#banana fish roman
worms-drawing · 9 months
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Some cool treats for the Summer ☀️🍦🕶️
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aejiee · 10 months
I know my mental health is low whenever I start rewatching banana fish
So anyways I'm on episode 4
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enobariasteeth · 10 months
said it a million times but “We’ll Never Have Sex” is THEE asheiji song.
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howlingday · 6 months
Dark AU: An idea of how to transition into the Dock scene could be Jaune and Penny go into Vale proper to buy things, Penny gets distracted (pet shop with Betta fish on display perhaps?), notices Jaune isn't around and Sun runs into her while running away. As an apology of sorts Sun helps Penny search for Jaune. Meanwhile Jaune was taken by some faunus on orders if spotted for questioning. (He may not have been revealed as the sole survivor to the public but there are ways to find out for an info broker.) Questioning becomes violent when Jaune gives answers they don't like. Brought to the docks heist to be left behind as an example. Somewhat escapes (Roman/Neo taking pity?) as Penny shows up lasers blazing. Aftermath Jaune gains confidence by saving someone, Penny maybe tells Jaune the truth and Sun eats a banana.
Just an option; if taken change how you like.
Also thanks for listening and for the content!
I like your idea, but I think I know just how to tweak in the way I've been looking for...
"Do you really have to see the betta fish again?"
"Yes, of course!" Penny replied, walking next to Jaune. She couldn't stop herself from shaking with excitement. Her favorite time of the week was to go to the pet store and look at all the beautiful betta fish on display. This had become routine since her arrival at Beacon a few months ago, and it was one that she and her partner had no intention of breaking. "Oh? It's closed?"
"Looks like it's being renovated." Jaune noted from the sign. Oddly enough, there were still pets in the window, including betta fish. "Kinda weird for these animals to be out here where it's so sunny."
Penny didn't respond. She was too engrossed in the elegant dance of the betta fish darting about in their tanks and bowls. Jaune smiled as her green eyes darted from one fish to another within seconds between them.
"Hey, kid." Jaune turned, seeing a man in a black apron. "You lookin' to buy?"
"Oh, no, just browsing." Jaune waved off, quickly dismissing his excited partner behind him. He swore he heard her neck snap.
"You sure?" The man tilted his head down, brow raised. "Maybe you want a pet? Something to keep you calm? Like a cat?"
"No, no, really, I'm sure, Mister..." Jaune narrowed his eyes on the nametag. "...Leon?"
"Well, if you're sure. But would you like to help feed them? Kinda got a lot and my back's been aching all morning."
At this, Jaune's face lit up. This was his chance to do some good for once, instead of just sitting around and wallowing in his own self-pity at Beacon. And huntsmen did help those in need, right? Jaune gave a nod.
"We'd be happy to help, right, Penny?" He turned to see his partner didn't respond, too engrossed by an especially red and blue fish. "Well, I'd be happy to help." He got closer to his partner. "Hey, Penny? I'm going to help feed some animals. I'll be inside, okay?"
"Mm..." Penny said, though it may not have been in reply to him.
Giving a shrug, Jaune followed the man inside. The inside was warm and dark, with no lights or any kind of air conditioning on. Were the animals really okay in this kind of environment? It didn't seem safe.
"So, uh, where are the animals?" Jaune asked as he entered the room in the back.
"It's faunus!" Everything went loud and dark. All of a sudden, Jaune couldn't feel anything. Not even the throbbing swelling lump on his head.
"Okay, I think I lost them- ACK!"
Penny fell to her side as a young man was straddled over her. His shirt was unbuttoned and wide open, showing off his toned abs while a golden tail swirled from his torn-up jeans. Penny gave a blink a couple of times before she realized what had happened.
"Oh, excuse me!" She said. "I'm sorry if I was in your way."
"Nah, nah, it's cool." The monkey faunus pulled himself to his feet before lending a hand. Penny took it and quickly rose to stand. "Sorry about that. I was just running away from some, uh..." She scratched his head. "Uh, nevermind. The name's Sun Wukong! What's your name?"
"I am Penny Polendina, and this is... Jaune?" Penny turned, looking around. "Jaune?"
"Is Jaune your pet?"
"He is my assigned partner at Beacon Academy."
"Oh, you're going to Beacon? Same! I'm from Haven Academy!"
"I see! Where is your team?"
"They'll get here eventually. I took the fastest way I knew!"
"You abandoned your team?"
"Ah, they'll understand." Sun waved her off. "So, uh, where'd this Jaune partner or yours go? He ditch ya?"
"He would not ditch me. He could not ditch me."
"Oh..." Sun clicked his cheek. "You guys are like that, huh?"
"He is my partner, and I am his. It is up to me to ensure his mental state does not diminish to critical levels."
"Uh... huh..." Sun walked around. "Well, if you guys are that close, then he probably didn't get far." He pointed to the pet store. "You think he's in here?"
"Unlikely." Penny answered. "The building is being renovated."
"With the door wide open and nobody inside?" Sun entered the building, followed by Penny. "Seems kinda weird, not gonna lie." He sniffed. "Wait." He sniffed again. "Oh no..."
Sun quickly rounded the empty cages to the counter, tossing the door aside. Looking down, he could see a clean floor, but his nose didn't lie. Following it to the closet in the back, he found a person laying inside, unconscious.
"The shopkeeper!" Penny shouted. She swiftly turned and ran for the back room. "Jaune?!"
"Ah, hell..." Sun groaned. "The last thing I'd want is to get the cops involved, but it looks like that's what's gonna happen." Sun picked the phone off the counter but set it down when there was no dial tone. "Lights out, hot as Vacuo, and no phone service? There's a lot wrong with this picture."
