#bad amateur internet psychologists
tsaritza-mika · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion #3
Okay...so this might ruffle some feathers, but I still really feel it needs to be said. As always, if you don’t like what I have to say, just keep scrolling. I am a full believer in curating your own internet experience, and if you find yourself upset about a random opinion, please just leave and find something that makes you happy. You deserve it, and I promise that you will never hear me advocate otherwise.
Now then... Let’s talk a bit about our favorite mountain man. Shall we?
I see a lot of posts, especially as of late, that really go hard on the way Muriel’s route dealt with his various issues. Now, yes, Muriel is not one of my top LIs, he’s jut not the personality type that really gels with me, but I love him as much as I do all six of them for different reasons. I also acknowledge that his route isn’t perfect, but I honestly don’t think it’s nearly as bad as other people automatically jump to. Muriel has a metric fucking ton of issues, which include severe lack of self esteem, trauma that links to both those self esteem issues and his time in Vesuvia’s arena, depression, and some fun little sprinklings of Nihilism just for extra flavor. And all of that is just from a pure amateur observation. I’m not a psychologist, nor will I ever claim to be, but from the little bit that I know from former college classes and being friends with people who have experienced trauma from various forms of abuse, Muriel has all of these issues, and likely more that I’m not immediately familiar with.
A good amount of people in the fandom seem to believe that a better way for Muriel’s route to go would have had him ending up being more forceful in standing up to Lucio, really digging into him for the harm that he caused and is still causing, and more of coming out of his shell than he did. Now, while that would be a more dramatic take, you’ve gotta keep something important in mind: give or take a few years, Muriel has been dealing with most of these issues since he was at least around 6-8 years old. If we assume he’s maybe somewhere along the lines of 26-28, that’s twenty years of issues in an increasingly hostile situation. A single year alone of that much negativity is likely to leave some pretty impressive mental scars, let alone the possibility of twenty or more.
People who experience trauma will process and react to it differently, this is true, but to say that it’s OOC to have Muriel just be only a little more talkative and at ease with others outside of MC and Asra, strikes me as those who aren’t very familiar with how trauma can actually work. The entire ‘stick it to them’ fantasy seems great and totally cathartic in theory, but when victims of abuse and trauma actually have that chance, more often than not, I’ve only ever known them to prefer not wanting to be anywhere near their tormentors. Muriel actually being comfortable with himself, speaking up more, but still very much wanting his distance from everyone is a HUGE step in his healing process, and I honestly don’t think people give him enough credit for that. 
Muriel has been exploited and manipulated, verbally and likely physically abused, and all of that we could apply to JUST the time he was known in Vesuvia under the mantle of ‘The Scourge of The South’. We see in the Travel at Night tale that he already dealt with excess stress and fear from traveling through a war-zone at a very young age, where he says he even distinctly remembers hearing Lucio enjoying himself as he killed others. He’s already terrified by roughly age 12 when Lucio picks him out of the other street kids. He’s very aware that Lucio would enjoy hunting and killing him, and for a child to be aware of this, that alone is gonna fuck him up somethin’ fierce for a long time. Hell, when Lucio points him out from the other kids, he’s so afraid of him and what he knows Lucio is capable of, that his arms and legs go numb, and he can’t move. And later when he’s talking to Asra, if chosen, the response he gives Asra when asked about what he would do with magic is to make himself invisible, the very thing he’d wanted since the start of that tale. He wanted to be left alone, not deal with those kids who wanted to hurt others and steal, or be noticed by Lucio.
Muriel even straight up tells MC and Julian when they visit him in the forest during Julian’s route that he asked to have the gift of being forgotten. If he was forgotten as soon as he left someone’s sight, he wouldn’t be exploited anymore, and he wouldn’t be forced to take lives in exchange for keeping his most precious person safe anymore. To Muriel, deeply set in his traumatized and self loathing state, it was the perfect solution. Being forgotten meant that he wouldn’t take up space, that no one would force him to hurt or scare others just to exist, and that Asra, the only person who had ever told him he was worth it and more, wouldn’t be taken from him. 
You don’t just magically get better when your tormentor is gone or gets what they deserve, and confronting your abuser is not always going to be the right answer that puts you on the road to healing those mental scars. Muriel is far from cured of his issues by the end of his route. If anything, the end of his route is just the start of his even longer road to recovery and being able to fully enjoy and embrace life without fear that he’s taking up space and isn’t wanted. He’s just gotten better about it all. People who experience trauma can take years to even begin to feel comfortable in their own skin, but Muriel learning that he has value, that others value him and want him around without asking for anything in return, and to learn that others will sacrifice for you because they want your happiness instead of some leverage on something you can do for them; there is just so much beauty in the subtlety of that, and I honestly don’t think it gets the attention it rightfully deserves.
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richardsphere · 6 months
Leverage Redemption Log: The Too Many Rembrants Job
Ok so guy is running around, scenes are flashing everywhere. He's apparantly not too great a person ("whole life i have prided myself on never taking a side"... ) Im gonna say he looks like a little grey man type. Seems like he's feeling rather conflicted about whatever situation he's stuck in. Like this is not his lifestyle. --- Three days earlier, Sophie wakes up to an empty bed. (god... It hits me a little but i cant imagine how this must've hit people who watched it originally and sat through years before it un-cancelled)
The revival seems intend to do the "sherlock-graphics text conversation" thing that has become popular in the intervening years (i dont love that style, but i understand the economy of it. Only 1 shot can now show text and reaction rather then having to cut from a shot of a phone held in someone's hands to a shot of the face. I dont love it but i understand the utility of it.)
I Notice during the toast that Hardison's actor is credited as a "special guest star" (makes sense, i understand his career really took off between the original show and the revival so that makes sense) As far as excuses to write Hardison out of the story (outside of cameo's) are concerned, saying "Leverage International has over a dozen teams, all of whom need supervision and the research has always been his thing even in the OG run" is a pretty good and natural flowing explanation for it.
First heist of the new run: Distracting a grieving widow. Time to steal ourselves some therapy. --- I dont like the Big Text Transition Cut-in. BOSTON MUSEUM OF ART printed in such a big font you cant see the museum is a waste of an establishing shot.
I assume this "Harry" is the same guy that i have been told is the reboots mythical "lawyer" role. (a role that feels out of place in the line-up. Even if I remember the Cheerleading episode and the way that Nate's job was mostly knowing which crimes he could trick the bad guys into getting arrested for it still feels weird.)
Phoenix Wright points out that our prospective mark (opioid crisis billionaire) cant actually remove the painting halfway through but that they could cancel future donations.
But it seems Sophie has made her decision, she follows the lawyer till he admits which painting it is. Then all-but openly admits she's stolen it before. (guess we needed to tip our new castmember off somehow. Still feels clunky, but i'll respect it as a "Sophie's been out of the game for 8 years" thing)
In shock: Parker is getting therapy something i've been strongly opinionated on since the 12 step job. Sure its a child psychologist rather then an adult psychologist but its good. (different things work for different people, and the list of people to whom she could honestly admit to her life without risking arrest is slim. Take what you can get Sophie.) ---
"this is not what it looks like" "cause it looks like you're stealing a Rembrandt, and you've got a 2 minute window, tops... Hurry on" real "Uncle Iroh correcting his muggers knife-stance" energy here. Just the look on his face when he says "you want me to keep..." like i dont know what the Opiodbaron has on him to make him do this but he's so out of his depth. "is that my wallet?" "sure hope so, it has all your creditcards in it" this guy just knows his life is ruined now, the look on his face that all sensibility and reason has left the universe as these 3 people just casually chat with him mid-burglary.
Parker the cartwheel was entirely unneccesary. This is not an acrobatics job this is a "walk there and put the thing on the camera" job. No need to show off.
"where did you learn to do that" "youtube" absolute Timmy Turner"I inherited the internet" level of answer right there.
"So right now they're busting down the firedoors and an enterprising employee is coming in through your escaperoute" (i mean it was pretty well thought out for a complete amateur... that sounds more insulting then i meant it but i meant it as a compliment) --- Further flashback to him first starting to work for MarkyMcMarkface. "im not an anybodies side, im a lawyer" Ah i can see im gonna get really sick of the "evil lawyers are scum of the earth" jokes really quickly with this sequel series arent I? "not my medication, im the one who convinced him to pay out, you just need to put down the shovel... so to speak". Those are definitly the words of a man balancing his desire to do good, with his ability to be in position to do anything at all. (i like when characters have that dynamic. Its much more interesting then "cackling villain or heroig paragon"). Im giving this line a full on 9.8/10 for establishing this guy.
