips regardless, she extended her hand to him. “I appreciate your helping me get away from him. I sincerely thank you.”
He shook her hand, his large one dwarfing hers, his long fingers cool and clean. “You’re welcome. What is your name?”
“Oh, right. Kim Seo-ah.”
“Min Yoongi,” said the man just as his driver got in at the wheel. He threw him a startled look, glancing between her and her rescuer with an unreadable expression on his face.
The car started with a barely-there hum, and Min Yoongi turned to her again.
“Could you tell me what was happening back there?”
She glanced down, smoothing her hem more carefully than it called for. “He’s my little sister’s ex-boyfriend, Lee Geum. He created debts in her name and decided that we needed to placate him; he thinks he’s some hotshot yakuza or something, like he’s playing at being Agust D or something,” she laughed shortly. “He’s been following me home from the pawnshop where I work for the past few weeks, trying to intimidate me into giving him our money and following me to see our new living arrangements. I’ve managed to lose him so far, but today he started getting closer and closer and I saw him with a knife in his pocket. It was a blessing that you were there.”
He hummed, uninterested. “How many men does he have working for him that he thinks he’s the next Agust D?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe twenty or thirty? He’s not a good leader.”
Min Yoongi coughed.
“Have you gone to the police and asked for their help to deal with the issue?”
“I don’t know if you noticed, Mr Min, but this part of town isn’t exactly the most protected place. We’re all too poor to require any real guarding. What valuables could we possibly have? And I did try the police, when he threatened my sister, but they didn’t care.”
The driver clicked his tongue disappointedly.
“What if someone was able to do something about it?”
“Like what?” Seo-ah glanced at him curiously.
“Sent evidence of his crimes to the police or something. Do you think that maybe they’d take you seriously and do something about it then?”
“Maybe,” she admitted dubiously.
“Are you any good at acting?”
She glanced at him suspiciously. “I’d say I’m decent. Why?”
He simply flattened his mouth into what she suspected was a half-smile but could have been a grimace. She took the hint and dropped her line of questioning.
With a gasp she realized that the car had stopped outside of a luxurious villa in Seongbuk-dong.
The driver opened her door, extending his hand to her. She gingerly took it, stepping out onto the pebbled drive as she took in her gated surroundings.
Min Yoongi’s warmth alerted her to his presence behind her.
“Come with me.” He took her elbow gently, leading her into the house, past a man in a suit like the driver’s, but looking considerably more dangerous.
Min Yoongi led her to the kitchen, putting a kettle on to boil for tea and pulling out two cups.
He paused, hand on a cupboard door as he glanced back at her. “Would you prefer something a little bit stronger?”
“I’m alright with tea. Thank you. May I ask why I’m here?”
“Because I’d like to talk to you.”
��Without asking for my permission?” she raised an eyebrow, dropping the formal tone.
He raised one back at her impropriety.
“You essentially kidnap me, I don’t have to add honorifics,” she shrugged, hoping to cover up the unsettling thought she’d been struck by, that she’d traded the devil she knew for the one she didn’t.
“I apologize. Would you like to join me for tea at my home?”
“I’d prefer to have you to mine as a thank you, but given your look–” she waved a hand at his suit–”and my home, this is the better option. I’d be delighted to join you, thank you for asking.”
He gave her another inscrutable, curious look as he poured the tea. “You’re welcome.”
She perched, feeling only slightly awkward and out of place, on the white leather seats at his marble island, gratefully taking the cup he handed her.
He stood across from her, his own cup in hand.
“So, from what I’ve gathered from you, is that you’re the head of a low-income household, you’re in financial difficulty, your dongsaeng’s ex is threatening trouble, and there’s not much happening to address these issues.”
She swallowed a sip of the hot tea, feeling like the words had burned hotter than her tongue now was. That was her situation, but somehow the cold way he had laid out those facts threatened to tear down the defensive walls she’d built.
“Yes, that is the state of things,” she said quietly, already feeling the fuzz on her tongue from the tea burn.
“How much debt did the ex leave you?”
She swallowed another sip. “About thirteen million won.”
As expected of a man who lived in this area, he didn’t bat an eye.
“I have a proposal for you, then.”
She nodded.
“I will help you pay off your debts and take care of this ex, and in return you will enter a contractual marriage with me for five years.”
Seo-ah coughed, expelling the tea from her windpipe that she’d inhaled in shock. “You want me to do what?”
“Marry me. For five years. What do you say?”
“Why do you need a wife? You look fairly young, you’re rich and hot and appear to be influential.”
He smirked at her list of his traits. “Business reasons. There are some things I cannot tell you until you have signed the contract, if you so agree. I’ve been looking for the right wife for a while now, and I think you’ll be splendid.”
“Could I have a copy of this contract so I know what’s expected?”
Min Yoongi pulled his cell phone out and pressed a button. “I need the papers in the kitchen.”
A minute later footsteps sounded in the hallway, then a man in a suit jogged into the kitchen, carrying a small briefcase in hand. He paused as he took in the scene, then handed the briefcase off to Min Yoongi.
He opened the briefcase and pulled out a sheaf of papers, rifling through them to collect a handful that he handed off to her.
She flipped through them, reading the surprisingly simple legal jargon. It looked aboveboard.
She was getting desperate: some creditors were already hounding her enough without Geum’s pressure, Jinah would be needing to pay for her schooling, plus the usual living expenses…Well, she could use this stroke of luck that had fallen into her lap. She was well aware that this contract, though it sounded fair, would likely end in Min Yoongi’s favour, but she would cross that bridge when she came to it. He was the best option at the present time and she would not borrow trouble from her future self.
“I’ll do it,” she declared.
The man who’d brought the briefcase handed her a pen, the clicking of the end sounding loud in the suddenly supernaturally still kitchen.
She signed her name with a flourish, watching the black ink seep into the paper. Min Yoongi took the pen from her and slid the papers from under her arm, scrawling his signature quickly and handing them to the man.
“The registration will come through in a couple days. Would you like to stay here until then?” he asked courteously.
She shook her head. “I appreciate your offer, and this opportunity, but I need to get back to my sister. I don’t like leaving her alone in our area, especially with her ex around.”
“Alright, I’ll get Hoseok to take you back. Thank you for signing this.”
She swallowed, mouth suddenly dry despite the two cups of tea she’d drunk.
#bangtanwhq#bangtanfamiglianet#group: bts#member: myg#type: fic#era: haegeum#length: 1-2k#rating: pg-13#star scribbles#title: inception#series: berserk tiger#au: mafia#au: haegeum#au: contract marriage
11 notes
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Vixen ~ Three (Final)
➼ Pairing: Jimin x OC (Shin Ara)
➼ Length: 6k
➼ Rating: pg-15
➼ Content: Arranged Marriage AU, CEO AU, Mafia AU | TW: Vague Threats of Violence; Kidnapping; Non-Graphic Violence (Fight Scene); Minor Discussion of Human Trafficking (not by BTS/SKZ members)| Ara and JK are so sibling-coded; Jimin ships Vixen and JK
➼ Thanks to @moonleeai for betaing! I had this posted at noon and closed tumblr but when I came back now somehow it disappeared into the cloud?? I'm so annoyed ;-;
➼ Taglist: @bangtan-famiglia-net@kookthief@otome-wandering@sarcasticbambi
➼ Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and in no way represents any member of BTS, SKZ, or any other K-pop group mentioned in any way beyond the face and name claims the author made for this work.
➼ Chapter 1 (13/10/23) ➼ Chapter 2 (14/10/23) ➼ Ao3 ➼ Masterlist
A hand flopped around on the wooden table, finally locating the device making that infernal racket far too early in the morning.
“It’s too early for this,” Ara groaned, sliding the call button on her phone. “Yeoboseyo?”
“Princess? It’s Jimin. Sorry if I woke you…” Ara heard a sharp inhale as her husband realised the time. Still, he pressed on. “Um…you know how Park Wonshik adopted me after I was kidnapped?”
“Ye-ah,” she replied slowly, trying to figure out what was going on. Why was he sounding so awake after helping her break up the trafficking ring early this morning? He probably hadn’t slept yet, she realized. Hence, his too-early call.
“So, the police broke up this ring last night and saved a bunch of kids. They called me and asked if I’d mind talking to them, tell them that things are gonna be okay, y’know?”
Ara made some sort of agreeing noise, heading to the bathroom to gargle some mouthwash and maybe comb her hair and hope that putting her hair in order would simultaneously put her brain cells in order.
“So…one of my dad’s old friends was there and suggested maybe…we could foster one or two of the kids who are in need of a home until they get all the paperwork sorted out. A couple of the kids agreed to testify, so they’ll also need to stay close until the trials are over. What do you think? We have really good security, so they won’t need to worry about a repeat kidnapping, and I know we’ve got space and love. You mentioned wanting to help trafficking victims when I was telling you about my childhood…but…”
The longer her silence stretched out, the more Jimin rambled. He was so cute.