"Sun! I have found something!" Sun jumped the counter, running to the back room where Penny stood. The inside looked to be a garage with an open door to the back alley. There were skid marks on the ground and a white flag held aloft in the girl's hands. "I think I know who has Jaune."
On the flag was a familiar red symbol of a beast and claw marks.
"Where is Jaune now?!" Glynda screamed as she paced the floor of the headmaster's office. "You don't know is not an acceptable answer, Miss Polendina. Jaune Arc is your partner, which means he is your-"
"Glynda!" She flinched, looking to Professor Ozpin. The look on his face was a rare instance of anger. He seldom showed it, which meant it wasn't an emotion to be taken lightly from him. "Hand me the scroll. Focus on finding Jaune from here and ensuring all students are back at Beacon Academy."
"Yes, Headmaster." She gulped, handing over the scroll. "Excuse me, I didn't-"
"You're scared. It's understandable, Glynda." The way he used her first name to calm her down worked, though only a little. "But fear is not what we should be using to respond to this. Now do as you were instructed." With a nod, she left the office, tapping on her personal scroll. "Miss Polendina, this is your headmaster speaking. Remain calm and explain to me what has happened."
Ozpin sat and listened, simultaneously coordinating with police and huntsmen across Vale to find his missing student. This wasn't the first time a student went missing, nor could he hope it would happen be the last. But there was one thing he would do if his power allowed. Jaune Arc would not die. His first years for the current semester may have been single digit numbers, but they would not drop lower than they'd already had.
"Can you determine which direction the tires were going?" He asked, at the same time updating the mission board for the responding huntsmen to read. "Have you contacted the authorities? Are they with you now?" Thankfully, the woman and the animals in the store were alive, though blunt force trauma to the former and heat injuries to the latter hardly constituted as 'and well'. "And you say a student from Haven Academy is present with you?" This would be the most awkward task, since that meant he'd have to explain to Leonardo that one of his students had arrived in Vale months early for the Vytal tournament.
Unfortunately, with all these questions being answered, too many were still left unknown as they appeared. Why was the White Fang in Vale? Why would they kidnap Jaune? And most importantly, where had they taken him?
"Ozpin!" Professor Goodwitch slammed open the door to his office. "We've found him."
"Good evening, I'm Lisa Lavender. Tonight, for our top story, we have an interview with the student who survived the initiation of the mass student deaths at Beacon Academy, Jaune Arc." She smiled to him. "Thank you for coming to us, Jaune."
"N-No problem." Jaune gulped. When he woke up, men with bone-white masks pointed guns at him and told him to stay where he was. One of them had pointed ears on his head and the other had a tail curled over his belt.
"Now, Mr. Arc, I understand this is a very difficult topic to discuss, but the audience would appreciate if you could tell us what happened to you at Beacon Academy."
"Uh..." He glanced to the side, where the camera was looking right at him, but not as threateningly as the man next to it holding a gun. With a shaky breath, he made the choice to relive that horrible day. "I... I left for Beacon Academy and when I got there, I..." He gave a chuckle. "I threw up in the trash as soon as I got off the bullhead. A little while after, I met a girl who was in a crater. I... I think it was a dust explosion. She... She told me her name was Ruby."
Jaune's throat dried up, but he kept talking because if he stopped talking, what was going to happen? He'd get shot? He'd die? Telling this woman, the people in the room, and if the camera was any indication, the whole world, everyone was listening to him. However, the next part of the story was the worst part.
"I... I watched as Ruby, she..." He swallowed, feeling tears well in his eyes. "She wasn't as old as me, so seeing her like..." He shook his head. "I'm sorry, do I have to keep going?" He looked to the woman with tears spilling from his eyes.
"Only if you want to." She placed a hand on his.
He flinched as the gun racked, reminding him of who was really in charge.
"I-I-I..." He shuddered. "One girl was tossed over the side of the cliff. I listened as she screamed until I couldn't hear her anymore."
"Do you remember who it was?"
"It... It was the girl with the white hair."
"Do you mean Weiss Schnee, the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company?" He nodded. She closed her eyes and shook her head. "A tragedy felt just as tenderly as everyone else who'd perished that day."
He could hear one of the gunmen give a chuckle.
"My partner and the blond girl... I think one of them was Ruby's sister... They... They both died to the big scorpion one."
"The Deathstalker." She nodded. "And your partner was Pyrrha Nikos, wasn't she?"
"Yeah, she... She helped unlock my aura."
"You entered Beacon without your aura unlocked?" She sounded genuinely caught off guard. "What would possess you to do something so dangerous?"
"I..." He sniffed, glad to be away from the topic, if even for a little bit. "I wanted to prove myself. I was a nobody, and I just... I didn't want to be a nobody forever. A disappointment."
"Well, Jaune, I have to say that what you did was, in my personal opinion, the most selfish, stupid thing you could have done." Jaune's eyes widened. "People have dedicated their lives to training and honing their bodies, their skills, their mental fortitudes so that they can protect innocent people from the horrors of the Grimm, and you attended Beacon because you, 'wanted to prove yourself,' if I'm using your words right. People are dead, Jaune, and how exactly did you survive?"
"I... I went into the caves and..."
"And you hid." Lisa venomously spat. "Like a coward. Weiss Schnee is dead, Jaune. Pyrrha Nikos is dead. Ruby is dead. Every single one of those students is dead because you couldn't act. Because you didn't have the training to do what innocent people would be counting on you to do if you did make it as a huntsman." She threw her arms in the air before folding them. "What did you expect to happen, Jaune? That you and these girls would go to the academy, be best friends, and then just spend the rest of your life going on adventures as a huntsman?" She jabbed a finger at him. "The world isn't a fairy tale, Jaune. People fight and die because the Grimm are monsters who won't stop until we're all dead. But you wanted to prove yourself? Well, I think you've proven yourself well enough... as a coward."
