#ball closure piercing
likelyrats · 2 years
didn’t realise how stretched my septum was until one of my rings slipped spiky bat wing first into my piercing hole. 30 mins of pure stress and pain getting that fucker back out. as soon as I get paid I am getting a third ring in there so this never happens again lmao
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popodoki · 18 days
sfw Catwin drabble
Gold is the Cat King's color. He thinks Edwin would look nice in it too, in shiny things x
One of the Cat King’s love languages is gift giving.  
It concerned Edwin at first, little trinkets, left innocently on his desk, around the office, made him feel like he was supposed to give something back? Felt like he owed the Cat King, especially for the more expensive things, fingers tracing the intricate craftsmanship of paperweights, leafing through rare volumes, softest silks running through his hands. He's concluded, deduced, that it's just another of the ways that his lover shows his affection, the dedication to Edwin a familiar warmth, just expressed in new ways. 
But the jewellery still confuses him. 
They are always given directly, a hopeful gaze on his lover’s face, encouraging smile, silent conversation there that Edwin never quite catches. The first is a bracelet. A simple gold band looping around his wrist, closure resembling a Cat’s head biting down on its own tail. No flashy gemstones, no rough clasps to possibly catch on or irritate his skin. The Cat King holds it out, presses it into Edwin's palm when he curiously holds it out, accepts it. That smirk turning into a smile, a little nod, the hope in those slitted eyes, encourages Edwin to try it on. It fits perfectly, of course it does, a part of Edwin wonders if he’d even take it off if it didn’t, for his lover looks so, so pleased. 
Edwin grows comfortable with its weight, wears it for a while, even on cases. He ends up putting it away, in his pocket, after a case goes south with a spot of trouble, a chase. They manage to escape, they always do, but on the other side of the mirror they jumped through to get to safety, Edwin pats himself down, checks his coat, gloves, wrist. Finds the bracelet’s closure a bit twisted, a probable result of his wrist getting grabbed and pulled by the ghost that chased them, their mania and panic causing them to lash out instead of recognizing their presence for the help that was offered. 
Another mirror journey, they see each other again, Edwin notices the Cat King seems to deflate, brief sadness crosses his face, once he notices the bracelet’s gone. Oh. He cheers right up, his sigh sounding relieved, when Edwin presents him the bracelet from his pocket, asks him to fix it, please. 
It's a free for all, after that. Every time they see each other, often, near daily, as new lovers are wont to gravitate towards each other as if any absence tugs on them like a string pulled taut, the Cat King has a new piece of jewellery for him. Always gold, at times tastefully adorned with small expensive stones, shiny pearls. Thin chains of pearls, necklaces, linking bracelets, suspiciously perfect fitting rings, delicate anklets, even a pair of earrings, once. Edwin silently points to his non-pierced ears, and his lover gently removes, holds up a single dangling earring from the little box. The little ball gently rings much like a cat bell when the Cat King turns it in his palm, shows Edwin the small painless clip-closure that would hold them in place without piercing skin. 
"Why do you insist on giving me jewellery? I can't feasibly wear all of it, especially when conducting my work. Most of it ends up in the office, in a box.” Edwin waits for the Cat King to look up at him, lift his head from Edwin’s chest where it rested comfortably. “It just feels a bit like a waste?” His lover doesn’t reply right away, slitted eyes dropping down, to where his fingers still absently play with the most recent gift, a simple golden band around Edwin’s ring finger. 
"Does it bother you?” Edwin’s head is shaking in reply before he puts any thought to it, and he knows the Cat King felt his chin move through his soft curls, cause his voice sounds more certain, less meek, when he adds “Can you just indulge me, then?” There’s something silent there, again, Edwin feels it coming into reach, he can almost catch it. 
“I suppose, it is nice to have a variety,” Edwin starts, speaking softly to the top of his lover’s hair, “it doesn’t really matter that I can’t wear all of it...” He trails off, he’s organizing his thoughts like he would on a case, slips his hand from his lover’s gentle grip, holds it out for both of them to see the gold on his finger catch the afternoon light streaming through the windows, “As long as I can wear at least something of yours, then, hmm?”  
The Cat King merely grins, no, beams in response. 
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kthynes · 2 years
jingle balls
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You get very merry with Lloyd.
word count: ~890
warnings: course language. Christmas fluff! Husband for Hire AU (masterlist coming soon!)
This has not been beta’d - mistakes are my own
“This is silly.” Lloyd throws his arms in the air, appearing in nothing but a fleece Christmas onesie that barely reaches his ankles. He stands in the middle of the living room, grumpy as can be.
“It’s cute and festive. Turn around.” You do a finger roll and he obeys your order, giving you a taut 360 along with a great view of his ass. “Hmm…”
“I’m getting zero circulation to my balls, y’know that?” He cups his front and readjusts himself, kicking his legs apart as he does.
“I think there’s a front snap closure…” You sympathize in a daze while shoving handfuls of caramel corn into your mouth.
“Oh good, I can let my wang out for Cujo and anyone else to see.”
“Gross.” You finally snap into realization and Lloyd drops himself next to you on the couch, dunking his hand in the popcorn bowl.
“Why’re we doing all this, sweets?”
“It’s the holiday season. Why not do all this?” You strategically lean into him, his one arm slung on top of the couch as you angle your phone up in position. “Smile for the camera, Hany.”