"my name will live on in these museums forever" well that is a line that definitly cant get twisted into "this is the famous art-thief who stole all this art" after Leverage Inc-ternational is done with framing him he'll realise the downside of herostratic fame. --- "are we taking him as a client or wiping his ID and dumping him in Venezuela" "I'd like to vote no on that"
"wait, i think i've deduced you are thieves. And you were there not to steal the Rembrandt? And now that you know the owner is vermin you want to help me ruin him?" yeah that is the premise, good deductive skills, absolutely love how fish-out-of-water he is. (the hell is going on?) That is the voice of a man speedrunning his way through the 5 phases to acceptance that his world will never make sense again. --- I like how Sophie mentions a theft and parker just reviews the heist. Good way to show the runners still understand her character, she doesnt care about the painting she cares about the swagger of the theft itself.
"well, he's already an inside man" "and we can bonk him on the head later, if we have to", " thank you... that did not sound right". --- "a month is a long time when you're the one not doing the stabbing". Ok i think we're overplaying the stabbing. That happened one time in season 1 of the original series, i think this is a bit of flanderisation. (still a great line, if i knew anyone who did throwpillows i'd get it done on one) --- I like the acknowledgement that art forgery is intense. With the need to duplicate materials as well as colours. And i like that Elliot still is Mr. Know A Guy, --- Ok so they realise they cant sell it (cause they didnt think to fake a Rodin) and use it to double down his reputational insecurities "cant sell it to you, owner wont sell to someone who might lose it due to future lawsuits".
Mark is calling a security check on sophie and it cuts to break (as if anything he could find isnt hidden by Hardison)
--- Lovely story, irish mob, father operated in the place they stole the painting, looking to offset it. Passes inspection (especially when the inspector is on your side) definitly written for Nate not Elliot but it'll work. --- "do i even want to ask who this actually belongs to?.. Thought so." at least he's quick on the uptake.
So it is at this point in the episode that i felt a need to I google wether the actor is dead. (he isnt, he got accused of SA but was cleared by the court in the end. Still public opinion being fickle and him never having been a Pirates of the Caribean level famous actor. I understand that is definitely a career killer.)
Bunch of eulogies for Nathan, "at least he burned" 8.8/10 --- Elliot taking the role as an excuse to rough the guy up a little bit before "losing" the negotiations. (note: they've clearly learned some lessons. Elliot made sure to check what the mark plans to do with the painting. No "oh shit the fiddle-purchaser thinks he's the fiddle here." Thats what 5 christmass specials and an 8 year interlude's worth of experience gets you) --- Lucille is a foodtruck now, (well, its more "air force 1" rules. Any plane with a US president is airforce one, any foodtruck with a Hardison is Lucille) --- Looks like Mark has decided to just kill elliot and take the painting. Also looks like this scary woman (RIZ security) is gonna be a recurring antagonist. (she has too much "presence" to be a one-off)
Ah the old "let me explain the fight choreography, then work my way through the choreography and look like a WarProphet-eer" stint. (Guy Ritchie Holmes did it better, but it gets a passing grade) I do like the little compliment RIZ woman gave. Elliot Spencer: "The Rembrandt of Violence". --- "smart thing to do would be to run" Smart thing yeah, but you guys dont do the smart thing, you guys do the Cunning Genious Bastard thing. Parker is notably absent in this scene, or anything that has been happenign in this part of the plot. (she's off doing the plan this is a distraction/back up for)
Elliot coming in like a rhinocerous. Lawyerman Flashback. "If i cant give them anything, and I cant be forgiven, I need to take something from him."
Back-to-present Lawyerman walks into the museum (sirens blaring), puts gasoline/kerosine/alcohol/other chemical accelerant on the painting and burns it. (the alarm is already blaring, which means something already set it off. The paintins already been swapped for a fake, as have all the others probably. We're framing our Mark for an Insurance scam again cause we cant beat the classics, especially if we're doing a Revival Series Pilot) --- Lawyer walks up to Mark and gets gutpunched. Mark is on the phone talking his secire and secret Maltese bank details (Sophie or Hardison? Place your bets. I think its Sophie, usually this would be a Hardison thing but it would show her as being "back" as an actress) --- "I said one job... The job's not done". Good line (7.6/10), and i like the subversion of the expectation that just 1 heist would be enough to get her "back in the game". making it a two parter helps divy up the load a little on selling both the grieving process and Harry's joining with the crew.
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gaykarstaagforever · 8 days
One of the major sources David Paulides uses for any of his many renditions of mysterious disappearances in the Great Smokey Mountains is a single book on the topic by Juanitta Baldwin, from 1998.
Now, the Internet doesn't seem sure who this woman was, as the best biographical information I can find is from what is PROBABLY her obituary, from 2018. This says she died at 91, was retired from the Navy, and wrote 24 books. And also was a cofounder of Mensa...?!
Other sources say she was a "retired psychologist, who then became a recognized expert on kudzu." And indeed, lots of books about kudzu from an author with this name. Including cookbooks. And these are from before AI was a thing, so someone had to spend some time doing this.
The book Paulides cites was co-written by her when she was 71 (if this is the same person), and I found an old website bragging about how this book was "the bestseller" at the official Great Smokey Mountains National Park gift shop.
I'm trying not to be ageist and dismissive, here. But if all this disparate information is indeed connected, that means Paulides used as a major source a book cowritten by a retired unqualified amateur, who seems to have been pumping out lots of books, mostly as light novelty product for her specific region of the American Southeast.
That doesn't necessarily mean the research is bad, or that there wasn't dedication to journalistic accuracy. ...But it does heavily imply both things, and we're being dishonest if we don't admit that. And people have looked into them, and...yes, there is a lot of misleading or outright unsourced information presented here, which seems way more aimed at creating spooky missing persons narratives than actually detailing the facts of these cases. What a shock.
Why would Paulides use such an unreliable source? He had to know it wasn't sound.
...Unless, or course, he himself is an unqualified amateur, pumping out light novelty Missing 411 books as poorly-researched product. Which seems to exist primarily to imply Paulides's pet thesis, which is that Bigfoot is real, and abducts white people (for doubtless sexy reasons). Because, it seems, he knows that people who already think that are gullible stooges, who will pay you lots of money to tell them that they're NOT gullible stooges for thinking that.
And now YouTubers are using HIS books as sources for their True Crime videos. And most people watching them believe whatever they say, and don't even bother to look into it.
Fascinating, that we've come full-circle, to where YouTube is basically just the same crappy facts-lite pop culture infotainment us old people realized was useless crap when were were 15 in 1997.
Do you know how many shitty ghost / conspiracy / alternative history paperbacks / standard-definition DVDs I have in my house?? I'm nostalgic for it now. But it was NEVER sound, factual journalism. In fact, part of the fun was finding out how stupid and wrong it all was!
Fortunately, there are YouTubers who exist entirely to analyze and debunk this crap.
And their videos get an 8th of the views of the lazy content-farm ones, spewing ancient misinformation that was put out by elderly dilettantes, 30+ years ago.
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askderynsharp · 8 years
wait so are deryn and alek buggering or not
((Short answer: Yes, but I’m not gonna draw it.))
((Long nsfwish answer below the cut))
So I used to read, write, and consume porn of characters that were 15 to 16 years old, because at the time I was 15 years old.
See, growing up young girls don’t really get to have the opinion of exploring their sexuality. That’s considered a boy thing. Even the most liberal progressive mother wont bring up sex to her daughter until the daughter is ready to talk about it, and the daughter doesn’t want to talk about it because they’re told between the lines of everything they experience that they arent supposed to be interested in that sort of thing. But I have literally thought about sex every moment of every day ever since I learned about it at 13, and even before then was obsessed with intimacy even before I know what those feelings meant. I am a very sexual person, and I started having really intense sexual feelings at around 14. Of course I was too young to experience sex at the time physically, but I was still THINKING about it, almost constantly. I had questions, I was confused, and though I was not emotionally ready for sex I was fascinated by the concept. I was too young for a proper boyfriend, and porn was sort of empty and meaningless, I wanted to know what it was like to have sex on an emotional level.
