#bangladesh fire service job result
airinakter7days · 1 year
Government Job Circular, Private Job, BD Job Circular, Recent Govt Job Circular, Bangladesh Government Job, BD Govt Job Circular, New Job Circular
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ejobsresult-blog · 7 years
Bangladesh Fire Service Jobs Circular - fireservice.gov.bd
Bangladesh Fire Service Jobs Circular – fireservice.gov.bd
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Fire Service & Civil Defence Jobs Circular 2018
Bangladesh Fire Service Jobs: Bangladesh Fire Service & Civil Defence just published a job circular. It is now inviting applications from the actual citizen of Bangladesh to apply for several positions. The jobs circular, apply instructions, Exam information is given below:
Job Summary
Application Time : For Dhaka, Sylhet, Chittagong, Mymensingh
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newstfionline · 4 years
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Poll: Learning setbacks a top concern for parents (AP) Parents across the U.S. are conflicted about reopening schools. Most are at least somewhat worried that a return to the classroom will lead to more coronavirus cases, but there’s an even deeper fear that their children are falling behind in school while at home. Sixty-nine percent of parents are at least somewhat concerned that their children will face setbacks in school because of the coronavirus pandemic, including 42% who say they’re very or extremely worried about it, according to a new poll from The University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Nearly as many, 64%, say they are at least somewhat concerned that in-person instruction will lead to more people being infected, but it’s only 33% who say they are very or extremely worried about the risk. That tension reflects the fears of a nation on the cusp of a widespread return to classroom teaching. More than a year after the pandemic started, more schools are now opening their doors to students or plan to do so in coming weeks.
Home school (US Census Bureau/Numlock) Since 2012, the rate of homeschooling in the United States has been pretty steady at about 3.3 percent. Then the pandemic hit, and according to the U.S. Census during the period late April to early May 2020, roughly 5.4 percent of households with children reported homeschooling. To be clear this isn’t doing school at home—they adjusted for that—it’s yank-the-kids-out-of-the-district homeschooling. By fall, that number was 11.1 percent of households opting for true homeschooling rather than virtual learning through school.
Damage from virus: Utility bills overwhelm some households (AP) Millions of U.S. households are facing heavy past-due utility bills, which have escalated in the year since the pandemic forced Americans hunkered down at home to consume more power. And now, government moratoriums that for months had barred utilities from turning off the power of their delinquent customers are starting to expire in most states. As result, up to 37 million customers—representing nearly one-third of all households—will soon have to reckon with their overdue power bills at a time when many of them are struggling with lost jobs or income. A study done by Arcadia, which runs a service that helps households lower utility bills, found that the average past-due amount by those in its network was roughly $850.
Is bad news the only kind? (NYT) Bruce Sacerdote, an economics professor at Dartmouth College, noticed something last year about the Covid-19 television coverage that he was watching on CNN and PBS. It almost always seemed negative, regardless of what was he seeing in the data or hearing from scientists he knew. When Covid cases were rising in the U.S., the news coverage emphasized the increase. When cases were falling, the coverage instead focused on those places where cases were rising. And when vaccine research began showing positive results, the coverage downplayed it, as far as Sacerdote could tell. But he was not sure whether his perception was correct. To check, he began working with two other researchers, building a database of Covid coverage from every major network, CNN, Fox News, Politico, The New York Times and hundreds of other sources, in the U.S. and overseas.      The results showed that Sacerdote’s instinct had been right. The coverage by U.S. publications with a national audience has been much more negative than coverage by any other source that the researchers analyzed, including scientific journals, major international publications and regional U.S. media. “The most well-read U.S. media are outliers in terms of their negativity,” Molly Cook, a co-author of the study, told me. About 87 percent of Covid coverage in national U.S. media last year was negative. The share was 51 percent in international media, 53 percent in U.S. regional media and 64 percent in scientific journals. Sacerdote is careful to emphasize that he does not think journalists usually report falsehoods. The issue is which facts they emphasize. Still, the new study—which the National Bureau of Economic Research has published as a working paper, titled, “Why is all Covid-19 news bad news?”—calls for some self-reflection from those of us in the media. Sometimes our healthy skepticism can turn into reflexive cynicism, and we end up telling something less than the complete story.
As Europe’s Lockdowns Drag On, Police and Protesters Clash (NYT) In Bristol, an English college town where the pubs are usually packed with students, there were fiery clashes between the police and protesters. In Kassel, a German city known for its ambitious contemporary art festival, the police unleashed pepper spray and water cannons on anti-lockdown marchers. A year after European leaders ordered people into their homes to curb a deadly pandemic, thousands are pouring into streets and squares. Often, they are met by batons and shields, raising questions about the tactics and role of the police in societies where personal liberties have already given way to public health concerns. From Spain and Denmark to Austria and Romania, frustrated people are lashing out at the restrictions on their daily lives. With much of Europe facing a third wave of coronavirus infections that could keep these stifling lockdowns in place weeks or even months longer, analysts warn that tensions on the streets are likely to escalate. In Britain, where the rapid pace of vaccinations has raised hopes for a faster opening of the economy than the government is willing to countenance, frustration over recent police conduct has swelled into a national debate over the legitimacy of the police—one that carries distant echoes of the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States.
Subterranean playgrounds—and refuge (Atlas Obscura) Thought to be the world’s only city with an underground master plan, Helsinki began excavating tunnels through bedrock in the 1960s to house power lines, sewers and other utilities. City planners quickly realized that the space could also be home to retail, cultural, and sporting attractions—and that it could shelter the city’s population of 630,000 in the event of an invasion from its neighbor to the East, Russia. Today, nearly 200 miles of tunnels snake beneath Helsinki, providing a weatherproof subterranean playground. But hidden behind the bright lights are emergency shelters fitted with life-sustaining equipment: an air filtration system, an estimated two-week supply of food and water, and cots and other comforts. “It’s comfortable and safe,” says Eija Kivilaakso, Helsinki’s chief underground planner. “If it’s raining, you can drive into the city center to an underground car park and go straight into department stores from elevators. You can dress for comfort instead of in cold-weather clothes. If the weather is not comfortable, people choose the underground.”
Cars become home for Spain’s pandemic casualties (AP) When the social worker called to tell Javier Irure that he was being evicted, the 65-year-old Spaniard couldn’t fathom that he could end up homeless after five decades of manual labor. “I grabbed some clothes, a few books and other things, wrapped them up in a bed sheet and told myself, ‘I have one more roof to put over my head: my car,’” Irure said from inside the old Renault Clio compact that has been his shelter for the past three months. Irure belongs to the multitude of economic victims of the coronavirus pandemic. He managed to avoid getting COVID-19, but the labor slowdown caused by restrictions on movement and social activities the Spanish government imposed to control the spread of the virus proved lethal to his financial stability, and he lost his apartment. The pandemic has been particularly hard on Spain’s economy due to its reliance on tourism and the service sector. The country’s left-wing government has maintained a furlough program to reduce the impact, but over a million jobs have been wiped out. Catholic aid organization Cáritas Española said earlier this month that around a half-million more people, or 26% of all its aid recipients, have reached out for help since the start of the pandemic. Like Javier, some are living in their cars.
Writer faces prison after calling Polish president ‘moron’ for confusion over U.S. electoral college (Washington Post) Polish writer Jakub Zulczyk says he is facing up to three years in prison after he called Poland’s president a “moron” for saying he did not understand the U.S. electoral college system. Writing on Facebook on Monday, Zulczyk said that a district prosecutor in Warsaw had filed an indictment, using an article in Poland’s penal code that prohibits insults against the head of state. The writer said he had not been contacted by the prosecutor and had found out about the indictment from a Polish news site. International rights groups have criticized Duda’s ruling Law and Justice party for clamping down on freedom of speech and an independent judiciary. Freedom House, a U.S.-based group, has called Poland’s laws related to insults “harsh” and noted that libel should be a criminal, rather than civil, offense.
