Party Rock Anthem | F2F: Open
Parker placed Ethan’s gift from her onto the table of presents, she had to keep herself busy and pushed away the emotions. She let out a breath as she started to stack the gifts on top of each other, hoping that they weren’t breakable. She started to sing along with song.
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badliarnews · 6 years
Ethan’s Birthday Party Event
TAGGING: @itsdjjones, @gatoseliana, @alexanderfabray, @notpeterxparker, @ejhud, @rosemilo. @glitteredgoldstar, @caneanders, @msemiliafaye, @justcallmeclem, @leilanijones, @strummingnick, @jackiepucks
PLACE: Warehouse
DATE: March 30th, Friday Night
NOTES: Discord Group Para - Beginning of Ethans belated birthday party [[spin the bottle happened at the end and can be head canoned however you like]]
TRIGGERS: alcohol tw, drugs tw
Dom had been at the warehouse setting up for the part for a couple hours. He was excited for everyone to show up. The place looked decked out. Neon lights, drinks galore, couches set up around the open space and music already playing loudly. "This is gonna be a night to remember" he said to Ethan. Dom was near the entrance ready to greet people as they came in and offer them drinks.
Rachel hadn't been sure she'd make an appearance at Ethan's birthday but after feeling confident enough in her little red riding hood costume she figured the least she could do is stop in. So she grabbed the card she'd made for him along with the small gift and made her way to the warehouse. She sees Dom at the door and can't help but make a face at him, of course they were friends, and got on quite well but she could never pass up the chance to give him crap. "Hey, huge turn out!"
Parker kept pulling on her spandex on her Spider Gwen outfit as she walked up to the boys, glanced around to make sure that everything was set up and glanced down. She rolled her eyes as she adjusted her top before she raised an eyebrow when she noticed Rachel making a face at him and looked at Dom. "Of course." Ethan said as he walked up to his best friend and felt Parker's hands on the boys' shoulder. "If we all flunk out of college, we should become a party business." Parker grinned.Welcome,
Dom rolled his eyes at Rachel's comment when she came to the entrance. "Hey no one shows up early to parties. So thats on you" Rachel was Dom's friend. They had some classes together but mostly they were in student government and constantly arguing about issues. He turned towards Parker and smiled. "We'd call it the Dominic and Parker Parties." he laughed. Eliana had walked in behind Rachel and poked her side. "How did I know you'd show up as little red?" she smiled. They hadn't talked in a long time but Eliana missed her best friend. Eliana had dressed up as Miranda Sings, any excuse to dance weird and wear a fanny pack was a plus in her book. "Hope you have on your dancing shoes circus boy!" She said as she moved into the circle of people talking and pointed at Ethan. "Happy Birthday loser" She hugged him. Eliana looked back at Rachel and took her hand. "Come on get a drink with me"
Cane had never been much of a party goer but Rachel had mentioned she was going and he figured it wouldn’t hurt. So he dug up an old Phantom of the Opera mask and costume, took the night off from his night job,  and made his way to the warehouse. His first stop was for a beer as he took a sip and examined who all was in the building already. “Hey.” He greeted.
Eliana saw Cane come in and she pounced on him. "CANE!" she said hugging him tightly. "You came!" She let go and smiled. "Rachel and I are getting drinks!" Eliana had already pregamed before she even got to the party so she was already hyper and happy, which wasn't really any different than her usual self anyways.
He hugged Eliana back with a laugh already noticing her state of mind. “Oh the two of you are hmm?” He teased as he tipped the bottle in his hand back for a swig. “What would you two pretty ladies like? I’ll get them for you.”
The look from Parker wasn’t overlooked but she shrugged her shoulders, deciding not to mention it. “Well, that’s what happens when you have a bed time.” Rachel teases, “you arrive early.” She sets her card and present down and off to the side before looking over Eliana with a small smile. They were still connected and sure they weren’t as close as they once were but she saw the potential. “One drink. That’s all I can afford.” With a quick hug to Ethan and a happy birthday murmured into his ear, Rachel squeezes the girls hand, and heads towards the drinks. “Cane.” She says with a smirk, “still wearing non-matching socks?” After a moment of thinking it over. “A vodka and tonic?”