I read Leviathan when I was 14, just between eighth grade and highschool. I was obsessed with Deryn Sharp because I felt that I kinda was her. She looked like me, in that she was tall and blonde, and had similar tomboyish personality. I also spent a lot of my pre-pubescence crossdressing (or rather, strapping down my tits with duct tape in the girls locker room) and was constantly wishing I could be one of the boys. (subtle.)
When I started having confusing feelings of wanting to explore sexual concepts I was too ashamed to see myself in a sexual situation. And similarly to most of the girls in my class, I found it easier to think about sex so long as it was about someone else I could easily project myself onto.
A little known fact in the history of children’s media is that it was primarily developed by psychologists because children have an easier time processing emotions if they’re experiencing it through someone else. There is a reason child therapists often have dolls with personalities pertaining to traumatizing situations, kids don’t want to talk about their own feelings but can still understand and explain those feelings under the guise of explaining a character. Fictional characters in children’s media EXIST so kids can relate to them, and navigate their own feelings through them. When I was 15, I didn’t want to read about an experienced sexually confident 30 year old woman’s sex life, I wanted to know what it was like for someone like me, someone who would be scared and embarrassed and have a hard time communicating exactly what she wants out of a relationship. 
As some of you know, in early highschool I started this blog with amateur (and kinda cringey) art asks about my opinions of the book. Most of it was silly, from my infamous ‘fluffy Newkirk’ to ‘crazy femenazi Lilit’ but something I got heat with even back then was my interpretation of Deryn’s sexuality.
In my blog’s canon, Alek and Deryn were at a point in their relationship where they were regularly having sex. I never specified that they were older, as far as I portrayed it the events of my blog took place immediately after the final book in the series, Goliath, ended. I read smut of them on fanfiction.net (incidentally, also written by minors) and even went as far as to publish my own erotic work when I was feeling brave enough.
Now that I am adult, of course, I look back at that shit and shudder. For a while I considered taking the blog down, as it did feature underage sexual content, but ultimately decided it was important that the blog stayed up. I am a huge advocate for keeping children and sexual experiences separate, but I think that it IS healthy and important for children to understand sex before they’re ready to have sex. Someone I’m very close to had his first sexual experience before understanding what sex was like (good little boy, he had never once masturbated or watched porn beforehand) and he said it was one of the most scarring experiences of his life and could have easily been made healthy if he just knew what was going on beyond what a teacher told him in sex ed (which very famously, isnt a lot)
I am uncomfortable with the idea of seeing two teenagers go at it and would never draw someone under 18 naked, but when I was a teenager myself it was validating and satisfying for me. It helped me understand. It told me that I wasn’t bad for having sexual thoughts and desires, and gave me an outlet. Especially since it wasn’t just raunchy porn, but porn of a couple that love and respected each other.
Sexuality on the internet treads a fine line. But I think the important factor about it is that the characters that we are seeing in sexual situations are fictional. This of course doesn’t mean underage smut is harmless so long as its fictional, *cough* otaku  *cough* but I think that the fact that since these characters don’t exist (and furthermore, are shown to be made an appropriate age) means that its safe for young girls and boys to project their budding sexual feelings on them. At 16, I didn’t want to relate to someone who was old and mature, I wanted to relate to someone relevant to me.
And I still heavily relate to Alek and Deryn, and as such still think of them sexually sometimes when considering my own relationships. I think it is very likely that they had underaged sex based on hints in the bonus chapter and what we know about social norms the Leviathan universe. 
But that doesnt mean I’m gonna draw teenagers boning. 
When push comes to shove I’m an adult now, and really dont have anything to gain from imagining literal children having sex. I’m not into 16 year olds, and I’ve pretty much answered most of the questions I’ve had concerning my sexuality by now. As many of you know I have this whole extended continuity that stretches way into the future and has a plethora of ocs that include Dalek’s children. Where do you think babies come from dudes? Of course they’re still having sex, and of course I draw it sometimes because guess what I like sex.
But the versions of Deryn and Alek that I draw porn of are so divorced from their younger canon counterparts that I often just describe them as OCs when showing the art to other people. In my head they’ve completely changed into adults, not just taller and with bewbs but emotionally as well. I’ve taken liberties in altering their worldview to be more mature, borrowing many of the lessons and trials I myself have picked up over the years. My interpretation of adult Dalek was made through me imagining those characters growing up beside me at the same speed, and really I’ve done more written work of them just existing as adults then I have of them having sex. (Here’s the full timeline, btw.) They’re not at all the same as they were in the book, I’ve devoted time and effort into theorizing their development over the course of literal years.
So yeah. They’re having sex. Teenagers do that. If there are any teenagers on this blog feel free to write all the porn you want. But I’m not putting any here, because me and a vast majority of my followers are adults who dont wanna think about kids that way. I’m also gonna try and keep it clean for kids who just dont have an interest in sex and would rather read my quality content that supposedly exists. 
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That being said, please continue to send me prompts to misinterpret. Thats a load of silly goofy harmless fun. Just dont be disappointed when I bend over backwards to make something sexy funny instead.
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laylahassib99 · 5 years
Cyber debates (COM 311)
In the third chapter of his book  ‘Digital Media and Society’,Lindgren, S introduces the topic that the internet might have an influence over society and culture. There are perspectives two perspectives: Cyber-optimism and Cyber-pessimism.The author has successfully reached a middle ground, where both perspectives co-exist.
 In the 1990s, people were very optimistic about how the internet will revolutionize most areas of social life. the new economic system will let everyone participate .Suppliers,consumers,and producers will communicate with each other. There will be place for new ideas as there will be freedom of innovation. The internet will make people respect,accept, and tolerate each other, no matter where they’re from. These Utopian expectations were realized, but they have also come at the price of the dot-com bubble, economic crises,increased surveillance, and censorship. Large corporations were take over the internet. People were optimistic about the internet because it was created by the military, then mediated by computer scientists at universities;therefore, this dynamic mix of academic,counter-culture, and public services gave rise to a public space that is open,decentralized,and diverse public sphere. On the other hand some intense forms of online trades had took off, some believed that this came at the price if ever more intrusive forms of advertising and spamming. Wealth was concentrated in the hands of the big corporations only, and search engines started to do data mining for advertising.
At the same time, the revolt of the nerds was deployed. The first wave consisted of computer scientists , who created and promoted free an open source software that could be used,distributed,and changed by anyone. In the second wave, Wikipedia was launched in 2001 and it became popular as a source of information. Facebook and Youtube entered the scene of the web 2.0. The belief that internet would make the world a better place was based on technological determinism, which is technological changes and shifts in human relationships to these technologies were bound to generate certain forms of progressive,social,cultural,and political change. To oppose technical determinism, one must realize that technologies are tools, and tools can be used to for good and bad things.  Social psychologists Katelynn Mckenna and John Bargha use the example of TV to make the point that the context and the motivations of users decide what social effects the internet will have “Television can link a world together and help bring down the Berlin wall but it’s also infertile for the cultivation of couch potatoes. The internet can bring people of like interests and minds together in ways heretofore unseen, but those similarities can range from a past of sexual abuse among people in great need of anonymous social support, to virulent hatred of other racial groups”. Internet centrism: the technological properties of the internet specifically its global reach, its interactivity,its relative uncontrollability, would be of particular importance. Morozov (2011) underlines the importance of letting go of internet centrism in order to save the internet from “authoritarianism”
In the 1990s, everyone had shares in the emerging IT companies, they guaranteed everyone’s wealth and prosperity in the future. Stock market saw  the nominal value of the NASDAX index soar to extreme levels, and everyone talked about the “dot-com bubble”. In winter 2000, the bubble burst, as the stock market collapsed. Some tech-companies dies, and other lucky ones survived. Scholar Greek Lovink (2011) said that another bubble had burst now, referring to the overblown idea of the internet as a completely open,unregulated and exceptional sphere. Because of the social control and commercialization that the users found on the internet, they found themselves in the “eco-chambers” of communicative capitalism. Communicative capitalism: a social system, where a lot of content is produced freely and openly, yet this lacks any potency to transform society and drive it in a better direction. 2010 saw a sea of change in the internet and social media discussions became conflict-ridden in the wake of surveillance scandals, targeted advertising, and increased commercialization. 