Jaune... did nothing. What could he do? He'd just been slandered to people all over Remnant. His parents, his teachers, complete strangers just heard him get broken down by this woman and called a coward for all the tears he shed. And the worst part of it all was that she was right.
Jaune fled with that girl into the caves after the others died. He didn't have any power to stand against those giant monsters those girls died to, and he thought he could come into Beacon at the same level they did. He was a sham, a fraud. Every word said against him was the truth, and he just had to sit there and accept it.
"I'm Lisa Lavender. Thank you for watching."
"And cut!" The world became loud around Jaune as people moved this direction and that, leaving him seated in his chair. Lisa Lavender had already left the room, though not before shaking her head and scoffing in disgust.
"Come on, kid."
Jaune was grabbed by the shoulder and shoved. He looked up and saw the bone-white mask with red marks. Suddenly, the person in the mask didn't look or sound like a person, but like a monster, growling at Jaune as he fell over, kicking himself away across the floor and to the wall. It gave a bellow, roaring at him to no move. Breathing quickened, fingers twitching, Jaune wanted to let out a scream but couldn't figure out how. Fear attracted the Grimm and his body was in a panic, set to remain frozen so he wouldn't be bothered. The Grimm bellowed a chant.
"One! Two! Three!" Light flashed, and Jaune shut his eyes to not see the girl's face. When he opened his eyes, a different girl was looking right at him.
"S-Sal-u-tations, Jaune!" She cheerily replied. "Do you... require assistance?"
"Surrender your weapons!" Another familiar voice called. "You're all under the custody of Vale Huntress Goodwitch!"
"Over here!" A blond boy waved over to the pair.
As they started moving towards him, a gunshot was heard, making Jaune flinch and fall to the floor. He could feel himself sliding before hands grabbed him by his cheeks and green eyes filled his vision. "Jaune, it is okay. I am here!"
"Penny?" He grunted, blinking before shaking his head. "I'm... I'm good. Thank you, Penny." The students met up through the doors, Jaune panting as he leaned against the wall. "Who... Who are you?"
"Name's Sun." He said. "You're Jaune, right? Penny's told me about you."
"Yeah. Did sh-" Jaune stopped as he looked at Penny, who had her back to him. She'd been shot, but where there should have been a wound, or maybe even nothing because of aura, there was an indent in her body. Like bent metal. Jaune's feet gave out under him and he fell into the black again.
"Heck of a performance you did, Miss Lavender."
"Thank you, Roman." The woman on his scroll said. "And really, thank you for providing me with that interview. I'm sure to get an award for that one."
"Anytime, sweetheart." He grinned. "Your news special was just thing we needed to get these schmucks to look somewhere else tonight."
"Will there be a story for me to report tomorrow?"
"Isn't there always?" He chuckled. "I'll deliver my appreciation with the flowers." With a tap, the call had ended, and Roman reveled at all the dust him and his boys had managed to haul from the docks. Walking out of the warehouse, he lit up his cigar, taking a few puffs. "And they say there's nothing original on the news."
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chaoticladyfire · 29 days
A List of Things that are my 'Roman Empire'
Emily Gilmore (they can never make me hate you)
The letter Alex Turner wrote to Alexa Chung, you know which one
A Sunday on La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat
The Eagles' 'Hotel California' guitar solo
What did Henry tell Camilla at the end of The Secret History?
That one article about Bennington University in the 1980s
Lana Del Rey’s unreleased songs. Specifically ‘Boarding School’ ‘Smarty’ and ‘Children of the Bad Revolution’
Fleabag and Claire from Fleabag
The Holdovers
Annabeth intuitively knowing to protect Percy in The Last Olympian
The Execution of Lady Jane Grey by Paul Delaroche
That scene in Lady Bird where Lady Bird jumps out of a car because of her mother's ramblings
House M.D.
Simon from Lord of the Flies
Anne Boleyn
My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Otessa Moshfegh
Remus Lupin
The Roy sibling’s childhood in Succession
George Harrison's pictures in India
Stop All the Clocks by W.H Auden
Paris Geller not getting into Harvard
Fleetwood Mac's album Rumour
Macbeth, the character
Inigo Montoya
Emma, 2020
The most important women in Don Draper's life dying of different kinds of cancer
Ash Lynch from Banana Fish
Nicky Hemmick from All For the Games
Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang from Grey's Anatomy
Will Herondale and Jem Carstairs from The Infernal Devices
That one Thanksgiving episode in Gossip Girl
Jess Mariano from Gilmore Girls
Challengers, 2024
Baby Fever
Little Miss Sunshine
Robert Spearing from Industry
My Lady Jane being cancelled
Creme Brulee
Peeta Mellark from The Hunger Games
The violet field scene from E.M. Forsters' A Room With A View
The fountain scene in Atonement
Skyfall, 2012
'But did you die' line from The Hangover Part II
That scene in Good Will Hunting where Robin William tells Matt Damon how he met his wife.