He smiles. You’re elated. The selfie is candid where you’re looking up at him, mouthing the word ‘smile’ at the final click. It’s sweet, endearing enough to hold onto and Lloyd is equally reverent on it as well.
“I like this one. Send it to me.” He nudges while bringing his attention back to the TV. You smile and nod, pocketing your phone for the rest of the night.
“So this is it? This all you wanted from me?” He motions to the decorated tree, half empty mugs of hot cocoa and packs of beer. An unfinished game of Scrabble and Cujo who peacefully slumbered in front of the crackling fireplace.
“Pretty much.” Your head moves against his chest, fussing to find a comfortable spot, for him to be closer than he already is.
“You good?” Lloyd makes a face and you look up at him, piercing him with a judgey gaze.
“All my exes thought they were too good to celebrate Christmas, they weren’t about the kitschy traditions and galore.”
“And you think I’m spirited like that?”
“I think my pretend boo could just pretend for once.” You harp on sardonically. “Yeah?”
“By literal means.” Lloyd snickers as he snakes an arm around and draws you in closer, shuffling right into his next question. “So how many ex boyfriends are we talking about here?”
“Well you already know about Alistair…”
“Redhead with a temper?” He confirms and you sigh. “He’s an unforgettable dude.”
“The ones that came after him were a multitude. But I don’t wanna talk about them.” You dismiss.
“OK, just remind me whenever they’re around.” He grins from ear to ear, one that’s earnest of him and his diabolics.
“So that you can deal with them?” You gawk.
“Yeah.” He exasperates. You playfully thwart him for that. He’s smitten by the action itself, throwing his head back in deep laughter.
“They’re not my problem anymore. Don’t be that guy.”
“Which one are we talking about?” He lulls and you give him a doe eyed look.
“We’re not going there.”
“Why not? I can tell you about my exes.”
“You dated a whole platoon!”
“Yeah from a sorority.” He answers as if it made the situation any better. “Now if I could go back…”
“Oh all those Ashley’s.” You croon up in his face.
“They were something alright.” He comments while looking ahead. You smelled really nice, nice enough for his hand to fall from the top of the couch to your hip, pulling you in a smidge closer.
“Couldn’t stand them.” You huff, trying to focus on the movie. “They came after me in college because you were around.”
“You know, we could’ve easily dated back then.” Lloyd considers while taking a sip of his beer. He says this in hopes that it would change the current trajectory. But it doesn’t. Sadly.
“No we couldn’t have. You worked for my father and I wasn’t allowed to see you. Literally and romantically.” During your college years, your father deployed one of his men to watch over you. Lloyd was assigned and when he was your guy, all the girls wanted him too. It was hard to make sense of the ordeal when, for the longest time, you had no idea you were being watched.
“It was weird how Tany always asked about you too.”
Tany was your old roommate. Her phrasing would be: ‘where’s gel back?’ You assumed she was talking about stationary.
“That’s cause we fucked on the rare occasion.” Lloyd harmonizes a good memory with a nasty grin on his face, telling of a time.
“In our dorm?”
“And everywhere else.” He sneakily says into the beer spout.
“Look, not everyone was holding it out like you, alright?” He reminds you of a private conversation you had with your then roommate about saving yourself for marriage. He had the unsaid opportunity to hear you out but paid no mind to it till now.
“I’m not wrong for doing so.” You defend.
Lloyd’s face changes, slighting some concern but not enough to press you on about it. Instead he simply nods and points the remote towards the TV.
“We should get back to watching the movie.” He’s lighthearted and smiles. “The best part is coming up.”
You smile wobbly, reminding yourself that this, you and him, was temporary. You’re not supposed to fully confide in this man. You weren’t supposed to let go.
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spirifage · 9 months
Hi it's me the ball closure on your piercing please I want to go down the sink let me go down the sink pleeeeeeeeweeeeas let me go down the sink or I will kill us both
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biitchcakes · 3 months
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whoever invented the ball closure piercing is a god damn sadist i just know it
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h0rr0rsaxo · 9 months
[ fights. ]
A/N: I really tried to make it better, but it still came out like ass I'm sorry. SOBBING IM SORRY I CANT EVEN WRITE RN
Tags: @insane-horror-movie-addict
Word count: 2,836
The air in the room had become thick and heavy, a brewing storm of tension and aggression. The centerpiece of this storm was Varrick, a tall, muscular figure with a fiery gaze that was currently focused on Anni, an equally formidable woman. His voice echoed through the room, a torrent of anger and possessiveness that demanded everyone's attention. "What the hell were you thinking, Anni?" Varrick's voice boomed, filling the room with its thunderous resonance. His jaw was clenched so tight it seemed like it could shatter at any moment. "You think you can just run off with a bunch of men, without any consequences? Without even fucking telling me?"
Anni stood her ground, her fists balled and eyes blazing. She didn't say a word, but her silence was not a sign of submission. It was a silent storm, a dangerous calm before the tempest that was sure to follow. Her nostrils flared as she took a deep, steadying breath, her chest rising and falling with every harsh intake.
"Are you even listening to me?" Varrick's voice grew louder, and he took a step closer to her, reducing the already minimal gap between them. His hands found her arms, holding her tightly. There was a desperate edge to his voice, a sharpness that contrasted to the softness in his eyes. 
The room was filled with an uncomfortable silence, only disturbed by Varrick's barrage of words that seemed to bounce off Anni's steely exterior. The spectators of the scene could only watch in a mix of shock and disbelief, their gazes flickering between Anni and Varrick. Anni's gaze was locked onto Varrick. Her lips were pressed into a thin line, her jaw set in a stubborn defiance. Finally, she spoke, her voice laced with venom and frustration. "Get your hands off me, Varrick!" she spat, wrenching her arm free from his grip. "I don't need your goddamn approval or permission for anything!"
But Varrick, with a persistence that matched his aggression, continued his tirade. "You're not understanding, Anni!" His hands clenched into fists, knuckles white from the strain. "I'm trying to keep you safe, goddamn it! From men like—"
"Men like you?" Anni's response was a derisive snort, as she crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't need a guard dog, Varrick. I can take care of myself." The words hung in the air, a bitter echo that seemed to amplify the tension. Varrick's face contorted with frustration and hurt, his gaze never leaving Anni. But there was no resolution, no closure. Instead, the argument continued, a heated exchange that seemed far from over, a storm that showed no sign of letting up.
Varrick's voice echoed off the high stone walls of the chambers. "Anni, you're being ridiculous!" he spat out, his usually jovial demeanor replaced by one of frustration and anger. Anni stood silently, her thin lips pressed into a firm line. Her icy brown eyes, usually full of mischief, were steely and cold. She folded her arms across her chest, her slender fingers tapping rhythmically against her arms, a clear sign of her seething fury.
The occupants of the room, used to Varrick's outbursts, barely batted an eye. Fang, a tall, raven-haired witch, sat with an unbothered expression, her piercing brown eyes locked onto the deck of cards in front of her. Across from her sat Jack, an entity with an unreadable mask hiding his face and his emotions, though the slight twitch of his hands hinted at his growing irritation.
"Maybe I should intervene," Jack's voice resonated from behind his mask, a low rumble that echoed the seriousness of his words.
Fang let out a huff, the corners of her lips curling into a thin smirk. "Why bother?" she drawled, her voice dripping with disdain. "When Varrick gets like this, he's like a dog with a bone—unrelentingly annoying and just as likely to bite your hand off." 
Jack tilted his head, his hidden gaze still focused on the card game. "He truly is an immature man child that seems to have a particular fondness for targeting Anni," he murmured, the words rumbling from behind his mask like a distant thunderstorm.
As the argument in the room continued to escalate, the table shook slightly. Toby, a young man with a stutter and a not-so-secret crush on Anni— or at least, every woman in his vicinity, looked up quietly. "S-s-someone should really d-do something," he stuttered, his eyes wide with concern.
Fang's eyes flickered to him, a single eyebrow arching in amusement. "Well then, why don't you go play hero, Toby? Save the damsel in distress," she suggested, her voice laced with sarcasm.  She rolled her eyes, flicking her hand dismissively. "Though, I'm sure Anni is perfectly capable of handling herself."
The room fell into a tense silence, save for the continued argument between Varrick and Anni. The harsh words, the seething rage, and the explosive tension were all too familiar to the occupants of the room. Yet, amidst the chaos and the noise, they all knew one thing—Anni could handle herself, and Varrick, well, he was just being Varrick.
The tension in the room was palpable, the air crackling with animosity. Anni, her face flushed with anger, continued to stand toe to toe with Varrick, her fiery gaze locked onto his. Varrick, his lips curled in a snarl, met her gaze with an equally heated one. His eyes, usually twinkling with flirtatious mischief, were now darkened by his rage. "Dammit, Anni, I've had enough of your bullshit!" Varrick exploded, his voice echoing through the room. Anni’s eyes flashed, her hands balling into fists at her sides. 
"And I'm tired of your goddamn controlling behavior!" she spat back, her words slicing through the tension like a razor-sharp knife.
The argument escalated, words flying like arrows in a battlefield, each one aimed to wound. "Dammit, Varrick!" Anni's voice was a growl, each word spat out like venom. "You don't get to decide for me!"
Varrick towered over Anni, his muscular body taut with barely restrained fury, his jaw muscles working overtime. "Like hell I don't!" he roared back. His voice echoed menacingly around the room, a thunderous clap of sound that seemed to shake the very foundations of the building. As the room filled with their angry voices, Varrick let out an exasperated huff, his patience clearly worn thin. His hand shot out to grab Anni's arm, intent on ending the argument by removing her from the room entirely.
But before he could, a figure stepped forward. Cassius, his expression as blank as a poker face, held out his hand, effectively blocking Varrick's path. "She's not going anywhere," he said, his voice as dry as a desert. His unimpressed eyes met Varrick's furious ones, not an ounce of fear in them.
Varrick's reaction was instantaneous and explosive. "Get the fuck away from her!" he snarled, his protective instincts flaring up like a wild beast. His eyes blazed with fury, his hands curling into fists.
Cassius merely raised an eyebrow, completely unfazed by Varrick's outburst. "You need to calm down, Romeo. Your caveman act isn't impressing anyone."
Varrick's response was a snarled, "Shut your mouth, you pretentious prick."
Anni, caught in the middle of the two men, looked on with a mixture of annoyance and exasperation. She rolled her eyes at their macho posturing, her arms crossed over her chest. "Are you two done measuring dicks yet? Because I have better things to do."
