#banging my head off the wall idek what kind of blood that is
difeisheng · 2 years
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✨ character continuity ✨
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k-writer1998 · 4 years
Rebel Hours (18/18)
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Kwon Jieun always fit her parents’ image of the “perfect” daughter… at least to their knowledge. Away from prying eyes she was like any other girl living life to the fullest doing what she wants. When a little someone named Bang Chan comes into her life priorities are changed, mistakes are made, and her life finally becomes her own.
w.c: 1.8k
A/N: And there is our ending folks :) hope you enjoyed the series? story? idek lol
"FINALLY the idiot couple is back together!” Changbin hollered.
 “All seven of you together… too suspicious. Which one of you set it up?”
“I’m guessing Felix and Seungmin,” Chan mused and I nodded in agreement.
“Hey!” Jisung and Hyunjin both shouted.
“You two, working together? I told you they get along babe.”
“So this mean we get a get-out-of-murder free card right?” Jeongin interjects.
“Fine, since it was for my greater good you three get a pass,” I smile.
“Shouldn’t you thank us?” Jisung started before Hyunjin added, “We basically got you back together.”
“That’s a bit of a stretch but since I’m in a good mood, whatever. I’ll treat everyone to dinner.”
“Are you sure you can treat eight hungry dudes?” Minho challenged.
“Yes,” I laugh and add, “I got paid yesterday.”
      As the boys cheered excitedly and ran ahead, debating where to eat, I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. Chan pulled me back a bit to give us some privacy away from the group as he rested his chin on my shoulder.
“I just wanted it to be us…”
“Don’t worry we can ditch them after eating. Movie at yours?”
“I like the way you think,” he booped my nose.
      We caught up with the rest of the group and joined the discussion for what we were going to eat. After much deliberation, we finally entered a restaurant and sat at a table. As with every time we hang out with such a large group, it was borderline chaos and a lot of fun. There was the unavoidable bickering of Hyunjin and Jisung, Felix jokingly doing ASMR to Seungmin, and Minho roasting the whole group. While everyone was finishing up their meals I excused myself to the “restroom.” Although they said it was my treat, the boys would probably feel bad for having me pay for everything thus me lying about going to the bathroom. When I paid though it was oddly cheaper then I expected. It wasn’t until the woman at the register not only handed me back my change but also a card too. I was about to make a comment but then I felt a presence behind me as a hand reached out to take the card.
“Hey! I was supposed to treat everyone.”
“What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you pay that much?”
“A good one because then my words wouldn’t only be half validated by you butting in,” I pout.
“Look on the bright side. At least it’s half validated because if I paid full like I wanted to, that pout on your face would turn into a furrowed brow and that means big trouble for me,” Chan teases.
“Well lucky you. You’re only half in trouble now.”
      I smirked as we headed back to the table. We chatted more with the group until everyone was finished before Chan and I announced we’ll be leaving. As per usual the teasing was never ending as we collected our stuff to go. We decided to walk to his apartment since it was relatively close, the weather was nice, and the world was painted a beautiful mix of colors thanks to the setting sun. The walk back was filled with comfortable silence and smiley glances to one another. We pointed out cute or strange things in shop windows and laughed about it. One thing in particular caught my eye though, a lock and key necklace set. I wasn’t one for flashy shows of relationships or the cutesy couple things but I don’t know… I liked the idea of having something that I could always have with me that reminds me of him. As we passed the window a soft smile replaced whatever dumb comment swirled in the back of my head. We were close to the apartment when Chan suddenly silently cursed to himself.
“Hmm? What’s wrong?”
“I think I forgot my wallet at the restaurant…”
“What?! Then let’s go back!”
“If I run I can make it back in ten minutes. Wait for me at the convenience store at the corner?”
      Did we really cover so much distance in such a short amount of time? We must’ve walked for at least twenty minutes already. I gave the boy a skeptical look but he looked so determined, a mysterious glint in his eye, that I ended up caving.
“Fine, I’ll buy some snacks for the movie while I wait then.”
“I’ll be quick, promise.” 