Sansa Stark
The Twinyards
The fact that men can strike a conversation with waiters, cab drivers, etc without fear of repercussions
The Persuasion letter
Caravaggio vs Artemisia’s art
Declan Lynch from The Raven Cycle. Pretty much the entire TRC series
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ateez-ana · 5 months
Park Ana
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Stage Name: Ana
Age: 25
Height: 156cm
Position: Vocalist, Main Dancer
Nicknames: Annie, Nini
birthday: december 13,1998
zodiac sing: sun: Sagittarius moon: cancer
birthplace: Ulsan, korea
Mbti: ISFP
languages: english (fluent) korean (native)
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claim: lisa
Bright and cheerful
Energetic and enthusiastic
Kind and caring
Determined and hardworking
Exceptional singing and dancing abilities
Strong stage presence
Ability to connect with the audience
ᡣ𐭩Likes, interests and hobbies ᡣ𐭩
Singing and dancing: Ana has been singing and dancing since she was a child. She loves to express herself through music and movement. She is always practicing her skills and trying to improve.
Playing the piano: Ana is a talented pianist. She can play by ear and loves to improvise. She often plays the piano to relax and de-stress.
Watching anime : Ana is a big fan of anime, her personal favorites are jjk where she has a masive crush on gojo and she always said that jjk is her roman empiere she is always on the verge of tears when she sees something from jjk, she also loves aot, yuri on ice, given, banana fish, and Spirited Away
Ana is a determined and hardworking person. She never gives up on her dreams. She is always striving to be the best that she can be.
ᡣ𐭩Ana's Miscellanyᡣ𐭩
Lucky Charm: Ana always carries a small, silver seashell necklace for good luck that yeosang gave hem before their debut
Pre-Performance Ritual: Before every show, Ana listens to a specific upbeat song on repeat to get pumped up and focused. The song is a secret amongst the members, adding a touch of mystery to her pre-stage routine.
Stage Snack: Ana has a peculiar craving for spicy rice cakes before going on stage. The other members find it amusing, but she swears the kick of spice helps her feel energized and alert.
Hidden Talent: While known for her singing and dancing, Ana secretly harbours a talent for drawing. She enjoys sketching portraits and fantastical creatures in her downtime, a creative outlet beyond music.
Fashion Inspiration: Ana loves mixing bold colors and statement pieces in her everyday wardrobe. She admires fashion icons known for pushing boundaries, like Rihanna and G Dragon.
Sleep Talker: Sometimes during intense schedules, Ana admits to sleep-talking. The members have heard her mutter lyrics, practice dance moves, or even order takeout in her sleep, much to their amusement.
Volunteer Work: When time allows, Ana secretly volunteers at a local animal shelter. She has a soft spot for animals and enjoys spending time with furry friends in need.
Secret Hobby: Ana enjoys playing video games, particularly rhythm games and puzzle adventures. It's a way for her to unwind and challenge herself outside of the K-Pop world.
Language Learner: Driven to connect with international fans, Ana is secretly taking online language classes in Spanish. She hopes to surprise fans with her foreign language skills in the future.
Bucket List: One of Ana's biggest dreams is to travel the world and experience different cultures. She longs to perform for fans internationally and learn about their traditions.
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estesghost · 1 year
my roman empire is ao3 twilight femcel movies 10 things i hate about you la la land jane austen dostoevsky percy jackson satosugu banana fish hannigram good omens the brönte sisters narnia harry potter taylor swift eruri little womens speech lana del rey gossip girl avatar the last airbender gilmore girls fruits basket the mortal instruments infernal devices sylvia plath lady diana fleabag greek mythology heaven's official blessing resident evil liliths story one piece the last of us sofia coppola greta gerwig dead poets society stardew valley junji ito sims 4 criminal cases nana gone girl speech björks obsessive fan the folklore love triangle the romanovs alex turners letter to alexa chung kimi no na wa ghibli lorde 10 different kpop groups a lot of youtubers drama lord i have so many hyperfixations please don't try to start a conversation with me donna tart was so real when she wrote i'm nothing in my soul if not obsessive
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Fucked up attractive characters:
1. Narciso Anasui from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean.
2. Shih-na from Ace Attorney Investigations.
3. Haiji Towa from Danganronpa Another Episode
4. Korekiyo Shinguji from Danganronpa V3.
5. Christine (from Christine)
6. Dio from Zero Escape: Virtues Last Reward
7. Ramon from Captain Laserhawk
8. Niklaus Mikaelson, The Originals,
9. Sephiroth
10. Shadow Weaver
11. Luo Binghe from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System;
12. Sateriasis Venomania from The Evillious Chronicles.
13. Fleabag, Fleabag
14. James Bond
15. Azula (atla)
16. Jareth (labyrinth)
17. Alucard (castlevania, the animated series)
18. Isaac Foster, from Angels of Death
19. Hisoka Morow (Hunter x Hunter)
20. Illumi Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
21. Dabi (My Hero Academia)
22. Tomura Shigaraki (My Hero Academia)
23. Makima (Chainsaw Man)
24. Himeno (Chainsaw Man)
25. Manila! Mikey (Tokyo Revengers)
26. Haruchiyo Sanzu (Tokyo Revengers)
27. Kiriwo Ami (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun)
28. Medusa (Soul Eater)
29. Arachne (Soul Eater)
30. Mahito (Jujutsu Kaisen)
31. Kenjaku (Jujutsu Kaisen)
32. Dante (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003)
33. Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist)
34. Lust (Fullmetal Alchemist)
35. Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov (Crime and Punishment)
