#banger yamato he keeps winning
garchu-garchu · 4 months
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human beast form yamato gets way too little fanart!! I'm legally obligated to be the one furry guy in the fandom to draw him a shit ton
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kankuroplease · 2 years
Kakashi Tattoo Au headcanons?
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Kakashi is Minato’s apprentice turned business partner/shop owner
He’s literally always booked and has been in quite a few tattoo magazines featuring his work and ink.
He’s actually very kind to clients with low pain tolerance and will chat with them to try and help them think of something else. If they need a break, take a break. You’re not winning an award for sitting well (maybe a better tattoo though)
Because he’s the boss, he makes his own hours and will never show up before 1 pm. Ever.
Has one of the pet food wi-fi cams so he can watch and talk his dogs. Naruto and Sakura also like talking to the dogs and will take his phone to do it
Yamato is the only employee allowed in his studio area as the others tend to want to camp out and talk his ear off
Uchiha affiliated, not by choice thanks Obito, but they are some of his most loyal clients and that’s how he met/acquired Sasuke as an apprentice.
Taught Sasuke his best techniques. Like, he knew the kid had talent but even he was impressed with how well he picked up tattooing.
Constantly warning Naruto about his bangers. Consistency is still important and not every client is going to want HIS idea on their bodies forever just do the design they chose, even if it’s Sasuke’s
Trusts Sakura and Yamato to order all the supplies the shop may need. It’s not that he can’t, they’re just very reliable
Has asked Shisui to not hang around Sakura at the front desk. Sasuke’s fans are bad enough, but at least Sasuke doesn’t entertain them like Shisui does. Doesn’t help that Sakura gos along with Shisui’s stunts. They totally have had a bet on who could get the most numbers
Looks after Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Sai. Totally has received calls from them in the middle of the night to rescue one, if not all of them at some point. It’s the only reason he keeps his old van actually
Yes, he has access to luxury cars and SUVs but he still uses his first vehicle that his father and Minato helped him fix as a teen. Those days of laughing, arguing, and kid naruto pretending drive are is own little treasures (and he’s keeping them)
Shop dad. Unofficial mediator. Smut recommender. Guitar teacher. 2 coffees in and still tired. Black belt. Recipient of shop pranks. Photographer. Dog dad. Yakuza arm candy. Unenthusiastic backup karaoke singer. He holds many titles~
A little more invested in dramas than anyone would think he is. Knows about the upcoming ones before anyone else and wants to watch them in the home theater
Drives his dad places just to spend time with him.
Helps Obito train and has been doing so since they were kids. He actually can fight very well too, but he doesn’t want to and is more than happy to support Obito’s career.
Lowkey thinks it’s funny when Obito gets taken to the mat by an opponent after talking a big game. Obito should’ve trained harder and stopped trying to grab his ass
Enjoys when Rin washes his hair for him in the bath, but will never ask her to do it. He’s just grateful it’s somewhat a weekly if not daily occurrence.
Also enjoys when Obito lays his head on his lap to nap while he’s reading. He’s basically Kakashi’s one and only cat 🐈‍⬛
Plays coy with his lovers when they try to seduce him. They want him? Interesting~
Also makes sex tapes with them for his own viewing pleasure. They can watch them too if they want, and Obito definitely wants to. Rin is more shy about it/says she experienced it and doesn’t need to see herself like that. You go ahead guys 😳
Lives in sweatpants around the house
Once he becomes a dad, he’s bringing home temporary tattoos for them. It’s pretty much a tradition Minato started and the shop has them, so why not?
Makes the kids breakfast with scarecrow faces made of fruit and whipped cream
Goes to all their tournaments and games
Is the pillow for at least two people at all times
Has a wall of black and white photos he’s taken starting from middle school and going all the way up to the kids latest candid moments. He sometimes will stand in front of it and just take in all the memories
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