#baggy distressed pants
urbanthreads · 8 months
The Revival of Men’s Baggy Distressed Jeans: A Hip Hop Apparel Staple
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Embracing the Urban Edge
In the ever-evolving world of fashion, certain trends make grand re-entries. This season, it’s all about men’s baggy distressed jeans — a style that has deep roots in the hip hop culture. These jeans, known for their loose fit and worn-out aesthetics, are more than just a fashion statement; they are a nod to the rich heritage of hip hop and urban style.
A Brief History
Rewind to the 90s, the golden era of hip hop. Baggy jeans were a symbol of rebellion and freedom, donned by iconic artists who set the stage for what became a significant fashion trend. These jeans were not just clothing; they were a form of expression, embodying the raw, unfiltered voice of the streets.
Why Baggy Distressed Jeans?
Fast forward to today, and the appeal of baggy distressed jeans has only grown. The distressed look adds character, each rip and tear telling a story of resilience, much like the enduring nature of hip hop itself. The loose fit offers comfort and flexibility, essential for the dynamic movements in breakdancing or simply for a relaxed day out.
How to Style Them
Styling baggy distressed jeans is an art. Pair them with a crisp, oversized white tee and a pair of classic sneakers for a timeless look. Layer with a bomber jacket or a hoodie to add depth to your outfit. Accessorize with a chunky gold chain or a beanie to stay true to the hip hop roots.
The Comeback in Modern Streetwear
Today’s streetwear scene has embraced baggy distressed jeans, integrating them with contemporary styles. Fashion influencers and celebrities are often spotted sporting this trend, proving that it’s not just a throwback fad but a lasting element in men’s fashion.
Quality Matters
When choosing a pair, quality is key. Look for jeans that are intentionally distressed, ensuring they last longer and age well. Premium denim is a worthwhile investment, as it withstands the test of time, both in durability and style.
Inclusivity in Fashion
One of the best aspects of baggy distressed jeans is their inclusivity. They suit a variety of body types, making them a universal wardrobe essential. This trend breaks the barriers of conventional fashion norms, promoting a more inclusive approach to style.
Men’s baggy distressed jeans are more than just a trend; they are a celebration of the hip hop culture and its impact on fashion. They signify comfort, individuality, and a connection to a movement that has shaped the music and fashion industry. As we embrace this revival, let’s remember the roots from which this style originated and continue to innovate and express ourselves through our fashion choices.
Stay stylish, comfortable, and true to the hip hop spirit with a pair of classic baggy distressed jeans.
Looking for the perfect pair of baggy distressed jeans? Check out our latest collection Embrace the hip hop style and make a statement with every step you
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blakonik · 8 months
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madlensims · 8 months
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Channelling Y2K flair with a modern twist! 👖Baggy distressed jacket paired with miniskirt and relaxed-fit pants! 💅 Each item stands alone, ready to be paired as your heart desires! 💖
Items included:
Mini skirt
DOWNLOAD Patreon (Public 3/March/24)
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dfortrafalgar · 16 days
Just A Little More Time
Law x Fem Reader
Law wants more, and winter break seems like the perfect opportunity. Indeed, he wants more... but not at the cost of your relationship.
A/N: Another bonus chapter for IMLY, the masterlist of which I will link below! I wrote this MONTHS ago and have a second part to follow that I still have to finish. You can definitely read this without reading the entirety of the main fic, but there are parts of this that directly reference IMLY, so there's a potential that these might not make as much sense ;3;
Warnings: Mentions of sex but nothing explicit, hints of past sexual trauma, allusions to medical issues, in general fluff and law being a dork
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[IMLY Masterlist]
Law stared blankly at the bowl of condoms situated outside the student activities office.  A tiny index card placed beneath the pink plastic bin said they were free to take, but the biology undergrad felt beyond awkward reaching into the bowl to grab a few.  Would he even need them?  Everything had been going so well with you that he was worried he was going to jynx himself with every tiny action and idea.  For the first time in his life, he found something he truly, desperately wanted to hold onto.  He had fallen in love… and fallen hard.
Biting back his growing anxiety, and ignoring the off-put stares from students walking by, Law reached into the bowl, grabbed three wrapped condoms, and frantically stuffed them into the pocket of his baggy cargo pants.  He briskly trudged out of the building and began his walk through the brisk winter air across the campus to the dining hall where you promised to meet him.  A light snow was floating through the air, coating the frozen ground with powdery white that crunched beneath his shoes, the salted pavement of the walkways helping with traction.  His heart hammered at the mere thought of seeing you again- you had been so busy with final exams that the two of you had barely been able to spend time together, the pressure mounting even higher as the two of you wrapped up your third year as undergrads.  And although you were only officially dating for about three months, Law was endlessly looking forward to the next time he got to see you.
And he was really counting his blessings.  For the entire two months of winter break, you were staying together in his single dorm on campus.  He didn’t have much of a home to return to, usually choosing to stay with Shachi and Penguin.  You chose not to return home, finding distress in your family life.  And besides, who wouldn’t want to spend the winter cuddling under fluffy blankets with an adorable, nerdy med student?
Law pushed through the doors of the dining hall and proceeded into the expanse of tables and chairs, the same dining hall where he first found his heart racing at the sight of you.  The circumstances recently had been far nicer though, and it turned out his chronic resting-bitch face made for a pretty good bodyguard-type vibe, exactly what you needed to feel safe walking around the open campus of North Blue University.  You were hunched over one of the small tables in the back of the cafeteria, your chin resting against your fist as you flipped through a comic magazine, one that Law had leant you a week prior.  The bio student felt his lips pull into a small smile at the sight.
Sensing his approach, you picked your head up, a broad grin immediately appearing on your face as you stood from your chair and engulfed him in a hug.  A baggy crew-neck sweater adorned with the university’s logo enveloped you, your lavender and vanilla perfume wafting around Law in serene waves.  While he wasn’t ever a fan of PDA, there were so few people in the dining hall that he felt comfortable placing his hands on your waist and dipping you back just enough to reach the soft skin of your neck, peppering a smattering of kisses over your skin before releasing you.  Your bright, airy chuckles made his stomach twist with nervous butterflies.  The condoms in his pants pocket felt like they were lava, oozing and searing through the fabric.
“How was your last final?” you asked excitedly, pulling away from him to gather your things from the table.  You closed the magazine and held it toward him, Law happily accepting it back and tucking it into his backpack.
“It went well, I think.  I’ve never been great with language classes, though,” he muttered back, awkwardly rubbing his neck where the short black hairs reached the top of his spinal cord.
You grinned, almost blinding the man, slinging your own bag over your shoulder and grabbing his hand in yours.  Your fingers intertwined seamlessly.  “I’m sure you did absolutely amazing, you ace every single class you take.”
“I appreciate it,” Law replied, his voice low as he smiled at you, your eyes creased as they adjusted to the outside light.  “How were your’s?”
As quickly as your face beamed upon seeing your boyfriend, it morphed into a disinterested scowl.  “Language was fine.  Math on the other hand…”
“I thought it was an open note exam,” he inquired.
“It was.  The bastard TA decided last minute to make it closed-book.  Didn’t tell anyone until today, when the exam started.”  You were grumbling, stuffing your free hand into the pocket of your coat.  “I swear, the dude sitting next to me looked ready to end it all.  I might have too, but I have too much to look forward to.”
Law’s chest panged.  He knew it was a simple joke, but ever since forming your relationship, seeing you in any state other than happy and content was a health hazard for him.  He squeezed your hand, keeping the skin of your palm warm.  “I’m sure you did fine.  You tried your best, at least.”
“True, that’s all you can ask for, really.”  You stifled a yawn.  “Trying my best.”
The black-haired man’s heart raced more and more while approaching the door to his dorm building with you in tow, the three metallic-wrapped items in his pocket growing more and more scorching the closer he got to his room.  He was convinced he might pass out.  He was wildly regretting the choice to grab them, worried that you would get the wrong idea if you saw them, thinking he’d be pressuring you into something you weren’t ready for, thinking that this entire two-month relationship was nothing more than–
Your delicate voice broke him from his anxious spiral.  When did the two of you get into the elevator?
You were staring up at him, large eyes creased in concern.  “You look really nervous.  Are you alright?”
He gulped.  “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?  I can just go back to my own room if you’re suddenly not feeling well, I still have some things I have to pack up,” you offered.
Law’s hand was growing clammy in yours.  He prayed you couldn’t tell.  “No, you can stay.  I’m fine.”
Your own hand flexed in his, and while you turned your gaze away from him, you didn’t seem convinced at his answer.
One thing Law still struggled with, and something that he would probably always struggle with, was facing his emotions head on.  The last thing he wanted to admit out loud was the fact that he had grabbed three condoms from the student activities bowl with the hopes that two months of living in a small room with you would mean a potential score.  He didn’t even know if they would fit.  Were condoms one-size-fits-all?  He had no idea.  He’d never had sex before.
The low beep of the elevator’s button panel signaling their destination shook him once again from his own mind.  You losened your grip on his hand, worried that it was you who was the cause of his sudden nervous demeanor.
“Hey, Law,” you whispered, the quiet hallway absorbing your voice.  You stopped him in front of the elevator as it closed, standing directly in front of him to capture his eyes with your own.  “Take a deep breath with me, alright?”
You slowly inhaled through your nose, feeling how your ribs expanded ever so slightly as your lungs swelled with the warm air of the dorm building.  Law followed your lead, sucking in oxygen through his nose.  You had some sort of supernatural ability to make him feel better instantly, better than any form of medication or clinical treatment.  His shoulders relaxed as he exhaled with you.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered.
“Don’t be,” you replied, a small smile on your lips.  You stepped closer to him, pressing a kiss against the corner of his mouth.  “I just want you to know that you can talk to me if something’s bothering you.”
Law swallowed another thick glob of spit down his esophagus before mustering a weak nod.  “I know.”
Footsteps down the hallway sparked a fire under Law’s feet, quickly dragging you to his door as innocuous as he could, jamming the key into the bolt and clicking open the lock.  He pushed the wooden barrier open with his hand and ushered you inside as you giggled over his frantic movements, not wanting to be seen by any potential bystanders.  Choosing to ignore any playful comments about his shyness, you instead kicked off your shoes and shrugged off your coat, making a beeline to Law’s single twin-sized bed and flopping onto the surprisingly plush comforter that covered his mattress.  As clinical and stoic as Law was, he had an absolutely adorable bedspread.  A simple blue comforter with an ocean wave pattern on it, plain white sheets, three pillows, and a large stuffed animal of a polar bear, which wore a peculiar orange shirt with a strange symbol embroidered on the front.  Everything was wrapped in Law’s scent, that familiar comfort of cedar and lemongrass.
Law chuckled, deep and husky, at the sight of you immediately wrapping yourself in one of the throw blankets situated at the foot of his bed.  “Comfy?”
You hummed in response, flopping onto his pillows and curling up under the throw, hiding your face and taking a deep inhale of the laundry detergent he used.  You might have fantasized about sharing a bed with him for the rest of your life, but he didn’t need to know that.  At least, not yet.
You peeked out from under the blanket as Law milled around his room, neatly situating your bag on the ground next to his, an action which made your heart flutter.  After only three months of steady dating, the two of you had already fallen into a routine when visiting your individual rooms, as if you had been together for an eternity.  Life with Law came so natural, despite the rocky start the two of you had upon first meeting.  The Law from the study room almost five months ago was a completely different man compared to the one nearly folding his clothing and organizing his desk to prepare for your stay, humming a small song under his breath.  He had reserved the top drawer of his wooden wardrobe for your clothing, the few sets of pajamas and day clothes that he wanted to keep in his room for when you spent the night.  (He had a few sets in your room, too.)
Deep in the crevices of your mind, you wondered what married life with him could be like.  He’d probably be just as domestic, if not more so.  He’d probably make such a great father…
“Hey,” he spoke, shaking you from your own trance.  The two of you were one in the same.  “Tired?”
“Nah,” you responded, sitting up slightly, letting the blanket fall around your abdomen.  “Just watching you like a creep.”
The laugh that left his lungs shook your ribcage, a heat fluttering through your veins.  “Do you wanna get changed?” he asked, pulling open the drawer below the one he reserved for you.
You swung your legs off the side of his bed, eager to get into cozier clothing.  “Obviously.”
Neither of you had seen the other naked.  Instead, you changed with your backs to each other, heads down, only turning around when the other gave permission to do so.  It was… comforting.  You assumed your stance behind Law with your back to him, quickly shedding your shirt, followed by your bra.  The sound of rustling clothes behind you signaled that Law was doing the same.  You had just pulled an oversized t-shirt over your head when you heard a few small paps on the floor, and a panicked, ‘Shit,’ from Law.
Not thinking, you turned around to look at what happened.
Three condoms lie on the floor next to his pants, Law frantically fumbling to scoop them off the ground.  He had forgotten to take them out of his pocket and stash them in his desk.  The force of him removing his baggy cargo pants pushed them up and out of the open pocket.
You quickly turned your back to him once again, your face flushed with heat, eyes wide.  It was too late, though.  He knew you saw.
“I…” he muttered, rapidly finishing changing and shoving the three metallic-wrapped packs into his desk drawer.  He was flustered, stuttering over his words.  He stumbled between muttering frantic apologies and explaining himself when you finally turned around.  His face was flushed a deep crimson as his golden eyes scanned your face for any form of discomfort or distrust.
“Were those for… me?” you asked, voice soft, apprehensive.
“No– I mean…” Law’s jaw snapped shut.  “Th… They were.  But only if you, you know– wanted to.  Or… fuck.”  He desperately searched for any appropriate explanation, terrified at the mere prospect of potentially driving you away from him, after he had come so far.
Your heart was pounding out of your chest at the thought.  On shaky legs, you approached the panicked man, gently grabbing his shoulders and grounding him.  “Hey, Law… breathe.”
He nervously licked his chapped lips, drawing a shaky inhale through his nose.  His eyes were clenched shut, too ashamed to look at you.  Your chest ached.
“Can we sit down?” you asked carefully, your hands trailing down his arms to grab his hands.  His fingers twitched at the contact, but he reciprocated your grasp.
You maneuvered yourself across the room, crawling back onto his bed and wrapping yourself in his blanket.  Law stayed seated on the very edge of the mattress, his feet dangling a few inches off the ground from his lifted bed frame.
“I’m so sorry,” he murmured, hanging his head.  His fluffy black hair shielded his eyes from your view.
“Please, don’t be,” you pleaded, scooting up behind him and resting your forehead against his vertebrae.  “It’s really alright.  I was just… surprised.  But flattered.”
Law slowly loosened his muscles.  He hadn’t expected ‘flattered’ to be the term to use.  “Really…?”
