#backstory ( felicity. )
numberonepeacock · 1 month
Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure! Origin Story
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Many many millennia ago, Mother RaPaPa, the goddess of Magic and Nature and Vanessa’s younger sister, was born. Mother RaPaPa was born when Vanessa asked the Universe for someone to watch over and guide Mobius while she went to start her own world. The Universe sent her a small seed and instructed her to plant it on the other side of Mobius, away from Mobians. Vanessa, along with Diabolos and Crystalline, went to the other side of Mobius and planted the seed. From it grew a large tree that reached through the clouds, and a single flower bloomed before floating down to Vanessa.
The flower transformed into a pure white alicorn with pink-colored eyes and long light green hair adorned with yellow pearls and green leaves. She wore a long, white dress with a pink rose attached to each of her shoulders. Chains of green leaves and yellow pearls attached to the straps, as well as red roses and green leaves on the skirt along with a pink and golden bead chain. She had a golden necklace with a red jewel, green leaf-shaped earrings, and a green tiara with two large white flowers at the sides. At the center of the tiara, two green leaves are attached to a white flower, which also has a red jewel attached to it.
This new alicorn introduced herself as Mother RaPaPa, the Goddess of Magic and Nature and Vanessa's younger sister. She then explained her role and how she came to be. Vanessa hugged her and wished her good luck before the three went to tell the nearby Mobian village about their new guardian. As they leave Mobius, the land around the tree starts overflowing with flowers, later becoming known as the ocean of flowers.
Every year, Vanessa would visit Mobius to check on how things are doing and to add new kinds of Mobians. The tree that her sister had grown from and used to oversee Mobius became known as the Mother Tree. During one visit, Vanessa discovered that Mother RaPaPa had taken pity on the Mobians since they posed no magic whatsoever and blessed the Mobians with magic. This allowed them to build their own houses and settlements. Those with magic became known as Mythical Mobians (which would later be known as an extended breed until the Non-Magic World learns about the Magic World) since their appearance changed when they used magic.
At first, Vanessa was initially angry that Mother RaPaPa had acted without her consent, but she saw how happy the Mobians were and forgave her. However, she warned her sister that if anything happened to her, the magic would decrease within the land, and she would have to remove the Mother Tree. Since the Mother Tree is powering up half of Mobius’ source of magic and Mother RaPaPa is helping to power the other half, if she dies then the magic she is powering up disappears and the Mother Tree has to power up all of Mobius, which it can’t do. Because of this Vanessa would have to remove it from Mobius so it can create its own world and power up its magic. Mother RaPaPa knew this already because she had a hidden power, which she did not pass on to her successor. She had the power to see snipes of the future and had seen her world having to be separated. However, she had also seen a picture of the silhouettes of Cure Miracle and Cure Magical and had hope for this Pretty Cure.
Mother RaPaPa was very happy when she got to meet her nieces and nephew, Sapphire, Emerald, Peridot, Amethyst, and Topaz, when they were born and she loved them just as much as their mothers.
However, a great cataclysm occurred 4,558 years after Amethyst and Topaz’s birth, in the year 7984 BCE. A creature called Deusmast from the Neverending Chaos tore the sky apart to reach Mobius, his only desire was to swallow the whole world. When Vanessa saw this she went to destroy him but was stopped by Diabolos, who blocked her and told her that if she wanted to destroy his brother she would have to get past him.
As Deusmast got closer to Mobius, Mother RaPaPa stood in his path, telling him to turn away, but he refused to turn back. So Mother RaPaPa used her powers to defend Mobius. She fought and sealed the Neverending Chaos into the sun, but was badly wounded and dying fast. Vanessa had managed to blast Diabolos and injure him greatly after he got distracted by his anger at Deusmast’s sealment (no he does not care about him just his power like with all his Negative Boss).
Before she disappeared, Mother RaPaPa told the Mobians that since she was leaving, the world would be separated into a magic and non-magic world but promised that one day, the magic that carries all their magical prayers bound inside would come to them and would be known as Pretty Cure and their magic will be the bridge between these worlds. Her final words were, "The magic of a wish. The wish for a miracle connects us." She then disappeared from view.