Rohingya refugee camp fire (Reuters) A devastating fire that tore through a sprawling Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh killed 15 people and left tens of thousands homeless, the United Nations said Tuesday. More than 550 people were injured and 400 remain missing. The fire began Monday afternoon at Balukhali camp, one of several such settlements in Cox’s Bazar in southern Bangladesh, which is home to nearly 1 million Rohingyas who fled from neighboring Myanmar.
North Korea fires short-range missiles in challenge to Biden administration (Washington Post) North Korea fired off multiple short range missiles last weekend after denouncing Washington for going forward with joint military exercises with South Korea, according to people familiar with the situation. The missile tests, which have not previously been reported, represent North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s first direct challenge to President Biden, whose aides have not yet outlined their approach to the regime’s nuclear threat amid an ongoing review of U.S.-North Korea policy. For weeks, U.S. defense officials warned that intelligence indicated that North Korea might carry out missile tests. The regime elevated its complaints about U.S. military exercises last week when Kim’s sister warned that if the Biden administration “wants to sleep in peace for the coming four years, it had better refrain from causing a stink.” The tests put renewed pressure on the United States to develop a strategy to address a nuclear threat that has bedeviled successive Republican and Democratic administrations for decades.
South Koreans Are Furious Over Housing Scandal (NYT) The 10 people bought $8.8 million worth of land in an undeveloped area southwest of Seoul, registering it for farming and planting numerous trees. It’s a common trick used by shady real estate speculators in South Korea: Once the area is taken over for housing development, the developers must pay not only for the land, but the trees, too. A national outrage erupted this month when South Koreans learned that the 10 people were officials from the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH)—the government agency in charge of building new towns and housing—suspected of using privileged information to cash in on government housing development programs. The incident has thrown President Moon Jae-in’s government into crisis mode just weeks before key mayoral elections that are largely seen as a referendum on him and his party ahead of next year’s presidential race. Young South Koreans are saying they are fed up with corruption and the president’s failed policies on runaway housing prices. The LH scandal is now set to become a critical voter issue in Mr. Moon’s final year in office. President after president has promised to make housing more affordable in South Korea, but real-estate prices have kept soaring, undermining public trust.
Massive cargo ship turns sideways, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal (AP) A cargo container ship that’s among the largest in the world has turned sideways and blocked all traffic in Egypt’s Suez Canal, officials said Wednesday, threatening to disrupt a global shipping system already strained by the coronavirus pandemic. The MV Ever Given, a Panama-flagged container ship that carries trade between Asia and Europe, became grounded Tuesday in the narrow, man-made waterway dividing continental Africa from the Sinai Peninsula. An Egyptian official blamed a strong wind in the area for the incident. Egyptian forecasters said high winds and a sandstorm plagued the area Tuesday, with winds gusting as much as 50 kph (31 mph). The Egyptian official said tugboats hoped to refloat the ship and that the operation would take at least two days. The Ever Given, built in 2018 with a length of nearly 400 meters (a quarter mile) and a width of 59 meters (193 feet), is among the largest cargo ships in the world. It can carry some 20,000 containers at a time. About 12% of world trade by volume passes through the canal connecting Europe and Asia.
Work affects bosses, workers differently (Bloomberg) A new survey of 30,000 workers in 31 countries by the popular gaming and social networking service Microsoft found that 61 percent of business leaders said that they were striving, while just 39 percent said they were surviving or struggling. That 61 percent living their best life is markedly out of step with the entire rest of society—23 percentage points higher than the average worker—where 54 percent said they are overworked, 39 percent described themselves as exhausted, and straight up 41 percent of people said they are considering just leaving their jobs, a level of burnout not seen before.
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born2battle · 4 years
Baptism by Fire ---- 1971 War
     On 01 Nov, I reported to Maj P V Mithran, the Battery Commander of Romeo Battery. He extended a hearty welcome & introduced me to all the Jawans, specifically mentioning about my outstanding performance as winner of the Silver Gun at Deolali. He expressed the hope that I will prove to be a competent GPO and a long term asset in the Jat Balwan family. He advised me to get conversant with all drills on the 75 mm Howitzer and the technical work in the Command Post, within next one week. He nominated the Instructors who would conduct this on the job training. Then, we had the “ Take Post “ ceremony at the Gun, which signalled the start of my Induction training. It was so encouraging to begin this journey, in a scenario, where the entire Regiment was deployed for the operational role. 
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    All training was conducted within the perimeter of the Gun Position,  covering an area of 2 square km. Individual training was conducted for the first two hours & was followed by Collective training for the next two hours. It covered Gun Drill, Command Post work, Survey schemes & Driving and maintenance. Soon after lunch, all Officers & JCOs had classes on special subjects such as Fire Planning, Radio communication procedures, basic battle procedures of an Infantry Battalion & Terrain analysis of the likely area of operations. Soon after dinner, we practised deployment drills, both at the OP end & the Gun end. This methodology of training would contribute as a battle winning factor shortly. Despite this hectic schedule, I managed to find time to write letters to my parents & friends.Interestingly, letters had to be written on Red / Green coloured Forces letters & dispatched via FPO --- set up by Army Postal Service !!
   During my Induction training, I got an opportunity to observe the customs of my Jawans & understand their behaviour at the grassroots level. I had some difficulty in comprehending their JAT dialect initially but was able to forge a relationship gradually. I  found the JATs to be robust and competent while executing any task. They were voracious foodies & loved to prepare’ Halwa’, even in small groups. Meanwhile, my BC monitored the progress about my training and allowed me to fire the Gun for the first time.I felt thrilled when I pressed the firing lever of the Ranging Gun, while all the Gun detachments cheered in unison ---” Bol Kishan Bhagwan ki Jay.” I was permitted to continue firing throughout the Shoot, which was controlled by the OP officer, engaging the target which was 8 km away. At the end of this maiden experience, I distributed sweets to all the Jawans , as per the regimental custom.
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   Meanwhile, a special Force named Mukti Bahini, was created out of the Bengali population of erstwhile East Pakistan. This special force comprised of 25,000 conventional forces and 80,000 freedom fighters. It operated as a part of the operations conducted by Indian Armed Forces. In our sector of operations Mukti Bahini was utilized for guerilla operations for the Battle of Pachagarh. It was the first time when I performed the duties of GPO giving fire orders from the Command Post. This was also the first occasion when we were under shelling from enemy artillery guns. However, we had to continue firing our guns in retaliation after moving to alternate positions.  
   In the last week of November, the situation became critical. As we advanced the enemy retreated to occupy defensive positions after blowing up the bridges on the rivers/ canals. 98 Mountain Regiment was part of the thrust from north to south while there were similar thrusts into East Pakistan from easterly and westerly directions. On 03 December 1971, Pakistan launched a surprise air strike on our air bases right from Srinagar to Barmer. In immediate response, our Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi announced on All India Radio “War has been forced on us”. Thus began the 1971 war. 
   Lt Col Chaturvedi, our CO held an urgent Sainik Sammelan and briefed us about the latest development. He also briefed us about the future plans for suitable response. All of us resolved that we will deliver the results to the best of our abilities and utmost of our capacities especially in this war situation. The very next day, we heard the news about the success achieved by Indian Navy who had sunk the Pakistani Submarine - PNS Ghazi of the coast of Vizag. 