Ethan made an oh face and looked between Dom and Parker. "Yeah, Im gonna get my birthday presents in order before Rocky gets here." He said goodbye as he walked over to the table. "Or just Parker parties, but I'll make sure to give you the cred." Parker teased him with a smile and heard Rachel before she raised an eyebrow once more at Dom. "Meanwhile, I should let you go and make out with your girlfriend and I'll greet the people after I get Ethan's present since she has a bedtime." She placed a hand on his cheek and walked passed Dom to head back out to grab Ethan's present.
Emilia was always more than excited for a party but she was even more excited for this one since costumes were included.  After getting ready and getting her present all gathered she made her way to the party and walked in with her normal confidence. Meeting eyes with a few of her friend she wore her well known smile and threw a few winks here and there. She decided to get herself a drink and maybe afterwards do some mingling and wish Ethan a happy birthday.
“No actually, decided to clean up for the occasion of our guy Ethan tonight. Can’t be wearing two different socks at a party.” He grinned as he handed her his beer to good and moved to quickly make her drink. As his sister came by he gave her a nod. “Grabbing Rach a drink. You want anything?”
Ethan kept fixing his hair, tired of the hair gel already and headed towards the bar. He ordered his usual, thanked the person as he looked around. He was hoping a lot more people would show up, but he pushed away the worries and headed towards the DJ booth.Where’s
"I am thinking of just getting a rum and coke to start off with but you are fine. Great costume by the way, great taste in outfits run in the family." Emilia said with a sweet smile for him, her confident side toning down for him. "I am going to go say happy birthday to the wonderful party thrower of the evening. I will find you again." She said before going to the dj booth to Ethan. "Hey you, happy belated birthday."
Rachel just laughs at Cane, "Well, you're not so much of a mess then are you?" She gives a friendly wave to Emilia holding onto his beer as he leaves to grab drinks. It was weird being in public with him like this but it didn't feel weird which was a relief.
Dom laughed at Rachel’s comment. “Oh I forgot you’re a baby.” He smiled and looked at Parker then frowned at her comment. “Hey I can help.” He said to Parker. When she walked off he followed her. “What’s wrong?” He asked once they were alone. Eliana smiled and asked for a surprise from Cane. She took her drink and smiled as Emilia came over. She turned toward Rachel and smiled. “How are you?”
Rachel looks to Eliana and smiles, "I've been fine, busy, but that's my norm." She looks to her curiously, "And you? I can see you're over the rain and in better spirits but maybe it's the lipstick and the booze?" Rachel moves in closer, "And the weed?" She whispers, eyes widening, "It's really not good for you, you know."
"Nothing, like I said. Go and make out with your girlfriend. Pretend Im not here." Parker replied as she looked at him and shifted the present in her arms as she lifted up her leg, to help her shift the box. "By the way, you look handsome." She walked past him, headed to the gift table and placed it on the table before she rearranged the presents. Ethan looked over at Emilia with a smile and handed over the headphones. "Hey you, thank you and great costume."
Eliana laughed as Rachel whispered about her weed. “Rach is all natural. You gotta try it some time. But I know this lipstick is crazy right? It was fun putting it on.” Dom sighed. “Parks. Stop.” He touched her arm. “You know I’m yours right.” He gave her a small smile. “You look gorgeous too.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Come on I’ll get you a drink okay?” He walked away and stopped by the dj booth before to see Ethan. “You gonna rock our socks off tonight dude?” He asked as he slapped the guys hand. “Hey Em.” He smiled as he looked over at her. “I heard the blood sucker was coming tonight. I saw your Instagram.” He laughed.
"I will never!" Rachel says, jaw clenched at the idea of ever putting a substance like that in her body- even if she knew it was better than cigarettes and there was a ton of alternatives instead of just smoking. "I'm sure taking a tube of lipstick and going to town is fun." She still has Cane's beer in her hand but she's not sure she'll want to stay much longer. The least she could do was hear Ethan do his thing and finish the drink Cane was nice to go get for her.