“I mean… yeah,” you replied.  “I’m surprised that you’d want that from me.”
The man’s stomach flipped.  He carefully turned around to face you, picking his legs up to sit more comfortably on his mattress.  “Why would you be surprised about that?”
The way you pursed your lips at his question made a million more concerns run through his mind.  You quickly shook your head back and forth.  “Can I tell you something?”
“Of course.”
Law kept his gaze on you solid as your eyes darted between his wall, his hands, his blanket.  You nervously fiddled with your cuticles.  “The only time I’ve ever had sex with anyone, I bled for, like… three days.  And it hurt.  A lot.”
The man’s jaw clenched.
“I didn’t want to be rude and interrupt him, so I just kinda let it happen.  But ever since then I’ve been…” you swallowed.  “Scared.  Like… I’m worried I’m broken.”
He wanted to slaughter the man who hadn’t noticed your pain, no matter how long ago the incident was.  The look on your face told him that it still cut you deep despite your calm tone.  Law leaned toward you, concern heavy on his face.  “Did you speak to a doctor about that?”
You nodded.  “Only once.  My old gynecologist as a teenager suggested it could be anything.  He was like, ‘It could be absolutely nothing, or you might have endometriosis.  But you’re so young, so it’s probably nothing.’  So to deal with it I just never got close to a guy since then.”
The black-haired man rolled his eyes.  “That doctor sucked.”
This made a small laugh burst from your lungs.  “He did suck.”  After a few brief moments, you finally made steady eye contact with your boyfriend across from you.  “I’m sorry to disappoint you.”
“What?  No,” he blurted, waving his hands in the air.  “You didn’t disappoint me, you could never disappoint me.  If anything… I’m happy you trust me enough to share that.  I’ve…”  His voice trailed off.
You anxiously waited for his next words.
“I’ve never had sex before.  With anyone.  So all of this is still pretty foreign to me, too.”
A strange sense of relief filled your chest.  “Really?”
Law felt a tiny smirk twitch onto his lips.  “Does that surprise you?”
“A little, yeah.”  You were visibly loosening up, once again growing comfortable where you sat across from him on his bed.  “I mean, you’re crazy hot.”
Even more blood rushed to his cheeks making him feel warm from the crown of his head to the heels of his feet.  “If it helps… you are, too.  That’s… uhm… why I got those.”  He gestured with his head to his desk drawer.
You hid your face in his blanket, embarrassment pulsing through your blood with each rapid beat of your flustered heart.  “This makes me feel even more bad for being so scared.”
Law ghosted his hand over your shoulder, pulling you out of your slouch.  You reminded him of an armadillo in a way, curling up into a little ball to protect yourself from danger.  His mind flashed back to the movie night your friends had some months prior, when he found you behind the building with your head on your knees.  “Never feel bad, I’m serious.”  His voice was firm yet soft, revealing his intentions to make you feel as safe and protected as he could.  “I don’t care if we never have sex at all, or if it takes a long time.  I really don���t care.  As long as you’re… okay.  Healthy.”
You apprehensively peeked out from the blanket once more.  “Really…?”
The man bit down his surprise as light tears welled in the corners of your eyes.  You shuffled across the bed, closing the gap in between your bodies and wrapping him into a strong hug, the blanket shrouding his body as the two of you fell backwards onto his pillows.  You buried your head into his neck as his arms came to rest against the small of your back, holding you securely against him.  He could feel you grinning into him, tiny trickles of hot tears falling down the skin of your cheeks.
“I genuinely think you’re the best man I’ve ever met,” you mumbled, your voice muffled against the cotton of his shirt.
“I’m just sorry you’ve had such bad experiences,” he uttered back, staring at the ceiling as he held you against him.
“Don’t get rid of the condoms,” you sighed.  “I have a feeling we’ll need them eventually.”
Law grinned, squeezing your form in his secure arms.  “On your own time.”
“On your’s, too.”
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forsworned · 2 months
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Something good can work ft. Keegan P. Russ
cw: noncon themes, pnv sex, afab reader
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There is a strange feeling that twists in your stomach as you approach Keegan's room. The door is left ajar, and you push it open, allowing yourself in to find him sitting on the edge of his bed, cleaning his gun. His balaclava is off and laid out on his nightstand, worn and distressed from use. He glances up at you for a moment; his rifle is completely disassembled, and he's taken the liberty to maintain his equipment.
"Hey, kid." His voice sends a frisson up your spine. You freeze in place, eyeing his physique. His navy loose-fitted tee lightly outlines his toned body, and his tactical pants are tight and baggy in all the right places as he manspreads. Bore brush in hand, his taut fingers, stained black with carbon residue, work meticulously to clean out the chamber.
He looks up at you again, noticing your unchanged form and expression. "What's on your mind, kid?" He sets down the bristle and grabs a microfiber towel to clean his hands.
Your eyes flicker to meet his wintry hues, and the lump in your throat starts to dissolve. "Can I ask you something?"
He notices the change in your usual demeanor and nods. "’Course."
You step closer to him, and he watches you intently. Your gaze is intense, as if you're staring into his soul. The words that fall from your mouth make his heart drop.
"Would you fuck me if I asked you to?"
The military prepared Keegan for many things, but this was not one of them. A beautiful woman, his teammate, asking if he would fuck her? No, the Marine Corps did not train him for such circumstances.
He only observes as you close the space between you two. You place your hand gently on his sturdy shoulder, sliding it to cup his face.
"It's not exactly appropriate," he murmurs, but he doesn't shy away from your touch. It stirs feelings he suppressed when you first joined years ago.
His hand finds its way to your hip as you straddle him, pressing against his growing erection. "But?"
You inch closer, pushing your chest against his, hovering over his pale pink lips. Keegan can hear the blood pumping straight to his dick, silently transfixed on your next move.
"Uh huh," you brush your lips against his mouth, and his hand fists at the fabric of your pants.
"[Name]..." he breathes out, letting his head hit the headboard to create some space between you, but your fingers make quick work of his belt, swiftly unzipping it with ease.
He doesn't exactly protest, merely squirms under your touch as you play with his exposed happy trail.
"I think you'll like it," you swallow thickly with anticipation. The situation is wrong, but he can't find it in himself to stop you. The way your hand feels as it slips under the waistband of his briefs is tantalizing. The pleasant tingly feeling of blood surging to his dick at your euphoric touches, the way you thumb over the precum creaming out of his tip, makes his thick brows scrunch in pleasure.
You take a moment to lower your lips to the swollen, red tip, lapping up his arousal. A strangled huff escapes him, and your lashes flutter as you peer up at him, laying your tongue flat on his shaft before standing up to undo your own trousers and letting them fall to the ground.
His Adam's apple oscillates as he fixates on the sway of your hips when you approach him and take your place on his lap once again. His glacial eyes, now darkened, fall on your glistening pussy, which is mere millimeters away from his cock. He no longer hesitates when he reaches out to touch your sopping folds.
"Yeah, you definitely don't need any prep..."
You suck in your bottom lip but push away his hand. "I'm ready enough," you state, hovering over him and wanting nothing more than to let him sink into you.
You lean over the edge of the bed and retrieve the condom from your side pocket. Keegan slightly narrows his eyes at you. "Christ, you were that ready?"
"Always." You tear the condom foil with your teeth before rolling it onto his dick. He bucks his hips at your touch. You grin down at him, relishing in how pliant he is for you. Licking your lips, you align yourself with him, and his eyes alternate between looking at your pretty face and your pretty pussy.
"Fuck, your pussy is..." His voice melts into a moan as he throws his head back, bottoming out into you. You dig your nails into his tanned flesh.
"So what?" You demand an answer from him as you relentlessly rock your hips against him. The real feeling is unmatched, your imagination could never conjure up the sight of his mouth hanging open and his death grip on your hips as you grind on him. The exhilarating feeling of dominating your CO is unparalleled.
"So—fuck, [name]." He shudders, involuntarily bucking his hips as he thrusts into you. It’s nothing but primal instinct at this point as you both drive into each other, using one another for the gratification that has been bubbling in your lower bellies—a fire that has been burning for too long.
"...so pretty." He chokes out, but before he can say another word, he feels his orgasm approaching. "Gonna—cum."
"Me too." You cry out, bouncing on his dick. He didn't even need to rub your clit to make you climax because the girth and length of his dick were hitting your A-spot so deliciously, so perfectly. You reach your peak, and soon you feel a wave of pleasure overcome you. Your pulsating walls push Keegan over the edge, and he rides the tides of rapture alongside you.
Your spine arches involuntarily as you both cling to one another, gyrating your hips until your fulfillment reaches its peak. A shaky breath escapes his lips as you lift yourself off him, not bothering to remove the condom filled with his cum. You reach for your trousers and underwear, slipping them back on with ease, and tidy yourself in his full-length mirror.
As you turn to him, you notice he hasn't moved a single inch. He's lying there, chest heaving, as he eyes you up and down. You pad over to him, place a tender kiss on his forehead, and smile. "Thanks, Keegs."
With that, you happily tread out of his door, closing it behind you and ensuring you hear the click before you leave. He listens for the sound of your footsteps as they fade until he hears nothing but the buzz of the AC. To say he’s bewildered is an understatement.
He lets out a labored breath, running a hand through his short-cropped hair.
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beenbaanbuun · 7 months
club w/ wooyoung
wrote this after an interaction with mean girls at my local club…
wooyoung has been gone for a little over two minutes now - the bar must be busy - leaving you alone with an almost passed out san
normally you wouldn’t mind since you were well practiced in the art or staring down men to the point where they would dare approach you
y’know, stare into their eyes with a disgusted look for long enough for them to grow just a little self conscious
there’s only one man it’s ever not worked on, but he’s your boyfriend now
sometimes wooyoung can be about as good reading the room as san is holding his liqueur - bad… with a capital B
but the issue tonight isn’t men, it’s women
more specifically, a group of girls standing just a couple of meters to your right
they’re pretty, you think to yourself, but the way they point and laugh warps your perception of them until all you see is a group of mean girls
mean isn’t pretty
you turn to look at the dazed man next to you
he seems to have taken an interest in the way the lights swing around the room, following them like a cat with a laser
“san,” you grab his attention, “can you see those girls over there?”
you point him in the direction of them with a tilt of your head, and his eyes follow slowly
he nods, stumbling a little as the movement makes him lose his balance
you catch him and push him against the wall so he doesn’t have to focus so hard on staying upright
“are they talking about me?” you ask, “they’re laughing at something in this direction but i don’t know if i’m being paranoid.”
san comically narrows his eyes at the girls, looking like they do in the cartoons, and you let out a small giggle
and then san nods
“they keep looking at you,” he clarifies, “one of them just took a photo, i think.”
your furrow your brows
“yeah,” he angles his head so he can see the girl’s phone screen, “something about your back must be really interesting to them. they’re sending it someone on snapchat…”
the thought alone makes your heart freeze in place, and you immediately stop having fun
the smile on your face drops completely, and the weird little sidestep dance you always do at the club comes to a stand still
a drunk hand finds the top of your head - a little too hard, you must say, but you’d never tell san that - and gently tousles your hair
“they’re just jealous,” he slurs his words with a smile, and although they’re sincere you find it hard to believe
because they’re all standing there in their tight black t-shirts that accentuate their chest and baggy cargo pants that fall perfectly from their hips
and when you look down at yourself all you can see is your black corset that makes your tits look great, but sometimes reveals too much back fat for your liking, and your tiny black mini skirt that now you look at it, makes your tummy bulge over the top in a way that you hadn’t noticed until now
your distressed tights that you normally love now look messy under your critical gaze, and the knee high black socks that go under them just look weird
and all of that is without even mentioning your platform trainers that are chunkier than any other trainer you’ve ever seen, and add at least two inches onto your height
you look weird, you decide as you study yourself
“what’s got the prettiest girl in the club so down in the dumps?” you boyfriend asks loudly as he finally arrives back to your tiny group with his and your drinks in his hands
the laughter that comes from the group of girls punctuates his sentence cruelly, and you shrink into yourself more
you don’t particularly want to talk about it, but thankfully, with san in the state that he’s in, you don’t have to
“where’s my drink?” san pouts, ignoring wooyoung’s question completely
“i got you one like five minutes ago,” he didn’t, but san is too drunk to remember that, “look,” wooyoung points to an empty plastic cup on the floor, “you had a single vodka coke, remember?”
san is, somehow, satisfied with the lie and goes back to chilling against the wall with a dopey smile
wooyoung smiles fondly at his friend before turning to you with a more serious look
“now, back to you, baby,” he passes you a cup of pink liquid which you immediately start gulping down
it only takes a few seconds before wooyoung snatches it out of your hands with a frown
“okay, so that’s concerning,” he grumbles, “tell me what’s wrong.”
you shrug, but your eyes betray you
wooyoung must notice the way your eyes flicker over to the group for a few seconds and his gaze decides to follow yours
the girls are giggling, as usual, but this time you make eye contact with one of them
she looks you up and down before frowning and raising her hands in a ‘what have i done?’ motion
and then like clockwork, the frown cracks and they all start laughing again
you stare as the one that had looked you up and down moments prior uses her finger to instruct one of the others to do the same
you frown
“i wouldn’t normally say this, but they’re fucking bitches,” wooyoung whispers as he reaches a hand out to touch your shoulder, “do you want me to say something?”
you shake your head - it would be embarrassing for you if you sent your boyfriend to tell them off for you
even if they are acting like bullies in a playground…
“no, woo,” you shake your head and put on your bravest smile for him which you can tell he doesn’t believe, “just stay here with me, hm?”
he sighs and nods before shuffling the two of you around until his body is blocking yours from the group’s vision
but it doesn’t do much, not when you can still hear their laughter over the music
you try and let it go, but it’s all you can hear
the song could be anything in the world but you wouldn’t know
your mind is still racing and you can still hear them and you just can’t find it in you to have fun anymore
you look at your boyfriend, trying not to think too hard about the sympathetic look on his face
“actually, can we just go?”
you feel bad about your request, but you’d feel worse if you were to stay and ruin the atmosphere for the two guys who would otherwise be having a great time
wooyoung nods and puts a hand on san’s shoulder to pull him off of the wall
with one arm around his friend’s shoulder, he wraps the other around your waist and the three of you begin to walk
it’s slow, with san’s stumbling and the insane crowd of people, but before you know it, you’re almost out of there
but just as you reach the door, wooyoung stops
“shoot, i forgot to put the drinks down somewhere,” he unravels his arms and pushes the two of you over to a wall, “stay here, i’ll be back soon, alright?”
you nod and watch as he weaves his way through the crowd
you lose him within a few seconds, and decide to focus your attention on san instead
no doubt he’d be sleeping on your couch tonight, you giggle to yourself
it’s always an experience when he spends the night at yours; more often than not you wake up to him asleep on the floor of your room rather than the sofa you left him on
one time you’d even found him cuddled up to wooyoung in his sleep
you still have the photos on your phone as blackmail
the thought cheers you up a little
not much, but enough to bring a small smile to your face
a smile that quickly vanishes when wooyoung comes storming out of the room, a sheepish look on his face and a wet patch down his front
he grabs both of you and without wasting a second, drags you out of the door and onto the cold street
“what happened?” you ask as he hails a taxi
one pulls up and wooyoung quickly tells the driver your address before the three of you climb in
he sits next to you and takes your hand in his
“wooyoung, what happened?” you repeat
san gags as the car starts to move
you ignore it - san may not be able to handle drinking, but he’s not (yet) thrown up from it before - and keep your attention firmly on your boyfriend
he shrugs, “nothing much…”
you give him a look that lets him know you don’t believe him
he tried to wait it out, hoping you’ll let it go after a few seconds, but you don’t
“fine,” he concedes, “i spilt my drink on one of the girls, purely by accident, and she threw hers back…”
“wooyoung!” you slap his chest gently
he just chuckles and puts his hand over your own, pinning it to the sticky wet patch on his chest
“they deserved it, hun.”