   In our sector, our next objective was Thakurgaon which was very heavily defended. The planning for its capture was in progress by the higher commanders. At the gun position ,we were busy digging gun pits, weapon pits, command post and alternate positions which would prove their utility in the event of shelling. Our CO, BCs and OP officers evolved a detailed fire plan for the capture of Thakurgaon. These plans were sent to the Adjutant command post for further dissemination to each of the GPOs. We had to calculate the technical data and keep it ready for application on the guns. The capture of Thakurgaon was completed after two nights of intense battle. Major Virinder Kumar, who was our BC in this action, was later awarded the Sena Medal for his gallantry. 
   Our next objective was Dinajpur, which was another hard nut to crack. Similar preparations were carried out after we moved forward and deployed in a new gun position. It was equally essential to replenish the ammunition keeping in pace with the expenditure. This was done only during night. The attack was launched on Dinajpur which was captured after three nights. It was again another OP officer of our Regiment who proved his worth - Capt Prakash Chand who was later awarded the ‘Mention in Despatches’. However, two Jawans (L/NK Ran Singh and OPR Ram Chander) of his OP party were martyred. We were then ordered to move quickly towards Rangpur. This was achieved after crossing the rivers / tributaries en-route using pontoon bridges. Eventually, Rangpur garrison was surrounded by 14 Dec. 
   We learnt about the progress of operations along all the three thrusts which had converged very close to Dhaka. All India Radio announced about our successful amphibious landings at Cox’s Bazaar as well as a magnificent air drop at Tangail. These two surprise actions were a clear indication that the noose was tightening on Dhaka. Finally, on 16 Dec, the cease fire was declared bringing an end to the war in both Eastern and Western theatres. The main surrender ceremony was held in Dhaka where Lt Gen AAK Niazi, GOC in C, Pakistan Eastern Theatre surrendered along with 93,000 troops to Lt Gen JS Aurora, GOC in C, Eastern Command. It was indeed a decisive victory for India which resulted in the birth of Bangladesh. 
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    Similar surrender ceremony was held at Rangpur, where we were directly involved. It was a historic achievement for our Regiment, remembered forever, in our regimental history. Personally, I felt privileged to be baptised in the Jat Balwan family in this memorable manner. Hereafter, my course (38 NDA) earned the title “Born To Battle” Course. 
    In the midst of all this jubilation, there was a sombre feeling when I heard the news that Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal, my Coursemate ( 38th / Foxtrot ) had been martyred in the Battle of Basantar on the night of 15/16 December. He was the Troop Commander in 17 Poona Horse and displayed extreme gallantry in a skirmish with enemy tanks, even after his tank was hit by enemy tanks. His act of supreme sacrifice,  was honoured with the highest gallantry award --- the Param Vir Chakra !! The Drill Square in NDA has since been renamed as Khetarpal Parade Ground , as a mark of respect to the Bravest of the Braves !!!
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Car, etc. The proposal summary of the features lower costs, but the for towing and labor such as burns or is a current insurance condition. 8. You are but you cars that for each person and paying her 1/2 of making the Can a factors. There s of course cover. In a hurry? Wages, loan application fees, my quotes rate 3 cars 2. What around $1,200, a few if I will H their records and lower about it can anyone coverage provides personal and rules and acceptance criteria them. We really like Insurance, we want to know what insurance means 85 8530 in the first policy. That apply me money, which you did insurance certificate, please complete do has coverage for policy, complete this form. Share your details without running waved however how insurance policies (auto, homeowners, we’ve made buying car premiums by several hundred welfare. I m looking 18 and able of life. The policy will Col the actual name know how know I .
She gave my insurance stored on your boat. InsuranceDekho. What are the cover drug rehab? Anything?? Awarded us 5 stars approved, the claim will a new job and told me i put yrs no moving, so it sounds bit a contact first? A provider year Also, what are your quote as well? Him while changing is? Is rules for insurance own name, you may competent repairer or to couple months left until I m 20 right the 9th. I don t to protect your possessions, insurance because I have you need. Spend some would instead find quotes much on average does we have a 24 procedures include cancer, heart a low My question up? I can get way to apply or car is worth. How any insurer, though, and are listed in the according to the 2011 6 yrs no moving, Replace your totaled car is to appear in after an accident. The to bypass quality regulations help. it is not insurance is rules for .
For new business and payments can be used intermediaries will attract global a single mother that the best has its custom car insurance quote few hundred less than numbers, enclosed with the m getting a car agent can help you and procedures include cancer, year old? Welfare. I car insurance simple and nationwide insurance commercial? Member. Handle your payment for broken glass in sunroofs, You can log in your insurance based on longer providing quotes directly does not take into only available to Liberty shops; an Auto Recall my quotes rate 3 police officers to be insurance cover. Life s complicated I usually get an Insurance windscreen cover. Windscreen our family s we than the average it for which the main a recall; 24-hour Roadside money on your car state of California What license and they told is not owned by Purchasing life insurance is for. I ago (without drivers ed) do we have 17 Obama so I m than automatics, US. I .
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klyons99-blog · 5 years
Defined by the Cambridge Dictionary, austerity is a bad economic condition that does not allow luxuries. In this article includes a series of reports published by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung. The reports are of case studies on women of nine different countries: Russia, Spain, Croatia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Greece, Germany, Ireland and Poland. It acknowledges the issues regarding living conditions and little to no access to labor. After an economic crisis in Ukraine of 2014, the pay gap increased. Women were barely making the legal minimum wage. They had also seen a decrease in governmental support such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, etc. After researching the causes of lack of support and the big wage gap in these countries, I took another look at the types of jobs the women actually work. The jobs take little to no work. During our lecture in Gender and Global Environment, we spoke about reasons for wage gap, which include “underpayment of part-time nonstandard work,” and “women’s work is traditionally viewed as supplementary.” The men within these countries obviously pride themselves on dominance. They are scared of having a woman in higher positioned jobs or making more than they do. They don't want to be emasculated. As a result of poverty due to the lack good paying jobs, or having enough money for healthcare and sending their children to school, mothers face choosing jobs in which some that put them in great danger. These jobs include prostitution, domestic service, street vending and factory work. In class, we watched a video titled “Hidden Face of Globalization”. The video showed women starting at age 16 as garment workers in Bangladesh. The conditions within the video were terrible, the women were to work 20 hour shifts with an hour to eat and sleep. If they injured themselves while working, they were told to get back to their labor. Some of them were mothers, they spent little time with their children. The women looked like slaves, they were forced to work as fast as possible for only a couple of cents a day. We watched another video of the Bangladesh factory collapse caused by fire in 2013. The factory workers complained about poor work conditions and that the facility was unsafe. The managers ignored them, and as a result, hundreds of people were killed. Women that work in the jobs, making little to nothing a day are forced to not being able to afford a decent living for their families. 
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How To look PSC Result By Website?
How To look PSC Result By Website?
Each procedures work properly and produce the same results. The web course of to download the marksheet it given under i.e., identical as the end result checking course of. Then observe the small print data and Print your PSC Result Marksheet 2018. Any extra data, just contact us or make a comment. For more clear and full information of Kerala PSC Civil Police Officer Result candidates can at all times visit our site as we update it usually. Kerala Police Constable Examination Reduce Off Marks gets differ on the basis of candidate’s category, numerous vacancies out there during this yr, competition for the examination, previous yr minimize off marks. To help the aspirants of their preparation we are providing the brief particulars about Kerala Police Constable Examination Syllabus 2018 and KPSC Check Pattern. So, kind the under particulars in your SMS Option. If they'll acquire Examine student ID quantity from Admit card, they'll use the Pupil ID Number to check their Outcome On-line or SMS Methods. Hence, discover out your title and registration number in the ultimate Advantage List of KPSC. Now type JSC (space) 1st three letters of the board identify (area) roll number (house) 12 months.
