#bad a planning. maybe he's rich actually but his parents didnt want him to waste his time on adventuring so they didnt support him
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omegawolverine · 4 years ago
idk anything about death note but wanted to send an ask so, uhhhhhhh, what's it about/favorite part? - 🐝✨
okay so "short" answer to what its about: high school genius light yagami finds a notebook that gives him the ability to kill people as long as he knows their name and face (they can be killed in basically any way possible but light specifically kills people using heart attacks, unless he doesn't want their deaths linked to all the other ones). at first he uses his powers to try and rid the world of all criminals but eventually he develops a god complex and just starts killing anyone who gets in his way as well, no matter how innocent they are. pretty early on the smartest detective known to man, L, figures out its light but has no real proof of it bc 1) the proof would be a supernatural fucking notebook with names of criminals in it and 2) light is actually fucking smart and is far too paranoid to just get caught lol. so basically the first half of the anime is just light and L being gay for each others big brains, having questionable if not straight up horrid morals and investigating Kira (the name light was given by fans of the unknown killer) together despite L straight up telling light he thinks he's Kira. 2nd half is more complicated and a lot more spoilery when explained "in short" so I wont really say anything about it, just in case u wanna watch it at some point. all u really need to know about the 2nd half is that at first it seems unsatisfying and kinda bad, but after a few rewatches you come to the realization that it actually Makes Sense and was a very fitting ending for both the show and characters like Light, L, etc.
now for favorite part, theres a lot, but I'll just name a few that I either find fucking hilarious or just think are actually good story wise. warning, theres big spoilers on the first three lol
for starters, L deadass came from an organization of orphans who were essentially picked up by two old rich men—with, again, some questionable pretty questionable morals—and then groomed to be a bunch of tiny geniuses that could carry on as L if and when the real L dies which raises a lot of questions like. okay so did watari and roger (the two rich orphanage runners) just decide to ONLY pick up orphans with off the charts test scores or whatever or did they just fucking kill peoples parents when they found out they had a genius child? and if it was the first, how did they find so many genius fucking orphans who were just willing to stick around and play into the whole possibly becoming L thing after the age when they can legally leave? bc like, they're fucking geniuses, they have to realize how not only dumb it is to just waste away their lives thinking they might someday make it, but also it's just like,, THEYRE GENIUSES AND THEY CHOSE TO BECOME A GLORIFIED COP? THEY CHOSE TO IDOLIZE A MAN WHO THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT EXCEPT THAT HE IS SMART AND ONLY DOES CASES THAT HE FINDS ENTERTAINING? HELLO????
um. moving on, I like that basically all the characters are either morally grey or just straight up have bad morals but since they're Smart Detective Man, people act like they're good. Like, L straight up says he only does cases he finds interesting and entertaining, which is fucked up. he also has shown multiple times that he straight up prioritizes being right over the lives and wellbeing of others. but bc hes a super smart detective man who every once in a great while shows some empathy, people just act like he isnt deadass a Bad Cop With Brains. on the other hand tho, we have Mello, my sweet fucking angel, who people only see as anger issues and inferiority complex when like. while he does enjoy being right and will be majorly pissed when somebody else wins over him, he also put aside a long time grudge he had against near to help him solve the Kira case, literally providing him with everything he needed in the end to wrap things up. near literally says that without mello sacrificing himself for the case, he wouldnt have caught light, but people just saw that he kidnapped sayu yagami, or that he killed a few people along the way, and decided he was Only Bad when he literally did all that to further the case which would ultimately stop the greatest serial killer of their lives.
oh, I also personally think its fucking hilarious that a huge reason why L could never catch light imo is bc he was too busy being horny on main for lights big brained plans. like I dont think that's what the author was trying to make it seem like but the more times i rewatch it, the more it just kinda seems like "hm, maybe if L DIDNT add light, his prime suspect, to the investigation and then KEEP HIM AROUND UP UNTIL HE DIED, AND THEN NOT PICK A SUCCESSOR SO LIGHT BECAME THE NEW L BY DEFAULT, maybe this wouldnt have all happened :) just maybe tho :)"
annnnnnd lastly, I like how basically all the characters are (in my opinion) either queer or neurodivergent coded. and also that just basically all of the fans now are queer neurodivergents as well. really feels like home :>
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Live 2020 debate commentary from a salty, disabled, and VERY pissed gen Z
 Yall he just said he’s immune
My dad just left the room
Bitch are u saying Johnson and Johnson is going to make the vaccine?
