#bakugo’s getting force fed character development if it kills him
justaghostingon · 4 years
Crack Au: The Remedial license Squad are Magical Girls!
Note: this is a crack au treated seriously for your own amusement, but it is still supposed to be silly so no flames.
Created with @mosaicofdreamsanddragons
Once, back before quirks there were five witches who made a pact, to pass on their powers to those who needed it most in their own forms, so that their legacy could go on forever
And they scattered their wands to the wind.
From then on, those that needed them would find the wand and wear the appearance of one of the magical girls, forced to live out their legacy weither they liked it of not.
I unfortunately, the wands had a very different idea of what made someone ‘need them most’
This was how the green wand fell into Late elementary school Bakugo’s hands
It wa originally scoping out Deku, but then realized it wouldn’t be able to stop the rampant bullying he was experiencing, nor could it be much in the way of defense. So instead it picked Bakugo, the worst of the lot with the most dangerous quirk.
For you see, magic and quirks don’t mess well, and by choosing Bakugo, the wand effectively nullifys his quirk, mid attack on Deku
This naturally horrifies Bakugo, who goes to the doctor, to discover there’s nothing wrong with his quirk, its still there, and chocks it up to beginner anxiety or perhaps a fluke? He’s just a kid afterall.
That night, the wand appears, and explains to Bakugo the deal. He gets his quirk back if he agrees to slay all the shadow monsters for the wand
The catch: the more Bakugo is mean to others, the more shadow monster are generated, as they are literally the pain or a soul given form
Bakugo promptly tries to break the wand in pieces to show exactly what he thinks of blackmail.
Doesn’t work, and he gets a magical girl transformation instead, finding himself in a green dress with a completely different face.
Bakugo freaks out, but realizing if his mom comes in and finds him he’ll be mistaken for an intruder, escapes outside
The wand then guides him to meet the rest of the team, who will help him in his task. And warns him he won’t be able to tell them his name. He also shows him how to use his magic, which is fire based. Oh the irony
Purple: a short girl in a purple dress and a pixie cut whose magic is wind based and can fly - who is actually Inasa, chosen after realizing how cruel Endeavour was and being crushed
Yellow: also short, but this time with childish pigtails and a yellow dress that makes her look very young and whose power is earth - Camie, who after being bullied for hitting puberty early wished to look different, and got her answer
Blue: tall girl with long, flowing blue hair in an elaborate braid who looks like a princess and whose power is water based- Shoto. Unlike the others, Shoto is a legacy. His sister had the wand before him and after his mother scarring him and their brother dying, begged the wand to take him when she got too old. It complied with her request. She’s the one who styled his hair
All of the others are way happier with their new lot in life than Bakugo, and also apparently none of them have their quirks on the line.
“We just loose them temporarily when a monster’s nearby” Camie explains with the flip of her hair. “What did u do to get it to remove it completely?”
Bakugo doesn’t feel like explaining, instead deciding to leave these extras and fight the beast himself
Which fails. Because he’s working with magic not his quirk, and he can’t take it alone anymore.
But the rest of the team save his butt, and in the course of it he manages to do well enough that the wand agrees to lift his quirk ban to what the others have, with the warning that if he picks on anyone, he loses it again until the next monster is beaten
This has, mixed results, as Bakugo struggles for the first time in his young life to not be a jerk, and loses it multiple times
To make matters worse, Deku has noticed he’s struggling, and keeps trying to help him, looking up all sorts of theories as to why he’s losing it (including quirk stealers)
Bakugo gets mad, feeling patronized, and lashes out, losing his quirk, and witnessing for the first time one of the giant shadow beasts come out of him.
Bakugo drags Deku away (since he touched Deku, deku can temporarily see it) and then the wand appears and tells Bakugo that the shadow monsters come from hurting human souls, the bigger yhe more pain the person was in, and didn’t he tell him to leave Deku alone? (Deku can’t hear the wand)
Bakugo curses, pushed Deku aside, grabs wand and transforms, and tries to fight the beast that’s even bigger than last time. Only to run into the problem of Deku, who doesn’t want him to kill it because he thinks it “ate Kacchan” (he didn’t see the transformation) and wants to save him.
Instead of explaining, Bakugo knocks him aside again, tells him he doesn’t care, and attacks, while the rest of the team show up to help and scold Bakugo for getting in over their (they don’t know anyone’s gender so call each other their) head, again.
The monster is vanquished, but Deku is furious, yelling at them for letting Bakugo die instead of trying to save him. None of the others know who Bakugo is, so they are equally perplexed. Bakugo discovers he can be mean(ish) to Deku in this form, tells him to beat it. To which the rest of the team jump on him for, especially Shoto, who says “he’s lost someone he cares about, have a heart”
Then real heroes show up and all four promptly remember vigilantism is illegal and scram. Bakugo shows up dressed normal, to Deku’s intense relief, but the damage has been done, and Deku tells the heroes the new vigilantees were cruel and left his friend to die.
So now the team has the heroes against them too
Bakugo scolds Deku for saying that, to which Deku looks him right in the eye and goes. “Those people weren’t heroes Kacchan. Heroes don’t behave like that.”
Bakugo wants to protest, but the wand reminds him that Deku doesn’t know its him, and does he really want to upset the boy who can summon giant shadow monsters at the slightest provocation?
Its the first time Bakugo gets a look at what Deku’s honest scorn looks like
Thus begins the teams greatest rival, in the form of one hero nerd with to much time on his hands, determined to avenge Kacchan, stop the dangerous hero pretenders, and discover the team’s secrets
He even comes to the almost correct conclusion that green is using Bakugo’s quirk to fuel their power
Eventually the team has to try and show him it was a missunderstanding, and the others win him over slowly. He doesn’t fully trust Bakugo’s alter ego though, to his great annoyance.
But the gang have bigger problems, including the fifth magical girl, a corrupted one who held on to long to their wand and started to use the safety of the wand to help commit small crimes
I’m not sure who it is, but it might be one of the league of villians, either Shigaraki, dabi, or Twice. Or it’s someone completely new.
Whoever they are, they’ve got the last wand and a pink dress, with power over peoples hearts they use to make them do things and give them things (and was supposed to go to their next leader)
The team do get the rogue away from their wand eventually, but it takes a while.
It then passes to a very small girl named Eri, but none of them know that as she doesn’t join them much, and when she inherts it they’re already graduating middle school and forced to give it up
This is very tough on the team, purple (Inasa) hugs them all and tells them he’ll miss them all. Blue (shoto) breaks down crying and confesses he’s never had friends before them. Yellow (Camie) says they’ll always be connected. Even Bakugo realizes he’ll miss them, if only just a little. Its him who tells them he’s going to be a hero at UA, so they can watch him from there.
They reveal their all going to be heroes too, blue in UA and the others In shiketsu. Yellow (Camie) says its a sign they’ll see each other again. Bakugo says he’ll crush them all.
When they are reunited, its not until after the revisional liscense that they actually figure out who each other are, since working together is so familiar
But mainly because some punk kid insulted magical girls as hasbeens and Bakugo got so offended the others all collectively went “yup, that’s green” and then looked at each other in shock
Shoto is super disappointed he didn’t realize that Deku’s Kacchan was Green this whole time! His money had been on Monoma (for all his angry declarations) or Shinsou (for picking a fight with the most dangerous players first)
Inasa is super hurt that Blue is Shoto, but more forgiving of their last interactions
And Camie is super stoked that Purple is Inasa, because its nice to know she made the same friend twice.
She makes everyone give her their numbers and creates a group chat
Shoto invites Deku to the chat, and Bakugo blocks them (he gets added back anyways)
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