#bambi boy collection
kazmura · 11 hours
kisses, kisses & kisses
‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ heeseung x fem, 0.3k, est relationship fluff
› bambi boy collection
"Heeseung, we made plans," you said with a grin, trying to pull away from his strong hold.
"Nooo," he murmured, pressing his lips to yours again, gently shaking his head. His arms only tightening around your waist.
"Hee, come on," you laughed softly.
"Just wait," he grumbled.
You pushed him away gently, standing up as he let out a dramatic sigh, crossing his arms with a pout. "Fine, just leave me here, I guess," he grumbled once more, turning his face away.
You grinned, stepping closer and tilting his chin up with your hand. "Don't be a baby," you teased, leaning down to place a soft kiss on his cheek. He stayed still, still pretending to be mad, but you could see the corner of his lips twitching.
You started peppering his face with little pecks—on his forehead, his nose, his jaw—until you heard him stifle a laugh. "You're impossible," he huffed, though the sulky expression was fading fast as he tried to keep up the act.
"Still mad?" you asked between kisses.
He rolled his eyes, grabbing your hand and pulling you back into his lap. Hands on your hips, he pressed your lips onto his.
You melted into the kiss, his hands firm but gentle on your hips as he held you close. He pulled back just enough to whisper, "Maybe now I’m not so mad."
You laughed softly, resting your forehead against his. "You’re impossible," you mimicked, your breath mingling with his.
He smirked, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. "But you love me for it."
Rolling your eyes, you kissed him again, letting it linger for a moment before pulling away with a grin. "Alright, but seriously, we have to go now."
With a dramatic sigh, he finally released his hold on you, though he stole one last kiss before letting you stand. "Fine, but just know, I’m only going because you asked so nicely."
You laughed, giving him a playful shove. "Let’s go, you big baby."
pls promote the cb 🙍‍♀️🙍‍♀️🙍‍♀️
© kazmura, all rights reserved‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ @kflixnet
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ikarakie · 1 year
the first time wayne meets steve is actually far before the events of '86. in fact, it's in winter of '85.
he's on his way back from work when he pops a tire. he's pissed off, it's cold, still dark, and the beginnings of fucking snow are falling around him, and he doesn't have a spare. the nearest payphone is probably three miles walk, and he's just readying himself to make the journey when, miraculously, a pair of headlights turn onto the back road.
the car slows to a stop behind wayne's, and he's struck by how fucking nice it is. a brown bmw 733i, one he thinks he's seen around a couple times. when the driver steps out, he realises that, yes, he has seen this car. because the boy behind the wheel is the harrington boy, and wayne curses every god out there.
he expects some snark. a good attitude and for the kid to make him grovel for help or outright deny any assistance. instead, he approaches with these wide bambi eyes, the absolute picture of concern.
"are you alright, sir?" he asks, perfectly polite. wayne huffs.
"popped a tire, ain't got a spare." he doesn't- doesn't know why he's telling him. really doesn't. but something about the kid makes him falter, makes his steely exterior give way ever so slightly. the boy crouches down to the tire in question, frowning as he inspects it. then nods, grinning. he says nothing to wayne as he heads back to his car, and for moment he thinks the kid's gonna leave him in the dirt. but, instead, he pops the trunk and hauls out a spare, rolls it over to the car.
wayne only watches, fascinated, as he jogs back to retrieve a little set of tools. sits his ass by his tire and starts going at it. he's in a thin, short sleeved tshirt and jeans. he must be fucking freezing- wayne is, and he's got a thick coat, gloves and a hat on.
"what're you doin', boy?" he asks, unable to sound anything but bewildered. the kid blinks at him.
"changing your tire, sir?"
"i ain't got anything to pay you back with." wayne warns, wary. the kid shrugs, continues his task.
"that's okay, i wasn't going to ask you to." he pulls the popped tire off and lays it by his side. "it's just a good thing we have the same size, huh?" he grins, a little shy. wayne has never felt so thrown off in his life.
was this really james and cynthia harrington's boy? would someone of those people's blood really sit in the cold to change a strangers tire? expecting nothing in return? "where's your layers, kid? it's cold as ass out here, you'll catch a chill."
"oh, i gave it to my friend." seriously? seriously? "i'm alright sir, not to worry." he says this despite his red cheeks and reddening knuckles.
he finishes fitting the tire a second or two later, and once he's inspected it, gives wayne an endearingly dorky thumbs up. it reminds him of eddie in all the best ways. "all done, sir!" he collects up all his tools and threads an arm through the hole of the tire, balancing it on his shoulder. "i'll take this for you, i have to drive by the junkyard anyways." he doesn't. wayne knows the harrington's live in loch nora, and that's the opposite goddamn direction.
"you really a harrington?" he asks, not missing the confusion and maybe even slight disappointment he's met with. "just- no offence, son, but i always thought they were nothin' but bad." he deflates even more, if possible. "how did they raise such a kind boy?"
it's such a sudden change, how quickly he's smiling, bright enough to light the damn road if he wanted. it's all bashful and excited, it makes wayne wonder if he's never heard a good word about himself in his life, which seems insane.
"i still got a bit of an asshole gene," he jokes, a little dry, "but i'm trying to be better, you know?" he motions to the tire. "if you can help, why shouldn't you?"
wayne wants to squeeze him, but refrains. thanks him a couple times over and forces the boy to take his hat before he goes, (despite his complaints). harrington bids him farewell and a safe drive home, and he's driving off before either realise they never learnt each other's names.
(wayne finds his out later, though, when eddie meets him at the door, worried that he's late. only after he's walked his nephew through the story three times and sworn up and down, yes, it was true, and yes, it was definitely harrington. steve harrington.
when they meet again after '86, in eddie's hospital room, that boy from all that time ago holding his nephew's hand, he does give him that hug. thanks him, for both this time and the last.
steve wears the hat in winter of '86. it makes wayne smile.)
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arijackz · 5 months
PICK A CARD: Your Soul's Signature Scent
✧ “Odors have a power of persuasion stronger than that of words, appearances, emotions, or will. The persuasive power of an odor cannot be fended off, it enters into us like breath into our lungs, it fills us up, imbues us totally. There is no remedy for it.” - Patrick Süskind
Disclaimer: This is a general reading, take what resonates. This is a gender-neutral reading, change any pronouns to apply to you. Also, I'm a rambler and I love going off track. One pile got a mini wattpad story. CHEERS!
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p1 → p2 ↙︎ p3 → p4
✴︎ Pile One ✴︎ (King of Pentacles, 3oP, Knight of Swords, 9oS, 1, Ascension, Worthy,)
Not to be weird but I’d sniff you like rich frat boy coke.
It's hard to describe scents so… walk with me.
You have had a long, stressful day and the world is pissing you off. You’re stuck between a rock and a hard place so after work, you open Google Maps in hopes of temporary solace with cheap liquor and bar food. You find one of those dingy sports bars with shitty beer, sticky tables, and drunk grown men yelling at a tiny wall-mounted television.
Not exactly your cup of tea, but as the French say… C’est la vie!
You practically had to beat half of the bar off with a stick, just to find a seat. Drunk old guys + A Pretty Pile One = Sloppy, slurred marriage proposals(?) You couldn’t tell, but “I wanna bring you home to my mama” sounds close enough.
You pay them no mind. You have one goal. Get fucked up. Don’t throw up.
Okay, maybe two goals.
You finally find a stool and raise a finger to signal the bartender.  
“Hey, bartender! BAR-”
“I see you. Don’t call to me.” 
A nervous drop in your stomach almost tips you off your stool. You feel them before you see them. Every bottle clink they make reverberates to that pit in your stomach. You only hear the bartender’s movements among a crowd of bustling people: their shoes stick and unstick to the floor, their fake chuckles at guests’ jokes, every time their hand slides across the bar to collect bills.
Maybe it’s delusion but you’re convinced you hear the steady drum of their heartbeat. 
You finally get a good look at the bartender. In a sea of hostile people drowning themselves to forget their sorrows, you see the calmest, most fearless person in the room. Squared shoulders, back straight, head held high, and the smoothest walk you’ve ever seen; they almost glide.
You watch in complete admiration as they de-escalate a fight, sanitize bar taps, count money, and make a drink all in one go. You haven’t spoken more than two full words to this person but something about their presence makes you want to kneel.
The bartender finally makes their way to you and their eyes lock with yours. Your neck begins to sweat so you quickly dart your head away. A deep, velvety chuckle comes from the pits of their stomach, “Don’t show me you're nervous, I usually charge the Bambis more.”
“You’re shivering like a scared little deer, aren't you?”
You have no words so you focus on twisting your hands under the tables. 
They find you cute. With another chuckle they lean in closer to you, “I’ll tell you what, how about I make you a drink to calm you a little, yeah?”
“Uhm, I’ll take a-” Before you could even tell them what you want, their back is to you making a concoction.
Forty-five seconds later, a glass of honey bourbon with an orange slice and a vanilla bean stick slides in your direction. Along with a… cigar?
“I doubt you can handle this, but I want to see you sweat.”
Hands shaky, you press the glass to your lips as the bartender guides you, “Take it slow. Let it sit. Savor it.”
You came in here looking for cheap booze and a deep sense of impending regret, but here you are drinking $400 bourbon you can’t afford and hanging off of every syllable this person says to you.
After a slow sip and a burn behind the ears, you ask, “How do you do that?”
They raise their brow.
“Ya know… command like that.”
They whip a towel over their shoulder, “Once you realize how scared and hurt everyone actually is, worthiness feels less unattainable.”
In summary, your soul has a very effortlessly commanding signature. Even if you aren’t aware, your energy dominates every space it enters. You might have people who seem to dislike you for no reason, this is why. BUT YES, a sweet bourbon with a hint of citrus and something smoked on the side is 100% your signature. Also… Petrichor. Your soul scent is the sweetened waft of smoked wood beneath grit and the smell of wet Earth after a storm. 
"Can You Taste The Spice On My Lips?"
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✴︎ Pile Two ✴︎ (9oP, 10oP, King of Wands, Lust)
✴︎ BAEEEE, don’t fucking play with me. Your soul just told me to take my shoes off in your million-dollar mansion. You told me to stop acting like a fucking hooligan???
There is a richness to you down to your very core. I’m getting Pushya, the most auspicious nakshatra representing wealth, prosperity, and milk (divine nourishment). But there is also a spiciness here.
SPICED CHAI MILK TEA. That is the scent that jumps out to me. The hominess of full-bodied, sweet cinnamon. The spicy warmth of red chai. Maybe even a little nutty, Spanish almond if you’re feeling crazy.
There is also a gradual build-up here. All earth signs, but primarily Taurus. There is this steady, sensual accumulation of your energy. You cannot be rushed, you savor moments and allow yourself to rest in all the sensations you experience in the present. If you don’t do this, your soul is calling you to do this. Slow down. Chew slower, shower longer, and take time out of your morning to listen to the birds sing. 
The leisurely flow of the universe is inviting you to join its dance. You are safe. You are provided for. The universe is your sugar daddy. Your guides want you to know that what you want, wants you; you just need to slow down.
I sense that your energy is aphrodisiacal. Your sacral chakra is one of your dominant chakras (could be healthy or a leak but it is prominent) and when people enter your presence their chakra gets activated too. People get creative and fiery near you. If their sacral chakra is blocked, this may be repressed and they can hold resentment for the free-flowing energy you have which they feel they lack. 
Abundance. Abundance. Abundance. Abundance. That word is used a lot in this community and you may be tired of hearing it but that's too damn bad! You’re very fucking abundant.
If this puzzles you because you look around and don't see whatever you picture as abundance, it's because it's sitting within you waiting for you to actualize it. You have the skills, the intellect, and everything else under the sun needed to grab your dreams by the balls. I cannot stress this enough.
