#balancing between giving too much away and showing off the drawing i'm most excited about....
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 8 months ago
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Wake of the Clash!!
Come and see my little boy~!
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diaco1968 · 5 years ago
Let me down slowly
Dabi x reader smut
Warnin! Smut/ hairpulling, biting, riding/sex, a little degradation, very little angst that gets resolved quickly
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You were his sin and you were his salvation. He loved you cause you were what he had always wanted to be, he hated you cause you were what he never was. Though he'd only freely admit to the latter in his late night and early morning drunk bickerings with you. Jokingly of course. You were no easier than him to read when it came to emotions. But he knew you were much colder than you let on. Freezing cold was in your nature after all.
Damn as much as it bothered him he would never dream of letting you know how he really felt about you and risk meeting your rejection. Deep down however he hoped you were as sharp as you sometimes accidentally let on. That your little sly self knew how he felt, how despite his shit talk, he was a slave to your will. That you knew, and would consider that before leaving him. If you ever decided to.
~don't cut me down, throw me out, leave me in the waste~
When his 'accidental' brushes of his shoulder on yours or even how by 'coincidence' he would stand too close behind you, turned into playful gropes and squeezes, you didn't mind, and it was a relief to him. When you started to reciprocate them equally as playfully by your own sneaky groping of his crotch while you were behind the bar, even as Shigaraki sat on your other side, Dabi was ecstatic. At the time he considered that particular part of his feelings being returned by you when he asked you to be his friends with benefits, no strings attached, as an absolute win. He was content with owning your body.
He was wrong.
~ I once was a man with dignity and grace~
You clutched his collar in both hands pulling him down to you as you backed yourself into the wall, smirking. His lips chased yours, kicking the door shut behind him as he pressed your back more against the wall, his hands gripping your hips to hold your body tightly against his. You could feel his already half hard erection press against your stomach and you gasped, mocking him "oh my, I just barely touched you Dabi." You rolled your eyes as he growled in your response "yeah, only after you've been shooting me nasty little looks and dirty slutty texts all night. From across the room." He lightly kicked your legs apart bringing his knee up and rubbing it between your legs roughly, making you muffle a particularly high pitched exhale. "Don't you even dare hold back those sounds. You had no problem earlier when Dust boy was reading the dirty shit you kept sending me, doll." You opened your mouth to protest "what?! Shigaraki was- " you were cut off with his lips crahsing into yours with a low growl, hand fisting your hair and angling your face up to hold you in the kiss forcefully to shut you up, pushing hismelf further onto you, his other hand sneaking up under your shirt and gripping your breast roughly, a squesk leaving your lips, and he drank it up like wine. When he pulled back you were both panting breathless "you say his name one more time and I'm gonna leave you here high and dry. Got it?" Your eyes flashed with excitement as you bit your lower lip and nod your head "good. Now show me," he nudged his knee between your legs one last time as he stepped back pulling you with him to the bed. He plopped down, pulling your pants down and lightly slapping your rapidly dampening clothed heat before he sat you down straddling his thigh, "show me what a needy little bitch you are."
You hummed finding it thrilling how his usual passive friendly behaviour changed to this. You snaked one of your arms around his shoulder and reached back with the other on his knee to balance yourself as you moved your hips making sure to grind down on his thigh as hard you could. His hands were both resting on your hips now, eyes staring back into yours, when you not so 'accidentally' brushed your knee against his erection, you looked down as he hissed. He knew what you were doing though, he gripped your jaw and made you face him "eyes on me, toy." He demanded, wanting all your attention. You moaned in his face tugging on his hair but he didn't budge "what you want now?" He said sarcastically as you groaned annoyed "kiss me damnit..." you had come to like the sharp cold tingle of his staples on your skin, face or hips didn't matter. "That's no way to ask for something now, is it?" You narrowed your eyes at him "please." He was surprised how easy that was to draw out of you, and if that meant you wanted him that desperately... the pleasure surged down his form and straight to his cock, twitching in reponse "well damn, can't deny you when you're so polite now, can I?" He pulled you over him with his hands cupping your ass, so you were straddling him properly as he leaned back on the headboard, urging you to pull his cock out of it's restraints, kissing you as he rocked you down over his length with his hands still on your ass, squeezing your cheeks. You gasped and whimpered loudly feeling him just slide between your folds with ease, missing where you wanted him most every. Damn. Time. You clawed at his shirt hissing in his mouth and the bastard just chuckled "what a desprate little whore." He mocked looking at your flushed aroused face. Now normally he would tease you. Till you were shaking and begging him to just fuck you senseless after you've already cum at least two times on his tongue or fingers. But he couldn't now. He wanted you as much as you wanted him and he couldn't even pretend to hide it.
"Fine then, do what you want." He carefully burned away your panties, the sharp inatke of breath in reaction to the sudden heat on your cunt not going unnoticed as he smirked in response. He grabbed your hand and tightened your fingers around his length, lifting you up with his other hand looking at you expectantly. You shot him a half glare "... the audacity..." he rolled his eyes as he tugged your shirt up and rolled it shoving the hem in your mouth so you were providing him with the view he wanted "I have better uses for that nasty little mouth of yours but that will have to wait for the next round." You shivered at the dark tone of his promise, teeth clenching down on the fabric of your shirt "now fuck yourself on my cock, princess." You whined, giving his length a few strokes before aligning his tip with your entrance, slowly and carefully lowering yourself. He wasn't patient enough for that as he grabbed your hips and slammed you down onto him. A short shocked scream ripped through you as you jolted forward, releasing the wet shirt from your teeth the saliva pooling in your mouth trickling down your chin, chest now pressed to Dabi's face as he let out a satisfied breathy groan in appreciation. Both at the hard clenching and twitching of your tight gushing pussy around his cock and at the sudden treat provided to him. He let his tongue drag harshly over your perked bud, his piercing strangely pleasant as he pushed against it, before sucking a considerable amount of your soft mound into his mouth. You could not move your upper body at all with the way one of his hands was gripping the back of your neck tightly and firmly holding you in place and keeping your chest in reach of his mouth. You clutched his shoulders, slowly beginning to move your hips, moving all the way over his lenghth till his tip was barely sheathed inside you before rocking back onto him to the hilt feeling his balls. "Taking your time, (y/n)?" He growled after he let go of your abused nipple with a pop "move faster!" He barked, his mouth not remaining idle for long as he moved up and sunk his teeth right above your collar bone. You gasped and your fingers tangled in his hair and tugged harshly, him complying as he tilted his head up to meet your eyes with a smug smile, satisfied with the angry red forming over the purple indents of his teeth on your skin.
He loved it all. The way you looked so needy for him. The way you were desperatelly rocking your shaking thighs over him. Most of all the way you yearned for his kiss, demanding it like that. He traced your jaw moving his hand from the back of your neck to trace your swollen lips, wiping the saliva off before pushing his thumb into your mouth, letting you suck on it, moaning as you looked at him, pleading. "Say it and I'll give it to you baby girl." You whined doing your best to keep up your pace over him but your legs were beginning to cramp. He pulled his thumb out of your mouth dragging your lower lip down with it. "Fuck... Dabi..." he couldn't stop himslef, he really wanted to hear you say it "Touya. Call me Touya."
Somewhere in the back of your lust filled mind you knew what a big deal this was. He just told you his real name, didn't he?