From here the article talks about authors that are either optimistic or pessimistic about the internet. Neil Postman was very pessimistic as the subtitle of one of his books was “ The surrender of culture to technology”, and the book presented a negative outlook on the emerging digital society. However, he believed that it played an important role in society. Postman said that technology is “the submission of all forms of cultural life to the sovereignty of technique and technology”. Similarly,Evgeny Morozov’s “To save everything, click here”’ warns of the dangers of technological solutionism. In contrast, Negropnte’s “being digital stands as cyberoptimism . He formulated many of the positive and hopeful ideas that were floating around this time. For him there 3 components to success: access, mobility and the ability to effect change. He wrote that being digital was not about retrieving various types of information from online repositories. Instead, it was about the emergence of communities taht would create “ a totally new,global social fabric”. Just like Postmann, he  was sure that the internet will bring social and cultural transformations
The article goes on and on about the pessimistic view and the optimistic view on how the internet will change the world by impacting the society cultural, socially, and politically,and how some authors state that if there’s no one to regulate the internet, it will be a show that is run by monkeys, which is, in other words, a chaotic mess. Other authors embrace the amateur creativity and the openness and the smartness of digital networks,and that everything will be better if we just let the people connect with each other to get knowledge.Philosopher and media scholar Pierre Levy used the term Collective intelligence to refer to the people pooling their resources, in the from of knowledge and agency, online.
To conclude, the author of this book has reached a middle ground, by saying that there’s a lot of things on the internet to be optimistic about, and on the other hand there’s a lot f things to be pessimistic about, and that’s why one should always try and be optimistic, because we never know what the future holds.We must try and downplay both of the perspectives in order to formulate a sensible perspective on how and when the media contributes to a transformation of the social 
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zubelcas-blog · 6 years
Final reflection
Before I undertook any CAS activities, I had to become cognizant of my flaws and qualities, what lies ny my nature, and what kind of an action I would never have taken had it not been for CAS. As such, firstly I focused on my psyche. As identified my psychologists that I’m an antisocial type with adhd and a slight aspergers. Despite this, around my peers I always strive to be in the center of attention. After examining my conscience, I must say that out of my school experience, I don’t do my duties diligently, especially those towards others. Hence the biggest challenge for me, was doing service, where my actions are to be about them only. It is the case, because dealing with other people is my biggest weakness. As such I have taken up volunteering at a local allotment housing complex where I could help often elderly pensioners with their daily struggles.
 When it comes to Activity, I focused on myself, thus my choice was an individual sport that is running. The basis of such a choice being the ease of doing the activity itself, yet the challenge was in the planning and being thorough. Which was a new experience, as I had never imposed such a program on myself, I was both a coach and a contestant.
As part of Creativity, I explored my hitherto passion that is music, about which I had already written my Extended Essay, thus a natural flow of things would be to transition from merely listening to music, to making it myself.
               The biggest challenge, and as it soon turned out, the most gratifying, was working at the allotment housing. The gardening community, mainly comprised of elderly people, unbeknownst of my motivation, has given me a lot of trust. First two people who have responded to my initial ad in which I was offering free aid, had quite a bit of distrust and reserve heard in their voice. It was only after doing the first few works, getting to know me, that I was asked for noticeably more help. As a growing token of trust I was being given increasingly important jobs, and even keys to people’s gardens. In addition to these works, I got to talk to these people, who sometimes treated me a bit like they would their step grandson. As old people, they’d keep repeating the same tales, but it made me ever more patient. Initially it was a bit irritating, but I withheld my own need to talk, and for once I wasn’t the center of attention.
               Stories of this generation are completely alien to me. Their everyday issues, such as diseases, medication, pensions, are all problems that haven’t yet been relevant to my life. As time went on, with authentic attention I’d listen to what they had to say. I can safely state, that I found some kind of empathy in myself, not solely stemming from the fact that some of these people are not long for this world, but rooted in respect to their lives.
               From my observation it would seem that these elderly people are often poor and lonely. This loosely knit group is often the second, sometimes sadly the only family they have. There were also cases where I’d know from word of mouth that someone has been estranged by their family because of their own doing. It wasn’t my goal to actively seek into their past, but it got me thinking. If someone was a bad human being, are they now but an old bad human being, or just an old human being? Do they deserve help because they are lonely, even though they have deserved it? I had to cut out all this pondering and theory making, as I felt not competent enough to judge their life decisions, as such I
would help anyone no matter the gossip. But now it’s got me thinking, that I may have helped some people that I normally wouldn’t have helped had it not been for the fact that they’re old.
Integration of the whole allotment community that I participated in whilst organizing the community gardener’s day, is in my opinion a much needed thing, as it draws people closer, and above all, it is beneficial to the eldest, for whom this day is often more cherished than Christmas. As time went on, my computer skills have also proven useful, as it turned out, people who have lived through a world war and communism, have been beaten by technological progress. In cooperation with the administration, I created, and since manage the official e-mail of the complex. I send email to different institutions, download and print new acts and laws. I noticed that despite how tough it is already for these people, its them who are expected to adapt to the world, not the other way around. More and more services are only available online. When I first offered my help, as a child brought up in a digital world, I had wrongly presumed that they’d need only the power of my muscle. It hadn’t even crossed my mind that someone would be more able to burrow a garden than to “google” something.
                 I’m surprised that my work for the gardens whether taking the trash out or writing some mails, has been met with such appreciation, I got a lot of thanks, and even a postcard for Christmas. It was maybe 10% of my free time, and things that come naturally to me, but as it would seem, I have done 100% of what was expected of me. These two years have proven that when providing help, the thing of utmost importance, is to listen to the needs of the receiver.
               As Activity, I just ran, which wasn’t that easy in and of itself. Till then I’d only run only when I felt like it. Running comes naturally to me, but only on long distances, this being the case due to my thin posture -173 cm/53kg, practically the same as top Kenyan or Ethiopian marathon runners. This time in order to prepare for a run I had to create a training schedule. Above all I wanted to break my natural laziness and chaotic behavior. Get a grip on natural expression, and impose certain actions. Of course the plan was based on internet articles, it included running in set intervals, jog and sprint in turns. Planned running, required an insane amount of self-discipline, I’d practically run with a clock in my hand. Such running was void of romanticism, there was no time to put a foot after foot with no care in the world. I have verified my goals, and understood that it isn’t my intention to improve my running technique, maximize my efficiency, and minimize mistakes, but to run for pleasure – I do it because I like doing it. The point is to feel the bliss of it, fatigue and an imperfect technique are a part of my way to do it. I chose pleasure over a strict training, that, granted, would increase my performance, but this regime takes the fun away. Of course I haven’t ceased running, I also haven’t dragged myself into the mass culture of modern day running. Where image of a runner is more important than how far you are able to run, the big sports companies are actively fiending on amateur runners. Sports’ portals, companies, personal trainers keep telling you that to achieve success you need a certain pair of running shoes, breathing sweatshirts and accessories. And with all the ever present smartphone applications that deprive runners of liberty. They tell them when to stop, because they ran the daily quota, inform when to go for a run as you haven’t done that in x hours. Worst of all, they make some people run just for attention in the social media, by publishing screenshots with the amount of kilometers ran. Within the society of parrot-like dressed runners, wearing a plain white t shirt is viewed as lame. All in all, I have not revolutionized my running lifestyle, but I have seen the other side of the coin, and the culture of new age runners that I don’t want to have anything in common. That’s why I don’t partake in mass organized runs, I only run when I have free time and the will to do so. Changing my approach to running to that organized and scheduled one, was the hardest part of my activity experience. It required me to change my running habits, which I was able to do, but what I wasn’t able to change is my approach to running, for I see it as a goal, and these articles, as well as these afore criticized runners see it as a tool only.
