#baltol xellus
Sangheili Bracket Round 1 Match 21
More info below:
Meduu the Fierce:
Debuted in the Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition)
The daughter of the legendary Xytan 'Jar Wattinree, Meduu violently took control of her father's property holdings after his death.
Additional commentary: Did not realize how little info there was of her in the encyclopedia. Honestly, I imagine her to have inherited her father's genes of massive fucking height. So badass warrior woman who's huge. What more do you need than that?
Submitted propaganda: Xytan 'Jar Wattinree's daughter. We know basically nothing about her except that she took control of all her father's property holdings through force. She's probably extremely intelligent and badass and stupidly TALL, just like her old man. Meduu would be the coolest character ever if someone actually remembered she existed.
Bal'Tol 'Xellus:
Debuted in Halo: Broken Circle
A descendant of Ussa 'Xellus and the kaidon of the Refuge during the 2550s. Prior to becoming kaiden, who would train to be a professional floatfighter, only to have his dream cut short when he injured his left arm, damaging the nerves and losing some of its responsiveness for the rest of his life. He also has PTSD from the time he led soldiers to battle against a cannibal faction. Upon the death of his uncle N'Zursa 'Xellus, he would take over as kaidon of the Refuge. Sometime after, Blood Sickness took the life of his intended mate Limtee 'Xellus. Rumors also spread that his second in command, C'tenz, was his offspring.
In Nov. 2552, rebellion would break out, led by the Blood Sick 'Kinsa, who claimed to be sharing the body with the spirit of another late Blood Sick rebel leader. Bal'Tol, C'tenx, and head of Refuge Security Tirk 'Surb would conclude that 'Kinsa needed to be executed before the rebellion got too out of hand. Joining them for the arrest were six heavily armed patrollers and the priest Tup 'Quk, where Bal'Tol would make a final offer for 'Kinsa to live as long as he do so in isolation, only for 'Kinsa to refuse and for his reinforcements to arrive. Bal'Tol also called for reinforcements as his men struggled against Norzessa - whose Blood Sickness had progressed to the point he shrugged off mortal wounds and intensive damage. He would be finished off, but Bal'Tol would become wounded and Tirk would be mortally wounded. When the kaidon's reinforcements finally arrived, the surviving rebels successfully fled. They would then take over four different Sections of the Refuge as Bal'Tol recovered and attempted to find a Blood Sickness cure, made difficult due to the needed medical supplies being located in area the rebels had taken. Furthermore, another area taken by the rebels housed supplies needed to repair failing repellent field generators. Bal'Tol would reluctantly stay behind whilst C'tenz led a raiding party against the rebels, but the party would be intercepted and fail their mission - with C'tenz being captured and an Ussan named V'ornik 'Gred being sent into space in a maintenance pod. Whilst 'Kinsa tried to use C'tenz as leverage to make Bal'Tol surrender, the kaidon instead challenged him to a floatflight match for the fate of the Refuge. Meanwhile, a supply ship - Journey's Sustenance - fleeing the Great Schism and looking for the rumored Ussans would come across V'ornik and rescue him, making contact with acting kaidon Xelq 'Tylk shortly afterwards. Bal'Tol and 'Kinsa would hold their duel, with 'Kinsa bringing an nontraditional weapon and an extra fighter. Because of this cheating and the rebel's having in their numbers a legendary floatfighter, things were going sour for Bal'Tol. Then, the long deactivated Enduring Bias would be repaired by Journey's Sustenance's Huragok Sluggish Drifter. Enduring Bias would save Bal'Tol and kill 'Kinsa when he continued to be hostile, also informing Bal'Tol of the former Covenant ship's arrival. With the tables turned, the rebellion would slowly be quelled across the Refuge, before Bal'Tol went before his people and announced the end of the Covenant, the cure of the Blood Sickness, and the offer for anyone to return to Sanghelios. After this, Enduring Bias would reconnect the Refuge's fragmented habitats into a ring-shaped structure. Bal'Tol would continue to live at the Refuge as its kaidon, but pledged to visit Sanghelios once he had the free time to.
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