Vanessa had heard her sister’s words and held her spirit close while crying. However, she didn’t have time to mourn, she had to act fast to save the Mother Tree to prevent its magic from being lost. She held the spirit over her head and pushed her magic through her sister’s to use her sister’s magic because that was the only way to control the magic of the Mother Tree.
She then created thirteen magic stones; the Linkle Stones. One of them, the Emerald Linkle Stone, the Linkle Stone of Life and Magic, had only her sister’s magic, which was evidenced by the pink rim. Five of them had gold rims which had a quarter of Mother RaPaPa’s magic while the rest was Vanessa’s magic but molded off her sister’s power, these stones are called the Guardian Lights. The last seven had silver rims and held half of Vanessa and half of Mother RaPaPa's magic, and they were called the Sustaining Lights. The Guardian Lights protect the Emerald Linkle Stone while the Sustaining Lights protect the Guardian Lights and support the Emerald Linkle Stone.
Vanessa also created a book to hold her sister's spirit, which would reincarnate into Ha-chan. She then puts all of Mobius to sleep and stands in front of the Mother Tree. Because Mother RaPaPa was gone, it was working overtime trying to give magic to the whole world. Vanessa holds up the book with the Linkle Stones floating around it with the Emerald in front of the book and uses the magic to redirect the flow of magic coming from the tree and drive it back into the tree. This causes everything grown from magic, the wand trees, for example, to die. Once all the magic is in the tree she unroots it and puts all the Mythical Mobians in bubbles before taking the tree and the Mythical Mobians to the edge of space, far away from Mobius before letting the tree float in space. Before long it starts to glow before a new world forms itself at its roots, becoming the world known today as the Magic World.
She then left the Mythical Mobians on the world and let both worlds wake up to find that the Non-Magic World had a faint memory of the Mythical Mobians but no memory of Mother RaPaPa while the Magic World had every memory and all mourned the great loss of friends, family, and their great and loving goddess.  Vanessa kept the Linkle Stones and the book in bubbles in her workshop.
477 years later, in 7507 BCE, Ruby was born and is named not only her fur but also the beloved gem of her aunt.
8,000 years later, during the year 0016 BC, the Snailiner was invented due to a power boost from Vanessa. Vanessa still visits the world but does so in disguise, and everyone is aware of this fact. Even though traveling to the No-Magic World had been achieved it was apparent that if anyone traveled to the No-Magic World, they couldn't reveal their magical abilities. Therefore, they had to remain disguised and refrain from using their magic. While there have been some minor incidents, nothing significant has occurred (until a young purple unicorn travels to the No-Magic World).
Vanessa observed the Mythical Mobians as they traveled to Mobius before looking up at the Linkle Stones and wondering what they should be used for. Eventually, she received her answer from a rumor in the Magic World and her daughter, Sapphire's suggestion. There was a rumor in the Magic World that Vanessa had hidden the Linkle Stones around the land when she had visited them last, unfortunately, that was incorrect.
1,400 years later, Vanessa became interested in two young unicorn magicians, Kouchou and Dokurokushe, who were studying the Linkle Stones and Mother RaPaPa. She was interested in them because, unlike others who had tried to find the same thing, these two did not give up when they encountered the same obstacles. They soon started looking for the Emerald because they had discovered that a great calamity was coming and the only way to stop it was with the Emerald Linkle Stone. Vanessa at first thought nothing of it, there was no evil out there like how they described. After a while, she lost interest in the two magicians and stopped watching them, but Sapphire continued to observe them.
She noticed that after they failed to locate the Emerald, Kushe became desperate to find something to replace it and began to immerse himself in books on the dark arts. Sapphire watched as this obsession took over Kushe, but Vanessa refused to listen to her daughter's warnings. Eventually, Vanessa could no longer ignore the situation when Kushe used forbidden magic and turned himself into a skeleton. As a result of this transformation, he lost his horn but could still use magic. This use of Dark Magic resulted in Vanessa learning more about Deusmast. They learned that Deusmast is actually a fusion of the members of Never Ending Chaos, who are the manifestations of its physical powers, the brawns and brains of Deusmast. When Mother RaPaPa sealed Deusmast in the sun she also sealed and scattered the members, Labut, Shakince, Orba, and Benigyo. The four members are all Deusmast, and take on the form of large eyeball-like spheres, surrounding and controlling the more humanoid main "body". However, before being sealed, Orba scattered information to ensure he and the other agents, along with Deusmast's main body, could be revived by those who sought power for themselves. This led Kushe into the trap of creating dark magic as well as leading to the awakening of the members of Never Ending Chaos.