Go outside, journal, continue your affirmations, and remove yourself from anything lying to you and saying you cannot do this. It is a fucking lie. You have everything it takes to do what the world says is impossible. Shut the world’s opinion out and turn inwardly for your answers, because you have them.  
Ambrosia. Liquid gold. It flows through you. You are the gift. The universe’s greatest gift to you is you. You have the ability to spin anything into gold. 
I have some doomscrollers, spirallers, and people-pleasers in this pile. You may struggle with excess anxiety, digestive issues, acid reflux, and ulcers. Outside influences have tricked you into believing you are a pebble when you’re actually a diamond. 
Baby, you have to cut them off. By “them” I mean all negative energies that cause your mind to get stuck in a loop of self-hate. That includes social media, bad habits, fake relationships. Your solitude will heal you. Your peace of mind will heal you. Once you shut up the naysayers, you’ll finally hear the music that has been drowned out in your body and soul.
I know this is a lot but it is worth the effort. Your potential is worth the effort. A healthy state of mind is worth the effort. You are worth the effort. 
Sidenote: The star and temperance came out while I was cleaning up. BABY YOU A STAR IN THE MF MAKING!
"The great merit of gold is precisely that it is scarce”
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✴︎ Pile Three ✴︎ (The World, 6oW, 2oW)
🎵Nowadays, I be duckin' them cameras
And they hype that I'm up on them banners
Callin' my phone, but they know I don't answer (why?)
In the hood, I'm like Princess Diana (grrah) 🎵
✴︎ THE PEOPLE 'S PRINCESS (or prince… orrrr the #1 baddest barnacle in the seven seas, whatever fits).
3, “The creative child” and 6, “The Caretaker” came out. 3 is the number of self-expression and creativity. 6 is the most harmonious number centered around nurturing your community. In the world, you’re the center of attention. In the 6 of Wands, you’re the one decked out in Dolce and Gabanna, playing Robin Hood and giving to the people. In the 2 of wands, you quite literally have the world in your palm.
Your soul’s footprint is destined to be seen and recognized. Baby, you are meant to be loved by the world at large. 
Maybe you have aspirations of becoming an artist, actress, or influencer. If you have dreams of being in the public eye, I am telling you your desires are not coincidental. You are meant for these dreams so do not be afraid to actualize them. The stars are expecting you, your home is in the spotlight.
Everyone incarnates on Earth with a role and purpose, you are meant to have a large platform because what you have to say matters and will elevate our collective consciousness. You have the gift of being able to garner great attention. People like to see you, talk to you, see what you’re wearing, know about your life, and everything else in between. People are like moths to a flame with you, you’re an entertainer to your very core.
You have a youthful, creative, and colorful soul. 
I am getting strong floral scents mixed with a crisp, clean linen smell. Gardenia, Ylnag Ylnag, Cherry Blossom, and Honey Suckle. I just know the bees be tearing your nectary ass up.
You know how Ariana Grande’s perfume line is always sold out? It’s kind of like that. “Oh, Pile Three is wearing this perfume? PUT IT IN THE CART. NEOW.”
Strong Venusian energy. Libra, Taurus, Pisces, 2nd house (especially for my singers), 7th house, Bharani, Purva Phalguni and Purvashada.
People find you very attractive. Yes, physically so, but the true embodiment of beauty stems from the soul. And you are utterly gorgeous. I am getting snow white; the animals flock to her, the sky clears for her, the seas part for her, and the forest protects her.
I am not trying to be redundant but this Earth does not play about you😭. That doesn’t mean you haven’t experienced hardship but trust, you will get the love you crave, tenfold. 
I get the sense that love has felt very conditional in your life and once the metaphorical “love pie” was cut and served, you were served last and there was never enough for you.
I am going to hold your hand as I say this,
Feel this pain. Process this pain fully. Cry all your tears, scream your sorrows out in the open, and let the winds carry it away. Let these feelings of being unloved leave your body because there is no space for them anymore. Eternal love is flowing in to fill those empty cavities. You are so loved. I am so sorry the environment around you has blocked this energy but please know that justice will be served and the love you are karmically owed is growing within you and you will be seen in this lifetime.
You better not go Hollywood on me 🫵
The Cosmos' Countess
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✴︎ Pile Four ✴︎ (The Hanged Man, Knight of Wands, 5 of Swords)
✴︎ Random, but have you heard stories of those cool warrior monks? Who devotes themselves to their practice but when it’s time for battle they whoop ass?? That’s so you, boo.
You’re all peace, love, and light but you don’t fucking play about protecting your peace of mind. I sense that you live an alternative lifestyle. With the hanged man, you see life differently from the average person, and don’t waste your time with the world’s bullshit. 
You’re not on Twitter arguing about Drake’s tummy tuck (BAHAHA I HAD TO), you know shit like this doesn’t add to your life in any way. You focus your energy on activities and discussions that add to your self-evolution. You have made lots of sacrifices in life to progress forward and the universe sees your hard work and is proud of you. Hell, even I’m proud of you. 
You and the Universe like this 🤞. Here’s an affirmation that already rings true but is good to practice anyway, “I surrender to the natural flow of all existence.”
A lot of you study esoteric divinity practices. Tarot, scrying, rune-casting, psychometry, etc. We also have some healers. This may ruffle some feathers. Maybe your family or friend circle doesn’t understand your interests and may push against it but quite frankly… you don’t give a fuck. 
As you shouldn’t.
Your self-resolutions are impressive. You may feel nervous at times but your faith in yourself makes you fearless. You’ve done your studying. You’ve done your healing. You're ready to take the world by storm, and nothing is knocking you off your horse. You are the first to ride into battle and will be the last standing. I don’t know if you’re aware but you thrive in conflict, your soul spirit is akin to Martian energy and loves a good fight, to be honest. 
Your power is in your belief that everything will work out in your favor. “I have the power of God and anime on my side.” 
If you’re not quite at this level yet and you don’t see yourself as this peaceful warrior, you got the “soothe”, “present”, and “friendship” cards. It’s your nerves, baby. It has nothing to do with you as a person. You are smart enough. You are capable. You have everything you need to ride into this new life. 
The entire collective is being asked to slow down. The hustle in society right now does not allow our nervous systems to regulate themselves so everyone is miserable and drained. Remove yourself from this hustle and ground yourself in the present. You have to soothe yourself and lower your cortisol levels. Baby yourself, you deserve it.
Look up techniques to regulate your parasympathetic nervous on YouTube.
Anyway, your soul caught me off guard, you're that sexy mf fr. Ummm back to scent..
YES, okay so please don’t take this the wrong way because I am obsessed with what I'm getting. Hear me out, I used to take kickboxing classes for a few years and that particular gym’s scent was my favorite fucking scent. 
It sounds weird but it smelled like pent-up stress relief: sweat, blood, and Clorox. 
Of course, I’m not saying you smell like this, but this is how I perceive the scent your soul carries.
Your soul’s scent is victory. Particularly, through a bloody means. Your soul understands the purification in blood. Extremely Martian. You’re chill but you’re really fucking intense dude. I like you.
Oooo and also, hang out with friends!! Genuine contact can help relax your body.
Mmmkaye bye!
The Blood You Spill Is The Blood of Kings
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darby-rowe · 8 months
— baby blue, bambi, & you.
academy!coriolanus snow x academy!sejanus plinth x academy!fem!reader
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18+ | nsfw | mdni word count 2.2k cw frotting, voyeurism, f. masturbation, m/m/f threesome, double penetration, dirty talk, swearing, light degradation, face slapping, cunnilingus, anilingus (f. receiving), spit play, p in v, anal, unprotected sex (please use protection), creampie (vaginal & anal), not proofread notes [cries while i throw this at yall] HERE JUST TAKE IT. TAKE IT AND LEAVE. im gonna be so honest and say that writing threesomes are so hard, so hopefully yall like this!!! loosely based off of this ask.
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You swore you were only gone for a little over ten minutes.
You quickly ran down the street to grab some snacks for the study session you were about to have with your friends Coriolanus and Sejanus. Just a couple of sweet and savory treats to nibble on as the three of you cram for finals. It was your fault for insisting the two boys stay back while you made your run because you were sure they would be a distraction. And you wanted to get down to studying as quickly as possible.
But now here you were, mouth agape like an idiot, staring through the crack in your door as you watched Coriolanus and Sejanus frotting their cocks together. In your own bed.
What the hell is someone supposed to do in this situation? You didn’t want to interrupt them because that would just be mortifying for all three of you. But if you let them keep going, who knew how long that would take? Were they planning on fully railing each other in your bed, completely unbeknownst to your shocked gaze? You still had the tote bag of snacks stupidly hanging off your shoulder. Maybe you should’ve jostled it around to make your presence known, give them time to collect themselves before you enter?
However, you didn’t do that. You didn’t do anything. You didn’t move a muscle. You just. Kept. Staring.
This was wrong. You knew it was wrong to spy on two people like this, watching as Coriolanus laid on his elbows while Sejanus sat on his knees, squeezing their hard cocks as he humped them back and forth. The way Coriolanus’s blonde curls fell into his blue eyes as he stared up at Sejanus with parted lips, panting ever so slightly and softly rubbing Sejanus’s forearm. Both boys had their pants and underwear pulled down just enough so their cocks could spring free (they must have been desperate to feel each other). From this angle, Sejanus looked as if he towered over Coriolanus, his build looking a lot stronger as he took control. Sweet melodic moans escaped Sejanus’s lips, and a couple of curses were heard beneath Coriolanus’s breath.
You had to squeeze your legs together as you quickly found yourself becoming more and more wet as you watched. You always found the two of them cute, and the prospect of dating either one of them wasn’t too far out of your reach. But at that moment you were plagued by even more questions. Were they dating each other without your knowledge? How come they never told you? Was this just one of those weird male obligation things? Like, “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine”? You never got men, and you surely were more confused now more than ever.
You slowly sat the tote bag down on the ground before slipping your hand underneath your skirt to rub at the growing wet spot on your panties. Now this was wrong, and you knew it, too. You felt as if you weren’t better than a common pervert spying on his neighbors through his window. Your mouth watered as your eyes trained on their cocks sliding against each other. You never knew they were both so… big. Coriolanus had more length while Sejanus was more thick. And for a split second, you wondered to yourself how they would both fit in your mouth.
The sheer thought of having both of their dicks in your mouth makes you rub yourself harder. You can almost even taste the saltiness of their skin right on your tongue. You end up closing your eyes for just a moment before looking back through the crack of your door, biting down hard on your lip to keep from making noise.
Coriolanus threw his head back and let out a moan that made your tummy do flips. It just made sense that such a pretty noise would come from a pretty boy. You dared to lean in further, to garner more of their conversation as you slipped your hand inside your panties to rub your clit more directly.
Sejanus was panting as he continued to hump above Coriolanus, occasionally letting out a curse or a small groan to vocalize his pleasure. “Feels good, yeah?” Sejanus mumbled, eliciting a small, “Fuck yeah,” from the blonde boy below him. You bit down harder on your lip.
“Gonna cum all over your cock,” Sejanus said under his breath, making Coriolanus mewl with excitement as he gripped at your bedsheets.
The blonde boy rocked his hips further into Sejanus’s grip. “Fuck yeah, cum all over me,” he growled through gritted teeth.
God, I want them to cum inside me, you thought.
You completely forgot about your moral dilemma from earlier. Everything about the scene unfolding right in front of your eyes was hot. So insanely fucking hot. It just made you rub at yourself faster and faster.
You wanted so badly to shove your fingers inside yourself and fuck your wet pussy as you watched the two boys frot their cocks together, but you knew the squelching would be loud enough to reach their ears. You had to settle for just teasing your clit, which was completely fine because you felt yourself already getting close to cumming.