36. Daki (Demon Slayer)
37. Akito Sohma (Fruits Basket)
38. Neopolitan (RWBY)
39. John Juniper (I expect you to die)
40. Astarion, Baldurs Gate 3
41. Anders, Dragon Age 2
42. Goro Akechi
43. Eros from your throne
44. Orochimaru (Naruto)
45. Edelgard von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
46. Missy from Harlequin Valentine.
47. Devi from The Kingkiller Chronicles.
48. Vegas Theerapanyakul (Kinnporsche the Series
49. Roman Roy, Succession
50. Stu Macher, Scream (1996)
51. The Director from Nimona
52. Banica Conchita from the Evillious Chronicles
53. The Plague Doctor/Griffin from Ink in the Blood
54. Ianthe Tridentarius from the Locked Tomb series
55. Hannibal Lecter
56. Ash Lynx, Banana Fish
57. Chalathon from The Sign.
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drakkonyan · 2 months
Do you know any cool fact about turtles you want to share with the class? /genuine
I'll start with the basics then expanding but also winging it because yes. Under read more because I infodumped hard here
So sliders. Sliders (trachemys) is a genus that lives all of america, and which it's main and most known subspecies, red eared sliders (RES, or scripta elegants) is best know by two things: the fact that it's the most popular type of pet turtle globaly, and that they are STUPIDLY resilient. These two facts, naturally, create the perfect storm for an extremely invasive species due to neglectful or ignorant owners who get tired of the eety beety lil bean once it starts to show it grows to a max size of 12 inches/30cms and lives to even 30 years old.
However, I still think that, in the correct hands, they are a wonderful pet for experimente or mindful owners (what I cathegoryze as mindful is whoever knows ot is open to provide the correct space a goldfish should live in, since it's the same for turtles and plottwist; none of them both is fishbowl or less that 10 gallons option) so some info on them:
When they are tiny, their yolksack cord and egg teeth is visible, and it's so cute because it's this tiny thingy the size of a coin omg 🥺. At this age they are known as hatchlings, and they have certain qualities that only stay on this age;
-color: they are a shiny, beautiful emerald color, with orang-y ears and Grey-blue-ish eyes. As they age, they turn brown while they are juveniles and finally end up black/deep forest green/dark yellowing brown (depends on the specimen)
-diet: when babies, they are mainly carnivores, eating fish, bugs and whatever they can scavange, with plants here and there, but as they age they eat more and more greens, until their diet is around 80% these. In captivity the recommended in protein is crickets, roaches, mealworm, blood worms and feeding fishes, like goopies. On the greener side the recommended is red and green leaf lettuce (avoid iceberg at all coast and only sometimes Roman and buttercup), dandelion leaves and turnip greens, with sometimes endives, kale and escarole. They also like aquatic plants like Amazonian sword, duck weed, moss balls, water lettuces and frogbit, to name some. Some veggies like carrot, bell pepper, sparce fruits like bananas, apples, mango, melon, strawberries, blueberries, papaya and raspberries are also good for em. On store brand pellets zoomed and mazuri are the standard.
But enough about that. One common asked question; how to know their sex? As most reptiles, turtle sex is determined based on the temp the eggs are incubated. There is this myth about how the markings show the sex, but this is a lie, as the markings change depending on the species and subspecies. There is also said that males have a concave plastron and females have a flat one, since it facilitates reproduction. And while it is true, the best way to tell is waiting for em to hit puberty. Once they are 4 inches/10cms long OR one-two years old OR have a black shell, the males start to develop longer claws, which can get to an inch/3cms long. This, plus the cloaca placement/tail size is your best bet, as it is really distinctive and easy to tell male claws from females. Females are also easier to diferenciate due the fact that, once they grow to their whole size, females are the biggest, while males stay at around 25cms or something like that. Tiny guys.
However, I personally knew in mine's case due the fact he showed me his turtle penis while he threw a temper tantrum over me picking him up.
In the reproduction topic. As I've mentioned in another post, they have an apareament dance, known as jazz hands. It's pretty self descriting, as they put their hands next to their face and vibrate them at super speed. This behavior also occurs between territorial fights. Once they got their things settled, the male chases the female and they do the thing. In this, those longer claws we talked about help them stay in place while copulating.
And in that territoriallity note, they are extremely territorial and solitary animals. They need AT LEAST 10 gallos per inch of shell, and can't cohabitate unless they are in like, a pond. However, even then they could become hostile. The hostility signs are mainly stacking (they get one in top the other while basking, they do this to compete for space and UVB/heat from the sun) fighting over food (in captivity, if kept together, sometimes one baby grows faster than the other, this is due that) chasing eachother and actual fighting (biting, scratching, it can go from easily-infectable lacerations to fights-to-death). Due to this and more reasons, unless for breeding and when knowing exactly what you are doing, it is extremely important to NOT cohabitate under any circunstance.
I think I'm leaving it at there for today, might add more in a rb tomorrow, but it's literally midnight and I should sleep lol. Thank you so much for asking! I love so much to talk about these goobers and you made my day (night?) I also wanna mention that I'm constantly learning and that, if any of this info is wrong or outdated, please let me know! With that said, goodnight!
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thatsadroleplayer · 1 year
Roleplay information
About me!
Kia Ora! My name is Roman. I am genderfluid and use any pronouns. I enjoy roleplaying, of course, writing, art, reading and a whole bunch of other new stuff. I am open to friends outside of roleplaying, if that is something you'd want. I am from New Zealand! This is just a post about information when it comes to roleplaying that I find important!