      He smiled and kissed the top of my head before he sprinted off. With a shake of my head I headed to the convenience store and grabbed a few snacks and a few sweet drinks to go along with it. As I exited the store and looked down the street there was still no sign of Chan so I sat at the tables outside. Grabbing one of the drinks from the bag, I quietly sipped it as I scrolled through my social media. All was fine until I was harshly pulled to my feet, knocking into the table and spilling my drink. Snapping my head to the perpetrator I rolled my eyes and snapped.
“What the hell?!”
“You and I should have a chat kitten.”
“Stop calling me that and let. GO.”
      I struggle to pull my arm from his grasp with a growl. Why does he always show up around me? Aside from my blood boiling, the trembling and fear came back against my will. Kyunghoon scares me, I’ve caught a glimpse of what he’s capable of and I don’t want any part of it. I fought against him to no avail. He dragged me to the side of the convenience store, out of the way from the flow of the main road and away from what may have been my saving grace.
“Well kitten you’ve found your claws, too bad they’re dull or maybe it would actually hurt.”
“What do you want Kyunghoon? I have nothing to say to you.”
“You played a very dangerous game snitching about what happened at the gala,” he growled.
“Whatever, you deserve it,” I roll my eyes, “you’re a disgusting pig. It was a matter of time before your parents found out anyways.”
“You bitch do you know what you’ve done?”
“What, did daddy decide to send you away to another country or did he cut off your money?”
      As the conversation progressed his grip on my arm continually got tighter and the panic grew with the pain. It took a lot out of me just trying to mask the pain in my voice. The feeling of being cornered yet again with the same guy was bringing me back to that night and if I don’t get out of it quickly I just… Chan where are you?
“If all you wanted to do was complain, it seems you’re done so just let me go already.”
“Oh no you don’t. Our last conversation got me thinking, only after our little “occurrence” at the gala did I get jumped by someone’s boyfriend. Something that doesn’t happen often I may add, and your little boy toy’s voice seems familiar. Is there a correlation between the two?”
      Shit, he had brain cells? Well even if he knows now there is no evidence, thanks to Seunghee, to prove it so I decided to antagonize him. He’s done worse to me anyways. Maybe if I keep up the tough act I can find an opening and weasel my way away from him.
“You just want to pin all your problems on me when the fault lies on your own trashy behavior.”
“Think your little lap dog can protect you forever? Where is he right now then?”
“I don’t need him to protect me from you. Someone like you, I can deal with myself,” I spat.
“You won’t be running your mouth for long you stupid slut.”
      He shoved me and my back hit the side of the building, knocking the wind out of me. I was finally free from his grimey paws at least but of course as per his character Kyunghoon moved to attack me while I was down. My reaction time wouldn’t be fast enough to block it so I prepared myself for the blow as I shut my eyes. Thud. I felt nothing but the cold air blowing at me so I opened my eyes and saw the vile being who previously stood in front of me knocked to the floor and my voice ripped through my throat.
“I warned you I wouldn’t go easy next time I see you messin with girls who want nothing to do with you. Of all the girls, why do you keep messing with mine?”
      Chan growled at the cowering boy below him. Chan had thrown in a few extra punches for good measure and there was that dangerous glint in Chan’s eyes again. I dared not move, not out of fear but at the fact that I knew better than to get in the middle with that look in his eyes. He crouched down to meet Kyunghoon’s eyes with a glare.
“You’re lucky she’s here. I’m gonna say it one last time. Stay away from Jieun or next time you’ll be sent to the hospital.”
      Kyunghoon didn’t waste his chance to scramble away this time at Chan’s threat. Chan immediately rushed to my side to check if I was okay.
“Jieun I’m so sorry I’m late. I shouldn’t have left you alone, are you okay? Did he hurt you?”
“I’m fine Chan, he pushed me to the wall so my back aches a bit but it’ll go away after awhile.”
      I let him fuss about to his heart’s content, not like he would let me get away before he did anyways. When his eyes had finally assessed that I was in fact fine, and I assured him that he was just in time, we grabbed the abandoned bag of goods before heading back to his apartment. I was in charge of finding a movie while Chan moved about, setting out the assortment of snacks and drinks on the table. I wanted to help but he insisted I rest after the “events of the evening” in which I rolled my eyes but complied anyways. As he took a seat beside me something fell from his pockets, hitting me gently on my thigh. Picking up the box, Chan’s face flushed.