"I don't anymore."  Parker replied with an eyebrow as she looked at him, pulled away from him and shook her head. "No thank you, not in the mood to drink right now." She headed towards the table. "I dont know for sure." Ethan piped up as he saw Milo walking over towards Parker and looked at Dom before he looked over at Emilia.
Emilia smiled when Dominic came over  nodding at him as him and Ethan said hello. Happy to be able to see all of these familiar faces."Well of course I had to do something over the top, when have I ever done something simple. But thank you. And especially you Ethan because what better way to make a party better than to add costumes to it." When she noticed their eyes moving around she followed them. "Okay what did I miss?"
Cane returned quickly with his round of drinks for the girls and leaned against the wall watching Rachel and Eliana talk unsure if he should interrupt or not their conversation as he switched out his beer her her drink and took a sip of it. He knew he should mingle a bit, but was never a great big fan of large groups that he liked to observe more than participate.
Ethan shrugged a bit as he looked at Dom then back at Emilia. "You missed a hell of time in Florida. " Ethan piped up as he avoided Dom's face. "Thats what you missed."
Rachel gives Cane a smile, thanking him for drink, taking a sip of it. She's torn because she shouldn't drink it too fast but she also isn't sure she wants to stay long. The brunette was beginning to feel uncomfortable and out of place and it was getting hard to breathe.
Eliana laughed. “One day.” She smiled at Cane and punched his arm. “Hey loser. You’d do some of this weed with me right?” She asked. Dom smiled at the two of them and then looked over at Parker at the table, Milo over there too. He swallowed and shook his head. “I’ll be right back.” He walked over towards Parker and Milo. Alex didn’t want to come tonight but Milo asked and when Milo said jump Alex said how high. He took a deep breath as he walked inside following Milo to a table and seeing his sister. “Parker!” He spoke and signed. From across the room he saw Rachel and waved.
Clementine wasn't sure if going to the party was a good idea. Her relationship with Ethan was always rocky, but... it would be nice to go to the party. Of course she didn't want to leave the baby, but she wanted to get out, and her mom wanted time alone with Willa, so it was win, win. Since it was costume, Clem and Ant arrived as Mickey, and Minnie. A bit do it yourself, but it would work.. She walked in, a bit nervous, and she wasn't sure why. Knocking on the door, she smiled over at @Ant, before heading inside.
Emilia rose an eyebrow, "Alright if you guys say so . Still wish I could have joined in on that fun but decided to get caught up on work instead."  She looked back over at Milo and sent a smile in his direction remembering the fun night they spent together during spring break. Glad that she had the pleasure to see him at this party.
Cane returned Rachel's smile, sending her a wink before walking over to Eliana. "So I believe you owe me a dance? Or are you going to be boring again?"
When Rachel sees Cane and Eliana begin talking she takes the opportunity to walk over to Parker at the present table, to make sure she's okay. She can't think of what she had done to the girl, but it didn't seem like she was happy to see her by any means.
Eliana laughed. “Uh first of all I’m never boring. We already discussed this. “I’ll dance with you if you smoke with me later.” She said taking his hand to go out on the dance floor.
Parker looked up to see Milo, Dom and Alex, smiled a bit. "Hey you." She signed to her brother once her hands were free and swallowed some when she saw Dom. "Well this is kinda awkward." She signed before she let out a laugh and waved off any certainty in the air. "How about, I catch you later and we can talk?" She signed to Alex, knowing that she wanted to talk to her brother and looked at Dom. "I guess we need to talk, huh?" She signed as well and thanked Milo. Ethan nodded as he watched Dom, Alex and Milo around Parker. "Yeah, I felt like we needed a girl's touched on the trip." He replied before he watched Milo and Emilia waved. "Did something go down between you two?" Milo signed to Alex, asking if he wanted a drink and gave a smile to Dom and Parker. "We should give them some privacy." He signed to Alex and gestured his head away from them.
