#bangchan flufff
chrissypoox2 · 2 years
𝑻 𝑼 𝑹 𝑵 𝑰 𝑵 𝑮 𝑷 𝑨 𝑮 𝑬 (chapter 3)
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Pairing: Bangchan x Female Reader
Word Count:2,235
TW: mentions of child abuse, violence
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Chris lunges at the man who is on top of your mom, you swiftly run to your mom's aid and get her away from the fight that is happening between them. Your mom's nose is broken and bleeding, A LOT. Lizzie rushes over to you and tells you to break the fight up between Chris and the man. Eli is on the stairs watching in fear. You look around confused, not sure what to do. There was too much around you happening. Your moms were on the ground; one was crying while the other one was comforting the other, and your little brother is scared sh*tless on the stairs watching two big men fight each other. You look over to Chris and see that he is beating the man up BADLY. 
What the f*ck am I even meant to do. 
You smother up the courage inside you to try and get in between the men. Grabbing Chris' arm, he looks at you sympathetically, he sees this as a beg to stop, while the other sees it as an opportunity to finally get a hit in, he left hooks, Chris, in the face. You both fall, Chris on top of you shielding you from the kicks the man blows, shortly after he makes a break for it out the door. But by then there was a crowd of people outside and the police as well. 
Ah, thank the lord. 
Chris gets off of you wincing in pain. He offers you a hand up but you get up on your own and help him sit down on one of the barstools by the island in the kitchen. You leave him there to go and confront the man, maybe even slap him and knock some sense into him. Before you could even get close, Chris grabs your hand. 
"Don't. He's probably mad because I denied him earlier, he doesn't do good with rejection." Look at Chris confused. He knows the man? Why didn't he say something earlier? This was all so chaotic, your headache from earlier was getting worsen with all the confusion and anger that was beginning to build up inside. You hadn't cried in a long time, but for some reason, you couldn't stop but tear up. Chris felt bad but knew he owed you yet another explanation. 
"I know this is confusing y/n so I'll try to make this as clear as possible." he continues after getting into a more comfortable position in the chair. 
"The man is my dad. I'm not surprised that you don't remember his face, I know that you tried your best to block him out of your memory from when we were younger and even around the time you left when the abuse got worse. Recently my dad has gotten into a lot of gabbling issues and is trying to make me sell the farm so he can pay off his debt. he still lives in town and knew that I would be here, especially for you. He probably started beating your mom because well that's what he does. Beat on the weak to make himself feel some sort of power in his powerless life. Y/n you know I would never do anything to put you or your family in harm's way. I'm sorry about your mom. I'll pay for the medical expenses." You looked back at the man who began shouting for Chris. 
"I'LL KEEP COMING, I'M COMING FOR MY MONEY CHRIS!" Chris looks distressed, you look at your mom and see that she is with some of the other women from town who are tending to her nose, amongst them was one of the nurses in the town's clinic. But when you look to the stairs you don't see Eli sitting there anymore, assuming he went to his room you get the attention of one of the women. You ask her to look at Chris and his back, he was already developing bruises on his back from the kicks his dad gave him. You run up the stairs and go into Eli's room. 
"Hey kiddo, are you holding up o-" before you could finish your little brother runs into your arms hugging you. 
"I was so scared. We were all cleaning up and some of the other town members had left to get the hall ready for the other activities this week, Mom left the door open because she was unloading things from the car. Then that man came in and started screaming asking for Chris and where you were, when mom said he wasn't here and you had gone with him he started wailing at her. I didn't know what to do so I just watched from the stairs. I watched some man beat up our mom and I didn't even do anything to stop it." You paused staring blankly ahead. The town that you grew up in wasn't the same. The peace that you were so used to being around was gone. Eli barely cried. The only time you saw him cry was probably when he scraped his knee or something. You felt his pain, you shared it. You too felt helpless at that moment. You held him for as long as he needed you to. 
"I know Eli, it's okay, just let it go, papa, I'm here" Chris walks into the doorframe to see you holding him, you make brief eye contact. Before you're able to say anything Chris walks away. Eli steps back sniffling. 
" I'm pretty tired. I think imma go to bed early." You nod rubbing his shoulders and head out of his room closing the door. 
You walk towards your room needing to take a break. 
I haven't been here a full day and there is already all of this drama. 
As you step into your room you see Chris sitting on the edge of your bed looking out the window.
"You know the rules, take off your shoes and exchange em for some slippers. C'mon," you say tiredly taking off your shoes at the door, and putting them on the shoe rack right next to your door inside of your room. You put the slippers on and go to your bed flopping on it. Chris gets up and does the same. He sits back on the bed and looks out the window then back at you momentarily. 
"Are you okay?" Chris says nonchalantly. You face towards him, eyes closed. 
"You've been asking me that all day. You sound like a broken record." You face away from him after. He nods and chuckles awkwardly. 
"Yeah, I know. I'm just not sure what else to say." You face towards him looking at him this time, his posture and all. You tap next to your bed signaling him to lay next to you. 