The way Sejanus looked down at Coriolanus, talking to him with such filth as the blonde boy’s eyes filled with need — all of it was too much. Your thighs began to shake as the warmth in your lower abdomen began to unravel. You rubbed yourself more, and more, and more, until—
Your orgasm rocked your entire body, causing you to go a bit lightheaded and trip over your feet. In an effort to catch yourself, your hand desperately grabbed at your doorknob and you stumbled into your bedroom, completely exposing your perverted self to your friends. Your mouth and throat went dry, hand still down your skirt as you felt heat rise to your face and your blood go cold.
“Oh— oh, fuck,” you blurted out as the two boys stared at you. Coriolanus’s blue eyes seemed to pierce right through your very soul, and at that moment you were convinced you committed the most violating act of overstepping boundaries in your life. You quickly retracted your hand from beneath your skirt. “I am… I-I am so fucking sorry. I’m… I just—”
You really were a deer caught in headlights — caught in the headlights of Coriolanus’s and Sejanus’s gazes. However, Sejanus’s eyes were a bit softer than what you were expecting. And you also noticed how they didn’t scramble to get their clothes back on. Your eyes squinted. What was going on?
It wasn’t until Sejanus chuckled breathlessly at you and extended out a hand, waving you over towards the bed. “It’s okay, Y/N,” he assured. “C’mere, join us,”
You had to take a moment to process his words, but it wasn’t long before you quickly ripped off your cardigan and took Sejanus’s hand. His strong arm pulled you in for a deep, sloppy kiss as you crawled onto your bed, swiftly getting pushed down towards Coriolanus. You straddled the blonde boy’s waist as you leaned down to kiss him as well, lightly gasping as you felt the brown-haired boy flip up your maxi skirt and pull down your panties.
“God, you were really wet watching us, huh?” Sejanus teased from behind you, causing your face to heat up even more. You were about to defend yourself until you felt Sej’s warm tongue lick a stripe from your clit all the way up, up, up to your asshole. You shivered and let out a small whimper, eliciting a chuckle from Coryo.
“You were touching yourself, weren’t you?” Coryo teased, gently caressing your heated face with his cold hands. He let his thumb trace over your bottom lip and you gladly parted your lips to let him inside your mouth. “Such a naughty girl,”
You flinched a bit as you felt Sejanus spit onto your asshole, slowly pressing his finger inside you, eliciting a low groan from your throat. “How would you feel if we fucked both your holes, hm? Gonna spy on us and not expect to get the full treatment?”
You had to admit: Sejanus’s words shocked you. Everything was moving so fast. One moment you were out buying meaningless snacks to study and now you were about to have two out of three of your holes stuffed at the same time. You could barely even get any words out, only incoherent groans and whimpers.
You batted your eyelashes down at Coriolanus, who promptly smirked cheekily up at you and lightly slapped your cheek a couple of times. “Haven’t said a single word, yet,” he taunted. “C’mon, you dirty little pervert — do you want both our cocks inside you?”
The heat in your cheeks never left you, and when you didn’t respond for a few seconds, you gasped and yelped as you felt a sudden smack on your ass from Sejanus.
“Use your words, pretty girl,” Sejanus said, lightly rubbing his warm hand on the place of impact, making you softly whimper as words tried to escape your throat.
And Sejanus made speaking even more difficult as you felt him slowly begin to rub his rock hard cock in between your ass, making the words catch in your throat once more. Coriolanus gripped your face and forced you to look down at him, making you gasp.
“I asked you a fucking question, pervert,” The blonde boy snarled, earning you another slap on the cheek. “You’re a big girl, yeah? So answer us,”
“Yes!” You cried before the two boys could continue. “Please, god, just fuck me. Fuck me, please,”
“Aww,” Coriolanus mocked. “She speaks, Sejanus. Do you think we should give this perverted slut what she wants?”
You felt a soothing hand splay on your back. “Don’t be mean to her, Coryo,” Sejanus cooed, retracting his cock from between your ass to position at your entrance. “We can’t have her all worked up when I’m trying to — god — shove my cock in her ass,”
You grunted and threw your head back as you felt Sejanus’s thick cock slowly enter your ass, fisting hard at your bedsheets as you withstood the sharp sting. Even though Coriolanus could be a brat at times, the boy still had the heart to kiss you through the pain.
And soon enough, Sejanus’s cock was all the way inside you, and breathing deeply to regulate yourself, Coriolanus pushed inside your pussy with ease. The sound of both boys being enveloped by your tight holes had your head spinning, and slowly, you felt the two of them begin to fuck themselves inside you.
“Fuck…!” You cried, feeling Sejanus’s hand soothingly rub your back as he thrusted his dick in and out of your tight ass. The sweet, sweet sound of Sejanus relishing in how tight you are, his groans of pleasure, his warm hands on your back and hips — it made your mind hazy, growing more and more drunk on their cocks.
“Can’t… can’t take it… ‘s too much…” You mumbled, earning a condescending giggle from Coriolanus, who took it upon himself to wrap his arms around your waist and start fucking upwards into your squelching pussy.
If it was possible, your fingers dug deeper into your bedsheets as you let out strained cries and moans of pure ecstasy as you felt so incredibly full.
“Such a naughty little girl,” Coriolanus teased, his breath catching from the amount of energy he was exerting from fucking up into you.
“So fuckin’ tight,” Sejanus added, his moans melodically mixing with yours, creating a symphonic cacophony of ecstasy. You had no idea what to do with your body, trading sloppy lazy kisses with Coriolanus periodically, body jolting whenever Sejanus smacked your ass.
It wasn’t long before you felt your orgasm already drawing close, feeling like your body was going to explode with the mixture of sensations happening inside you. Your nerves felt so hot that you thought you were about to explode into flames, getting fucked so hard and good by your two hot classmates. Your mind felt dumb, blank, too hazy to even think.
“I can feel your pussy about to cum,” Coriolanus said from beneath you. “C’mon, cum on our cocks. Yeah, that’s right, you naughty girl,”
Your body began trembling uncontrollably, and with a sob and a cry, the coiling within your lower stomach came undone. You felt your pussy gush out your juices with each pulse of your orgasm, the sheer power of it all making you nearly collapse onto Coriolanus’s body who continued to hold you through your high.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna cum in your ass,” Sejanus mumbled, immediately followed by a pretty groan as he released himself within you. Coriolanus followed suit, cumming so hard and deep within your pussy that you swore you felt his seed enter straight into your womb.
You laid there panting, spent, filled with cum like the whore you secretly wanted to be as the two boys soothed your used body with their hands. You wanted to speak up, to say anything about what just transpired between the three of you, to ask what your relationship was going to be moving forward. But you could only muster to say one thing.
“I think…” you panted, swallowing hard. “I think we should get to studying now…”
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darby-rowe, 2024. do not plagiarize my content, nor distribute my content onto any other website like AO3, etc. my writing is exclusive to tumblr only.
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dyk3tastic · 2 months
victoria neuman (the boys) x reader
genre: angst, light smut, hurt/comfort(ish)?
summary: when victoria shows up unannounced at your apartment in the dead of night you want nothing more than to kick her to the curb, you let her in anyway. reader is a member of the boys, could be read as a follow up to my previous fic “cant have both” or as a stand alone. (now wiv a follow up u can read here)
warnings: weapons, language, slightly nsfw, light smut, mentions of sex
a/n: back with another one. getting back into posting ff, haven’t written for an ‘audience’ in a while, feedback is appreciated. enjoy! :)
“wow, you really gonna treat a friend like that?” victoria drawled, foot blocking your front door, stopping you locking her out. wide grin flashing her perfect white teeth. the last thing you wanted at 4am was to shuffle bleary eyed through your shitty apartment, glock firm in your grip by your side, to answer that incessant hammering against your door. when you open the door to see her standing you want nothing more than for the earth to open up and swallow you whole, dreading wallowing in the limbo between you both. the space between hate and longing, betrayal and understanding, where all interactions between you two now seemed to take place. you were tired.
staring up at you under her thick dark lashes, you knew you couldn’t get rid of her even if you wanted to. “we’re not friends” you croak out, voice rough with exhaustion. she just laughs at you, continuing to blink up at you like a fawn, flashing her predatory smile. “what are you doing here vic?” you hiss frustrated by her brazenness and lack of explanation.
“can i come inside? i want to talk to you”, she lets her smile drop. “please”.
you say nothing to each-other as you turn to let her in, she slides past you, eyes dragging down your body, heat prickles your ears as she clocks your batman underwear. she strides in, confident and assured as ever, walking towards the kitchen as if she were coming home from work, like she owns the place. just as you’re starting to become hyperaware of your lack of clothing she speaks again, voice gentle and relaxed over the quiet hum of the tv, “i knew you wouldn’t be asleep yet”.
“is that what you’ve come here to do, pretend to know me so well, tell me about my fucking sleeping patterns?” you mutter, irritated. resting against your kitchen counter you stood opposite her, taller than her now that she had her heels off. the low orange glow of the kitchen light illuminated her bronzed skin. victoria looks up at you, all brown eyed and beautiful, and it makes you forget what she’s done, what you’ve done, just for a second.
“i want zoe out. i want her far away from all this bullshit. i want out. i need you to help me undo this, to just leave it all behind. please.”
hissing, voice scratchy in your throat you half sigh, “you just turn up here and expect me to trust you, expect me to risk my life for you, blinking up at me like bambi and expecting me to feel fucking sorry for you.” “i trusted you, believed in what we were doing, in us. i thought we were working towards something right, some fucking justice for once. to find out those years of my life were useless, sisyphus pushing that rock up that never fucking ending hill for vought. when i told you about-“ you stop abruptly, tired of rehashing the past, take a deep, shaky breath and collect yourself. “coming round here talking about friends” you scoff.
chest rising and falling with uncertainty she stares you down, face unflinching. mocking and faux innocent she asks “we weren’t friends?”. “i’d say when i’d ride your pretty face til it was covered in my cum that we were friends, at least i definitely considered you my friend.” her smile is sharp. “when you’d rut against my leg all desperate and pleading you didn’t think i was your friend?” she added with an exaggerated pout.
you recognised the deflection immediately, could see that all she wanted was to crawl under your skin and pull you back to her. but you’d be lying to yourself if you said it didn’t effect you, the full truth of it all hanging in the air, your skin prickling with memory and mouth dry with the her boldness. “we’re not friends now” you say, proud of yourself for managing to keep your voice steady.
she steps forwards, encroaching in your space. “that’s okay, we don’t need to be friends”. she moves closer again, you don’t dare move, anxious not to scare her off, anxious to close the gap between you two. she breathes an “i’m sorry” into your neck, voice laced with what you so desperately want to believe to be sincerity. moving her head up, her nose bumps your cheek, plump lips pressing a soft kiss against your mouth. your arm moves of its own accord, snaking around her waist, urging her closer. her next kiss is less gentle, her mouth greedy and desperate against yours, chills run down your spine as you let out a quiet whimper. tongue swiping over her lower lip you let yourself get lost in her, in the kiss. transfixed by her touch heat pools deep in ur abdomen, your underwear growing sticky and uncomfortable.
the nights spent touching yourself, seething with anger as you imagined your fingers buried deep inside her, imagined pulling out those little pants and whimpers that made you want to never hear another sound again; those nights seething in your betrayal and wetness couldn’t compare to the electricity that ran through your body as her warm tongue licked lewdly into your mouth. nothing could compare to the feeling of her pressing her warm, petite but deadly body against yours. revelling in the feeling of her tits against your chest it was the bumping of her hip against the hard glock tucked in the thick waistband of your underwear that brought you out of your trance. both of you breathed heavy hot air against the others face, panting as you try to remember why you were here, to clear away you heady thoughts, to regain some semblance of control.