"Sure but not tonight, probably going to cut the night short but I'll take a rain check on it. Only so that you don't start crying on me again." He teased with a laugh as they joined the others on the dance floor.
Emilia shook her head, "See I told you that you needed it but you wouldn't listen. We will just rain check and have another beach trip to make up for it." She looked back over to Ethan when her eyes parted from Milo and shook her head. "No, he just came over the other day and hung out, exchanged some flirty remarks but that was about it. Unfortunately."
Alex nodded and he followed Milo to the bar. “Sure but just one.” He signed. Alex walked pass Rachel and touched her arm as Milo went to get them drinks. “Hi” He signed. Dom signed hello to Alex and and watched as him and Milo walked off. Dom saw Rachel coming and he shook his head at her and looked at Parker. “Let’s go outside for a minute. Get some air. Please?” He asked.Eliana followed Cane to the dance floor and sighed. “Well Milos here and I know he’ll say yes to weed and you’re being replaced party pooper” she joked. “Also I didn’t cry! That much.” She laughed.
Ethan shrugged a bit. "Yeah, I know but we needed to have a bonding moment even if it meant getting at each other's throats." He replied and raised an eyebrow as he heard her. "Well, I think this could be your luck on getting further with him." He watched as Dom and Parker left the place and swallowed hard as he slid his hands into his pockets. Parker gave her brother a soft smile and let it fall when Dom talked to her. "Yeah." She replied as she led them outside, making sure that they werent being followed and went around the corner. She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the warehouse as she let silence fall between them. Milo waved at Emilia then waved at Eliana. "Whats up party people." He said once they reached them and adjusted his bow. He noticed that his sister was here, gave her a little wave and a small smile as well.(edited)
"At each others throats? Seriously? It was suppose to be spring break, you had to have fun." Emilia raised an eyebrow at what he said, "You think so, huh? Someone else may want to swoop in and take their time with the one and only." She said letting her hand go over herself. "Hey you." Her signature charming smile going across her lips when Milo came over. "Not much chit chating, waiting for the real fun to begin."
"We did, after we tossed each other off of the boat." Ethan said as he shrugged a bit and raised an eyebrow as he shook his head. "I dont wanna know." He excused himself as he waited for Rocky to come to the party. Milo nodded as Emilia talked, knowing what she had meant. "Yeah, I wonder when that will be, maybe once the married couple comes back in." He joked, glad that he didnt sign that for Alex.
"You were being dramatic enough that it was possible." He laughed. "I'll fully admit to being a party pooper by the way. This isn't quite my scene, but I love seeing you happy and enjoying it."
Emilia couldn't help but let out a laugh when Ethan shook his head, "Well have a fun night birthday boy if we don't talk again." She said as she watched him leave and her eyes went back to the people in front of her. "I am not even sure what I missed with those two but either way if fun isn't made soon I will just have to find a way to make it myself."
"I think I can piece the puzzle together, but Im not gonna do that Parker and DJ, Im sure they'll be fine." Milo replied as he looked at her and nodded in agreement. "I say we should get this party started and fun." He told the DJ to turn the music and looked at her. "Are you thirsty?"
"They always will be, I believe in them." Emilia said with a smile as his eyes were on her, not being able to help but let her eyes look him up and down.  "I couldn't agree more." The combination of the music and good company she had a good feeling about the evening. "I wouldn't be against a drink or two. Part of the fun of a party."
Eliana laughed at Cane. “That’s me all the time!” She laughed. “It’s not mine either but I wanted to get dressed up.” Eliana pulled Cane further into the dance floor. “Let’s go say hi to people. Before you bail on me.” She walked towards Milo, Emilia and Ethan. “Hi guys!” She smiled.
As Rachel walked to the table filled with presents she remembered spotting Alex and she's fairly certain he had waved. Not wanting to be rude, especially when they had made plans for the next day, she makes her way over to him a big smile on her face, waving hello. "How are you?" She signs as well as speaks, wondering if this party would be overwhelming for him.