“That was supposed to be a surprise for another time…”
“Since I already found it, can I open it?”
“Would it stop you if I said no?”
“Not really,” I responded cheekily.
      He laughs as he gives me the okay to open it. I lifted the lid of the box and gasped, how did he know? In the box rested the lock and key necklace set I eyed in one of the shop windows. Chan gestured to the necklace and I nodded as he took it from my hands. He held up the two necklaces and asked which one I preferred.
“You are definitely the key,” I laugh, “one of a kind and specially made to unlock the secrets of my heart.”
“Now who’s the one being cheesy?”
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snarkwrites · 4 years
sprung spring | found you | jacob black [m]
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“You’re kinda small. It’s cute.” + Height Difference Kisses Where One Person Has To Bend Down And The Other Is On Their Tippy Toes + Suck + Being dared to kiss + against a wall/door -
Hey, look... Years ago, I actually STARTED writing in the Twilight fandom. I feel like things have come full circle now, kinda? Idk.. Anyway, just wanted everyone to know that this takes place AFTER the series. Jacob is grown up here. So is the OC omega/imprint. If people bother me enough I miiight be tempted to sit down and come up with an actual story for these two, idek... Enjoy the filth. I blame the recent announcement of the Midnight Sun movie / book... Anyway, yeah.
Oh yeah and just so you know... I kinda took imprinting and alpha x omega bonds and mashed them together. So the oc here is not only Jacob’s imprint but she is also his omega. 
Jacob Black [ alpha ] x ofc, Lily [ omega ] 
Uhh... the usual stuff that goes with a/o.. Meeting a guy at a bar and hooking up. Protected sex, for once -yeah, that’s right, you heard it here guys and dolls, Ash FINALLY remembered that condoms exist.. Biting.
Writer does NOT agree or disagree with hooking up casually. Writer says to make up your own mind about these things. Alcohol warning, btw.
@micolegg​ - just because | @kyleoreillysknee​ - they’re the only person on my Twilight tag list. If you want to be on any of my taglists, once again, go [here] otherwise, you will not be getting tagged.
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( nobody @ me. I had to use this gif. I had to. )
“Okay, if you’re really over the jerk, I dare you to kiss the next guy who walks through the door.” 
Lily scoffed at her best friend’s dare and rolled her eyes, picking at her nails. “No, I believe I’ll pass. Knowing my craptastic luck, it’ll be one of those creepy Cullens or Nelson’s ass.” 
Cassandra’s gaze was fixed intently on the doors that lead into the crowded sports bar and she let out a low whistle. “I mean, if you wanna pass on that, by all means.” she gestured to where Jacob Black stood, tugging off a weathered brown leather jacket to toss at an empty booth. She nudged Lily again so that she’d look up and see the man for herself.
Lily swore sharply and finally tore her gaze off of her phone. “What the hell--” her sentence died on her lips and she swallowed down a baseball sized lump in her throat, blinking. Raising a hand to rub her eyes when blinking didn’t just make him disappear.
“Jacob?” her voice came almost whisper quiet, eyes fixed on him intently. She shook her head, it had to be some kind of hallucination. Jacob had been in Canada since a few weeks before Bella’s wedding. And every letter he sent home to Billy suggested that Canada is where he intended to stay. Or that’s the last thing her father told her when she bothered to ask last month.
So why come back now, she found herself wondering. She didn’t even realize that she’d started to move towards him until she bumped into Jessica’s back, muttering a distracted and quick apology, shoving past her until she caught up to Jacob Black.
Jacob was distracted; entranced by the warm and heavy sweetness of the vanilla scent he’d followed into the bar. Brown eyes darted around and his fists clenched at his sides as he tried to keep himself pulled together. For a split second, he thought he caught sight of Lily, an old neighbor, but when he tried to focus, see if it was really her, she was gone. 
“I’m here, might as well grab a drink.” Jacob mused to himself as he glanced around again, turning and preparing to walk back to the booth he’d left his jacket in. The scent of vanilla permeated the air around him heavily and he felt his skin tightening, his blood almost boiling. His vision started to tunnel and when he turned around fully, he found himself body to body with Lily.