Varrick shot her a glance, his possessive gaze lingering on her before turning back to Cassius. "This isn't about you, Anni," he growled. "And as for you," he pointed a finger at Cassius, "you better fuck off before I make you. You're playing with fire, you deadpanned jackass." 
Anni, caught between the two men, rolled her eyes, clearly unamused by the testosterone-fueled pissing contest unfolding before her. She crossed her arms over her chest, her mouth set in a thin line of annoyance. Cassius, unfazed by Varrick's threatening posture, simply raised an eyebrow. "What, can't handle a little disagreement? Need to resort to dragging her off like a caveman?"
The jab stung, and Varrick bristled, incensed. "At least I don't hide behind a wall of sarcasm and indifference," he shot back. "Maybe if you actually cared about something, you'd understand."
Cassius's face remained maddeningly impassive, his voice as dry as the desert. "And maybe if you stopped acting like a rabid dog on a leash, you'd see that she can take care of herself."
That was it. That was the final straw.
The room was dimly lit, the single hanging bulb swaying precariously as the tension in the air thickened. The worn wooden floors creaked under the weight of the individuals, their breaths shallow, their eyes locked in an unwavering stare. Varrick, the first to break the silence, swung his fist. A sharp gust of wind followed the trajectory of his punch, the air whistling in protest. His knuckles grazed the air, narrowly missing Cassius's face. The latter leaned back, his movements as fluid as quicksilver. His eyes glinted in the dim light, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. His hands, calloused and toughened from years in the underworld, were steady, prepared for the onslaught.
"Varrick, you need to calm the fuck down," Anni stepped back, her voice laced with annoyance. Her dark eyes flickered between the two men, her arms folded across her chest. Her fingers tapped rhythmically on her arms, a clear sign of her irritation.
"Stay out of this, Anni," Varrick's voice was low, a growl that echoed around the room. He lunged again, his fists clenched. This time, he grabbed the edge of a nearby table, his muscles straining as he lifted it with a grunt. The table flipped in the air, the legs spinning like a deadly machine, before it was hurled toward Cassius.
Cassius, nonchalant as ever, sidestepped the table. It crashed into the wall behind him, splinters of wood scattering across the room. His eyes, still locked onto Varrick, held a mocking glint. "Is that the best you can do?" he asked, his voice dry and sarcastic.
Varrick snarled, his nostrils flaring. He lunged again, this time grabbing a lamp from a side table. The bulb shattered on impact, showering the area with shards of glass that caught the dim light and sent it dancing around the room like a deadly ballet. Cassius dodged again, his movements slick and practiced. He grabbed a nearby chair, using it as a shield to deflect Varrick's relentless attacks. His eyes never wavered, his expression never changed. It was as if he was unimpressed with the whole situation.
The mansion's grand lounge was a cacophony of chaos. Varrick, a whirlwind of energy and determination, lunged at Cassius, his movements as fluid and unpredictable as a tempest. Cassius, however, was unflappable, his face etched with a cool disdain as he dodged each attack with a grace that belied his size. 
Jeff, a figure with a mischievous glint in his eyes, was perched on the edge of a velvet-lined chair, his laughter filling the room. He pounded his fist on the mahogany table in front of him, the sound echoing amidst the clatter of the ongoing skirmish.
"Oi, Varrick!" Jeff hollered, his voice raspy with uncontrolled mirth. "Ya fight like a drunken pigeon! I've seen toddlers with better coordination!"
Around him, other members of the mansion were watching the spectacle with varying degrees of interest and amusement. Fang, a slender woman with sharp, predatory eyes, had long abandoned her game of cards with Jack, their hands left forgotten on the antique card table. "Jack," she said, her voice smooth and calculating. "When you patch them up, why not send them my way? I could use some more... subjects."
Jack, a tall man with a tired, resigned look on his face, gave Fang a sidelong glance. "Fang, I don't think they pay me enough to patch up your lab rats," he said, his voice dry.
Vince, Varrick's older brother, chose that precise moment to enter the room. He took one look at the chaos - the shattered remnants of a once exquisite lamp, the broken table legs, the motley crew engrossed in the spectacle - and blinked slowly. His gaze lingered on his brother, embroiled in his futile attempts to land a hit on Cassius, then he slowly backed out of the room, deciding that he didn't need this headache today.
Toby, the youngest of them, watched the fight with wide-eyed fascination, wincing as Varrick was thrown across the room. But Varrick, ever the stubborn one, pushed himself up and charged back into the fray. The room echoed with the sound of Jeff's laughter and the continued banter, the spectacle far from over.
The room was filled with the raw stench of aggression as Varrick's fist, clenched tight as a vice, tore through the air towards Cassius. His eyes, dark as a stormy night, were ablaze with fury and a protective instinct that was wild and untamed. Cassius, on the other hand, stood tall and unflinching, a smirk playing on his lips as he watched Varrick's fist approach once again. He was like a seasoned warrior, unperturbed by the display of hostility, his eyes reflecting a certain coldness that was both fascinating and terrifying.
Anni, on the sidelines, rolled her eyes for what felt like the thousandth time tonight, her brows furrowing in clear annoyance. Her arms were crossed over her chest, her foot tapping impatiently against the worn wooden floor. Her hair was a stark contrast to her icy demeanor, her eyes shooting daggers at the two men. She was a raging inferno on the inside but on the surface, she was the calm before the storm, a silence that was more terrifying than any words she could have said.