Alex smiled at Rachel. “Did you learn to sign?” He asked and couldn’t help but keep that big smile on his face. “You ready for yoga tomorrow?”(edited)
Milo nodded as he listened to Emilia. "They should just get together already." He replied and let out a breath before he smiled when he saw Eliana. "Hey you. How's it going?" Ethan glanced down at his watch, wondered about if he will see two of his friends again and looked over to see Eliana. "Hey little Puckerman. How's it going?"
Rachel had tried to learn a little bit since they'd be seeing each other in the morning, but it hadn't been totally successful. She lifts her hand and pinches her fingers together to imply a little amount since she had tried learning a little bit.  "Yes. I'm quite excited and always ready for yoga. I need it."
"Cane is a party pooper" Eliana laughed, "But I'm good. You like my costume?" She asked putting her hands in her red pants and making the best Miranda Sings face she could. "Hi birthday boy" She smiled up at Ethan. "Are you gonna DJ tonight?!" She gasp. "Yes yes will you play Cardi B?""Me too" Alex signed. He turned and looked at Milo still talking to people. He turned back to Rachel and smiled. "I like your costume" he nodded. Alex had on a harry potter tie and that's about it. It was a last minute decision and he thankfully had a tie and wand handy. As nerdy as that sounded.
"You forgot your scar though." Rachel says, blushing at his compliment. She rummages through her bag and grabs for her eyeliner. "May I?" She brushes away his hair to touch his forehead slightly, waiting for some kind of consent before she goes ahead and draws on him.
"Thank you" Alex signed after he had leaned down and let Rachel draw on his forehead. "I'm gonna go walk around. I'll see you later okay?" He asked. Alex smiled at her and he stepped away walking towards the front entrance. He wondered where his sister had gone and stood by himself a bit. He smiled at people coming in including @Clementine and @Ant
Rachel nods, leaning in for a quick hug before going to find Ethan, to wish him a happy birthday before she headed out for the evening.
"I love it, I was wondering what you were going to be." Milo replied before he waved to @Clementine  & @Ant  before he looked at Emilia with a smile. "I might, it depends if my homeboy gets back in here." Ethan replied and nodded as he looked at Eliana. "Of course I will. and the remix of bruno as well."
"They really would be adorable together. It isn't typical of you to find such a good match while in college." Emilia smiled and said hello to the familiar faces that walked up. Glad that there were so many people she knew at the party.  "I would not be against some good music. We need to get some dancing or movement up in here." Her smile not being able to help but grow when Milo looked back at her.
"Thanks!" Eliana said to Milo. "Also I have a gift for you later by the way" She opened her fanny pack to show Milo her little bag of weed. "You want me to go drag them back in and make sure they arent fucking on the side of the building?" Eliana asked Ethan. "Because I will totally be your body guard for the night." She said with her hands on her hips.
Ethan grimaced as he shook his head. "I dont want to see that, no one wants to see that. Besides they're not together." He replied and raised an eyebrow as he smiled. "You'd be an adorable body guard, but maybe Superman is more your speed." He glanced down at his watch again. "Alright, let's get this party started." Milo nodded. "Very true." He replied and winked at Emilia before he glanced at Eliana's bag. "My main girl, love you."
Eliana swallowed at Ethan's mention of Superman. His cousin @Nick was dressed as Superman tonight and she hadn't seen him yet. They hadn't talked in a while and she kinda missed the guy. More than she would admit. Looking back at Milo she smiled. "Love you too boo" She smiled. "Hey...how are things going with you know. Love life" She smirked.
Emilia could help but find her self shaking her head and laughing lightly at the conversations going back and fourth. "I don't know Miranda Sings can be pretty intimidating, and believe me I know from experience." She couldn't help but feel a smirk grow on her lips when Milo winked at her, not being able to be intrigued by whatever was going on between the two of them. Raising her eyebrow at Eliana's question taking a sip of her drink and looked between the two of them.