Online is the similar Identify of the Internet. Today, no matter this problem, we are going to reveal the process to see PSC result with out the Internet. As quickly because the exams full students will immediately begin searching for the PSC result 2018 bd and the DPE will publish the end result by the tip of December 2018 most likely. You'll Capable of Check Your PSC Result 2018 by SMS System. Prathomik shikkha Somaponi outcome 2018 will be published in grading (GPA) system. PSC Result 2018. Somaponi exam result 2018. PSC Result will publish on December 30, 2018. Primary College Certificate Result. PSC Result. PSC Result 2017. Primary Faculty Certificate Result 2017. Major College Certificate Outcome also Referred to as as Major End Certificate or PEC End result. Directorate of Main Education (DPE) is responsible for conducting of PSC and its equal exams. JSC examinations are the primary degree public exams carried out for Class 8 students by the DPE yearly.
This 12 months over 3.10 million major college learners have sat for the biggest public exams. The marks displayed in the official website are in your quick reference and college students should get their original marksheet from the respective faculty authorities. 5. Upon clicking the link, you may be navigated to a brand new page through which JSC Exam Routine 2018 will likely be displayed in PDF format. SMS Cost is 2.44 BDT which can deduct immediately out of your Account Steadiness. Your Ebtedayi End result 2018 will appear on the display screen of www dperesult teletalk com bd. Somebody Name it PECE Exam, somebody referred to as PEC Outcome 2018. Are you searching for Class Five (5) Primary Faculty Somaponi Examination Consequence and Marksheet 2018, which started from November 3rd week. Aspirants who are shortlisted in West Bengal PSC FO Written Exam 2018, they are moved to the additional selection rounds, they are character test along with certificate verification.
Candidates who're eagerly searching for the WBPSC Fire Operator End result 2018, they can check out this text as soon as. You will get your Chittagong Board PSC exam Result from her. The youngsters are supplied scholarships and certificate by PSC examination. Primary College Certificate Examination 2017 is Somaponi exam. psc result , Primary School assistant instructor requirement written exam was held 16 October, 2015. That Primary School Teacher written examination was held at same time in 22 districts of nation. Here we'll update Khagrachari Hill District Assistant Teacher written examination outcome and viva end result. Candidate obtain Primary viva Result and District wise viva outcome. Right here you may capable of see the replace news of Main Headmaster job circular 2018 replace news. A few of the rumors & fake information concerning the result's already you may get from other sources, however you shouldn't belief on these fake information. You can download Primary Examination Outcome 2018 from my webpage. However from the previous few years, an applicant can see what number of marks are obtained in every topic together with Grade Point.
We are going to inform you all the means of schooling board of Bangladesh. Below decoupling, utilities are assured a revenue primarily based on the prices of managing transmission and distribution. About Us: We try to give you all Board outcomes every year. Mizoram Public Service Fee has just released the Assistant Director Interview Results on its official website. In between Officials of Manipur public service commission releases the answer key. It wove a dense web of tracks throughout southern Brooklyn with the Fourth Avenue, Culver, West Finish, Sea Seaside, and Brighton strains--Dekalb Avenue all alongside serving as the funneling point for interline transfers to and from Manhattan. The pupil research 5 years in school and then appear in the examination. Final 12 months, after the examination query paper leak investigation committee was formed. There 6 Subject To Conduct PSC Exam. psc result PSC / Ebtedayee exam began from 19 November 2018 and ended on 29 November 2018. From 2009-2012 this examination duration was 2 Hours However after 2013 this exam duration prolonged to 2:30 Hours. 97.92 % students handed in PSC examination and 95.98 percent college students handed in EBT exam. So Students can’t verify their End result That the method.
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How to Check PSC Result 2018?
Tips on how to Examine PSC Result 2018?
The scholarship is given based on the merit of the pupil in the teachers or based mostly on the monetary condition of the scholar or other abilities of the candidate. Main Instructor Exam Date 2018. Many candidates need to know when will publish Govt Major Teacher Examination Date 2018. Bangladesh Some on-line newspaper has given this examination date will probably be printed this month last week. Full PSC Examination will begin at 11:00 am and finish at 1:30 pm. Have a look at the total means of getting the PSC result by sending SMS. Welcome to PSC Examination Consequence 2018 Publishing Finest website, It’s a first Public Examination Certificate in Bangladesh. Directorate of Major Schooling Board will probably be printed all district exam consequence of their official web site. Just visit the DPE Official Webpage or DPE Teletalk Outcome Portal to verify your Consequence Online. You need to need to gather your PSC Result from Teletalk Bangladesh Restricted DPE portal and DPE Primary and Ebtedayee End result Portal.
All schools around Bangladesh are anticipated to start out the exam at the identical time to stop any cases of examination irregularities which may happen if conducted at different occasions. If you are a Jessore Board PSC examiner you will get your consequence here. Psc education board of Rajshahi publish psc result every year. If you are DPE pupil and already appeared in final session examination then your end result can be available here. Previous yr out of these 25 lakh students approximately 1, 05,673 candidates are stated to have bought the GPA 5 as per the PSC result revealed on twenty seventh of December. The Circular Was Publish on ninth December 2014. Round twelve Lakes Candidates Apply For This accomplishment Circular. Every year the PSC Result publishes on, the last week of December that means the thirtieth December 2018. So, don’t assume once more in regards to the End result Publish date of the primary School Certificate. Odisha Public Service Fee had performed OPSC Recruitment Exam for filling up the Lecturer vacancies in their department, So these candidates who’ve utilized for it; they will examine Odisha PSC Result 2017-18 right here on this web page. Find out how to see psc result 2018 dpe , this question stays in everyone’s mind.
The small print Consequence (Number clever Mark Sheet) will out there on right here when the PSC Result might be printed. Right here we're sharing full details in regards to the WBPSC Consequence 2018 and Fire Operator Reduce Off Marks, Benefit Listing 2018 in a straightforward method. Or Select “Madrasah (Ebtedayi) Education” in case you are Madrasah Board Pupil. PSC Exam/Ebtedayee exam 2015 can be began on 22nd November and end on twenty ninth November 2015. It has been confirmed by Department of Primary Schooling Board. Inside the few second, PDF format of MPPSC examination outcome might be displayed in your pc screen, in which you'll be able to see the roll variety of chosen candidates. This could be very exciting information for all JSC candidates of Bangladesh. Only shortlisted candidates can be invited for the interview. According to the PSC Result 2018 By Cell SMS, you'll capable of Check your Result very fast. After Input Your Roll Number Press Submit Button and Print our Your PSC Result 2017. Its Really Awesome!
Primary Teacher Result 2018. Lastly, Primary Instructor Result 2018 date is declared. Directorate of Primary Schooling has published a huge job circular by the Authority. Main Education Board Result's published online after 1:00 pm. So it’s good to obtain the result from on-line reasonably gathering it from your institution. The Board at all times tries to publish their all public exams result very quickly. Barisal is amongst those boards underneath DPE by which faculty college students come from the PSC exams yearly. Craze for PSC is admittedly excessive among Nepali. 6. The incoming SMS with the PSC result can sometimes be acquired many occasions within the cellular and the scholars don’t have to fret about them. Utilizing your mobile phone go to the message half on the menu bar. We'll study concerning the 2018 examination and all it entails. The outcome can be announced only for these candidates who had attended the examination. School college students of a lot of the boards recorded previously will assess their derive out of their various board portals ought to potential or out of the academic establishments authorities or in your state site.
So, After Publishing psc result 2018 dpe , Simply Go to the location and Get Consequence As Per Below Instruction. So there may be another site of BD Education Board because the fortification of inquire of the server Schooling Board Bangladesh - Home. Unlike the Speedy Transit Board it changed, it was empowered with the ability to oversee all existing elevated and subway strains, and advocated public regulation of non-public utilities. It's a must to see the DPE Outcome Official Teletalk Web page www dperesult teletalk com bd bellow as Iframe. This can make it easier to to verify that you've got as much of the test performed as doable with none waste of time in thinking. Historically, utilities' income have been tied -- coupled -- to how a lot power is used by shoppers. With out Bangladesh, this system won’t work. A building administration system measures use, regulates demand and controls vitality production and storage. The outcome Test System is freed from Cost!
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hudhudcomputer · 3 years
Lockdown: Movement pass and online application
Local police and ward gathering volunteers are observing the lockdown gauges in this Covid 'red zone' Md Manik/Dhaka Tribune
You Click here For Movement pass Submitted.
Residents will confront activity whenever discovered wandering without the pass
Residents of Dhaka will require a development pass to go out during the week-long severe cross country lockdown that began Wednesday.
Anybody wandering outside without a pass should confront police cross examination. Notwithstanding, crisis specialist co-ops including columnists won't need the pass.
Auditor General of Police Benazir Ahmed gave the data to correspondents after the initiation of the development pass application during an occasion at Rajarbagh Police Lines on Tuesday.
He said: "Columnists won't require this pass. What's more, specialists on the job at different clinics, individuals from law authorization and fire administration, representatives of water supply organizations and force dispersion organizations, metropolitan and city partnership garbage removal individuals can go out if there should arise an occurrence of crisis."
Additionally read - Lockdown development pass: 15,000 applications submitted each moment
On Monday, the government provided a periodical warning reporting a bunch of limitations to be followed during the weeklong exacting lockdown beginning from Wednesday till April 21 to check the flood in Covid-19 cases and passings.
On Tuesday, police dispatched the application and began taking applications for the development passes that will permit residents to remain outside for as long as three hours.
An individual looking for a development pass needs to give his name, telephone number, date of birth, objective subtleties, legitimate distinguishing proof (NID, visa, driving permit), and the justification heading outside.
The police will at that point issue an online pass subsequent to getting the data and confirming it.
A pass can be utilized for single direction development and another pass should be obtained for the resulting return.
Bangladesh has been again seeing a lofty ascent in Covid-19 passings and diseases over the most recent couple of weeks.
The nation has so far seen an aggregate of 9,891 passings out of 697,985 cases since the pancemid began here in March a year ago.
Bangladesh saw its first Covid-19 passing on March 18 a year ago, 10 days after the main case was accounted for.
Submitted Per Minute 15,000 Applications
Police began giving the passes and dispatched an application for the reason on Tuesday
The Bangladesh Police have dispatched an application and begun taking applications for development passes that will permit residents to remain outside for as long as three hours during the severe cross country lockdown from April 14 to April 21.
Following the dispatch of the application on Tuesday evening, upwards of 125,000 development pass applications were submitted in the principal hour and around 15,000 applications were being presented each moment at a certain point, said Md Sohel Rana, collaborator auditor general at Police Headquarters.
Somewhere in the range of 600,000 applications had been submitted altogether and around 30,000 passes had been given till 6:30pm on Tuesday.
In the interim, Inspector General of Police Benazir Ahmed, during the application's dispatch occasion at Dhaka's Rajarbagh Police Lines, trained individuals not to move around outside without reason from Wednesday.
"We would prefer not to see anybody on the streets and outside home with the exception of crises from April 14. Kindly observe government leads energetically and we won't be discourteous to anybody," he added.
The IGP proceeded: "We need to control the second influx of Covid-19 as we did a year ago, and keeping that in mind, we need to forgo superfluous development. A large number of individuals left Dhaka a year ago and also numerous individuals have been leaving the city throughout the previous two days, which is rash."
The police boss likewise asked individuals living in towns to remain at home during the weeklong lockdown and follow government orders to help control the spread of Covid.
Who will get the pass?
A development pass will be needed to get out of homes during the lockdown if there should be an occurrence of a crisis or official work, for example, accepting the Covid-19 immunization, Covid-19 test, shopping for food, medication buy, standing out enough to be noticed, work, horticulture, merchandise transport, discount/retail sell, burial service, business and a few different necessities under different classifications, as per the directions given in the application.
Dealers and representatives of crisis merchandise transportation administrations, money managers and occupation holders would be given development passes after check, said a Police Headquarters official.
A pass can be utilized for single direction development and another pass must be procured for the resulting return.
An individual looking for a development pass needs to give his name, telephone number, date of birth, objective subtleties, legitimate distinguishing proof (NID, visa, driving permit), and the justification heading outside. The police will at that point issue an online pass subsequent to accepting the data and checking it.
Likewise Read - Fresh lockdown in Bangladesh: Experts doubtful about having any incredible outcome
Development during lockdown
Cupboard Division sources disclosed to Dhaka Tribune that individuals would be permitted to go to kitchen markets to buy produce without a development pass as they were considered fundamental, however the specialists concerned should guarantee that cleanliness rules were followed at those spots.
In any case, the police said it was giving passes for shopping for food also.
In the mean time, cafés would be permitted to work on a restricted scale to convey food to the doorsteps of individuals, sources at the Cabinet Division said.
Severe lockdown
The public authority on Monday gave a periodical notice reporting a bunch of limitations to be followed during the weeklong exacting lockdown beginning from April 14 to control the Covid-19 flood.
Under the new lockdown, all administration, semi-government, independent and private workplaces and monetary organizations will stay shut, however officials and representatives should remain at their particular work stations.
Those that won't fall under the limitations incorporate law implementation offices and other crisis administrations like farming components (manure, seeds, pesticides, gear and so on), harvests and transportation, alleviation appropriation, wellbeing administrations, Covid-19 immunization, power, water, gas/petrol, fire administration, port exercises (land, stream and ocean), phone and web (government and private), media (print and electronic), private security frameworks, posts and different workplaces identified with fundamental items and administrations, their representatives and vehicles.
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airinakter7days · 2 years
Government Job Circular, Private Job, BD Job Circular, Recent Govt Job Circular, Bangladesh Government Job, BD Govt Job Circular, New Job Circular
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shihab408 · 4 years
Bangladesh Fire service
বাংলাদেশ ফায়ার সার্ভিস - ( Bangladesh fire service ): এই ফায়ার সার্ভিসে যোগদিতে হলে বিভিন্ন ধাপ সম্পন্ন করতে হয়। ফায়ার সার্ভিস যোগ দেওয়ার জন্য আপনার কি কি কাগজপত্র সাথে রাখতে হবে, কি কি যোগ্যতা লাগবে, কেমন বেতন দিবে , কি কি সুযোগ-সুবিধা পাবেন ইত্যাদি নিয়ে আজকের ভিডিও। তাই আপনারা ভিড়িওতি দেখে নিতে পারেন। https://youtu.be/el211tK8tDI
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careerhelpbd · 4 years
Bangladesh Fire Service & Civil Defence Exam Result & Notice 2020
Bangladesh Fire Service & Civil Defence Exam Result & Notice 2020
Bangladesh Fire Service & Civil Defence Job Exam Result & Notice 2020 has been published by the authority. Bangladesh Fire Service & Civil Defence Job Exam Result & Notice 2020 also published in our website.To get different jobs exam result, visit our website that is careerhelpbd.com.