The door then creaked open, and in walked Gino, a figure of age and wisdom. He was an older Korean man with a face etched with lines of age and experience. His eyes, once bright with youthful vigor, were now filled with a mix of exasperation and disappointment at the sight before him. "Goddammit, you two!" he barked, his voice echoing through the room like a whip. "You're both acting like goddamn children! Varrick, you can't just swing your fists around whenever you're pissed off! And Cassius, antagonizing him isn't exactly helping, now is it?"
He turned to Anni, his anger softening into concern. "Anni, are you alright?" His voice was gentler now, a stark contrast to the harsh scolding he had just delivered. 
"I’m fine, Gino," she muttered, her voice sharp enough to cut through steel. "Just dandy watching these two idiots brawl."
Gino shot Varrick a warning look. "I swear Varrick, if you lay a finger on Anni, I'll..."
"But Gino..." Varrick started, his voice filled with a gruff defensiveness. 
"No buts, Varrick. You need to learn to control your temper."
Cassius, meanwhile, had leaned against the wall, an amused smirk on his face as he watched the drama unfold. "Well, well, well... Isn’t this fun?"
"No, Cassius, it's not," Gino shot back, his patience wearing thin. "Both of you need to grow up. This is not a playground."
Varrick's nostrils flared as he clenched his fists tighter, his knuckles turning white. "You don't understand, Gino! Cassius started it! He always does! He's always pushing my buttons, trying to provoke me!"
Cassius, leaning casually against the wall, shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, please, Varrick. Don't act like a wounded puppy. You know I'm just having a little fun. Besides, you're the one with the temper problem. Always ready to throw a punch." 
Varrick's face contorted with rage, his muscles tense and ready to strike again. "You think it's a joke? You think you can just push me around? Well, I've had enough!"
Gino stepped forward, his voice commanding and authoritative. "That's enough, both of you!" His eyes flickered with disappointment and concern. "Anni, go sit down. This isn't your fight."
Anni, her eyes still ablaze with annoyance, reluctantly obeyed, her steps heavy with frustration. She found a seat and crossed her arms, her gaze fixed on the unfolding drama. Gino turned his attention back to Varrick and Cassius, his voice firm. "I wont tolerate this behavior in my establishment. Varrick, you're like a guard dog, always ready to bite. And Cassius, you're no better with your snide remarks and constant needling."
Cassius smirked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, Gino, we wouldn't want to disappoint you by behaving ourselves now, would we? Wouldn't want to ruin your day."
Gino's expression hardened, his patience reaching its limits. "This isnt a game, Cassius. You might think you've seen it all, but there are consequences to your actions. And Varrick, you need to find a way to control that temper yours. It's going to get you into more trouble than you can handle." 
As Gino's words filled the room, there was a moment of tense silence. The air was charged, and surprisingly, quiet. Yikes.
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six-demon-bag · 1 year
an (incomplete) list of sixdemon fic
eta: ok i write too much to update a list, so. yknow. it’s all on ao3
my ao3: six_demon_bag
on my blog for tags and excerpts: #sixdemon fic
✨ Bucky Barnes/Helmut Zemo ✨
even in the silence i can hear your song (NR, MCD, 2k)
The hate between Bucky and Zemo seems unchangeable, until Bucky kills Zemo at the memorial. It’s too late for anything to change after that.
Depths Unplumbed (E, 2.5k)
Zemo accidentally discovers Bucky is unable to come due to past HYDRA trash parties, and many sexual situations send him into flashbacks. Zemo is determined to find something HYDRA didn’t ruin for Bucky.
the power in my violence (makes me go insane) (NR, 1.5k)
Captured by HYDRA scientists, Zemo is injected with the supersoldier serum and left to deal with his worst nightmare.
August Heat 2023 - event (E, 27.5k)
Nine standalone fics for DeadDoveKink's August Heat (A/B/O) event - all but two are WB, check the tags
Toe the Line (E, 2.5k)
Zemo has to wear an ankle monitor on parole, and Bucky has to change it out every night. He doesn't understand why Zemo acts like it's a big deal, until he realizes: Zemo's feet and ankles? His biggest erogenic zones.
Balance the Scales (E, 5k)
Zemo insists on keeping his body count - both of them - the same number. Bucky and Sam make an unsavory post-mission discovery.
One Two Many (E, 23k)
Bucky and Zemo meet on an anonymous dating app and find a deep connection in each other. In the meantime, they grow closer in person without realizing they’re falling in love online too.
Hellfriend (E, 17k)
HYDRA summons and binds a hellhound to serve them. Decades later, they lose control of it and it becomes attached to a young Helmut Zemo.
Open Carry (E, 5k)
Zemo buys the Winter Soldier from a HYDRA auction as a failed breeder with the intent to use him as a weapon against HYDRA, breedable or not.
home is where your teeth sink (E, 3.5k)
Things go sideways when Zemo tries to rescue a kidnapped Bucky only to find him entirely feral and entirely focused on him.
Souper Soldier (E, 1.5k)
Zemo uses the soldier as a bargaining chip to get information from Selby. Bucky is more into it than he means to be.
If the Glove Fits (T, 5k)
Bucky is an orphan trapped under the steel fist of his horrible uncle Pierce. When the realm’s Prince Zemo holds a ball to find a husband, Bucky decides he has to find a way to attend, if only to get out of the house.
and nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have (E, noncon, MCD, 3k)
Bucky gets possessed by a creature that controls his body, and he’s trapped watching as it toys with Zemo’s feelings for him.
is there any chance you could see me, too? (E, 5k)
Zemo and Bucky fall into bed together, over and over. It's perfunctory. Business-like. Bucky never kisses Zemo, never lets him get close. Zemo just wants a soft touch. Just once.
eat clen, tren hard, anavar give up (E, 3k)
Zemo gets bored in prison and starts working out. Endless time and money can build wonders, and Bucky is not prepared to behold those wonders when he breaks Zemo out.
Tiny Favors (E, 2.5k)
Zemo offers sexual favors to the Raft guards in exchange for small luxuries, but never fucks them. He’s loaned to Sam and Bucky for a mission and Bucky finds out about the Raft deals Zemo makes, and he gets very, very jealous. When Zemo asks him for a favor, he’s more than ready to leverage it right back.
just say i'll serve you my lord (i will sell you my soul) (E, 12k)
Instead of activating the Winter Soldier by force, Zemo decides to try persuasion - he approaches Bucky in Romania, offering him protection in exchange for assisting him in his revenge against Steve for the death of his family. Bucky reluctantly agrees, unsure of what Zemo intends, but knowing it’s his best bet to stay out of the hands of people who want the Winter Soldier.
love soldier (i want closure) (E, 8k)
Zemo is paroled from the Raft a few years after the Flag Smashers events. He and Bucky grow close, and Zemo is left with one-sided feelings he struggles to handle. (second half of Matched Set)
Keyhole (E, 3k)
The missing scenes from the prison break in episode three. Just how did that keycard get into Zemo’s cell?
Wrist Deep Honesty (E, 8.5k)
Bucky gets dosed with sex pollen on a mission. He seems completely under control, at least until Zemo comes in.
if you want my love (let me pull my hair back) (E, 1.5k)
Bucky grows his hair out, and Zemo can’t handle it.
Miss America (of Being a Power Bottom) (E, 4k)
It's a bad day for the Winter Soldier when HYDRA discovers a clean source of short-acting super soldier serum they can extract from his ejaculate. Instead of being put in cryo, now the Asset gets tied securely in a milking chamber, sometimes for weeks at a time. In order to Improve the Yield, HYDRA searches for the person who the asset has the strongest reaction to. It’s a bad day for Zemo when the results come back.
HYDRA Tupperware Party (E, 7k)
Zemo is convinced Hydra Trash Parties were a real thing and is determined to pry that information out of Bucky. Bucky has made it through life without being kissed or realizing he’s gay. The combination is lethally stupid.
I don’t do the walk of shame (I strut) (E, 7k)
When Bucky and Sam break Zemo out of prison, they aren’t expecting his hot girl summer. Bucky isn’t expecting to be jealous over Zemo. Sam can’t believe this is his life.
Rigged to Blow (E, 2k)
The trio are captured by HYDRA on a mission. Under threat to Sam, Zemo has to keep Bucky hard by giving him blowjobs. If he gets soft, then the bombs tied to Sam will go off.
compromised from how you say my name (E, 5k)
Zemo gets dosed with sex pollen on a mission and Bucky has to help him through it, despite his deeply buried feelings and knowing Zemo will never forgive him.
Sudden Focus (E, 2k)
On the plane to Madripoor, Zemo puts on a pair of glasses to read Bucky’s book. Bucky abruptly discovers a new kink.
oh, euthanize my heartbeat (as i set more in the concrete) (E, 8k)
A few years after the Flag Smashers events, Zemo is paroled indefinitely. He and Bucky grow closer as friends, and Bucky accidentally develops feelings for the baron. He doesn’t know how to handle it when Zemo picks up a secret lover. (first half of Matched Set)
Hold Your Breath (And Steal Your Baron’s Away) (E, 1k)
Bucky barges in on Zemo in the bath.
You’ve got those eyes that drive me crazy (and I’ve got eyes to watch you sleep) (T, 9k)
As a control mechanism, using the trigger words on the Winter Soldier also triggers a bone deep devotion to his handler. When Zemo activated the soldier in Berlin, he was unaware of the consequences.
take and take until you lose (E, noncon, 4k)
A mutual hatefuck turns into a forced pregnancy, and Zemo has to deal with the fallout in prison.
Moderfucker (E, 4k)
Zemo’s family was killed when HYDRA caused the fall of Sokovia, and he sets out to destroy them in revenge. He is captured and dropped into a forest as a sacrifice for their captive monster. Zemo’s always been good at adapting.
soft touch (E, 3k)
Zemo knows exactly how to make the Soldier into a perfect gift for Selby.
✨ Bucky Barnes & Helmut Zemo ✨
when you can’t dream, well, what’s life mean? (NR, 1k)
Zemo struggles to stay connected to a world that’s moved on without him.
are you dreaming of death (are there ghosts in your chest) (M, 3k)
From the scene Ayo takes Bucky's arm off. Wakanda told Steve, who told Sam that they could do that. Zemo knows they knew, and he tells Bucky.
✨ Bucky Barnes/John Walker ✨
Melt Your Walls (E, 3.5k)
When a mission goes wrong, John and Bucky are caught in a blizzard on a remote mountain. It’s up to John to make sure the cranky vampire doesn’t freeze to death, and in the process some feelings are exposed.
take my time and take my heart (E, 3.5k)
John gets hit with sex pollen that Bucky recognizes from his time as the soldier. Sure, it’s not fatal to ride it out alone, but it’s much less painful to fuck someone on it. Of course it’s totally selfless and involves no ulterior motives if Bucky offers himself up for that, right?