"Please t-Touya! I need you!" His eyes closed savouring the face you were making as his name rolled off your lips like honey. "You need me to do what?" He pressed on holding your glazed over gaze, you groaned "I need you to fuck me. Touya please!" You hissed which turned into a wanton moan as you called out to him. His response was immediate as he leaned in kissing you deep and rough, tongue pushing past your lips forcefully letting you play with the piercing with your own tongue only after his was shoved halfway to your throat already. His hand that was squeezing your ass bruisingly tight up untill now, let go, snaking around your waist and holding you down to him firmly. You only realized you were trapped when it was too late, mewling and moaning loudly in his mouth as he started thrusting up into you fast and harsh, him swallowing all your sounds. You pulled back from the kiss having to brace yourself on his shoulders by the way he was pounding up into you, but only managed to hug him tightly around the shoulders as he kept you flush against him with his chin resting on your shoulder. You could barely breathe as his cock was rearranging your gut only managing ragged noisy huffs and gasps, and he was getting close to his limit hearing you make these sounds, getting sloppy and throbbing inside your fluttering gushing cunt violently. Turning his head he rasped in your ear "cum all over me princess." That was the shove you needed as your orgasm washed over you like a violent wave as you came undone over him with a not at all muffled wail, the clenching and clamping, milking and draining him inside you. He slowed down letting you, and him, ride your peaks with a couple of deep slow thrusts. You went limp over him, panting to catch your breath. He let his hand trace over your spine, gentle, light. You shivered nuzzling your nose in his neck whispering in his ear playfully "stop it Touya." He rolled his eyes and gave your ass a sharp slap making you jolt and whine in protest, him only chuckling and rubbing it soothingly as you grumbled about what an asshole jerk he was.
~now I'm slipping through the cracks of your cold embrace...~
He knew he had fucked up when he watched you getting chatted up by that shitty dust boy earlier. He had tried to give you subtle hints and you had gotten them and deflected all, shrugging them off with a simple excuse "I'm not even flirting. But, even if I ever am, it doesn't concern you as long as it's not physical, right? Friend?" You had said playfully. He was not in the mood so he just stomped off. Now a few hours later he was sitting on the far corner of the room and leaning on the bar on his arms, uncharacteristically staring at his hands instead of his usual glass of whiskey. "Hey fren!" You chirped as you slipped your arms around him from behind making him jerk out of his miserable trance. He quickly gained composure "oh shut up (y/n)..." he groaned leaning back on the bar and trying to get away from your death grip "listen T- Dabi," oh yeah you had made it a habit of calling him by his name when you were alone. Which was a lot of the time. And as much as he loved hearing it from you, he hated when you almost slipped like this when you weren't alone. He never told you to stop though. "I've decided, I fucking hate it when you're grumpy... so, fine. I won't be 'flirting' with no one but you, ok? Even though I really wasn't." You still denied flirting as being 'overly friendly' but you leaned in mouthing the shell of his ear before pecking his jaw. He smiled as he felt the familiar standing of his hair on end, turning his head and meeting your lips with his.
He still loved and hated you. Loved you cause you knew him and as much as you tried to pretend otherwise, you cared for him and had his back. Hated you, cause he hated that you made him love you so much.
~so please, please~
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 4 years ago
Hi. If you're still doing these and what I'm asking is comfortable for you: TFP KnockOut/Optimus Prime; basically the canon characters only power-bottom KnockOut decides to seduce Optimus (not romantic or fluffy, but still consensual in the sense that Optimus is conflicted because KO is the enemy, but KO also really knows what he's doing and Optimus can't help wanting it and KO plays him like a fiddle). (If that still falls outside of consensual in your mind even in fiction, I understand)
I think I got it right? I hope I did.
please enjoy!
The sun blazes over the desert bluffs making the heat and grit of the desert all the more noticeable after the intense chase Knockout just drove through only to have himself pressed against a rocky wall by the large and very strong hands of the one and only Optimus Prime. His plating presses almost painfully against the hot rock and Knockout gasps quietly to relieve some of the pain, hoping his true discomfort isn’t noticed. Something peculiar happens then, a brief flicker in the Prime’s optics flashes so quickly that if Knockout wasn’t face to face with the Prime he wouldn’t have noticed but he knows exactly what that look means. Knockout knows it’s a bit of a gamble but he certainly doesn’t mind solving his little predicament this way, the only problem would be convincing the oh-so divine prime…
Knockout’s mouth curls into a subtle smirk as his optics grow bright with a warm light, “Well, you’ve certainly got me… At least it was fun while it lasted.”
“You will be taken prisoner and I assure you no further harm shall come to you,” Optimus’ low, strained voice comes out breathy and gravelly making Knockout want to rev his engine but he holds back, playing the game.
“Even if I ask you to?” Knockout looks at Optimus slyly, turning his head to the side to show off his elegant features.
“What?” Optimus’ hold loosens, clearly taken aback as his optics widen slightly.
Knockout revels in being able to knock Optimus off-balance and looks away as he mumbles sarcastically, “Oh, did I say that out loud?”
“I don’t know what game you’re playing Knockout but-”
Knockout interrupts him with a hand placed delicately on his forearm, slowly inching it up as he purrs, “The game I’m playing…”
Optimus takes a step back as Knockout gets closer and Knockout steps up to him, placing his other hand on Optimus’ broad chest and whispers, “...is one I think you very much want to take part in.”
Knockout slowly lowers himself as not to startle the Prime while dragging his hands down the warm, smooth plating of Optimus’ chassis. Optimus watches with wide optics but doesn’t move as Knockout opens his mouth to let his glossa rest on his lower lip. Keeping his gaze steady with Optimus’ optics, Knockout leans towards Optimus’ panel and runs a languid, hot lick over his spike cover. Shocked from his stupor, Optimus stumbles back, landing on his aft with his optics wide and bright on Knockout. With a hungry grin, Knockout crawls over to Optimus and straddles his hips.
“You seem tense, Prime. How about I help you ease that stress of yours?” Knockout sits back and runs his digits over Optimus’ pelvic plating.
Optimus’ hand rises towards Knockout’s then falters, hesitating between Knockout’s wrist and his thigh, eventually settling on Knockout’s hip as Optimus sits up. With a keening sound, Knockout pushes into Optimus’ touch only to stumble as he’s roughly shoved back down the length of Optimus’ thighs and looks up to meet the stern face of Optimus Prime. A nervous chuckle makes its way out of his intake but his confidence is restored as he feels Optimus’ digits flexing on his hip, practically kneading the plating there. He brushed his fingers under Optimus’ chin, the gesture making Optimus’ expression falter somewhat.
“Come now, Optimus,” Knockout drags himself back up Optimus’ thighs just short of that suggestively large spike cover of his, “It must have been ages since you’ve had anyone take care of you. I certainly don’t expect any of those loyal soldiers of yours to be in the mood to sully their great and glorious leader.”
Optimus opens his mouth to speak but no sound comes out and Knockout tries to take the moment to boldly kiss the Prime but is instead met with the tightly closed mouth of Optimus Prime. Huffing, Knockout instead kisses over Optimus’ faceplate moving slowly down to his neck cables, feeling the low growl building in Optimus’ engine.
“It’s been a while for me too,” Knockout whispers with a soft kiss against the side of Optimus’ helm, “There’s no one on my side left to trust with this kind of thing.”
With a delicacy that he didn’t know he possessed, Knockout rests his hands on Optimus Prime’s back and tucks his helm into Optimus’ shoulder.
“To think I could trust one of my enemies more…” Knockout laughs bitterly, a little too genuine for his own liking, “You’re different, aren’t you? You’d never hurt a mech when they were at their most vulnerable…”
“Knockout…” Optimus’ deep voice echoes and it makes Knockout smile. Even if it was just his name, Knockout knows he’s hooked.
Knockout moves back to meet Optimus’ conflicted gaze with one filled with desperation and longing as he trails his hand over his chassis to draw Optimus’ attention to his panels.
“Please, Optimus Prime,” Knockout gasps, pressing on his panels and delighting in how Optimus’ optics flare, “I need you.”
Optimus’ engine stutters as his panels click open, letting his spike pressurize, the rough material rubbing against Knockout’s panels. As he looks down at the spike between his legs, Knockout can’t help the greedy smile that spreads across his face and lets his own panels snap open so he can line up his valve entrance with the head of that ridiculously painted, thick, wonderful spike. He sinks down quickly, the sheer size of Optimus’ spike stretching his calipers as it fills him, moaning at the burning sensation lighting up his sensornet. With just enough time to let himself adjust, he balances himself on Optimus’ knees to show off his chassis and angle the spike so it hits him even deeper then sets a brutal pace. Optimus’ hands spasm as he’s completely overwhelmed with the feeling of Knockout’s wet valve squeezing down on his spike without giving him time to so much as think. Deep moans erupt from Optimus chest, vibrating Knockout’s entire frame and making his hips stutter long enough for Optimus to gather himself and settle his hands on Knockout’s hips.