(This will go in order of current hyperfixations, etc, although that is subject to change and will be edited when necessary)
The last of us (will base it more around the show but I've also seen playthroughs of both games)
Criminal minds
Sanders sides
Stranger things
Buddy daddies
Banana fish
(This will go in order of favourites to least favourites to play as, if the character isn't listed but is a main character in the show it means I likely won't play them)
The last of us
Ellie Williams
Joel Miller
Eddie Diaz
Evan Buckley
Bobby Nash-Grant
Maddie Buckley
Christopher Diaz
Athena Grant-Nash
Hen Wilson
May Grant
Chim Han
Criminal minds
Spencer Reid
Emily Prentiss
Penelope Garcia
Jennifer Jareau
Derek Morgan
Tara Lewis
David Rossi
Aaron Hotchner
Sanders sides
Stranger things
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Robin Buckley
Max Mayfield
Will Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Peter Parker
Yelena Belova
Clint Barton
Kate Bishop
Natasha Romanoff
America Chavez
Bucky Barnes
Bruce Banner
Tony Stark
Wade Wilson
Steve Rogers
Jason Todd
Dick Grayson
Tim Drake
Damian Wayne
Wally West
Roy Harper
Donna Troy
Kon Kent
Jon Kent
Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent
Diana Prince
Buddy Daddies
Kazuki Kurusu
Rei Suwa
Miri Unasaka
Kyutaro Kugi
Banana fish
Yut Lung Lee
Ash Lynx
Shorter Wong
Sing Soo-Ling
Eiji Okumura
Tadashi Kikuchi
Kaoru Sakurayashiki (Cherry)
Kojiro Nanjo (Joe)
Reki Kyan
Langa Hasegawa
Miya Chinen
Do not spam me, I have to sleep, go to school, spend time with friends, etc. If I do not respond within twelve hours, then you are welcome to begin to send me reminders.
I will only rp NSFW if it is something the roleplay is leading up to, I will not do a lot of it and it cannot be the main point of the roleplay.
Do not take control of my characters, if you want something to happen then you can speak tome about it and we can figure it out together.
Respect my boundaries, if I tell you something makes me uncomfortable or I don't want to do it do not push me.
My dms are open! If you have ideas and want to do them with me feel free to reach out! I am open to trying other fandoms other than what I have listed, so feel free to suggest things. If I don't know the fandom/haven't finished whatever it is then I will let you know. If is your decision from there whether you wish to continue or find someone better suited.
Communicate with me! I will not know what is going on if you don't communicate. If there's a scene you want to do, if you have to be offline for a while, etc don't be afraid to talk to me! I will do the same.
I welcome any and all identity headcanons except if you make gay characters straight. I often headcanon characters as trans myself.
I am open to ship suggestions, I will tell you if it makes me uncomfortable but if you suggest an obviously problematic ship I will simply block you.
I prefer long responses, but I will try my best to match whatever length you use.
I will not play abusive characters if they are a main character. If they're a side character that is fine, but if they are a main character I won't do it.
I do not have triggers but if you're going to include something that could be triggering please warn me first, it makes me uncomfortable when those kinds of things are suddenly sprung on me.
If you do not follow these rules you will be given a max of three warnings before I will just block you and/or stop replying.
If you think any of this fits you feel free to reach out! Whether you have an idea already or would like to come up with one together!
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pasiphae-xxx · 11 months
Annabeth- Most certainly knew the entire lore of WWE Raw and Smackdown when she was about 8-11. Wanted siblings to tackle so bad.
Percy- The Bermuda Triangle. HOURS spent genuinely sweating about the thought of sea monsters and black holes in the ocean which could maybe get him.
Grover- Mythology. Lore. Everything he could find with amazing world-building and plot points. Certainly kept comparing Greek myths to Norse/Aztec myths and yelling "OH MY GOSH THEY'RE SYNCRONIZED".
Nico- THE OLYMPIC GAMES. Watching gymnastics and wincing everytime it looks like they're gonna fall. Picking random swimmers and betting on who would get a higher position with his sister.
Jason- Honestly, Jason would have DEVOURED the Percy Jackson series. Explains to everyone how Rick Riordan is actually a hidden gem and how he's a crossbreed of Percy and Grovwr.
Piper- OMFG FANFICTION. A devoted fanfiction.net reader until she discovers wattpad and that resets her brain chemistry. Avid reader but also extremely talented AO3 writer. On the Hall of fame of Johnlock writers.
Frank- Penguins. Knew everything about penguins from their feeding habits to their neurological functions. Tried to be a penguin- failed; tried to swim to the south pole to be with penguins- ongoing attempt.
Hazel- Anime. If she and Nico grew up together they would scream the One Piece theme songs at the top of their lungs everyday and randomly whisper the words "Banana Fish" to each other to rekindle the pain.
Lester- The biggest astrology nerd you could ever find. Would immediately explain how the angle of Saturn from the earth is causing your munchies and write a thesis on why scorpios are actually the cause of all the world's problems.
Leo- Cars. I lied. Power fucking rangers. Every single series, every single version; ate it up, bought a power rangers bottle and set the Power Rangers Samurai theme song as his alarm tune.
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statusquoergo · 9 months
@heytheredeann basically tied me to a chair and forced me at knifepoint to read banana fish (that is false, she started posting gifs/screencaps/edits/etc. from the anime, the manga coincidentally appeared one day as a "top 5" on the home page of the site where i read manga, i fell for it like the dumbass that i am) and now that i've (finally) finished the series (hence the mass liking of posts, in case you were wondering, sorry about that), i'm reading fic (as is required), and it's great and all but...oh my god. jesus fucking christ. i can't believe i used to be this annoying.
dear people who write english fics of japanese series:
the story is set in japan. i know that. you've explained that. unless otherwise specified, the characters are speaking japanese (or english, as the case may be; bonus points if the pattern of speech makes it clear which is which for bilingual characters).
do not. do not. do not throw random (romanized) japanese words into your otherwise english narrative.
(especially if you spell them wrong. but also especially if you don't.)
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edupunkn00b · 1 year
Where the Air is Sweet, Chapter 1
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Photo by Rachel Martin on Unsplash
Ch. 1 - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
Patton and Logan share an apartment in an old brownstone on a quiet street. They each have their quirks (as do their neighbors!) and, on the outside, you'd never expect them to actually get along.
But for all the surface differences, their love shines through.