“Jacob, hi.” Lily bit her lip and stared up at him, reaching up to toy with the end of soft long jet black locks. He let his hair grow back, Lily thought to herself distractedly, thank God. She quickly snatched back her hand when she realized what she’d done.
Her feet felt rooted to the floor. Why wasn’t she moving?
She wasn’t the same stammering little mess she’d been back then, damn it. Suddenly, Cassandra’s dare came rushing back and Lily took a deep breath, her eyes locking intently on kissable lips. 
“Fuck it. Yolo.” Lily muttered quietly, molding herself against Jacob, raising to tippy toe, tugging his mouth closer to her own as he bent down to make up for the difference in height. Rough hands dug into her lower back, lifting her off the floor slightly as his mouth crashed against her mouth. Her fingers tangled in his hair, tugging at it so that the kiss deepened and his hand moved up her back, fingers catching in a long jet black braid, raking through it until it tumbled loose down her back. His tongue trailed over the outline of her lips and when she rubbed against him just a little, he groaned, the taste of rum filling his mouth as he deepened the kiss to a point where he knew she had to be getting dizzy and he could feel their breathing sync up, almost as if they were breathing for each other.
The kiss broke, the pair springing apart as Lily took a few deep breaths and raised her hand, smoothing it over her hair, pushing shaggy bangs out of her eyes. Jacob’s mouth opened and closed and his hand raised, dragging through his hair. All he could do was stare at her as everything he’d seen and the scent of her bombarded his brain and dominated every single part of his thoughts. He chuckled, rubbing his chin. “Hi, Lily. So, uh… is this how you greet everyone?”
“No, no.” the word tumbled out, making him laugh, making him flash her that bright and cocky grin of his. When she blurted out what transpired before he walked in, she wanted to kick herself, adding quickly to the end of her explanation, “But I wasn’t gonna do it til Cassandra got me to look up and I saw you walk in. Shit. Fuck. You know what? I’m gonna take this as my cue and go.”
Lily turned abruptly, already halfway back across the bar by the time Jacob processed what she’d basically just admitted. He was on his feet again, shoving through the crowd, deep brown eyes darting around all over as his nose honed in on the scent of her. He found her easily, sitting in the back in a booth with a group of two or three other girls he remembered from La Push High.
He cleared his throat and the girls all surrounding his imprint shared a look and stood abruptly after doing so, making a hasty retreat.
Lily lightly beat her head against the tabletop. “I swear to God, I just want to disappear right now, Cass. He has to think I’m still a huge dork.”
“Actually, no.” Jacob spoke up as he slid into the booth bench beside her, an arm going around the back of it. 
Lily raised her head reluctantly, her cheeks almost an angry red as she stared at him a few seconds. That intense heat was lingering in the air all over again and the spicy scent of him pierced her nostrils as she felt her skin tightening all over again.
The urge to straddle his lap took over before she could stop it and she didn’t even realize that every single dirty little thing on her mind was being broadcast directly to his until he leaned in close and chuckled against the shell of her ear, “Are you okay? You look like you’re burning up right now.”
It clicked into place what was happening and she crossed her legs, clenching them tight beneath the table.  Oh naturally, he’s my Alpha and I make an entire ass of myself… 
Jacob’s gaze shifted to her hands and the way they were almost white knuckle, her palms flat against the wooden tabletop. It happened again, just like earlier when she’d kissed him. Every single noisy thought flooded his brain and the animal side kicked into overdrive.
Yeah, he knew how imprinting worked but this felt… Different. A thousand times more intense. It was imprinting and something different… Something so much more than that. This primal urge to get her alone and lay claim.
When it hit him, his jaw dropped and for a few seconds, he sat there in a daze, staring straight ahead. 
Lily toyed with the wrapping to the straw in her mixed drink after noisily slurping down the last of it and taking a few labored breaths. The way he looked at her just now was… Deeper than any look he’d given her before.
To be fair, she found herself thinking with mild annoyance, before it was all about Bella. 
“Do you dance, Lily?” Jacob leaned in and muttered the question against the shell of her ear as someone put the Halsey version of I Walk The Line on to play in the music box at the front of the bar. He needed her closer. He needed to know she was okay. He needed to feel her body molded against his again because only then could he feel centered.
“Nobody dances in here, Jake.”
