#bandai why are you interpreting bandai your corporate eyes are ruining my yuri
I feel like there's nothing that hasn't been said that I can add meaningfully to the Bandai Namco Gwitch statement stuff. But wow is it funny that one of the few things in the show that is fairly clear in it's meaning is the thing they said is up for interpretation. Like, SuleMio is the thing that's most specific in that finale? You could have told me whether Secelia is the top in that whole thing is up to interpretation and I'd be like "yeah, I could see that going either way" But the two lesbians, who are lesbians from episode 1? Nah. I'm on episode 5 of re-watching the show with my GF I think the only "doubt" on their relationship status comes from Suletta being new to social situations and not quite getting her feelings at first, while Miorine's being too Tsun to acknowledge her feelings openly. Girl has exactly what she's always wanted, her ticket to earth, AND SHE TURNS THAT SHIP AROUND TO SAVE HER WIFE. She was fully on board with that failure of a woman being her wife to the point where her response to the yuri troupe was "what are you, a conservative?" She then spends the next two episodes trying to stop Suletta from going near a man she's mysteriously become close to. They are both down horrendous from episode 1.
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