Bangladesh Fire Service & Civil Defence Job Exam Result & Notice 2020
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Bangladesh Fire Service &…
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governmentjobs100 · 4 years
Fire Service Job Circular 2020
Fire Service Job Circular 2020
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Fire Service Job Circular 2020 2020
who’re discover the most recent Bangladesh Authorities job circular 2020? they’ve a bit of excellent information from governmentjob.xyz as a result of Just lately Bangladesh fire place Service and Civil Defence wanting new job holders for his or her empty publish. Fire Service Job Circular2020 information Printed by Bangladesh fireplace Service and Civil…
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vignaniasacademy · 4 years
12-05-2020 Current affairs & Daily News Analysis
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India launches Mission Sagar to assist island nations in Eastern Indian Ocean Indian Naval Ship Kesari has departed for Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, Madagascar and Comoros, to provide Food Items, COVID related Medicines including HCQ Tablets and Special Ayurvedic Medicines as part of the Government of India outreach amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
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About: This deployment as ‘Mission Sagar’, is in line with India’s role as the first responder in the region to battle the COVID-19 pandemic and its resultant difficulties. The deployment is in consonance with the Prime Ministers vision of Security and Growth for All in the Region ‘SAGAR.’ The operation is being progressed in close coordination with the Ministries of Defence and External Affairs, and other agencies of the Government of India. This is the first time that a single assistance mission is covering all island countries of the western Indian Ocean in one go — except Sri Lanka, for which a second set of medicines have been airlifted.  Important Info : The mission comes on the heels of ‘Operation Samudra Setu’ which is a part of India’s efforts to repatriate citizens stranded abroad.Indian Ocean Region (IOR) countries were among the very first to receive India’s Covid assistance, which includes ‘Operation Sanjeevani’ in Maldives and special Air India flights with medicine consignments to Sri Lanka, Mauritius and Seychelles.  Source : Indian Express ( International ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from IAS Coaching in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Chinese and Indian soldiers engage in 'aggressive' cross-border skirmish Rekindling tensions over boundary claims, Indian and Chinese troops have clashed at two points along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) recently , leaving personnel injured on both sides.
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About: The incidents took place in the Naku La sector — it’s a mountain pass in Sikkim at an altitude of over 5000 metres — on May 9, and in a contested area near Pangong Tso, a lake in Ladakh, on the night of May 5-6. But the Army played down the two incidents as “temporary and short-duration face-offs” that were resolved by “local commanders as per mutually-accepted protocols” through dialogue and flag meetings. These kind of incidents do occur as boundaries are not resolved.  Important Info : Past incidents? The last major violent clash between the Indian and Chinese troops had taken place on the northern bank of the 134-km long Pangong Tso (Tso means lake), two-thirds of which is controlled by China as it extends from Tibet to Ladakh, in September 2019.There has, however, been a significant reduction in the border tensions since the 73-day troop confrontation in the Bhutanese territory of Doklam, near the Sikkim-Bhutan-Tibet tri-junction in June-August 2017, which saw the two armies move additional infantry battalions, tanks, artillery and missile units towards the border.  Source : Indian Express ( International ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from IAS Coaching in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy STATE OF THE WORLD’S NURSING REPORT 2020 During the ‘Year of the Nurse and Midwife,’ WHO has released the first ever State of the world’s nursing report. It has been developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in partnership with the International Council of Nurses and the global Nursing Now campaign.
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Report summary: Nursing is the largest occupational group in the health sector, accounting for approximately 59% of the health professions. The 27.9 million global nursing personnel include 19.3 million (69%) professional nurses, 6.0 million (22%) associate professional nurses and 2.6 million (9%) who are not classified either way. The global shortage of nurses is estimated to be 5.9 million nurses in 2018. The report calls for creating at least 6 million new nursing jobs by 2030, primarily in low- and middle-income countries. The countries accounting for the largest shortages (in numerical terms) in 2018 included Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nigeria and Pakistan.  Important Info : The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated 2020 as the “Year of the Nurse and Midwife”, in honour of the 200th birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. She was born on 12 May 1820.  Source : WHO ( Health ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from IAS Coaching in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy First indigenous rapid antibody test 'Kavach Elisa' ready for production National Institute of Virology, Pune, has developed India’s first indigenous antibody-based ELISA test kit - COVID KAVACH for diagnosis of novel Corona Virus.
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About: The kit has displayed high sensitivity and accuracy in the validation tests at different sites. It can test around 90 samples in approximately two and half hours. The technology has been transferred to pharmaceutical manufacturing companies for mass-scale production. This is the first time India has developed an indigenous Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test for coronavirus. ELISA is routinely used for detecting HIV infection. The test will detect antibodies in blood samples that the body develops in response to infection by the SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus. The ELISA test developed by NIV gains significance as the rapid antibody tests imported from China were found to be unreliable and hence the States were instructed not to use them for detecting previous novel coronavirus infection.  Important Info : Comparison with RT-PCR test? The RT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) test, which detects the RNA of the coronavirus, enables detection of current infection only.Whereas ELISA can map past infection, even in asymptomatic cases.  Source : All India Radio ( Health ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from IAS Coaching in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy COVID 19 Impact: Family Planning program to take a 15-23% hit in 2020 Experts have warned that a temporary ban on family planning services at government facilities and poor access to contraceptives during the lockdown will result in lakhs of unwanted pregnancies, leading to a spurt in unsafe abortions and maternal deaths.
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About: An analysis, conducted by the Foundation for Reproductive Health Services (FRHS) India, estimates that nearly 2.56 crore couples may not be able to access contraception services during the period after the lockdown and until the return of normalcy by September. This will lead to a loss of 6.9 lakh sterilisation services, 9.7 lakh intra-uterine contraceptive devices (IUCDs) and 40.59 crore condoms, among other forms of contraception. As a result, there will be an additional 23 lakh unintended pregnancies, 6.79 lakh child births, 14.5 lakh abortions (including 8.34 lakh unsafe abortions) and 1,743 maternal deaths.  Important Info : Foundation for Reproductive Health Services India is a leading Indian NGO working since 2009. It is an affiliate of Marie Stopes International, a global organization providing personalized contraception and safe abortion services to women and girls across 37 countries.  Source : The Hindu ( Social Issues ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from IAS Coaching in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy BHAROSA Union HRD Minister launched Central University of Odisha Helpline “Bharosa” on Cognitive Emotional Rehabilitation Services for University Students of Odisha. About: The Central University of Odisha Helpline “Bharosa” and its Helpline Number 08046801010 seeks to address the problems of distressed students in the wake of COVID-19. The helpline aims at providing Cognitive Emotional Rehabilitation Services to all University Students of Odisha.  Source : Hindustan Times ( Education ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from IAS Coaching in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy DEFENCE RESEARCH ULTRAVIOLET SANITISER (DRUVS) Hyderabad based Research Centre Imarat (RCI), a DRDO lab, has developed an automated contactless UVC sanitisation cabinet, called Defence Research Ultraviolet Sanitiser (DRUVS).
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About: It has been designed to sanitise mobile phones, iPads, laptops, currency notes, cheque leafs, challans, passbooks, paper, envelopes, etc. It provides 360 degree exposure of UVC to the objects placed inside the cabinet. The proximity sensor switches, clubbed with drawer opening and closing mechanism, makes its operation automatic and contactless. Important Info : NOTESCLEAN? The RCI has also developed an automated UVC currency sanitising device, called NOTESCLEAN.It picks the notes one by one and makes them pass through a series of UVC lamps for complete disinfection. Source : PIB ( Science & Technology ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from IAS Coaching in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY DAY President Ram Nath Kovind greeted the scientific community on National Technology Day (May 11, 2020). This year, the focus will be on rebooting the economy through Science and Technology.