Knockout doesn’t give him much more time for anything else, resuming his pace and gasping as Optimus’ hand press roughly into sensitive seams in a desperate pull for control. That’s when it hits him, Optimus powerless to control his urges beneath him with his spike stuffing Knockout’s valve. The thought makes Knockout’s helm feel light and burns a new trail of excitement up his spinal strut before suddenly Optimus falls into him, shaking with overload. Hot transfluid pools in Knockout’s valve and spills over as he continues riding Optimus with even greater ease, the sticky fluid covering the insides of his thighs. Then Optimus wraps his arm around Knockout’s waist, pulling him down onto his spike with the last of his transfluid hitting Knockout’s ceiling node sending a burst of charge along with it. Knockout cries out and clings to Optimus’ shoulders, his sharp digits digging into the plating as his valve tightens around Optimus’ spike.
He pulls away from Optimus with dull optics and his mouth hanging open as his fans try futilely to cool down his frame, feeling Optimus’ optics studying him carefully with deep confusion. Offering a shrug and a smile, Knockout gets up, Optimus’ spike pulling out of his valve obscenely with trailing lubricant and transfluid.
“My, that is certainly quite the mess,” Knockout says a bit bitterly, pulling out a cloth to clean up the worst of it before tossing it Optimus’ way, “You should clean yourself up unless you want your loyal Autobots to know what you’ve been up to.”
Knockout transforms as he tries to hide his delight at Optimus’ completely stunned expression.
“Thanks for that, Prime. I really needed that,” Knockout says and drives off, not minding the heat so much now and feeling much lighter.
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kaiparker-avengerssmut · 5 years ago
Pairing | jake riley x reader
Warnings | dirt talk, smut, sexual inference
Word count | 2359
Summary | You're Katie's sister and when she has an awful migraine you offer to take the kids on the hospital field trip. Once you get there the hospital goes into lockdown and you meet Jake Riley. After a few days you two grow close, spending most of your free time sat in the tiled hallway talking. One thing leads to another and suddenly you end up talking about your sex lives.
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You sat with your back resting against the cold tiled wall, head tilted back and your knees bought up to your chest. Your elbows rested on your knees, your fingers running through your hair. Jake sat in a similar position on the opposite wall, but he was leaning slightly forward with his forearms balancing on his knees. You both laughed as he bought up relationships.
"I don't think I've ever had a good one." You remarked with a laugh.
"I don't think I've ever had one at all." He responded, laughing even more. You looked at him and raised an eyebrow, prompting him to continue. He sighed and carried on, "it's all one night stands. I find commitment...difficult." He admitted, ducking his head. You chucked and pressed him on.
"So how many girls are we talking about here?" You said, playfully raising your brows. He sighed, rolling his eyes and looking away.
"At least 50." He said so quietly, it was barely a whisper.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" You said, leaning forwards slightly, a playful smirk on your face.
"I said at least 50." He repeated, throwing his arms up in defeat.
"50!" You exclaimed, shocked. You both laughed and he went red. He kept his eyes down, avoiding eye contact. "So what makes all the ladies swoon over you?" You ask playfully. Before he gets a chance to answer you continue. "His award-winning smile? His totally toned muscles? Oh wait, I know! It's the cuffs, isn't it? All the girls just waiting for a chance to be dominated by Officer Sex Riley." You both laughed and he shot you a smirk.
"Oh are they know? And you know this because...?" He winked at you and your cheeks turned crimson, you put your hands over your face to cover the blush. "Y/n, is there something you're not telling me? Is it you who wishes to be dominated by - what did you call me? Oh yeah - Officer Sex Riley?" He didn't stop smirking, his expression triumphant. You slowly looked up and looked straight into his eyes, deciding to play along - but secretly, there was no playing. You'd liked Jake from almost the moment you saw him.
"And what if I did?" You challenge, a smirk creeping onto your lips. Jake leant forward even more, his eyes igniting with a new kind of fire. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, looking you up and down twice, before looking straight into your eyes. You bit your lip, eyes holding his.
"If you keep looking at me like that you're going to find out." He said, lust consuming his voice. You kept eye contact, a smile tugging the corners of your lips. You looked away, deciding to test him. You looked down at your lap, examining your nails for a second before looking back up at him, noticing he'd inched slightly closer.
"Hey! 4-6 feet at all times, please." You said playfully, your smirk reappearing. He rolled his eyes and sat back against the wall again. He decided to mimic you, look down at his hands and examining his nails too. He didn't look up once while he spoke:
"Oh well. I guess you'll never know what my lips feel like exploring yours, my fingers trailing down your body, my tongue-" you cut him off by throwing your shoe at him. He looked up at you, grinning ear-to-ear. "Your loss, sweetheart. I'm great in bed - or at least, so I'm told." His grin stayed there, making him look innocent. You rolled your eyes.
"And what, do you think, makes you so great in bed, may I ask?" You challenge again. He looks down and back up again.
"Wouldn't you like to know." He winks at you.
"I would, actually. I think I need convincing in this matter." You grinned at him, eyes sparkling with wonder. Suddenly his features changed, his eyes turning a few shades darker. He leant forwards again - as much as he could.
"Oh sweetheart. You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into." He smirked. You raised your eyebrow challengingly. He smiled and leant back against the wall. "How about we play a game." He looked amused, clearly excited for what he was planning.
"Oh? A game?" You play along.
"I tell you exactly what I would do to you right now, if this whole virus thing wasn't happening, and you have to try to not get wet." He smirked. You scoffed, making it seem as if it would be easy.
"Oh you're on." You say, trying to sound bored. Your head snapped up as he continued,
"And, if you try to touch yourself, you own me a free shower viewing of you giving me a show." He said with a wink.
"And what do I get out of this?" You quirk a brow.
"If you don't get wet, you get the exact same from me - I mean, if you want." He added the last part quickly, as if he'd forgotten it. You smirked.
"Sound wonderful. Let's get on with this then." You say cockily. He clears his throat, about to begin.
"I'd back you up against the wall, pushing my front into your back and gathering your hands there. I'd cuff you, keeping you from touching me. I'd push you into the wall, my erection pressing into your ass. I'd lean down and whisper in your ear, 'are you gonna be a good girl for me, sweetheart?'" He paused to let me give my response.
"Yes, Officer Riley." I said smirking. He raised a brow but continued in his low, brooding, sexy voice.
"I'd push my knee between your legs, spreading them. I'd keep you pressed into the wall - cheek flat against it - with my hips and chest, while hands would begin to explore. I'd trail my fingers and and down your arms before brushing away the hair on your neck. I'd lean down and press a few sloppy kisses to it, teasingly. Suddenly I'd start to nip and suck, leaving pretty marks all over your neck and shoulder. When I'd run out of room I'd rip your shirt and bra off, leaving them on the floor somewhere. Meanwhile, My hands would trace your hips, running over your ass and thighs. I'd trail my fingertips up your inner thighs, eventually reaching the waistband of your jeans. I'd flick the buttons open and dip my hand into your panties." You took a shaky breath at the thought of his hands all over you, his lips kissing your exposed skin.