“Yeah, that sounds like a great, practical way to help,” Ara agreed after spitting her mouthwash out. “Just let me know how many you kids you drag back so I know how many rooms to get ready.”
“Thank you, jagiya.” Muffled conversation crackled through the line as Jimin paused to speak with an officer. “Sorry, I have to go. I’ll call later, alright?”
“Okay. Love you!”
“Love you!”
Ara put her phone down on the counter and stared at her reflection in the mirror.
At 2:33 PM, Jimin arrived home with an eleven-year-old girl in tow. The police officer and Child & Family Services officer quickly checked the premises and living situation, then left, leaving Jimin, Ara, and the girl.
Ara smiled, crouching down to her height. “Hi, I’m Shin Ara. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Hello, Mrs. Shin. My name is Kim Nabi,” Nabi bowed politely. “It is nice to meet you as well. Thank you for letting me live with you.”
Her shiny hair teased the tops of her shoulders as she moved.
“I’ll show you to your room, then,” said Ara, motioning at the stairs. “I know you saw it already during the tour, but you can get settled now. My room is right across the hall, so my bodyguard will be close by if you feel unsafe. Have you met Jungkook yet?”
Nabi shook her head, then gave a small smile full of delight as she really took in her room.
Ara and Jimin’s gazes met as they exchanged smiles at her satisfaction.
The walls were a pale periwinkle reflected in the pale blue duvet, the trim white to contrast the wood furniture.
“I hope you like it,” joked Ara. “There are a couple of outfits in the closet, but I thought maybe you’d like to go shopping for some things your own style while you’re here. Jungkook and I will take you whenever you’re ready.”
Ara pulled the stuffed rabbit from the top shelf of the closet and held it out to Nabi. “I thought you might like a friend to talk to while you decide if you want to talk to me or someone else about what happened. I’ve told quite a few secrets to Cookie here, and he’s kept them all remarkably well. He also gives a pretty nice hug,” she smiled conspiratorially.
“Thank you very much, Mrs Shin, Mr Park,” Nabi bowed again.
“You’re welcome, Nabi. I know things have been tough, but you’re a very brave girl,” said Jimin. “We want you to feel safe and at home here. I remember how I felt after I was brought here by my adoptive father. If you want to scream, cry, maybe hit a couple of things, go for a run– whatever you’re feeling, we’re here for you.”
“Thank you,” Nabi said again.
Jimin kissed Ara’s cheek goodbye and left to finish his assistance at the police station.
Ara looked at Nabi, laid a soft hand on her shoulder, and said, “I think you’d like to be alone right now to settle in, but if you want company, my room is across the hall, and the door’s open. If you need anything, just walk in or give me a shout, ‘kay?”
Nabi nodded, and Ara crossed the hall to call Jungkook and explain the situation.
Ara softly knocked on Nabi’s door for the third time. When there was still no response, she twisted the knob and peered in.
Nabi was sound asleep in her bed, hugging Cookie tightly to her chest.
“Nabi, it’s ten to seven. Jimin-ssi will be home any minute, and supper will be ready. I’m sure you’re pretty hungry by now. Jungkook wants to meet you, too, so can you wake up and get up by seven?” As Ara talked soothingly, Nabi stirred and gradually opened her eyes. Ara opened the door a little wider to let the hallway light shine in, as Nabi had drawn her blackout drapes.
“Hello, Ara-unnie. I’m up now.” Nabi yawned and stretched, then slid off the bed.
“Did you have a good nap? I hope you’ll sleep tonight!” Ara stepped just outside the doorway so she wouldn’t stifle Nabi, who yawned again.
“Yes, I slept well, thank you.”
The two headed to the top of the stairs, where Jungkook awaited.
“Nabi, this is my bodyguard and best friend, Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook, this young lady is Kim Nabi.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Miss Nabi,” Jungkook’s bunny smile shone through as he grinned at the girl.
“Thank you. It’s nice to meet you as well, Jungkook-oppa.”
Jungkook grinned even wider at Ara. “I’m her oppa already!”
Ara punched his shoulder gently. “Don’t let it go to your head; I told her she could call us that.”
The foyer door opened, signalling Jimin’s return home. He headed to the powder room to wash up, then joined the little group in the living room, brushing a kiss to Ara’s cheek on his way in.
Jungkook pretended to gag, wincing as Ara pinched his arm.
Nabi was quiet during dinner, her gaze bouncing between the three adults talking and laughing around her but not volunteering much. They drew her in when they could, but weren’t surprised that she didn’t immediately become a chatterbox. She’d been through a lot and was probably still deciding how much she could trust them.
Ara did manage to get her to commit to going clothes shopping the next day, but that was it.
A large yawn cracked Nabi’s face as Jimin asked Jungkook to see him in his office after supper, so Ara said goodnight to the men and followed Nabi upstairs, just in case she forgot where something was or needed help.
Two nights later, Jimin was back at Vixen’s HQ, meeting with the woman herself. He’d showed up unexpectedly, interrupting her spar with Hyunjin, so she wasn’t in full Vixen gear like all the previous times he’d met her.
She’d donned the mask, but her hair was free, a neat brown-black braid falling down her back, a few wisps curled to her sweaty face and neck.
“If you tell anyone you’ve seen more of me than my lieutenants, I’m sorry, but I’ll have to break our agreement,” she waved a finger at him.
“I won’t,” promised Jimin. More of her meant arms and feet, since she was only in a black tank top and workout leggings, her jacket having been tossed aside as she heated up.
Jimin noted interestedly that the gold eyes and red mouth was an indispensable part of Vixen’s persona, as they were still visible.
(As two of her most notable character marks, Ara made sure the lipstick and contacts were first in and last out when she switched between Ara and Vixen. He’d just proved her point—though he didn’t know it—that you should always be prepared for the unexpected; you never know when someone would drop in, either ally or foe.)
“So, you took care of the three men?” she asked.
Jimin nodded. “JK and I made sure they won’t be trafficking in the future…or committing any other crimes.”
She nodded approvingly. “Good.”
The tones of Vixen’s cell phone rang and she bent over, fishing the phone out of her pocket. Answering it, she turned around but didn’t move away; Jimin eavesdropped as best he could. “Vixen.”
There was a pause as her contact spoke.
“What? Stall him! Flag him down and tell him I have a visitor! Engage blade if necessary.” With an aggravated sigh, Vixen ended the call and pinched her nose, muttering something about stupid training, then turned with a smile that was clearly false.
“I’m going to need a minute, would you mind waiting in another room?”
Jimin complied, following her to a small room that reminded him of a cabin. She pointed to the twin bed and shut the door behind her. Jimin didn’t feel like a captive since there was a window large enough for him to crawl through, and there didn’t appear to be any bars or lasers to stop him from doing so if he wished. But he didn’t wish to; he was here for a reason, afterall.
Footsteps echoed in the hallway as someone came jogging up to Vixen. The tread was heavy, likely male, and the visitor greeted her in a male’s voice.
“Hey Vix, I found out where he keeps the goods- why are you frown- ouch! VIX-mmph!”
That male voice sounded awfully familiar. Jimin frowned.
“Shh! I’m gagging you because he’s. next. door!” hissed Vixen harshly. “If you’d checked outside before you snuck in, you'd have seen his car!”
Jimin strained his ears as the whispers softened and moved down the hallway. However, he’d managed to drop a bug on Vixen’s back as he followed her, so he pulled out his receiver and shamelessly eavesdropped.
“I came over the roofs tonight so I didn’t see. I’m sorry, VIx, that was careless; I should’ve known better. I’ll check 360 degrees next time, yakseokhae.”
That was definitely JK.
“Good. Yeesh, oppa, you almost gave everything away! I had Han ready to rush you with his knife to slow you down!”
Oppa?! Why was Vixen so close to JK?
“Sorry, Vixen. But I found out where he keeps the goods, and I’m getting mine tomorrow, so I need to make sure the others won’t be visible when it’s done.”
…the blacklight tattoos each member got when they were inducted into Bangtan? He’d thought JK was a reliable asset to Bangtan, so he’d invited him to get it. JK was obviously Vixen’s spy in Bangtan, but why?…most of JK’s time was spent on his bodyguarding duties with Ara.
Unless…Vixen was going to take out Ara to hit Bangtan and Grey? But both of them were allied with her, that didn’t make sense. And he knew JK would never hurt or let anyone or anything hurt Ara.
Clearly, more investigation was required.
“When are you going to tell him, anyways, Vix? Hasn’t it been long enough for you to trust him?”
Vixen sighed. “It’s a big secret–half my life. It takes time to open up.”
“I understand. I’ll be there when you’re ready. I’ll leave now…”
Jimin heard JK discover the bug when he hugged Vixen goodbye.
There was a pause, crackling as the bug was moved, then a dramatic inhale.
“Vix, what’s this?”
“That’s not one of ours…that’s Jimin’s. I thought I felt his fingers on my back, but I didn’t have time to check.” Vixen cursed, and then all that Jimin heard was static as JK crushed the bug under his boot.
The door swung open, JK standing protectively beside Vixen, who crossed her arms and stared at Jimin.
“Fine. You discovered it. Jungkook is my spy in Bangtan. He helped me start Stray Kids, and he’s an honorary member, since he’s technically affiliated with Gray. I’m not plotting anything against you. Happy?” “Why do you care about Bangtan’s tattoos?” Jimin stared back at her.
“Because Stray Kids have blacklight tattoos too, and I didn’t want to out JK’s and my relationship because you picked a spot close to his previous tattoo to add yours. It’s moot now, I guess.”
“Relationship?” He glanced between the two.
“We’re just friends,” they said in unison, then looked at each other. “What he/she said.”
Jimin sighed. Sure. Just friends. Whatever you say.
“Okay, prove it. Do you have a blacklight around?”
Hyunjin entered with the light and JK unbuttoned his shirt, slipping it off one shoulder. The Stray Kids symbol glowed blue at the joining of his neck and shoulder. Along his left arm were eight small bands of moon phases, as well.
Vixen held the blacklight to her shoulder, and the vivid blue symbol appeared on the front of her left shoulder, slightly larger and thicker than JK’s. “Happy?”
“Alright, I believe you.” Jimin took the light from her and waved it over his left collarbone, showing Bangtan’s symbol in glowing purple-blue. “You can choose where you put it, but somewhere that allows for easy access is a good choice for easy ID,” he told JK before turning to Vixen. “Bangtan’s tattoos are secret for a reason.”
She nodded companionably. “Same with Stray Kids, hence, blacklight. JK and I won’t say anything.”
JK nodded as Jimin looked at him. “ I won’t say a word, boss.”
“You’re affiliated with three families, JK. Which one are you most loyal to?”
JK swallowed, his big eyes a bit rounder than normal at Jimin’s subtly threatening tone.
“Yeah, JK, tell me who you’re loyal to,” Vixen buffed her nails against her shirt as she leaned against the doorway, the very picture of nonchalance.
“...I am equally loyal to them. My primary loyalty is to your wife.”
After several tense seconds, Jimin smiled approvingly and patted his shoulder. “Good.”
Vixen nodded at him for his diplomatic answer, then left to continue her spar with Hyunjin.
Jimin and Jungkook rejoined, watching the spar just as VIxen put Hyunjin in an armlock. He tapped out and Jungkook danced into the ring. “Still mad at me for my slip up, Vix?”
“No, we’re good. Foxtrot spar?” She added one of her many code words with him, requesting the use of martial arts plus blades.
Jungkook nodded, and the spar began.
Jimin leaned forward, closely following the pair’s movements. Their sheer grace and long practice of martial arts gave them the facade of a deadly dance, clearly used to practicing together.
Silver flashes gleamed as their knives slashed and parried, tucked away the next second for strikes and kicks.
Finally, JK saw an opening as Vixen slowed from fatigue, her previous spar with Hyunjin lowering her endurance. Caught in a chokehold, Vixen tapped out.
Bowing, the pair ended the spar. Jimin clapped, impressed. “You both fight very well.”
“Thank you,” they said in unison, leaning down to grab a water bottle, opening it, and chugging at the same time.
Jimin rolled his eyes. Totally “just friends”.
Two weeks later, two days before the beginning of the trials, Ara took Nabi to the mall to take her mind off the upcoming event. Nabi now had a varied wardrobe, but Ara was looking for formal dresses for them for a future party..
Nabi had settled in surprisingly quickly, becoming more talkative and outgoing as the days passed, though she was still a quiet child.
She had only been on the street a week since her mom died when she was kidnapped. No one knew who or where her dad was.
Ara had contacted a counsellor for Nabi to see when she was ready to talk about it, and she and Jimin had agreed they’d love to foster with intent to adopt. When Nabi was ready, they’d talk about it. So far, she seemed to love the house, and she often followed Jungkook around like a duckling when he wasn’t with Ara.
Jungkook casually browsed through the men’s section of the formalwear store while he kept an eye on other customers. Ara took Nabi to the womens’ changerooms to try on a couple dresses each. Stepping into the room beside Nabi’s, she froze at the reflection of the man in the mirror with the gun painted at her.
“Follow me quietly and you and the kid won’t get hurt,” he growled.
Tentatively, Ara turned around, hoping Nabi would stay in her changeroom.
Alas, that was not to be, as Nabi stepped out. “Unnie, my zipp-” she stared at the man and Ara calmly, though her eyes were wide with shock. Slowly, she crept behind Ara, keeping an eye on the man.
“Come quietly and you’ll both be fine,” threatened the man. They headed out the back way to the van idling by the door.
Getting in, Ara felt the dull throb of a needle prick as everything faded to black.
Jungkook headed to the fitting rooms anxiously. Twelve minutes had passed with no sign of either Nabi or Ara. Normally, Ara asked for his opinion on formal fits; while he supposed she may have decided to ask Jimin’s opinion instead, he was still a little worried.
As soon as he saw the silver and jade hairpin Ara had worn that day on the ground, the needle pointing to the back exit, he knew something was up. Pulling out his phone, he began making calls.
Slowly blinking her heavy lids, Ara tried to focus her thoughts and make sense of everything. As she gradually became more clear-headed, her memories returned.
Pretending to still be unconscious, she strained her senses to check her surroundings.
So far, she could tell that she was likely in a warehouse (how original) in the industrial area by the Han River, with the smell of water and the faint industrial noises surrounding her.
Nabi was in the chair behind her, back-to-back, either still out or merely pretending, like herself.
Ara couldn’t sense any hostile presence around–evidently, they were still supposed to be under the drug’s influence for a while longer.
Carefully, she pressed her watch button in and twisted it, sending an emergency GPS ping to both Chan and Jin.
Clearly, the kidnappers didn’t expect much of a chaebol heiress; since she was untouched, her eight knives, two GPSs, and five impromptu weapons were still on her. Well, at least they were respectful. This meant she was likely not going to be harmed, at least at first, and they didn’t know she was Vixen.
She could work with that.
“Nabi-ah, are you awake?” If she was, Ara would have to wait for her prince(s) in shining armour (unless the kidnappers tried something before then), but if Nabi was still out, Ara could fight her way out and then claim a rescue…
She felt Nabi’s hands brush hers, then– “I know you’re Vixen. Can you get us out of here before oppa comes?”
How- how did this child– Jimin still didn’t know!
“I’ll try.” She wiggled a knife free and passed it through their bonds to Nabi. “Go for blood if you’re in trouble. Now is not the time for guilt or gentleness. Use your teeth and elbows if you have to. Aim for fleshy parts like eyes, groin, or disabling their arms and hands.”
“Got it,” Nabi whispered back. “You’re so cool, unnie.”
Ara smiled inwardly, then began tugging the knot of the rope around her hands loose.
Once she had undone the ropes, she slyly slid one of her knives from her thigh free, using it to cut Nabi loose. “Sit tight unless you’re attacked, okay? On three, I’m going to get our captors’ attention. I already sent a distress signal, so Jimin and Jungkook will be here soon,” she added to reassure her foster daughter.
On three, she ripped the blindfold off and stood up, sliding the knives tucked into her heels out and kicking them off, choosing to fight barefoot.
A quick slash up the side seam of her skirt, and she was ready to fight.
The kidnappers had noticed that she was awake, and five men dressed in black ran into the room.
Good, no guns, yet. The illegal weapons left traces very difficult to clean up and explain away.
Silently she charged the row of three, using the first’s momentum to tumble the second and third like dominoes.
While they were still reeling, Ara began slicing at the fourth and fifth, incapacitating them by aiming for their thighs and shoulders.
One, Two, and Three regained their balance, and Ara hurled one of her blades into Two’s shoulder as she danced around Three, hitting pressure points to take him out.
On her way to One, she yanked the knife out of Two’s shoulder, jabbing it at his waist and thigh.
One appeared to be better trained than the others as he aimed for a pressure point on Ara’s neck. Unluckily for him, she grabbed his wrist, forced him to his knees, and kicked him in the groin.
Spinning back to Two, she hit his neck to temporarily paralyse him, watching him slump before repeating the motion on One.
Sighing, she brushed her hair out of her face, wishing she hadn’t dropped her hairpin at the store as a clue for Jungkook. He’d have found her soon enough through the CCTVs, and she could see better without her hair flying around if she’d kept it.
A second batch of five emerged from the hallway she assumed led to the boss’s control room, but this time the group was armed and better prepared.
Ara supposed the first group were the disposable, bottom-tier underlings who underestimated her.
Dropping into a crouch, she grinned ferally. Worked every time.
Two and Three charged her at the same time, so she simply crouched there, then uncoiled at the last second. Using Two’s knee as a springboard, she wrapped her legs around Three’s neck, sending Two sprawling and choking Three out.
On her way to meet One, Four, and Five, she gifted Two a knife to the thigh, dangerously close to the femoral artery. Oops.
Just before she hit One and Four, she dropped to her knees and slid by, taking their legs out. Rather badass a move of her, if she thought so herself.
Five grabbed her by the hair–rude, but smart— thankfully, it was long enough she could twist to face him and swipe at his knees, then grab his wrist and twist him around.
He released her hair, and she swiftly knocked him out, then headed back to the still-conscious Two, Four, and One.
A quick insurance stab to their dominant arms, and all ten opponents were incapacitated, if not unconscious.
Ara spun to the door, dropping into a defensive stance and re-gripping her blades tightly, only to relax in relief when IN and Felix showed up.
“Oh, good, you’re the first ones here. Nabi knows– I’ll figure out how later– but as of right now, Jimin doesn’t know, so you two took out those assailants, okay? I watched you rescue me when I woke up halfway through the fight,” Ara quickly aligned their cover stories.
Clearly, she should tell Jimin about her…nightly business ventures, but now would not be the time.
“Yes, ma’am,” Vixen’s bodyguards saluted, then began dragging the kidnappers into a row and tying them up.
Ara reclaimed her knife from Nabi and sat back in her chair, holding hands with the girl.
“Jimin-ssi should be here very soon and we can go home, okay? You were so brave; I’m proud of you. It’s okay now, so I understand if you’re a little scared or overwhelmed. Do you want to talk about it?”
Nabi shook her head. “I wasn’t scared; I knew you’d keep us safe, and Jimin-oppa and Jungkook-oppa would come for us.”
‘’How did you know I’m Vixen, Nabi-ah? And I gather you figured Jimin and Jungkook out too.”
Nabi grinned, turning in her chair to face Ara. “Jimin-oppa doesn’t wear a mask. I recognized him from the night when you all rescued us. That pink hair is kind of distinctive. I thought Jungkook-oppa worked for Vixen, but then I saw him with Jimin at the police station. I didn’t know till you woke me up for supper the first night; the way you talked to me and approached me was just like Vixen. And then I saw you with Jungkook-oppa and you were close to him like Vixen was.”
“Is that why you were watching us all so closely?” Ara had a revelation. “I just thought you didn’t trust us yet.”
Nabi nodded proudly. “I was trying to figure out who knew what about who.”
Ara smiled at Nabi and smoothed her hair down. “You are a very clever girl– you’re the first person to figure out that Shin Ara and Vixen are the same person. Everyone else who knows, I told. Have you figured out what everybody knows by now?”
“I think so…you and Jungkook-oppa know each other and Jimin-ssi, and he knows Jungkook-oppa but not you?”
Ara nodded, “Good job, Nabi-ah. Jimin’s family and mine are allies, and Jungkook works for both of them, Gray and Bangtan. He also works for my –Vixen’s– family, Stray Kids. Jimin-ssi and my appa both do not know about me being Vixen, but I think I should tell them now, don’t you?”
Nabi nodded. “Secrets should be kept few and far between.”
“Wise wor-”
Their talk was interrupted by a group of armed men bursting in, guns in hand.
Ara and Nabi blinked back at Jimin’s wide gaze. “You’re safe!”
He holstered his gun and anxiously looked them over. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked, pulling Ara into a hug, then Nabi. “What happened?”
“We’re fine, Jimin. Nabi is probably a bit more anxious than she lets on, but we’re fine,” Ara ran her hand down his chest soothingly, feeling the rapid thumping of his heartbeat.
Jimin pulled back to examine Ara's face. “Why is there blood on you?”
“Oh, it's not mine, it’s…theirs…” Ara waved at the neat row of captives guarded by Felix and IN. “They took those guys out and rescued Nabi and me. Jungkook called them, saying we were in trouble.”
Ara had to have some last fun as Vixen, before she unmasked. Unable to resist, she asked in a loud whisper, “Why are there so many of you and why did you have a gun?!”
Jungkook coughed loudly to cover his laughter at Ara’s acting. Felix and IN exchanged grins, turning their backs to ‘guard the prisoners’.
The rest of Jimin’s squad of six looked awkwardly around, invested in the drama and wondering how their boss was going to get out of this jam.
Panic flashed through Jimin’s eyes. “Uh…why don’t we get you home and have a doctor look at you, jagiya. You must have been so scared, Nabi-ah. Let’s go home, hm? I think Mrs Lee was stress-baking up a storm.”
Jungkook slipped out to start the car and told Jimin quietly, but loud enough for Ara to get the message, “I called Dr. Hyunjin– he’ll understand. I have Lady’s men ready to help; I called her guys after you and Jin-hyung.”
“Thanks, JK.” Jimin escorted his girls to the car, leaving Jungkook to drive home while he fussed over them in the backseat.
Ara waited till Nabi showered and Hyunjin okayed her to do anything, much to her husband’s chagrin.
Nabi went straight to bed, and Hyunjin told Ara and Jimin that she was healthy, with no side effects from the drug used to knock them out, and was only stressed, though less so than he’d expected.
Ara was touched by Nabi’s faith in her and her guys.
Hyunjin said good night and all the attention was on Ara. She willingly took a shower, conceding to that after adamantly refusing Hyunjin’s checkup.
Finally, so Jimin would stop worrying, she agreed to give him five minutes to reassure himself that she was indeed feeling 100%.
Ara perched on the counter in her ensuite, her towel wrapped around her neatly and another on her head to keep her hair from dripping in her face.
Cupping Jimin’s face in her hands, she looked him in the eyes.
“I’m sorry for worrying you, yeobo.”
“It’s not your fault, jagi,” Jimin protested immediately.
“Not the kidnapping, no, but the worrying, yes. There’s something I need to tell you. Please don’t freak out, okay?”
Jimin nodded warily, his eyes full of questions.
Ara grimaced, then said. “I know you’re Park Jimin, Head of the Bangtan mafia.”
His face jerked out of her hands. “What? No, I’m not– where did you–”
“Sh, I know, Jimin.” She cupped his face again. “I know Appa is Shin Jungok, head of the Gray mafia. I know my oppas work for you and him as mafiosos. I know your friends aren’t just your friends, they’re also mafia. I know my friend Minho is mafia. The reason I know all this is because…I’m mafia. I’m Lady Vixen.”
Jimin pulled his face away again to stare at her, his jaw slack and his eyes wide.
“I know I was never supposed to know who you all are, but I have since I was twelve. I started planning Vixen then; Kookie helped me. When I was seventeen and Kook was my full-time bodyguard and we could sneak around, I became Vixen.”
“I…don’t believe you.”
Ara hopped off the counter and exited the bathroom, heading for her closet. She changed into jeans and a blouse, then slid her shoes on. “Follow me if you dare.”
Jimin took her hand, confused and curious, as Ara led him to Jungkook’s bike in the garage.
They hopped on, Ara revved, and they sped off, Ara making evasive manoeuvres and pulling over randomly to ensure no one would follow them.
Ara casually strolled up to Vixen’s HQ, D9, and entered her fingerprint, eight-digit code, and eye scan after a moment’s pause.
She headed straight to the back, to Vixen’s room, waving briskly at the sparring members of her mafia gathered in the main room, and pressed on a panel in the wall.
The panel popped out and Ara reached in, removed a small package, and slipped her contacts and fangs in. A small tube of lipstick sat on a shelf, and Ara carefully applied a coat. The mask went on, the jacket was zipped up, and her boots laced up.
Dumbfounded, Jimin watched as his wife did a slow twirl in front of him, a smug smirk on her face. The entire transformation took five minutes.
“You’re really Vixen.”
Hyunjin popped in with the blacklight again and Ara confirmed her SKZ tattoo on her shoulder. “Thanks, Jinnie. Can you ask the others to come see me in a minute, please?”
In the minute they were left alone, Ara sat behind her desk and kicked out a chair for Jimin to sink into. “I’m sorry I didn’t let you know sooner–for worrying you without reason. I was actually the one who knocked out the guys; Innie and Lix got there after. That’s why I was bloody.”
Hyunjin reentered with IN and Felix, handing Jimin a bundle.
He unwrapped it to discover six knives and two stilettos, which caused him to turn to Ara in confusion.
She smirked. “I never go out unarmed. I also have a GPS in each watch and a few of my larger jewellery pieces. I could also have utilized the belt on my skirt and my necklace as weapons, if I so wish. Unfortunately, I had to leave my hairpin behind, but I often wear my hair up in pins because they double as an excellent weapon in a pinch…especially if they’re modified. All this is to say, I’m sorry for worrying you earlier, and I can take care of myself, so please don’t worry if something like this happens again.”
Jimin stared at her, taking in this whole other side of his wife he’d overlooked before. “Wow, you really are a vixen.”
She tossed him a wink, a proper one, as Seungmin, Minho, Chan, Changbin, and Jisung entered.
“Sup, Vix? Oh…”
“Yep, I told him. Thought he might like to know some of my most trusted men, so he can reassure himself about everything.”
Once her men gave a succinct explanation of their path to Stray Kids and left, the couple were left alone, silence blanketing Vixen’s office.
Jimin leaned back in his chair, exhaling slowly. “You’re really something, jagiya.”
The faint sound of people sparring elsewhere in the building filtered through the air while he collected his thoughts.
“I want to be angry that you hid all this from me, but I can’t really without being a hypocrite. Thank you for telling me now.”
Ara sighed in relief. “Thank you for accepting this part of me. Shall we agree to keep no more secrets?”
The two shook hands solemnly. “No more secrets.”
“Oh, by the way…Nabi figured you out the first night she stayed with us because you don’t wear a mask, and also because of your pink hair. She found me out because Vixen and Ara approached her the same way.”
Jimin sputtered and Ara giggled.
“We have a future menace to society and the underworld on our hands.”
Park Jimin and Shin Ara exited the courthouse, their bodyguards shielding them and their new daughter from the paparazzi.
Once the trial was over and the traffickers harshly sentenced, Nabi relaxed more and was able to enjoy life.
She’d readily agreed to Jimin and Ara’s proposal and was delighted to become a Park.
Secretly, she was dying to know which Family she’d join when she grew up, but wisely didn’t say anything about it.
Now, the papers were signed, sealed, and filed, and Kim Nabi was officially Park Nabi.
In honour of the occasion, Bangtan and Stray Kids had collaborated again to open Black Swan, a restaurant that would be Nabi’s future, if she so desired.
Bangtan and Gray had also collaborated to open Blue and Grey, the last bar in the Blue string owned by Jungok.
He’d been thoroughly shocked to find out his little girl had known for a long time about his secondary business, and how she had twisted his most trusted men around her little pinky (Jin and Namjoon had been glared at for weeks after Ara spilled the beans), but he was proud of her ambition and success, even though he wished she had stayed on the legal side of things.
Jimin crawled into bed beside Ara and flipped off the light, turning to pull her to him.
“How is everything going? You’ve been pretty busy lately,” she murmured, cuddling into his body heat.
“It’s calming down now, thankfully. The worst part is seeing you less.”
“Flatterer,” she said, but Jimin heard the smile in her voice. “I miss you too, when you’re busy like this.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, enjoying her angelic appearance as the moonlight fell across her face. They lay there, cuddling in silence for a while, until a thought struck Jimin. He’d been getting used to talking to Ara about his mafia issues, knowing that she’d understand him better now.
“Yoongi is looking for a wife.”
“Oh?” Sheets rustled as Ara pulled away a bit, turning to look at him.
“Yeah, for some reason he wants a wife who’s not in a gang. You know anyone?”
Ara made a noise of surprise. “Really? Hm…I might! You know how I’m allying with that gang, Seventeen, temporarily? I might find a way. I’ll look into it.”
TO BE CONTINUED…in Godmother: Tigress
A/N: Thank you all so much for reading my story! I hope you have a beautiful life<3
Some fun notes about the universe, if you're interested:
-> 22924514 = Vixen in Alpha-numeric code. It's Vixen's code for D9. D9 is a STAY easter egg.
-> Jimin and Jungkook were both part of the same trafficking/rescue situation. They weren’t together, though, and their memories are fuzzy and black out from that time. Eventually, they realise they have a connection and bond over it.
#bangtanwhq#bangtanfamiglianet#group: bts#member: pjm#type: fic#author: star-my#series: godmother#title: vixen#chapter: 3#length: 5-6k#rating: t#au: arranged marriage#au: ceo#au: mafia#bts fanfic#bts jimin fanfic#bts ff
15 notes
View notes
berserk tiger - iii. interlocution

Pairing: Min Yoongi x Kim Seo-ah (OC)
Rating: PG-13
WC: 2.2k
CW: characters discuss their relationship (ew, emotions), author's questionable sense of humour leaks through, character is tipsy/has a hangover
A/N: No beta so feel free to point out typos or give concrit. Compliments are always nice. Moodboard photos are taken from Pinterest, edit is mine.
| Series Masterlist & Description | Masterlist | Ao3 |
Taglist (open): @bangtan-famiglia-net@bangtanwritershq @veronawrites
Seo-ah awoke to the sound of birds chirping, the melodic twittering floating in through the window opened a crack.
The heavy curtains were pulled, but a sliver of sunlight made its way through the slit in the middle, showcasing the fluff dancing in the air over her toes.
Covering a yawn, she got out of bed and stretched, noting the wrinkle-free blankets on the other half of the bed. Either Yoongi had made his half when he left or he’d never joined her in the first place. She wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
The shower in the ensuite was large and had far too many spouts for one person, or even two. Lately, Seo-ah had taken to using soap when she washed her hair, figuring she could save the cost of hair products, so she hadn’t brought any with her. She helped herself to the ones on the ledge, inhaling the ginger and mint scent with a pleased hum.
Showered and dressed, she headed to the kitchen to make breakfast and found Yoongi and Jinah cleaning up the island together.
A hint of pink showed on his ears and across his cheeks, and Jinah had a far-too-familiar smugness about her. Seo-ah squeezed her eyes shut, then stepped forward with a cheery greeting.
Yoongi greeted her, seemingly relieved, and Jinah gave her nothing but a pleased smirk. “Your plate is under the dome on the table,” she nodded. “We debated saving you some since you’re such a layabed, but decided you do enough to merit a holiday, so I made you a bowl.”
Seo-ah considered calling her mischievous little sister out on her veiled statements but decided she wasn’t prepared to deal with what that would unleash.
“You could’ve woken me up,” she protested, pulling out a chair and taking the chopsticks Yoongi handed her with a smile.
“No, you deserve to sleep in, unnie. Besides, now I can catch up on knowing my brother-in-law!”
Seo-ah choked on her rice. Jinah was Agust D’s sister-in-law, and was calling him oppa. She needed a nap, or maybe more of last night’s whisky.
“I’m glad my two favourite people are getting along,” she managed.
Jinah smiled serenely and Yoongi made his escape.
Seo-ah’s phone buzzed. A text from Yoongi.
Min Yoongi: Can you come to my office?
A moment later, another text popped up.
Min Yoongi: The one in my home, not downtown. It’s the second door on the right off the living room.
Yes, because Jinah had gotten the tour before her, busy as she was having a panic attack on the floor of her new closet, and now she had to pretend to know where everything was.
Kim Seoah: Okay, be there in a minute.
Jinah waved her goodbyes, heading off to school, which Hoseok was driving her to, and Seo-ah waited until the taillights disappeared.
She knocked lightly on the door twice.
“Come in.”
Yoongi’s office was neat and clean, with nothing superfluous about it. Shades of grey and black, with some red thrown in for colour. The carpet was a swirl of red and black, and she immediately diverted any further thoughts about the colour schemes.
Two chairs stood in front of his large wooden desk, one a soft wingback and the other an uncomfortable-looking metal. He nodded at the soft chair in a gesture to sit down, so she sat, folding her hands nervously over her knee.
Yoongi’s long fingers pushed a small rectangle across the clear space on his desk to her. “This is yours.”
She picked it up. It was a credit card. She glanced at him.
“It’s connected to the account under your name at my bank. Use it whenever. I told you I’d pay you for the jobs you take for me, so I’ll automatically deposit your wages there.”
She opened her mouth to refuse it, then closed it again.. She’d literally married him for his money, why would she refuse it now that she was married? Besides, she would be earning it herself, with her acting challenges. She’d quit her job at the pawn shop, intending to get a job closer to her new home. She needed income somehow, for when their contract was over.
“Thank you.”
She opened her mouth to ask him about the sleeping situation, but remembered his flusteredness this morning with Jinah’s teasing, and thought the better of it. But they were married, and they should talk about it like the adults they were. But the sheer awkwardness! Asking your spouse if they were going to sleep with you, even just in the literal sense!
“Spit it out,” he said dryly, noticing her internal struggle.
He asked. Here goes nothing.
“What were your thoughts about us sleeping together?”
The arm supporting his chin slipped off his chair’s armrest.