WC: 727 - Rated: G - CW: none, all fluff (future chapters may have some swearing) -
A brilliant sunset had nearly burned away the last of that morning's rain. Nearly. A few small puddles remained for Patton to 'accidentally' splash on his way home from Mr. D's bodega. Most of the block had opened their windows to let in the warm, fresh air, and the soft sounds of dinner-making and children laughing spilled out from each apartment he passed. Up ahead, Patton was pretty sure he could pick out Roman's humming as he hung his laundry at the end of the block. He was certain he caught a flash of purple plaid on Roman's line, which meant his best friend was visiting. No wonder he was in such a good mood.
Music��well, what their next-door neighbor Remus called music, at least—poured up from his basement apartment window. The volume was low, which meant Logan was home.
When he reached the stoop, Patton skipped down the steps, mesh grocery bags swinging. He crouched in front of the door to read the address label on a package from Lucas' Leatherworks that lay just outside the door. It had Logan's name on it, so he tucked it into the bag of oatmeal and bananas and opened the door. "Oh, Lo!" he called. Logan wasn't in the kitchen, so Patton left the bags on the counter and fished out the box. "Lo, you got a package!"
"Oh, good! I was expecting that—Patton!" he snapped, hurrying to close the front door. "Pat, you left the door open again. And you're tracking in water!"
"Oops," he grinned, toeing off his shoes and setting them in the shoe rack to dry. "Sorry, Lo. I was just so excited! Here…" Patton held out the box as an offering and he danced his shoulders back and forth when the crease in Logan's brow dissolved.
He tugged down his sweater vest, a smile quirking up his lips. "Thank you, Pat," he nodded and took the package. Opening the utility drawer without looking, he reached for a letter opener. With the box set flat on the counter, he scored the tape, then pried open the box by hand.
"You didn't want the box opener?" Patton asked, elbows rested on the counter and leaning over to see.
"It might damage the harness," Logan muttered. He rolled up his sleeves before sifting through the packing peanuts and pulling out a… thing made of leather straps and little buckles.
"Uh, Lo?" Patton stared at the object. Logan had called it a harness, but it was way too small for a horse or a dog. "What are you going to use that for?"
"Oh!" Logan looked up. "Come to the bedroom and I'll show you."
"Okay," Patton grinned and followed him to their shared bedroom.
Once inside, Logan set the harness on his bed and reached underneath, pulling out a shoe box. He handed it to Patton. "Take off the lid, and come over here be ready."
Patton tilted his head, his confusion growing when he lifted the lid and revealed soft fleece lining the inside, a few inches thick. Logan had already moved to the window, so he followed, box at the ready.
Logan opened the window and whistled quietly, then made a little cooing sound at the back of his throat. After a moment, a familiar pigeon poked her head inside. "There you are, Bernice," he murmured, both hands outstretched. She hobbled closer and it was then that Patton noticed the twine and popsicle sticks strapped around her right leg.
Moving slowly and continuing to coo, Logan cradled the bird in his hands and set her gently in the shoe box. "Keep her steady, Pat," he said quietly and Patton stood like a statue, hugging the box—and its precious contents—close to his chest. "You can pat her head, she likes that," Logan added, smiling when he gently pet her.
Snatching up the harness, he addressed Bernice. "I'm going to swap this out for something a little more comfortable, girl, okay?" Cooing quietly, the bird cocked her head. "Mm-hm," he hummed. "This will keep your ankle steady while it heals."
"I think she understands," Patton giggled, watching as Bernice remained still in the box, allowing Logan to remove the old makeshift splint and replacing it with the sleek new leather one.
Nodding as he worked, Logan smiled back. "I think so, too."
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zegredo · 1 year
Cumulative analyses part 2
This post will be constantly edited. It contains a description of the scenes and links to posts by other people who have conducted an interesting analysis or insights.
ending the series as humans
undestanding a character
fundamentally opposing philosophies
sides for s3
what they have and who they are on earth
what they have... no.2
Aziraphale is a victim of abuse
Aziraphale's character development
Second Coming
The Three Loves
Jeremiel theory
Jeremiel theory no.2
Crowley has been manipulated
Crowley's mistrust
fans might not know (book wersions)
relationship with sex
rep for rel with sex
Aziraphale's memory
Banana. Fish. Gorilla
Aziraphale is Raphael theory
The Tragedies of A+C
Minisodes and second coming
Aziraphale choice
Minisodes analisys
garden of eden parallels
have to protect each other
they will find each other
Shax and Muriel.