"I'd graze your clit with my fingers, reaching the other hand up and flicking your nipples until they hardened. I'd slip my fingers lower, brushing them through your folds and spreading around and collecting your arousal. I'd pull them out and shove my fingers in your mouth, letting you clean them off. While you did that I'd tug your jeans and panties down, letting them pool at your feet. Once my fingers were nice and wet, I'd bring them back to your clit and I'd start rubbing slow circles on it. As you'd start moaning I'd demand you say my name. Without warning, I'd use my other hand and slip a finger into your slick cunt, pushing in to the knuckle and slowly pulling out to the tip - before repeating over and over, making you feel every ridge. Once you were nice and wet I'd add another finger, starting to pump faster and harder. While doing this I'd keep drawing circles on your clit, keeping them in time with each other." You quietly groaned at the thought of Jake fingering you, knowing your panties were probably soaked through already. When you agreed to this game you probably overestimated your self-control. He continued on:
"Once you began shaking I'd add a third finger, stretching out your tight walls. I'd begin curling my fingers to hit your spot, every time I thrusted doing this. I'd bring you to your orgasm and wouldn't stop, letting you ride it out. I'd pull my fingers out and spin you around roughly, so your back was to the wall. I'd kiss down your neck, chest - stopping for a moment to roll your nipples between my fingers, nipping and tugging them with my teeth - and back down your torso, until I was on my knees in-front of you, eye level with your glistening core. I'd look up at you and keep eye contact as I'd lean forward, kitten licking your clit. As you squirmed I'd insert two fingers into your aching core and begin thrusting, fast. As I did this and envelope your clit in my mouth, sucking, nibbling, tugging it out with my teeth." You had closed your eyes without realising, beginning to trail you hands into you jeans and panties, rubbing soft circles on your clit. Jake noticed and kept going, enjoying watching you as he spoke.
"As you'd orgasm a second time, I'd clean every drop of your cum, before standing up and spinning you round again, pulling your ass into me so you're slightly bent over. I'd undo my trousers and let them and my boxers fall to my feet. I'd stroke myself with one hand, using the other to rub over the curve of your ass. When you least expected it I'd bring my hand down onto you ass hard, leaving a red mark. I'd run my top up and down your slit, pushing it in ever so slightly and pulling back out until I had you begging me for more. All of a sudden I would ram my dick into you, all at once, and start pounding into you. I'd wrap a hand around your throat and pull you back into me, using the other to slap your ass or rub your clit. I'd whisper dirty things in your ear as I fucked you senseless, pulling my cock out to the tip and thrusting the whole way in, making you feel every inch."
"What would you whisper?" You interrupt. Jake licked his lips at the sight of you as you pushed a finger into your core.
"I'd whisper things like, 'such a tight cunt, sweetheart' 'do you like my big cock in your tight pussy?' 'Do you like that?' 'Cum for me, make a mess of my cock'." You moaned at the thought.
"As you reached a mind-shattering third orgasm I'd let you hide your high, before pulling you and grabbing a fist-full if your hair - forcing you into your knees in-front of me. And push my cock into your mouth, making you take it all the way and holding you there, before pulling you away and letting you breath fro a second. I'd repeat this a few times before holding your head still and fucking that pretty little mouth of yours until I came, making you swallow every drop of my cum." You moaned out, another finger in your core now and you could feel the knot tightening.
"Once I'm done I'd pull you back to see my cum dripping down your chin, tears leaking from your gag reflex." He smirked as your face contorted, a string of profanities leaving your lips.
"FUck Jake!" You screamed as you came, your orgasm ripping through you. You opened your eyes to see Jake grinning.
"I win." Was all he said, his eye-sight shifting down to your core, where your panties were soaked through with your cum and juices. You had discarded your jeans - thankfully - leaving you in your underwear and t-shirt. "Do me a favour and suck your fingers clean, sweetheart." Jake said seductively. You put your soaked fingers in your mouth and sucked them clean of your juices, moaning around them at your taste. Jake looked at you, mesmerised. You never broke eye-contact with him the whole time. "How you manage to have that innocent look in your eyes while you do something so dirty, I have no idea." He remarked smugly. "God what I'd give to taste you right now." He mused to himself.
"We should get back. You've got a room full of kids upstairs." He said, chucking you your jeans. You nodded and pulled your jeans on, trying to walk but shaking slightly. Jake laughed. "Or maybe we should wait a while until you regain your strength." You nodded, stumbling forward and grabbing his arm. He leant down to your ear and whispered, "After I was finished with you, you wouldn't even be able to stand." You gulped and sunk back to the floor, resuming your original position with Jake sat in-front of you. "So, when do I get my shower?" He asked playfully.
An hour later you were sat on your bed, opposite Quentin and telling him stories about his mum when you were both younger. Jake walked into the doorway and leant against it, arms folded across his chest. He had on his black shirt and pants, already having discarded most of his uniform.
He smiled at your exaggerated hand gestures as you told the little boy about the time you and Katie decided to go and find a toad in the garden, but both fell down a ditch and she got out but left you, still determined to find the toad. You looked around and gave Jake a smile.
He looked at you, smirking, and gave you a wink. You blushed and looked away, hearing his footsteps as he walked over to his bed next yours and sat down.
"So, what are you two crazy kids talking about?" He shit her another wink.
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tk-productions · 4 years ago
Mystic Sisters- Ch.4 You & I
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Yua’s pov
Every. Single. Day. I saw Haru at school, or at the train or at Mystic cafe. Wherever I went it seemed he was there too. It was hell running into him everywhere. I swear he’s stalking me at this point.  I tried avoiding him but he always popped up unexpectedly looking into my eyes the same way he used to. Weeks went by without either of us saying a word, we just stared at each other not knowing who would make the first move. Today was another day of us not talking to each other. I sat in the corner at Mystic cafe sipping on a iced tea waiting for my sister to finish 
her shift. After Haru ordered his food he made small talk with my sister. He said something to make her laugh and I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to my tea. 
“I’ll be back in 10 minutes” he told Hikari then walked out of the cafe still laughing at whatever they were talking about.
“ Haru!” I called out as I followed him out of the cafe.
He stopped and turned around to face me but stayed completely silent.
“Oh so you're not gonna say anything?” I said getting irritated.
“What do you want me to say?” He said like he did nothing wrong.
“I just want an explanation on why you left.”
“I don’t need to give an explanation.”
“Why do you always do this? You run away when things get tough. You've been back for weeks but haven't said one word to me.” I yelled out of frustration.
Haru said nothing, he just looked at his watch, went back to the cafe and grabbed his food and walked past me like nothing.
“You're such a jerk and I hate you Haru. I fucking hate your guts!” I cried out looking at his back. It was like I was talking to a brick wall. Haru stopped walking for a second then just continued without looking back.
 I stormed back into the cafe with mixed emotions. Should I feel angry, sad, or relieved that I dodged a bullet?  I was so angry I wanted to rip his throat out.  OMG why am i thinking like this? Ripping his throat out? Come on Yua. Suddenly I felt really thirsty so I grabbed my iced tea and chugged it.
“Yua-chan are you okay?” Hikari asked, sitting across from me placing another iced tea in front of me. 
“No, I'm over here imagining ripping Haru’s throat out .” I said suddenly feeling stressed.
“No that’s completely normal.” she joked. “But seriously what’s wrong.”
“I just want to talk to Haru but he keeps pushing me away. How can he tell me he loves me, leave and show back up like nothing happened.” I sighed in frustration.
“Hey don’t beat yourself up over this. It’s his fault. He’s the one that left not you. You just have to find a way to talk to him and not rip out his throat.” I nodded, taking another sip of tea. She may be younger than me but she’s always right.
“Your shift is almost over right? Let’s go to the bookstore on our way home.”
“Yay!” she yelled excitedly, drawing attention towards her from the other customers.  
“Sorry.” she said quickly heading back behind the counter. Only Hikari would get excited over books I laughed to myself.   
I really didn't know why I was so hung up on Haru. Maybe it’s because he’s the only guy I loved. Or maybe it because he left without giving me an explanation. My mind kept drifting off thinking about him as I tried to do my chemistry homework that's due tomorrow. My eyes grew heavier as I tried to focus. “Maybe I should take a break.” I yawned resting my head on the desk. 
“Just a quick nap.” I yawned again before drifting off to sleep. 
Haru and I were cuddling under a tree and I felt so relaxed and happy. I looked at him and smiled. But he didn’t smile back.
“Is something wrong?” I asked reaching out towards him.