“It didn’t seem like you slept in our bed last night,” she mentioned, hoping to help the conversation along. Horror dawned on her. “Was I sleeping on your side?”
He huffed a laugh through his nose, shaking his head. “I didn’t want to disturb you. We’re still somewhat strangers and I didn’t think you’d be comfortable with a man who’d just admitted he’s a criminal getting into bed with you.”
“We should have discussed this before we got married,” Seo-ah agreed, hoping her cheeks weren’t blushing as red as she felt. “And I apologise for anything my sister may have said this morning.”
“It’s alright. She reminds me of some of my men’s relationships with each other.”
“That’s good.”
“So…you want us to share a bed?”
“I think it would be the easiest thing to do to keep up the ruse, yes,” she said, praying that the blush covering her face would abate. “What if Jinah finds you sleeping on the couch one night, or wherever you slept?”
“I’ll just tell her you kicked me out because we argued,” Yoongi joked. “You have a point. As long as you’re comfortable with it.”
“I brought it up, didn’t I?”
He nodded his agreement at her point. Seo-ah had just felt the flames of awkward embarrassment fade when he turned back to her.
“About our physical relationship–we’ll be required to be somewhat tactile with each other, at least at the VIP events. Holding hands, my arm around your waist, et cetera. Will you be okay with that?”
Seo-ah let out her breath, uncertain if she was disappointed or not. “Yes, that will be fine. We’ll probably have to hug sometimes when Jinah catches us, she’ll find it weird if we never touch. I’m often touching her, just little things, you know? It’s important to me.”
“That will be fine. Is there anything else we need to settle?” “I don’t think so…oh, what are the most important things I should get when I go shopping later? The basics for surviving a society event I might get invited to?”
Yoongi frowned in thought, leaning back in his chair. “I’m not sure, but I know someone who will know.” Pulling out his phone, he texted someone, his thumbs flying over the keyboard.
“She’ll be here in five minutes.”
Seo-ah waited patiently as Yoongi worked in silence, glancing around the utilitarian office and out the half-window wall.
It afforded a lovely view of the porch and circular driveway, so she saw when a black car pulled in and a woman stepped out. She was wearing a blush-pink pantsuit and white stilettos, a white coat over her shoulders and a cherry-pink bag in hand.
A minute later she appeared in Yoongi’s doorway. “You called, boss?”
“You made it,” he said flatly.
“Unfortunately for you,” she snipped, turning to a bewildered Seo-ah.
“Yah, be nice. Seo-ah, this is Kim Miran, my second-in-command’s wife. Miran, this is my wife, Seo-ah. She needs the basics for surviving elite society’s scrutiny.”
Miran hugged her quickly, stepping back to squeal in delight and clap her hands.
“Yoongi, I take back every mean thing I said about you. Come on, Seo-ah, let’s shop until he’s broke!”
Seo-ah pulled back, looking to Yoongi for help. The traitor waved her off with a resigned smile. “I trust you to hold Miran in check, Seo-ah!”
The floorboard just outside their bedroom creaked, making Seo-ah wince as she opened the door. Sneaking in is fine as long as you don't have two dozen bags on your arms making your width impossible to quietly and efficiently move through doorways.
The soft glow of the lamp on the bedside table revealed Yoongi sitting in bed, arms crossed as he stared her down like she was a bird and he a cat. Heh, he was rather catlike, wasn’t he. Imagine calling him a cat to his face. He’d probably be offended it wasn’t a lion or something.
She giggled at the thought, still standing awkwardly in the doorway.
“Did Miran take you drinking?”
Seo-ah tried to raise her hand to pinch her fingers together, but they were full of bags. “Just a little,” she giggled. “I didn’t make you broke though.”
He sighed and got out of bed, revealing the fact that he was wearing nothing but boxers, something that made her hastily avert her eyes to the ceiling.
He chuckled at her preserving his innocence and took one armload of bags from her. The sudden change in balance made her tip into him, sending him sprawling on the floor. She landed on him with an oof, all the air blown out of her lungs.
He stared up at her, his petal-pink lips open in surprise. Seo-ah glanced back up at his round eyes. He really did look like a cat at that moment, and she couldn’t help the giggle that sneaked out.
Yoongi moved her off of him and stood up, letting her laugh on the floor as he hauled all of her now-spilled bags to the closet. “I’ll let you sort those out tomorrow,” he announced, coming out and standing over her as she still laughed.
“I’m glad to see you’re a giggly drunk and not a talkative drunk, but I imagine you’d prefer to giggle in bed with me since you were so concerned about it this morning.” He leaned down, grabbed her wrists to pull her up and hauled her over to the bed.
Seo-ah’s giggles stopped abruptly as he manhandled her between the covers, surprisingly gentle for a big bad mobster. She stared at the strands of hair that fell over his forehead. They looked soft. Was it his spicy shampoo?
The hand that he wasn’t tucking under the sheet smoothed the loose hairs back. He paused and glanced up at her.
She ran her fingers through his hair again. It was as soft as it looked. She hoped her hair would be that soft if she kept using his shampoo.
“Do you like this?” she asked, scarcely above a whisper.
He nodded. She kept finger-combing it for several minutes, until he finally straightened.
“Good night, Seo-ah.”
The dull throbbing in her temples was the first thing Seo-ah noticed when she awoke. With a belaboured sigh, she pushed herself up against the headboard.
The glass of water on her nightstand caught her eye. It was still cool. She drank it in three gulps, her mouth drier than a desert.
Stepping into the closet after her shower, nothing but a towel around her, she saw all the bags stacked neatly in a row on her side as the previous night’s memories came back. With a groan, she stepped past them to pull on some old, comfy clothes before facing her husband.
Really? Petting his hair like the cat Drunk Seo-ah was reminded of? Shivering with cringe, she stepped into the kitchen. It was empty today, with her meal again under the metal dome keeping the dishes warm. The bowl of hangover soup was the first thing she reached for.
Once her dishes were washed and put away, she headed to Yoongi’s office.
“Come in.”
She peeked in cautiously.
“Good morning, Seo-ah.”
“Good morning, Yoongi. I’m sorry about last night, if I made you uncomfortable or anything.”
“It’s fine,” he brushed it off. “It’s good you got along well with Miran. She can introduce you to people in society more naturally than I can. And she’ll be a good friend, in general. I’m sure she and her husband suspect something, but no one in my ranks can know that we’re looking for rats. Just…be careful what you say.”
Seo-ah nodded. “I’ll do that. And don’t worry about last night. I was able to spill our story and she didn’t sense anything off about it.”
“Good job. Did you get everything you needed, or will you be going out again today?”
Seo-ah thought about it. “Almost everything. I’ll just be out for a couple hours if Miran is free now.”
“Alright, be safe. When you get back, we should discuss bodyguards.”
“Okay. I’ll text you when I’m back.”
He waved her off and she texted her new friend.
Kim Seoah: I thought of something I need to shop for
Kim Miran: Say less
Kim Miran: Be there in ten!
#bangtanwhq#bangtanfamiglianet#star scribbles#group: bts#member: myg#type: fic#rating: pg-13#series: berserk tiger#title: interlocution#author: star-my#length: 2-3k#au: mafia#au: haegeum#au: contract marriage
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Teaser: Vixen
Godmother: Vixen will be released for Jimin's birthday weekend!
Rating: M/18+ (MDNI)
Tags: Jimin x OFC, Mafia AU/ Gang AU, CEO AU, Stray Kids make several appearances, TXT cameos, Smut (Oral (M + F receiving), Fingering, PiV intercourse, Missionary, Loss of Virginity, Aftercare)
TW: Human Trafficking (not by BTS members), Light Violence, Light Medical Issues (a side character has a heart attack but recovers)
Total Word Count: 20k
Part One: 5.7k (Friday, October 13)
Part Two: 8.4k (Saturday, October 14)
Part Three: 6k (Sunday, October 15)
Teaser under the cut (0.6k)
A woman all in black walked purposefully into the old warehouse. Several men and a few women were working busily in the large space, barely looking up at the click of her heels.
The door to the private rooms built into the warehouse swung open with the slight squeak of a hinge needing oil.
Gold eyes scanned over its occupants.
“Where’s Hyunjin?”
“He’s restocking the medical room since he got his new supplies,” answered a man with vermilion hair, stretching from his slump over a computer.
“Thanks, Chan.”
A tall man with long black hair popped out of a side room. “You called, Boss?”
The woman nodded shortly, clapping her hands for attention. “You all know that since Park Wonshik died, Bangtan’s been targeted. Well, the head of Bangtan had a brilliant idea to partner with the Grays, business-level and gang-level, through marriage.
“The head of Gray’s daughter is marrying Park Jimin on Saturday. The other mafia will find out tomorrow. With Bangtan and Gray united, the mafia looking to take over Bangtan may set their sights on smaller game, so we need to be prepared for any backlash against us.