he isn't offering to take him home
problem isn't miscommunication
routine of breakups
Proof that Aziraphale is That Bitch™
both have something to learn
Saraqael, Heaven's Only Competent Angel
"our car" and Shax
love as part of the plan
best scene ever
wall of eden
and flowers
who plays the song
Zira is good at magic
nightangle, forshadowing and memory loss
eccles cake
Crowley’s Roman Look
subtele music joke
books and guns
Aziraphale as a scapegoat
all in numbers
Where the Furniture Isn't
Eccles" originally means "The church"
Aziraphale is stuck in his own fantasy
The Rules of the Twist
switching places
secong comming
time stop
heaven is a cult
Nightingale in the magic shop
music in GMCOGMD
more music in CMCoGMD
ox rib
their names
About the point of gravity
A Nightingale Sang in 1941
why eccles cakes
conversation in Job's mini-sode
Animals in Good Omens
Has Aziraphale been meeting with Floating Head
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zu-is-here · 1 year
Hi zu, hope you are doing well
Hii Gayfish! <3 Oh I am heheh, what about you? *^*
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Aww that's great! (*'▽'*) How was it?? Hopefully you had a good rest anyway (ówò)
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Take your time╰(*´︶`*)╯(A homework?? *^*)
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OH XD Why as Romans though?? :D
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Ah I see! *w*
Heheh sounds intriguing (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)♪ It's gonna be great, good luck working on it! <3
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Then it's even better! (*⁰▿⁰*)
I'm so glad to hear you had a good time with them╰(*´︶`*)╯ What's this blue banana place? :0
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@help-im-a-gay-fish (hopefully it'll be saved this time—)
OH my god!! \(//∇//)\ This looks incredible already! ☆ I really like the colors contrast here, keep up the great work *0*
Awww— you look gorgeous!! (*⁰▿⁰*) Such a cute one and looks so good on you! ♡ Heheh that's really nice and generous of her (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)♪
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Pretty busy yet amazzzing, thank you! <3 Today was such a hot and sunny day, took a photo of the view of the Alexandrinsky theater (yellow & green) from the roof *^*
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nightshadedawn · 1 year
Shade's Masterpost
About Me
Hello, hello, hello! Please call me Shade! I accept use of all pronouns, but I do have the most fun with fae/faer, they/them, and ve/vir. I identify as queer simply because I could apply too many labels to myself. The one that takes up the largest part of my identity is my asexuality, so that's the only one I'll name. (I prefer sir to ma'am if you're going to use one, or captain if we're trying to be gender neutral, which I also accept, as it makes me feel like a pirate, which I am)
I've been strongly in fandom since 2014, a little late to the game compared to some! Especially since I always seem to be getting into fandoms as they're dying out. 🤣 My main contributing factors to fandom are fanfiction and videos, and occasionally rants and shitposts, but I'm not terribly good at either of those. But I tend to hang onto all my fandoms, revisiting them occasionally just to check on how they're doing, so I can't fully say I've ever left one. Speaking of, let's list some of those out for you.
My Fandoms
Yuri on Ice!!!
Ouran High School Host Club
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Banana Fish
Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
Sk8: The Infinity
Buddy Daddies
Persona 5
Persona 4
Fire Emblem: 3 Houses
Spy x Family
Obey Me!
Percy Jackson
Studio Ghibli
Good Omens
Mythology (Greek/Roman, Norse, Egyptian, Native American, anything else I can get my hands on)
Fairy Tales (og Grimms, Hans Christian Anderson, etc... not Disney things)
Musicals (Phantom of the Opera, Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, a plethora of more, please ask if you'd like to know!)
Our Flag Means Death
House of the Dragon/Fire & Blood (wasn't a fan of Game of Thrones)
Is that it? I think that's it for now. I have only written... for about half of them. Read for many. Most of my fanfiction is composed of anime fandoms, not going to lie about that. But I am always up for being prompted! Speaking of, let's look into the prompts.
Writing Prompts
How it works: You can send in a prompt of your own making, or you can choose one from these lists.
300 Words
Fire Emblem 3 Houses Bingo
More lists will be made regularly, and I'm always looking for prompts, especially around the holidays.
Choose one of the fandoms I know, send me a prompt, and we'll get jiggy with it. You can get more detailed, too, adding in what ship you'd like it to be for (I ship many, many things, and have often been convinced to write for ships I don't particularly care for, so don't hold back), or an AU if that's your thing. (It's certainly mine, I like AUs) If you specifically want it in cannon, might specify that too.
As a side note here, I use my Non-Binary Glossary for when I write nonbinary characters. Feel free to use it, and read through it if you see any words you might not immediately realize what they mean when I'm writing them.
My Tumblr Projects
You can find my fanfiction here at NightshadeDawn, but as I've mentioned, fanfiction isn't all I do. Let's dive into some of the other things I do, hm?
Persona 6: Genesis
A fan concept for Persona 6. An entire blog dedicated to it, with posts going through the entire plot of the game, character art created, maps planned out, and various other little things. It's been sort of put on the back burner, but it's still fun to look at sometimes.
Obsidian Sea DLC
A similar concept to Genesis, but so far faring better in the fact the actual story of it is in the works of being written. It's a hypothetical DLC for Fire Emblem: Three Houses that introduces three brand new units as part of Jeralt's Mercenaries, and makes Jeralt playable to round out as their fourth. The main plot of the DLC sees Jeralt's Mercenaries, Byleth, and their students going to Brigid to uncover the reason why people keep coming back from the dead with white hair and crests, then proceeding to turn into Demonic Beasts.
Verdant Wind: The Musical Twin AU
A series of videos edited in such a way that comes across as a musical retelling the story of the Verdant Wind route of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. With the idea that there's various parts that are incorrect either due to being lost to history or because of... "artistic vision."
The Gemini
A Persona 5 fangame that adds a social link for Shiho Suzui, making her a romanceable character while exploring her trauma and how she's growing as a person. Technically playable, but incomplete in my vision.
Ultimate Decades Drama
A collection of mini challenges for players of the Sims 4, specifically the Ultimate Decades Challenge. As I'm only a console player, I struggle with playing the challenge itself, but I love watching playthroughs. I heard a few people talk about struggling with stories or directions they wanted to take Sims, so I thought "Hey, I can tell stories. Let's see if I can translate that into something helpful."
Frequently Asked Questions
Technically, I have not had any of those yet. But I see this being updated every so often, so it's fine to leave this here.
In Conclusion...
Sifting through the reblogs, the anime stuff, the mild ramblings... be prepared for what you'll find if you continue down this blog. But you've made it thus far, and for that, I applaud you.
If there's anything you'd like to support, I do have a Kofi though I will be honest about not entirely knowing what I'm doing with it.
But now that you know all my deepest, darkest parts... is there anything else you'd like to know?
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