“I don’t wanna be with you anymore Yua.” He told me pushing  away.
“What? We just got back together the other day. What could have changed?”  sitting up  turning to face him. “Why do you keep hurting me like this? Did you ever even really love me?
“I gotta go. I’m sorry Yua,” Haru replied to me getting up walking away leaving me like he always did. 
“Haru come back here!” I called after him “Haru!” but he didn’t answer, he just kept walking.
I opened my eyes and all I could feel was anger.  I was so angry but I couldn’t let a dream drive me crazy. I took a deep breath and grabbed my phone to check the time. 
“4am? Ugh! I didn’t finish my homework!” I said frustrated.
Finally the bell rang signaling it was time for lunch. I didn't know if I could sit through another minute of balancing equations. I sat my books out for the next class before heading to the library to meet hikari and Hisako. I found the girls sitting at a table in the back of the library laughing quietly to themselves.  
“What’s so funny? I could use a laugh.”  I said as I joined them at the table.
“Hisako fell out of her chair in class today then slipped on her chair getting up.” Hikari said laughing so hard she had tears in the corner of her eyes.
I laughed a little before looking at Hisako. “Are you ok?” I asked.
“Yea I’m fine. Thanks for asking Yua. I'm never visiting Hikari before her class again though” Hisako replied to me with a smile.
Hikari started talking about buying more clothes at the mall, I smiled nodding as if I was listening before zoning out watching the rain fall from the window. The rain reminded me of something Haru did before we broke up.
Haru and I were at our favorite spot during lunch and I couldn't stop talking about our anniversary that was just around the corner. 
“I planned the whole day out first we're gonna go eat breakfast together---” I rambled on and on about our date but Haru didn’t even look like he was paying attention.
“Are you listening to me?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. 
“Huh.” he said caught off guard. “Yea I’m listening.” he replied.
I gave him an unsure look. “Ok then what did I say?”
Haru laughed before looking at me with his beautiful eyes and sexy smirk that I absolutely loved. Completely changing the subject Haru told me. “Close your eyes and turn around for me.”
“What? You're changing the subject.” I called him out.
“Just do it please.” He asked. I squinted my eyes curiously at him before turning around and closing my eyes  just as he said. I slightly jumped as I felt something cold touch my neck.
“Ok you can open now.” He told me and I can tell he was smiling.
Opening my eyes I looked down to see a beautiful necklace. I turned around and faced him, smiling like an idiot. “The two hearts are us right.” I asked, holding onto the pendant.
“Yea and I also had our names carved into it.” He replied.
My smile grew bigger. “I love it.” I told him.
“Good. Don’t ever take it off no matter what happens between us ok.” He said seriously.
“I won’t.” I smiled as I leaned in for a kiss.
 I smiled at the memory “Those were truly the good times.” I said messing around with the necklace still around my neck. I know I said I wouldn’t take it off. But new Haru makes me want to.
“What are you talking about.” Hikari said looking at me before smirking “It's Haru isn’t it?”
“I am not but nice guess.” I said sarcastically. 
“Yua just get back together with him and stop torturing yourself.” Hisako said stealing some of Hikari’s grapes.
“Nah he belong to the streets.” I joked.
“But so do you.” Hikari sassed.
My smile disappeared as I looked at Hikari in shock. “I do not. I am a proper lady thank you.”
“Keep telling yourself that.” Hikari said sarcastically while laughing. I rolled my eyes at her. “I swear sometimes you act just like Haru.” I mumbled before getting up.
“Where are you going?” Hisako asked.
“I have to go to class early.” I told the girls goodbye and left. Okay so maybe I didn't actually need to go to class early. I needed to talk to Haru and work things out between us. I wondered mindlessly through the school hallways looking for Haru. Somehow I ended up in our spot. The spot where we spent most of our time together. Not much had changed. There was a new mural done by the art club that made the space brighter. I walked over to the window staring at the rain heavily falling down. I played with the necklace again still thinking about that day. Just as the bell rang I felt a gust of air go by. I turned around watching the older boy walk up the stairs not even acknowledging me.
“Haru!” I called out but he just kept walking leaving me like he always did. 
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veryotl · 7 years ago
I'm intrigued by Wonwoo's relationship with the members, and where exactly he fits in. He doesn't have any other idol friends, and tbh that kind of worries me, the poor awkward bean.
Wonwoo is an interesting bean. In my experience writing with him, he’s always been a fun one to try and pin down. Since he’s more introverted, his role in the group is a much more subtle one. However, that ends up playing to his advantage more often than not. If I had to pin down a role musically for Wonwoo, it would be the impact hitter. When you want a bridge that sends chills down your spine, you get Wonwoo. When you want a rap verse that completely changes up the song, you get Wonwoo. His interesting, deep voice is a contrast to all the other members in the group, and I think his role in the group dynamic is similar. He’s a very good foil, he provides a very good contrast to members such as Hoshi and Mingyu. You can see this demonstrated in his individual relationships, how he interacts with each member and who he’s closest with. So I’ve decided to lay this post out like I did for the “Woozi’s relationships” post, going through each of his individual dynamics. So hopefully you enjoy this quick look through Wonwoo and his place in the group and his mindsets with his friendships!
For two people in the same unit, there’s not even that many interactions between the two members to analyze. I think the two of them have a pretty chill dynamic, where Coups pretty much gives Wonwoo the space to do his own thing without bothering him too much, and when Wonwoo is feeling playful he’ll open up to Coups because he doesn’t feel like Coups is too excitable or overbearing and easy to handle. It’s a very amicable, sweet dynamic, really. Coups respects Wonwoo’s boundaries and Wonwoo sometimes feels safe and happy enough to open up to playing around with Coups.
I discussed a few of Wonwoo’s relationships with members in this post about members who are awkward with one another, but the main one I want to bring up is Wonwoo and Jeonghan. In summary, if you’re not interested in reading that post, Wonwoo and Jeonghan very often point each other out as the member they’re most awkward with and this is likely because they both express affection through receiving and giving attention, however Wonwoo prefers the attention to be individual and to and from those who he really cares about and Jeonghan is very open about giving it and will sometimes try hard to get it from others, making Wonwoo seem too closed off to Jeonghan and Jeonghan too clingy and overbearing to Wonwoo. Despite this disconnect, when they make an effort to see things through one another’s eyes, they understand one another better than they think they do. It’s just a matter of being able to listen to what the other is saying, and it’s really a cute relationship that you can really cheer for them to become closer.
Similarly to Coups, there’s not a whole lot of content on Joshua and Wonwoo interactions, however it’s my belief that Joshua’s quiet but humorous nature causes Wonwoo to be a little more comfortable and drawn out of his shell. Generally, their interactions would be in the background whispering to each other, glancing at each other, making small jokes, or if Wonwoo’s feeling particularly comfortable, Wonwoo poking at Joshua’s arm or pretending to bite him. Again, it’s not a very strong dynamic, but it is a very friendly and relaxed dynamic that makes Wonwoo comfortable.
Wonhui is actually an established ship with a dynamic that is noticeable, so there’s quite a bit more content to elaborate on here. Wonwoo and Jun’s friendship stems from their similarities, but also their slight differences that balance each other out in their similarities. They’re both generally quiet people who become excitable when they’re around people they feel comfortable with, however Jun enjoys making his friends laugh and Wonwoo enjoys surrounding himself with people who can make him laugh. I’ve said this before, but a lot of Wonhui moments are very mundane, things like Jun asking Wonwoo’s opinion on ramen or Wonwoo attempting Chinese and Jun telling him that he’s working hard and getting better, but I think there’s a real charm and real feeling to those interactions. Their friendship becomes clearer when they’re not just close when entertainment value is high, they’re close in boring every day aspects as well. As well as this, there’s also a recurring theme in a lot of Wonwoo’s friendships that his friends are people who you generally think wouldn’t be his friends, people who seem hyper and excitable and too loud for him. Wonwoo’s friend circle is very balanced with people who play foil to him; who contrast him in a way that brings out the best parts of him, and I think Jun is no exception.