sir that’s the diaper company…..smh
Biden just said its going to be a dark winter
#winter is coming
“virus.....that came from china” -trump 2020
“were learning to live with it”-trump 2020
apparently “Biden lives in his basement”-your president 2020
totally accurate.....obviously
ohhhh biden just said were learning to die with it
trump interrupted biden
Mam I thought you said you were muting them?
biden laugh count at 3
he all about the once percent till its the dead ones
trump interrupting at 3...nvm its now 4
this debate is making my dog sad
interrupting now at 5 for trump
trump saying his young sons illness just “went away”
bitch he’s may age and no it did not just “go away”
he was in quarantine for two weeks
apparently nyc is a ghost town 
its not a ghost town trump I live right next to it
loudest neighbors ever
trump don’t call him Anthony
his name is DOCTOR Fauci
treat him with the respect he deserves
Biden looks so sad
nvm he legit looks like the joker right now
why is this at 9?
sir its a school night
I need time to scroll through my feed for hours before collapsing
Biden don’t use the word sovereignty
trump doesn't know what it means
thats discrimination against trumps
ohhh hes attacking hunter (biden) again
so he has a wee drug problem?
at this point everyone got one!
your the one making lewd comments about your infant daughter on national tv
(look it up he talks about his 6 month old daughters legs but and breasts)
get him big b!!
h876689908776- my dog 2020
he wants to express his disappointment
the light boxs is stealing his mother attention
ohh hes being rude to the moderator again
u a strong independent Indian woman get him girll!
mute his mike
prty plz
I am dissapionted in you
he’s saying he’s not allowed to release his taxs
(that is a proven lie)
“i was put through a phony witch hunt”- you'll never guess 2020
hes going after his BROTHER now
how is this allowed?
who decided trumps strategy would be to accuse his opponent of his own crimes?
look at the insults guys its a crystal ball
stay ahead of the scandal's
“i was a business man doing business”-trump 2020
no sir you were another rich white guy taking advantage of tax brakes and cheap foreign labor in asia
#american jobs as long as i don’t have to pay minimum wage
#you know like a DECENT FUCKING PERSON
Trump interrupted again
I lost count a while ago
Biden is staring into my soul
oh Biden just played the middle class childhood card
I haven't heard a single mute so far?
trump just said his bromance with kim jung un saved america from nuclear war
dont through my boy Obama under the bus
and another interruption
my big bro just screamed “MUTE BUTTON MUTE BUTTON MUTE BUTTON”
honestly same
10 more min guys
hang in there
OHHH trump just got MUTEDDDDDD
Biden is now on legitimate policy 
ahhh hes proud of his plan
Tumblr media
annd trump just interrupted
trump just kissed up to the moderator
trump just said biden’s more liberal than bernie
biden just said trump dosent know who hes running against
hes like “this is joe biden”
like I know bro but slick burn anyway
ohhh they muted trump again!!!!
perfect opportunity to mute missed
trump just blamed healthcare issues on nancy peloski
biden says the the republicans wont pass it
(btw hes actualy right)
2 mins left
and trump is speaking through it
1 min left
omg what a waste of air
I really want him to test his “immunity”
preferably during a harsh winter
there running over
they still haven't covered immigration
I have just learned there is 30 min left
I think I would rather kill myself than watch the rest of this
I’m seriously have a sensory overload right now
I’m doing this for u
“children are brought here by coyotes”-presedentail cown 2020
what a wack ass sentence
hes like ohIi haven't been putting kids in cages
and then just went but I didn't build them they were built in 2014
(contradiction much)
“who built the cages”
“who built the cages”
“who built the cages”
yes it was Obama but guess what
there ment to house animals, evidence, and adult prisoners in emergency situations
Biden was just like “well no actually kids come with PARENTS”
(kids hardly ever come over with out parents)
and then he was like and also WHO LOST TRACK OF OVER 1,000 PARENTS
(thats 500+ new orphans at the least)
hes saying only the illegal immigrants with the lowest IQs come back after being deported
we said the same thing in december about you but ya’know
my mum was like “anyone eating chocolate” and I was like “im snaking on this ignorance” and she was like “dont do that you'll get indigestion”
“no one has done more for the black community then Donald trump except for maybe Abraham Lincoln”
oh yeah Biden just brought up how trump publicly campaigned for the execution of the central park 5
trump just yelled at Biden, got muted, and just yelled louder
trump just said he cant see the audience but hes the least racist person in the room
“Abraham lincoln here is one of the most racist presidents in american history”- biden 2020
biden just went “oh god”
he just said that he used to not support the blm movement because they chanted rude things about police officers
I would like to reiterate that “pigs in a blanket” has never been chanted in a protest or been a prominent statement in the blm movement nor “fry em like bacon” so what trump is saying is factually incorrect
unless hes on some sort of far right conservative twitter feed were he came across a video of some drunk white college kids chanting it 
but you know what ever fits you narrative
plus I would be pretty pissed if I kept getting shot at for no reason so....