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kortsitron · 5 months
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✮ PARING Hobie Brown × Trans Male! Reader
✮ WARNINGS/TAGS reader realizes he's trans, pre-transition reader, religious themes, christianity, fluff, angst, supportive! hobie, reader is referred to as a girl/daughter in some moments, hobie and reader are both young adults, gender dysphoria, toxic parents, abuse, transphobia, cursing, reader is referred by she/her by his parents, happy ending
✮ SUMMARY A stranger comes to your town and helps you realize who you are
✮ A/N  If you know me, you probably know my opinion on Christianity and religion in general, but I won't lie, I kinda like the religious themes. Especially when it's about being taken out of it and realizing that the world has so much to offer once you leave it. I guess it's my type of thing since I have been raised as a catholic little ‘girl’ and now I hate religion with pure passion after having it shown down my throat for years when I was younger. One more thing, if you're not comfortable, please do not read this. I am aware there are people who can be triggered by any of the things mentioned in the warnings/tags. If you decide to read this, I hope you're going to enjoy it! <3
In a way inspired by confessions by @eyesxxyou
ao3 masterlist requests
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You were such a perfect girl in everyone's eyes. Always so nice and polite, obedient towards your parents, in church every Sunday. You were so feminine, so lovely. Always wore those pretty dresses and skirts of yours, along with the necklace with virgin Mary on your pretty neck. And your gorgeous long hair. You were a perfection to everyone around you.
But you didn't feel perfect in the slightest.
You felt so wrong for some reason you couldn't quite name. Your body felt like a cage you couldn't get out of and you didn't know why. All you knew was that you wanted to cut your hair, hide your body under some baggy clothing and yell at everyone who called you a girl. But obviously you couldn't do that, no matter how much you wanted to. You didn't want people to look at you weirdly, to call you a freak. 
So you decided to stay quiet, knowing that nothing was going to change because you were too scared to do it on your own. Scared of judgment and scared of being abandoned. 
All you did was pray that your sinful fantasies would simply go away. But instead of them going away, something else happened. Like the prayers from the depth of your heart have been heard and finally answered.
You saw him after the Sunday mass, as you were standing next to your mother while she was talking with someone else. He was nothing like you've ever seen before. Those piercing glistening in the sunlight just like the spikes on his vest. The distressed pants with patches and chains. And those heavy boots. He was the definition of perfection, definitely not to those around you, but for you without a doubt.
You have caught eye contact with that beautiful stranger. His stunning brown eyes stared into yours as he smirked at you. He probably thought you were just a pretty girl, you assumed. After all, why would he think differently?
“Do not look at him.” Your mother scolded you, grabbing you by your shoulder and turning you to face her. You could see the disgust on her face. You’ve never seen her with that kind of grimace on her face. “I do not want to see you near him. I can already tell he's no good.”
She didn't say it, but you could already tell she saw him as the embodiment of everything that was sinful. And the last thing she wanted was her precious daughter to stray from God's path.
You glanced at the punk for the last time before your mother said that you were going home. He still watched you. He wasn't sure what it was about you that made him want to get to know you. But something inside him told him that you needed him.
Since then you saw him around the town, but you didn't dare to come close to him. You felt a rush of excitement in your stomach every time you saw him, saw that smirk of his. You didn't have anyone who excited you the way he did. But he indeed did excite you, but you couldn't even talk to him, being scared your parents might yell at you.
Everything changed when you were peacefully reading the bible on the bench next to the church. It was so warm and sunny, so you picked a spot under a tree. Your hair was made into a long braid that was getting more loose without you noticing. 
You then heard someone sit next to you. You looked up from the bible to see him. That beautiful punk, smirking at you shamelessly. He looked even better up close. 
“Hello, luv. I'm Hobie.” His voice was lower than you thought it would be. But it sounded so good, so smooth you could almost melt. His eyes looked from your face to the bible you held your hand, then back to your face. You started wondering what was on his mind. “What's your name, hmm?”
You bashfully told him your name. You weren't sure how to act. Was he expecting you to pretend to be this perfect girl everyone perceived you as? Or maybe he was finally someone that could let you be yourself? Either way, you were scared to find out.
He chuckled at your bashful reaction. Your cheeks got pink so quickly. You were just so adorable. And so… innocent. But you had a feeling he could see right through you. See that all of this was just a facade and under all of it, there was a real you, trying to get to the surface. Trying to be free.
“Have you ever listened to punk rock?” Hobie asked out of nowhere. You blinked. You? Listening to loud, unapologetic music? You could never do that. At least not without worrying about being judged.
Finally you shook your head and his smirk widened. “Darlin’, we have to change that immediately.” He saw you shake your head even more. 
You heard about punk rock. The unapologetic and loud music for brutal men who have abandoned God's ways and all the rules. At least that's what you have been told by your mother. “They are good for nothing but corrupting the minds of pretty girls like you. And I cannot let that happen.” She told you and you wondered if Hobie was that type of punk. The type to ruin you and corrupt you.
“I-I can't. I am not allowed to listen to that kind of music.” You looked down at the bible in your hands, you couldn't look Hobie in the eyes. You expected him to think you were weird for not being allowed to listen to what you wanted. But all you wanted was to avoid conflict.
Hobie's face went from confusion to smirk again. “Oh please. I can see that there's a little rebel hidden behind those pretty innocent eyes.” So he indeed could right through you.
You nervously played with your hair, wanting to both agree and refuse. And in a quick moment, your beautiful braid was untied. “Oh no.” You watched your hairband fall onto the grass. Hobie noticed it too. He moved and grabbed it, quickly cleaning it off from all the dirt. “Allow me.” He spoke so softly. You weren't sure if you should allow him to touch you in any way, but he just wanted to help you tie your hair, right? 
You decided not to overthink it, sitting with your back facing him, so he could tie your hair. You didn't expect it, but he was so gentle with your hair. No harsh hair pulling. His fingers parted your hand so nicely before he began to braid it. You almost melted.
And soon, you had your pretty braid again. Not as perfect as you could have done it, but it was still really nice. “Thank you so much, Hobie.” You said quietly before excusing yourself and saying you had to go. His eyes softened, he only nodded, asking if he could talk to you again. “I hate to say it, but I can't be seen with you.” 
Hobie sighed, his fingertip tapped at his lip ring, he seemed lost in thoughts. “And if we meet in secret?” He looked down at you, you were so short compared to him. “You can come over to my place, no one will know you were with me and I could show you some of my world.” He spoke so proudly when he mentioned introducing you to his world. And even though you technically shouldn't be meeting him, you were more than curious. So you agreed at last.
Obviously, someone saw you with Hobie. Your parents weren't proud of you for talking to him. You had no other choice than to lie, just like you did when it came to who you really felt about yourself. 
Yes, I like this dress. 
Yes, I like those shoes.
Yes, my hair is so pretty when it's so long.
Yes, I am a girl.
You had to lie, even though you wish you didn't have to. But you hoped that at the end of the day, when you were praying before going to sleep, God would forgive you for lying to everyone around you. He would understand, right?
So, as always, you lied, telling your parents that Hobie asked for some help because he was a newcomer and didn't know the town very well. Your parents weren't happy you talked to him, but knew, or at least believed, you were too good and polite to refuse to help him. They didn't think twice about it, allowing you to go to your room. They didn't mention Hobie braiding your hair, so you just assumed they didn't know about it, so you decided not to mention it either. It was better to keep your mouth shut.
You were careful when the day of visiting Hobie came. You told your parents that you went to study the bible at your friend's house. They didn't suspect a thing. You made sure no one could see you as you made your way to Hobie's apartment. And soon enough, you were in front of the door of his apartment.
You knocked lightly, heard the sound of locks being unlocked and then the door finally opened. You saw Hobie and he looked at you with that same softness like the last time. But this time he rubbed one eye with a cotton pad. You had a look of confusion on your face when you saw that.
“Come in, luv.” He moved so you could come inside, but instead of looking around, you watched him.
“Are you… wiping off your makeup?” The question sounded so stupid in your mind. Men weren't wearing makeup… right?
Hobie chuckled softly before going to the bathroom to wipe the makeup off more precisely in front of the mirror. You saw a few small eyeshadow palettes with bright eyeshadow in them, along with eyeliner and even two lipsticks. Even you didn't own that much makeup, you barely had any makeup since your parents didn't want you to paint your face like a whore.
“Yeah. I have been to a small party outside the town, so I wanted to look me best.” Hobie explained, before throwing a dirty pad into the bin. He then turned to you, it was obvious that you never saw a man wearing makeup before. You've never seen someone like him before. He allowed himself to check you out, you had a long skirt and a cute top that matched the skirt so well. “I am guessing you never wore the kind of makeup I usually go for?”
His hand grabbed one of the eyeshadow palettes and gave it to you, so you could see the inside better. You didn't think much and opened it. You hand one makeup palette and it was mostly light browns, one a little more glittery eyeshadow and two light pinks. But Hobie’s? It was so colorful. Red, blue, green and yellow. All of them so bright and pigmented.
He smiled when he saw your reaction, he felt excitement in his stomach. You looked stunned. “Why don't I finally show you that punk rock?” He left the bathroom and you followed him. His apartment was a little messy. Posters on every wall, some chokers and other jewelry scattered in some places and some clothes laying around. But his room was even better. It was so… him. You could see the room scream Hobie. Even more posters, a guitar. It might have been a little messy, but it had so much character.
Hobie moved to the old cd player and in the matter of seconds, the loud music played. Black Flag on full volume. At first you weren't sure what to think, but soon, you started loving it. You stopped caring about anything when the music played, banging your head to the rhythm. At first a little shyly, but then you were more confident about it, not caring if you were going to mess up your hair. You looked so happy, you felt so happy. It has been since you felt like that.
Even since Hobie came here, he finally saw your smile, the real and sincere smile on that face of yours. But he saw it falter when Can't Decide by the Black Flag started playing.
Sun's coming up and I can't decide
To spill my emotions or keep them inside
Go for a drive, go to the store
I'm looking for something that can't be bought there
I always wear a smile
Because anything but a smile would make me have to explain
And they wouldn't understand anyway
And they wouldn't understand anyway
I conceal my feelings so I won't have to explain
What I can't explain anyway
It hit so close to home, you almost started sobbing. Hobie saw it immediately and turned the music off. He sat next to you, one arm around you while he rubbed your arm with the other to comfort you. He barely knew you, but he was so concerned about your well being already. “What happened, dove?” He asked so quietly, almost as if he was scared he might make you start crying just by asking.
But you weren't ready to admit what has been going inside your head for months. And he could see that so well. A few tears went down your cheeks so you asked for a tissue. You smudged your makeup a bit, but luckily Hobie was able to fix it with the only brown palette he owned, the one had forgotten about since he never used it.
You gathered your things and apologized. “Don't apologize, luv. Just know you can come and talk about what's going on in that pretty head of yours.” You only nodded before leaving. 
Your parents weren't home by the time you came back, they were probably in the neighbor's house, talking and eating how they did once in a while. Probably praising you how good and obedient you were, and how they were happy to have a daughter like you.
And after that situation at Hobie's place, it became harder to pretend. It became hard not to cry when you were called a perfect daughter, pretty girl and beautiful woman. You couldn't wait any longer, you had to talk with someone about it. And the only person who would not judge you was Hobie. 
It has been a while since you talked to him. But you came back, trembling, looking like you were about to start crying at any given moment. Hobie didn't think twice, he just let you in, sat down on the floor while he seated you on his bed. His calloused hands found yours and he caressed them gently in order to comfort you.
And finally, after all this time, you opened up about what has been on your mind for all those months. You explained how you felt trapped in your own body, how you hated being seen as a girl and how much it hurt when you were called and seen as one. How much you just wanted to be yourself.
Hobie's eyes softened, his hand touched your delicate cheek as his thumb stroked it. You didn't flinch away from his touch, instead you leaned into his hand, enjoying the way he touched you. “Darlin’, I think you might be trans.”
“I might be what?” Your nose was already stuffed from all that crying, making your voice sound funny. Hobie sighed before his lips curled into the soften of smiled. 
“Trans, hun.” You still looked confused, but he wasn't going to blame you. You've been living in a place where you were too scared to be yourself, you couldn't name your feelings even though you have been feeling them for months. It was obvious these people weren't talking about things like that, at least not in the way that would make you want to explore those feelings.
“It's uh, it's when your body doesn't match how you feel on the inside. Like you, you have been born as a woman, but you don't feel like one, don't you?” You shook your head, of course you didn't feel like a woman. Thinking about yourself as a woman didn't feel right. 
Hobie got an idea. “Why don't you go to the bathroom and take all of that off? I'll bring ya some clothes and then you'll tell me how you feel.” He helped you with making your way to the bathroom and closed the door after you. You took off the dress, standing in nothing more than your underwear. It felt a bit less suffocating to not be wearing that stupid dress.
Soon, you heard Hobie knock on the door. “I have some stuff I think might look good on you.” You covered yourself with the towel that was near you, not wanting for Hobie to see your body. But he didn't even peek in, instead he held the clothes for you, letting you grab them before he quickly closed the door behind him.
You looked down at the clothes. Some distressed jeans with patches and studded belt, white shirt with some graffiti, which you assumed was decorated by Hobie himself and even some hand warmers to match the outfit.