“There’s a first time for everything, Lil. C’mon. Unless you’re too tipsy?” he teased her gently, his eyes fixing on the pyramid of shot glasses in front of where she sat and the two empty glasses that contained mixed drinks.
This got his inebriated imprint slash omega on her feet. Between the alcohol in her system and the effects of what he suspected to be her heat setting in, she swayed a good bit. Jacob stood too and pulled her completely against him, his hands drifting down and gripping her ass to hold her in place. Lily looked up, staring deep into dark brown eyes. “I’m not too tipsy for anything, Jacob. I’ll… I’ll have you know, I-I’m perfectly sober right now.” she nuzzled her face against his shirt as soon as she dropped her gaze again and Jacob barely contained the low growl that arose from deep in his chest. His hands splayed across both sides of her ass, fingertips digging in just a little as his nose buried in the crown of her hair and he breathed in the scent of his mate as deep as he possibly could. After a few seconds, he gave a quiet laugh at her words.
“Right.” Jacob continued to snicker quietly to himself, a fond smile tugging his mouth upward as he fixed his gaze on her intently.
Lily’s head raised and she poked out her tongue at him, prompting him to snicker about it. 
“What’s so funny, Jake?” 
… God, is she ever not going to get me hard or distract the living hell out of me?. This is going to take a lot of getting used to, but it’s fine. It’s perfect, actually.. the thought came and went and rather than be dumb and let it slip out, he instead went with, “You’re kinda small. It’s cute,actually.”
“Oh hahahaha. Says the guy who reached man size in what? Seventh grade?” Lily teased gently, trying hard not to think about just how good it felt to be pressed against him like this, but just how many layers of clothing were still between them and how badly she wanted those gone.
“Ninth, actually. And I was not man sized.” Jacob chuckled, a soft gaze down at her. There it was at last, that truly lightweight and give no fucks feeling that came with the imprint bond.
“Y-you are.” Lily muttered, stumbling over the words lightly. With each little step they took, she found herself rubbed right against him and the slick coursed down her inner thighs, coating them. “Y-you were more of a man t-than any of t-those other s-shitheads at our school.”
… I seriously just said that… Ugh, can someone just strike me mute? Before I totally fuck up?... the thought came floating into her mind and Lily muttered a quick apology, giving him a little dirty look when he managed to mis step and stepped on her toes. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” Jacob apologized, laughing. He dipped her down and as she came back up, their faces bumped against each other. Just the feel of her lips against his own had him struggling to keep the animal within at bay.
 Lily’s tongue danced over the outline of his lips and his grip on her body tightened as he hauled her up fully, pressing into her so much that she had to lean back, her back meeting the edge of the booth with a soft smack. “It’s...it’s okay.” Lily managed to gasp out between sloppy and rough kisses that seemed to dominate her mouth and set her pulse racing. A throat clearing nearby had the two springing apart momentarily and it served to put the brakes on for the two momentarily. 
“You wanna get outta here, Lily?” Jacob pressed into her heavily, his hands on her hips, his mouth next to her ear. 
… isn’t this a little fast?...
… better too fast than never, besides… haven’t I waited long enough?... his mind was at war with itself and the stronger side, the animal side, that was winning.
Lily found herself staring deep into dark brown eyes and getting lost, just like she used to when they were kids. After a few seconds, it occurred to her that he’d said something and she managed to respond, “Oh god, yeah. Take me home, Jake.”  as she slipped her tongue past his lips all over again, her hands drifting down, tugging almost impatiently at the waistband of his jeans.
Jacob bent at the waist, scooping her up, making quick strides towards the doors of the little sports bar. Once they were outside in the chilled night air, he sat her down on the back of his motorcycle, getting on in front. 
“Hold on tight.”
Lily’s arms slipped around his waist and she pressed herself into him as the motorcycle’s powerful engine roared to life, the motorcycle taking off at a decent speed towards the reservation.
“Your place or mine?” Lily muttered quietly next to his ear as she grazed her lips against. Jacob’s breath caught for a second and he chuckled quietly, shrugging. Lily continued, “Because I’m the only one staying at my place… No interruptions.” her lips dancing right over the rapid pulse in his neck. Jacob bucked a little, feeling himself getting harder and harder. 
The reservation was coming into view and he drove down the dirt road they both lived on, parking his motorcycle beneath the carport next to the little red cabin she lived in. 
Getting off the motorcycle, he scooped her up in his arms again, quick strides up the porch steps, Lily digging around for her house key after climbing out of his arms, reaching out to unlock the door as Jacob lightly kicked it open with his foot, stepping inside the darkened house as he shut the door behind them and locked it. 
Her back pressed against the wooden door with a soft smack and Jacob’s hands were all over her. Her mouth latched onto his neck and chest, anywhere she could reach and when she rose to tiptoe all over again, Jacob chuckled and slid her up his body to sit her down on top of her dining table, his mouth latching onto her mouth and then dancing down her neck. 
As soon as he found the spot where her scent glands were, he could feel the pierce of his fangs at his gums. Lily was rubbing herself against him, her legs wrapped around him, her hands moving down between them and then her fingertips catching in the hem of his tee shirt, starting to pull it upward. The warmth of his breath against her neck felt so fucking good. She gasped and let her head fall to the opposite side, giving his mouth better access.
Jacob pulled away a second or two, eyeing her as she continued to rub against him, shaky fingers catching on the button to his jeans and pulling it free, then lingering down, lowering his zipper slowly. In a daze, he kicked his jeans and underwear free when they pooled at his ankles, a low and primal growl filling the air as his eyes settled on his mate all over again, his tongue trailing slowly over his lips as he gazed down at her. 
“Aren’t you going to do it?” Lily’s voice was a breathy drawl as her fingertips trailed up and down his bare chest and she fixed her eyes on him almost expectantly. She rubbed herself against him with more urgency, her whimpers and moans echoing off the walls of the dining room. Jacob licked his lips and smirking, he lowered his mouth back down to her neck, his teeth scraping against scent glands again.
“You’re sure, right?” his voice came out deeper, sending a jolt racing through her and another wave of slick coating the insides of her thighs. Lily gazed up at him, biting her lip. “I asked for it, didn’t I, Jake?”
“Yeah, but..” he trailed off, unable to finish his words because she took his face in her hands, scooting herself closer to the edge of the table, rubbing against him all over again, more urgently. Jacob’s hand went down to the jagged hem of her crop top, tugging it up and over her head, letting it settle on the table top behind her. He gave a low growl as his eyes roamed over her, his mouth almost watering at the way her scent intensified. Wiping the back of his hand over his mouth, he leaned in again, reaching around, the quiet tear of satin as her bra was torn away breaking the semi-silence between the two as he tugged it free from her body next. And then, he was leaning in, ghosting his mouth down the side of her neck, his tongue trailing over soft skin boldly, his lips latching onto the patch of skin her scent glands lingered beneath. 
This time when he felt his fangs starting to prick through and push to the surface, he didn’t bother fighting it. Instead, he sank his teeth into the sac just below the surface of the patch of skin. Her nails dug into his shoulders and she rocked herself against him, legs clenching his hips tight as she gasped. “Oh, oh wow..” the rush of the bond took over, leaving her to lean into him heavily, clinging to his body. Jacob leaned right back against her heavily, chuckling as he muttered the same against her skin.
The wooden tabletop was cool against her back as she wound up flat against it, Jacob pinning both her hands at either side of her head, his mouth crashing against hers again, muttering against her lips, “Just a second… stay right there.” and raising up, letting go of her hands, bending to pick his jeans off the floor, rifling through the pockets. He tore open the condom wrapper with his teeth, sliding the condom down over his cock before turning back around to face her, stepping back between her legs as he leaned down, his hips pressing into her lower body, his mouth roaming over her neck, littering soft skin with bites and suck marks as he groaned and rutted himself into her, the tip of his cock teasing between her folds and making her whimper out loud, rubbing herself right back against him. As his cock sank deep into her heat, she got louder, Jacob chuckling against her mouth as he pressed into her, going still to let her get used to his size as the knot began to form.
“I think I’m okay.” Lily managed to gasp, rocking her hips against him urgently. Jacob sank his cock in a little deeper, a quiet growl escaping into the kiss as he pulled his mouth away, staring down at her. “You’re sure?”