Vanessa realized that this was the great calamity that the two young magicians were studying and what her sister had predicted. Vanessa knew that it was Diabolos who had led Kushe down the path to find the dark arts books and had turned him into one of his Negative Bosses, an Illusion Boss, in reality. She needs to act quickly and hide the Linkle Stones and the book before Diabolos sends someone to steal them from her workshop.
One hundred years later Kouchou was made the headmaster of the Magic School and named the greatest magician of the Magic World. On that day, Vanessa scattered the Linkle Stones, except for the Diamond Linkle Stone which she split in two and turned into pendants and deactivated them. She had imbued them with different powers, the Guardian Lights allowed for transformation into different forms and using their corresponding attacks and the Sustaining Lights were for casting everyday spells with the Magic Wands. Vanessa had hoped that the future Cures would awaken her sister’s reincarnation, if they did they would have to raise her. It saddened her that she would not be a part of it.
Vanessa entrusted the book containing her sister's reincarnation to Kouchou, warning him of an impending great evil and that the Pretty Cure would come when it did. She asked him to guard the Linkle Smartbook and give it to them when the time was right. He smiled and told her he looked forward to it. Vanessa smiled and told him that he surprised her and for that, she would allow him to learn the secrets to his world’s Pretty Cure but only he could know, no one else. He just smiled at her and agreed.
About 480 years later in the year 1996 CE, Ruby (age 8,503) hides in her mother’s workshop while playing Hide-and-Seek with her siblings. While there she looks at all the items floating overhead. She then sees the deactivated Diamond Linkle Stone pendants and wants to get a closer look at them so she uses her magic to make the bubble holding them float down to her. Since the room has detected the magic of the royal family it comes to life. Once Ruby has the purple pendant in her hands she starts to look at it. Upon examining the pendant, the crystal ball shows a picture of a female unicorn and a male pegasus looking at a newborn female pegasus, but Ruby doesn't notice.
At that moment Vanessa walks in with Sapphire who is telling her that they can’t find Ruby before both see Ruby with the pendant. Sapphire yells her name causing her to spin around and throw the pendant…right into the crystal ball which teleports it a few feet away from the family. At that moment no one moves then Ruby starts crying while saying sorry over and over again. Her crying attracts the rest of the family and a shouting match ensues. Finally Crystalline gets everyone to quiet down before taking Ruby in her arms. Sapphire then apologizes for yelling and startling her and Vanessa tells all of them to not play in her workshop or use it as a hiding spot. Crystalline then leaves with Ruby and the rest of the children, minus Sapphire. Vanessa then turns back to the crystal ball and sees that the family has given it to the little pegasus. Sapphire then suggests taking it from her as it wouldn’t be so hard since they can make them forget it. Vanessa says that wouldn’t be necessary as this is perfect before telling her daughter to go get a teddy bear. Although confused she does so and watches as her mother imbues her magic in it. She then asks why giving the pendant to the wrong person is a good idea as her mother puts the powered-up bear in a bubble. Vanessa tells her that she will have to wait and see.
Six years later a unicorn is born into the family, that unicorn is one of the next Cures. When her wand is born Vanessa blesses it with a shooting star and Liz, the pegasus, gives her the purple pendant. Liz believes that Riko, the unicorn, will become a greater magician than her. In the No Magic World, a young female foul is born, and Vanessa swaps a regular teddy bear with the magical one in a store. It caught the eye of the foul's grandmother, who purchased it.
Thirteen years later, Mirai, the young foul, is told by her mother that she can pick out a pendant that she likes as a reward for helping her with housework. Vanessa secretly slips the pink Diamond Linkle Stone pendant into the box. It catches the girl's eyes and she takes it. Vanessa is responsible for growing the wand tree that produces Mirai's wand.
Also, I want to explain something else; so Unicorns use their horns for magic, while Mobian Unicorns, their horns are their source of magic but they still use wands. When they use magic their horns light up and if their horns are broken off they can’t use magic.
Pegasus wings are quite big and they get heavier the more they're out, so they keep them in ