dad-donald-duck-tm · 3 years
Do you still accept asks?
Yes!!!! Still love me some dad Donald :))
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dad-donald-duck-tm · 3 years
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Two reasons Donald couldn’t be in the A plot of New Gods on the Block.
Fun weekend activity: bonding with your kids over the crushing weight of your uncle’s unattainable expectations ✨
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dad-donald-duck-tm · 3 years
I don’t know about anyone else but this is my favorite part of the entire finale, no, the entire show. It’s just really sweet because from the start, Donald was happy to meet the girls, and by the end, when they’ve got nowhere to really go, he decides “oh, guess it’s free game then” and basically adopts them
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dad-donald-duck-tm · 3 years
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dad-donald-duck-tm · 3 years
The best character adaptation in Ducktales is turning Donald from a US navy soldier in the original material into a former goth kid that used to sing "eat the rich" songs in front of his billionare uncle
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dad-donald-duck-tm · 3 years
I really hated when Webby called Scrooge "Dad" I never really minded that Donald was never called Dad. Because he was a father in everything but name. When I a was done watching the finale. I was just like "Donald raises three boys for 10+ year. And is never Dad but after finding out she was cloned Webby immediately calls Scrooge "Dad""
I would of much rather she called him Uncle still. Because she knows even if she is his clone he is still not her father. Because scrooge has done nothing to actually be a father. He's a Uncle and that's fine.
It felt like it was supposed to be a heart warming moment. But it just fell flat because it wasn't earned. Out all the things I wanted to see Scrooge being called "Dad" was not it.
Oh and the part on the plane. You know the part where he's being over protective of Webby. Well ignoring May, and June, AND the boys,
Sure he hasn't bonded at all with the girls. But does that make it all right with me? Hell no May, and June, out all the kids there need support and love the most.
But is Scrooge willing to provide that? Nope not one bit. Not surprising it's Donald who steps up.
But he also ignores the boys. Remember he's known the boys and Webby for about the same amount of time. And he should love them just as much. But he's just like "who the fuck cares about those idiots? I have my daughter why should I care about them" (okay maybe I'm being hyperbolic)
But it just rubbed me wrong that he didn't care about the boys safety.
So instead of them trying to Force the narrative that scrooge is just a father now. I would much rather seen Gosalyn calling DW Dad. Because he's a dad.
He's not a dad because of blood but he stepped up when Gos needed him most. (You know like a parent) he's an actual dad.
Scrooge is not a Dad.
He's not a parent.
He hasn't earned the right to be one.
Beckley, has earned it. Drake, has earned it. Della, has earned (in my opinion) and Donald has definitely earned it.
Sorry that's this is so long I just love reading your post about this.
I don’t mind. No apologies needed.
I remember there was a lot of interest in the boys’ real dad. Frank was very adamant about Donald being their real dad.
It is a great thing. He is their dad in everything but name. We accepted him being just an uncle when he was really a dad.
With Scrooge? It’s actually insulting to Donald’s efforts as a parent. It’s really insulting to the theme they’ve emphasized so much in this show: family.
If Webby can call Scrooge dad because of a biological relation, don’t you think it’s a little strange that the two adopted dads (Donald and Drake) have not been referred to as such.
“Drake hasn’t adopted Gosalyn.” FYI, you don’t need documentation to call someone dad. We could’ve easily just inferred that Gosalyn got to a point where she started to see Drake as a dad.
I don’t get that.
Back to the whole “Found Family” trope is that Scrooge never treated Webby as a daughter. He treated her as a niece. As he treated Della. But their last scene together implies Scrooge learned his lesson for only his biological descendant.
That over protectiveness? That wasn’t their for Donald and Della. That wasn’t there for HDL. It wasn’t there for Webby up until that moment. I think he had a moment in their bonding episode, but after that? He went back to eccentric uncle.
If you have to mention family every other line, it loses its meaning and momentum. Of the characters, Scrooge didn’t earn his ending.
Frank even said Webby had to earn her place in the family. I just...she’s a child. No child should have to earn their place in their family. Della? She had to earn her place. She went on a joyride to space.
Scrooge doesn’t care about the not-Webby’s. That’s why Donald’s there. He’s there to clean up his irresponsible family’s fuck ups.
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dad-donald-duck-tm · 4 years
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Doodles part 2
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dad-donald-duck-tm · 4 years
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dad-donald-duck-tm · 4 years
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redrew my first duck drawing from september
Keep reading
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dad-donald-duck-tm · 4 years
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Me when I post about Donald.
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dad-donald-duck-tm · 4 years
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dad-donald-duck-tm · 4 years
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dad-donald-duck-tm · 4 years
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Daddy Donald is my most favorite Donald ever. ((Seriously these are adorable))
((not sure if this was from the new episode, haven't seen the new ep yet.))
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dad-donald-duck-tm · 4 years
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Haha that sure is a funny expression Huey is making here,
Wonder who he...
picked that up from...
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It’s Donald, he learned it from Donald
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dad-donald-duck-tm · 4 years
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Doodles part 4 ( Christmas and New Year's version 😁)
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dad-donald-duck-tm · 4 years
When does Donald’s album drop
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dad-donald-duck-tm · 4 years
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fuckin cryin in the club over the fact that he went from “miserable with embarrassment” to “i’m so proud and happy i get to talk my girl up” when storkules asked daisy what she does for a living
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