Biden making more logical decisions
trump was like why have you never done all this stuff when you were vice president
“we had a republican congress” -biden 2020
we have the cleanest air
we have the cleanest crystal clear water
sir, i know you've been to mexico
don’t lie
the waters gorges down there
and not owned by your smug ass
trump just called china filthy
so you know....
*whispers* racism
ok 5 min left
for real this time
trump just went “aoc plus 3: and then hes like she knows nothing about the climate
ummm.... you dont even believe in climate change
bidens like “are....is...is is”
good for you
correcting your grammar
trump just said “the wind kills all the birds” out of the godamn blue
(he means wind mills and its untrue)
“Whats the next question baba”
“the final question is leadership which he doesnt have”- baba 2020
I feel bad for anybody watching this on the toilet
bidens starring into your soul
he knows what your doing
there officially overtime
its 10 33
they haven't even done the last section yet
why do they host these so late
I should be pretending to be asleep right now
this is generational discrimination
plus trumps supporters are so old there asleep by now
ohhhh its over
1036 final time
okay so thoughts....I generally dont like the party system i think its ridiculous the system was not designed for it, and its now more about loyalty then the actual candidates. I also am really hesitant to put another strait white male in the oval office, especially one thats from “the lucky few” I.E. the smallest voting generation in the country and also the one that already holds the most positions. That being said, at this point its really anyone but trump and I think bidens got the experience to turn things around. 
I AM IN SCHOOL I CANNOT VOTE. I am relying on all my older friends, followers, neighbors, and community members. To make an educated decision that wont further degrade the once hopeful future my generation awaits. Please if you can vote VOTE the kids are relying on you!
P.S. sorry i wasn't able to edit this earlier i struggle alot with spelling and didnt have the time to edit this because I HAD TO GO TO BED AND THEN GO TO SCHOOL. Why am I more politically active then people twice my age you might ask? Well, thats because adults are lazy and need to get of their gd asses and VOTE. So kids dont have to do the legwork for them. 
I have said my peace now, have a wonderful day!
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tumblunni · 8 years ago
AAAAARRRRGH tfw u somehow sabotage your own idea by getting a new idea thats too good ???????????????????????? God, I had an idea for a villain for a thing and then I ended up reinterpreting a what if that character was actually a troubled misunderstood normal person who’s just like a red herring for the real villain EXCPET NOW I HAVE NO CLUE WHO THE REAL VILLAIN IS goddammit my undeveloped plotline just got even more undeveloped
long talks & stuff below th cut:
Okay, so this is kinda for that vague idea I had of the ‘spider legman story’, as its ended up being codenamed thanks to a friend XD
A sort of mystery dating sim thingie where u play as A Grody Farmin’ Man Who Luv Growin Dem Onions, and you have your best friend PTSD Sufferer Knight Bishie Man whom u Kinda Have A Larj Crush On and generally just relateable anxiety characters hav cyoot smoochies BUT THEN mr love interest man mysteriously vanishes one day assumed dead, with nobody giving a shit except you, cos he was a social pariah and you end up in an arranged marriage to a woman you don’t love and even worse you now have to deal with what may or may not be his ghost hauntin u or may be one of the demons from the forest masquerading using his face or even both or hey! maybe he’s just! totally fine! and alive! Ha.. ha.. ha..