I think Soonwoo is a ship that not a whole lot of people saw coming. It flew under the radar pretty well up until about Boom Boom era, and it just grew and grew until culminating in the events of One Fine Day Japan when they had a cute playful rivalry running for almost the entirety of the show with the catchphrase “enemies who have good chemistry like friends”. And they do have good chemistry. Hoshi has a very iconic personality that Wonwoo enjoys being able to make fun of him for and Hoshi enjoys being able to make fun of Wonwoo too, usually to the swift punishment from him. In general, their relationship is like this. They’re very close, but they’re close on a level where they understand when they’re each only teasing and not trying to be mean, which opens up a whole new level of jokes and a fun dynamic of constantly poking fun at the other. Here’s some examples of Soonwoo chemistry.  Also, another subject I haven’t touched on yet is the fact that two prominent friendships of Wonwoo’s are in the same age line as him, born the same year. I tend to emphasize this sort of thing when I notice it, because Korean culture really puts a lot of emphasis on formality in age difference. It’s a very natural thing to be closer to those who are a similar age to you due to the cultural importance placed on proper speech and actions around older people, and while it’s not everything, it does factor into potential friendships, especially for someone like Wonwoo who might have a hard time approaching others to begin with.
This is another ship without a lot of content, and since it involves two members who both aren’t known for being the first to approach other members to break the ice. It’s not a bad thing, though, they don’t seem to dislike each other. Maybe in the future, there’ll be some more interactions with them! 
Right off the bat, this pair has my most favorite gif in the history of ever
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From what I can tell, they have a dynamic similar to Joshua’s. DK is sweet and outgoing enough to make Wonwoo come out of his shell a little, but most of their interactions are lowkey and in the background. Although the difference I would note is that they take more selfies together. Possibly, they hang out together much more on a casual basis, or possibly they just match each other well aesthetically. I think the takeaway is this: Wonwoo prefers not to draw too much attention to his relationships, and isn’t as outright about it as some others might be. This’ll be brought back up in talking about Meanie, but if it helps make you less worried about him, he seems to have a lot of members who he’s at least comfortable being around, he just prefers to be quiet and not as out front about it. So maybe he has some idol friends that he prefers to keep in touch with quietly, without drawing attention to them.
Oh. I guess this is the next one up... That last part feels a bit anticlimatic since we’re getting right into it. I don’t think there’s very many Seventeen fans who don’t know the Meanie ship, especially early era/debut era fans. It was a very popular ship, rivaled in size by Jihan and Soonseok, however recently from Mansae era forward it’s begun to fall out of the light a bit. Why? Well, as I mentioned before, it seems that Wonwoo likes to keep a lot of his relationships away from the spotlight, and I’m thinking Meanie got a little too much attention and it started to scare him away a little. I think friendships don’t come naturally to Wonwoo, as he’s a bit more introverted, and while he does try hard, he’s also a little scared of messing up, and the pressure of thousands of people constantly watching you hanging out with your best friend might sap the ease out of letting loose and having a good time. However, as he acclimates and adjusts to the environment, he seems to be getting a little more comfortable and he starts to be able to enjoy himself again. Wonwoo and Mingyu are like peanut butter and jelly, cliched as the comparison may be. They’re almost polar opposites, and they work so well together that their friendship comes off as very comfortable and natural. Mingyu makes him laugh and naturally accepts Wonwoo’s quiet attention without pushing him into bigger things. Wonwoo encourages Mingyu to slow down and Mingyu encourages Wonwoo to work hard and come out of his shell. All considered, Meanie is the most infamous of the Wonwoo friendships, and they work well together, and hopefully they continue moving past the awkwardness.
It’s seemed to me that Wonwoo and The8 are kindred spirits in the group. Their circle of friends are almost exactly the same, their personalities bear some resemblance at a base level as well. On a broad sense of their dynamic, I would say it’s a slight reverse dynamic because I think The8 would find Wonwoo a little cute and charming. Since he’s used to hanging out with loud people such as Jun and Mingyu, someone like Wonwoo who is quiet but also likes to laugh would be a nice change of pace for him, and the same would go for Wonwoo. While it would be a bit awkward at first, their paths do overlap due to their similar friend circles and I think they ended up naturally becoming pretty good, casual friends. 
I actually really love the dynamic of Wonwoo and Vernon. They start off a lot like S. Coups and Wonwoo, they’re in the same unit but there’s nothing to really compel them to hang out, but there’s one key difference: Vernon is younger than Wonwoo. S.coups and Vernon get most of the attention in Hip hop unit, and S.coups is older so he can’t really do much about it, but it would be really easy for Wonwoo for harbor animosity towards Vernon. Wonwoo has a really unique rapping tone and some really great lyrics, but he seems to be outshone by Vernon in a lot of cases and he could’ve been bitter over it. However, their dynamic ended up a lot more friendly like a big brother who cares for his younger brother. He hypes him up during his solo parts, he bounces around onstage and dances with him, and will even throw an arm around him. His attitude towards Vernon seems to be a lot more encouraging and lighthearted instead of bitter, and that’s really sweet and awesome and great to see. It’s one of the things that makes Hip hop unit such a pleasure to watch, the support they have for one another even when it could’ve been the opposite.
More than anything else, I think Wonwoo’s relationship to Seungkwan is one of admiration. While it seems he’s not always a fan of the spotlight, I think he can appreciate when he notices how Seungkwan keeps control of situations and is able to make everything sound so exciting and fun. Wonwoo isn’t the first person who comes to mind when I think of “overflowing love for his dongsaengs”, but when it comes to Seungkwan he really seems to just melt for him. Lots of laughing and smiling, lots of relaxing out of his shell, and even more skinship than usual for Wonwoo. It’s really sweet to see how much Wonwoo takes care of Seungkwan and watches out for him, and their dynamic is unlike any of Wonwoo’s other relationships.
Although, that being said, Wonwoo and Dino are also close in a similar fashion. However, as opposed to Wonwoo thinking Seungkwan is cool, I think Wonwoo wants Dino to look up to him. Dino looks up to a lot of members, like Hoshi and Vernon and even Woozi, and I think Wonwoo tries his hardest around Dino to be someone he can look up to as well. Dino has a lot of potential, and I think Wonwoo sees that and (here’s where there’s a bit of similarity between him and Jeonghan appears) he wants to be someone who helps Dino reach his potential in the future. They aren’t terribly awkward around each other, I think Dino realizes Wonwoo’s intent and pays attention to him, and this leads to a nice cute friendship between the two of them. I hope in the future Dino starts to take his lyrics to Wonwoo and Wonwoo’s able to help him and they get even closer
So, in conclusion, Wonwoo really is hard to pin down in his relationships and he’s very interesting to explore. A lot of his relationships, we just don’t know much about because he’s a more background kind of person, and some it seems it’s hard for him to become closer with because he’s not a proactive initiator type of person. However, as he gets more comfortable being in the spotlight, both in his personal relationships and in his relationships with the fans, we’ve seen him break out and grow and hopefully soon we can see him start to make friends with other idols and really find where he belongs in the industry, as well as pursuing some of his other passions such as OST singing and such~
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antiagingsol-blog · 8 years ago
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Anti-Aging Facial Peel Treatment | Professional Peels Esthetician Education
You are going to age no matter how hard you try to prevent it. Although getting older is inevitable, you can keep from getting "old" by enjoying your time and keeping yourself involved in exciting activities. Use this article to learn how to care for yourself better.
Stop frowning if you want to avoid wrinkles. While humorous, it's true. Every time you feel that you begin to frown give yourself a tiny pinch so that you stop. Only you can break this bad habit.
One method for handling age gracefully is to quit obsessing about data and measurements. You can easily be distracted by numbers such as your weight, age and height. You will still need some numbers for medical reasons but you should not weight yourself down every day.
