#bakery hill dental
bakeryhillsdental · 10 months
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Regular teeth brushing » is crucial for optimal oral health. Brush twice daily using fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush. Proper technique—angling the brush, circular motions, and cleaning all tooth surfaces—helps remove plaque, preventing cavities and gum disease.
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Beyond Dentistry: Unveiling Cherry Hill's Hidden Treasures Near Dr. Corrie J Crowe DDS
Discover the enchanting world beyond dental appointments as we take a journey through the vibrant neighborhood surrounding Dr. Corrie J Crowe DDS in Cherry Hill, NJ. From historical landmarks to culinary delights, here's your guide to the must-visit places that make your dental visit an opportunity for adventure.
Barclay Farmstead Museum: A Glimpse into Cherry Hill's Past
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Step into history at the Barclay Farmstead Museum, a meticulously preserved farmhouse offering a fascinating glimpse into Cherry Hill's rich heritage. Wander through the lush grounds and explore the stories that shaped this charming community.
Cherry Hill Mall: Retail Bliss Just Around the Corner
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Indulge your senses at the Cherry Hill Mall, a shopping haven with a myriad of stores catering to every taste. From high-end fashion to local treasures, this mall is the perfect post-dental treatment destination for some retail therapy.
Cherry Hill Public Library: A Quiet Haven for Bibliophiles
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Escape into a literary world at the Cherry Hill Public Library. Whether you're a bookworm or seeking a serene space, this library provides the perfect ambiance to relax and unwind after your dental visit.
Croft Farm Arts Center: Nurturing Creativity in Cherry Hill
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For art enthusiasts, the Croft Farm Arts Center is a must-visit. Immerse yourself in local creativity through art galleries and workshops, showcasing the vibrant artistic spirit that defines Cherry Hill.
Ponzio's Diner-Bakery-Bar: A Culinary Delight
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Satisfy your post-dental cravings at Ponzio's Diner-Bakery-Bar, a local favorite known for its diverse menu. From classic diner fare to mouthwatering bakery treats, Ponzio's is a culinary gem just waiting to be explored.
The Legacy Club at Woodcrest: Tee Off with Scenic Views
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Golf aficionados can enjoy a round at The Legacy Club at Woodcrest, a premier golf club surrounded by picturesque landscapes. Experience Cherry Hill's beauty while indulging in your favorite sport.
Conclusion: Elevating Your Cherry Hill Experience Beyond Dentistry
Your journey to Dr. Corrie J Crowe DDS in Cherry Hill extends beyond dental care. Immerse yourself in the local culture, history, and flavors that make this community special. From museums to shopping and dining, Cherry Hill offers a diverse range of experiences waiting to be explored.
Ready to elevate your Cherry Hill experience? Uncover the hidden treasures surrounding Dr. Corrie J Crowe DDS and transform your dental visit into a delightful adventure.
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orangeoctopi7 · 4 years
All the excitement and time in the sun yesterday meant Ford slept soundly through the night. He had no visits from Bill, nor any dreams. The rising sun woke him as it shone through his window. 
Ford got up and dressed in a rush. He may have had a good time with Stan at the lake yesterday, but that didn't mean he wasn't annoyed with his brother for prohibiting study of that mysterious tooth. The researcher hoped it was still there this morning, but he also knew the supernatural had a tendency to disappear after its first sighting, even here in Gravity Falls. But even if it was gone, he needed to get back to that beach and check for any traces of weirdness.
However, waiting for him at the front door was Stan. Ford was shocked. Stan never got up this early! And yet here he was, already dressed and looking like he'd been up for a few hours.
"You were going to go check out that tooth without even having breakfast first, weren't you?" Stan asked with a raised eyebrow, blocking the front door.
"So what if I was?" Ford asked indignantly. "I'm an adult, I can skip breakfast if I so choose!"
Stan rolled his eyes and shoved a donut into his brother's hand. "Here, at least eat something on the way."
"Where did you even get this?"
"I stopped on the way back from running an errand this morning." Stan smiled smugly. "There's a pretty good bakery on main street. I know you haven't been there, because nobody said 'Hey, you're that mysterious loner scientist who lives out in the woods' while I was there."
Ford's face flushed as he scowled and pushed past his brother to the door. Stan followed him out, jangling his keys.
"You need a ride?"
"Or, you could give me your keys and let me drive myself."
"Not happening."
Ford grunted with frustration and squeezed between the wall and the passenger side of the car. "Why did you park so close!?"
"Because I'm not lettin' some tree monster get the Stanlymobile! Just wait in the driveway, I'll pull up to you."
Ford's irritation with his brother grew as they sped off to the lake. Stan's inexplicably smug attitude this morning didn't help.
Stan hadn't even put the car into park before Stanford was out of the door and dashing down the lakefront.
"H-hey, wait up a sec!" Stan called after him.
"Well then you should Keep up!" Ford shouted back, smiling at the irony. He stopped short when he rounded the hill and found the tooth. It was still there! And it was covered in webbing. The researcher's jaw dropped as he took a closer look. It looked just like the fibers produced by his web shooters.
"Stanley, did you--?"
"Hah, you should see the look on your face right now!" Stan chortled in reply. "That is so worth waking up at five in the morning for! Well, that and the twenty dollars you owe me."
"What? I wasn't being serious!"
"Hey, I warned you! I said you should know better than to bet against me."
Ford groaned, but he couldn't help but smile. He just couldn't stay mad when his brother had gone through the trouble to secure a paranormal specimen for him.
