demonicdame · 9 years
Send ☠ for my muse to accidentally summon your muse who is a demon.
Demon gave a laugh as she scrolled threw the web page her friend had linked her to “you can’t be serious Scarlett” the girls laughter died down to a chuckle her attention moving from the web page back to the skype window she had open the black and red head on the other end shrugging “I found it and figured since your into all that ‘Ooo scary’ demonic spooky shit I’d send it to you, Demon chuckled running her tongue over her lip piercing “Well I thank you”.
The two continued talking for a little while longer Until Scarlett went to bed, printing the page out the female went to place it into a small folder she had, a sort of collection of demon summoning spells and rituals, she took a page out from the back of the folder it being the first and only one she ever did back when she was a young teen the ritual was a compete disappointment since nothing happened and was a hard reminder that this stuff never worked shrugging she decided to kill some time and try it again for the hell of it.Drawing the summoning circle, writing her name on a piece of paper so the creature that came threw would know it, as the instructions stated making a small cut she let two drops of blood land onto the page folding it, with her large black candle in the center of the circle the female dropped the piece of paper into it the page catching  reaching over grabbing the instructions reading from them.
“Now that the page with your blood and name has been burnt in the middle of the circle the door way between the realms will open to strengthen the door way this pick up” Reaching over she picked the candle up “And move it in a counter clock wise circle three times” Counting in her head sh moved it counter clock wise “Now, make sure to have salt on you in case the demon that comes threw is violent, place the candle back down into the center of the circle,turn the lights out and wait the flame should go out when a demon has crossed over into your house”. Demon placed the candle back into the center herself getting up to head to the kitchen grabbing some salt, she probably wouldn’t need it but eh, turning the lights off on the way the girl changed into her night cloths, a long shirt with a heavy metal logo on it, a pair of black leggings and socks.
Setting the salt on her nightstand the female flopped in bed slipping her earphones on and let the candle burn,she sat up a little when she thought she seen it flicker but rolled her eyes  "Nuthin gonna happen” she convinced herself again closing her eyes, how ever as soon as she did the flame went out, when the smoke reached her nose the female sat up quick looking around , the flame out “No shit.. wait that don;t mean anything coulda been the wind..” just in case she grabbed her spring blade from the stand drawer , getting up looking around “Hello?”
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dragoncanefangs · 9 years
banditkingakefiareplied to your post:Is Tine gonna die at the end of this plot? It...
Die? We can make that happen. *cracks knuckles*
Bandit: About to beat Tine to death. Tine: Shapeshifts into Harley Bandit : “...” Tine: “....” Tine: “....This was a terrible idea.”  Bandit: “Yep.” Tine: “..Redo?”
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duelingdestiny · 9 years
I just...yup. THis is what came out when I tried to sing CCR. 
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metaexposure-blog · 9 years
//Biggest Fan
Mett had done it all, in his vain journey up the job ladder. From shitty internships to bland community news letters he had done everything for the sake of work experience, and yet, none of his attempts had ever proven worthwhile.
He was two years out of college and he was beginning to regret not going on to university, because his qualifications were getting him no where. 
Well, not no where. In the past year he had done a quaint little piece on a cake compeition for aging couples...
Needless to say, it wasn’t what he wanted to be going. He had a passion for news, for true scary and enlightening stories. Two years was two years too long to idly sit back hoping for a good story to come to him, he knew exactly where he wanted to be...
So he packed up his bags and went to the hive of modern journalism and shocking news: Domino City, intent on finding one person and one person only and that was how he ended up outside Toxic, the hub for criminal activity and scum bags of the century.
After arguing the authenticity of his ID for 20 minuets he was finally allowed within the bar, and his hands were twitching to pull out his concealed camera and to start clicking away.
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duelingdestiny · 9 years
❛ fuckin’ nerd ❜
send me ❛ fuckin’ nerd ❜ for this.
how my muse clicked with yours : immediately┆almost right away┆slowly┆after several interactions┆they haven’t a thought my muse has about yours : He wonders how he got his scar, but he wfeels like it would be too damn intrusive to just ask about. Also why Bandit STILL won’t let him have a rocket launcher. a strange thought my muse has about yours : If he’s got anymore tattoos in places Atem hasn’t seen.a thread/plot i’d like for our muses :  I kinda want Atem to get caught by B oneday. And somehow not Malice out. Just Atem and B...yep. 
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demonicdame · 9 years
"We have a dragon in the city. Have you ever dealt with one of those?"
“Well there’s something ya don’t hear everyday. I’ve dealt with similar beasts yes plus I used to watch the legions attack them as a child when they strayed to close to the kingdom, have you seen this dragon first hand?”
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*I just realized King is an inch taller than Bandit, forgot how tall he was until I looked at the Underground profiles again o_o;**
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duelingdestiny · 9 years
{Text} While I’m not complaining, I don’t think you meant these for me. 
{Text} Of course Atem and Harley aren’t anywhere near each other in your phone...
{Text} So maybe it was a Freudian slip. 
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demonicdame · 9 years
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