suzukiblu · 4 months
WIP excerpt for videogeek; Kara gets to Earth on time and the Kents get a two-for-one special on free kids. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
Kal chimes for attention, reaching out eagerly towards Ma, and Kara barely keeps herself from tightening her grip on him again. Ma coos something soft to him and gives him a little piece of yellow . . . egg. They’re eggs, Kara is vaguely aware. Has learned since the restaurant, she means. She’s seen Ma cook them lots of times now. She makes them for “brekk-fist” all the time. She calls them “scrum-bly”, or . . . something like that. “Scram-blee”? 
Something like that, she thinks. It’s hard to remember right now. It’s hard to do anything right now. 
Kal’s so small, and he could’ve died. 
He could’ve died, and it would’ve been her fault. Would’ve been her failing him, and her parents, and his parents, and . . . and . . . 
Pa sits down at the table with them and Ma serves them all round green plates of “scrum-bly” and “bakkon” and “potoes”–or maybe “potays”?–and short glasses of milk and an orange drink. Kara thinks it’s some kind of juice, probably. Just something that “Kents” grow, she assumes, though she hasn’t really seen any fruit around yet. Maybe it’s out of season, and this is preserved, or from the last of the harvest? She thinks Laborers eat preserved food more than most people do. More than anyone not Warrior Guild, anyway. 
The juice is brightly-colored and smells good and tastes like ash in her mouth. 
Everything does. 
But Ma made it, and Ma shared it with her and Kal even when she didn’t have to, so–so Kara drinks it all, and also all her milk, and also eats everything on her round green plate, and makes sure Kal drinks and eats all of his share too. She doesn’t give him much solid food, still, but–a little, anyway. Enough. He needs to learn how to like this planet’s food, because–because–
Because he’ll never eat Kryptonian food again, Kara realizes distantly, and almost bursts into tears again. She’s not sure if Kal’s ever eaten Kryptonian food. She thought he was old enough for at least a little solid food and he’s been eating it perfectly happily so far, but . . . but maybe she’s wrong, or maybe Aunt Lara and Uncle Jor just hadn’t introduced him to it yet, or . . . or . . . 
Maybe he’s not old enough and he’ll choke or get sick and it’ll be all her fault. Maybe he’ll never know what Kryptonian food tastes like. 
. . . tasted like. 
He won’t, will he. He won’t know what Kryptonian food tasted like, and he might never even speak Kryptonian, and he won’t remember Aunt Lara and Uncle Jor at all, and he  . . and he . . . 
She’s doing this all wrong. 
She doesn’t know how to do it right, though. 
Is there even a way to, anymore? 
Was there ever? 
Ma talks to Pa. She points towards the front door, and maybe at the porch. He frowns, but nods. Maybe they’re talking about the broken railing, Kara thinks distantly. Maybe they’re talking about what an awful, awful protector she is for Kal and how she almost got him hurt. Almost let him die.
She can help fix the railing, she thinks. She doesn’t know how, but–she can, probably. So it’ll be safe for Kal. 
He chimes for Ma again and tries to reach out to her, but Kara just can’t let him go.
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big-betty · 4 months
why do you bake cookies but cook bacon?
Well that all comes down to the etymology of the words
bacon coming from the proto-Germanic bakkon meaning back meat
and cookie coming from the dutch word koekje meaning little cake
Now the etymology actually goes a bit further then that but thats the simple version
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devouring-hive · 1 year
For anyone who has the mental fortitude to answer this confounding conundrum:
Why is it called bacon and cookies when you cook bacon and bake cookies
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"I can actually answer that for you properly! Bitch!"
"See, the root word for bacon comes from the dead language 'frankish's word 'Bakkon', referring to the meat found on the 'back' of an animal! See nowadays humans have figured out that the backs of animals really aren't the best source for bacon, so it doesn't make as much sense as it did then- But the name is so iconic that even though it no longer applies to the meat, it stuck regardless!"
"As for cookies, that comes from the first person to make them! See, the origin of cookies is almost assuredly somewhere in the Middle Eurican region, once known as the Netherlands. The dead-language 'Dutch's word 'Koejke', meaning 'Little Cake'- Itself a diminutive of the similar Dutch word 'Koek', simply meaning 'Cake'."
"So there ya go! Feel smarter yet, smugass?"