Communication for Dummies (T, 2k)
Bucky is nursing unrequited feelings for his straight best friend John, only to get hit with a tsunami of jealousy when John goes on a date with a man.
tonight is gonna be the loneliest (E, 9.5k)
John and Bucky have reached a cold truce after working together for years, no matter what other feelings John is suppressing. Bucky going into heat unexpectedly throws their connection into a new territory.
can't get enough, no, you burn me up (E, 4.5k)
Bucky and John get dosed with sex pollen on a mission, and it makes them discover feelings they didn’t even know they had. Loudly and repeatedly.
Left Behind (G, 1k)
A fire throws John into the past and forces Bucky to confront his feelings.
know you got my blood running (E, 14k)
Bucky and Walker have undeniable chemistry, but it’s buried under resentment and mutual dislike. What happens when it erupts?
✨ Helmut Zemo/John Walker ✨
touch the light and let it burn (E, 6.5k)
After getting severely burned during a mission, Zemo takes to wearing his mask all the time to hide his scars. He finds an unexpected connection in John Walker, and has to reevaluate his opinion and assumptions alongside his developing feelings.
The Whole World is Listening (against their will) (E, 2.5k)
Things go a little differently when John and Lemar show up to the apartment in Riga to arrest Zemo.
the upside of rock bottom (i've seen everything) (E, 4.5k)
No one ever says they’re sorry when Lemar dies. No one cares enough to visit the Sokovian Memorial either.
Skillset (E, 3k)
An urgent need for obtaining information from their captive ends up with Zemo deeply appreciative of a kindred spirit in Getting Things Done.
Fakers (E, 3.5k)
Zemo and Walker are captured by some HYDRA agents on a mission, and have to distract the guards from killing them while they wait for Bucky and Sam to rescue them.
✨ Bucky Barnes/John Walker/Helmut Zemo ✨
Rolling Hitch (E, 2k)
John, Bucky, and Zemo are trapped in a safehouse when Zemo goes into heat.
Shut Me Up (E, 2.5k)
Bucky and Walker find common ground in shutting Zemo up.
✨ misc MCU fics ✨
i got a love (and i know that it's all mine) (E, 1.5k)
(John Walker/Olivia Walker)
Olivia can appreciate her man coming home hot and sweaty, and she is going to make sure he knows it.
Poor Life Choices (M, 1k)
(Steve Rogers/Howard Stark (past), Steve Rogers/Tony Stark)
Prompt: What if Zemo showed Steve, Tony, and Bucky an old sex tape between Steve and Howard instead of the tape when the Winter Soldier killed Tony’s parents, and Zemo and Bucky just awkwardly watch Tony beat up Steve.
got me in the worst way, got me in the best way (E, 6k)
(Helmut Zemo/Everett Ross)
Zemo flirts as easily as he breathes. It’s a fun diversion for him, and an extra bonus if he gets an edge on someone. He hadn’t expected to get anything when he flirted with Ross when he got to the Raft, but Ross’s reaction has him perking up like a hunting dog.
Double down on the Sokovian (E, 2k)
(Helmut Zemo/Helmut Zemo)
Sam, Bucky, and Zemo are on a mission investigating an old HYDRA base when Zemo accidentally gets cloned. Zemo is more than a little appreciative of Zemo.
slippery thoughts - two part series (E, 40k)
(Bucky Barnes/Brock Rumlow)
What happens when you accidentally get bonded to the Winter Soldier? Brock Rumlow and HYDRA are gonna learn what happens when you fuck around (rumlow) and find out (hydra)
Mine (E, 2k)
(Brock Rumlow/Jack Rollins)
Jack can see how much the soldier wants Brock, and he’s going to make it clear who the commander belongs to.
✨ Stiles Stilinski/Peter Hale ✨
Strange Neighbors (E, 8.5k)
Peter buys a little haunted cabin on an empty lake to hide after a bad breakup. The cabin might be empty, but the lake…
Efficiency (T, 1k)
Yet another mediocre blind date for Stiles yields unexpected fruit in the form of a very attractive wolf interrupting.
✨ and more! ✨
(but you have to go to ao3 for those)
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maximotts · 2 years
Since we're all so far gone at the thought of Wanda with nipple piercings, I'm here to present my dissertation on which Wanda has which piercing. I will be taking helpful feedback and ideas.
This Wanda has either straight barbells that say "Fuck" on one end and "Me" on the other or a ball closure ring.
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This Wanda has a circular barbell with diamond studs on the ends.
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And this Wanda? This Wanda has d-rings that are black and absolutely bedazzled in red rubies to match her outfit.
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Okay so I fully agree and am totally NOT frothing at the mouth right now certainly not me
This is such a good dissertation, I'm giving you an A+
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zealctry · 1 year
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all jewellery is titanium. entirely silver-toned (no bling, no colour).
both earlobes pierced. will sometimes wear studs ( or small diameter hoops if he is feeling extra spicy ). he has considered flesh plugs... but naaah. or, at least, not yet.
right ear. 3x helix piercings. usually wears barbells, but will sometimes wear segment rings (never ball-closure ones, he hates those).
left ear. 2x helix piercings, styled the same as above.
midline tongue piercing & both nipples. straight barbells, simple and easy.