"A lot better than DJ's and Parker's." Milo quipped up before Ethan punched him the arm. "Aw mother fucker." He rubbed his arm and looked at Ethan. "You're so rude to me. Why." He turned his attention towards Eliana again. "I can't complain." He placed a hand on Emilia's back. Ethan watched Eliana and punched Milo in the arm when he mentioned DJ and Parker. "Because you're an asshole, that's why."
Alex watch the small group from a far. His eyes kept on Milo. He couldn’t see what they were talking about but the boys hand was on Emilia’s back and Alex couldn’t help but feel jealous. He really needed his sister right now. He turned away feeling a sting of jealousy. Why did he even have any jealousy? It wasn’t like they were together anymore. Alex stepped outside to find Parker.
Emilia looked over at Milo when he put a hand on her back, biting her bottom lip lightly.  Before putting her smile back on and looking out to the Ethan and Eliana. "How about we wait to cause those injuries until after we have the fun, hm? I would like to keep everyone in one piece if possible."
Parker walked away from as she fixed her make up the best she could and frowned when she saw her brother. "What happened?" She signed as she saw him and slowed down a bit. "Who's ass am I kicking?" "True, I agree with her." Milo said as he watched Alex walk out of the place and back at their group. "I say we should play spin the bottle? Anyone?" Ethan looked around and nodded a bit. "Im down if anyone else is." He replied as he watched Milo and wondered what was taking Dom so long to get back in here.
Alex found his sister not even realizing he had interrupted her and Dom talking. “Nothing I’m fine I just knew I should have came.” He signed. “I thought when Milo asked me to come with him he was asking me. And he’s over there with someone else” Alex signed quickly. After their talk outside Dom watched Parker head in with her brother and he follows along. Alex seemed upset so he let Parker be with him. “You deserve better than him” He signed to Alex and walked off. Dom winked at Parker before going to the crowd. “Is that a good idea?” He asked Milo. Eliana poured at Emilia. “But I love causing pain.” She joked. Eliana laughed at the idea of spin the bottle. “I didn’t know we were 13 but okay.”
Emilia smirked lightly and took a step closer to Milo. "There you go with your good ideas again." She looked at him once more before looking out to see everyone reactions. "I totally am, it will for sure spice things up a bit. And we know we need some of that."
"Dom's right. Maybe you should talk to him." Parker signed quickly as well as she tried not to grin when he winked at her and looked at her brother. "Be like, hey we came here together, what's the deal or my sister will kick your ass? Because I will do it or Dom." "Hey, he survived!" Ethan replied as he clamped Dom on the shoulder. He looked at everyone, nodded slightly when he heard Eliana. "She has a point" Milo watched as Alex and Parker talked, swallowed hard and removed his hand from Emilia's back. "True, we do. That's for sure."March 31, 2018
Emilia looked over and down when his hand moved from her back. Part of her wanted to shrug it off the other part of her wanted to se e if she did something wrong. She placed her hand on his arm for a moment then put it back to her side. “Yeah but those parties at 13 were pretty fun. And when does spin the bottle not spice things up.” She took another sip of her drink, “Unless some people are scared of it.”Ha!
Nick had been standing out the outskirts of the groups of people. Just keeping to himself. He wasn't too familiar with all of the people here, but that's only because he hasn't gotten to know them yet. Most of them looked like they were in conversation, and he wasn't one to interrupt, so he stayed back, sipping on his drink. Pulling out his phone, he was scrolling through Instagram, minding his own business.
Alex shook his head. “No I can’t do that” He signed. “Please do not to that!” He added. Alex looked over at Milo and he could feel his stomach turning in knots. Dom smirked at Ethan and nodded. “Barely.” He scoffed. He listened to everyone talk about spin the bottle and he grabbed the mic from the stage. “Alright @everyone it’s time to play spin the bottle! everyone get in a circle” Eliana smiled and laughed. “No they weren’t. And I’m definitely not scared at all” she said to Emilia. “I’m down.” She looked over and saw Nick across the room and skipped towards him. “Hey!” She smiled and hugged him. “You gonna play?”