The researcher began sketching the tooth in his journal right away, as Stan began pulling off the strands of webbing so his brother could see the thing better. After the preliminary sketch was done, Ford brought out his instruments and began taking measurements. First of the tooth's dimensions, then of the residual radiation, spectroscopy, and other weirdness indicators. He used a chisel and some dental floss to pry off samples for later study. Ford's initial theory of this giant tooth being a result of the size-altering crystals proved to be wrong; the spectroscope readings were all wrong. He'd need to do more investigating to find another feasible theory.
The hours flew by as Ford investigated the tooth, the beach, and the lake, looking for more clues to where the thing could have come from. Something was different from yesterday, but he had a hard time putting his finger on what exactly that something was. He walked back toward the beach where they’d been playing yesterday, trying to jog his memory. That’s when it dawned on him. Yesterday, this part of the beach had opened up into the open water of the lake, with plenty of room for swimming and swinging. Now, there was a small island just off the shore, close enough that Ford was sure they would’ve been able to swing to it on their longest jump yesterday.
The researcher immediately pulled out his Journal and began sketching again, a new hypothesis forming in his brain. Was it possible that the giant tooth came from a living island?
He was so caught up in his studies that he didn’t even notice that Stan had left and come back at some point. But then his brother plopped a taco into his lap while he was trying to take water samples closer to the moving island, so Stan must have left to get lunch somewhere.
“Don’t forget to eat, genius.” He grumbled.
“Thanks.” Ford took a bite as he checked the electrolyte levels of the water. He watched a few bits of tortilla shells fall in, which were quickly snapped up by little fish. An idea burst into his head, and he chucked the remainder of his taco toward the island.
“Hey!” Stan cried.
“I need bait!”
“You need dinner!”
“...Don’t you mean lunch?”
“You skipped lunch, poindexter.”
Ford’s eyes widened. “What time is it?”
Stan glanced down at his watch. “A little past six.”
The researcher smacked his forehead. “Fiddleford could be back any minute!”
“Oh yeah.” Stan nodded. “I forgot he was coming back tonight.”
Ford gave one last glance back to  the lake where he’d thrown the taco just a moment before. All he could see were a few bubbles popping up. He turned away and ran back towards Stan’s car.
“Uh, you want me to web this back up? Maybe try and bring it back to the cabin?” Stan asked.
“No time! I’ve learned all I can from it, I’ll come back and investigate the island further at a later date. Right now, we need to get back home and before Fiddleford does.”
“Why is it so important you get home before him?” 
Ford gave a frustrated huff and he pulled his seatbelt on. “To get things cleaned back up! I don’t want any more comments about my bachelor pad from him.”
* * *
They got home with just enough time to clean up the kitchen and the living room when McGucket returned. The young inventor certainly seemed happier and more relaxed after his short vacation. However, something was bothering him. He had some important information to share with Stanford. 
“I know you’ve been eager to get back to work on the portal project, so I was doin’ some calculations while I was away.” He explained as he unpacked a stack of notebooks, his knee bouncing up and down rapidly, as it often did when he was agitated. “We got a problem! In order to create a polydimensional metavortex big enough to actually send somethin’ through it, we’re gonna need some sorta temporal displacement generator. That kinda technology doesn’t exist anywhere on Earth! Even if all the greatest scientific minds of humanity got together and put all their resources together to try an’ develop one, it’d likely take thousands of years!”
Ford smiled coyly. “The technology doesn’t exist anywhere on Earth, eh?”
“I don’t see what you’re smilin’ about, this isn’t the kind of setback we can just find a workaround for. We may have to abandon this entire concept!”
“We won’t have to abandon anything. I know where we can find a hyperdrive that should do the trick.”
Fiddleford just stared at his friend blankly for a few seconds. “...Is this some sort of prank yer brother put you up to or something?” He finally asked.
“Definitely not.” Stan answered as he entered the room. “My pranks are way better.”
“Stanley, were you eavesdropping on us?” Ford complained.
“Kinda hard not to when I’ve got super-hearing.” Stan shrugged. “Although I think it might be giving out on me. Did you just say you know where to find a hyperdrive? Like from Space Adventure?”
Ford looked around suspiciously, before beckoning his brother and McGucket to the hidden entrance to the secret lab. The entire ride down the elevator, the researcher did his best to maintain an air of mysterious silence. Stan and Fiddleford gave him odd looks the entire time. Finally, in the secluded privacy of Ford’s secret study, satisfied that there could be no more eavesdroppers, he sat his brother and his friend down on the couch.
“What I’m about to tell you will change your entire lives.” He said solemnly.
Fiddleford was waiting on bated breath, but Stan looked thoroughly unimpressed.
“Just over two years ago, I began mapping magnetic anomalies here in the Gravity Falls.” The researcher continued. “They all converged on a hilltop just south of the center of the valley. I hiked up there, my compass spinning, to try and find what caused the magnetic disturbances. What I found was…” He paused for dramatic effect, “a crashed extraterrestrial ship! Lake sediments and aluvium have buried most of it far underground, but the very top of the central dome forms this hill, where only a thin covering of topsoil and plant life hide it from view. I studied it for months before, well, I hit a bit of a roadblock in my studies. Luckily, I found a little help from a friend, and I was able to move forward with my research, but I haven’t had the time to return since.”
Fiddleford’s eyes were wide, and his fingers were curled through his hair. Stan’s expression was hard to read, but Ford got the distinct impression of concern from it. 
“Now, I’m sure both of you can understand why it is imperative that this information not be leaked to the general public or even worse, the government.” The researcher continued. “Outside the confines of this lab, you are to refer to this information as Crash Site Omega, whether in writing, speaking, or otherwise.”
His companions stared back at him blankly for a moment, just letting what Stanford had just dumped on them sink in.