Lily gritted her teeth as she felt him burying his cock in even deeper. She felt like she was being split in two, stretched and overfilled. Her nails dug into his shoulder and she gasped as she started to really get used to the way he felt buried inside her, trying to rock her hips against him all over again. “Yeah, yeah. Fuck.” she moaned out, “so big.” 
“I’m not hurting you, right?”
“No, fuck no. Feels so..” Lily met the deep and steady drives he made into her tight and dripping cunt with her own thrusts eagerly, “So good. Fuck.”
Jacob slowed to an almost stop, she was so tight around him, it felt too damn good. His fingers dug into her hips and he growled quietly as he slammed her up and down his massive cock, panting next to her ear in quiet and filthy growls, “You’re so tight, fuck. Feels so good to bury my cock in you.” 
Her fingers dug into his shoulders and she moaned louder and louder, the table creaking quietly beneath them and making them both pause and eye the table, then each other. “Maybe we should move this to the couch.” Lily muttered, giving a soft laugh as she caught her breath for a few seconds. Jacob scooped her off the tabletop and went to step out of the dining room and into the living room. Lily’s back met the wall as Jacob’s mouth buried in hers all over again and he started to fuck into her slowly, making her moan and whimper and bite down on his neck as she begged for more. “On second thought, this… Oh fuck it feels so good, baby. So good. Don’t stop.” 
Jacob slipped her legs over his forearms and started to fuck into her harder and faster, feeling her clench around his cock as he slammed into her throbbing G spot again and again. Her nails danced down his back and from the way her mouth kept latching onto his neck, he had no doubt in his mind that tomorrow, he would not be hiding the marks left behind. Then again, neither would she, because he’d definitely left marks of his own. He felt her tense up and chuckling into her mouth he asked quietly, “Are you getting closer, baby girl?”
“So close. So close.” Lily gasped into his lips as he continued to pump in and out of her, the sound of their sloppy kisses and quiet moans and growls breaking any silence in the room. “C’mon, Lily. Let go.” Jacob coaxed as he felt himself getting closer too. “Wanna feel you, princess.” 
“ -oh fuck. Oh yeah, that’s it.” Lily moaned as he slammed against her g spot all over again, and she felt her orgasm shatter through. Her walls clenched his cock and Jacob’s thrusts became erratic, skin smacking loudly against skin as he fucked them through their orgasm, holding her against him and kissing her all over the face as they both tried to catch their breath. He nipped at her ear and muttered quietly, “Are you okay?”
“If you’re going to carry me around a little while, yeah.” Lily teased gently, catching the corner of his mouth with her own as their stomachs both growled noisily. “But I am kinda hungry…”
“Me too.” Jacob chuckled against her mouth, his forehead pressed against hers as he kissed her again, tender and deep.
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youcantundothepast · 5 years
Anastasia  Newsbians AU part 1/?
Hi! I’m posting this to kind of gauge an audience to see if I want pursue this AU or if I want to continue it in this format. Let me know your thoughts! Anastasia is one of my three favorite musicals (I saw the OBC and it was the first ever show Zach Adkins was on as Dmitry’s udnerstudy) so I’m pretty for continuing this AU
*tw: minor character death, gun violence, symptoms of PTSD, communism also just a teeny bit of a Delancey redemption (Morris is Gleb idek if you could call that a redemption)
Also, we all know what communism did to Russia, but also please remember that the czars were not great for Russia either. There’s a reason the people revolted. I’m changing it up some and making the Jacobs a better ruling family (implying, really), but please remember the inspiration behind this piece/the movie&musical and that the Romanov’s probably were not great people either 
- It’s the night of a great ball thrown by the Jacobs family, the ruling family of Russia. Esther and Mayer proceed to tuck their 7 children into bed, Sarah being the oldest, then Davey, and the youngest being Les, before going to join their guests in the festivities. When the door closes, most of the children stay in their bed, but Davey and Les walk to their sisters bed because the next morning, their sister will be traveling to Paris to attend boarding school and to meet potential suitors. She’s not looking forward to it exactly, but she loves the city of Paris and often told her two favorite brothers many stories of the other times she’s visited France with Esther or for other reasons. 