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bambikisss · 1 year
Through the rain :: W. Dohwan
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[ BAMBI'S KDRAMA BOY COLLECTION : PT 1] boyfriend!WooDohwan
SUMMARY : After a sudden rainstorm seemingly cancels your date night with Dohwan, he decides to push through the storm just to see you
WARNINGS : oral (f receiving), Dohwan being a soft dom, in the car, he's a big romantic boi, Dohwan speaking a bit of Portuguese (only an ity bity), unprotected sex (always wrap it up)
Music : Loveeeeee song - Rihanna ft Future, rain sounds
Bambi's notes :: I maay have over indulged in this one with him speaking some Portuguese, but I couldn't help it lol. Don't worry, I did include the translation
Reblogs and comments are encouraged! \ Not proofread
"The rain will continue to pour down until around midnight tonight, so it's advised for everyone to stay inside"
You mentally cursed the poor weatherman as you listened to his report as you watched the rain pour down in what looked like buckets outside in your work lobby. You knew it wasn't his fault and he was just a messenger, but it made you annoyed. You had plans tonight that were seemingly now canceled.
As you listened to your co workers complain loudly about having to rush to their cars in such a rain storm, your phone buzzed with a text from your boyfriend Dohwan.
Baby: Are you ready to leave work, princess?
You raised an eyebrow at his text, checking the time before you texted him back.
You: Yeah, why?
You were only met with a read receipt from him, which wasn't common for him. Dohwan always replied to you, even if it was just a simple "talk to you later" or something else. Before you could dwell more on it, you saw bright headlights fill the lobby as someone parked outside the doors near the overhead. The car door soon opened to show Dohwan, an umbrella over his head as he waved at you, his smile bright like the cutie he was. You felt your heart melt as at his actions, grabbing your things before rushing outside into his arms. He smiled before opening the car door for you, holding the umbrella over you before he went to the driver side.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were at home?" You asked as he began to drive, smiling as his hand rested on your bare thigh. Dohwan shrugged, motioning to the rain that was hitting the car roughly as he drove. "I didn't want you trying to find a taxi home in this weather, especially not when I'm sitting at home all alone waiting for you."
Dohwan always did sweet things for you like this: bringing you lunch at work when you forgot it, surprising you with dinner after a long day at work. To him, that was his job as your boyfriend: to spoil you till you were sick of it, and then some.
As he drove, his hand that was on your thigh moved to press down more into the inside of your thighs, pushing up your skirt slowly as his fingers slowly made their way to your warm prize. "Looks like the rain outside is the only thing that's wet, baby" You tried to not show any reaction to his words, turning your head to the window as his fingers pushed open your thighs. Dohwan noticed you trying to hide your reaction, chuckling as his fingers pressed harder against your thighs, successfully opening your thighs enough to fit his hand.
"How's your Portuguese lessons going?" You blurted out, trying to distract him from his hand's mission to fondle your wet panties. Dohwan had agreed to learn the language as part of a bet, saying that he could learn it within a month and be near fluent. He had been taking lessons to help further his actions as well.
"Bem princesa, diga-me você. Como está meu português, princesa?" (Well princess, you tell me. How is my Portuguese, princess?) Your eyes widened as Dohwan's deep voice spoke in the language, a confident smile on his lips as he felt your body tense. He knew you had a thing for him speaking to you in different languages, plus his voice helped as he knew you loved it too. With your mind now elsewhere, he took it as an opportunity to let his fingers push your now soaked panties to the side, his smirk only growing when he feels how wet you are. "Meu meu meu, você está tão molhada para mim, princesa. Minha voz está te afetando tanto assim ou você vai negar mais?" (My my my, you're so wet for me, princess. Is my voice affecting you this much or are you going to deny it more?) You tried to once again distract yourself, but your mind had become cloudly due to his voice and his fingers now pushing into you at a leisurely pace as he drove. You tried to speak, but only your soft moans slipped through your lips, much to your boyfriend's delight.
After a few more minutes of leisurely fingering you, Dohwan wanted more of you.
"Hey, Dohwan, what are you doing?" Your mind immediately cleared up as Dohwan pulled into a gas station, parking into a spot that was away from the others and under the darkness of the nearby trees and the pouring rain. Before you could ask him what he was doing, he smashed his lips into yours, adding another finger into you as he did so. The kiss swallowed up your moans as his fingers sped up, curling in you as you tried to keep up with him in the kiss. Dohwan's lips then began to move down your neck, kissing wherever he could as your hips began to move with his hand, rolling your hips as his fingers hit your spot.
"Backseat, princess. I gotta taste you" Dohwan rested back in his seat as he turned the car off, his fingers that were in you now in his mouth as he watched you climb into the backseat of his car. He watched you in the rearview mirror take off your panties and push up your skirt, making him glad that your date night plans were canceled due to the rain storm. He soon joined you, taking your panties from you as he kissed your thighs, placing them into his pocket before he wasted no time in shoving his tongue into your wet cunt. You immediately gripped his hair as his tongue lapped up your wetness, his hands gripping your hips as he continues to fuck you with his tongue, catching any wetness that leaks from you.
"Does this turn you on, baby? Hearing me talk dirty to you in Portuguese?" He chuckled against your clit as you nodded, his lips wrapping around it as he says "Você nem sabe o que estou dizendo, mas você ama tanto. Você é muito fofa minha princesa" (You don't even know what I'm saying, yet you love it so much. You're so cute, my princess)
Your eyes were now closed as you basically rode his tongue, just like you had done to his fingers just a few moments prior. You could feel your own high coming, stars now appearing behind your eyelids as Dohwan sped up his movements, gripping your ass to hold you still as he moves faster. His moans of approval against you pushes you over the edge, your moan echoing in the car as you cum, your thighs shaking against his face. Dohwan smirks as he cleans you up before resting you back against the seat, his strong jaw and bottom half of his face wet as he gently praises you, kissing back up your body before he meets your lips, kissing you so you could taste yourself on his tongue. "Hmm, see how sweet you taste, baby. Do you see why I'm so addicted to how you taste?" You raise an eyebrow at his words and his cheeky grin, gently shoving his shoulder as you try to relax.
Dohwan laughs softly before climbing back into the front seat, turning the car back on before he drives to a gas pump, grabbing his umbrella before he asks "I'm going to get gas while we're here, do you want anything from inside?"
However, his words fall on deaf ears as you're still trying to relax from your orgsam. Hearing your lack of response, he shrugs before getting out of the car, going inside to pay for gas as you crawl back into the passenger seat. You could feel yourself getting tired, laying your head against the window as you listen to the rain hit your car window, slowly lulling you to sleep.
Which gets interrupted by your boyfriend.
You jump as Dohwan knocks on the window, motioning for you to open the door. When you do, he hands you a slightly wet bag full of snacks and random drinks. "You didn't respond, so I just got us a variety that we can snack on later at home" You thank him, closing the door once more as he moves to pump gas into the car. You once again let the rain lull you to sleep, not even waking up when Dohwan gets back in the car and drives you home.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Looks who is finally out of the shower"
You roll your eyes as you exit the bathroom, the steam from the shower pouring from the bathroom while you dry your hair. Dohwan had set up the snacks he had bought along with the drinks out on the bed as he had picked out the movie for you both to watch, holding his hand out to you to join him on the bed. You smile before walking to the bed, sitting with your back against his chest as he puts on the movie.
As the movie plays, you notice Dohwan's hand resting on your hips, his fingers playing with the fabric of your sleep top as the movie slowly becomes background noise with the rain. You place your head back onto his shoulder as he kisses your neck, the kisses starting off soft and sweet to now leaving hickies, his tongue flowing suit to lick behind the marks he's left behind. Your eyes close as he pulls up your shirt more, his hands moving to grab your breasts, which fit perfectly in his hands. Your mewls of pleasure only fuel Dohwan's need for you, grinding his hardening cock against your ass, his boxers and your underwear being the only barrier between you both, his breath becoming hot against your neck.
"Fuck, Dohwan" Your words come out a bit broken as your boyfriend's warm hands fondle your breasts, his fingers occasionally twisting and playing with your nipples as you meet his movements against his hardening cock. Dohwan only smirks against your neck, his hips now moving faster to meet your ass before he couldn't take it, pushing you forward onto the bed so your chest is against the sheets as his hands now rip your panties in half. "I never cared for those pair of panties anyways, baby. I'll buy you better ones that you can wear for me"
You were about to protest when you felt the head of his precum covered cock press against your wet cunt, slowly filling you up as you grip the sheets for leverage. You knew what was coming next, looking behind you just as he tossed away his shirt, his hips meeting the plush of your ass as he completely fills you up.
"Alright, baby, back that ass up on me so I can fuck you so good" You nodded at his words, moving backwards till you both were sure that his cock was deep in you before he pulls out, thrusting back into you with so much force that it rocks you forward. You moan loudly as he grips your hips, driving his cock deep into your pussy. You let the mixture of rain and the sound of your skin meeting his drown out your cries, your eyes rolling back a bit as your boyfriend licks a stripe up your back before cursing in your ear.
"Fuck baby, you're fucking drooling. Am I fucking you so good that you can't think, hmm? Like the cock drunk fucking princess you are for me" His words are rough, letting you know that he's just as close as you are, how movements speeding up as he chases his release, making you moan louder. You grip his arms as you both cum, both of you falling onto the bed slightly as you both feel your wetness coat each other.
After a few moments you feel Dohwan pulling out, laying next to you before giggling softly, his brain now fuzzy due to the orgsam. His eyes soon meet yours, his smile growing wider as he looks at you. "Best date night ever"
You couldn't help but laugh, smacking his arm before you laid down next to him, the sound of the movie and rain once again fighting off the quietness between you and your boyfriend. You lay your head on his shoulder, pressing a kiss to his skin as he slowly falls asleep, holding your hand as he does so, you soon following after.
He was right, this was the best date night ever.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Made by Bambi : 7/20/2023
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jinkiezzsstuff · 7 months
Written & Writing :)
Because I’ve got a couple things drafted, n i’ve written a few things before in the past, i figured i’d make a list, a collection, wouldn’t necessarily call it a master list, but y’know. Easier to navigate everything that i have written or am in the middle of writing teehee
so far there is only three fandoms i’ve written for: Hazbin, Helluva & FNAF. but im a fan of other things like codmw, harry potter, certain slashers, batman, creepypastas, the labyrinth (my fav <3) n others
*: The stars indicate explicit content 18+, all GN pronouns and anatomically; otherwise will be specified.
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Hazbin Hotel:
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒲𝒽𝑜𝓁𝑒 𝒞𝓇𝑒𝓌:
Transported (Male reader): 【1】 【2】
Reader gets thrown into the Hazbin Hotel after falling down a well, now he’s having a blast interacting with all his favs while also experiencing the fun first hand.
Wing Grooming: 【1】 【2*】
You help Lucifer maintain his healthy wings, and in the first part he suggest stopping before things go south, in the second part, things go south straight to smut town.
Met the Devil* Human!reader || PT2
You’re a plain and simple human until you meet a strange man in the night who gives you a card, mysteriously that same strange man shows up at the cottage your house sitting.
Request: Cockwarming Lucifer at Mammon performance
Zip Zap (male reader)
Charlie gets followed by Valentinos boys, readers there to save the day.
Request: Charlie x male reader *
Knight (male reader) PT2
In the first part male reader saves Emily after she falls and gets nabbed up by Valentino, and in the second part you comfort her when she has nightmares about it.
The Dog and The Deer
Reader is a dog demon, Alastor loathes the reader simply because it reminds him of his untimely death, and weak mortality. You however are incessant and want him to like you, you end up finding out why he hates you and possibly start a new friendship.
In Season (Fem Reader)*
Reader is pretty well acquainted with heat, but wasn’t typically affected, thats until she visits the hotel and a scent like no other hit her throwing all her reasoning out the window, Alastor felt the same when he sensed you come into the hotel. SMUT
At first sight*. || PT2 PT3*
Doe reader with white ears and tail has been Charlie’s bestie since childhood, and when they comes to the hotel is hesitant about the radio demon until they meet in the flesh and an instant attraction is there. Reader ends up dealing her soul to him in the form of marriage during a moment of intimacy.
Movie night. || PT2 PT3
Reader and the gang it sit down in the first part to watch Bambi, and it brings back some memories from his past. In the second part, Reader is excited to show Alastor princess and the frog due to the similarities, and in the third part Alastor treats reader to a date after the kindness of the nights prior.
Bully: [1]
Reader is an Imp who’d befriended Charlie and came to the hotel, Alastor makes sure to make readers life a living hell poking at all their soft spots reminding them they’re just a weak little imp. There will eventually be a second part with smut.
Back to Life: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
One day when waltzing through the woods a peculiar looking buck led you deeper into them, while following, you fell hitting your head and woke to a stranger standing over you. You don’t know where you are, how you got here, or who this guy is, but he’s all you’ve got and he’s utterly insane.
Request, cockwarming Alastor*
Request, Songfic: Noel’s Lament
Request Insecure Plus sized reader with Alastor
Request, Reader and Alastor fight and make up teehee, angst fluff smut
Hate That I Love You
Father Adam (incomplete)
Request - Hosptialized adam teehee
Big Fan (incomplete)
Request; singer reader who vox becomes obsessed with FEM
Showers* (Fem reader Incomplete)
Obsessed with me (Fem reader incomplete)
Rivalry To Romance (Female Reader)
You always found yourself in competition with Velvette and you found her to be an insufferable brat, turns out it’s just a wee crush.
Request Val bratty reader FEM
Request: bunny reader and spanking
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Helluva Boss: Nothing yet!
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Five Nights at Freddy’s:
Mike Schmidt:
Paranormal Investigator
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if-chaos-was-a-boy · 2 months
intro to a slightly crazy dude:
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↳CALIX or…….calcium.cal.calcharo.bitch.funnydude.joker.boyfailure.hoe. whore.sillybilly.menace.givememorenicknamespls.
⟡age: 17
FUCKING CHAMPION OF ACHILLES @achilles-the-greatest
⟡Gender: Male
⟡Pronouns: He/him
⟡Birthday: April 1 [i was a joke from birth]
⟡Zodiac Sign: Aries
⟡Godly Parent: Eris/Discordia, Goddess of Discord & Strife
⟡Sexuality: Straight, bisexual as HELLLL
⟡Personality Type: ENTP [the CLOWN]
⟡Relationship Status: my fiancé and fiancée @itsyourboyezra and @of-course-im-the-winner
⟡Height: 6’1 (hormones go vroomvroom)
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⟡Weapon of choice: Small Celestial Bronze Blade [I usually just rely on Charmspeak & Manipulation which is…not great]
⟡Fatal Flaw: Probably Hubris [im an attention whore]
⟡Lore: I was brought to Camp Half Blood after a very weird incident where me, a party pony and a cyclops managed to sneak onto a cruise. I’m spoiled to the core and an absolute menace. Call me funny, call me annoying, I’ll still be the life of the party.
⟡Chaos Manipulation-I can aggravate hostile situations till point of conflict, or I can slowly reduce the amount of chaos present (but that’s not nearly as much fun)
⟡Negative Emotion Manipulation: Anger, envy,wrath, frustration can be ramped up for the maximum amount of chaos.
⟡Flight: Like my mother-Eris-I can manifest fully formed avian wings to aid me in battle [more likely in shenanigans]
⟡Minor Control Over Illusions: Able to manipulate the mist to produce sensory hallucinations or illusions
⟡Appearance: A PERMANENT SHIT-EATING GRIN, natural messy black hair that can never be gelled down, striking maroon eyes that kinda looks at your fucking soul. Super Lean, you can only see the muscle definition when I’m wearing that compression shirt.
⟡fun facts about meeeee:
-I peel chicken nuggets
-I’m ambidextrous
-I have a hyper fixation with collecting nomnoms
-I love blind bags, mystery boxes etc @syd-the-nerd is my lucky charm, I’ve gotten everything I’ve wanted from blind boxes ever since meeting him.
-I have a skincare routine [can’t look this great without it, babe] -My dad gives me his black card to go do heinous shit, he says it helps with tax deductions
-I’m obsessed with my girlie/plat
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@that-girl-cupid (my ride or die, my best friend)
@chaos-pers0nified (best sister in the fking world)
@unhinged-waterlilly (she wildin )
@demigod-jack-hearth (op ahh, superhero)
@arisdaughter (relatable)
@hispanic-child-of-hermes (she intimidates me)
@love-lightning-forethought (legit my top 5 besties)
@debacleofdaemons / @iceweavercatlover [OOC I LOVE THIS GUY]
@daonedaonlyskh (actually the person with the sickest blog aesthetics)
@penelope-sato (my baby daughter)
@stephen-the-spider (Britney spears 😍😍)
@braydons-world (law student?????)
@of-course-im-the-winner (MY BEAUTIFUL FIANCÉE )
@itsyourboyezra (my fucking FIANCÉ)
My adoptive parent: @steve-the-union-man
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Heyhey, mod is currently going by either she/her or he/him (honestly gender fluid questioning) and a pansexual
Also im a MINOR so no NSFW BITCH.
Fun fact I have eczema so im sleep deprived coz I had too much fun in bed…….SCRATCHING MY FLESH OFF.
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My redneck neighbor Doug watches 'The Bad Batch': The Outpost
As per many people's requests, I've collected a series of texts and Facebook messages from Doug when he watched certain episodes of everyone's favorite Copy Paste Boi show.
Some he was quite pithy on ('Ryan-from-Accounting goes fast but not fast enough to get away from the Bitch Wife Laura'), and others...well, he got excitable, to put it mildly.
Here's one of the more deranged ones, Season 2, Episode 12, 'The Outpost'. Or as Doug calls it: "The Daddy Warcrimes Christmas Special."
CW for Language like you wouldn't believe. Doug says "you'll need a permission slip from your momma to read this, I guess."
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Daddy Warcrimes is waiting by the Empire's equivalent of a windowless van, because comfort is just not his thing and he really wants the experience of smuggling cocaine across the border one of these days.
Some bitch who looks like she works at a bank is telling these clones that their extended warranty is up. I wanna bring her a bag of pennies and make her count it before I deposit it because I'm sick like that.
So here comes in SOME BLOND JACKASS. Mother of Hell do I hate this guy. Can I just tell you how much I hate him? I hate him like I hate the Crimson Tide, like I hate February, like I hate my mother-in-law. Hate hate hate. 
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So Daddy Warcrimes, SOME BLOND JACKASS, and some homies get into Floating Probable Cause to lay waste to an unsuspecting Third World country or whatever.
Well, I was wrong! Looks like Elsa and her frozen fingers took over this dump. Disney owns both, so why not. The cold never bothered them anyway. Nope, they’re at somebody’s nasty old storage shed. Why does this remind me of visiting my sister in Wyoming?
Oh, who is this no-frills, salt-of-the-earth, son-of-a-bitch? Is that tanned Kurt Russell? No? It’s Sassy Park Ranger! I like him already. If he was my boss I’d actually show up to work on time and sober, or late and hung over, either way, it’d be a good time with the man. He just seems cool and chill and a nice dude. I bet he’s got homemade beef jerky in his locker and his beard always smells like cigar smoke. 
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OH SHUT UP STUPID BLOND JACKASS, Jesus Christ I’ve never wanted to hit someone with a folding chair so hard in my life. CALL HIM COMMANDER.
Aw, Sassy Park Ranger’s being nice to Daddy Warcrimes, maybe Daddy Warcrimes will share the Columbian nose candy in the back of the van with Sassy Park Ranger, and Sassy Park Ranger won’t ask about the sobbing family Daddy Warcrimes is probably holding for ransom in the back. It’s all about understanding each other. 
This is truly the Daddy Warcrimes Christmas special, snow and friendship and stuff. I hope this doesn’t end up with Daddy Warcrimes 86’ing Rudolph and the rest of the reindeer from the sky, that would traumatize the children. But this is the same studio that produced Bambi so who knows. Didn't he try killing a kid the first episode?
Oh man, Sassy Park Ranger’s lost a lot of his men, that’s real sad. Only two left, Jesus. SHUT UP BLOND JACKASS SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP.
(I won’t repeat it, but the amount of times that SHUT UP was texted was….something else- Dr. MM)
Sassy Park Ranger’s taking Daddy Warcrimes on a hike around the place in the middle of a blizzard, probably going to say hi to the yeti hooker they all frequent and show him how to write his name in the snow with pee. He’s such a good guy. If they go sledding I’d be so happy.
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Oh, shit! Daddy Warcrimes remembers that he has a job and proceeds to cop some poor bastard in the leg so he can follow the trail of blood in the snow. What in the Fargo am I watching here, does Steve Buschemi show up at one point now. No sledding in this one, I guess.
Well there goes Sassy Park Ranger and Daddy Warcrimes on a heartwarming romp following a crippled burglar in the snow as he bleeds to death. Kevin McCallister would be so proud. Well, now, they found a dead body already. You know, at this point, if Daddy Warcrimes capped Santa in the head this show wouldn’t be less wholesome. 
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Aw shit Daddy Warcrimes stepped on a landmine, but Sassy Park Ranger watched his training videos that HR made them sit through and disarms it. They’re having a nice convo, I really, really like Sassy Park Ranger. If he dies I’ll be so freaking mad. 
(I said nothing, FYI - Dr. MM)
Aw shit, they found the bunker of crazy white people with guns in the snow. It’s confirmed: the Daddy Warcrimes Christmas Special takes place in Wyoming. Are Daddy Warcrimes and Sassy Park Ranger facing off my brother-in-law and his branch of the VFW near Laramie? Those guys need hobbies besides doomsday prepping and getting drunk in the snow. It ain’t right. 
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“After all we sacrificed”…man. I feel right here. Is this the child friendly version of Enemy at the Gate? Shit. Please these two bastards need to survive. I need a beer and I wanna hug my wife.  
Dr. Meat Muffin, please don't tell me you're letting your babies watch this show. They need that dog from Australia who has fun with her daddy, not this.
Oh shit, avalanche! 
Oh no, Sassy Park Ranger. Oh no, oh no. Oh, Daddy Warcrimes.
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Thank Christ they made it! They’re gonna save him! They’re gonna save him.
Wait. What. 
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Yay! Daddy Warcrimes finally took out his gun and 86’d that FUCK. CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY!! YAAAAAAY!!!!!
Man...I hope this ends okay for Daddy Warcrimes. I hope his brothers aren't just dicking around somewhere warm while he and the other bros are out dying.
Guess that'll be next episode?"
....Doug snapped SO HARD watching 'Pabu'. Brace yourselves.
