#bag of rupees for anyone willing to hold the cuckoos
infiniterupees · 7 months
I think Legend has a gambling problem
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Things Time would do for you if he liked you,
When the old man likes you:
First off if you're a part of the chain & on the younger side you're getting the same treatment as the rest of the boys,which is being an unpredictable canon that switches between stern, soft or goofy, you can never really know what you're going to get from him at any moment.
If you're on the older side he's giving you a lot more of an authoritative respect and might see you as a second in command similar to Warriors & Twilight depending on your capabilities of course.
 Relaxes more if you do prove to be capable because that's at least one more person he feels he doesn't have to look after & trust you with bigger tasks/responsibilities in the group especially when the group has to separate
If you're not up to the responsibility then he's fine with you being in charge of less stressful work in the group 
But one thing is for certain is that he lets you get away with a lot more than if you were a stranger or someone he wasn't close with.
You can joke and tease him as much as you like (to a limit) as long as you don't go overboard he'll either indulge in amusement or give you the look if he's not in the mood
After every battle he makes sure that you aren't injured & to get you medical help asap; Now to be fair he's this way with anyone he travels with after a battle but if you're someone he cares about he's personally putting his hands on you gently to tend to any injuries and carries you off in his arms(even if you protest to being able to walk on you own) anyways.
Whenever he's out shopping for supplies in the market he makes sure to get something you'd like with his spare rupees especially if he's noticed you've been having a much harder time during the travel recently
He lets you sleep on him when you fall asleep during watch or on his back when he's carrying you after fighting in a dungeon all day.
Depending on how close you two are, he'll sometimes brush the hair out of your face or instead of risking the chance of ruining your rest by trying to move he'll let you sleep against him until you wake up.
He’ll do meaningless tasks repeatedly if you ask him,even if it annoys him he's not going to voice it out if it's somewhat necessary to you but he will help you learn to do it on your own after some point.
If you ask this man to cut your apples for you 46 times he'll cut your apples for you 46 times but he's going to start teaching you how to cut your own apples after the 18th time you've ask in 20 minutes 
This man is a pranksters 
This man will prank you a lot if he likes you,the minute he's able to be as ridiculouse as he likes around you is when you've reached into being a part of his inner most closest circles, the more silly he is around you the closer you are to him.
A Lot of his pranks are simple and fun with no real harm but they're so sudden/unexpected you're never prepared for them until it's too late.
Hot peppers in your soup
Mud in your shoes in the morning
Sudden jump scares when he sees you're alone.
Finding rocks instead in your rupee pouch 
Your pillow case has a cuckoo inside when you go to bed
The strap on your bag & clothes have been tampered with
Your shoes are ties to a branch that drops a bucket of flour on you when you reach to grab them
Despite their unpredictability, luckily for you the pranks are typically far and few between as Time is still a busy person with responsibilities to hold up but that doesn't mean he can't have a little fun tormenting you once & a while.
If you're someone he likes he'll take what you say into deep consideration and respects your input into things more then he's willing to show.
Overall he sees you as someone he can trust and enjoy having in his company with
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