You had put on the outfit and left the bathroom, only to see Hobie waiting for you. His eyes sparkled when he saw you. And he could see it in your face that you felt better. He looked so excited for you.
But you still had that long braid. “Let me…” Hobie murmured before you felt him touch your hair again. You weren't sure what he did exactly, but when you stepped in front of the mirror, your hair looked so short. It wasn't perfect, but you loved how your hair looked, way more than it looked in a braid, ponytail or any other hairstyle you were used to. You looked like a boy, and you were so happy.
At that very moment, you knew you couldn't go back to how your life was before. You couldn't go back to wearing dresses, praying to the God that probably never listened to you and did not care about you. You could no longer pretend that you were the perfect girl you were seen as until now.
Hobie's hands grabbed you by your shoulder. “Do you want me to call by a different name?” He asked, glancing at your reflection in the mirror as he rubbed your shoulders. You thought about it for a moment, before looking up at him and speaking up. “Do you think [Name] would suit me?”
Hobie chuckled and nodded. “Definitely, luv. Definitely.” He couldn't help himself and softly kissed your cheek. You were surprised by the sudden affection, but you enjoyed it.
“I want you to cut my hair. I want it short..” You said so suddenly, your voice was a little shaky, but you couldn't wait anymore. You have wanted to cut it for a while and you didn't want anyone else other than Hobie to do it. He was surprised by you. He didn't expect you to want to do it now.
“Are you su–” 
“Yes, I am sure.” You cut him off, you didn't want to be mean, but you couldn't wait any longer. “Please… I don't want to go back to what was before. I don't want to pretend to be someone who I am not.” You begged, you sounded so desperate. He couldn't say no to you when you sounded like that.
“Okay.” He said, giving your shoulders a squeeze before he took you to the bathroom. He brought a small stool and seated you on it. He grabbed a scissors, untied your hair, looking at it for the last time before he started cutting it. You squeezed your eyes shut, your stomach swirling with anxiety, as you listened to the sound of the scissors cutting your hair.
Snip! Snip! Snip!
You felt your hair, your hair that you got so many compliments on, tickling your arms and neck before it fell down on the bathroom floor. “Done.” Hobie said, his voice was flat. It made you worry. Did you look bad? Did he mess up your hair? Was it a mistake?
He brushed the cut hair off of you, before you stood up and looked in the mirror. It was not perfect, but it still made you feel good. You started sobbing immediately. “Dove? Are you alright?” Hobie asked, worried and a little panicked.
“I've never felt better.” You sobbed out and he sighed, relieved that you liked it. He hugged you tightly, being so glad to see you happy with who you were.
But it couldn't go on forever. You came home pretty late, still wearing the clothes Hobie gave you earlier. And in the hoodie he gave so you wouldn't be cold while coming back home. You knew confrontation wouldn't be something you were able to avoid . And you knew it wouldn't be a light confrontation either.
Your parents were sitting in the living room. As soon as you closed the front door behind you, you heard your father call you by the name you no longer wished to be called by. You took a deep breath, pulling a hood over your head before you entered the living room. Your parents eyes were immediately on you, your mother gasped loudly.
“What the fuck is that!?” Your father yelled, he stood up and grabbed you by the hood and yanked it off your head. He intended to grab you by your hair, but there was nothing to grab. Your lovely long hair was long gone and there was nothing they could do about it. In a way, that made you proud.
“What have you done to yourself!?” Your mother shouted with tears in her eyes. You've never seen her crying and you didn't expect her to get so emotional. She always seemed so cold. “Where's your hair? Your dress?” She's never been so panicked. “What will we say to the others once they see that your hair is gone? What will they think of us? What will they think of you?”
There was this need to apologize, turn the time back and never let yourself explore who you really were. But you weren't going to let this need win. You have been obedient for way too long. You were pretending for way too long and now? You were tired of it.
“I don't fucking care what are they going to think of me!” You shouted back. Both of your parents were startled by the fact that you just cursed. They never heard you curse, nor did they hear you sound so confident. “I have been pretending to be someone who I wasn't me for way too long. I am not going to let you decide about how I am anymore!” 
Your father slapped you so hard you fell to the floor. Your cheek was all red already. You and your mother were both shocked. Your father was about to take his belt off and start beating you, but your mother stopped him. “I am sure there's something we can do instead of beating her up. People will notice and they might think we were the one to cut her hair off. We can buy a wig until her hair grows back.”
“I am not growing it back and I am not putting the dresses back on.” You hissed. Maybe you shouldn't have done that, but you ripped off the virgin Mary necklace off your neck and threw it.
Your parents were more than shocked at your action. “She must have been corrupted by that punk!” Your mother cried out. “What are we going to–” Your father lost his temper. Instead of beating you up like he initially planned, he grabbed you and threw you out the door. “I no longer have a daughter!” It was the last thing you heard before he closed the door.
Soon, your father started throwing your things out the window. All those gorgeous dresses and skirts flying out the window. Before you were terrified to even slightly rip them and now? You didn't care that they got dirty, they stopped mattering to you. You only waited for your father to throw your phone. You wanted to catch it, but it fell onto the concrete, the phone screen broke, but luckily for you, you still were able to use it. You grabbed some more important things that your father had thrown and then made your way to Hobie's apartment.
He was concerned, but both of you knew it was better that way. If you stayed, nothing would change and everything would go worse. More praying, more femininity, more pretending. But you weren't going to stay with your parents, luckily Hobie said you could stay with him.
You were laying with Hobie in his bed. You were so lost in your thoughts and he could see it clearly. Hobie laid on his side to face you, the tips of his fingers brushed against your jaw to get your attention. You turned to look at him. “You okay?” You put your hands on your face and sighed.
“I'm fine. It’s just… I've wanted to be myself for a while and I…” You paused for a moment, not looking into Hobie's eyes. In a way, it all felt unreal. Usually, you would now be in your bed, reading the bible or praying. And now, you were laying with a man you didn't know very well, but he gave you everything you could have asked for. Acceptance, help and hope. 
Your eyes finally met his again. “I didn't expect that it would actually happen. I thought I was going to be everyone's perfect girl until I die, but you came into my life and changed everything. Thank you so much for that.” You smiled at him, you were so grateful he came into your life. He smiled back at you and leaned to kiss your cheek.
“You're very welcome, luv.” 
You both left the town as quickly as you could since that happened. Now, it has been 6 years since the day you met him. Everything has been truly perfect since then. Your transition was going well and you recently had your top surgery.
And Hobie? He was with you the whole time. During the first appointment at the doctor, he helped you take your first testosterone shot and he held your hand both before and after the surgery.
Life couldn't be more perfect and you never felt more perfect.
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taglist: @sk3llly
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cryptixani · 8 months
jjk men cat cafe! au...
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𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒑𝒖𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒐 𝒄𝒂𝒇𝒆! 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒔, 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒏. 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒖𝒍, 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝒎𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒆...
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a/n: hii, this is the beginning to a oneshot series i've decided to do for a couple of the jujutsu kaisen men, set in an au where there's no curses or sorcerers or any tragic horrible deaths and they all work at the same cat cafe! this is sort of an intro chapter to set the scene and introduce them, then i'm going to write a continued installment for each specific man. i've also opened requests for this au, so feel free to ask for further drabbles of smut or fluff for any of the guys featured if you like. <3
warnings: none. following installments will likely contain smut, and may also feature violence, mentions of violence, and/or distressing themes. absolutely none of it will be cat-related, for those that might be worried.
characters: satoru gojo, suguru geto, choso kamo, kento nanami, sukuna, mahito, toji fushiguro.
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there was a new cat cafe that had opened, on the outskirts of the city centre - not far from where you lived. it looked really nice, actually. every time you had peered into it in passing, you had noticed the warm lighting and comfortable seats, how nicely decorated the place was and how much stuff there was for the cats - hidey holes and platforms and bridges and shelves and scratching posts, the list went on. it was clear the place took very good care of their kitties.
you had been meaning to go for a while, it was just a matter of time. your regular local cafe had been getting boring recently, and you were on the hunt for a new place to buy a drink, sit about and do work on your laptop in.
it was a chilly weekday afternoon when you had randomly decided to give the place a go. you had been out anyway, picking up a few essentials from some other stores - fresh deodrant, some some new socks, boring stuff like that. your laptop was in your bag anyway though, as you had been intending on taking your favourite spot at your regular haunt and spending a few hours finishing up some essay drafts with a nice hot cup beside you. coffee or tea, didn't really matter at this point, as long as it warmed you from this biting wind.
but then you had passed that cat cafe, and it gave you pause. you were overcome by a sudden urge to go inside - why not? your brain reasoned, you'll get to do your work with some cute kitties about.
so your turned on your heel and headed over to the glass doors. they were heavy, though you managed to get them open by yourself. stepping inside, you felt a rush of warm air surround you, which was an absolute delight after walking around in the cold.
another door greeted you, these ones less difficult to open. you figured having two doors was a safety measure, so the cats couldn't escape. smart.
now you were fully in the cafe, and you took a little look around. it felt different on the inside, bigger and cosier. there were plenty of nooks to set up in, and plenty of cats lazing around. the air was warm with a subtle scent of coffee and clean cat - fitting.
you were pulled out of your little daze by the sound of someone clearing their throat beside you. turning your head, you blinked as you realized there was a guy stood by the front desk, smiling at you. he had an undercut, the top of his hair dyed a bold pink that somehow suited him. he wore what you assumed was the cafe uniform - baggy pants and a plain t-shirt, all black, though a small logo of the cafe was embroidered onto the left side of the shirt in white. on the right side of the shirt, a little black badge with the name 'YUJI' printed in bold white lettering was pinned, a little lopsided.
"hii!" the young man greeted you politely, already fiddling around pulling out a small black binder and pen from behind the desk. "welcome to catpuccino cafe, i'm yuji! did you prebook your visit?"
"oh, no." you shook your head with a small smile. "just a walk-in. is that okay?"
"definitely. we're usually super quiet in the middle of the week." yuji replied, flipping through the binder briefly. "if you ever wanna visit on a weekend or during the holidays, though..." he whistled, setting the binder down facing you on a blank page, the pen on top. "...it gets super busy. anyway, just write your name, phone number, and the date and time please! is this your first time visiting our cafe?"
you nod and pick up the pen, quickly noting down the details yuji had asked for. once you were done, he put the binder and pen away.
"yeah, it's my first time visiting any cat cafe." you replied with a little smile.
"aw, that's great! i'm glad you chose ours, you'll love it here!" he grinned, and from the genuine enthusiasm he seemed to radiate, you couldn't help but believe him. he continued. "we have a small hourly fee we charge seperate from any food and drink. it's mostly to cover the kitties needs, stuff like their food and litter. most people pay for one hour, but since we're currently so quiet, you can do more if you like?"
you thought over his offer for a moment, before nodding.
"i think i'll do two hours, if that's okay? i have my laptop with me, so i wanna do some quiet work here too." you replied. yuji's grin widened, if that was even possible.
"sure!!" he nodded, rattling off the total whilst getting the card machine ready for you. you tapped your card and he checked that it went through before stepping out from behind the desk. he was definitely a bit younger than you, though he seemed well-exercised and energetic. he gestured for you to follow, beginning to lead you through the cafe to find you a good spot. as he did, he pointed out various kitties you both passed by.
"that little guy over there is piper, he's pretty quiet. oh, there's cinnamon!! she's super soft, and has the cutest little meow. there's jazz and jibe on that little shelf up in the corner, they're a package deal."
you smiled warmly as you followed yuji, your eyes following his gesturing at each of the cats. you were surprised at how well he seemed to know them all, though then again it also made sense - you were sure the workers here were responsible for the cats too.
finally, yuji stopped at a cosy looking spot in the corner. a comfortable looking armchair by a bigger table, not far from a pretty big cat tree. you could see at least three kitties lounging there already.
"this spot seems like it'd be nice to do some work in." yuji spoke, smiling. "feel free to get settled down, one of our servers should be with you soon. there's a little menu there on the table for you to browse. hope you enjoy your time here!"
with that, yuji was off, bustling back to the front desk to greet more customers coming in through the door. you sighed softly and smiled to yourself, glad that you had picked this place out already. between the cute kitties and the cosy, quiet vibes, it seemed perfect for a few hours of focus. you set your bag down on the floor beside you, blinking in surprise when a small tabby kitten prowled out from under your chair. it stared up at you curiously for a moment, sniffing your hand when you held it out before giving it a little nuzzle. after that, it pattered off, looking to find something new to do.
you straightened and smiled, watching the kitten go. adorable. next you pulled off your coat, pushing it down into the armchair you were sat in. your eyes flickered over the table, before spotting the menu yuji had mentioned. you picked it up, turning it over slowly. the cafe seemed to offer a variety of drinks and snacks, including little treats to buy for the kitties. for now though, you decided to pick something out for yourself.
between hot and cold teas and coffees, alongside even a few various hot chocolate and smoothie options, you felt spoiled for choice. though as you scanned the menu, you eventually settled on a drink choice that clicked instantly. it sounded perfect, and you instantly knew it was what you wanted to try. now just to order it.
you looked up over the menu, finally taking in the view of the cafe from your seat. you had a good angle, pretty close to the back so you could see the entire interior from where you were. there was a handful of fellow customers scattered around, most already with food and drink in front of them, talking or petting relaxed kitties. you looked for any servers, beginning to spot them throughout the cafe. as you glanced at each one, your brows furrowed slightly, the warmth surrounding you suddenly feeling a little more intense. you couldn't help but notice how every single one of these servers seemed to be tall, male, and tragically handsome.
one was currently taking an order, brows furrowed in concentration as he scribbled in his little notebook. his dark brown hair was tied up in messy twin buns, bangs framing his face. you squinted your eyes and swore you caught sight of a face tattoo. his all-black uniform, same as yuji's, looked a bit baggier, and he wore cargo pants instead of regular ones, along with heavy black boots.
another two men were chatting together in the corner idly. one had short, messy white hair and an idle smirk on his lips, dark rounded glasses sitting on his nose. his uniform was a bit more form-fitting, and he wore a black longsleeve shirt under the cafe logo t-shirt. the other man had long straight black hair, tied half-up into a bun with some loose bangs on one side of his face. his uniform was much more oversized, and he wore black baggy pants that tapered in at the ankle. he was listening to the white-haired man chatter, smiling slightly and nodding along, both men relaxed.
not far from the two, another man with short blond hair and green-tinted glasses was stood flicking through a binder, expression stoic and focused. his different uniform - still all black, but instead of a casual t-shirt he wore straight pants and a button-up with the cafe logo embroidered - seemed to indicate he had a slightly higher position. manager, perhaps.
you spotted two more men off near the back, by one of the doors. one had a haircut similar to yuji's, though he seemed taller and more muscular, his uniform tight around his torso. the other man had long, grey-ish blue hair tied in three sections by the ends. he seemed the leanest of them all, his t-shirt loose but his pants straight-fitted. they also seemed to be talking, though judging by the intensity of the pink-haired one's glare and the concealed venom of the blue-haired one's smile, their conversation didn't seem nearly as pleasant.
the door they were stood by was partially open, and through the small sliver you could see what you assumed was the kitchen where the drinks and food were made, seperated from all the cats. you just caught a glimpse of a man bustling about, tall and about as muscular as the pink-haired one with short black hair that fell around his face, black t-shirt tight and form-fitting.
mouth a little dry, you shift back into your seat and glance down at your menu again, processing everything your eyes had just seen. how the hell was this place so jam-packed full of testosterone? did every attractive man in this area just see the cafe opening and think, 'yeah, i'm gonna work here'? not that you were complaining, but this almost felt like one of those too-good-to-be-true situations. but it wasn't, it was real. and one of them was about to serve you.
holy shit, one of them was about to serve you.
you pull your phone out of your pocket quickly, heartrate picking up as the realization hit. using the black reflective screen as a little makeshift mirror, you do a quick check-over yourself. no smudges on your face or anything in your teeth... hopefully not. it was pretty difficult to see in the reflection on the screen. you ran a hand through your hair, trying to neaten it up a bit after how wind-swept it had gotten outside, when you suddenly hear a throat clearing right above you.