 Since mid-2015, I’ve been producing some music, As I already established, for instance by writing an extended essay on the topic of AAVE, my music taste, especially at that time, consisted mostly of hip hop. So it was only natural, that by extension, I’d take up digital music production, given how most hip hop instrumentals are done this way. This is akin to someone who’s into rock music, starting to play guitar. Now initially, it really was just mindless tinkering, for the fact that the learning curve is very steep, what translates to the fact that just to get a grip of the basics on using a given program, one has to sink in tens of hours. People take literal courses just for that, I took the self-taught route, with my DAW (digital audio workstation) of choice being FL Studio. I had never really engaged myself in any downright and entirely creative activities. This took a toll on my judgment, taught me a lesson or two. I’ve had it happen to me again and again, where, having spent hours on a particular beat or just a sliver of a sound, I would go to sleep tired but satisfied, thinking that I’ve just made something of value, play it back the next day and drown in frustration. I’m fairly certain that any amateur producer has experienced this. But the lesson is broader, it above all was a humbling experience. I was taught that creative work is subjective in essence. Just as I’ve found out the hard way that creative processes need the maker to be “in the zone”. I can’t just sit to it on any given day. It has to be THAT day. I finally understood why in Hollywood movies, there’s a stereotype of a writer who rents a house on the countryside, often abroad, away from the noise and commotion. For that reason, filling an hour grid is impossible in nature. I was also taught that beauty indeed is in the “ear” of the beholder. As there have been times when I would send a piece to a friend, asking “how bad is it?”, only to have them reply “it’s fantastic”. Initially, my plan was to create a beat mixtape in a rather grimy boom bap style, but since then my overall direction has changed tides numerous times. When you produce something, you have to live it. The way I listen to the music itself has altered thanks to this venture. Weird as it may come off, I no longer do it for the pleasure only. It has become quite a grueling experience, that’s about deciphering a composition, the nitty-gritty of how something was made sound the way it does. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that every time I listen to music I engage in a creative process, via reverse engineering so to speak. Ask me 5 years ago what’s a chord, I wouldn’t be able to tell. It’s a drastic statement, but it encapsulates the creative part of personal growth that I’ve gone through over the past three years. As such, I’ve undertaken a new challenge, and shown enough perseverance over the years to pull through and grow in the areas that I’ve always wanted to.
0 notes
Explanation of exploration concepts IQ is considered the use of intellectual quotient.
Explanation of exploration concepts IQ is considered the use of intellectual quotient anime english dubbed We usually declare that you can be useful to evaluate the IQ's degree of intelligence EQ (Emotional Quotient) explains the empathy, empathy, empathy and other experiences of others, with the opportunity to evaluate their emotions and emotions .The above emotionally charged people are better through these skill elements: Personal - Managing, Working in a Group of People, Individual Trust, Working Together, Adapting to Others, Ability to Feel the Feelings of Some Other Feelings. Wechsler intelligence scale A wechsler test is a test using a wechsler intelligence scales developed by David Wechsler, a psychologist with a number of standard checks used to identify intelligence and brain abilities. You can easily distinguish 2 different wechsler intelligence scales: Wechsler Competent Thinking Scale (WAIS) We can do that to evaluate intelligence and adolescence. Wechsler Intelligent Intelligence Scale was created in the 1st. Then we came up with the WAIS-R (WAIS modification). WAIS-R is divided into two parts: interview exams and subtests. And then, we were able to get the full IQ scale. WAIS-III update (last 90s). Primary improvement is definitely the combination of four indexes: verbal understanding, job knowledge, perceptual contact, processing speed. In these modern times, WAIS-IV (used in 2008) is used, and ten sub-exam features have been included in 5 subtest. We've deleted verbal and performance scales and have all of them changed with index scores. We have included the general abilities index, and has indeed succeeded in computing cognitive abilities that have led to considerably less sensitivity. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) It is used to test the six to sixteen year olds. WISC is the first published think-tank test WISC-R (modification) comes in the 1974 season. 17 years later WISC-III was developed. In fact, we use WISC-IV (started in 2003). Emotional Intelligence (EI) Personal knowledge Individuals can accurately assess their emotions and impacts. This individual can distinguish his strength and weaknesses. Self-Management Managing a person's emotions is the ability to control unhealthy emotions. Decision Its potential to provide efficiency (far from bad perfectionism). Empathy Empathy definition (also associated with talented individuals) has the ability to perceive the thoughts of some people seriously. Social Competence (Relationships) In this case, we are talking about a wide range of possibilities that can best fit in interpersonal scenarios. (Freelance hearing, troubleshooting, group synergy) The intellectual background of certain countries around the world South Korea: 106 Austria: 102 Italy: 102 Switzerland: 101 New Zealand: 100 Poland: 99 France: 98 Norway: 98 Czech Republic: 97 Argentina: 96 Slovenia: 95 Israel: 94 To evaluate the intellectual thinking of a person on the Internet International IQ Tests We talk about general IQ tests designed to assess the accuracy and reliability of the mind. Different types of thinking are usually evaluated. Questions are generally pictures, as well as words and words. If you want to find a quiz quiz, explore major search engines. Exemplary IQ Assessments These types of tests calculate numerical abilities, numerical justification. It consists of numbers many times. Entertainment IQ Tests These assessments are for entertainment purposes and do not seem to be an effective way to analyze individuals' intelligence. Internet IQ Tests: They can be intercontinental, expert or amateur, can be fast or long, email results or not, may be rewarded or costless.
0 notes
yeahdigimon-blog · 7 years
Explanation of concepts related to intelligence IQ is considered the abbreviation of the intellectual quotient.
Explanation of concepts related to intelligence IQ is considered the abbreviation of the intellectual quotient anime english dubbed We usually declare that IQ is primarily a useful outcome for assessing what exactly is your own degree of intellect EQ (Emotional Quotient) describes the opportunity to recognize, care for, experience and evaluate your inner thoughts as well as the emotions of other individuals (empathy). It has been established that people with higher degree of emotional quotient are better through these elements of skills: Personal management, Group work, Personal assurance, Working together, Tilt achievement, plus the ability to feel the emotions of some others. Wechsler Intelligence Scale A wechsler intelligence test is considered a test using the wechsler intelligence scales, produced by David Wechsler, a U.S. psychologist, who are generally a series of standardized checks employed to determine cognitive and brain abilities. You can easily differentiate two different wechsler intelligence scales: The Wechsler Adult Thinking ability Scale (WAIS) We can get you to assess mature and youthful intelligence. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence scale was the 1st maid. Then we present WAIS-R (WAIS modification). WAIS-R was divided into two sections: spoken exams and subtests. And then we had been able to get a complete IQ scale. WAIS-III is another review (late 1990s). The primary improvement is definitely the incorporation of four indexes: verbal understanding, work knowledge, perceptual connection, processing speed. In these modern times WAIS-IV is used (2008 revealed) and has ten subtests, 5 subtests have been included. We remove the verbal and performance scales and change them all by index score. We also included a general ability index, actually performed to calculate cognitive abilities that are significantly less susceptible to impairment. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) is employed to test chlidren who is six to 16 years old. The WISC is the first known ability skill test. The WISC-R (modification) arrives in the 1974 season. 17 years later, the WISC-III was developed. In fact, we took advantage of the WISC-IV (launched in 2003). The aspects of Emotional Intelligence (EI) Personal conscience The individual is able to appreciate their emotions and their effects accurately. This individual is actually able to distinguish their own strengths and weaknesses. Self Management It is the ability to deal with an individual's feelings, to keep unhealthy feelings manageable. Determination It is a potential to achieve efficiency (far from bad perfectionism). Empathy The definition of empathy (also associated with gifted individuals) in consideration the ability to seriously feel the feelings of some others. Social skills (relationship control) We talk in this case about a wide range of diverse skills that make them meaningful during interpersonal scenarios. (Listen freely, deal with concerns calmly, establish group synergies) Average intellectual quotient of certain nations around the world South Korea: 106 Austria: 102 Italy: 102 Switzerland: 101 New Zealand: 100 Poland: 99 France: 98 Norway: 98 Czech Republic: 97 Argentina: 96 Slovenia: 95 Israel: 94 Evaluating an intellectual quotient of people on the internet International IQ Tests We talk about common IQ tests that are designed to accurately and reliably evaluate your intellect. Different types of thinking skills are usually evaluated. The questions are usually photos and also words and phrases. If you want to discover an intelligence questionnaire, explore the major search engines. Numerical IQ Assessments These tests calculate numeric skills, numerical reasoning skills. They are often composed of numbers. Entertainment IQ Tests These evaluations are for entertainment purposes only and are not intended to effectively analyze a person's intellect. Internet IQ tests rate: They can be intercontinental, expert or amateur, fast or long, results with email or not, premium or free of cost.
0 notes
Explain the concepts of intelligence IQ is considered to be an abreviation of intellectual quotient.