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enretrogue · 9 months
Bumblebee Series: 1 ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 ⎢ 4 ⎢ 5 ⎢ 6 ⎢ 7 ⎢  — @angrythingstarlight .☘︎ ݁˖
Soft!Dark!Mafia!Bucky x Runaway Bride!Reader — @angrythingstarlight .☘︎ ݁˖
Peachy Sweet: 1 ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 ⎢ 4 ⎢ 5 ⎢ 6 — @straywords .☘︎ ݁˖
Apple Bottom Jeans (+Billy Russo) — @bubuslutty
#15 w/ Frank Castle — @bits-and-babs
Bambi With Fangs ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 — @bubuslutty
Bring Me Home — @frvnkcastles
Bakery AU — @devils-dares
Love Language (+ Billy Russo) — @bubuslutty
Imagine #1,044 (+ Shane Walsh) — @komotionlessqueenmm
Primal — @darlingshane
Instagram AU — @amhrosina
You’re Everything I Never Knew I Needed — @lemon-world1
Cowboy!Frank — @rrestrella
Really Bad Week — @chvoswxtch
“Come here…Hey! I said come. Here.” — @bullet-prooflove
Sanctuary — @glossysoap
Biting Truth — @narcolini
Soft Morning Sex w/ Frank — @amhrosina
Cutesy Blurb — @thyme-in-a-bubble
Frank w/ An Inexperienced Reader — @amhrosina
His Inheritance: Chapter 26 ⎢ Chapter 27 — @jtargaryen18
Spelling Out “I Love You” — @amhrosina
Baking w/ Matty and Frankie — @chvoswxtch
An Unexpected Delight — @amhrosina
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CDC — @collecting-stories
Feel Me — @nikkisheep
Never Stopped Looking — @glennrheesworld
Sex w/ Glenn — @strgrlxox
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Busted — @mlmxreader
Our Scars — @arzennn
Behind On That Cute Date ⎢ Chocolate Pie — @anonymooseforever007
Airport Snow — @there-goes-thefighter
Angel of Birmingham — @darkdevasofdestruction
Quid Pro Quo — @scorpiussage
Dragon’s Den — @pherelesytsia
Afternoon Shelby Chaos ⎢The Boys ⎢Dad!Tommy ⎢Mr. Giraffe — @teenwolf-theoriginals
Mama Bear — @dlmlufics
Arthur + Cards — @dlmlufics
Big Sister Bess — @dlmlufics
Escape to Me — @daisyblinder
The Proposal (Shelby!Reader) — @anonymooseforever007
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Take a Nap Amidst the Storm — @lloydsbitch
Home — @welcome-to-my-multiverse
Ready for Destruction (Prologue) — @holylulusworld
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Handcuffed — @thisfanisgonesorry
Taking Control — @call-me-little-sunshine84
Workplace Gossip — @darling-i-read-it
Batch of Cookies — @sunnylands-world
Hopper x Sleepy!Reader — @ddejavvu
DBF!Hopper — @ddejavvu
Final Essay — @keerysteacake
Plain Old Man — @ddejavvu
Out of the Woods — @mypoisonedvine
DBF!Hopper — @empresskylo
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soleilnewspaper · 4 months
James Fleamont Potter 𐂂 °⋆.
A collection of headcannons about Bambi :)
 𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴:
"Summer Night City - ABBA" 
01:27 ━━●──────  03:34
            ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻    
Dividers: @the scandalorian
Remus version
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Background 𖤓°⋆
His mother Euphemia, affectionately known as Effie came from a large wizarding family in Pakistan, born the youngest daughter of seven. During her later years at Hogwarts, she began working under the matron as an apprentice which aided her in securing a job as a healer of the Janus Thickey Ward at St. Mungo's after Hogwarts.
His father, Fleamont was born into a wealthy yet small wizarding family, growing up as an only child. Fleamont achieved excellent grades for his O.W.LS giving him the opportunity to many career options however he decided to explore his love for potions. Using his family heritage, Fleamont brought a shop in Diagon Alley and began his potions business straight out of Hogwarts.
The two both attended Hogwarts but didn’t meet until after they had both graduated due to their age gap. Fleamont had accidently injured himself while trying out one of his new potion recipes and Euphemia, a newly employed healer had taken the night shift. He fell in love with the way she carried herself and waited patiently until her shift was over to take her out for a coffee.
Fleamont and Effie despite both originating from pureblood wizarding families they actively stood up for both muggle born and muggle rights in the Wizarding World. Alongside this they further took on activism by advocating for the well treatment of magical creatures.
Both of Jame’s parents shared aspirations for having multiple children. Euphemia having come from a large family combined with Fleamont's own wishes for siblings as an only child, lead them to want multiple children. However, the couple struggled for years to finally fall pregnant in Effie’s 50s and Fleamont’s 60s. They had assumed they were unable to have children but then they were given a miracle. His birth was difficult and left Euphemia barren and had an extended recovering period.
Despite this James was still their miracle so they decided to pour all their love into him and spoiled him rotten.
James was raised to treat everyone with kindness and respect. His mother taught him how to be a gentleman which made her often scold him when she heard about his patronising of Lily in his early Hogwarts Years.  
His love of Quidditch comes from his mother as she played on the Gryffindor team throughout her Hogwarts Years. From a young age, his mother had him on a broom soaring through the sky.
James would play in the meadow near his house during the spring and bring flowers for his mother which she liked to press and would often make bookmarks with her dried flowers. Euphemia kept every gift that James had made her. James didn’t learn this until after his parents had died and he was cleaning up their house with the marauders.
Fleamont used to take James to his potions store when he was younger because James loved watching his father work.
James is a mama’s boy through and through. 
Even in his teen years if James has a nightmare while at home he will cry into mother’s shoulder. She will comfort him the same way she did when he was a little boy.
James grew up as a bilingual child speaking both Urdu and English in his household. Due to this, like many bilingual children, his speech was delayed. Both his parents cried when he said his first word because they had been worried about his delayed communication milestones. As a toddler he would mix up the two languages confusing his father and Euphemia had to translate for him.
However, after starting Hogwarts he was surrounded by English, majority British, so he spoke less of his mother’s tongue resulting in him forgetting some of it. Every few summers he tells himself he’ll learn urdu properly, and every few summers, he forgets about this resolution entirely. After Euphemia died he relearned the language in time for her funeral.
Bollywood movies and dvds were a staple in the Potter house.
Fleamont liked to watch old dvds for nostalgia’s sake, and as a result, James grew up watching them as well.
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Physical Appearance 𖤓°⋆
His big growth spurt in maturity happened after winter break of 5th year.
Sirius and him are practically the same height, with only an inch or two difference.
His skin takes on a wheatish tone, his skin almost like the sun radiates. Manifesting the colour tone from yellow to light brown with warm undertones.
James’s eyes are the type of eyes which make you feel safe and warm inside.
Possesses comforting brown iries like the colour of aged roots alongside the green of the springtime bubs make his eyes resemble a hazel tree. The hues of green in his eyes remind him of his time spent in his childhood running on the forest floor among gentle flowers.
He has a prominent Adam’s apple.
Curls adorn his face in a shade of black with hues of brown adding a natural highlight to his hair.
According to cannon
“James was a tall, thin man who wore glasses, with hazel eyes and untidy black hair that stuck up at the back.” 
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Personality 𖤓°⋆
Constantly ruffing or running his hands through his hair.
This leads to the neglecting of making sure he was keeping his glasses on securely while flying, and they'd fall off.
James can and will sleep through almost anything.
Much to the annoyance of the maunders, James is a very loud snorer.
More often than most you will find Prongs happily eating leaves and grass on full moons.
James was so in love with Lily he never bothered to plan what to do if she ever accepted his offer. So, when she did, he became a stuttering mess.
He was incredibly smart but at the same time the token dumbass
Something changed in James when his beaten and bruised brother walked into his home on that rainy Christmas Eve.
When he returned to school the following term everyone thought he was trying to impress Lily after she called him ‘an arrogant wanker’. In truth he had changed for Sirius’s sake.
Nothing comes before his friends
This man is the most loving one you will ever meet
Not only that but he loved hard and deeply, more so than anyone
James is very much a mother-hen. The marauders cannot avoid his fussing, making sure they’re alright well-fed and watered. Almost like they’re his houseplants.
Fleamont drilled tidy habits into Jame’s mind leaving him somewhat of a neat freak. Every month he’s doing deep cleaning because of the dirtiness of sharing a room with three other teenage boys.
Personal space does not exist, he is extremely touchy. It's his love language.
On the surface he likes to pretend everything comes easy to him but secretly he still must work hard to get good grades even if it’s at the last minute. He thinks it makes him cooler if he keeps a certain level of nonchalance but 50% of the time, he’s faking it till he makes it. 
 He feels everything deeply. When he loves, it’s like a tidal wave of emotion, he feels like he would go to the moon for the person. 
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Notes and Trivia 𖤓°⋆
His boggart is each of his friends crying alone, his biggest fear was not being able to help the people he loves when they need him most 
Before Sirius and Remus start dating, James would carry Remus to the hospital wing after particularly rough full moons
All snuggles are initiated by him
He holds Remus’s hand after a rough moon
He’s the matchmaker of Hogwarts
Jumped at the chance to spend time with Lily when she asked him to help her get Dorcas and Marlene together
Tried to call Sirius snuffles before they came up with padfoot 
He knows Lily’s cycle better than she does
So, when that time of the month comes, he’s the most dotting boyfriend you ever did see
Surprise hugs are his speciality
He is the best transfiguration student that McGonagall ever taught 
He ruffles his friend’s hair,
kisses them on the check, and holds their hands to make them smile or when they’re upset
His father gifted him a calligraphy set for his fourteenth birthday which was the start of his love for writing letters
James always has his camera with him and has collections dedicated to all his friends
He is also a mother-hen with the younger Gryffindor students especially when he’s head boy.
He felt lonely growing up as an only child, but his wish was fulfilled when his parents practically adopted Sirius.
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@h3arts4strs This is for you babes >3
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bambikisss · 2 years
Bambi's Kdrama boy series
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Welcome to Bambi's KDRAMA Boys! I chose 5 actors to start with for this series/collection and will be writing for them. If you wish to suggest an actor for this collection, please let me know because Kdrama actors deserve some love too. I will do a separate post showing each boy's teaser as well.
1/5 - Song Kang
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2/5 - Gong Yoo
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3/5 - Woo Do Hwan
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4/5 - Min Kyu
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5/5 - Ok Taceyeon
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These are my picks for the first picks of the collection!
~ Bambi
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camaro-and-smokes · 7 months
Snowfall on the Sahara
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Notes: When I started to think what to write for @harringrovelovefest 2024 I remembered that I had a draft for this laying around and @lovebillyhargrove wanted to know what happened to the boys after Snow on the Beach. So, here it is. Lovefest prompt would be 'Being crazy in love' 💜 Title from the song 'Snowfall On The Sahara' by Natalie Cole.
Rating: Mature (tagged this as such just in case even though there's really nothing like that) Warnings: No Warnings Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Boys Kissing, Boys In Love, Steve Harrington and Billy Hargrove have a crush on each other, POV Steve Harrington, Love Confessions
Read on AO3 >>
Summary: It's hard to be with Billy, yes, the world isn't ready for them. But still Steve had been with him since that one night at the quarry when Steve saw everything anew. He's been wanting to say the three little words ever since, but has been afraid to. What if Billy gets scared and runs away? What if he doesn't feel the same?
But... what if...what if he does feel the same?
“Oh, for fuck's sake!” Steve shouts when he accidentally nudges the pile of film posters on the backroom table of Family Video, making every one of them, except Mad Max, spill on the floor.
He's collecting the pile when Robin peeks into the room. “Hey, we could hear you all the way from the counter. The four of us,” she says. “Me and the mother and her twins, who I just rented Bambi for the tenth time. I am not sure if there will be eleventh time or if there is, she'll complain about our language through it.”
Steve pinches the bridge of his nose with his fingers. “I'm sorry. I was about to leave and I nudged the pile and... I just...” He sighs. “I have a date, I wasn't even supposed to be working today, and now I'm late.”