So yeah you would be romancing or not romancing mr possibly an evil ghost and it may or may not go well and you might instead come to terms with his death and move on to dating another one of various love interests, which are not very developed yet only idea i have so far is a johnny bravo esque doofus travelling merchant guy who ended up kinda being a pure force of all that is good in the world one of his endings I’ve planned out would have him sacrificing his life to ressurect main love interest guy, even though it means losing you. and, well, losing his life. but you’re the more important part and you should be happy with ghost husbandu! that would be like the bad ending if you have equal relationship bars with both characters. everyone else gets some sort of regular cheating scene and he gets IMMA GONNA THROW MYSELF INTO THE CAULDRON OF THE DEAD TO PAY THE TOLL I dont have him very developed though except that he’s gonna be Very Buff and he’s kinda the only character who’s an outsider to the complex dark dynamics of this village, and kinda represents protagonist’s hopes of someday seeing the world and also he’d be a bff wingman character on everyone else’s route if you dont return his crush. he is just a very pure and kind man! who crushes logs with his bare hands!
the big problem I had is that the original villain for this thing back when I dreamed it up three years ago was gonna be the lady in the arranged marriage like she’s basically gaston and she killed off your rival love interest so she could force you into this loveless marriage blablabla and he came back as a demon ghost thing to save you cos she was gonna kill you too after the marriage to steal ur inheritance and stuff
BUT BUT BUTBUTBUT then I ended up thinking about how the character could be way less boring and awful if it was Moral Complexity Instead
so she’s developed into like... She’s still kind of an egotistical rich jerkass princess who bullied mr love interest guy and wants you to marry her even though she knows you dont love her BUT she’s also suffering just as much as you are I just had the really depressing mental image of her staring at her reflection in the river and contemplating suicide. thinking about how everyone treats her as if she only has any value if she’s beautiful, and she’s looked at her reflection a million times trying to see what they seem to see. everyone thinks she gets more beautiful with every part of herself she sacrifices to please them, but its like she can see herself rotting away and everyone tells her it isnt there.. She’s only so determined to get you to marry her because she’s being treated by her family like her entire purpose for being born was to marry a stranger she hates and bring them money and status. And she feels like she’s a failure because she cant force you to love her, and she can’t force herself to love you either, but she still HAS to find ANY way to make you do it anyway because everyone is acting like she’s run out of time already... So all her egotistical mannerisms are just her trying to hide that she hates herself, and she’s just as terrified of this marriage as you are. She’s just like a future image of what you’d become if you also gave up on escaping your parents’s expectations...
also I think it’d be an extra level of sad nuance if she actually used to be one of your childhood friends, alongside main love interest ghost guy and then suddenly she wasnt allowed to talk to you anymore, and her parents started pushing her even more into the perfect wife role and you two never knew about any of this, and you just ended up resenting her for suddenly breaking friends with you, and its all hella complicated and confusing so her route would be like the one non-romantic one in the game you just rekindle your friendship with her and help her find a reason to live again, and manage to escape the arranged marriage that’s ruined both of your lives
and possibly there’d be at least one optional scene where she could end up meeting the ghost and getting to say goodbye to him in a super teary way cos like, you spend a lot of the game assuming that she was the one who assassinated him, and that she hated him for being your love rival when really she was never able to love you at all, she just felt she was forced to conjure feelings out of thin air and doom the both of you to an unhappy marriage ‘for the sake of the lineage’ and deep down she still saw her ‘rival’ as the friend she once had, and felt awful about having to be a jackass to him so her parents wouldnt punish her for consorting with commoners so she was crying just as much as you when he dissappeared, and realising he might be dead is what causes her suicide attempt (especially cos she also finds out that you loved him all along...) so there needs to be a lil addendum to this ending that even though you didnt go thru his route and you didnt romance anyone, ghosty guy still passes on peacefully after getting to see you reconcile with your former best friend or maybe if the game could not follow the typical route structure, then it could be possible to befriend a character and romance someone else during the same playthru? golden ending where the trio is reunited again! even if the inevitability of death must still cast them asunder once more! (tho I do have ideas for one super super super tricky ultimate ending for ghost guy where you’re somehow able to stay together. beyond just the bad ending route where you die, lol)
ANYWAY so now i have no clue who actually killed ghost guy I feel it’d probably be too predictable to make it one of the evil parents or something Unless like.. change the framing and have them be presented as benevolebt npcs throughtout the whole game? like, cos the protagonist is friggin brainwashed and depressed and going along with this awful arranged marriage plan, he sees them as if this is what normal loving parents are meant to be like. so they’re still here being horrible and controlling but the game never gives you any choices to disobey them until the very end, when all their secret crimes are revealed! maybe even have the mom or something be like the tutorial npc and she’s always giving really bad advice that sends you down the bad routes. TRUST NO-ONE. NEGGING IS A VIABLE STRATEGY. EXPRESSING YOUR PERSONALITY IS WASTING TIME U CAN USE 2 PREPARE FOR THE MARRIAGE.
lots of thoughts! very few answers! alas!
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