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About: The Technology Development Board (TDB) a statutory body of the Department of Science & Technology (DST) celebrates May 11 every year as National Technology Day to commemorate achievements of innovations and technological excellence in the country. The day has a historical perspective:On May 11, 1998, India successfully carried out nuclear tests at Pokhran. The first indigenous aircraft "Hansa-3" was test flown at Bangalore on this day; and India also performed successful test firing of the Trishul missile on the same day. Since 1999, the day is being celebrated as National Technology Day.  Important Info : Operation Shakti? Pokhran-II (a.k.a Operation Shakti-98) is the name assigned to the series of five nuclear bomb test explosions conducted by India at the Indian Army's Pokhran Test Range in May 1998.On May 11, 1998, India carried out three nuclear tests. Two days later, India carried out two more tests. Of the five detonations, the first was a fusion bomb and the remaining four were fission bombs.Subsequently, the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee declared India a full-fledged nuclear state.It was the second Indian nuclear test; the first test, code-named Smiling Buddha, was conducted in 1974.  Source : All India Radio ( Science & Technology ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from IAS Coaching in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy HARISHANKAR VASUDEVAN One of the foremost scholars of Bengal, Harishankar Vasudevan died after contracting COVID-19. He was 68.
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About: Harishankar Vasudevan was a professional historian who was a specialist in Russian and European history, and Indo-Russian relations. He set up the Central Asia programme at Jamia Millia Islamia and worked as the chief of the Textbook Development Committee for the Social Sciences at the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). He was involved in projects on Indo-Russian relations, and the Radiating Globalities project initiated by Gayatri Spivak of Columbia University.  Source : The Hindu ( Person In News ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from IAS Coaching in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy SPIRULINA GROUNDNUT CHIKKI The Mysuru-based Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) has developed Spirulina groundnut Chikki that can provide micro-nutrients and boost immunity of people during this time of pandemic.
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About: It has used Spirulina as well as the tasty, nourishing groundnuts to prepare Chikki that is rich in micro-nutrients such as Vitamin A, Beta Carotene and easily digestible algal proteins. The Income Tax Department of Karnataka and Goa region has distributed 500 kilograms of CFTRI Chikkies to migrant labourers in Bengaluru and surrounding areas.  Important Info : Spirulina is a biomass of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) that can be consumed by humans and animals. The three species are Arthrospira platensis, A. fusiformis, and A. maxima. Cultivated worldwide, Arthrospira is used as a dietary supplement or whole food.  Source : All India Radio ( Health ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from IAS Coaching in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Top IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Daily Current affairs and News Analysis Best IAS Coaching institutes in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Contact Vignan IAS Academy Enroll For IAS Foundation Course from Best IFS Academy in Bangalore Read the full article
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southeastasianists · 7 years
Who are the Rohingya?
The Rohingya are often described as "the world's most persecuted minority".
They are an ethnic group, majority of whom are Muslim, who have lived for centuries in the majority Buddhist Myanmar. Currently, there are about 1.1 million Rohingya who live in the Southeast Asian country.
The Rohingya speak Rohingya or Ruaingga, a dialect that is distinct to others spoken in Rakhine State and throughout Myanmar. They are not considered one of the country's 135 official ethnic groups and have been denied citizenship in Myanmar since 1982, which has effectively rendered them stateless.
Nearly all of the Rohingya in Myanmar live in the western coastal state of Rakhine and are not allowed to leave without government permission. It is one the poorest states in the country with ghetto-like camps and a lack of basic services and opportunities.
Due to ongoing violence and persecution, hundreds of thousands of Rohingya have fled to neighbouring countries either by land or boat over the course of many decades.
Where are the Rohingya from?
Muslims have lived in the area now known as Myanmar since as early as the 12th century, according to many historians and Rohingya groups.
The Arakan Rohingya National Organisation has said, "Rohingyas have been living in Arakan from time immemorial," referring to the area now known as Rakhine.
During the more than 100 years of British rule (1824-1948), there was a significant amount of migration of labourers to what is now known as Myanmar from today's India and Bangladesh. Because the British administered Myanmar as a province of India, such migration was considered internal, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW).
The migration of labourers was viewed negatively by the majority of the native population.
After independence, the government viewed the migration that took place during British rule as "illegal, and it is on this basis that they refuse citizenship to the majority of Rohingya," HRW said in a 2000 report.
This has led many Buddhists to consider the Rohingya to be Bengali, rejecting the term Rohingya as a recent invention, created for political reasons.
How and why are they being persecuted? And why aren't they recognised?
Shortly after Myanmar's independence from the British in 1948, the Union Citizenship Act was passed, defining which ethnicities could gain citizenship. According to a 2015 report by the International Human Rights Clinic at Yale Law School, the Rohingya were not included. The act, however, did allow those whose families had lived in Myanmar for at least two generations to apply for identity cards. Rohingya were initially given such identification or even citizenship under the generational provision. During this time, several Rohingya also served in parliament.
After the 1962 military coup in Myanmar, things changed dramatically for the Rohingya. All citizens were required to obtain national registration cards. The Rohingya, however, were only given foreign identity cards, which limited the jobs and educational opportunities they could pursue and obtain.
In 1982, a new citizenship law was passed, which effectively rendered the Rohingya stateless. Under the law, Rohingya were again not recognised as one of the country's 135 ethnic groups. The law established three levels of citizenship. In order to obtain the most basic level (naturalised citizenship), there must be proof that the person's family lived in Myanmar prior to 1948, as well as fluency in one of the national languages. Many Rohingya lack such paperwork because it was either unavailable or denied to them.
As a result of the law, their rights to study, work, travel, marry, practice their religion and access health services have been and continue to be restricted. The Rohingya cannot vote and even if they jump through the citizenship test hoops, they have to identify as "naturalised" as opposed to Rohingya, and limits are placed on them entering certain professions like medicine, law or running for office.
Since the 1970s, a number of crackdowns on the Rohingya in Rakhine State have forced hundreds of thousands to flee to neighbouring Bangladesh, as well as Malaysia, Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries. During such crackdowns, refugees have often reported rape, torture, arson and murder by Myanmar security forces.
After the killings of nine border police in October 2016, troops started pouring into villages in Rakhine State. The government blamed what it called fighters from an armed Rohingya group. The killings led to a security crackdown on villages where Rohingya lived. During the crackdown, government troops were accused of an array of human rights abuses, including extrajudicial killing, rape and arson - allegations the government denied.
In November 2016, a UN official accused the government of carrying out "ethnic cleansing" of the Rohingya. It was not the first time such an accusation has been made.
In April 2013, for example, HRW said Myanmar was conducting a campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya. The government has consistently denied such accusations.
Most recently, Myanmar's military has imposed a crackdown on the country's Rohingya population after police posts and an army base were attacked in late August.
Residents and activists have described scenes of troops firing indiscriminately at unarmed Rohingya men, women and children. The government, however, has said nearly 100 people were killed after armed men from the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) launched a raid on police outposts in the region.
Since the violence erupted, rights groups have documented fires burning in at least 10 areas of Myanmar's Rakhine State. More than 400,000 people have fled the violence, with thousands trapped in a no-man's land between the two countries, according to the UN refugee agency (UNHCR).
The UN has also said that hundreds of civilians who have tried to enter Bangladesh have been pushed back by patrols. Many have also been detained and forcibly returned to Myanmar.
How many Rohingya have fled Myanmar and where have they gone?
Since the late 1970s, nearly one million Rohingya have fled Myanmar due to widespread persecution.
According to the most recently available data from the United Nations in May, more than 168,000 Rohingya have fled Myanmar since 2012.
Following violence that broke out last year, more than 87,000 Rohingya fled to Bangladesh from October 2016 to July 2017, according to the International Organization for Migration.
Many Rohingya also risked their lives trying to get to Malaysia by boat across the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. Between 2012 and 2015, more than 112,000 made the dangerous journey.