“Minho, you figure out if the others are planning to attack anyone. Hyunjin, find out how much Bangtan has on Stray Kids. Everyone else, get ready for an attack, worst-case scenario.”
“Yes, ma’am!” saluted the eight men in unison. They turned to their tasks, leaving Chan to approach the woman.
“Vix, you sure about this?”
Vixen’s blood-red lips curved in a smile. “Don’t worry, Channie. I have everything under control and I have plans for every variable, just like oppa taught me.”
Chan sighed. “Alright, then. I trust you, Vix.”
“Boss, here’s the file on Shin Ara you wanted.”
“Thanks, Hoseok.”
Jimin took the file and flipped through it.
Good grades, though they slipped the year her mother Aeri died; friendly but only had a handful of close friends- four girls she met in college, four of her father’s employees, and one ex-boyfriend, Lee Minho, whom she was still friendly with. Graduated high school and college with honours, has an arts degree in photography, and had recently purchased a building on the edge of downtown Seoul for a gallery.
Who are you, Shin Ara? Why did you so readily agree to marry a stranger?
Jimin mulled over the possibilities, staring at her picture on the screen before him.
Another knock on the door roused him. “Sir, it’s time for your suit fitting.”
“...You may kiss the bride,” announced Seokjin.
Jimin carefully lifted the veil over Ara’s reddish-brown hair, careful not to mess up her hairdo, and met her eyes with a smile he hoped wasn’t too eager.
Her eyes locked on his, a hint of a smile in their mahogany depths. He smiled back, placing his hand on her cheek, his thumb cupping her jaw. The steady beat of her heart pounded under his thumb as he dipped her slightly, the crowd cheering in celebration.
With a wink at her surprised glance, he swept his thumb over her lips, pressing his own to his thumb.
Seokjin gave him a minuscule nod that he caught out of the corner of his eye. No one else appeared to have caught the faux-kiss, thankfully.
Jimin really didn’t want to have to explain to his teasing brothers that the big, bad mafia boss didn’t want to scare his new bride away.
Sihyeon straightened the train of Ara’s Alexander Wang dress and handed her the bouquet of pink ranunculus. Jimin extended his arm, Ara looped hers through his, and they swept down the aisle.
Jungok caught his eye on the way by, “Don’t forget your promise,” he mouthed.
The promise, in Jimin’s copy of the contract– Jungok’s only stipulation.
Do not let Ara find out that you or I are in the mafia.
Taglist: open | @otome-wandering, @bangtan-famiglia-net ...
#star scribbles#group: bts#member: pjm#type: text#fic: vixen#series: godmother#genre: mafia#trope: arranged marriage#trope: secret identity#Bts ff#jimin x oc#bts smut#bangtanfamiglianet#length: 0.5-1k#author: star-my
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berserk tiger - ii. contract

Pairing: Min Yoongi x Kim Seo-ah (OC)
Rating: PG-13
WC: 2.9k
CW: charcters drink sociably, mentions of criminals/criminal activities, author did exactly 0 research on Korean law
A/N: No beta so feel free to point out typos or give concrit. Compliments are always nice. Moodboard photos are taken from Pinterest, edit is mine.
| Series Masterlist & Description | Masterlist | Ao3 |
Taglist (open): @bangtan-famiglia-net@bangtanwritershq @veronawrites
“Seo-ah, are you serious?! Why would you marry a stranger?”
Seo-ah sighed, zipping up the second suitcase with ease. She hadn’t had much to pack; most of the valuables had been sold or pawned, and only the necessities were afforded.
“Look, Jinah. He’s a stranger to you, but I already know him. I’m sorry I haven’t introduced you two before, but I wanted to make sure you wouldn’t be in harm’s way if he turned out to be like Lee Geum. He’s wealthy and agreed to help you with your schooling, and he’s been nothing but nice and courteous to me. I could do a lot worse.”
“But you don’t even love him! If you’re doing this for my sake, Seo-ah, I’m sure we can work something out-”
“I may not love him, Jinah, but he is a good man. I like him, and I’m sure I could love him one day.”
“But what about him loving you,” Jinah pointed out.
“Are your bags packed?” Seo-ah asked, brushing her question aside. She felt guilty for lying to Jinah, who’d been her closest friend and confidant for years, but there was no way she was going to tell her she was getting married to someone she’d known for an evening. It was bad enough pretending that they’d been secretly dating for some time.
Jinah deserved to go through school happily and without misplaced guilt for making her marry someone for his money.
Jinah sighed and dragged her suitcase of things over to stand beside the two Seo-ah had packed. Three suitcases between the two of them, for the whole apartment, was kind of sad.
Seo-ah shook her head, dispelling the thoughts, and curved her lips into a half-smile.
The glare of a sun reflecting off a windshield shone through the window, alerting her that her ride was there.
“Let’s go, Jinah.”
Seo-ah carried the suitcases out to the car, where Min Yoongi was standing.
“Min Yoongi, this is my dongsaeng, Kim Jinah. Jinah, this is my husband, Min Yoongi. I’m just going to drop the key off at the landlord’s, and we can leave.”
She returned to Yoongi shaking Jinah’s hand solemnly, one side of his mouth tilted in a small smirk. “Of course, Miss Kim.” He handed her into the passenger seat, turning to offer his hand to Seo-ah. He settled in beside her in the back seat and Hoseok took off.
They arrived at the villa in record time, and Seo-ah anxiously watched Jinah’s reaction to their new home. She seemed impressed by her surroundings, but stayed close to Seo-ah’s side.
Hoseok brought Jinah’s suitcase to a room overlooking the gardens, with a cosy natural ambiance supplied by plants, clean lines, and the wall of windows.
“Feel free to make changes to the room as suits your taste,” supplied Yoongi, casually leaning against the wall as the sisters whispered. “The remote on the table there controls the blinds, so don’t worry, you do have privacy here.”
Jinah bowed. “Thank you very much, Min Yoongi-ssi. I will be very comfortable here.”
“Good. Seo-ah, Hoseok’s brought your luggage in, if you want to unpack.” He headed down the hall to the room at the opposite end, also overlooking the gardens. Seo-ah was definitely going to have fun digging in them in the summer.
She appreciated how Yoongi inferred that she’d been there before and knew where all the rooms were, helping her further the deception to her sister, who’d followed her along like a duckling.
The door swung open to another glass-walled room, still comfortable-looking like Jinah’s, but done in darker tones. The floor-to-ceiling curtains were dark green and not pearl grey, the bedding was black and not white, and the furniture was varying shades of grey and black, with green accents dotted here and there.
Seo-ah’s suitcases stood by the foot of the bed. Yoongi opened a door on the right, remarking that he���d bought more hangers like she’d told him, so there should be enough room for her things. The other door opened a crack, revealing an ensuite bathroom.
“I’ll give you the house tour while your sister settles and we can get to know each other,” suggested Yoongi firmly, escorting Jinah out of the room.
Seo-ah flashed him a grateful smile and took her suitcases to the closet.
The light automatically flipped on when she stepped in, and reality hit her like a ton of bricks.
The left side of the closet had rows of name brands hanging from the bars and stacked neatly on the shelves, the island in the middle was full of colour supplied by patterned handkerchiefs, reflective metal jewellery and expensive-looking watches.
She’d somehow ignored the fact that this ruse required her to share a room with this man, share a bed- would that just be in the literal sense or the physical, as well? She should have asked. She supposed since they were legally married, and the only lie was that they were in love, Yoongi would like the benefits of having a wife he was going through so much trouble for.
Seo-ah slid down the wall, breathing quickly as her gaze flashed between the chipped edge of her suitcase and the soft row of black suit pants.
What was she doing here? Sure, she was a decent actress, acting like everything was fine every single day, but what on earth had possessed her to think she could fool high society, some of whom were literal professionals at the skill!
What possessed Yoongi to propose to her and explain her role, for that matter? He could have hired one of his professional actress friends, which would certainly have made a more believable story to the tabloids than him marrying some nobody he’d met a week ago!
Okay, she’d done it because she was desperate, but what about him? He was rich, he could solve any problem just by throwing some won around.
Focusing on the questions she was going to throw at him when he returned from his hosting, Seo-ah took a deep breath and stood up.
Her row of clothes looked dismal across from his, but it was the best she could do. She wiped her hands on the back of her jeans and opened the door to her bedroom. Time to go play the part of loving wife and hope she could fool her sister.
She followed the sound of voices to the living room, where Jinah was drinking tea and smiling at Yoongi. He’d done well if Jinah had opened up that much to him already.
The flicker of hope that she could do this burned a little brighter in her chest.