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skzhera · 6 months
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Hera and Her boys.
An Award show incident.
Everyone knows, Hera is not the biggest fan of skirts or dresses and strays as far as possible. She usually prefers to stick to her usual style of pants/ trousers/ oversized or baggy fits. No matter what. And the stylists seem to cooperate with her on this. But once, for an award show, the stylist wanted to switch things up a bit and gave her a dress. It was quite perfect for her aesthetic just not something she is used to or comfortable wearing. Just as they got changed into it, she stepped out of the room whining and hating on it. The members picked up on her distaste and asked the stylist to change, but it was too late.
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While at the show, on the red carpet, she could be seen being quite, straying in the background, taking cautious steps, having to cover her chest with her hand, constantly tugging the incredibly short hem of the dress. The boys seemed concerned and irritated as well. While getting out of the car, they helped her out by covering her up with blankets. At the show, when seated, they ensured she got a blanket to cover herself, but at times the camera did manage to catch a distressed look on their faces, including Heras'. Being professionals, they tried to pull through this one evening, and never let this happen again. Once the performances began, Hera got a lot more comfortable, with the blanket covering most of her. It was Mamamoo, the idol group's, turn and the group began engaging with the crowd and other idols sitting on the couches, mid performance. Knowing each of them as fierce powerful women of the industry, Hera was overjoyed for their performance. Dancing and jumping around in her seat, along with Han, Changbin and Hyunjin. Little did she know, Hwasa would make her way straight to their table and dance with each member for a couple of seconds, until she reaches Hera. That's when she takes her hand, and tugs her towards the stage. Shocked at first, Hera hesitated a great bit. She just could not go. but her mind did not let her overthink. She got up as soon as Hwasa held her hand, following her to the stage with the rest of the girl group members. Knowing how happy and overjoyed Hera would be, not really thinking about what could possibly go wrong, the second she got up from her seat, all her members rose in panic. Bangchan, hesitantly pointing across the table, trying not to humiliate but still ask her not to go on the stage with her. Lee know in sheer panic, glancing in Changbin's direction. The rest just enjoying the moment the idol has graced their table and encouraging Hera to go. Meanwhile, Changbin rose in panic as well, but quickly within seconds, took out his jacket, and with Lee know's help tied it around her waist in a couple of seconds. The scene made it into the news, the Instagram posts, memes and a subject for laughter for a good while. The scene of Lee know and Changbin panic running behind Hera, tying a jacket to her waist, as she has pure glee on her face for being able to dance with The Mamamoo!
Hera's Masterlist!
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ofmermaidstories · 6 months
if u were bakugou's girlfriend (which u are) and got to pick out all his outfits what would you dress him in?
okay, okay first of all we gotta establish his style: he seems to favour baggier pants (🙄), and t-shirts. looser fits! i’ve always wondered if that was a deliberate choice on his part—if it hides his build (one of the manga extras says his fits tend to hide how explosively muscular he is), or if it’s like, a movement thing? like, if he had to spring into action while in his civvie gear. because his hero costume pants are also quite baggy, as well, and he tends to fling himself around like a small russian-child training for gymnastics gold medal in the olympics so—if i was buying him clothes, or trying to convince him to try new things, i’d probably keep that in mind. 🥹 because you never know when your rare date-night with your pro-hero boyfie is gonna be interrupted by some asshole with a attitude problem and a quirk to back it up!!! 🥺
so to start with, if i was sneaking pieces into his wardrobe, i’d stick with like, more of the same—the baggy pants, or at least wide-cut legs. maybe a couple of pants or shorts with a lower crotch? i would stick to blacks, and greens and oranges—his brand colours lmao—because he seems to like them. skull motifs, because i doubt great explosion murder god is ever really gonna outgrow that lmaooo. i would make a gift out of a really cool, expensive pair of sneakers. and then a little while later i would start trying to slip in a little more high end fashion. like a pair of tabi boots. 🥹 i’d try and convince him he needs a nice, tailored jacket, for fancy date nights although tbh i think those would be a rare occurrence lmfao. but once i had gained his trust with my choices, i would then slowly ramp up my campaign. 😈
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we’re gonna start trying to introduce some creams, whites. bolder graphics. distressed denim. i might make a point of getting him a cool—skulls—bracelet or two, since hori’s drawn him in a couple in official art. i’d buy him a more upgraded, fancy pair of his church loafers lmfaooo. he seems to favour them outside of his hero getup and i’ve always wondered if it’s because he just can’t be fucked dealing with boots outside of his heroics? anyways. i would try and slip in something cutesy—like a decapitated teddy bear hoodie lmaooo—but if he never wore it or otherwise really hated it i would just pout and move on.
a lot of the pieces you see here are like—american and japanese streetwear brands, with a couple of fine-leather craftsmen sneaking in. i’d keep buying like that: japanese brands where the flagship store is tiny and makes you feel like you’re on the inside of a very sparse egg. local designers that try and incorporate some of those traditional physiques into their ranges: hantans in leather or a modern print, for example.
fine leather belts and boots would make more gifts—dickies work pants, because i think he’d appreciate the cut of them. the occasional techgear piece—pants cut like his pro-hero ones, for example. funny tees, maybe a vintage all might one, or an edgeshot piece. 🥺 i’d stay away from jeans just bc i think if he really wanted them he’d get ‘em from jeanist lmfaooo.
there’d be a real pleasure in playing dressups with a man that has the build of a literal superhero, lmfao. i would try really hard to honour his tastes though!!!! maybe wheedle and sulk and bribe with head scratches for more experimental pieces, or ones outside of his wheelhouse lmfao. like there was this really beautiful swan tapestry jacket on one of these sites that i think a man like bakugou—built like a god, with that intense ember glare and that shock of blond hair—would look ethereal in. 😩 but i like bakugou because he seems so decided, in a lot of things, lmfao, and if he didn’t wanna wear something, i think he just wouldn’t wear it. 🥹
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hinamie · 2 months
hi hina! if you were yuuji, megumi, and nobara's personal stylist (you already kind of are 🙂‍↕️) what's an outfit you would pick that represents their casual style and one look that represents fancy attire? and what's an absolute No for each of them?
SORRY FOR GETTING TO THIS LATE i have . fashion opinions and need 2 articulate them Properly. gomen ik this isn't /exactly/ what u asked this is moreso just. my style headcanons fr each of them but i think it more or less gets the point across gFGHDSHFGJ.
will get long btw :')
yuuji:  casual: 
i loveloveLOVE him in jean jackets . since a hoodie is a staple for him that + a jean jacket i think is The Go-To fit for him hands down i think he pulls it off so well. u can even ditch the hoodie to opt for a baggy graphic T shirt but the jean jacket carries the fit.  it’s so casual n classic which helps it be ~versitile~ and it's just boyish enough to rly suit yuuji’s character. I have him in distressed jeans (grey or dark wash blue, as long as it’s a different shade of denim) whenever i can bc i think it looks good but athletic pants (think like adidas jogger-shaped) work also . add red sneakers of choice accessorize that boy with a gym bag or backpack Bam yuuji fit. 
i feel very strongly about yuuji in a dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up. no suit jacket fr him but definitely a tie and a waistcoat + straight leg trousers. i want to keep a pop of red on him so the safe option wld b to make his tie red but i think maybe he could pull off a maroon dress shirt + black everything else combo. important thing is He Wears Red :)
honestly I can picture yuuji in most anything but i don’t think he wears long structured jackets, even fr fancy outfits. he’s too stocky of a build and i think a long jacket makes him look shapeless in a bad way i think mid-thigh is as long as i’d be willing 2 go for his outerwear, though im sure with the right fit i could b convinced otherwise
megumi:  casual: 
tl;dr: loose sweater over turtleneck/over collared shirt i feel SO strongly about megumi in loose straight silhouettes. HEAVY on the grey/black neutrals with the occasional cool jewel tone (green or teal u know how it is) though i do also like him in a chocolate brown! it is important 2 me also that whatever pants he wears r not too baggy since his top will have a lot of that Chunkiness to it and u need some shape n slimness 2 the leg 2 balance it out. this overall silhouette on megu >>>>>>>
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unlike yuuji i Do think megumi could pull off a suit jacket or maybe even a blazer but whatever it is u best bet this boy is in All Black . I also like him in a turtleneck instead of a dress shirt but if we button him up Completely i think it achieves more or less the same look 
ok i have a couple but my biggest one is Fushiguro Megumi Does Not Wear Shorts end of story no further elaboration. also, this is slightly more forgiveable but like w yuuji i would avoid him in long jackets Also, altho fr the opposite reason . it’s not tht he’s too stocky for it rather i think he’s too lanky n a long coat runs the risk of drowning him — again situational tho !!!!! he would probably look good in a black wool coat so i will entertain the possibility . 
also listen. this is a personal headcanon and ik it likely puts me in the minority and i may even get flack fr this . but i do not think fushiguro megumi would have piercings. i know ive drawn him with earrings before but listen those were for Me . those were for the fit. he was an acting mannequin. but just him??? his personal feelings?? i just have a hard time thinking that boy is th type 2 put metal in his face sue me :’/ 
nobara:  casual: 
this is so hard because a. women’s fashion has SO many more options b. nobara is 100% the type to have a different style every week and c. she looks good in all of it. I think though i like her best in long skirts and layers so something along these lines is a Hard yes from me, though possibly with a brighter colour palette
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i had Other ideas but god just spoke to me through pinterest by showing me this dress and this is all i want to see nobara in actually. 
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(((real talk tho in terms of fancy dresses I like her in black/gold/red/pink for colours, either baby doll or bell skirts, strapless sweetheart necklines,, etc etc etc)))
similar to yuuji, I don’t have many things that i picture as off-limits for nobara fashion-wise bc she seems the type to experiment :’) I think any faux-pas i can name r just my own fashion icks so i’ll just go with those: no low rise and no full skin-tight fits (ik i said she seems down for anything but i think she draws the line @ athleisure). also maybe a pocket pick but i don't think she would wear orange or hot pink on account of her hair
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Kairos (카이로스) Whumplist
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Whumpee: Kim Seo Jin (김서진) Portrayed by: Shin Sung Rok (신성록)
Synopsis: A woman, looking for her mother, and a man who lost his family, work together each day to save their loved ones from their tragic fates. (Google)
Genre: Action, Thriller, Drama, Sci-Fi
Where to Watch: Viki.com
Note: This drama had whump in just about every episode, both emotional and physical.
TW: S*icide (especially episode 1)
Episode 1: anxious, building suddenly crumbling around him, waking abruptly, anxious & taking meds (00:44); panicked, worried for his daughter (20:40); exhausted, chapped lips, been awake all night, desperate, upset, shouting, crying (24:35); looking exhausted, receives alarming call, upset, scared (41:20); speaking to his daughter’s kidnapper, scared (45:40); restless, getting upset, panting, sees something deeply disturbing, shocked, weeping (50:20); told shocking news, weeping, argument with wife, weeping (57:25); worried, listening to wife's s*icide voicemail (1:04:00); trying to search for wife in the river, grabbed & stopped, in denial, weeping, in shock, almost leaping from bridge (1:06:00))
Episode 2: repeat of last scene from previous ep, crying, almost leaping from bridge (0:00); agitated (5:20); looking exhausted, baggy eyes (10:08); looking at old photos of daughter, distressed (14:40); woken from sleep, exhausted, baggy eyes, chapped lips, shocked, furious, attacking someone he thinks killed his daughter, pulled away (18:35); crying, feeling useless, nightmare: building collapsing around him, waking covered in debris, waking up panting, medicating, distressed while listening to upsetting recording (22:00); frustrated (37:00); talking about almost getting killed (52:50); shocked, relieved, crying (1:00:40))
Episode 3: lunging at someone in anger, held back, shouting, having a breakdown, weeping, shaking (9:00); frustrated, distressed, panting (17:00); sad memory, crying (27:50); red-rimmed eyes, looking sick & exhausted, crying (31:50); past self told about his daughter's future death (35:00); sudden head pain, new memory surfacing (40:25); alone, crying (53:15); upset, hearing shocking news (56:30); worried for someone (59:07)
Episode 4: coming upon a murder scene, frustrated (3:35); speaking to his daughter's killer, crying, angry (22:30); interrogated (30:40); sudden headache during interrogation, groaning (36:35); still being interrogated, headache (44:05); frustrated, headache, worried (54:00); angry (57:00)
Episode 5: angry, headache, memory surfacing (13:15); headache, memory surfacing (23:40); startled, falling & panting, scared (1:05:40)
Episode 6: waking from nightmare, panting (10:10); suffering from insomnia, asking for stronger meds (17:45); shocked, panting, upset (22:50); stressed, medicating (59:20); sleeping, accused of murder, fleeing, jumping from balcony, injured knee, shouting in pain, limping, arrested, pushed down on his injured knee (1:01:20)
Episode 7: sudden headache, memory surfacing (31:55); shocked by betrayal, teary eyed, hit in the back of the head twice, bleeding, slowly passing out (1:04:20)
Episode 8: pretending to be unconscious, face covered in blood, crying, you can see his pulse jumping like crazy in this scene (0:25); past self drunk, stumbling, arguing, shouting (2:30); still lying in bed, bandage on his head (7:20); still unconscious (20:10); 25:38(almost drugged, disintegrating (25:38); worried, panicking, crying (52:20); traumatic memory triggered, panicking, teary eyed (1:02:50); future self dying in car crash, bleeding, slowly passing out (1:06:30)
Episode 9: future self in hospital unconscious, oxygen mask, cuts & bruises on his face, head bandaged (16:00); memory triggered, panicking, taking meds, in a cold sweat, worried over, future self still in hospital, crying in his sleep (29:25); talking to doc about suffering panic symptoms, told he's having delusions (34:40); talking about his past, teary eyed (44:30); future self in hospital unconscious (49:20); talking about his past (1:00:00); future self still unconscious in hospital, threatened (1:07:15)
Episode 10: flashes of memory, sudden head pain, grunting, panting, worried over, medicating, scared (37:50); future self still unconscious in hospital, hand moving to grab someone while still unconscious (56:33); future self finally waking up (1:07:20)
Episode 11: future self unconscious in hospital (8:50); waking, groaning, crying, interrogated & accused, panicking (17:40); struggling out of hospital bed, groaning in pain, almost falling down steps, limping, chased (25:30); having trouble remembering things, panicking (30:30); on bathroom floor crying, flashbacks to the car accident, drugged, angry, shouting (48:10); angry, deliberately hitting his family's killer with a car, pulled away, shouting, trying to kill the culprit (1:02:15); flashback to being in hospital, covered in cuts & bruises (1:06:00)
Episode 12: shocked, teary eyed (0:00); sudden headache, new memory (58:00); sudden pain, clutching head, new memory (59:40); crying (1:05:35)
Episode 13: future self in pain from new memories, speaking to his past self (10:00); slammed on the ground, choked, punched, gasping, arrested (32:00); past self interrogated (48:40); in a cell, disappearing, waking up panting, dropping to his knees weeping (59:40)
Episode 14: panicking, worried for someone (00:50); angry (7:00); argument (26:10)
Episode 15: past self remembering future memory of being betrayed & hit in the head with a bat, shocked (24:20); pain from past memory surfacing (56:00); manhandled, punched, mouth bleeding, thrown off roof, lying dead in a pool of blood (1:03:35)
Episode 16: manhandled, punched, dropping to his knees, clutching side in pain, fought, slashed with knife, helped (34:10)
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ma11goth-1 · 7 months
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FIG. A: ear piercings . . . three in left ear. two helix , standard lobe. FIG. B: ear piercings . . . two in right ear. one helix , standard lobe. FIG. C: facial piercings . . . standard labret. contrary to popular belief , this piercing does not go directly through the lip. it is instead placed below the lower lip , just above his chin. ( not shown ) a standard tongue piercing.