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americanthrift7 · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Softball Earrings Yellow Red Pierced Dangle Ladies Girls Athlete Bat 1.5 Inches.
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missvintage5000 · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 9 Pairs of Colored Ball Dangling Earrings.
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picobj · 10 months
Highest Quality Hinged Segment Ring|Pico Bj
A hinged segment ring is a type of body jewelry commonly used for piercings. It consists of a circular metal ring that is hinged at one point, allowing it to be easily opened and closed. This design eliminates the need for a separate ball or bead for closure, making it convenient and secure for wearing.
Visit: https://picobj.com/collections/gold-cbr-segment
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shortstuff2042 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Oval Dangle Shimmery Enamel Purple/Red Swirl Gold Tone Bead Pierced Earrings.
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thoughtsaladblog · 1 year
Taylor Swift at night
It’s uncanny the power that a song can have over you- but even more so when it isn’t quite linked to any memory in particular. There are the songs that leave you dancing around the room because “you are the dancing queen”, or feeling like you can take on any bitch who messes with you... And then there are those songs that are your green Kryptonite. The ones that leave you curled up in your bed, writhing in pain from a memory that you’ve tried for years to suppress but remains etched in your brain like a bad tattoo. Among the hand-full of others that revealed their hold on me over the years, is the fairly more recent song, “Cardigan” by Taylor Swift.
Ok, first off let me say right off the bat that I’m a fan of T-Swizzle. The girl has amazing creative skills, equally impressive entrepreneurial skills and the talent to back it up- so kudos to her for that alone. And then there’s this song. It’s in no way linked to any particular memory of mine, but it always brings thoughts of him to the front of my brain, and those thoughts turn into memories which in turn melt into regret and the next thing you know, I’m a curled up ball, bawling like a baby. 
In evaluating the lyrics of the song, I can assuredly say that it’s the part that goes-
“But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs The smell of smoke would hang around this long 'Cause I knew everything when I was young I knew I'd curse you for the longest time”
that manages to shatter me every time. It shatters me because it rings so true to my past. It brings back the memories of him and I seated alone in that room in NE, talking about our feelings, what we meant to each other and me telling him that it scared me to love him- because I knew he’d be the one to break me. I knew then how I would love him. I knew I’d never loved anyone like that before- I’d never let anyone get that close.
I’d spent my teenage years quite wary of boys and their ability to break hearts. I was a fast learner- all it took was one heartbreak for me to know that I never wanted to let a guy do that to me again. So up came my walls and I kept them there: until I met him. Suddenly walls were crumbling; my defenses were down and my heart was exposed. I was Daenerys in that final moment with Jon Snow. 
I’d known for years my own weakness and my sensitivity. I knew that if I ever loved I’d love with all my heart- that I’d be a hundred percent all in. I knew so well that I’d love so hard it would break me when they left. I was right. I’ve never quite been the same since he left.
So much has been revealed to me in the years following our split that change my idea of him from the man I thought him to be. And while that has managed to suppress my need to be with him, it hasn’t drained my feelings towards him. They say you never forget your first love- well, he was the first and only man I’ve loved. It was a short-lived, beautiful beautiful lie.
I still get teased by my students and even a few friends, about how I’m hung up on him. The truth is, I’m not hung up in that sense of the word. I no longer want him back, nor would I ever date him if the opportunity presents itself. It’s just that the heart that broke so long ago never quite managed to heal, and from time to time those shards pierce through and they manage to stab that old wound once again. The memories of him still hurt. He broke me, and I was never quite myself ever again, and the broken pieces of myself are what hurt me... 
Then there’s this line;  I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired And you'd be standin' in my front porch light And I knew you'd come back to me
The thing I thought for sure would happen. My moment of closure. It almost happened but not like I wanted it to... And so this song speaks to me. It reminds me of a naive 19 year old girl, who loved with all the love and trust only a naive 19 year old could ever understand. It reminds me of that broken-hearted 22 year old who thought that one day he’d come back, and built her life around becoming the person he’d wanted her to be all along. 
So whenever I hear this song I cry for her. I cry for how deeply she loved, and for how foolishly she believed that someone who didn’t know what love was, could ever love her back. I cry for the years I lost waiting for him to come back and the girl I lost somewhere in the midst of those sad years- because I never got her back.
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snarltoothed · 2 years
oh god. now i cant stop being horrified about “elf ear” piercings. it is so important having an industrial to make sure that your bar is not too small for your ear. i’ve had to take jewelry out because i didn’t add two millimeters to account for where the ball closures attach and that constant pressure (even from a 2mm deficit!) fucking HURTS?!
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WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? If this isn’t against your piercer’s code of ethics you need a new piercing artist 😬
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Il post del venerdì - anche i palazzi amano i piercing
Il post del venerdì – anche i palazzi amano i piercing
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Il piercing spacca i popoli a metà, chi lo ama follemente, chi lo detesta follemente. Fatto sta che il follemente è l’avverbio comune ad ambo le fazioni.
Oggi vi informo con una curiosità che in effetti, ha fatto sorridere anche me.
Esiste di fatti, una installazione su di un palazzo, a Torino, un’opera d’arte creata dall’architetto Corrado Levi.  Su di un palazzo risalente al ‘700, presso la via…
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