Robin's eyes bulge from her eye sockets and she walks into the room, closing the door behind her. “You have a date? An actual date with a living, breathing girl?”
Steve's not in a mood for her sarcasm and just glares up at her as he keeps collecting the posters into a pile next to him.
She squints as she leans to the door and crosses her arms over her chest. “You haven't told me anything about any girls. For a very long time, I might add. Which is kinda odd, but let's not get into that now. Who is she?”
“None of your business,” Steve retorts, and winces immediately. He looks up. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. It's just... Uh... err... Her, umm, dad doesn't know and he really wouldn't like it, so we'd like to keep it like that. It's a secret. No one can know.” Steve shakes his head vigorously. “Honestly. No. One.”
“Secret? Steve, hello, it's me. There is no secret you couldn't tell me. I'm supposed to be the one who's afraid of you accidentally spilling the beans on my secrets, not the other way around.”
Steve stands up, places the posters on the table and leans his back to it, looking ashamed. “Yeah, well, I never knew before there could be secrets like this. Secrets that...” he couldn't end the sentence. He swallowed. “Secrets that could get someone killed,” he whispered.
Robin stares at Steve blankly for a while. “Okay,” she says slowly, “the dad really doesn't like you.”
Steve plays with his car keys and shakes his head. “It's a double-sided dagger, the whole thing.”
When he looks back up, Robin is looking back at him, concerned. After a while, a smile tries to force its way on her face. “Has to be one hell of a girl if you're willing to go that extra mile.”
Steve snorts. “Not just one but several, trust me,” he replies, amused. He feels his cheeks heating, and he looks down. “Yeah, it's worth it.”
“Okay, Casanova,” Robin smiles, “you go to your mystery date. Tell her I said hi and that your secret is safe. Because I don't even know who she is.”
“Sure, I'll tell...her,” Steve chuckles as he walks out through the backdoor.
Steve drives out from the parking lot and speeds towards the Lover's lake. He is late, he's already supposed to be there, and he's not sure if Billy will wait for him to show up this time.
Once Steve was five minutes late and Billy didn’t speak with him for a week because he thought Steve was punishing him for something by being late. Another time Billy left in the middle of their date because Steve had looked at him funnily, as if he was trash–Billy's exact words.
On some nights, Steve stared at the ceiling and wondered if it all was worth it. The hiding, being super careful of not accidentally revealing anything to anyone, making sure no one knew who he was meeting with and where. Not being able to tell everyone that he was in love with Billy and shout it from the rooftops.
It wasn't what he had dreamed of.
But then he thought of Billy listening to him talking about being lonely and being forced to live alone most of the time, not even his parents really caring about him. How he had nothing to wait for in the future. He sure as hell wouldn't get into college, and he had no idea what he could or wanted to be or do when he grew up.
And Billy understood what he meant, the feeling of being lost and alone, feeling like no one cared. Later, Billy had quietly whispered how he feared his dad and that if he ever found out about him and Steve, he'd surely beat him to death, if not both of them.
Them sharing their deepest fears, trusting each other with truths that they shared with no one else, couldn't share.
And then he thought about Billy's laughter and a smile spread across his face. Not the mean one he let out on the basketball court, but the other one. The one that bubbled out from his throat effortlessly into the air when he felt safe.
Steve had heard it for the first time when he'd taught Billy new pool tricks in their basement–because playing pool was one of the few things Steve was actually really good at and his parents supported it by buying him a real pool table. Anyway, Billy had known the basics, but Steve had given him some pointers, and when Billy had cleaned the table for the first time, he'd laughed that laughter.
It was like a fucking siren song. Something had shifted inside Steve at that moment, never to be the same again.
Since then, he'd done all he could to make Billy laugh like that.
One of the ways to do that was to make out with him on the couch until they both were rock hard and desperate for each other, almost on the brink of coming. Either would take the other's hand, pull him to the stairs, and no matter which one it was, Billy would always laugh and giggle all the way to Steve's room.
And so Steve thought of Billy in bed, underneath him or riding him, so so pretty and so willing, so ready just for him. His lips parted, panting hot and heavy in the rhythm of Steve hitting his prostate. Repeating Steve's name straight into his ear, said out loud just for him, whispered like it was a plea or a prayer. The way Billy's eyes fluttered close just before he came so Steve could always tell when he was close, how he moaned and groaned out loud shamelessly as he rode through his orgasm, a blissful expression on his face. How in the aftermath Billy always wanted to be the small spoon, how he wanted and needed to be held, kept safe even if for five brief minutes before he had to go.
And how Steve wanted nothing more but to do that, how he needed to. To support Billy, to stand by him, to love him, to keep him safe.
Yes. It was all worth it. It wasn't their fault that the world wasn't ready for their love. And they sure as hell wouldn't let the world stop them from loving each other, even if they had to keep it a secret.
Steve parks the Beemer behind Billy’s Camaro on the side of the road where it’s shortest walk to their spot by the Lover’s Lake. At least Billy hasn’t left yet, which is a good thing.
Steve doesn’t just walk but runs through the forest to the lake and then walks swiftly the tiny trail that leads to the small cove they found a while back.
It was incredible that something like it had gone unnoticed, the sand there was untouched when they found it. It had become their safe haven, even though they had to still be careful.
It's still warm even though fall is already reminding of itself by having turned leaves yellow here and there. Steve rolls up his jeans to his knees, and the water is up halfway to his shins when he passes the cliff that shelters the cove.
Steve sees Billy there, sitting by the shore and blowing out smoke rings. He lets out a relieved breath and can't help smiling as he walks out from the water to Billy and sits down next to him.
They're quiet for a while, until Billy asks, "What took you so long?"
There's hurt and insecurity hidden underneath the words.
“Fucking Keith got sick in the middle of the day and I had to cover for him. I would've called if I... I'm sorry.”
Billy looks away and wipes something from his cheek quickly.
An expecting silence falls between them. Steve knows by now not to rush whatever Billy is about to say, letting him say what he needs to say.
Finally, Billy turns to look back straight ahead to the other side of the lake. “I thought you'd forgotten,” he mumbles.
Something warm and fuzzy takes flight in Steve's chest and flutters its wings tentatively. He smiles, leaning towards Billy, nudges his shoulder with his and whispers, “I couldn’t forget you. And I'd never leave you hanging on purpose, gorgeous.”
Billy’s cheeks turn pink and he looks down while a tiny smile forces its way onto his face. He glances at Steve. “Gorgeous, huh?”
Steve wants to kiss Billy so badly. They’re so close, he could just lean in a bit and if Billy turned his face right then... but Steve just smiles. “Yeah. That.”
“Careful,” Billy says, tries to make the word sound like a warning, but it falls flat.
There's nothing Steve has to be careful about and he knows it. He grins. They play this same game each time they meet before they can get into the meat of things. Billy trying to keep up his defenses, his walls, and Steve softly and gently demolishing both one brick at a time. He knows it’s not easy for Billy to let his guard down, so he plays along. “Don’t lie, you like it,” he says, leaving out when I call you that. He'd say it out loud if they were alone in his room, but here out in the open it goes unsaid.
The rosy shade on Billy’s cheek deepens a notch, confirming that Steve is right.
Fuck it. Steve’s tired and doesn’t want to go through the whole nine yards today. “Wanna take a swim?” he asks.
Billy shrugs. “Well, if you want to get your ass kicked in a race to the sunken rock. Again,” he replies. He tries to sound indifferent, but he’s also already taking his boots off, so.
Steve doesn't bother rushing, he knows what's coming. So, he looks around and when he sees no one on the lake he leans back in his hands and unashamedly watches Billy undressing.
Billy is taking off his socks when he stops and looks at Steve, frowning. “Are we doing this or...?”
Steve smiles smugly. “Oh, we're doing it. But there's no harm in looking at first, is there?”
Billy scrunches his nose, but the redness on his cheeks turns darker.
Steve can't help but to laugh a little.
“Asshole,” Billy mutters with a small smile and pulls off his left sock.
“But I’m your asshole,” Steve whispers, making Billy smile wider as he gets up.
Billy throws the sock at Steve, making him yelp. “Come on, pretty boy, I’m going to win at this pace before you even get off the shore,” Billy says and pulls off his shirt.
Steve gets on his feet before Billy has taken barely a step towards the water. He grabs the waistband of Billy’s jeans with both hands and pulls Billy against him. “Not so fast,” he says, wrapping his arms around Billy's waist.
Billy giggles as he tries to pull away, using the damn siren song on Steve to cloud his mind and making his hug looser than he planned. Steve’s readying himself for Billy retaliating by tickling Steve, maybe - that’s Billy’s go-to weapon. But when Billy turns around, he just smiles and lets Steve to pull their bodies together.
Billy's smile and eyes still sparkle with mischief and Steve is not sure what’s it about. “You threw your stinking sock on me,” Steve says, trying to sound hurt.
Billy turns the corners of his mouth downwards, lowers his chin and looks down to the ground for a while like a kicked puppy. Then he turns his gaze back up, opening his eyes huge and fluttering his long lashes while pursing his lips. “I’m sorry,” he whispers huskily. “What can I do to make it better?”
Steve’s insides melt while his lower body forgets the things we don’t do in public -rule. He didn’t know Billy could do that. Look so innocent while promising all the sins Steve's mother always warned him about, all at once. “I, uh...can think...um...uh...” he replies, feeling his own cheeks heating and his mouth being suddenly very dry.
“Can you, now? Think?” Billy asks and his tongue slowly wanders from the corner of his mouth towards the sharp cupid’s bow.
Steve’s eyes lock onto the motion, and he swallows. He’s totally lost for words.
Billy leans closer, raises his chin and tilts his head, ready to kiss Steve.
And Steve leans in and closes his eyes, already feeling Billy’s breath on his skin.
“Race ya,” Billy whispers, pushes Steve just enough to get Steve to let go, and runs towards the waterline, laughing and stopping just for a few seconds to pull off his jeans before running into the water. He’s almost waist-deep before Steve even realizes what happened.
“Not fair!” Steve shouts and starts undressing as fast as he can.
“Snooze it and lose it,” Billy cackles before he dives under the sparkling surface and starts to swim with long, strong strokes towards the underwater rock that’s halfway to the middle of the lake.
Steve has already lost this one, he knows, but it doesn’t matter. He knows what awaits him by the rock.
When Steve finally gets by the rock, Billy already sits on it, water up to his hips. It’s a big rock, and Steve hoists himself up to sit next to his boyfriend.
“You should really work on your concentration. Performance like that...” Billy tsks, “is not gonna fly in a long run.”
Steve leans into Billy’s space. “I’ll show you a performance,” he whispers into Billy’s ear and licks the outer side of his earlobe. When Billy turns to look at Steve, his lips parted and ready for a kiss, eyes on Steve's mouth, Steve pushes him off the rock.
Billy falls off with a yelp. When he comes back on the surface, he pulls his hair away from his face and glares up at Steve. for a moment Steve is the tiniest bit worried that he accidentally made Billy lose his mood altogether.
But then Billy laughs and splashes water on Steve. “Is that all you got?” he taunts playfully, and Steve’s worry melts away. Billy pulls himself back onto the rock and sits next to Steve, closer this time, close enough so that their thighs are touching.
“I’m really sorry I was late,” Steve says. In the water, underneath the surface, he takes Billy’s hand in his and laces their fingers together.
Billy nods.
The shy gesture would be so out of character for Billy if he was anywhere else but here alone with Steve. When the cocky armor he wears melts away, he looks so young, like the eighteen-year-old he is. Uncertain of the world ahead, hoping for the best and truly fearing for the worst–the latter for a good reason.
Steve's happy that he's not the only one who’s lost. He leans to Billy’s shoulder. “What was that you did back there on the beach?” he asks.