There is no sense in worrying about your age or other numbers that seem to define you. Let your doctor worry about numbers. If you focus entirely on your age, your weight and your height, you are almost guaranteed to overlook the remarkable aspects of life that will sustain your mind and body.
Try to spread cheer wherever you go. It is a blessing to your life to be able to make others happy. Happiness is a gift that is worth so much, yet it is free to give.
Friendships will provide you with the fuel, energy and the love that will feed your emotions in a positive way. You can never be too old to get new friends. Do your best to meet new people. Look for friends who make you happy.
Setting a regular and generous sleep schedule grows more important as you get older. Make sure you get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. Not getting adequate sleep can cause depression, heart problems, and more.
You can improve your skin as you age by staying away from makeup products like foundation or powder makeup. Since hydration is even more important to your skin as you getting older, this type of makeup gets even worse for your skin the older you get. Try to keep your beauty regimen to minimum as you get older. Use the fewest beauty products possible, avoiding those that harm the skin.
Extreme temperatures and weather are a definite no-no when it comes to your skin. Intense cold and intense heat, especially if you're exposed to sunlight, can be harmful to your skin. This may lead not only to severe diseases such as skin cancer but also to premature growing older.
Eating inordinate amounts of sugar can contribute to a shortened life span. Sugar is known to cause a number of health problems, including diabetes, and it can shorten your lifespan as well as speed up the growing older process. Research has shown that sugar is also a contributing factor in the reduced lifespan of all animals.
See the bright side of aging. You have more free time than at any other stage of your adult life. You have wisdom, experience and a lifetime of great memories. Fill your days with the people and things you love.
Return to a favorite hobby after retirement or as your children leave home to help you focus on the positive aspects of aging. Once you can focus your attention on your own happiness, you may discover that there are many satisfying activities that you weren't able to enjoy during your family years. A hobby such as painting, crafts, or a sport can keep you outwardly focused.
The food you eat plays a big part in how you age. Eat a varied diet of ample fruits and veggies, high quality sources of protein, wholesome dairy products, eggs, and nourishing, natural oils. Also, try to have three meals in moderation, and cut back on the snacks.
Write down a list of the medicines you take. If you regularly fill prescriptions from different pharmacies, this is critical. Having this list will allow pharmacists to cross reference your medications for certain side effects.
Retire as early as possible, but have a health savings account in case something goes wrong. But it's wise to also plan for future health issues.
Make and keep regular appointments with your doctor and follow their orders. If you are proactive, it will allow you to take steps regarding issues that you may not have known about. The sooner you know about a problem, the sooner you can solve it.
It's important to guard against fraud. People that are older in age are targets for criminals that think they can make easy money. Protect your identity by withholding your personal banking information whenever possible, destroying documents with your personal data and limiting access to your home to include only known individuals. These actions will ensure that your money stays with you and only you.
Restoring your hormonal balance is an excellent aging tip. As you age, your hormone levels can fluctuate drastically. This can lead to unpleasant side effects, such as decreased energy, endurance and libido. You should speak with your physician about including a hormone replacement therapy in your daily routine.
Try a facial massage to reduce facial skin getting older. Massages can draw blood towards the surface, which can decrease puffiness and prevent wrinkles. Take three fingers and make circles across the skin of your face.
Staying fit and living a healthy lifestyle will help you to avoid the negative side effects of growing older, like gaining weight, energy loss, and memory loss. Simply eating healthy foods and exercising can keep your mind and body sharp.
You should take all food purchases seriously as what you consume most certainly impacts your health. Whole foods contain many vitamins and minerals that are effective at keeping your body feeling fit and young. Stay away from junk food. Eating healthy can improve your overall health and help you feel really good.
It is actually surprisingly easy to keep yourself engaged and energized as you grow older. Just make sure that you keep your body and mind healthy so that you can enjoy the rest of your years. The best place to find tips about getting older would be to read senior articles and newsletters. If you are continuously trying new activities and staying active, you will definitely enjoy your retirement years.
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hi everyone this is Jessa so I'm starting here on my little trolley I have my lumina spiel setup these are my cold stones this is my hot water and we may not have enough time to do the traditional timing on this treatment I preheated my steamer so it's a good idea before your facials to get your water hot see how it's boiling immediately because it's already heated so sometimes you can get an idea of how much time you need you know by turning it on a few times and seeing how long it takes to boil this is just my other treatment cart we roll this one over to use the mag lamp and my client has climbed in but make sure before they get in that you have your head towels so you've got one on the bottom one that wraps around their hair and I don't use any extra headband or a clip or anything I just tuck the towel into itself and now my stamens going again so we're going to turn that off while we cleanse and I will see you in a minute okay now we're gonna wrap her head let's see so you get one left handed so I set up my wrap to tuck with my left hand but you can fold the towel the other way and then you tuck it in this corner here okay make sure it's not pressing on any jewelry if they have it on they should really take it off and keep their hair clean during a facial most women they don't like it if you know their hair gets all greasy hi so we're going to start the facial now I showed you all of the prep and we've got our steamer ready and just for the sake of those who glove and you don't glove for my videos I'm gonna be gloving I hope from here on out just because some estheticians do it all the time and some don't for certain parts of the facial and in the wintertime if you have dry skin you can have Micro fissures in your hands so it's actually like having a little tiny��wound or something going on so I'm going to start with our creamy sunflower cleanser this is our 16 ounce size we don't have it nicely labeled in here yet because our other labels warm it up a little bit in your hands and I'm going to show you what it looks like also make sure your posture is good you so make sure when you're cleansing them you really do a good job with creamy cleansers you start with the cleanser dry you don't add water till you massage for a minute or so and what I was saying before is I'm going to show you what it looks like to do a peel with your facial and where to do it and we do use every month on quite a few clients because we want to make sure that each client is getting professional exfoliation because it's something I can't do at home and it's almost better to do one stronger peel if they're not going to exfoliate at home each month than it is to just do the home care but ideally they're going to do both so they're going to use a fruit acid or a triple blemish control those are the things we have in our line we have two strengths of fruit acid but that's something you want to talk to your client about is if they want more glow they want anti-aging they have acne something like that then you're going to want to make sure that you talk to them about exfoliation and I really believe in acids but it's not just any acid that's okay a lot of acids are extracted with toxic processes and you want to make sure that the acid that you use is extracted not only using a clean process like enzyme extraction but also the base ingredient needs to be natural or organic and non toxic and the reason that makes a big difference on people's skin is it's kind of like eating organic want a a towel to wipe your gloves so I'm just going to wipe off a little is cleanser so I don't go up every piece of equipment that I use after this and the cleanser is creamy so it's sitting on her till I get this steam going and then I'm going to wipe it off okay so I use four by fours because they're disposable there's some things I don't like to use that are washable and there's reasons for that and they do have organic cotton in these types of wipes so that's what you should get if you're a more natural organic spot so you want to make sure you really cleanse everything you know you get everything wiped clean and I kind of hold these wipes like this when I'm cleaning them and then I go back in your water bowl I have an ozone setting on my steamer if you wanna when I turn on the ozone you can see the steam you okay so now I can see where my steam is pointed if you want to come over here from the side and just get a picture of the whole thing so you can see your steam point it but I don't like to leave the ozone on while they're steaming because it makes people pop so something you can do with appeal is you can do a mild enzyme before your peel so this is our jojoba bean and I'm actually taking more of the creamy sunflower cleanser with our beads you tap like salt tap a little bit and that's not even a quarter of a pea size in these anything I dirty I kind of leave it up top too on my part so that I know what to clean at the end and this is our five percent a pumpkin enzyme okay and you really don't need very much of this it's really spicy because it's got all of the spicy enzymes in it it also has um kind of like a pumpkin pie type of blend in spices so you can see I'm getting a little collection going on my cart so I'm mixing those three things together to make her exfoliant and this is really gentle but if somebody's sensitive skin you you don't want to put the pumpkin enzyme in there you might want to put a little oxygen with the beads and cleanser again but most clients are going to tolerate the enzyme really well so we're kind of focused on the peel today I'm going to do some separate videos on extractions um this particular model