“Sooooo…” Stan finally broke the silence. “There’s seriously a UFO buried under Gravity Falls?”
“Gah!” Fiddleford cried out as he stood suddenly, pulling out a couple of handfuls of hair in the process.
“Whoa, easy there, buddy!” Stan reached out to lay a comforting hand on his shoulder, but McGucket turned away and began frantically pacing laps around the lab.
“I should have known this would set off his anxiety.” Ford said, torn between being amused and worried by his friend’s reaction.
“This explains… I knew he wasn’t crazy! ...And the fault gouge along the floating cliffs… the valley resembles an impact crater… no outlets… my whole life I wondered… and if any of the technology could be salvaged…!” The inventor muttered to himself as he continued to pace, occasionally tugging at his hair. 
“Ford, I can’t believe you’ve been sittin’ on this for two years!” Stan exclaimed. “If you went public with this, you’d be world famous!”
“Yes, and then the government would cordon this entire valley off and I’d never be able to visit the site again. Either that or I’d suddenly have to compete with thousands of other scientists coming to study it themselves. I’m not going public with this information until I’ve learned everything I can myself. And I ask you to respect that decision, and not try to use this top-secret, world-changing discovery for some get-rich-quick scheme!”
“Hey, no danger of that here!” Stan threw up his hands defensively. “I get it! You think I want some government spooks showin’ up and findin’ out about my powers? Dragging me off to some super-secret lab and runnin’ experiments on me?” He chuckled, remembering where he was now. “I mean, I doubt they’d be as considerate as you guys have been.”
“Honey fogelin', saltlickin' skullduggery Stanford!” McGucket shouted, signaling the end of his pacing. “I cannot believe you have actual proof of not just extraterrestrial life, but that they’ve been here! I never told you about this when we were in college, ‘cuz I figured you’d think I’m nuts, but when I was little my grandma disappeared. Now, the only person there that night with her was my cousin Thistlebert, an’ he always said she was ‘taken by them saucer people!’ The police thought he was just crazy, but I always thought there had to be somethin’ to his claims. Thistlebert might not’ve been the sharpest tool in the McGucket family shed, but he wasn’t crazy, and he definitely wasn’t a liar.
“I can’t believe I never figured it out myself!” the inventor continued to ramble. “The shape of the floatin’ cliffs, the ellipse of the valley, the placement of the waterfall, the fact that there’s only one pass in or out of the basin… all the geography points to it!” He turned to Ford, an excited grin on his face. “I have so many questions!”
“You’ll be able to answer them yourself soon!” Ford assured him. “We can leave tomorrow. It’s a two day hike out to the only entrance up on that hill. We’ll need to pack plenty of camping supplies, as well as radiation equipment and gear to navigate the ship’s interior. That’s where you come in, Stanley. Your powers and the web shooters should help us explore more easily.”
“Wait, two day hike?” Stan asked incredulously. “You said it’s just a hill in the middle of the valley, why don’t we just drive? It only takes three hours to drive here from Portland, it can’t take more than one hour to drive to some place you can see from town.”
“It’s in the middle of a large cow pasture on a local farm’s property, there aren’t any roads up there.”
“Yeah, but there’s gotta at least be a road to the farm, right? Then we’ll only have to hike for a couple of hours, and not spend the night in monster infested woods.”
“Well, what better way to explore and find new anomalies to study!” Ford protested. “Every monster we find in those woods is another step closer to understanding why Gravity Falls is such a hot spot for weirdness!”
“I-I’m with Stanley on this one.” Fiddleford admitted. “I know the whole reason you came out here was to study them monsters, but I’m just here to assist in buildin’ yer portal project. I’d prefer to stay outta the monster huntin’.”
Ford deflated. He loved spending time out in the woods of Gravity Falls, finding new creatures and hidden places that no human eyes had seen for hundreds of years. He’d really be looking forward to sharing them with his friend and his brother… and honestly, he’d been looking forward to just camping with them.
“Well, it seems I’m outvoted.” he grumbled in defeat. “Especially considering I’m the only one among the three of us who doesn’t have a functioning vehicle. We’ll still need to pack the necessary equipment. In addition to the radiation gear and web shooters, we’ll need the magnet guns I developed from technology I found at the crash site. They’ll be necessary to scramble the ship’s security systems, but they’ll also be helpful for getting around. Just be careful not to aim them at the sky. I, uh, accidentally crashed one of the Northwest’s helicopters once. Luckily no one was hurt, and they could never prove I had anything to do with it, but I’d rather not have a repeat of that incident.”
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Scout Is Out!
We are very pleased to release The Scout Guide Huntsville - Volume 2 to our community on August 27, 2019. The complimentary guide can be picked up at the following locations beginning August 27 and throughout the year until supplies run out.
If you own or know of a business that we be interested in being a distribution location, please email us at [email protected].
Accents of the South
Acupuncture and Wellness Center
Anytime Fitness Jones Valley
Anytime Fitness Hampton Cove
Bragg’s of Huntsville
Brooks and Collier
Bullet and Barrel
Burritt on the Mountain
Carole Forêt Fine Art
Carriage House
Church St Wine Shoppe
Creative Lane by Lexus of Huntsville
Crush Wine and Food Festival
Dental Professionals on Whitesburg
DePriest Robbins
Domaine South
Elitaire Boutique
Faith Woods Events
Fantasy Playhouse Children’s Theater & Academy
4site, a Schoel Co.