FIG. D: wardrobe . . . a look inside his closet. tripp pants and shorts are his go-to , baggy and accessorized with straps and/or chains , and band shirts are essential. he's a big fan of layering. this includes mesh and fishnet shirts either over or under plain tees or tanks. FIG. E: accessories . . . he wears a lot of silver. not only are his piercings always sterling silver , but all of his jewelry and accessories mostly consist of it as well. this includes his rings and necklaces. he typically wears at least one ring on each hand , and one necklace at a time. studded bracelets and belts are common.
FIG. F - I: wardrobe (cont.) . . . dressing down for him just means less logos and extra straps. this style is a lot less baggy and more form fitting — but despite his pants or shorts fitting better , they're still constantly drooping below his hips and exposing boxer bands even with the help of belts due to a small waist... and preferring how it looks.
FIG. J: wardrobe (cont.) . . . fall and winter edition. the bigger the better during colder months , and the jackets come out of storage. his looser shirts are usually more distressed from age , often getting them secondhand , and there's a lot of wear and tear from being worn with love. they're also much softer. FIG. K: accessories (cont.) . . . the chances of him carrying a discman are extremely high. if he has some sort of bag on him , it's probably loaded with cds that he switches out every few days.
FIG. L: wardrobe (cont.) . . . spring and summer edition. the less clothes the better during warmer months. tripp pants are switched out for tripp cargo shorts and once into summer , tees are replaced with tanks. though he is guilty of making his own by messily cutting the sleeves from old shirts. FIG. M: beauty marks . . . he is littered in beauty marks , moles , and freckles. other than the noticeable ones on the side of his chin and neck , his back and shoulders have the most. obviously , they're seen more often during the summer when he's wearing less.
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rainandandy · 22 days
I’ve got comic con in a literal week and have literally only decided to do a lil rain carradine cosplay for it😨
I ordered a local shop to print my her T-shirt but they won’t have it done till Thursday, which is the day before I travel up to comic con 🙈 I have Nike low dunks black and white….. not reeboks bb 4000 ii mid (tho I got them ordered, and they might not here on time either 😞) so we improvising with the Nikes 🤷🏻
I got black cargo pants and I know she wears like baggy grey jeans tucked into her sneakers but I can’t find a pair of jeans that are that flexible so I’m going with the cargo ones because they baggy and they cuffed and I can tuck them into my Nikes…. It should be a look
I ordered her little red sweat band and my dad is helping me look for her bandage arm thing (we should have one in the first aid kit… if we could find it)
Hair wise, my hair is ever so slightly longer, a tad more Ellie from tlou rather than rain but I’ll mess it up a little and go from there. I gotta find a little vintage watch I can use but if not my good old reliable Apple Watch will suffice.
I’m not sure whether to distress my pants a little bit, I’m gonna have to mess with the T-shirt because it’s gonna be brand spanking new and it’s not going to be giving ✨alien✨
But yeah, any cosplay tips or rain costume additions that I haven’t mentioned please let me know…. No one will probably know who I’m going as BUT I WILL and that’s all that matters
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hyunnieshannie · 1 year
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Chapter 3: N/S
Pairing: Hyunjin x Reader
Word Count: 5.7k
General Synopsis: S_Class started off as a street racing team, built between friends but as the adrenaline rush died down, racing wasn’t enough. N/S was formed. What started off with petty crimes, quickly spiraled into a string of organized crime. 
Warnings: Mentions of sex PALACE. Mentions of violence, weapons, drugs, growing weed,
Added: If you would like to tour the N/S House please click here: Bedrooms Personal Rooms Common Spaces
A/N: Holy shit this one took a lot out of us...
Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction, this does not represent the idols mentioned in any way.
please DO NOT rewrite, translate, or repost this fic. Thank you.
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You didn’t sleep that night, your brain was too busy pestering you about the idea of needing to choose between Limitless, and S_Class. Your mind twisted with Felix’s words of warning. How would choosing a crew be a lifetime commitment? Who was Domino? Why was ‘Jinnie’ offered up? In what way was ‘Jinnie’ offered to you? Why did Jake let you spend the entire time with the S_Class crew? Was he sick of you? Was his plan to pawn you off to them? What would he gain from letting you lean towards S_Class? What would he gain if you joined Limitless? The more you learned about each group the more you wondered if these were just racing teams, or if you’d actually been brought into some weird type of cult. 
Why could questions only be answered by the respective groups? What the fuck and why the fuck are they so secretive? What about the weapons? Fighting? And seriously who the fuck was Domino, and why did Phobia look so pained to even hear the name? What had Phobia done for them to bring something clearly painful to him up? 
All the questions you had, would either go unanswered or you could find out. IF you joined S_Class. Limitless showed no real interest in you. Felix was right, they had handed you off from the get go. Sure Oddinary and NoEasy were both clear ring leaders with power over both groups you couldn’t even begin to comprehend, but if what Felix said was true, if Limitless wanted you, they’d have fought them and made one of their own members show you around. 
You were exhausted. Tossing and turning all night, from everything. The more you thought on it, the more questions you had. You wanted to know what was going on with S_Class, you wanted to know why Phobia looked so distressed. You wanted to know why you even cared about his stupid fucking emotions, when he had treated you like nothing more than a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe, that he was trying desperately to get off him. 
As you walked through the halls of your university, you couldn’t help but almost want to avoid both Jake and Felix, and whoever the fuck Yeosang was. 
“No name!” a black haired boy dressed in a pair of baggy black pants, a white tee and an oversized leather jacket comes jogging up to you, waving at you. You recognize him from the race yesterday, he was glued to NoEasy. AH! Double Knot. 
“Jeongin,” he says, and quickly notices the confusion on your face.
“Oh uh, sorry. You might know me as-”
“No, no I know who you are, I just didn’t expect you to be here.” You feel an arm drape over your shoulder from behind you and you turn quickly to see Felix smiling at you and the boy standing in front of you. 
“Nah, Innie here is just a baby, he’s still gotta attend classes you know Princess?” Felix teases in a sing-song tone. “Just because he’s dicking down one of the leaders, doesn’t mean she gives him a free pass on skipping classes,” 
“You’re just mad I landed on one of the sisters and you didn’t.” Jeongin puffs out his chest, obviously proud of the girl he gets to call his, a smug smile pursed on his lips.  
“Interesting way to describe my sister.” Oddinary huffs as she walks past, with Maniac in tow. 
“Shut it Kierra, you know it's true!” Felix laughs. 
“Remember your place Felix.” Maniac seethes at Felix. 
“Ooh big scary Minho, is threatening me in school! Common man, go back to quietly simping for your girl.” Felix teases, making kissy faces at Maniac, no, Minho. Dear god this is gonna get confusing.
“I'm not a simp?” Minho says and rolls his eyes at Felix’s childish antics. 
“You took an extra year to make sure she’d be safe. That's simping.” Jeongin adds.
“That's loyalty.” Oddindary, nope, Kierra says brushing Felix off your shoulder. “You pick a side yet No Name?” 
“That’s my job?” Felix huffs, as you see Jake running up to the group of people that circled around you.
“Jakey boy, here to find out the answer?” Felix teases, pushing and poking at Jake’s arms. 
“Partially that, partially to figure out where Seungmin is, dude was supposed to meet me like ten minutes ago.” 
They’re all watching you, waiting for some sort of answer. Earlier you had thought you came to the conclusion that you knew exactly where you’d land and pick neither group. But now, with them all in front of you. You were once again conflicted. Jake had come alone, once again. Meanwhile S_Class had presented themselves in front of you. Each waiting eagerly for your response. 
“I-” you look between Jake and the S_Class crew, eyes landing on Felix. “I think I’m a bit more comfortable with you guys…”
“You made the right choice No Name.” Kierra said, patting your head gently.
“I’ll tell Akira.” Jeongin said, fishing his phone out of his pocket.
“Today you ride with me, and Hyunnie.” Kierra says. “We have a lot of work to be done before you're brought into the crew fully, Hyunnie will be your guide for that part. While Akira and I find you a spot, you good to leave your car here overnight or?” 
“I don’t have one-” you say a little shyly and the people surrounding you all gasp. It does seem a little silly to join a racing team and not have a car…
“I can work with this.” Kierra nods slowly. “Surely I got something around. Maybe Bin can whip something together for you. Can you at least drive?” You nod your head. “Wonderful, meet me at the back end of the school at one. Don’t worry about whatever classes you have.” 
You look at the clock displayed on your phone, the time read twelve fifty-eight. You were early. Something inside you told you, you didn’t want to push Kierra’s buttons when you’d be riding with her. You look up and see Phobia walking towards you. God he’s even more beautiful in the day time, the sun kissing his tan skin making it look like he’s fucking glowing. 
“No name,” he says coldly as he stands next to you. 
“Phobia.” you say shyly to greet him back.
“Call me Hyunjin here. It’s fine.” You’re playing with your fingers again, super uncomfortable with his cold disposition. “I see you dropped the Limitless losers.” 
“Felix made a compelling argument last night.” 
“With his dick?” You turn to him quickly and look at him in shock. What the fuck did he think you were? Did he think it was that you were that easy?
“Absolutely not?!” 
“He didn’t fuck you? Progress buddy, fucking progress!” Hyunjin laughs, but there was still a bit of seriousness to his praise to his friend. 
“So, where's Kierra?” you ask, shaking off the weird vibes that surrounded you both from his previous questioning.
“Getting her ‘child’ she should be here in a second. You’ll hear that monster of a practice car in a moment.” He emphasizes the word child on purpose. You just rolled your eyes at his comment and chose to ignore it. 
You hear the car before you see it. Kierra pulls up in a red Subaru wrx, her speakers blaring music as she smiles out the window at you and Hyunjin. You both wordlessly get in the car. You didn’t really ask where you were going, as the rules stated, “any information deemed worthy will be given”. Here we fuckin go I guess. 
The drive was fairly long, for someone who was speeding down the highway at speeds that would kill you on impact if you were to somehow crash. Music blaring through the speakers, the bass reverberating through the car. Sending wave after wave of sound, physically through your chest. No one spoke the entirety of the way. Even with her speeding, the ride was roughly two hours long. By the time anyone said anything, you were headed into a forested area. You had no clue where you were. Your surroundings all looked the same. There was barely anything around, the only things that surrounded the lone road were tall trees and deep dark woods. There was no one else on the road. No cars for miles. The car stops, and both Oddinary Kierra, and Phobia Hyunjin turn to face you. 
“This is your last chance to back out. Before I give you any information I need you to think very carefully,” Kierra looks at you seriously through the rearview mirror. “This is a lifetime commitment, this is much more than just a racing crew. You can back out now, all you want; but if you choose to continue in, there's no backing out.” 
“Not if you value your life that is…” Hyunjin whispers, 
“My- what? My life?” 
“Think about it, no name. Think about it deeply.” They both turn to look at you seriously. Kierra’s seriousness was a little unnerving. 
What have you gotten yourself into? There was no information to make this decision, when you had originally made it you thought this would simply just be some team. A sports team of sorts. Now they’re saying your life would depend on your decision? Somehow this isn’t what's holding you back from wanting to continue on with them. Life has been pretty boring, stressful, and lately just not worth.. Continuing. Every move, every new school, every friend group made and lost, your family who cared about no one other than themselves. All of it added up, into what you were before moving to Seoul, to what you knew you would become the second you could escape them. “Can I have one question?” 
“You just asked one.” Hyunjin quips back at you. His tone is serious. He obviously doesn't trust you at all or like you very much. 
“Shoot.” Kierra rolls her eyes at Hyunjin, slapping his shoulder. 
“I have a shit family-” you start, “They move me around often. They don’t think of anyone but themselves. If this is a lifetime commitment, what happens if they decide to pick up and leave again?” Hyunjin looks at Kierra, he tightens his brows together and shakes his head slightly as if to say ‘no’. Kierra just looks back with a slight pout to her lips and nods affirmatively.
“Now let me answer that with a question,” Kierra asks. “Do you want to leave? If you had the option to stay, ignoring the money, and where you’d live. Would you? If you had a-” she pauses, picking her words carefully, “if you had a makeshift family, who would support you, financially, mentally, physically. Would you stay?” 