“I’m glad to see there’s no blood on the floors yet,” she greeted them, smiling approvingly at Jinah. “You’re doing well,” she congratulated Yoongi. “Jinah took two months to warm up to my first and last boyfriend. She scared him off eventually.”
“So that’s why you agreed to marry me before you introduced me to your sister,” realised Yoongi. “Don’t worry, she doesn’t scare me. You, on the other hand-”
Jinah coughed, pretending she wasn’t laughing at her brother-in-law or at her sister’s expense. “He’s a smart one. You could’ve done worse, I suppose,” she mused. “At least he’s not Gu Taewon.”
Seo-ah rolled her eyes, relieved that everything was going well. “Is either of you hungry? It’s almost dinnertime.”
“I was planning on ordering fried chicken,” said Yoongi.
“But from where?” asked Jinah, narrowing her eyes in a semi-teasing challenge.
He narrowed his in return. “Bb.q, of course.”
Jinah let the tension sit between them for a minute before straightening with a smile. “Good, I approve of him. Have a happy marriage, unnie, oppa.”
Yoongi glanced at Seo-ah, who shrugged. “Chicken sounds good. Honey garlic is Jinah and my go-to.”
“Noted. Excuse me.”
He left to make the call and Seo-ah crossed the room to sit beside Jinah. “Please tell me you were nice to him.”
“Of course. I asked him about his intentions–sadly I was too late to ask before he married you–” she glared, “but he seems decent, so I’ll give you my support and best wishes for happiness. But if he hurts you, I’ll have you out of here and serving him divorce papers before you can say Agust D.”
It’s only for five years, she wanted to reassure her. It’s on a contract. I can survive five years of anything as long as you’re taken care of. I’m not so naive that I didn’t get my own copy of the contract and put it in my bank box. Everything will be okay.
“Thank you for your support, Jinah. I’m sorry I hid this from you as long as I did.”
“It’s okay, unnie. You were busy stressing about the finances. I’m glad you had Yoongi oppa to brighten up your life.”
Seo-ah smiled sadly at her. “Thank you, Jinah.”
Jinah headed to her room after the dishes were washed, leaving Yoongi and Seo-ah in the kitchen alone.
“I usually have a housekeeper come and clean once a week, and the maid cleans up after she cooks,” said Yoongi. “You don’t have to wash the dishes yourself.”
“Oh, you have a maid. Of course. I don’t mind doing the dishes, though. It reminds me of the happy times when my whole family would do them, before my parents died.”
“If I may ask, how did they die?”
“It was a car accident. I’d scraped together my savings from my job and Jinah had contributed from her after-school job, and we sent them off on a date for their twentieth anniversary. They were on their way home when the driver behind them had an aneurysm and hit them. It was a tragedy all around.”
“I’m sorry for your loss, Seo-ah. That must have been difficult.”
“I had to drop out of university to raise Jinah, but it could have been worse. Several of our neighbours took care of us until we moved to what’s now our old home, and I was nineteen so I was given custody of Jinah. It would have been worse if we’d been separated or put in a home or something. Anyways, that’s enough sad memories. Are your parents still alive?”
The short answer was all she got. “Any siblings?”
“No. I had a brother, but I haven’t seen or heard from him in years.”
“Why did you choose me to be your wife? You’re rich, surely you know some actress…”
The small smirk appeared on his face again. “I don’t want a professional actress wife. She’d be under too much scrutiny for her own work, there’d be fans to deal with, the speculation after the contract ended…so much more mess. You…you intrigue me. We know where we stand, and I’ll admit, I like the fact that I can help you. The actresses I know are well-off in their own right, my money is pointless to them–although I’m sure they wouldn’t mind spending it.”
Seo-ah hummed, putting the final glass away in the cupboard.
“What exactly is your job? I need an answer that’ll fly with Jinah, not just ‘I don’t actually know what my husband does, he makes money so I don’t care,’ because that isn’t me. You said you could tell me why you need me, beyond ‘business reasons,’ once I was your wife.”
Yoongi pulled out a bottle of whisky from another cupboard, followed by two glasses, and began walking wordlessly towards their bedroom.
Seo-ah hung the dishtowel up to dry and followed him apprehensively.
Yoongi settled on the charcoal grey sofa facing the bed, the whisky on the table in front of him. He poured two glasses and handed her one once she perched on the other side of the sofa. Wow, that was cushy. She wouldn’t mind sleeping on it.
“As my wife, you are now entitled to legal protection and cannot be called on to testify against any crimes I may commit, and vice versa.”
Seo-ah swallowed, barely feeling the burn as the whisky settled in her stomach alongside the apprehension.
“I need a wife because I have a plan to execute regarding my business and the spies that are in it. You’re the perfect person to work for either side, and you’re legally removed from testifying.”
“Why would I be testifying against you?” she asked, barely above a whisper. Please do not have jumped from the frying pan to the fire.
“To everyone but you and your sister, I am known as Agust D.”
That is so much worse than I was expecting, was the first thing Seo-ah thought. “You…are Agust D, the head of Seoul’s underground?”
He nodded seriously.
Memories flashed through her mind. The faded scar on his face. The security around the villa. The shock on Hoseok’s face when he gave her his name-
“Is Min Yoongi your real name?”
He nodded at her again.
His head tilted back, adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed the rest of his whisky, unflinching. The glass met the glass of the tabletop with a sharp clink.
He leaned back, spreading his arms along the back of the sofa comfortably. “I say I’m the CEO of SVGA when I need a civilian business title. It’s an open suspicion that SVGA is a front for criminal activities. The NIS is always curious about SVGA. You are to be the bait that draws the rats out. You’re fresh blood, they’ll have an easy enough time pulling your records and seeing that you had financial difficulties. They’ll assume I’m extorting you or something of the kind, approach you with offers of help escaping my tyranny if you slip them information, and then you will tell me their names and I will take care of my problems.”
“So that is why I have to be a good actress?”
“Of course. Feel free to ‘slip’ when you’re in public, if you wish to have the NIS salivating after you even more.”
“When our contract ends, will I be able to testify against you then?”
His cold stare met hers. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”
“More importantly, how will you know if I do take the NIS up on their offer of rescuing me?”
“If this was a marriage of love, not convenience, we would trust each other, no?”
“I suppose.”
“You haven’t yet given me any reason to mistrust you. Your sister believes your charade, which is proof enough of your skills. You’re an honourable woman. You made a promise to me, and you want the best for your sister. You won’t renege on our deal so fast.”
“You’re certainly rather sure about me. We’ve only known each other a week, you don’t know if I’ll turn you in for my freedom from associating with a known criminal and taking your money to support Jinah and me.”
What Seo-ah was quickly coming to realise was Yoongi’s signature smirk slipped across his face. “If you were going to do any of the things you’re mentioning, you wouldn’t be making me aware of the possibilities and actively making me consider my trust in you. You’re loyal, and you’ve thrown your lot in with me, for better or worse. That, in itself, is the biggest indicator that I should trust you.”
Huffing a sigh at his logic, because he wasn’t wrong but it felt like she’d lost somehow, she downed the rest of her whisky with a grimace. “I don’t know how you did it, that stuff burns.”
Yoongi’s smirk melted into a real smile, one that crinkled his eyes. “Practice, and also I can’t be a big bad mafia boss who coughs because of some whisky.”
She snickered at the image he provided.
He brushed off his pants and stood, holding his hand out to her. She looked at it, then up at him.
“Your glass.”
“Oh.” She handed it to him and he collected his from the table, leaving the room to return them to the kitchen, she assumed.
She donned her nicest pyjamas and then stood in the closet for several minutes, debating on her next action. They’d covered the topic of why they were married and what he expected from her, but she still didn’t know what they were going to do about their semi-pretend relationship in the privacy of their own home.
Shaking her head, she decided to simply go to bed and wait for Yoongi’s return so that they could continue their discussion.
Settled between the softest sheets she’d ever felt and pillowed on what felt like a cloud, she considered the evening’s revelations.
She’d willingly married a, if not the, most notorious crime boss in Seoul, simply so she’d be out of debt and he’d be free from moles. His name was Min Yoongi. What a cute name for a gangster, no wonder he’d become Agust D. His smile was cute, too. His eyes crinkled and his upper gums showed and it made her feel something warm and fuzzy inside.
Sighing, she turned to her other side, pulling the warm duvet up under her chin. Surely he’d be back in a minute…
#star scribbles#bangtanwhq#bangtanfamiglianet#group: bts#member: myg#type: fic#era: haegeum#author: star-my#length: 2-3k#rating: pg-13#title: contract#series: berserk tiger#au: mafia#au: haegeum#au: contract marriage
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A New Member has Joined the Family!
Please welcome @colormepurplex2 to the Bangtan Famiglia!
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⋄❥ Nyrie | @btskitten7 ⁌⁍ Ao3
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