FOW WOW Designs
Gina’s Balloon Decor
Golden Griffin
Good Company Cafe
Gray Analytics
Haley’s Flooring & Interiors
Heritage Kitchen + Bath
Home Choice Windows & Doors
Huntsville American Cabinets
In Bloom
Interior Marketplace
Interiors By Consign-Huntsville and Madison locations
Jill’s Studio of Dance
Johnson Orthodontics
Jones, Paparella and Thomas Group | Merrill Lynch
K Butler Interiors
Keller Williams Realty | InTown Partners Real Estate Group
Lankford & Battle Allstate Insurance Agency
life as paper
Lindsey Jennings Art and Design
Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment
Lyn’s Gracious Goodness
Main Street South
Matheny Goldmon Architecture + Interiors
Maynor and Mitchell Eye Center
Moderne Jouel
Move Digital Group
Nesin Therapy Services, P.C. -Huntsville, Madison and Research Park
Offbeat Coffee Studio
Old River Interiors
Pillar and Peacock
Piper and Leaf-Downtown, Lowe Mill and Madison locations
Pizzelle’s Confections
Progress Bank
R City Eye Care
Radiant Day Spa
Randolph School
Roosevelt and Co.
Southern Essentials Company
Southern Reclaimed Salvage Barn
Straight to Ale & Shelta Cavern Spirits
Sweet City Micros
The Artnasium
The Chameleon Fabrics and Interiors
The Ledges
The Pourhouse
The Topiary Tree
The WEDC Foundation
TOC Spine Center/Larry Parker, M.D.
U.S. Space & Rocket Center
VanValkenburgh & Wilkinson Properties, Inc.
Vertical House Records
Westmark Construction
White Rabbit Studios
Windham Travel and Leisure
Limited quantities will also be replenished monthly at the following locations:
1892 East
AC Hotel
Al Christopher
Alison Wellness Clinic
Arts Huntsville
Belk Hudson Lofts
Cafe 153
The Catalyst Center for Business & Entrepreneurship 
Clean Juice
Cabana Wax
Cork and Crust
Downtown Huntsville Inc.
Edgar’s Bakery
Embassy Suites
Envy Boutique
Fresh Starts Coffee
Gold Sprint Coffee
Green Pea Press
Grille 29
Holtz Leather
Honest Coffee
Huntsville/Madison County Convention & Visitors Bureau
J. Whitener
Kendra Scott
Mason Dixon
Metro Diner
Mezza Luna
Moe’s Barbecue
Moon Bake Shop
Neo Mode Hair Salon
Orange Theory
Oshi Poke Bowl
Preservation Company
Pure Barre Huntsville
Pure Barre Madison
Queen Bee of Beverly Hills
Shea’s Express
ShoeFly Huntsville & Madison
Sweet Pineapple
Tangled Strings Studios
Terra Me Jones Valley
Terra Me Parkway
The Artisan Apartments
The Avenue
The Juice Bar
The Little Green Store & Gallery
Tropical Smoothie Cafe
Uncorked Wine Shop and Tasting Room
Valley Sole
Victoria’s Interiors
Vintage Cigar Lounge
Vintage West Interiors
Walker’s Market
Westin Hotel
Zoom Fitness
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usaplacesandspaces · 2 years
• Big Daddy Totem Pole
• Nike Park
• On the Rox Pub and Grub
Alto Pass
• Bald Knob Cross of Peace
• Alton Military Prison, National Register of Historic Places
• Alton Museum of History & Art, Inc.
• Lincoln/Douglas Square
• Miles Davis statue
• Piasa Bird 
• Robert Wadlow Statue
• The Soul Asylum
• Arcola chamber of commerce 
• A Walk Through Time, featuring Raggedy Ann and Andy
• Hippie Memorial
• Illinois Central Railroad Depot
• Johnny Gruelle Monument, creator of Raggedy Ann and Andy
Aroma Park 
• American Giants Museum 
• Atlanta's Bunyon Giant
• J. H. Hawes Grain Elevator Historic Site
• Mattingly Automotive
• Smiley Face 
• Illinois Brick Road
• Aurora University
• Bedrosian Plaza
• City of Aurora- Phillips Park Zoo
• Dunham Hall,
• Grand Dental - Aurora
• Hollywood Casino Aurora 
• Philips Park Zoo
• Swimming Stones Sculpture
• Langendorf Park
• Batavia Depot Museum
• Depot Pond
• Fabyan Forest Preserve
• Fabyan Windmill
• Fermilab
• Argonne National Laboratory
• Argonne Research Library
• National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows 
• Boone County museum of History 
• Highland Garden of Memories 
• Benton, George Harrison Mural
• Benton IL, Historic Jail Museum
• Franklin County Garage Museum
• Louise Harrison-Caldwell House - Beatles Historic Site
• Cigars and Stripes BBQ Lounge
• Paisans Pizzeria
• Worlds Largest Laundromat 
• Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts
• Central Illinois Regional Airport at Bloomington-Normal
• Embark Tree Removal
• Evergreen Memorial Cemetery
• McLean County Museum of History
• McPherson Theatre
• Miller Park
• Miller Park War Memorial
• Miller Park Zoo
• Nord Animal Hospital
• Prairie Aviation Museum
• Steel And Bedrock House
Blue Island
* Childrens Memorial Park
* Exploration Park
Braidwood Zoo
Polk-A-Dot Drive In
• Pig Hip restaurant Memorial
• Brookfield family restaurant
• Brookfield Zoo
• Brussels Village Jail
Bunker Hill
• Lincoln statue Bunker Hill
• Haunted Trails Family Entertainment Center (Burbank)
Burr Ridge 
• Burr Ridge Veterans Memorial
• Greater St. Louis Air and Space Museum
• Fort Defiance State Park
Calumet City
• Calumet City Yellow Smiley Face Water Tower
• Rosedale Cemetery
• Jeremy "Boo" Rochman Memorial Park
• R. Buckminster Fuller and Anne Hewlett Dome Home
• Saluki Stadium
• Southern Illinois University 
• Little Giant Grocery
Carol Stream
• Augustino's Rock and Roll Deli and Grill