Billy looks down and smiles shyly. Crinkles form into the corners of his eyes and he’s blushing again.
Steve can’t help smiling either. “I liked it,” he whispers.
Billy glances at him. “You did?”
Steve nods, smirking. “It was weird. But also hot.”
Billy smiles a wide smile as he lays down on the rock on his back and is almost engulfed by the water. “Want more?”
Steve leans his elbow on the rock, trying not to forget that it’s slippery, and looks at Billy, who looks back with the widest grin. Suddenly, Steve feels stupid. Stupid as in how seeing his boyfriend happy makes him forget every smooth one-liner he planned and practiced, and just stare - probably with a goofy grin.
And it all suddenly tucks Steve's heart in a way he didn’t know was possible. The fuzzy thing in his chest spreads its wings and the wings are so big that it’s a miracle that he's not floating in the air by now. That’s how high he is from the mere sight of the boy he loves. Loves. Who hopefully loves him back. A little. Maybe?
Steve leans down, whispers, “You're hot,” and kisses Billy.
Billy smiles against Steve's lips and lifts his hands to run his fingers through Steve's hair. When they have to stop to breathe, he whispers, “You're not so bad yourself, pretty boy.”
Steve sets his thigh between Billy's legs and his other arm around Billy's torso, hugging him tightly as they continue kissing.
It doesn't even matter that the wind has picked up a little and the water splashes on their faces from time to time in small waves. The water is warm, the sunlight on their skin is even warmer, their insides burning as they breathe through each other.
Until the rock reminds them that, indeed, it's underwater, full time, and slippery.
Steve fixes his position just a little to get even closer to Billy, but the arm he's leaning onto slips just a little and he falls on his side, and the only thing he can try to hold on to is Billy.
They hit the water at the same time.
They both emerge from the water and Steve is immediately on Billy, trying to look for signs of any scratches.
“Are you okay?” Steve asks, concerned. “I’m so sorry, I forgot the stone is...”
Billy looks at his arm and rubs it. “I might have a tiny scratch. Nothin’s broken.” He raises his gaze back to Steve and grins. “But you can show me how sorry you are.”
Steve smiles. Had it been any girl he would be endlessly apologizing to get out of the doghouse. With Billy, instead, it's just nah, it’s just a scratch. Now kiss me.
So easy. So right.
Steve pulls Billy against him, wrapping his arms around Billy's waist, and looks at the sparkling blue eyes and the lips that are already slightly parted, ready for devouring. He wants to say I could spend the rest of my life looking at you, but decides that it's probably still too early for that. “I’m sorry,” he whispers, and kisses Billy.
Billy’s lips are soft, they always are. Warm, too. Kissing with Billy is always a rush this time, too. Steve smiles against Billy’s lips. It's been just a month since they first kissed at the quarry and he is so head over heels that it might’ve been embarrassing if it was anyone else. He wants to tell Billy, but whenever he looks at him in the eyes, determined to say the words, he gets this icy dread inside him. What if Billy runs away when I say how I feel?
Billy pulls back from the kiss slowly, leaving Steve chasing after him until he realizes Billy is looking at him with that tiny smile on his face he always has when they're laying in bed and coming down from their orgasms.
Yeah, he had the cocky, wide grin on his face many times too, making it blatantly clear that there was going to be a round two or three and Steve had nothing to say to it but to endure. But this small one always promises something else: that Billy has something intimate to say, just for Steve to hear.
“I love you.”
The words are barely a whisper, but Steve can read them from Billy’s lips. He blinks a few times, feeling his jaw going slack of the surprise of hearing the words before saying them himself. He's so stunned that Billy apparently takes it as a rejection, because his face turns pale and his eyes dart back and forth in Steve’s, probably thinking that he’s done the worst mistake of his life.
Billy is already pulling away from Steve when Steve finally manages to remind his brain of how to work.
“Hey,” Steve gasps and smiles. “I love you, too.” Now that he's not the first one to say the words, they fall out of his mouth so easily.
Billy looks at him warily. “You do?”
Steve smiles a bit wider, because now he can free the overwhelming emotion from its cage inside his chest where it's been trapped until now, letting is soar to the open sky. “Yeah. I’ve been trying to find a way to tell you, but it never felt right to say it because I was afraid that...that-that you wouldn’t feel the same.”
An impossibly wide smile lights up Billy’s entire face and he lets out a soft laugh. “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in this fucking sorry excuse of a town ever since we moved here. Of course, I feel the same.”
“I've felt like this ever since I saw you at the quarry, smoking in the evening sun.”
“Yeah. You'd been a definite asshole until then, and you're that a little still,” Steve says grinning, “but you were so beautiful, standing there in the sunlight... I stood no chance. I was done for right there and then.”
Billy goes red – his entire face, tips of his ears and all the way down his neck – and he looks down bashfully. After a while he looks back at Steve, that wide smile on his face the traps his tongue between his teeth. “That's... uh... That's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me.”
“Yeah?” Steve asks, feeling his own cheeks heating, too.
The expression on Billy's face changes and he bites his lower lip. Steve knows that look. He knows it so well, the promise, the yearn in it, and he lets out an involuntary breath.
“Wanna say it again?” Billy asks huskily.
Steve's eyes go wide. “Yeah,” he says, with conviction.
He lets go off Billy and the moment he does Billy is already swimming towards the shore, leaving Steve to catch up.
“Snooze it and lose it,” Billy shouts after him.
"Asshole!" Steve shouts and starts swimming.
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rose-harmony96 · 3 months
So like we are currently undiagnosed, and we experience a lot of internal doubts about our plurality. We would appreciate advice, affirmation, a reality check? Idk, something.
We are pretty certain that we are traumagenic but its not like theres some single event that stands out. We suspect we first started breaking around the time the world started to expect us to be a boy and by the time we were in elementary school we got bullied all the way into the game me and my friends used to play until it really did become real within me, the stories would run out almost automatically, my "character" was always at my side, growing, changing and evolving, eventually becoming twins and then there were all the supporting characters and even a layer of side characters, almost npcs? And like all of this, what we are calling the darkwater, thats where those of us who live up near the surface now actually grew up. The person that we used to be, the one who made the darkwater to begin with more or less got lost down there around the time things in reality went to hell around middle school, at this point those 3 years are a pretty huge memory hole save for a the friend who set off our queer/sexual awakening and the chunck of time around breaking our arm. Otherwise its just kinda loose, formless pain that we might honestly actually be able to dig something out of if we really really focused in but it hurts to try. Hischool at least we found our people, even met another plural person and immediately connected and felt less crazy. We openly explored a bit back then. Never really got into the depths of thr darkwater and all that but our(their?) Friends knew about a few of us at the time. In the darkwater, this was also the time that some version of most of us that live near the surface now started to form. Post highschool and anything that isnt us realizing that we are and freaking out because the male parts are smothering and supressimg the shit out of us is pretty blurry. Like i think we forgot about plurality as an issue for a few years there maybe or rather "oldself" was trying to smother us out or something. Then there was the first big mental breakdown/manic episode broke that deadlocked miserable fuck into the old dog and the lost little girl and like we were actually jade at the surface for a while there, not just calling ourself jade while oldself tries to numb it out but we were actually us, actually her. And like voices from the darkwater were coming. back, the scenes were more vivid... at one point in there we started listening to bambisleep and eventually bambi took root, going fucking nuts, and she ended up finding alex, who we figure was from that first split waaaaaay back when, (who had been the seed of an entire archetype whithin the darkwater). And like we were mostly bambi jade and alex for a while, more or less. Until another huge manic episode came blowing through and left jade totally shattered and our current family to pick up the pieces and maybe try to get out shit together?
And like our switching is pretty free flowing, we are all more or less around most of the time. A lot of the time we feel less like any particular individual and more like the collective will of the whole darkwater(?). We have huge holes in time and memory; but whats normal, whats drugs and like what even is amnesia. "I" have never experienced "getting thrown in the trunk" afaik but alex is pretty clear that she spent most of childhood "trapped in a box". We kinda like having our real family all together in one body and for some reason that feels invalidating or something?
This got long af and probably less coherent than we want but im gonna go ahead and post anyway, probably also send it to our theres once we get one.
-lilly, mostly i guess. Akiri as well probably.
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splatooshy · 8 months
MORE because i forgot some of my fav ones.
you know the rules: either compliment me on my clever clever thoughts or scroll. i am correct.
- bonnie is a february aquarius. i have no clue when her bday is in canon, but this is true.
- she and tyler were each other’s firsts. there was all this elena/matt/caroline drama and bonnie and tyler (tonnie? locknett? bonler??) sort of gravitated towards each other. eventually, tyler said/did something douche-y, in the typical teenage boy fashion, and bonnie was not impressed.
- rebekah idolised sage as a kid, sage taught her how to fight/use weapons (badass shieldmaiden, ok??), and bekah was the collective ‘little sister’ of the village. when they turned, bekah saw sage chatting up some guy in a tavern (for a 3way w/ finn) and immediately blacklists sage. for ‘cheating on finn’. betrayal of the highest forms to her. (rebekah viewed sinn as the epitome of true love, but jumped to this conclusion because a 3way didn’t fit within her imagination’s version of sinn.)
- 300 years into his daggering, finn accidentally created a mindscape of the mikaelson’s home back in norway. freya, during her beauty sleep, made a similar one, as it is her ‘happy place’ for meditation or whatever. eventually, both dreamscapes managed to blend together.
- miss mystic falls. originally, every founding family would enter their daughter. if they didn’t have one, the family would ‘sponsor’ the girl they’re setting up with their son, and their son would be the escort. the daughters often took founders sons from other families as their escorts. was used as a way for the rich and influential to set up their children for courting. damon LOVED these events, took them more seriously than the girls did tbh, while 14 y/o stefan purposely stepped on his partner’s feet.
- damon befriended alaric’s mum when she called ric one day and damon picked up. they made holiday plans.
- mystic falls parade, stefan’s hair is styled all modern and damon’s like nuh-uh historical accuracy, steffy. and fixes it.
- damon’s latest nickname for stefan is ‘bambi’, initially a shortening of ‘bambino’ aka italian for ‘baby’, as in ‘baby brother’, but it stuck due to stefan’s big disney character eyes and his choice of meals. he also made stefan watch the movie to show him JUST what kind of ‘good’ vampire he is with that diet.
- ric gives bonnie extra credit for saving all of their lives
- Damon mentions that he has a list of Stefans broody faces, Caroline makes a poster chart of them.
- Damon gets into Stefan's dreams and gives him nightmares or something with him just shaving off his hair right down the middle of his head
- alaric, elijah, rose, kol all remind damon of enzo. he knows he’s reaching with it, but prodding at the wound brings a blunt sort of pain that he finds addictive.
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kazmura · 11 months
childhood scars
‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ heeseung x fem, 0.1k, est relationship fluff
› bambi boy collection
You both were cuddled up on the couch, wrapped in each other's warmth. The soft glow of the lamp created a cozy atmosphere, and you couldn't help but reminisce about the simpler times of your childhood.
Your fingers gently traced the small scar on your arm, a souvenir from the past. It was a relic from a day when you and Heeseung were just carefree kids, living life to the fullest, unburdened by the complexities of adulthood. You'd had a big argument that got out of hand, and little Heeseung, in his frustration, bit you hard on the arm.
"You know, I still have the scar you gave me back then."
A smile graced your lips as you gazed at Heeseung. His eyes held an incredible warmth and tenderness as he looked at you, and it was in those eyes that you found the unwavering love that had endured through the years. Lying here together, you never thought that little boy who bit you would end up being the love of your life.
Heeseung smiled and kissed your forehead. "I marked you as mine a long time ago."
my tiny brain rot, i swear it sounded better in my head
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