Explain the concepts of intelligence IQ is considered to be an abreviation of intellectual quotient anime english dubbed We usually find that IQ is mostly useful for evaluating exactly what your intellect is EQ (Emotional Quotient) describes the ability to recognize, care for, experience, and evaluate inner thoughts as well as the emotions of others (empathy). It was found that people with higher emotional levels are better off through these skills: Personal Management, Group Leadership, Personality, Work Together, Satisfaction with Finishing, in addition to the ability to feel emotions of others. Wechsler's scale of intelligence Wechsler's intelligence test is considered a Wechsler-weighted test, produced by David Wechsler, a US psychologist who is usually the number of standard controls used to determine cognitive and brain abilities. It is easy to distinguish between two different Wechsler scales: Wechsler Adult Weakness Scale (WAIS) We can take it to assess the intelligence of elders and teens. Wechsler Adult Intelligence scale was created. After that we came up with WAIS-R (WAIS modification). WAIS-R is divided into two sections: spoken exams and exams. And then we were able to get a full scale IQ. WAIS-III is another revision (late nineties). The basic improvement is definitely the inclusion of four indicators: verbal comprehension, cognition, perceptual connection, processing speed. In modern times WAIS-IV (2008) and ten subtexts were used, 5 subtexts included. We removed the verbal and performance scale and changed all index results. We also have a general capacity index, actually achieved to calculate cognitive abilities that appear to be significantly less susceptible to impairment. Wechsler Children's Intelligence Scale (WISC) It is used for the study of chlids, which are 6 to 16 years old. WISC is the first published test of WISC-R (modification) thinking skills to appear in the 1974 season. 17 years later WISC-III was developed. We actually use WISC-IV (launched in 2003). Emotional intelligence (EI) Personal-Awareness Individuals can appreciate emotions and their effects. This person is able to distinguish his own strengths and weaknesses. self-management It is the ability to handle the feelings of individuals to maintain unhealthy feelings for the management. Determination Its potential to achieve efficiency (far from bad perfectionism). Empathy The definition of empathy (also related to the capable person) contemplates the ability to seriously feel the feelings of others. Social competences (relationship control) We talk about a wide variety of skills that make them better fit in interpersonal scenarios. (Listening freely, dealing with fears calmly, establishing group synergy) The intellectual average number of some countries around the world South Korea: 106 Austria: 102 Italy: 102 Switzerland: 101 New Zealand: 100 Poland: 99 France: 98 Norway: 98 Czech Republic: 97 Argentina: 96 Slovenia: 95 Israel: 94 Assess the intellectual quotient of people on the internet International IQ tests We are talking about common IQ tests that aim to assess the accuracy and reliability of the intellect. Usually different types of thinking are assessed. The questions are generally pictures, and also words and phrases. If you want to discover an interview quiz, explore the most important search engines. Numerical evaluation of IQ Such tests calculate numerical skills, the ability to reason numbers. They are many times composed of numbers. IQ entertainment tests These ratings are just for entertainment and dont pretend to effectively analyze the intellect of the person. Internet IQ tests: They can be intercontinental, expert or amateur, fast or long, emailed or not, premium or free.
0 notes
Explain the concepts of intelligence IQ is considered to be an abreviation of intellectual quotient.
Explain the concepts of intelligence IQ is considered to be an abreviation of intellectual quotient anime english dubbed We usually find that IQ is mostly useful for evaluating exactly what your intellect is EQ (Emotional Quotient) describes the ability to recognize, care for, experience, and evaluate inner thoughts as well as the emotions of others (empathy). It was found that people with higher emotional levels are better off through these skills: Personal Management, Group Leadership, Personality, Work Together, Satisfaction with Finishing, in addition to the ability to feel emotions of others. Wechsler's scale of intelligence Wechsler's intelligence test is considered a Wechsler-weighted test, produced by David Wechsler, a US psychologist who is usually the number of standard controls used to determine cognitive and brain abilities. It is easy to distinguish between two different Wechsler scales: Wechsler Adult Weakness Scale (WAIS) We can take it to assess the intelligence of elders and teens. Wechsler Adult Intelligence scale was created. After that we came up with WAIS-R (WAIS modification). WAIS-R is divided into two sections: spoken exams and exams. And then we were able to get a full scale IQ. WAIS-III is another revision (late nineties). The basic improvement is definitely the inclusion of four indicators: verbal comprehension, cognition, perceptual connection, processing speed. In modern times WAIS-IV (2008) and ten subtexts were used, 5 subtexts included. We removed the verbal and performance scale and changed all index results. We also have a general capacity index, actually achieved to calculate cognitive abilities that appear to be significantly less susceptible to impairment. Wechsler Children's Intelligence Scale (WISC) It is used for the study of chlids, which are 6 to 16 years old. WISC is the first published test of WISC-R (modification) thinking skills to appear in the 1974 season. 17 years later WISC-III was developed. We actually use WISC-IV (launched in 2003). Emotional intelligence (EI) Personal-Awareness Individuals can appreciate emotions and their effects. This person is able to distinguish his own strengths and weaknesses. self-management It is the ability to handle the feelings of individuals to maintain unhealthy feelings for the management. Determination Its potential to achieve efficiency (far from bad perfectionism). Empathy The definition of empathy (also related to the capable person) contemplates the ability to seriously feel the feelings of others. Social competences (relationship control) We talk about a wide variety of skills that make them better fit in interpersonal scenarios. (Listening freely, dealing with fears calmly, establishing group synergy) The intellectual average number of some countries around the world South Korea: 106 Austria: 102 Italy: 102 Switzerland: 101 New Zealand: 100 Poland: 99 France: 98 Norway: 98 Czech Republic: 97 Argentina: 96 Slovenia: 95 Israel: 94 Assess the intellectual quotient of people on the internet International IQ tests We are talking about common IQ tests that aim to assess the accuracy and reliability of the intellect. Usually different types of thinking are assessed. The questions are generally pictures, and also words and phrases. If you want to discover an interview quiz, explore the most important search engines. Numerical evaluation of IQ Such tests calculate numerical skills, the ability to reason numbers. They are many times composed of numbers. IQ entertainment tests These ratings are just for entertainment and dont pretend to effectively analyze the intellect of the person. Internet IQ tests: They can be intercontinental, expert or amateur, fast or long, emailed or not, premium or free.
0 notes
Explained terms related to intelligence IQ is considered abstinence of the mental quotient.
Explained terms related to intelligence IQ is considered abstinence of the mental quotient anime english dubbed We usually declare that IQ is usually a useful result for assessing what exactly your degree of intellect is EQ (Emotional Quotient) describes the opportunity to recognize, care for, experience and evaluate your inner thoughts and emotions of others (empathy). It has been found that people with higher emotional quotient grades are better through the following skill elements: Personal Management, Operate in a Group of People, Personal Security, Work Together, Finish Lean, in addition to the ability to sense the emotions of others. Wechsler's intelligence The Wechsler intelligence test is considered to be a Wechsler intelligence test produced by David Wechsler, a psychologist who is usually a number of standardized controls used to determine cognitive and brain abilities. You can easily distinguish between two different Wechsler news scales: Wechsler's Adult Thinking Skills (WAIS) We are able to judge it to assess the intelligence of adolescents and adolescents. Websler Adult Intelligence scale was created first. Then we came up with WAIS-R (WAIS modification). WAIS-R was divided into two parts: oral examinations and subtests. And then we were able to get a complete IQ scale. WAIS-III is another revision (late 1990s). The primary improvement is definitely the inclusion of four indices: word comprehension, working knowledge, perceptual connection, processing speed. In these modern times, WAIS-IV (unveiled in 2008) is used and includes ten partial tests, including 5 subtests. We removed the verbal and performance scales and changed them according to index scores. We also included an index of general ability actually proven to calculate cognitive abilities that are significantly less prone to damage. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) is used to test chlidrenes who are six to 16 years old. WISC is the first published test of the ability to think WISC-R (Modification) coming in the 1974 season. 17 years later WISC-III was developed. In fact, we are using WISC-IV (launched in 2003). Aspects of Emotional Intelligence (EI) Personal-consciousness The individual is able to appreciate his emotions and his effects exactly. This individual is able to distinguish between his own strengths and weaknesses. Autonomy It is the ability to manage the feelings of individuals, to keep unhealthy feelings manageable. Determination Its potential to achieve efficiency (far from bad perfectionism). Empathy Definition of Empathy (also associated with gifted individuals) when considering the ability to seriously feel the feelings of some others. Social Competencies (Relationship Control) In this case, we are talking about a wide range of different capabilities that allow them to become more relevant during interpersonal scenarios. (Hearing loosely, Talking calmly, Introduction of group synergy) The intellectual quotient of some countries around the world South Korea: 106 Austria: 102 Italy: 102 Switzerland: 101 New Zealand: 100 Poland: 99 France: 98 Norway: 98 Czech Republic: 97 Argentina: 96 Slovenia: 95 Israel: 94 Evaluating the Intellectual Quotient of People on the Internet International IQ Tests We talk about common IQ tests that are designed to accurately and reliably evaluate your intellect. Types of ideas are usually assessed. Questions are generally photos and also words and phrases. To find a smart quiz, explore the major search engines. Numerical IQ rating Such tests calculate numerical capabilities, ability to justify the number. They are often composed of numbers. Fun IQ Tests These reviews are just for fun and do not pretend to effectively analyze an individual's intellect. Tests Internet IQ Tests: They could be intercontinental, professional or amateur, fast or long, the results were emailed or not, premium or free of charge.