• Kibbe Hancock Heritage Museum
• Big Bookworm
• Big Cactus
• Big Nail Puzzle
• Big Pencil
• Big Yardstick
• Casey Country Club
• Cilantros Grill & Cantina
• JJET Rental Sales & Service
• Largest Bird Cage
• Wildflour Bakery & Candy Co
• World's Largest Pitchfork
• Worlds Largest Golf Tee
• World's Largest Key
• World's Largest Knitting Needles and Crochet Hook
• World's Largest Mailbox
• World's Largest Rocking Chair
• World's Largest Swizzle Spoon
• World's Largest Teeter Toter
• World's Largest Wind Chime
• World's Largest Wooden Shoes
• Cave-in-Rock State Park
• Centralia Carillon
• Centralia Area Historical Museum
• Curtis Orchard & Pumpkin Patch
• Kraft 
• Virginia Theatre
• Grace the Shark
• Morton Park
• Cherry Miner's Cemetery
• Reids' Harvest House
• Spinach Can Collectibles
• Statue of Alice the Goon
• Statue of Bluto
• Statue of Castor Oyl and Bernice the Whiffle Hen
• Statue of Cole Oyl
• Statue of Olive Oyl/Swee'Pea/Jeep
• Statue of Popeye
• Statue of Sea Hag and Bernard the Vulture
• Statue of Stinger the Yellow Jacket
• Statue of Wimpy
• Chesterville Cemetery
• Henry's Drive-In
• Worlds Largest Catsup Bottle
• Friendship Shoe Fence
• Charles Lindbergh Crash Site #2
• Nike Missile Site C-44
Crystal Lake
• The Greenhouse of Crystal Lake
• Danville Area Visitors Bureau
• Lindley Sign Post Forest
• Temple Plaza
• National Shrine of St. Therese
• Ellwood House Museum
• Northern Illinois University
• Chevrolet Hall of Fame Museum
• Wild Dog Saloon
Des Plaines
• Golf Center Des Plaines
• The Choo Choo
• Square Deal Shoe Store
• Diamond Mine Disaster Monument
• John Deere Historic Site
• Lowell Park
• Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home
• Veterans Memorial Park
• Wings of Peace and Freedom Park
Downers Grove 
• A. C. McCartney Equipment
• Amblers Texaco Gas Station
• Cardiff Town State Historic Site
East Moline 
• John Deere Harvester Works
East Peoria
• Carl's Bakery & Restaurant
• Last Harvest Ministries
• Twistee Treat
• Buckminster Fuller Dome
• Center for Spirituality and Sustainability
• Madison County Historical Museum
• Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
• The Cross at the Crossroads
• Merz Heating & Air Conditioning
• Mid America Motorworks
• My Garage Museum and Store 
• Larsons Light Show
• Big John's
• Cajun Jack's Bar & Grill
Elk Grove Village
• Busse Woods 
• Ned Brown Meadow 
• Twin Groves Wind Farm
Elmwood Park
• World’s Largest Radio Flyer Wagon
• Ellsworth water tower/Baseball
• Midewin Iron Bridge Trailhead
Dawson Township 
• Ellsworth water tower/Baseball
• Eureka College
• Ronald Reagan Museum
• Section of the Berlin Wall
• American Toby Jug Museum
• Goat Tower Farm
Forest Park
• Little Teeth Big Smiles Children's Dentistry
• Woodlawn Funeral Home & Memorial Park
Jerry’s Hat Museum
Wabash Railroad Model Train Museum 
Jackson Township
• Midewin Iron Bridge Trailhead
Leyden Township
• World’s Largest Radio Flyer Wagon
• Goat Tower Farm
0 notes
inyourbestwriting · 6 years
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I promised you the first of my introductions to the Inner Sunset this week. It will follow (posts will be fewer this week as we’re away), but let’s start with The Sunset itself so you know where you’re heading.
It sits below Golden Gate Park, stretching the entire length of it and extending westwards to meet the sea, ending in Ocean Beach. It’s broad and flat and from the air - as you see in the photo above - extremely uniform in appearance. It sprawls and you feel that: population-wise, it’s the largest neighbourhood in the city, with around 85,000 residents. It’s maybe one of the only major cities where proximity to the beach doesn’t come at an increase in property prices. If anything, they’re kept low by the fog, its accompanying damp and infuriatingly ubiquitous wind-borne sand of which you can never quite rid your floors, sheets and car. 
19th Avenue (a tiny part of the famous Route 1) divides Inner from Outer Sunset. The area around 19th has a distinctly Chinese feel, with much of the shop signage on the avenue itself written only in Chinese. The further you move into the Outer Sunset the beachier it gets: beachside cafes, motels, surf shops; more of the character of a beach town than a neighbourhood of a wider city. 
Ocean Beach is beautiful but wildly inhospitable. It’s actually recognised as the most hazardous piece of urban shoreline in the entire country. Definitely not for swimming. The water is freezing and the riptides are furious; only the bravest of surfers take it on, and not always successfully: I have a friend who lives by the beach and tells sad stories of the regularity with which she sees the coastguard helicopters flying in to pluck people from the sea. Danger-aside, sticking to the beach itself is a joy and unlike many other American beaches, you can still make a bonfire on it. High school students all have stories of tipsy (and therefore I would imagine treacherous) evenings spent down there. More wholesomely though, it’s also home to scudding clouds of little whitish birds called Snowy Plovers.
As neighbourhoods go, it’s one of the newer ones. It was practically thrown up in a property-building drive in the 1920s. San Francisco was largely unaffected by the Depression back then and the city made it easy for people to get mortgages. Prior to this explosion of development, it was just a vast expanse of dunes dotted with a couple of farms, known as Outside Lands (from which the annual music festival held in the park took its name). Due perhaps to the hurry in which the area was developed, it’s rather lacking in imagination in the design of its homes. In the Outer Sunset, the feel is even more uniform as many of the houses follow the same two-story design: garage below, home above, sun-bleached pastel colours. Most blocks look remarkably similar, which is alarming to someone like me with a pathological lack of spatial awareness. 
The Inner Sunset is more eclectic and easier to navigate. An enormous red and white, three-pronged radio and television antenna called Sutro Tower perches above it, helpfully enabling you to orientate yourself in relation to the area. It was built in the 1970s to improve television reception which - up until then - had been spotty due to the hilly geography of the city. It was the tallest structure in city until the (wildly uninspiring) Salesforce Tower was built. For me, wherever I am in the city, it’s like a big red pin pointing home. It’s industrial but oddly beautiful and widely-loved; you’ll see locals proudly wearing clothing showing it as a symbol of the Sunset itself. I like this. In most other cities, the only people you see wearing clothing featuring local landmarks are tourists who’ve misjudged the weather. 
The Inner Sunset border with neighbouring Cole Valley is the location for a large part of the medical arm of the University of California, and many of their teaching buildings sit up in a big cluster on the hill. I was told before we moved that if I were ever to have a medical or dental emergency I should just poke my head out of the house and shout for help, as there would always be someone medically-minded nearby. This is not without truth, and you can spot them by their green and blue scrubs, running errands around work.
The corner of the park we’re closest to is home to the Botanical Gardens, the Japanese Tea Garden, the California Academy of Sciences and the de Young Museum. These are the main draw for people from outside the neighbourhood, as is what can be found at the junction between Irving Street and Ninth Avenue. This is a stellar collection of restaurants and shops, including some of the best Japanese, Mexican, Chinese and Korean food in the city, a coming-soon and wildly-anticipated (by me, at least) branch of Tartine Bakery as well as our long-established and much-loved branch of the Arizmendi Bakery Co-operative. It’s also home to one of San Francisco’s oldest and friendliest pubs: the Little Shamrock, and to my favourite coffee shop: Snowbird, as well as a handful of lovely independent shops such as the gift shop Kira, a real-life magic shop in the form of Misdirections, and Green Apple Books. 
This is our little corner of the city, and what I will be showing you in subsequent posts.
[Photo from here.]
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corbeezyyy · 6 years
Cupcakes El Paso TX
< period design=" font-size: 14pt; font-family:" Times New Roman", serif;" >
Develop Several Flavors, Cupcake Cakes and Extra!< period design =" font-family:" Times New Roman", serif" > Cupcakes. are fantastic, but numerous are wondering just how this little birthday celebration as well as institution area. treat has actually concerned create such a fuss. Not only are cupcake centric restaurants. emerging throughout the country, from home-style Magnolia Bakery on the East. Coastline to Sprinkles in Beverly Hills, but these once charming cakes are being. served all over - even at black connection occasions!
 < span style=" font-family:" Times New Roman", serif" >< span design =" font-family:" Times New Roman ", serif" > It's no. secret that Hollywood's figured in, showcasing cupcake shops in popular.
 tv shows, but the magnificence truly goes to these small cakes.< period design= "font-family:" Times New Roman ", serif ">< period design=" font-family: "Times New Roman ", serif" > Take. flavor and colors for example. One dessert doesn't have to indicate one taste as well as. look. A single set of cupcakes could supply a rainbow of flavors and tinted. toppings, from lemon to hazelnut, from quite pastels to vibrant tangerine and. hot pink. Cupcakes in El Paso TX are doing for numerous store-front bakeshops what 31 Tastes did. for ice-cream parlors.
 < span style=" font-family:" Times New Roman", serif "> And,. there's so much you can do with cupcakes.
  As with cakes, you can add dental fillings, . shape right into enjoyable styles as well as pile them.< period style="font-family: "Times New Roman", serif" > While some. of the upscale cupcake shops make use of pricey active ingredients like Madagascar. Bourbon vanilla, you do not have to go all out to create cupcakes fit for a. unique event like a wedding celebration. Simply be sure to use fresh and also natural. ingredients, such as butter and also fresh fruit rather of margarine and iced up.
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crumbdoo · 6 years
Cupcakes El Paso TX
< period design=" font-size: 14pt; font-family:" Times New Roman", serif;" >
Develop Numerous Flavors, Cupcake Cakes and Extra!< span style =" font-family:" Times New Roman", serif" > Cupcakes. are fantastic, yet many are asking yourself how this little birthday as well as college area. reward has actually concerned produce such a hassle. Not only are cupcake centric restaurants. emerging across the country, from home-style Magnolia Bakery on the East. Shore to Sprinkles in Beverly Hills, however these when enchanting cakes are being. offered anywhere - also at black connection events!
 < period design=" font-family:" Times New Roman", serif" >< span style =" font-family:" Times New Roman ", serif" > It's no. key that Hollywood's played a component, featuring cupcake shops in popular.
 tv shows, but the splendor actually goes to these miniature cakes.< span style= "font-family:" Times New Roman ", serif ">< period style=" font-family: "Times New Roman ", serif" > Take. taste and also colors for instance. One treat does not have to mean one flavor and also. look. A solitary batch of cupcakes can offer a rainbow of flavors and also tinted. toppings, from lemon to hazelnut, from quite pastels to lively tangerine and also. hot pink. Cupcakes in El Paso TX are providing for many store-front bakeshops what 31 Flavors did. for ice-cream shops.