“I would.”
“Then you wouldn’t be moving.” Kierra says matter-of-factly. “If you choose to continue, you’d have all of that and more.” 
You think over her words. What have you really got to lose if you continue? The family who doesn't care about you? Kierra is offering you that family. They’re offering you so much more than you could get at home. “Then I’ll go on.” Kierra nods, as she slowly pulls the car forwards onto a gravel path. The forest thickens around you, until you reach a large clearing with a modern mansion in front of you. The house is massive from the outside, windows surrounding the front of the house, a large staircase leading to the front door, with an entrance to a garage right next to it. The house looks like it goes on forever. Kierra pulls in slowly to the driveway, from the outside; you don’t see how the driveway leading into the garage actually slopes downwards. She continues in slowly, the fluorescent lights all turning on as the motion from the car triggers their sensors. As the dark garage brightens you notice you’ve entered what looks like to be a garage the size of one that you’d typically find in apartment complexes. Who the fuck has a garage this big? You see the line of cars all parked in designated spots labeled with each person's name carefully written into a metal plate placed on the wall. 
Kierra pulls into the spot that is marked with her name. Each of you getting out of the car. 
“Hyunnie,” Kierra calls,
“Ki.” Hyunjin turns back to her.
“Be a doll?” 
“Yes ma’am.” Hyunjin says and he turns to you and says “I’ll be back,” before he heads out of the garage. 
“So, no name. What’s your name?” Kierra asks as she leads you towards the stairs. You walk past another garage, much smaller, but had a shit ton of equipment in it, music blasting throughout the room. She walks with you up the stairs and into a huge living room with black couches and windows that reach the tall ceilings. You both continue to walk into the living room and you can see the kitchen a bit further away. 
“Y/N.” you say as you look around the place in absolute awe. 
“Well, Y/N. Welcome to N/S base.” She motions her hand towards the couch, wordlessly telling you to sit on the black clothed couch. “This is where we work, plan, play, and live. Everything is done here.” Kierra says fondly as she looks around the room. You notice a large table behind her couch, with enough seating for 18 people. You see a staircase that leads to a loft above the living room. The house was all greyscale, blacks, grays, whites, and wood tones decorated most of the house that you have seen so far. Kierra turns to you a little more seriously. “This is our safe space, where we can do what we want when we want. Without the world telling us we’re wrong.” 
“This is our haven.” NoEasy says as she walks up with Hyunjin in tow. “And now yours as well.”
“Mine?” you ask confused, looking between the two girls and Hyunjin. 
Kierra hums and nods her head, “Jinnie will show you around while Akira and I work out the specifics. You’ll meet with Hanji later. I find it’s best to learn on the job.” Kierra smiles smugly as she winks at her sister. Hyunjin stiffens next to NoEasy Akira. 
“Ki-” Hyunjin stops Kierra before she continues. “Ki, are you sure sending her out with Ji is a good idea?” Kierra looks at him and gives him a look. 
“For now. You need to understand what you’ve been brought into.” Akira cuts him off before he says anything else. You are fully confused now. “I’m sure Hyune has mentioned, not to ask questions. Well now is your time to defy him, ask away.” You have just been given a gift. Any question you want. What the fuck do you ask first?? 
“I thought your team name was S_Class. What is N/S?” You ask carefully. 
“S_Class is our team name.” Hyunjin answers quickly. “N/S is the organization that owns S_Class. Next Question.” 
You're starting to piece things together - large house, many cars, code names, ‘Without the world telling us we’re wrong’, secrecy, your life depending on your decisions. Ahh, you got it. “What sort of business owns an illegal street racing team?” 
“An illegal business?” Hyunjin says snarkily, folding his arms across his chest.
“Jinnie,” Kierra scolds..
“Ki, babe seriously what kind of question is that? Did you really expect me not to say something back?” Hyunjin whines. You see Minho jump over the back of the couch and pull Kierra into his side. 
“Watch your tone, Hyunjin.” Minho threatens. 
“Yeah, whatever. Next question.” Hyunjin waves him off, looking back at you to continue. 
“If N/S is the organization that owns you all-” 
“Let me stop you there, N/S owns the team love.” Minho stops you before you have the chance to finish your sentence. “The ones who own us all, are sitting in front of you.” He points his finger between Kierra and Akira. A look of shock crosses your face. How in the fuck do these two women own all of these dudes? Were they slaves? Sex Slaves? Why are you here?
“So you’re a gang.” You say carefully. 
“Bingo baby,” Minho snaps his fingers and leans back to Kierra, gripping her thigh between his hand. 
“I see,” you nod in understanding. “So, why am I here?” 
“Jinnie.” Kierra calls. “Be a doll?” 
“Yes ma’am.” Hyunjin says and leaves the room again. You notice that whenever Kierra calls him ‘doll’ he goes off without a single word further of what he has to do. Like it's ingrained in him somehow. But without missing a beat, Akira continues for her sister. 
“To put it simply, we recently lost a member.” Akira says calmly. “Replacing a member takes time. Now I didn’t expect 7PM to just go and drop a replacement in our lap like that, but all is fair on S_Class territory. They lost their chance, not that you’d fare well with them anyways.” 
“That brat The8 would’ve eaten her alive,” Minho seethes through his teeth.
“My love?” Kierra says in a sing-song voice. 
“Yes, kitten?” Minho responds back immediately.
“Why don’t you go play with Innie, I’m sure he has a broken down new toy, waiting to be fixed. I heard it runs quite fast.” Kierra says and looks to her sister. Minho smirks at her and kisses her temple before getting up and leaving the room. 
“I love those kinds of toys,” Minho chuckles, rubbing his hands together. You look at him in confusion. What the fuck are they talking about. 
“Make sure Innie doesn’t go too hard after it, please? I’d like to actually see it today.” Akira chimes in before he can leave. 
“And Minho?” Kierra calls out, Minho turning around to look at her. “We don’t want a parrot.” Minho nods, the smile on his face is devious, scary. He looks excited to play with this toy. Minho leaves the room and the girls turn back to you. 
“So before I send you off with Hyune, we’re gonna have to get some rules straight okay?” Akira says and waits for your undivided attention. “Rule number one, everyone has a job. Respect it. Unless asked to help, stay out of their way.” You nod and her sister continues. 
“Rule number two. Nothing that happens within this group ever, EVER, leaves the group.” Kierra says, nodding to herself. 
“Rule three, ALWAYS make sure to present yourself as irreplaceable. Everyone is replaceable, make sure we don’t ever want to cut you lose.” Akira rattles off. You notice that the two of them are bouncing back and forth throughout this whole ordeal, as if it is well rehearsed, something that is shared between the two of them, two equals. 
“Rule four, do not EVER speak of past members, they’re gone for a reason. Hopefully, you’ll never have to witness someone leaving.” Kierra says the last part a little sadly. You take a mental note to ask about that next time you have permission to ask questions. 
“Rule five,” Hyunjin returns to the living room between Akira’s words. “Do not EVER, mention the name N/S or 7PM to ANYONE outside the organizations.” Kierra looks at Hyunjin and nods to him. 
Hyunjin walks up to you and motions his head for you to follow him, “lets go No Name.” He leads you to the top of the grand staircase, up to the top floor. “Kierra and Akira designed this house to have everything we need.” Once you reach the top of the staircase, Hyunjin motions his hand down the hallway for you to continue further. “This is the top floor. Kierra and Akira live up here. To the right, is Kierra’s room.” He opens the door to a black bedroom, bed facing the windows with a black bedspread, black pillows and black blanket draped across it. The walls are painted gray with black accent pieces, minimal lighting. The large windows have sheer gray curtains hanging in front of them. You’re led further into her room and enter her bathroom, her closet attached at the end. The bathroom is a stark contrast to the bedroom. The walls, floor, and countertops are covered in a bright white tile, the same gray curtains hanging around the windows in front of the white bathtub (which could definitely fit 3 people easily). At the end of the bathroom was her closet, which matched the bedroom. Black walls, black cabinets and smaller wardrobes lined the whole room. You took note that there were mens and womens clothing in her closet. Did Minho share the room with her? “She’s got what she needs here, closet, bathroom, whatever. Never come up here if you’re not called to. You will most likely never need to come into her room, but you might be called up in general because across the hallway is her office. Kierra handles- The” Hyunjin pauses as he leads you out of her room and across the hall to her office. “Physical plans.” He opens the door and you’re brought into a very plain looking office. Wood fixtures decorated the room, a lone desk sat at the end of the room. 
“To the Left is Akira. Her room, she's got everything she needs, closet, bathroom. You get it.” He leads you into Akira’s room which you notice is the complete opposite of her sisters. Her bed is decorated with a white bedspread, white pillows, and a gray blanket. Her walls are lined with mirrors to brighten the room when the light hits it. Her bathroom was the opposite of Kierra’s as well, black and gray tiling lined the room and dark wood cabinetry finished it off. Her closet, also at the end of her bathroom, was again opposite of Kierras. White tiling on the floor, white shelving, and bright light fixtures. You also noticed that there were mens clothing in Akira’s closet too. “Across the hall, is her office. Akira handles more of the logistics.” He leads you out of Akira’s room and across the hall to a large office, black flooring, black walls, black furniture, a large black desk with computer monitors and paperwork filed neatly across it. There was plenty of seating in her office as well. You assume this is where they hold some of their important meetings.
“So, the brains and the brawn?” You ask carefully.
“They’re both the brain and the brawn, but they know how to play to their strengths. Plus, not like Ki will ever let Akira get into a fight without her. Nor will Akira let Ki go into a business deal without her. Together or nothing. Is this their favorite saying.” He says proudly. You take note that he calls Kierra by Ki when he drops his bad boy facade in front of you. What’s up with them? You wonder. 
“Next floor.” He announces as he leads you to the next level down. “Three bedrooms down here, Chan, Jisung, and Changbin.” He walks all the way down the hallway and to the right. “Chan’s room.” He opens the door to a pretty minimalist looking room. The walls are lined with a glossy gray tile, soft lighting scattered throughout the room, a bed centered on the back wall. His bathroom was lined with a darker gray tile, with the same warm lighting, as was his closet. The closet was decorated with dark wood cabinetry and glass doors. Hyunjin leads you out of Chan’s room and across the hall. “Changbin.” You’re starting to recognize a theme. All the rooms in the house that you’ve seen are either black, gray, or white. There was no in between. This room was no different. The walls were lined with half white marble tile at the bottom and accented wood paneling at the top half. The bed is situated adjacent to the windows, his bathroom a mix of gray and white tiling, and his closet a warm charcoal. Hyunjin leads you out of this room and further back towards the stairs to another room. He leads you into the gray room, the bed fixed in the middle of the room, his bathroom a mix of black, white and marble tile, and his closet lined with dark black cabinetry. He takes you from Jisung’s room and across the hall. “Jisung, and this is a personal room. It belongs to Chan. Do not go in unless invited.” He quickly opens the door and you can see what looks like a recording studio. You can’t see much inside before Hyunjin closes the door in your face quickly. 
“A lot of rooms huh-” 
“Eighteen full rooms, eleven bathrooms, six common spaces, and a greenhouse. In the backyard, passing the pool.” Hyunjin says incredibly casually. As if it was completely normal to have a house of this size. Even though, now that you’re thinking about it, the house didn’t look that big on the outside. Maybe 3 floors tops. Where are the rest of the rooms he’s talking about? He’s leading you back downstairs to the living room where you left the two girls. They’re no longer there. “Ground floor.” Hyunjin says as he continues walking through the living room and past the kitchen towards a hallway with 4 doors. “This section has two rooms, two personal rooms. On the left is Seungmin.” His room has to have the most personality you’ve seen, the walls covered in half gray bricking and half bookcase. His bed is situated against the windows. His bathroom and closet are a bland gray. “And next to his room is his personal room.” He leads you next door to a room decked out in computers, random equipment that you wouldn't even be able to name if you tried. “Across from him, Felix.” You take back what you thought before. This room has more color and personality than Seungmin’s. His room was painted gray, but was decorated in red lighting, lining the ceiling. And a large mirror sat behind his bed. His bathroom and closet were also decorated with the same red lighting in contrast to the gray walls and floors. “Trust me when I say, you don’t even want to walk into Felix’s personal room, especially if you’re invited into it.” 
“Why-” you ask confusedly as Hyunjin escorts you to the room next to Felix’s. He rolls his eyes and flings the door open. 
“O-oh, oh my god.” The best way for you to describe this room was a sex dungeon. Fixtures that you have never seen before were placed throughout the room, bright red lighting, similar to what was in his bedroom, lined the entire room. 
“Now you know what you’re in for, if you’re ever invited in there” Hyunjin laughs watching your shocked expression. He trudges along, back past the living room and kitchen again and down another hallway. “My room.” His room was probably the coziest one you saw today. His walls a warm cream, a wood accent wall decorated behind his bed, and a fireplace? His bathroom was a mix of black and wood features, and his closet stark gray and black. He leads you across the hall to another door. “And my personal space. If you ever come in here without permission, I’ll kill you.” Hyunjin quickly opens the door to his space, a brightly lit room, canvases, paints, and sketches pinned to the walls. An explosion of color from the rest of the house. Two of the walls of his room are lined with windows, looking out to the pool and the greenhouse. You looked around the room in awe. How could someone so cold have the brightest, most colorful room in the whole house? He quickly ushers you out of his studio and across the hall again, stopping at the door, his hand on the handle. “Lastly, this will be-” he can’t seem to come to the right words, pausing his movements. “It will be your room.” Hyunjin says, basically wincing as he says the words. “Go at it. Walk in, familiarize yourself with it.” 
You walk into the room to a pretty bland room. Two walls covered in a white tile, one covered in black tile, and the last wall a line of windows. The bed is plain cream and white. “It’s uh-” You walk further into the room, the bathroom has nice white marble flooring white gold accents throughout, the walls a gray tile with white accents throughout. You walk into the closet last. The room is completely white, with gold accents on the drawers, bright lighting lining the cabinetry, and a squishy carpet draped across the floor.
“You can decorate it how you want.” Hyunjin shifts from foot to foot as you walk through the closet. “But please- try to-” 
“Jinnie built that closet, custom.” Kierra sighs from the doorway. “So please take care of this entire room, or he will never forgive you for it.” 
“Oh- okay,” You say slightly confused as to why Hyunjin is being so weird about this room in particular. “Umm, so about this being my room…” 
“You can start to move in whenever, bring whatever you want from home.” Kierra says to you, elbowing Hyunjin to snap out of his weird fog.
“How will I even explain this to my parents?” 