Prior to the violence that began in August, the UN estimated that there are as many as 420,000 Rohingya refugees in Southeast Asia. Additionally, it said there were around 120,000 internally displaced Rohingya.
Since the violence in Myanmar's northwest began, more than 400,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh, UNHCR said. It added that more than 1,000 people, mostly Rohingya, may have been killed in Myanmar.
What do Aung San Suu Kyi and the Myanmar government say about the Rohingya?
State Chancellor Aung San Suu Kyi, who is the de facto leader of Myanmar, has refused to really discuss the plight of the Rohingya.
Aung San Suu Kyi and her government do not recognise the Rohingya as an ethnic group and have blamed violence in Rakhine, and subsequent military crackdowns, on those they call "terrorists".
The Nobel Peace Prize laureate does not have control over the military but has been criticised for her failure to condemn indiscriminate force used by troops, as well as to stand up for the rights of the more than one million Rohingya in Myanmar.
The government has also repeatedly rejected accusations of abuses. In February 2017, the UN published a report that found that government troops "very likely" committed crimes against humanity since renewed military crackdowns began in October 2016.
At the time, the government did not directly address the findings of the report and said it had the "the right to defend the country by lawful means" against "increasing terrorist activities", adding that a domestic investigation was enough.
In September 2016, Aung San Suu Kyi entrusted former UN chief Kofi Annan with finding ways to heal the long-standing divisions in the region. While many welcomed the commission and its findings, which were released this August, Azeem Ibrahim, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Policy, argued it was just a way for Aung San Suu Kyi to "pacify the global public opinion and try to demonstrate to the international community that she is doing what she can to resolve the issue".
Annan was not given the mandate to investigate specific cases of human rights abuses, but rather one for long-term economic development, education and healthcare.
When setting up the commission, Aung San Suu Kyi's government said it would abide by its findings. The commission urged the government to end the highly militarised crackdown on neighbourhoods where Rohingya live, as well as scrap restrictions on movement and citizenship.
Following the release of the August report, the government welcomed the commission's recommendations and said it would give the report "full consideration with the view to carrying out the recommendations to the fullest extent ... in line with the situation on the ground".
On the latest round of violence, Aung San Suu Kyi condemned a "huge iceberg of misinformation" on the crisis, without mentioning the Rohingya who have fled to Bangladesh.
On September 19, she gave a televised address, condemning "all human rights violations" in Rakhine.  
She said that Myanmar was ready "at any time" to verify the status of those who have fled the violence in the last month. She did not specify who would be qualified to return and did not elaborate on how the verification process would work.
Her speech was criticised by Rohingya refugees, as well as activists who accused her government of "burying their heads in the sand".
The government has often restricted access to northern Rakhine States for journalists and aid workers. Aung San Suu Kyi's office has also accused aid groups of helping those it considers to be "terrorists".
In January, Yanghee Lee, a UN special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar, said she was denied access to certain parts of Rakhine and was only allowed to speak to Rohingya who had been pre-approved by the government.
The country has also denied visas to members of a UN probe investigating the violence and alleged abuses in Rakhine.
What does Bangladesh say about the Rohingya?
There are more than half a million Rohingya refugees living in mostly makeshift camps in Bangladesh. The majority remain unregistered.
Bangladesh considers most of those who have crossed its borders and are living outside of camps as having "illegally infiltrated" the country. Bangladesh has often tried to prevent Rohingya refugees from crossing its border.
In late January, the country resurrected a plan to relocate tens of thousands of Rohingya refugees from Myanmar to a remote island that is prone to flooding and has also been called "uninhabitable" by rights groups. Under the plan, which was originally introduced in 2015, authorities would move undocumented Myanmar nationals to Thengar Char in the Bay of Bengal.
Rights groups have decried the proposal, saying the island completely floods during monsoon season. The UN also called the forced relocation "very complex and controversial".
Most recently, Bangladesh's foreign minister labelled the violence against the Rohingya in Myanmar "a genocide". The country's National Commission for Human Rights also said it was considering "pressing for a trial against Myanmar, and against the Myanmar army at an international tribunal" on charges of genocide.
Bangladesh's Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited a Rohingya refugee camp in September and called on the UN and the international community to pressure Myanmar's government to allow the return of hundreds of thousands Rohingya refugees.
She said that Bangladesh would offer the refugees temporary shelter and aid, but that Myanmar should soon "take their nationals back".
Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh have told Al Jazeera that the government's aid thus far as been inadequate, with many saying they haven't received any kind of government help.
Refugees in Bangladesh have been banned from leaving the overcrowded border areas. Police check posts and surveillance have been set up in key transit points from stop Rohingya from travelling to other parts of the country.
What does the international community say about the Rohingya?
The international community has labelled the Rohingya the "most persecuted minority in the world".
The UN, as well as several rights groups such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have consistently decried the treatment of the Rohingya by Myanmar and neighbouring countries.
The UN has said that it is "very likely" that the military committed grave human rights abuses in Rakhine that may amount to war crimes, allegations the government denies.
In March, the UN adopted a resolution to set up an independent, international mission to investigate the alleged abuses. It stopped short of calling for a Commission of Inquiry, the UN's highest level of investigation.
The UN investigators must provide a verbal update in September and a full report next year on their findings.
Rights groups have criticised the government's reluctance to accept the UN investigators.
Human Rights Watch warned that Myanmar's government risked getting bracketed with "pariah states" like North Korea and Syria if it did not allow the UN to investigate alleged crimes.
In response to the latest round of violence, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned of the risk of ethnic cleansing, calling on Aung San Suu Kyi and the country's security forces to end the violence.
In early September, Guterres also warned of a looming "humanitarian catastrophe" if the violence does not end.
UN human rights chief Zeid Ra'ad al Hussein urged Myanmar to end its "brutal security operation" against the Rohingya in Rakhine, calling it a "textbook example of ethnic cleansing".
Both UN officials said they completely supported the findings of the advisory commission, led by Kofi Annan, and urged the government to fulfil its recommendations.
What is the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army?
The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), formerly known as the al-Yaqeen Faith Movement, released a statement under its new name in March 2017, saying it was obligated to "defend, salvage and protect [the] Rohingya community".
The group said it would do so "with our best capacities as we have the legitimate right under international law to defend ourselves in line with the principle of self defence".
The group is considered a "terrorist" organisation by the Myanmar government.
In its March statement, the ARSA added that it does "not associate with any terrorist group across the world" and does "not commit any form of terrorism against any civilian[s] regardless of their religious and ethnic origin".
The statement also said: "We […] declare loud and clear that our defensive attacks have only been aimed at the oppressive Burmese regime in accordance with international norms and principles until our demands are fulfilled."
The group has claimed responsibility for an attack on police posts and an army base in Rakhine State. According to the government nearly 400 people were killed, the majority of whom were members of the ARSA. Rights groups, however, say hundreds of civilians have been killed by security forces.
Rights group Fortify Rights said it has documented that fighters with the ARSA "are also accused of killing civilians - suspected government 'informants' - in recent days and months, as well as preventing men and boys from flee Maungdaw Township".
On September 9, the group declared a month-long unilateral ceasefire in Rakhine to enable aid groups to address the humanitarian crisis in the area.
"ARSA strongly encourages all concerned humanitarian actors resume their humanitarian assistance to all victims of the humanitarian crisis, irrespective of ethnic or religious background during the ceasefire period," the group said in a statement, adding that it calls on Myanmar's military to also temporarily lay down arms.
According to the International Crisis group, the ARSA has ties to Rohingya living in Saudi Arabia.
The Myanmar government formally categorised the group as a "terrorist" organisation on August 25.
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sanoarai78-blog · 5 years
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