 < span design=" font-family:" Times New Roman", serif "> And,. there's a lot you could do with cupcakes.
  As with cakes, you could include dental fillings, . form into fun designs as well as pile them.< span design="font-family: "Times New Roman", serif" > While some. of the high end cupcake boutiques make use of pricey ingredients like Madagascar. Bourbon vanilla, you don't need to go full blast to create cupcakes suitable for a. unique event like a wedding celebration. Just make sure to utilize fresh and natural. ingredients, such as butter as well as fresh fruit rather than margarine as well as frozen.
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bakeryhillsdental · 10 months
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Bakery Hill Dental offers convenient sleep apnea testing for personalized care. Experience restful nights with our expert team's state-of-the-art solutions. Your well-being is our priority. Visit us today.
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metaforizar-se · 6 years
Cupcakes El Paso TX
< period style=" font-size: 14pt; font-family:" Times New Roman", serif;" >
Create Numerous Tastes, Cupcake Cakes as well as More!< period style =" font-family:" Times New Roman", serif" > Cupcakes. are terrific, yet lots of are questioning just how this little birthday celebration and also school room. reward has pertained to create such a difficulty. Not just are cupcake driven dining establishments. emerging throughout the nation, from home-style Magnolia Bakery on the East. Shore to Sprinkles in Beverly Hills, however these once charming cakes are being. served anywhere - also at black tie events!
 < period design=" font-family:" Times New Roman", serif" >< period design =" font-family:" Times New Roman ", serif" > It's no. trick that Hollywood's figured in, including cupcake stores in prominent.
 tv programs, yet the magnificence really mosts likely to these mini cakes.< span style= "font-family:" Times New Roman ", serif ">< span style=" font-family: "Times New Roman ", serif" > Take. flavor as well as colors for instance. One treat does not need to imply one taste and also. appearance. A solitary batch of cupcakes can offer a rainbow of flavors and tinted. icings, from lemon to hazelnut, from very pastels to vivid tangerine and. warm pink. Cupcakes in El Paso TX are doing for numerous store-front bakeries what 31 Tastes did. for ice-cream shops.
 < period style=" font-family:" Times New Roman", serif "> And,. there's a lot you could do with cupcakes.
  As with cakes, you can add dental fillings, . sculpt into fun layouts and stack them.< period design="font-family: "Times New Roman", serif" > While some. of the upscale cupcake stores utilize costly ingredients like Madagascar. Bourbon vanilla, you don't have to go full blast to develop cupcakes fit for a. unique occasion like a wedding event. Simply be sure to use fresh and also natural. ingredients, such as butter as well as fresh fruit rather of margarine and iced up.
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Phewf. 🛍💸💸💸😩😴
I went out to get my hair cut, dentist check, buy batteries, and get dental antibiotic prescription filled. Should've taken an hour, two tops If dentist was slow (it was).
I went out at 11:30AM. I just got back. It's 5PM. 😩😩😩
I got my hair done, and my teeth/abscess checked...
And then I went to the bank...
The outdoor clothing/camping store. I needed a new winter coat and they had a sale, but I wasn't sure so I left...
The book/stationery shop. They had a SALE. I coulda bought the whole stationery section, all of the notebooks, and most of the book section, but I didn't. Just 3 stationery, 2 folders, 2 notebooks, 1 science, and 1 book!...
Then I stopped to get lunch cos I was getting woozy. At 2PM. Mum phoned and I told her about the coat.
Got to the chemist to get my prescription filled, bought 3 hair dye/coloured sprays, tissues, ear plugs (I got some for Christmas, but I have smol ears so they didn't fit), extra strength deodorant 😳, Christmas cards (getting a jump on next year! 😉), super long iPad charging cable, and a coin purse shaped like a penguin!
Then I got to the shop that has the cheap but good batteries, and got very distracted, bought half the craft and baking sections, nearly forgot the batteries, but did not!
Went back to the book/stationery shop because I remembered I wanted a desk tidy. THERE WERE NONE!!!! The little plastic or wire thingiemabobs were everywhere when I was a kid! How do people organise their desks now they don't have a holder for shit?!
Back to the outdoor clothing/camping store. BOUGHT MY COAT!!!!! And a Dracula torch, a pumpkin lantern, and a birthday card. I love my new coat. ☺️☺️
Bought a sandwich, donut, popcorn and juice at a bakery. 😋🥪🍩🍿🥤 (That's dinner sorted!)
AND FINALLY GOT HOOOOOOOOOOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😌🏠 My shoulders were about to die carrying four giant bags up my home hill. 🛍💪💪
I am done. I am bought out. I am in my pyjamas. In my bed. And on the Sims3. 🏠🛏👩‍💻🙅‍♀️ (I need a blanket emoji. Rolled, or flat. Or a person head sticking out like a burrito. Swaddled baby emoji would do in a pinch)
Very tired. And there a four giant shopping bags blocking my hall, but pfffffffffft.
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Global Blue-Veined Cheese Market size is likely to grow at a high CAGR by 2024
The Blue Veined Cheese Market. Cheese is a source of minerals, proteins, and vitamins, made by coagulation of milk protein. It was originated in Italy and is a soft dairy product. Milk obtained from various sources is ripened along with penicillium mold to form blue veined cheese. It has features such as off-white color with blue, gray, green veins or black spots over it. It possesses a tangy flavor and has creamy, soft and smooth texture. Eye appealing texture, color and desired taste is increasing demand of the product and in turn driving blue veined cheese market. 