I've been seeing her for a while now so she has great skin and she doesn't have a lot of extractions so sometimes you have clients like that and we offer a facial called the mossad lonely facial and we offer that so that people who don't need extractions have a little more affordable way of getting the treatment done okay so when you get your hot towel out of the towel caddy it's really hot it's a good idea because your hands are washed to test like a baby bottle like milk when you heat up milk for baby test it right on your inner wrist before you wrap their face you don't arm someone and you ask them is that temperature okay yeah okay and then some people get a little claustrophobic so don't cover their mouth in their nose and when you press you know you don't have to go overboard you can also ask your client when you're getting to know them do you get claustrophobic and that kind of thing and if they do you need to be really careful when you're wrapping them so and then you know the gloves also I feel that there are some clients in situations where you can cleanse or do the massage you know that kind of thing without them but those who believe in using them 100% of the time I totally get it we carry a lot of different strains of bacteria on the surface of our skin and we can get those dry fingers and get those micro fissures so because she doesn't need extractions we're going to go straight into the peel we're going to tone this is the triple-t I was with Timmy dmae and resveratrol so this starts the treatment process sometimes their mouths open a little bit and you might want to tell them I'm going to spritz you so just keep everything closed and I'm going to get some dry four-by-fours and this helps prep their skin and get any residue out of the way from anything even though we just hot tell them off it also kind of helps the pH of their skin be in the right place before we do the peel so we just sent out about a hundred luminous peels so I'm going to use the luminous it's a great peel for almost everybody so if you want to conserve your peel this this fan brush is the material that's actually not my favorite my favorite brushes were going to carry really soon they have an orange fan and they have this exact handle you can't have wood and you can't really have hair you know type of this isn't a hair but it's it's not the type of fan that I like there's one that just won't break down after years of use these are newer but they will break down so to conserve peel use a fan brush or you can use a two by two but the two by two will soak up our new peels fairly quickly so you'll use more so start on the forehead foreheads tend to be kind of tough and you want to apply the peel evenly and you never want to get too close to the eyelids and the under eye skin but you want to get the crow's feet and you want to apply fairly quickly so I'm going to speed up now the reason is the peel is starting to work everywhere that you've applied it so I just did my second dip into my peel here so get the whole face covered and then go for the neck the neck and the decollete area I go all the way down to where there's openings in their shirt some people charge extra I believe in including that an appeal and we charge $30 to add appeal on anybody service or we do a quick treatment where we do appeal now it's really important because this point��she's she's feeling it you're gonna ask her on a scale of one to ten one would be you don't feel anything ten would be taken off right now where are you at good to a two so a two is good you can let it sit for two to five minutes at that number her lip looks a little dry does it feel like I missed any we're thankful that's a good thing to ask your client now there's something called layering that you can do with peals this is advanced and all of you teaching more classes on this but if they have scoring wrinkling pigment anything that needs extra work you can take a second layer of the peel let's say the cheeks are really tough so I'm going to put a thick layer on top of the first layer and if the peel dries out while it's cooking it's not working so you want it to be moist okay now if she had acne okay so if somebody broke out here you'd want to do a second layer here you can either use a different peel to layer it or you can layer the same one on and it's good at this point to ask your client again has it gotten any stronger is it staying about the same it's about the same just a little bit stronger baby okay so it will go up and up and up and these peels cook really fast I like to say they cook now I have a bowl with to Jade's in it and I take my dry four-by-fours and I'm dipping them in this really cold water that I like to be filtered wherever possible in facials in stage carbon filters are actually very cheap if you can filter the water at your spa it helps with all of your facial treatments so this will feel cold okay that's what you need to tell your client this also neutralizes the peel kind of like with hair color you know water neutralizes it not only wiping off the excess peel but also um the water helps to neutralize the peel although they may feel a slight tingling still after you remove the peel and that's okay that's normal tell them if it's feeling if it gets stronger when they leave or if it's feeling like it's getting increasingly stronger after they leave it should kind of neutralize slowly when they leave and they need to call you if they continue to feel a lot of activity or if they go somewhere they shouldn't really work out you know right after this if they work out or get hot and sweaty it can reactivate the peel a little bit sometimes it does nothing and other times you can see that I flipped these wipes inside out so that I'm using a fresh area of the wipe so I'm not wiping the peel around on the other side of my wife that's really important and then you ask your client again um how's that feeling now is it feeling like it's neutralizing yes okay does it still feel like a one or or a two um or maybe a one of advice it's neutralized I can tell okay so after this we'll do a little bit of massage I'm grabbing the ten percent oxygen elixir and we've clean this so this label looks a little faded oops and you will knock things over moving all the step around doing a facial so this oxygen is fantastic after appeal it's like a second treatment you know it's like getting an oxygen treatment the elixir is particularly good because there's ten percent oxygen the hundred percent is really strong so I'm covering everywhere that we peeled and this should feel good because there's oxygen she could feel a slight activity that most likely not so we're going to do a little pressure point massage so during my full facials I do face head neck shoulders and half of the arms for massage just for time purposes today we're going to show you the face and we're going to show you the cold stone massage the cold stone massage is part of what neutralizes everything after the peel if they're looking really flushed right after you take the peel off you probably want to do the cold stones and then their massage with their massage gets their blood moving so you got to keep that in mind it gets their circulation and everything going so sometimes it's better to do a little massage with pressure point and also regular massage we do a little bit and then we do the cold stone massage and the cold stones are really important to close the skin down so you kind of want to make your way around the skin a couple of times with the stones and these are Jade so they have some really nice properties even you have good energy Jade's been used a really long time Jade facial rollers and Jade for the skin has been used for a very long time so I like these versus regular massage stones Jade stays cold a lot longer and it's got a lot of really great properties like I said okay so keep in mind if this is a longer facial or you have a little more time than we do filming today that you can put more time into massage and different things but if you're on a schedule you can shorten it up a little bit so I like to wet some fresh wipes to get this part off here sorry I didn't warn her so she's tasting Mia toner so having that little oil barrier on it restores the skins barrier after appeal and the sunflower is really compatible with a lot of skin types we're also going to infuse organic sunflower seed oil with herbs so that you can get more of a little treatment but the oxygens pretty potent if you come and get a close-up of her skin between the oxygen and the peel she's really glowing so for today I'm going to tone her you could do a mask and then the rest of the massage I'm going to tone her and moisturize her and we hand mixed a lot of herbs and we use a lot of months and that kind of thing in our facial treatments so we have a couple new masks coming and two of them will be ready to go I'm going to make some of our dry herbal mixtures ready to go masks very soon so I'm putting a little hyaluronic on hyaluronic is nice and neutral after the treatment that she just did but what hyaluronic does is it's more of a humectant so it helps the skin hold water and it's important to put this on you know before the oils sometimes so we're going to use this because it was a peel it's good to put on another oil barrier so since we haven't used it very often this is squalene and it's a little more hydrating than the oxygen the 10% elixir would also work but you really need to do this and then after this you put a little of the mineral defense on and then they're ready ready to go and I got a little bit of the hyaluronic two around her eyes so these steps after appeal are really important a lot of times people try to put on their regular serums on a client or they try to put on really active creams and if they do that the skin could have a reaction it can blow up into something Raschi that it doesn't normally do because the barrier is completely different after you do microderm or you do peel so let's get it closed up with this because people have been asking this is the zinc and titanium mineral defense cream in this bottle we've had for a while it's a little beat up so she's got our moisturizers on you want to spray your fingers with a little toner and don't get more than I had so this is what it should look like before you apply and then you've got to go quick to blend so you see I got a little bit everywhere now I'm blending as it dries you can see if it dried like that it would streak and having a little oil based moisturizer on underneath isn't a bad idea but you can see how it blends right in when it's the right amount and you spray a little bit of toner on it alright thank you everybody so that was most of our facial I promise I will do a real you know hour and hour and a half facial but we're doing a big peel series focus right now and I wanted to get part of a facial in with the peel thank you
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