0 notes
Explain the concepts of intelligence IQ is considered to be an abreviation of intellectual quotient.
Explain the concepts of intelligence IQ is considered to be an abreviation of intellectual quotient anime english dubbed We usually find that IQ is mostly useful for evaluating exactly what your intellect is EQ (Emotional Quotient) describes the ability to recognize, care for, experience, and evaluate inner thoughts as well as the emotions of others (empathy). It was found that people with higher emotional levels are better off through these skills: Personal Management, Group Leadership, Personality, Work Together, Satisfaction with Finishing, in addition to the ability to feel emotions of others. Wechsler's scale of intelligence Wechsler's intelligence test is considered a Wechsler-weighted test, produced by David Wechsler, a US psychologist who is usually the number of standard controls used to determine cognitive and brain abilities. It is easy to distinguish between two different Wechsler scales: Wechsler Adult Weakness Scale (WAIS) We can take it to assess the intelligence of elders and teens. Wechsler Adult Intelligence scale was created. After that we came up with WAIS-R (WAIS modification). WAIS-R is divided into two sections: spoken exams and exams. And then we were able to get a full scale IQ. WAIS-III is another revision (late nineties). The basic improvement is definitely the inclusion of four indicators: verbal comprehension, cognition, perceptual connection, processing speed. In modern times WAIS-IV (2008) and ten subtexts were used, 5 subtexts included. We removed the verbal and performance scale and changed all index results. We also have a general capacity index, actually achieved to calculate cognitive abilities that appear to be significantly less susceptible to impairment. Wechsler Children's Intelligence Scale (WISC) It is used for the study of chlids, which are 6 to 16 years old. WISC is the first published test of WISC-R (modification) thinking skills to appear in the 1974 season. 17 years later WISC-III was developed. We actually use WISC-IV (launched in 2003). Emotional intelligence (EI) Personal-Awareness Individuals can appreciate emotions and their effects. This person is able to distinguish his own strengths and weaknesses. self-management It is the ability to handle the feelings of individuals to maintain unhealthy feelings for the management. Determination Its potential to achieve efficiency (far from bad perfectionism). Empathy The definition of empathy (also related to the capable person) contemplates the ability to seriously feel the feelings of others. Social competences (relationship control) We talk about a wide variety of skills that make them better fit in interpersonal scenarios. (Listening freely, dealing with fears calmly, establishing group synergy) The intellectual average number of some countries around the world South Korea: 106 Austria: 102 Italy: 102 Switzerland: 101 New Zealand: 100 Poland: 99 France: 98 Norway: 98 Czech Republic: 97 Argentina: 96 Slovenia: 95 Israel: 94 Assess the intellectual quotient of people on the internet International IQ tests We are talking about common IQ tests that aim to assess the accuracy and reliability of the intellect. Usually different types of thinking are assessed. The questions are generally pictures, and also words and phrases. If you want to discover an interview quiz, explore the most important search engines. Numerical evaluation of IQ Such tests calculate numerical skills, the ability to reason numbers. They are many times composed of numbers. IQ entertainment tests These ratings are just for entertainment and dont pretend to effectively analyze the intellect of the person. Internet IQ tests: They can be intercontinental, expert or amateur, fast or long, emailed or not, premium or free.
0 notes
sharman-dan-blog1 · 7 years
Explain the concepts of intelligence IQ is considered to be an abreviation of intellectual quotient.
Explain the concepts of intelligence IQ is considered to be an abreviation of intellectual quotient anime english dubbed We usually find that IQ is mostly useful for evaluating exactly what your intellect is EQ (Emotional Quotient) describes the ability to recognize, care for, experience, and evaluate inner thoughts as well as the emotions of others (empathy). It was found that people with higher emotional levels are better off through these skills: Personal Management, Group Leadership, Personality, Work Together, Satisfaction with Finishing, in addition to the ability to feel emotions of others. Wechsler's scale of intelligence Wechsler's intelligence test is considered a Wechsler-weighted test, produced by David Wechsler, a US psychologist who is usually the number of standard controls used to determine cognitive and brain abilities. It is easy to distinguish between two different Wechsler scales: Wechsler Adult Weakness Scale (WAIS) We can take it to assess the intelligence of elders and teens. Wechsler Adult Intelligence scale was created. After that we came up with WAIS-R (WAIS modification). WAIS-R is divided into two sections: spoken exams and exams. And then we were able to get a full scale IQ. WAIS-III is another revision (late nineties). The basic improvement is definitely the inclusion of four indicators: verbal comprehension, cognition, perceptual connection, processing speed. In modern times WAIS-IV (2008) and ten subtexts were used, 5 subtexts included. We removed the verbal and performance scale and changed all index results. We also have a general capacity index, actually achieved to calculate cognitive abilities that appear to be significantly less susceptible to impairment. Wechsler Children's Intelligence Scale (WISC) It is used for the study of chlids, which are 6 to 16 years old. WISC is the first published test of WISC-R (modification) thinking skills to appear in the 1974 season. 17 years later WISC-III was developed. We actually use WISC-IV (launched in 2003). Emotional intelligence (EI) Personal-Awareness Individuals can appreciate emotions and their effects. This person is able to distinguish his own strengths and weaknesses. self-management It is the ability to handle the feelings of individuals to maintain unhealthy feelings for the management. Determination Its potential to achieve efficiency (far from bad perfectionism). Empathy The definition of empathy (also related to the capable person) contemplates the ability to seriously feel the feelings of others. Social competences (relationship control) We talk about a wide variety of skills that make them better fit in interpersonal scenarios. (Listening freely, dealing with fears calmly, establishing group synergy) The intellectual average number of some countries around the world South Korea: 106 Austria: 102 Italy: 102 Switzerland: 101 New Zealand: 100 Poland: 99 France: 98 Norway: 98 Czech Republic: 97 Argentina: 96 Slovenia: 95 Israel: 94 Assess the intellectual quotient of people on the internet International IQ tests We are talking about common IQ tests that aim to assess the accuracy and reliability of the intellect. Usually different types of thinking are assessed. The questions are generally pictures, and also words and phrases. If you want to discover an interview quiz, explore the most important search engines. Numerical evaluation of IQ Such tests calculate numerical skills, the ability to reason numbers. They are many times composed of numbers. IQ entertainment tests These ratings are just for entertainment and dont pretend to effectively analyze the intellect of the person. Internet IQ tests: They can be intercontinental, expert or amateur, fast or long, emailed or not, premium or free.
0 notes
queenviviann-blog · 7 years
Intelligence related concepts IQ is considered as intolerant intellectual killings.