“Leave that to Aki, and I.” Kierra continues to poke and prod at Hyunjin who is trying his best to ignore her and whisper to her ‘not now i'm working’. Seriously, what the hell is up with their weird dynamic? 
“Anyhow, I need to run to meet with Min, so I’ll be back by the time you’re set to head off with Hanji,” Kierra starts to head toward the door before turning around quickly. “And Jinnie?” 
“Yes ma’am?”
“Do me a favor?” He nods to affirm to her he’s listening. “Lighten up sweetheart, stress doesn’t suit you my love.” Kierra smiles wide and leaves the room. Did she just call him ‘my love’??? Isn’t she dating Minho??? 
“Ignore her,” Hyunjin rolls his eyes. “You can explore your personal room after, you still need to see the rest of the house.” 
“The rest? There’s literally no way anything else can fit itself in here.” Hyunjin smirks at you and leads you towards the stairs you came up from the garage earlier. “Oh,” he turns to the left towards the kitchen, between the kitchen and the staircase is yet another door. “This is the library, could also be considered our designated quiet room. It’s soundproof. Nice place.”  You peak your head in through the door and see every wall lined with bookcases, every space of the shelving filled with books. You can see a small seating area that is down a small set of stairs inside the library. He leads you back to the stairs and leads you down towards the garage, stopping at the door you saw earlier. 
“Changbins personal room, this is the one room you’ll find yourself in more often than most.” The room was covered in tools, tires, basically anything that had to do with fixing up cars. There wasn’t anyone in there anymore. He leads you out of the room and down the steps. You’re back in the garage. He walks across the garage to another set of doors. “These two rooms both belong to Minho and Jeongin.” He opens the door to a dance studio, wood flooring, and wall covered in mirrors. “Though, I admit I come here too sometimes.” He walks to the next room. “Unfortunately I can’t let you actually walk in here, but this is their other room.” He opens the door and the walls are lined with guns, a huge wood table centered in the room with black office chairs surrounding it. WHO THE FUCK OWNS THIS MANY GUNS? “Down the hall you’ll find two doors. To the left, you go upstairs exiting near the green house. To the right, you'll find another basement.” You walk down the other set of stairs. This house was a maze, how in the fuck were you supposed to remember where everything was. You entered a huge training room with a boxing ring at the center. 
“Training room. Behind those glass doors is the gym. Gym is for personal time, training area is for group activities, or if you’re training with someone else. As long as you’re never alone.” You head back up the stairs and out to the backyard. “That is Jisungs personal space.” He points to a huge glass greenhouse covered in vines. 
“He’s a florist?” 
“Of sorts.” Hyunjin laughs, and you both walk in and are immediately hit with the scent of weed. 
“I see,” you say as you shake your head. Hyunjin chuckles and walks you back inside to the living room. 
“And that’s that. Any questions?” 
“Rich kid perks I guess,” Hyunjin shrugs. 
“How do two people so well off end up becoming gang leaders?” You mumble. “If I had that life I’d-” 
“Best not to ask questions about their past. Or anyone’s past here. We’re all here for a reason Little Star, try not to act like you shine brighter than the rest of us.” You can tell that he’s basically saying ‘youre no better than us.’ “Last thing kid,” he sighs. “There's one other rule you need to know, it will be your golden rule.” You nod your head, waiting on his words. “Everything goes through Kierra and Akira. Every, single, little, thing. Need a bathroom break? Make sure they approve. You want to even breathe in their presence? Make sure they fucking approve. Don’t even blink if they don’t say you can.” 
“W-what- Surely it’s not that extreme…” 
“One thing those two value more than loyalty, is organization, and no one. I repeat, no one is better at it than them. Therefore everything must go through them. Tell me you understand this- please Y/N…” He’s never said please to you before. It’s almost a little concerning how desperate he is for you to understand his “golden rule”, but he looks pretty stressed about making sure you fully understand it. You nod your head and you can see him relax his shoulders slightly. Why is this stressing him out so much?
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Tags @chanlixiiee @channiesbub @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @elizalabs3 @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @lethallyprotected @multeciahucho @@jisungsbff01
73 notes · View notes
theslvttysimp · 1 year
●MC With PCOS or Hormonal Imbalance●
Scenario: You are a MC with female anatomy who suffers from PCOS or a hormone imbalance. You have abnormal periods, painful cramps, and grow some facial hair. Here is how the brothers would respond!
As someone who has hypothyroidism, I feel us hormonally imbalanced people need to be represented! You are beautiful, strong, and worthy of love! If you ever need to vent about your hormonal struggles, I am all ears! Xoxo
TW: Period blood, blood on bed, weight gain, food restriction, diets, facial hair on femine face, cysts.
BelphieXmc, SatanXmc, LeviXmc, MammonXmc
You were both taking a quick nap in his bed. You wake up first and to your suprise you bled on his bed and partially on his leg.
With your hormone imbalance, your period comes by suprise, not fitting a normal schedule. Sometimes you'll have it for a whole month, sometimes you won't have it for months at a time.
You frantically get up and get a cool damp rag, dabbing at the stain to get it out. You start silently crying to yourself out of frustration. Of course your period would come at the worst time ever!
Belphie flutters his eyes open. He doesn't notice the blood at first, but notices you looking distressed with tears in your eyes. " MC, what's wrong?" He sits up, sees the blood on his thigh and the stain on his bedsheets.
" I am so sorry Belphie! I am so so SO s-sorry!" You're even more frantic than before, trying so hard to get the stain out of his bed. " I- I got my period and I didn't know and-"
He grabs your wrists firmly, shocking you a little bit. " Hey, relax." You finally look up at him. His eyes are soft and he had a slight comforting smile on his face. " It's okay, I'm not mad."
Not caring at all that you have some blood in-between your legs, he pulls your wrists to pull you down on his bed to sit next to him. He wraps his arms around you and rests his head on your shoulder. He's rubbing one of your arms. " Take a deep breath and try again."
Once you gain your composure, you explain to him that you have imbalanced hormones and that your period comes without warning , not having a set schedule. You explain how mentally taxing and embarrassing it is for you.
He grabs your chin with his pointer finger and thumb, gently turns your head so you're face to face with him. He has a gentle look on his face, looking deep in to your eyes. He gives you a very soft, meaningful kiss on the lips. He then rests his forehead on yours.
" I am so sorry you have to go through that. If there is anything I can do to help, I will. I'm always here for you."
He helps you stand up and gets you changed, giving you a baggy pair of shorts. Unconcerned with the stain on his pants, he takes off his pants and tosses them in his hamper. He takes off his sheets and chucks them along with his shorts.
You both run to a nearby pharmacy and he buys you pads and tampons, along with some of your favorite snacks and apsrin ( safe for human consumption, of course. No devil asprin for you!). He's holding your hand the whole time, giving you random pecks on the cheek.
Spends the rest of the day snuggled up on you watching TV
Always has pads on in his room for you just in case you get your period unexpectedly again.
Will always check if you have a stain on the back of your pants if you ask him to check. He makes you feel so safe and so loved.
Understanding your cramps can be painful, hell pull you on his lap and gentle rub where it hurts for you. He wants you to be comfortable at all times.
You and Satan are at a library with each other. You wondered off a while ago and did your own thing, wandering through the library.
Satan wanted to show you a cool book he found about potions, so he went to go look for you. He finds you leaning on one of the shelves reading a weight loss book from down the asile. He's too far away for you to notice him, but he sees you, and he ain't happy. He instantly got this vague heat of anger rush to his head. Did someone make fun of you? Did someone make you feel insecure? He could rip this whole aisle apart right now if he wanted to just by the thought of someone calling you fat.
He takes one deep breath to calm himself down and finally walks over to you. You notice him, slap the book shut and shove it back on the shelf. " Hey Satan!" You say, hoping he didn't notice the book that was in your hand.
"MC, why were you reading that? Did someone say something to you?" He said in a concerned, slightly angry tone.
You insantly start to blush. You stay quiet for a little bit before saying, " N-no..... I noticed I gained a little weight recently, so I was just trying to look for some tips to lose a few pounds." You then explain that you have PCOS which makes it hard to lose weight but easy to gain. Talking about the subject makes you feel irritated and embarrassed. You avoid his gaze and stare at the carpeted floor.
Satan's anger melts away, but he feels his heart breaking seeing you so upset. He grabs your arms and pulls you in to a hug. He rests his hand on the back of your head and puts his lips to your ear, he whispers, " My darling, words will never be able to describe the beauty that you hold. You are utterly breathtaking." His words oozing like warm honey in to your ears, instantly relaxing you.
" I'm sorry you've been struggling silently for so long. Thank you for telling me. I will always be here to aid you in anyway I can, my love." He gently grabs your chin to have you face to face with him. He puts a hand on the back of your neck and pulls you in to a gentle kiss. He pulls back , his emerald eyes seeing in to your soul.
" No matter what your size is, you will always be perfect in my eyes."
When you guys get home he instantly orders books discussing PCOS and the human anatomy. He wants to be able to help you anyway he can.
When you have a cyst flairup, hell hold you and gently rock you to bring comfort. He is so gentle with his touches. He'll read you a story to distract you from whatever pain you may be feeling.
Keeps a watchful eye on your eating habits, he doesn't want you to restrict yourself from eating. He knows humans need food and he doesn't want you stressing over your physical looks.
If he sees a magazine with a diet fad article, he'll angrily rip it out and throw it in trash. He wants to make sure that if you just so happen to come across the magazine, he doesn't want you to be tempted by stupid diet fads.
Always loves up on your tummy, sides, and thighs. Hes in heaven! You're so warm and soft, he can't get enough!
You and Levi are gaming in his room, when a sudden sharp pain stabs you in your ovary. " Uh fuck!" You shout, dropping the controller and gripping your pelvis.
Levi yelps and pauses the game, he drops his controller and looks at you with panicked eyes. " M-Mc? A-are you alright?!" His voice is nervous . " w- what happened?! Are you hurt?!"
You nod your head " yeah, I just got a pain in my ovary...." You are beyond embarrassed. You're used to a uterine cyst bursting sometimes. It's nothing that needs urgent medical attention, but enough to cause you noticeable pain.
" I- I need to lay down." You lay on your side, facing away from him in a fetal position holding your stomach. From your position on the floor you explain to him how you have PCOS, and sometimes cysts can rupture. Though this rupture thankfully wasn't too bad, some can cause great medical complications. You explain that having PCOS makes you feel ugly and defeated. Embarrassed, you put your face in your hands while on the floor, you feel the water works coming, but you swallow them back. All Levi can hear are sniffles muffled behind your palms.
Levi was sitting right next to you the whole time, listening intently. Once he hears your sniffles he jumps up a but " H-hey! Don't cry MC!" He lays down next to you behind your back spooning you, running his fingers on your upper back to soothe you.
Blushing, he speaks quietly in to your ear. " Y-ya know... even if you think you're not pretty..... I think you're beautiful."
You grow a soft smile, you knew he was probably nervous to tell you that. You turn to be face to face with him, slightly wincing from the pain in your pelvis.
This man is bright as a tomato. " Y-you know I'm always here for you. If I could take away your pain... I would. I would go through the pain just so you w-wouldnt any day."
You smile, you grab his cheek and rub it with your thumb. " Thank you, Levi. That means a lot to me."
Being a blushing mess, he swallows the lump in his throat and gives you a kiss. Embracing him, you wrap your arm around his neck. When you pull away you rest your head on his chest, both of you looking uo at the ceiling.
" I meant what I said before, MC..... I really find you b-beautiful.... If I can help in anyway, I will..."
He orders different types of human medicine such as ibuprofen and apsrin in case you have a flair up again and need help with the pain.
Hell sit in his bathtub with you, cradling you like a baby to make sure you get sleep when you have a flair up.
Gets a Ruri-Chan reusable heat compress for when you have pelvic cramps, just for you.
He found an anime called "That One Time My Girlfriend Had A Uterine Ovary Burst And Lost My Hamster While Looking For Advil" to educate himself on PCOS.
Never stopped simping for you. In fact, he simps for you HARDER now. His MC-Chan is so strong and brave for fighting through their PCOS. Is there anything this normie can't do? You're so badass, and sexy on top of it?!
Mammon was loitering in your room like usual, when he got curious and saw a wax warmer in your room. " Oi! What's this thing? What's that stuff inside? Might be worth something, ya know." He picks it up to inspect it.
You immediately start to blush and yank it from his hands. " It's nothing!" You were embarrassed at the fact that you had to wax so often and you totally forgot to put the warmer away. You shove the cold wax warmer in your closet and close the door shut. You might have closed it a little too hard, causing Mammon to jump a little.
" Hey, what's ya problem, human? What's so special 'bout that machine anyway? What is it?"
Defensively, you say , " It's a wax warmer! Nothing to stress about!"
" A wax warmer? What, like to wax ya eyebrows or somethin'? That ain't no big deal!"
You sigh and flop on your bed. You explain that you have a hormone imbalance which causes you to grow some facial hair. You say how you don't feel pretty when the hair grows so you constantly wax it. You start to get teary eyes and turn you face away from him. It's a very sensitive topic for you, and you're so embarrassed you're discussing this with Mammon.
" Hey hey hey, don't cry on me!" Mammon scurries over and sits next to you. He has a hand on your shoulder. " I'm sorry for grabbin' it..... I didnt know..."
You says it's okay with a quiver in your voice. Mammon moves his hand that was on your shoulder to your back, pressing lightly. " Ya know.... if ya worried about me thinkin you're not pretty or somethin..... you're wrong. You're the prettiest damn thing I've seen in my life." He's blushing hard-core at this point.
He pulls you in and hugs you on your bed. " I could be the brokest demon alive, but as long as I got ya by my side, I don't even care. No amount of grimm would take me away from ya." He kisses the top of your head and rubs your back.
" I don't want ya thinking you're not pretty. The Great Mammon promises no matter how ya look, I will always want ya."
With your tears gone, you smile and look uo at him. " D'awwww, don't look at me like that! Ya got me blushin' over here." Mammon says, averting his eyes.
You giggle and grab his chin and pull him in to a kiss. Even though he's red as a tomato, he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in closer.
For now on Mammon doesn't touch stuff in your room without permission. He dossnt want you getting upset ever again!
If you have noticeable stubble, he doesn't even bat an eye. He still finds you so delicious that he could pounce on you at any moment.
He stole you the newest type of wax warmer. Mammon wants you living lavish in all aspects.
Allowed you to convince him to wax his armpit. NEVER AGAIN.
On days you're feeling extra self-conscious, hell shower you in kisses all over your face, kissing every inch of that beautiful face of yours!
" Ya can't just wax one armpit! Now ya gotta do the other one or I'm gonna be uneven! Hurry up and get it over with!"
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