#bakudeku sammich?????
heareriispurr · 2 months
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pov: there's a cupid quirk and ochako is the real victim after all
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hockpock · 7 years
A & D please?
Had to go digging to find which meme this was for, sorry for the delay.A: Ships you currently likeI'm a giant poly/multi shipper so i'll give almost any pairing a shot. That said,i 've dived head first into Hero Academia i'll start there. (Unpopular opinion disclaimer re: sexualized teenagers. Actual teenagers are not pure saints and I have a healthy understanding of the difference between real people and fictional characters. Moving on.)-kiribaku, tododeku, momojirou, ochako/tsu , and erasermic snuck up on me? one sided deku/everyone. all these good awkward hero kids need love and friendship. All Might needs a hug and a sammich.-ongoing fandoms i will always ship Gay Lawer Husbands, Gay Science Husbands (both pac rim flavor and marvel), the angel and demon from Good Omens whose names i cant for the life of me remember at the moment, Viktuuri, GerIta, ed elric x livng a decent angst free life, i'm sure there's a andful of others i'll remember at 3 am. D: pairings you wished you liked but just can'tbakudeku as t stands is only good if it's /really/ screwed up or in an alternate universe where bakubro did not Literally Tell Our Boy to KIll Himself. but our favorite Angery is a really interesting developing character, so ship what you like.in ace attorney i cant really get into Gay Lawyers pt 2: shouty red phoenix jr x mr.Germanmcmusic. idk, it just doesn't click.can't think of any others off the top of my head' because honestly if i don't see the chemistry i just move on and don't think about it much.
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