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bonusdragons · 2 years
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April 21, 2022:
Berry Primary, Guardian, Veined.
Bakkon of JuniaEnigma’s clan!
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Origin stories about some of our favourite foods
Food is the one constant that binds us all. Every culture has its own style of cooking. We assume that staple items in our own cuisine have a deep history in our culture. Some of the foods we eat every day have wildly bizarre origin stories that you would never guess. From the almost “Belgian fry” to a recipe brought to life by a spirit-walking nun, this list will have you thinking about the food you eat in a whole new light.
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Ketchup is perhaps the American standard in condiments. It is a highly popular topping for hot dogs and hamburgers and the dipping sauce of choice for most everything, especially for kids. It is so popular that 97 percent of US households report having it in the fridge.  
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Surprisingly, the origin of ketchup is actually Chinese. The word “ketchup” comes from a Hokkien Chinese word ke-tsiap, which was a sauce derived from fermented fish that was wildly popular in southeastern China. The British drew inspiration from this sauce and began attempting to replicate it at home. This was indicated by a recipe for “ketchup in paste” published in 1732 by Richard Bradley. It listed “Bencoulin in the East Indies” as its origin.
However, this was far from the ketchup that we know and love today. Eventually, a man named Henry J. Heinz got involved and started producing his own ketchup recipe in 1876. The rest, as they say, is history.
Fried chicken
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Fried chicken is another deeply rooted standard.  Fried chicken was actually invented in Scotland.  In medieval times, the Scots were among the only people who preferred to cook their chicken in hot fat in a method we now know as “frying.”
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    In the 1800s, many Scottish immigrants came to the United States, widely populating the American South and bringing the dish to prominence.
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No modern-day food could have been popular over 30,000 years ago, right? Well, researchers have actually found pancakes in the stomach of Otzi the Iceman, a corpse dating back 5,300 years.
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In ancient Greece and Rome, pancakes were made from a mixture of honey, wheat flour, olive oil, and curdled milk. During the English Renaissance, the popular breakfast dish was flavoured with apple, sherry, rosewater, or spices.Thomas Jefferson loved pancakes so much that he sent a recipe for speciality pancakes to his hometown from the White House.
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Unsurprisingly, bacon has been bringing joy to people’s lives since 1500 BC. What is surprising is that it originated in ancient China. At that time, the Chinese were curing pork bellies with salt and giving birth to arguably the most important historical invention in the world: bacon. Eventually, through their conquests, the Romans and the Greeks learned of the curing process and began manufacturing their own bacon. The ancient Romans’ early form of bacon was known as petaso, which was a pork shoulder boiled with dried figs, browned, and served with wine.
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The word “bacon” is thought to have many possible origins—the French word bako, the Germanic word bakkon, and the old Teutonic word backe. All of them reference the back of a pig. In the 17th century, they finally got it right. The word “bacon” evolved to mean the salted, smoked pork belly that we know and love today.
Mac and cheese
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As it’s pasta related, it’s no surprise that this dish has roots in Italy. However, the dish served there is a far cry from the meal that Kraft released in a box in 1937. In fact, the mac and cheese that existed prior to the 1300s in southern Italy was more of a lasagna. That recipe called for pasta sheets boiled in water and layered with grated cheese and spices.
“American mac and cheese” has far more humble roots. Like most good origin stories, however, it is muddled with controversy. According to some, mac and cheese was invented as a casserole dish to bring to New England church suppers. This story gives credit to the fact that the dish was known for a long time as “macaroni pudding.” According to others, Thomas Jefferson  brought a pasta machine back from Italy and his wife used it to create the dish with Parmesan, which Jefferson later substituted with cheddar.  
The Hamburger
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Common knowledge tells us that the hamburger was invented in Hamburg, Germany, in the 19th century, but that’s only partially true. Meat from the Hamburg cow was minced, combined with spices, and formed into a patty (which is traditionally known as a “Hamburg steak”).
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This was considered an upscale meal in the early days as just a spiced meat patty with no bun was one of the more expensive items on high-end restaurant menus. However, real bun-covered hamburgers didn’t come around until quite a while later. In fact, they didn’t really evolve into sandwich form until the Industrial Revolution. During that time, factory workers were served hamburger steaks from a food cart. One brilliant soul, whose name is lost in history, started putting the meat between two pieces of bread to make it easier to eat while working—and viola! The modern-day hamburger was born. 