Blue vein cheese offers many health benefits apart from its tempting taste and appearance. It is a rich source of nutrients that reduces health risk. It consists of proteins and vitamins that boost immunity system and memory. It provides benefits in health problems such as dental health, osteoporosis, and arthritis. It has the properties of being anti-inflammatory and anti-cellulite. Increasing consumer awareness regarding health benefits of the product is likely to boost blue veined cheese market in forecast period.
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Technological advancement in dairy products, health awareness of milk products, thriving demand of fast food, and modernizing food habits are further contributing in consumption of blue veined cheese. Global milk production has grown by nearly 50 percent in past three decades and had reached to 769 million tons in 2013 from 500 million tons in 1983. Positive outlook of milk industry and its consumption is likely to propel blue veined cheese market in the forecast timeframe.
Blue veined cheese is majorly obtained by cow milk, whereas other sources such as yak, reindeer, goat and sheep have comparatively low share in production of the product. It is produced by different production types that include natural cheese and processed cheese. Processed cheese is obtained by bacterial growth, additives and enzymes action in fresh milk. This kind of cheese is available in various textures such as soft cheese, semi-soft cheese, semi hard cheese, and hard cheese. But, escalating cost of dairy products and milk, high fat content in cheese can hamper blue veined cheese market in near future.
Make an inquiry for purchasing this report @ https://www.gminsights.com/inquiry-before-buying/1629
Based on product type, blue veined cheese market is segmented as danish blue cheese, danablu, cashel blue, stilton cheese, roquefort cheese, gorgonzola cheese, and others. This cheese is available to consumers through various distribution channels namely online stores, wholesalers, specialty shops, and retail shops. It is used in multiple food products including burgers, pizzas and other bakery products. 
India is world’s biggest milk producer, with around 18% share in global milk production. Higher milk produce leads to surge in dairy products consumption and cheese production. China and Pakistan also contribute majorly in milk production making Asia Pacific a significant contributor in global blue veined cheese market in the forecast period. Concept of cheese was evolved from Italy; further western countries have a modernized food habits that boost consumption of dairy products like cheese in these countries. Additionally, Europe has a per capita milk consumption of 150 kg per year that provides the region a significant share in blue veined cheese market.
Africa is witnessing a slow growth rate in milk production as compared to other developing regions, due to unfavorable climatic conditions and increasing poverty level. U.S. had high milk surplus in past five years and has a considerable demand of fast food products, which uses cheese as an ingredient. It had registered a decent growth in dairy products consumption along with technological development in the sector. Thus, North America will depict a growing scenario in blue veined cheese market in next seven years. 
Prominent manufacturers in the market are Willow Hill Farm, Vermont Shepherd LLC, Cowgirl Creamery, Grafton Village Cheese, Saputo Cheese USA Inc, The Isle of Wight Cheese Company Ltd, WAIMATA CHEESE COMPANY, Shaft’s Cheese Company, LLC, Fonterra Co-operative Group and ARLA Foods.
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Global Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.
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davidpwilson2564 · 8 years
Friday March 3, 2017 
Sonogram administered by zaftig Russian lady.  “Strip to your vaist.”  No mincing of words.  The radiology complex seems a separate part of the building.  An elevator takes me to another part of it and not the lobby.  Getting to the lobby takes some doing.  All of this funny...not being able to find my way out...seems everyone knows the drill except me.
Stop by the bank. Mr Moreno explains some details about my credit card.  Turns out I can redeem saved points. I never acted on this (my Great Depression mentality) thinking I might have to use them one day. As the song says, that rainy day is here.  That dental bill was a real setback.  I hope I wasn’t taken advantage of.  I’d hate to think that was the case. 
Home for a while and then head down to Grand Central. Though it’s rush hour, It isn’t as bad as I thought.  Get ticket for Crestwood.  A train is waiting and I get a seat.  No problem...and I had in my mind I might have to stand. 
Much of the trip north of the city quite familiar by now. The disintegrated part of the Bronx giving way to an upscale Westchester.  The clean unpolluted river running through it.  The gingerbread architecture of Bronxville.  In a brief time I am in Crestwood.  Always a feeling of unreality.  Like that Twilight Zone episode where the harried commuter ends up in the peaceful village (called Willouby?) he has seen from the train window.  A beautifully wrought sign beneath the train station that says you are in Tuckahoe.  (Am I in the right village?)  The row of mom and pop stores.  A bakery, a barbershop, a nail salon, a bar...  Touch base with Kenny D.  He is on his way to get me.  I am in the right place. 
Dinner with Kenny D and Dorothy.  Their house seeming quiet with both son and daughter gone.  Empty nest.  Kenny D cooks and we catch up and it seems are never done with catching up. Dorothy is working at Wave Hill (where I’ve never been) and we tell some Toscanini stories.   When I am ready to be taken to the train he says he will drive me into the city.  Kenny D and Dorothy drop me off at home.  Such a nice evening.
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bakeryhillsdental · 10 months
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Discover the transformative benefits of professional teeth flossing services » . Our skilled team ensures meticulous care, removing plaque and preventing gum disease for a healthier, brighter smile.
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bakeryhillsdental · 11 months
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Searching Invisible Braces Dentist Near Me fear not and consider Bakery Hill Dental Providing a discreet solution for misaligned teeth, they ensure a confident smile.
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bakeryhillsdental · 11 months
Tooth sealant for sensitive teeth is one such amazing dental instruments that can drastically lower the risk of tooth decay and discomfort.
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