#bacu may be a carton of sour milk but his entire purpose is built on love and hes not ashamed of that :')
exorcieyes · 4 years
what type of romanticism are you?
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deep romanticism. mindlessly shared space, automatic glances, overwhelming warmth: you're deep romanticism. deep romanticism consists of pure comfort and belonging; the complete intertwining of two souls. it's growing into a shape that fits perfectly in the arms of another. it's asking questions you already know the answer to just to hear the way they pronounce those words again. it's admiring their face as they sleep pressed against you, admiring the same face you study as they talk about whatever they're fond of that week, yet finding new things to love, even after years of doing so. you're most likely an old and pure soul, and anyone would be so incredibly lucky to have you. just remember that emotional and romantic depth is not the end goal. enjoy your journey rather than focusing on a certain point of achievement along the way. love in uncertainty. sit in unfamiliarity. "we'll survive, you and i" - f. scott fitzgerald
tagged by: @autumnswordsman​. thanks! tagging: @monstriiss​, @bellecosebabe​, @lapeirla​, @shadowtongued​, @synthes​ (Baozhu), @arzhur​, @dojiryu​, and anyone else who’s interested
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