The hot dog
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Hot dogs were invented in Germany. Of course, they were called “dachshund” or “little dog” sausages there. These terms referred to this sausage being smaller and thinner than traditional German sausages. The man behind the invention of these sausages was Johann Georghehner. He took his product to Frankfurt to market it, giving birth to the term “frankfurter.”
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So, how did “frankfurter” become “hot dog”? Well, in a shocking twist, the name was coined by drunken college kids, or so the theory goes. Frankfurters were incredibly popular because they were cheap and easy to eat. Somehow, one budding collegiate genius figured out the origin of the hot dog and that its initial name in German referred to a “little dog.” That led him (or her) to start the rumour that hot dogs were made from dog meat. Somehow, this funny theory increased the popularity of the frankfurter, and the name “hot dog” stuck.
French Fries
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One competing theory suggests that the golden, fried, crispy potatoes were originally made in Belgium. Villagers near the Meuse River often ate fried fish as a staple dish. In the winter, the rivers would freeze, cutting off access to the fish, so they would fry potatoes for their meals instead. It’s rumoured that US soldiers stumbled upon this. As the predominant language in that part of Belgium was French, the soldiers dubbed the food “french fries.”
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Like any good origin story, there is a third theory. Some believe that the “french fry” is really Spanish. The Spanish were the first-recorded people to encounter the South Americans as mentioned in The Chronicle of the Incas, or the Seventeen-Year Travel of Pedro Cieza de Leon Throughout the Mighty Kingdom of Peru. This was written by Pedro Cieza de Leon as a memoir.
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According to a Native American legend, a nun is responsible for the first chili recipe recorded on paper. Apparently, Sister Mary of Agreda of Spain
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would go into a trance, leaving her lifeless body behind for days. Shadow-walking into different cultures, she used her soul to preach to “savages” and encouraged them to seek out Spanish Christian missions. Although the corporeal Sister Mary never left the confines of Spain, it is believed that she spirit-walked across the globe. The Native Americans refer to her as la dama de azul (“the lady in blue”).
Chocolate chip cookies
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As it turns out, the chocolate chip cookie was the product of a happy accident. Ruth Graves Wakefield ran an inn in Massachusetts called the Toll House Inn. She and her husband were getting ready to bake some Chocolate Butter Drop Do cookies, a colonial favourite, when Ruth realised that she was out of baking chocolate. 
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Earlier in the week, she had been given a block of Nestle semisweet chocolate from Andrew Nestle himself. She decided to chop that up and use it as a substitute. Instead of dissolving into the batter during the baking process, the chocolate chunks held their form, resulting in the most delicious accident in US history.
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gamehayapkmod · 4 years
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ジャンプチ ヒーローズ 800万DL突破 週刊少年ジャンプのパズルRPG
ジャンプチ ヒーローズ 800万DL突破 週刊少年ジャンプのパズルRPG
Game ジャンプチ ヒーローズ 800万DL突破 週刊少年ジャンプのパズルRPG là dòng game Puzzle
Giới thiệu ジャンプチ ヒーローズ 800万DL突破 週刊少年ジャンプのパズルRPG