Parker looked at him, feeling bad about what's going on. "Okay, okay I won't kick his ass or I wont let Dom kick his ass. Im sorry." "Good point, not only that. We cant really play Seven minutes in heaven." Milo agreed and raised an eyebrow as Dom spoke before he glanced over at Alex & Parker. Ethan took a sip of his drink and slowly nodded. "Mhm." He said in agreement as he listened to Dom before he glanced over to see his cousin, he waved at him as Eliana skipped forward towards him. "Hey bro! Its nice to see you!"
Emilia smiled at the new guest who arrived before turning attention to the game of spin the bottle. She followed the directions of getting in a circle but not before stealing another glance at Milo. Not being able to help but hope that the game would end up working in their favor. “So who are we going to have go first?”(edited)Ha!
"I'll be right back, I gotta go and get myself a drink." Milo said as people sat down and headed towards the bar. He ordered something, he also knew that he had fucked up big time with Alex and he had to make it right.
ari | jackie-03/31/2018
Jackie was hesitant to whether she wanted to go to the party tonight, but she decided that a party was a party. She also wanted to make an entrance as usual which is why she arrived so late to the party.  As she entered, she immediately noticed people setting up a game of spin the bottle. “Yeah, I need a drink or something before I do anything.”
Ethan excused himself from the group and bumped into Jackie on accident. "Hey you, yeah I think everyone needs to get drunk before we play a game of swapping spit." He replied as he saw Milo looking back at Alex and gave her a smile. "Im glad that you're able to make it."
ari | jackie-03/31/2018
Jackie forced a smile when she saw Ethan. Ever since they stopped sleeping with each other, she hasn’t really talked to him. “Hey,” she hugged him with one arm. “Where are they? The drinks. I need everything you got.” Being here sober was a no go. “I wouldn’t miss a party for anything, duh.”
Seeing someone coming towards him, Nick pulled his face away from his phone, hearing Ethan. "Dude, hey! Happy Birthday!" Bringing his free hand up, he waved to Ethan. "Hey, El," he said, hugging her back. "Uh, yeah. I can play." He shoved his phone back into the pocket of his slacks.
Leilani felt bad about not wanting to be at the party, but Ethan was her friend and she knew she wouldn’t hear the end of it if she didn’t show up; though that still didn’t stop her from not bringing him a gift. This was usually her kind of scene, yet she couldn’t enjoy herself like she was known to do. Taking a seat at one of the stools at the bar, LaLa tried to not make her presence known as she heard her brother mention everyone playing spin the bottle. Juni had been iffy about coming to the party at first, but after briefly talking to Parker about it she changed her mind. Albeit was only due to the fact of possibly making money on her night off. She was already high, and thanks to the bar she was well on her way to getting drunk. Picking up the tray of shots she ordered, Juni made her way over to the group that was starting to form. “I’m all down for spin the bottle. Hell, I’d gladly kiss most of you without spinning the bottle at all.”
Alex nodded. “Are you gonna play?” He signed to Parker pointing toward the circle forming in the center of the room. He glanced at Milo and gave Parker a smile before walking toward him. “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend. I wouldn’t have came if I knew.” He signed clearly upset.Eliana smiled. “Sit with me then.” She smiled and dragged Nick into the circle sitting down with everyone. “I think birthday boy Ethan should go first.” She suggested.Dom looked over and saw his sister walk in. “Lala!” He smiled and gave her a hug. “I was wondering if you were gonna show up.
Parker shrugged at bit. "I might, though Ive had plenty of high emotions tonight. Are you going to play?" She signed before she swallowed some as she watched her brother walked over at Milo. "Oh thank god, shots." She waved to Lala before she grabbed one from Juni. "Also, you would too." Milo said hello to Leilani before he placed a drink onto the bar. "Im not seeing anyone, we've been flirting on and off. Im so sorry Alex. I didn't mean to upset you, really." He signed quickly, swallowed hard. "Over there." Ethan said as he pointed towards the bar and nodded. "Good." He glanced over to see his cousin. "Hey man, thank you!" He waved back before he cleared his throat after he gave Lala a head nod.(edited)
“Good idea, Eliana. Let him have the honors.” Emilia downed the rest of her drink, just ready for things to loosen up a little. “Hey guys.” She said to the new guests who arrived to the party and circle. Making sure she was giving enough room to anyone who wanted to join.