- They’re so sad to see their sister leave, but they know she’ll have a great time in Paris. As a parting gift, she gives Davey a music box their mother gave to her. She said it was a great piece of art representing their country, so it should stay in their country. The three of them listen to it together (it plays the beginning notes of Seize the Day that Davey sings) and eventually fall asleep in a little huddle. 
- Instead of being woken up by morning, they’re woken up by a loud bang of a gun. While their other siblings are crying, Davey and Les just look to Sarah who shushes them quietly so they worry in silence. Sarah also tries to silence her other brothers and sisters, but they’re too preoccupied with wanting Esther or Mayer or one of the staff to come and tell them that everything’s all right than to listen to their sister. It breaks her heart terribly, but she takes her two brothers and they flee from their room (leaving the music box) to navigate through one of the hidden corridors in the wall the children often use to escape into the kitchen at night to steal bites of food. 
- Sarah makes sure the kitchen is clear of any danger before ushering her brothers out of the tunnel, and she tries to lead them to a exit. She makes sure to tell them to keep their eyes forward to try and keep them from seeing anything that they wouldn’t want to see. Unfortunately, she get glimpses of what’s going on in the main areas of the palace including fires, gunshots, blood, and the echo of screams. All she can do, though, is try to get her brothers to somewhere safe and pray for the rest of her family. She doesn’t even know if her parents are alive, much less where they could be. 
- With luck and stealth, which is hard because Les is only 5 at this point, they make it out of the palace without being seen. Sarah hopes that they’re home free, but some villagers were apparently also revolutionists and they chase the children to the train station. Sarah knows her train was supposed to leave at dawn, and luckily, the sun is inches away from rising, so she goes directly to the train yard with her brothers in tow. The danger of the situation gives her enough adrenaline to push forward and drag her brothers behind her with all the strength she has. Luckily, the train is full with passengers by the time they see it, but the villagers are not far behind. 
- “Grab your brother,” she orders to Davey who does as told. He slows down from having to run for dear life and having to hold his baby brother up, but as they approach the back of the train, Sarah moves so she’s now behind her two brothers. Luckily, some of the train passengers are sympathetic to the children, and they reach down to help Davey and Les up onto the train. Sarah pushes Davey into the arms of the strangers as he screams in protest because he doesn’t want to leave his sister. 
- Right when his feet hit the train platform, he reaches behind him to get Sarah up onto the train, but she’s a hair too far as the train starts moving. She tries to reach for them, but it’s no use. She stumbles right as a gunshot goes off. Davey screams, thinking the shot was what made her fall to the ground, but she hits her head on the train track and passes out as the train rolls into the sun. 
- 10 years later-
- Kath is walking the streets of St. Petersburg, sorry, Leningrad, as people try to peddle so called artifacts from the Jacobs family which they pillaged from the palace after the siege 10 years ago. She knows that if the plan is to work out, she needs an artifact from the palace, but, also, a pair of pajamas, an obscure painting, even some random thing initialed with an A would not cut it. It had to be something authentic looking, something extravagant and royal looking. Something... “How much for that music box?” Kath asks one of the vendors advertising a bejeweled music box. It was fancy looking enough to possibly be authentic. “It’s genuine Jacobs! I could never part with it!” the vendor exclaims, feigning attachment, but in post revolution Russia, everything had a price. 
- “Two cans of beans, comrade?” 
- “Done.” Kath catches the music box and tries to open it, but it proves to be pretty tough. She can’t it which makes her want to try and get her two cans of beans back, but the conman had vanished. Jack, her “business” partner walks up to her and she tries to get him to open it, but it won’t budge for him either. They keep it anyhow. 
- Not far off, a truck makes a loud “boom” sound causing the street sweeper next to fall to the ground, shouting and covering her head. One of the generals, Morris Delancey, is walking by and observes the woman for a moment. “It was just a truck backfiring, comrade. That’s all it was. Those days are over, neighbor against neighbor. There’s nothing to be afraid of,” he reassures her, but the woman is shaking. He is suddenly concerned, strangely. “There’s a tea shop just down the way, just let me-” he tries to offer to buy the woman a cup, but she sharply, yet politely, declines. “Thank you, but I can’t lose this job,” she explains. “They’re not easy to come by. Again, thank you.” And she’s gone. 
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