"Welp, so much for a welcome back party" Chris lays next to you unable to look you in the face. 
"Yeah, hey I mean you got an adventure out of it though. No?" He said jokingly.
"Really?" Side-eyeing him. He finally looks at you, ashamed.
"Sorry, bad timing." You tap him on the chest almost consoling him like you would a baby. Slow light taps. You knew Chris felt bad, he just wasn't sure how to comfort you. You were always doing the comforting. 
"Y'know...I never would've thought I'd get to see your inn an actual fight, nonetheless one with your dad." You fix yourself on the bed, rolling to your side so that your whole body is facing Chris. You begin to whisper as you used to when you were kids. 
"Hey, can I say something else?" Chris hums yes. 
"I'm really glad you showed me your house, and also that your farm is doing really good. I'm also really happy you grew out of your skinny jeans phase." You break the tension with a joke making you both break into small laughter. 
"Seriously though, I wouldn't say today was fun, relaxing, or forgettable. We should get back downstairs to check on my moms though" You look down at your watch on your wrist, it's about 11pm, you arrived in the town fairly early in the morning, and the welcome party seemed to have lasted long, but then there was the trip to Chris' place and then back, and he did live on the other side of town.
"Yeah, I should go apologize to them too" Chris huffs and gets out of bed, put his shoes back on walks downstairs. You follow only seconds later to hear Lizzie screaming at Chris. 
"GET OUT! I knew you and your family were good for nothing, everywhere you go only chaos follows. Look at tonight, not any different from the night y/n left for the city. You know she got lucky getting away from you. All you ever did was not only cause her stress but my wife's stress." Your blood begins to boil. Who is she to talk? Good for nothing? if anyone was good for nothing it was her. 
Is Chris causing me stress? Your unable to be a parent, caused me stress! Me having to mother my step-brother caused me stress!
Your mom could see you about to set a bomb off on Lizzie and she grabs her arm, look at Lizzie remorsefully. Lizzie calms down and turns her back to Chris only to look at you. Chris doesn't say anything he just walks off you try to go after him but your mom stops you "Y/n, honey, let's just give him his space for tonight, you should rest." You look to your mom puppy-eyed and all almost pleading with her to allow you to see him off in the least. Looking back to Chris he is already out the door revving up his car and driving off. You turn to Lizzie who has now given your mom all her attention, you stare at her almost piercing into her soul. You do so badly want to give her a piece of your mind. She needed to be humbled after all these years, But for the sake of your mother. You keep quiet and go upstairs, before you could make it to the stairs, Lizzie looks up at you. 
"I don't want you hanging around that boy anymore, you're better without him" You slowly turn your head eyeing Lizzie. Your mom gets up from her chair and goes outside. 
"You don't want me hanging around him anymore? When did you become my mother huh? When did you ever get to have a say in what I can and can't do? When did Lizzie Mc-Fucking-Lennon get to have a say in what Ashley'd daughter does. Last time I checked, I was nothing but a nuisance, right?" 
F L A S H B A C K -
You were nothing but shy of 12 when you came home to see your moms sitting on the couch. You walked up to your mom and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. She smiled and rubbed your cheeks, her smile was radiant, so full of life. Back when it was easier to tend to the farm. Her hair was in an updo hairstyle with some of her baby hairs free from the hold of whatever gel she was using. Lizzie smiled and then averted her attention back to the TV. You continued to tell your mom about your day, all the fun things you did, how you Chris gave more berries to the foxes at the tree line. Your mom asked you where you got the berries to feed the foxes and you, for obvious reasons, didn't tell her the truth and saw Chris brought some from home. As you head upstairs to greet Eli; before you go back and tell your mom even more things you hear Lizzie in a cold and harsh tone. 
"What a nuisance." You don't say anything just pause at the stairs, and when your mom looks, you are already going up the rest of the stairs. They begin to have a fight and you don't leave your room, heck you didn't even check on Eli and greet him. You stayed in your room all day that day. You weren't able to go to school because of the lack of nutrition and dehydration from not drinking or eating anything the day before. You broke into a fever but refused to be treated. You just wanted to be left alone. What did you ever do wrong? All you did was talk about your day? It's what you always did. You eventually let it go and allowed your mom to treat you. But you'll still never forget the sting it left in little y/ns heart. 
E N D O F F L A S H B A C K -
Lizzie looks at you almost in shock. She didn't know you heard her, and just as began to apologize you turned away swiftly and went back to your room. You locked the door so that no one else would disturb you tonight. Your headache was worse than ever and you just wanted to sleep. You switch out of your clothes into some light PJs that you packed, and get into bed. All you could think of now was wanting peace. 
Today drained the hell outta me
Your eyes began to feel heavy and before you knew it. You were asleep. 
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kyum-a · 6 years
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Imagine hyunjin wants to FaceTime you because he is so proud of his dancing.
Requests are always open x
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