Alex shook his head. He didn’t want to play. “I’ll watch.” He signed to Parker. Once he talked to Milo, Alex couldn’t help himself. He couldn’t stay mad at him. “It’s OK.” He signed.
Parker nodded as she signed okay back at him before she took her shot. She kept an eye on her brother though. "Are you sure?' Milo signed, wanting to make sure things were okay instead of them not being okay.April 1, 2018
Nick's eyes had gotten wide when Eliana had pulled him along with her. He wasn't exactly expecting to be tugged on, so it surprised him. "I'm with her. You know, since it's his birthday and all." A smile formed on his lips as he plopped down onto the floor.
Eliana realized her hand was still in his when her and Nick sat down and she quickly pulled away but smiled over at him. "Yeah Ethan come on go get a bottle! Lets play" Alex looked at him and nodded without signing. Of course he wasn't really okay but he didn't want to make a scene at the party. "Go play" he signed and pointed towards the circle. It didn't take a hearing person to know that a kissing game was about to take place and he didn't want any part of it.
Feeling Eliana pull her hand away, he didn't even realize that their hands were still intertwined. Smiling back at her, Nick put his hands in his lap, starting to fidget with the hem of his jeans.
Milo sighed before he signed okay before he joined everyone at the circle. He looked between Nick & Eliana, looking around to see if anyone else was going to join before he asked. "Is anyone else gonna join?"
Emilia looked around to see if anyone else wanted to join in, “How could anyone turn down a chance to kiss any of these lovely people? It would be a pity to miss this kind of opportunity.” She said with a smirk as her eyes fell on Milo.April 3, 2018
[[admin note: and then they played spin the bottle and stuff- you can headcanon whatever you like to have happened after this]]
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strummingnick · 7 years
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@strummingnick uploaded a photo to Instagram:
couldn’t find a tasteful superman shirt so i improvised #yayforartsyfriends
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itsdjjones · 7 years
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@itsdjjones uploaded a photo
Riding up in style as the great Malcolm X. Looking classy tonight for my boy’s birthday. Hope ya’ll can make it! 
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badliarrp · 7 years
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Tonight is the night of our first event, Ethan’s Costume Birthday Party!!! Remember all ic info can be found on this post! 
As far as out of character goes this event will be taking place all weekend long so feel free to participate any time before Monday at 12am PST. We have a discord chat started for you all if you would like to join. There will be spin the bottle games, drinking, just anything you wanna do at the party! We will post the discord on Monday morning. You may para things out on the dash, post photos, videos, texts and whatever you want to participate. This event is not mandatory but we highly encourage you to join in! Remember to tag everything with #badliarevent
Discord Party Link: https://discord.gg/kRTtgFd
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gatoseliana · 7 years
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@gatoseliana uploaded a photo
Hey guys it’s me miranda..I have weed in my fanny pack ;P . #ethansbdayparty 
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badliarnews · 7 years
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Date: Friday, March 30th Time: 9pm Place: Abandoned Warehouse near train tracks
Put on your best costume and come celebrate Ethan’s belated Birthday! You only turn 20 once and its time to party the night away! Kicking off the end of spring break! Gifts are welcome but not required. There will be food, drinks, dancing, music and games! Remember to wear a costume! 
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badliarnews · 6 years
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date: April 9th time:  Doors Open at 9pm Karaoke 10pm Drag Show 11pm & 1am place:  Scandals Night Club
Come to Scandals for karaoke night and a drag show! Drinks half off all night! $2 jello shots! 18+ only. ID at the door. 21 and under $10. 21 and over $5 cover charge! Have some drinks, sing your heart out and watch our lovely queens put on a show for you, including special guest Trinity Starr, winner of the Clark County drag show! 
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