・ジャンプ好きにおすすめ!好きな作品のヒーローが大活躍! ・簡単操作!"プチプチ"パズルゲームで4人楽しく盛り上がりニケーション! 【50年に1度のジャンプ祭!!!!】 週刊少年ジャンプの人気キャラたちが大集結!! 好きな作品の星5確定10連ガチャが引ける! ※チュートリアル突破の報酬となります。 ■ジャンプチ ヒーローズ3つの特徴 1) 必殺ワザでブッ倒せ! タッ��だけの簡単操作でプレイ可能! 有名な必殺技も簡単に撃てるぞ! バッコンバッコン!ブチ込もう! 2) 友情!×努力!!=勝利!!!俺たちのレジェンド召喚! 「友情」と「努力」そして、 「勝利」への想いが重なったとき、 ジャンプ歴代レジェンドたちが蘇る! 3) ゲーム内スタンプでモリモリ!盛り上がりニケーション! 最大4人協力“パズル”プレイでヒーローとなれ! 強敵と共に立ち向かう仲間とはゲーム内スタンプで楽しくお手軽にコミュニケーション! LINEで友達と合流してサクサクマルチプレイ! ■収録週刊少年ジャンプ作品一覧 ※連載開始順 ドーベルマン刑事 こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所 リングにかけろ コブラ キン肉マン Dr.スランプ ハイスクール!奇面組 キャプテン翼 CAT’S EYE ウイングマン 北斗の拳 銀牙 DRAGON BALL CITY HUNTER ついでにとんちんかん 魁!!男塾 聖闘士星矢 ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Part1 ファントムブラッド ゴッドサイダー ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Part2 戦闘潮流 BASTARD!! ジャングルの王者ターちゃん ろくでなしBLUES まじかるタルるートくん -ダイの大冒険- 電影少女 花の慶次 珍遊記 幽遊白書 アウターゾーン モンモンモン ボンボン坂高校演劇部 究極!!変態仮面 BOY-ボーイ- NINKU -忍空- とっても!ラッキーマン 地獄先生ぬ~べ~ るろうに剣心 みどりのマキバオー 真島クンすっとばす!! レベルE すごいよ!!マサルさん WILD HALF 封神演義 遊戯王 花さか天使テンテンくん I”s<アイズ> 世紀末リーダー伝 たけし! ONE PIECE 明稜帝 梧桐勢十郎 ROOKIES HUNTER×HUNTER ヒカルの碁 テニスの王子様 NARUTO -ナルト- BLACK CAT ピューと吹く!ジャガー ボボボーボ・ボーボボ Mr.FULLSWING BLEACH いちご100% アイシールド21 DEATH NOTE 銀魂 家庭教師ヒットマン REBORN! D.Gray-man ムヒョとロージーの魔法律相談事務所 魔人探偵 脳噛ネウロ To LOVEる -とらぶる- SKET DANCE ぬらりひょんの孫 トリコ バクマン。 黒子のバスケ べるぜバブ めだかボックス 斉木楠雄のΨ難 ニセコイ ハイキュー!! 暗殺教室 食戟のソーマ ワールドトリガー 磯部磯兵衛物語〜浮世はつらいよ〜 火ノ丸相撲 僕のヒーローアカデミア ブラッククローバー ゆらぎ荘の幽奈さん 鬼滅の刃 約束のネバーランド Dr.STONE …… 他作品続々参戦予定! ■世界観 ジャンプキャラクターたちが平和に暮らしているジャンプチアイランドの世界。 しかし、50年に一度目覚める魔王の力により、キャラクターたちは邪悪な心に目覚め暴れ始めてしまった……! 悪しき心を打ち破り、元のキャラクターに戻すためには、多種多様な島々を冒険し、魔王を探し出して討伐しなければならない! ジャンプチアイランドの平和を取り戻すための大冒険が、今始まる! ■ゲームジャンル 友情・努力・勝利!体感プチプチRPG ダウンロード:無料 ※一部有料アイテムがございます。 cJUMP 50th Anniversary cLINE Corporation cWonderPlanet Inc. -Recommended for jump lovers! Hero of favorite work makes an outstanding performance! -Easy operation! 4 people have fun in the "bubble wrap" puzzle game! [Jump festival once in 50 years! ! ! ! ] Popular characters of Weekly Shonen Jump gather! ! Get 5 stars for your favorite work! * It will be a reward for breaking through the tutorial. ■ 3 features of Jump Chi Heroes 1) Defeat it with a special attack! Easy to play with just a tap! You can easily shoot famous special moves! Bakkon Bakkon! Let's get in! 2) Friendship! × Effort! ! = Win! ! ! Summon our legend! "Friendship" and "effort" and When the desire for "victory" overlaps, Jump legends are back! 3) Morimori with the in-game stamp! Excitement communication! Become a hero by playing puzzles with up to four players! Communicate with your opponents with powerful enemies with in-game stickers! Join your friends on LINE for crisp multiplayer! ■ List of recorded Weekly Shonen Jump works * Serialization start order Detective Doberman Police Box in Front of Kameari Park, Katsushika Ward Hang on the ring Cobra Kinnikuman Dr. Slump High school! Captain Tsubasa CAT ’S EYE Wingman Fist of the North Star Silver tusk DRAGON BALL CITY HUNTER Incidentally Sakigake !! Otokojuku Saint Seiya JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part1 Phantom Blood God Cider JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part2 Battle Trends BASTARD !! Jungle king Tar-chan Asshole BLUES Magical Taruruto -Die's Great Adventure- Film girl Keiji Flower Rare tour Yuyu Hakusho Outer zone MONMONMON Bonbonzaka High School Theater Club Ultimate !! Hentai Mask BOY-boy- NINKU-Shinobi Very! Lucky man Hell teacher Rurouni Kenshin Green Makibao Mashima Kun, skip it! Level E Awesome! ! Masaru WILD HALF Ensemble demon Yu-Gi-Oh Hanasaka Tenten-kun I "s Takeshi, the leader of the end of the century! ONE PIECE Emperor Akira ROOKIES HUNTER × HUNTER Hikaru no Go Prince of Tennis Naruto BLACK CAT