Intelligence related concepts IQ is considered as intolerant intellectual killings anime english dubbed Ordinary things will say that the IQ is more than one complete result, complete to evaluate what your tuition diploma is. EQ (Quotient Emocionale) describes the need for credit, cure, experience and evaluate internal pensions, like the emotions of the other individuals (empathies). It has been established that people with higher emotional qualities, are better for these elements of expertise: Personal Classification, Operate in a group of people, Social Security, Advance, Complimentary Inclusion in addition to being able to feel the emotions of some others Wechsler intelligence A test of intelligence is considered as a test with the scumbag intelligence, produced by David Wechsler, an object psychologist, who are often a standardized test for cognitive and brain capacity. You can get different advice 2 writing intelligence: The incarnate of the Adult Scale Program (WAIS) They are able to evaluate the mature and adolescent intelligence. Scala Adriche Adult Area was the 1st one created. Then we had WAIS-R (the WAIS modifies). WAIS-R is divided into two sections: discussions and subpovernments. After that, we have been able to acquire a full scale IQ. WAIS-III is another revision (end of the nineties). Primary migration is defined as the incision of four indexes: verbal compression, work knowledge, perceptual connection, fast training. In those modern times, the WAIS-IV is used (2008 revealed) and provided seven subsections, 5 subtleties were included. Take verbal and performance scales and change them with an indexes. We also include an Index of Capability Generale, really made to calculate their cognitive ability to be significantly less susceptible to weakening. The Scala of Intelligence for Children for Children (WISC) It is occupied to try chlidren who are six to 16 years old. WISC is the world's premier paid-up advertiser WISC-R (modification) arrived in the afternoon of 1974. 17 years later, the WISC-III was developed. In fact, we have a benefit of the WISC-IV (shot in the year 2003). The Emocent Intelligence (EI) Personnel tip The undertone is capable of appreciating its emotions and its punctual effects. This individual is able to distinguish their own advantages as well as very often. Self-management It is the ability to manage an individual feeling, to maintain unhealthy sentences. Determination It is a potential to buy efficiency (only for bad perfectionism). Empathy The empathy definition (also associated with individuals over) considers the ability to feel the sense of feelings of others. And social competencies (checking of relation) Let's talk about that, based on a wide selection of diversity that enable us to be significantly improved during interpersonal scams. (Take it easy, you'll be working with these with tranquility, Establishing the synergies of the group) Quantic intellectual of some nations around the world South korea: 106 Austria: 102 Italy: 102 Switzerland: 101 New Zealand: 100 Poland: 99 France: 98 Norway: 98 Czech Republic: 97 Argentina: 96 Slovenia: 95 Israel: 94 Evaluate an intellectual activity on the Internet IQ international production We are talking about the common IQ tests that are asked to evaluate with accuracy and reliability its intelligence. Different types of skills are capable. The domains are generally for photography, and words and phrases. If you want to discover intelligence, discover the great search engines. Numerical IQ Evalulations Such tests calculate numeric capacities, numerous reasoning abilities. They have several numbers composed. IQ test friends Here are assessments only for entertainment and do not pretend to effectively analyze an individual's intellect. Internet IQ tests lucky: They could be intercontinental, expert or amateur, fast or long, results emailed or not, premium or cost-free.
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Explanation of information-related concepts IQ is considered to be a source of intellectual property rights.
Explanation of information-related concepts IQ is considered to be a source of intellectual property rights anime english dubbed We usually declare that IQ is largely useful for evaluating what exactly is your own intellectual property EQ (Emotional Quotient) describes the opportunity to know, care, experience and evaluate his inner thoughts and feelings of other individuals (compassion). It has been confirmed that people with a higher emotional ratio are Better through these skills: Personal Management, Personnel in People, Personal Coverage, Working Together, Enforcing Leads, as well as the ability to feel the feelings of some others. Wechsler Spy Scale A wechsler spy test is considered a test using the Wechsler intelligence, produced by David Wechsler, a psychologist, who is usually the number of standard tests used to determine intellectual and brain capacity. You can easily identify two different Wechsler information sources: The Wechsler Adult Thinking Capability Scale (WAIS) We can take it to evaluate the development and development of children. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale has been 1. created. After we have come up with WAIS-R (WAIS change). WAIS-R was divided into two parts: spoken tests and sub-tests. And then we could have got a full IQ scale. WAIS-III is another review (late eighties). Key improvement is definitely to incorporate four indices: verbal understanding, working knowledge, perception of connection, processing speed. In this modern season, WAIS-IV is used (2008 shown) and has ten sub-tests, 5 sub-tests have been taken. We removed the verbal and performance weights and changed them all with indexes. We also achieved general abilities, which were actually made to calculate intellectual abilities that become significantly less susceptible to impairment. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) is employed to test climbers from six to 16 years old. WISC is the first introduced test ability test WISC-R (the change) comes in 1974 season. 17 years later, WISC-III was developed. Actually, we use WISC-IV (launched in 2003). Factors Emotional Intelligence (EI) Personal awareness An individual can accurately evaluate her feelings and effects. This person is actually able to analyze his own strengths and weaknesses. self-Management It's the ability to deal with individual emotions, to maintain unhealthy emotions manageable. decision There is a possibility of achieving efficiency (far from bad perfection). Empathy The definition of Empathy (also associated with talented individuals) contemplated the ability to feel the feelings of some others. Social skills (federal management) In this case we speak of a wide range of diverse skills that will enable them to better match human events. (Hear freely, deal with worries slowly, create groups of synergies) Idea ratio of certain nations around the world South Korea: 106 Austria: 102 Italy: 102 Switzerland: 101 New Zealand: 100 Poland: 99 France: 98 Norway: 98 Czech Republic: 97 Argentina: 96 Slovenia: 95 Israel: 94 Assessment of individuals intellectual quotas on the Internet International IQ exam We talk about common IQ tests that are designed to evaluate with accuracy and reliability of your wit. Different thinking options are usually evaluated. Questions are generally pictures and also words and phrases. If you want to discover the information, please check the main search engines. Numerical IQ evaluations Such tests calculate numerical abilities, a number of reasoning skills. They are often composed of numbers. Entertainment IQ exam These measurements are just fun and do not seem to accurately distinguish individuals wit. The Internet IQ tests are: They could be international, expert or amateur, prompt or long, results of email sent or not, premium or free of charge.
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banksyarts-blog · 7 years
Explained terms related to intelligence IQ is considered abstinence of the mental quotient.
Explained terms related to intelligence IQ is considered abstinence of the mental quotient anime english dubbed We usually declare that IQ is usually a useful result for assessing what exactly your degree of intellect is EQ (Emotional Quotient) describes the opportunity to recognize, care for, experience and evaluate your inner thoughts and emotions of others (empathy). It has been found that people with higher emotional quotient grades are better through the following skill elements: Personal Management, Operate in a Group of People, Personal Security, Work Together, Finish Lean, in addition to the ability to sense the emotions of others. Wechsler's intelligence The Wechsler intelligence test is considered to be a Wechsler intelligence test produced by David Wechsler, a psychologist who is usually a number of standardized controls used to determine cognitive and brain abilities. You can easily distinguish between two different Wechsler news scales: Wechsler's Adult Thinking Skills (WAIS) We are able to judge it to assess the intelligence of adolescents and adolescents. Websler Adult Intelligence scale was created first. Then we came up with WAIS-R (WAIS modification). WAIS-R was divided into two parts: oral examinations and subtests. And then we were able to get a complete IQ scale. WAIS-III is another revision (late 1990s). The primary improvement is definitely the inclusion of four indices: word comprehension, working knowledge, perceptual connection, processing speed. In these modern times, WAIS-IV (unveiled in 2008) is used and includes ten partial tests, including 5 subtests. We removed the verbal and performance scales and changed them according to index scores. We also included an index of general ability actually proven to calculate cognitive abilities that are significantly less prone to damage. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) is used to test chlidrenes who are six to 16 years old. WISC is the first published test of the ability to think WISC-R (Modification) coming in the 1974 season. 17 years later WISC-III was developed. In fact, we are using WISC-IV (launched in 2003). Aspects of Emotional Intelligence (EI) Personal-consciousness The individual is able to appreciate his emotions and his effects exactly. This individual is able to distinguish between his own strengths and weaknesses. Autonomy It is the ability to manage the feelings of individuals, to keep unhealthy feelings manageable. Determination Its potential to achieve efficiency (far from bad perfectionism). Empathy Definition of Empathy (also associated with gifted individuals) when considering the ability to seriously feel the feelings of some others. Social Competencies (Relationship Control) In this case, we are talking about a wide range of different capabilities that allow them to become more relevant during interpersonal scenarios. (Hearing loosely, Talking calmly, Introduction of group synergy) The intellectual quotient of some countries around the world South Korea: 106 Austria: 102 Italy: 102 Switzerland: 101 New Zealand: 100 Poland: 99 France: 98 Norway: 98 Czech Republic: 97 Argentina: 96 Slovenia: 95 Israel: 94 Evaluating the Intellectual Quotient of People on the Internet International IQ Tests We talk about common IQ tests that are designed to accurately and reliably evaluate your intellect. Types of ideas are usually assessed. Questions are generally photos and also words and phrases. To find a smart quiz, explore the major search engines. Numerical IQ rating Such tests calculate numerical capabilities, ability to justify the number. They are often composed of numbers. Fun IQ Tests These reviews are just for fun and do not pretend to effectively analyze an individual's intellect. Tests Internet IQ Tests: They could be intercontinental, professional or amateur, fast or long, the results were emailed or not, premium or free of charge.
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