Pew and blow! Jaguar Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Mr.FULLSWING BLEACH Strawberry 100% Eyeshield 21 DEATH NOTE Gintama Katekyo Hitman REBORN! D.Gray-man Muhyo and Rosie's Magical Law Consulting Office Majin Detective Brain Biting Neuro To Love-Ru SKET DANCE Nurarihyon's grandson Toriko Bakuman. Kuroko's Basketball Beelzebub Medaka Box Saiki's difficulty Nisekoi Haikyu !! Assassination Classroom Shokugeki no Soma World trigger Isobe Isobe story-Ukiyo is painful Hinomaru Sumo My hero academia Black clover Yuna of Yuragiso Demon blade The Promised Neverland Dr.STONE ...... Plan to participate in other works one after another! ■ World view The world of Jump Chi Island where jump characters live peacefully. However, due to the power of the Demon King who wakes up once every 50 years, the characters have begun to wake up to an evil heart and start rampaging ...! In order to defeat the evil heart and return to the original character, you must adventure across a variety of islands, seek out the demon king and defeat it! A great adventure to regain the peace of Jump Chi Island begins now! ■ Game genre Friendship, effort, victory! Experience bubble wrap RPG Download: Free * Some paid items are available. cJUMP 50th Anniversary cLINE Corporation cWonderPlanet Inc. ■4.3.2 アップデート内容 ・アプリアイコンの変更 ・一部機能の改善 ・細かな不具合の修正
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bosboskonusuyorum · 7 years
Efkarlandım bakkon löds fa aylasak
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javbizxxx-blog · 9 years
[ZUKO-086] Minami Riona , Kanae Ruka , Matsumoto Mei , Oomori Reina , Satou Mitsu , Makise Runa
[ZUKO-086] Minami Riona , Kanae Ruka , Matsumoto Mei , Oomori Reina , Satou Mitsu , Makise Runa
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earpeeler · 7 years
Decibel Geek TV – Decibel Geek’s Bakko Talks with Badflower Check out Bakko's (Rakkon with Bakkon) interview with the L.A. rock band.
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paluetena · 10 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) was this done?? theres only one answer ill accept
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°):relationship status?
married to u
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aurelinsol · 10 years
Thank you love!! ♥
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luffeh · 10 years
bakkon replied to your post:bakkon replied to your post “Fucking talk to me...
No it’s the splash from when ur taking a shit HAHAHA
The best kind of splashback
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fairypiece · 10 years
bakkon answered: canada being cold is whats up :/
oh it's also cold here then hot, such an abnormal weather. And i should mention i have coughs and colds , good thing my headache fades this morning 'coz i take medicine yesterday. take care dear! ^_^ 
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javbizxxx-blog · 9 years
[ZUKO-087] Usami Mai , Satou Airi , Hoshizora Moa , Wakatsuki Maria
[ZUKO-087] Usami Mai , Satou Airi , Hoshizora Moa , Wakatsuki Maria
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meuwth · 11 years
santa is bakkon
im not kidding I’m not even in cupertino anymore how wuld I be able to give any puuursent….
and Tahoe is great cuz I biked around the lake. I biked so much. Five hours straight oh my god
It was amazing i fell and i didn’t care
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paluetena · 10 years
bakkon replied to your post: “my love for lucina is so strong that even my irl friends that dont...”:
cant forget about that doujinshi i showd u last night
noooooOOOOOOOOOO i dont want to remember
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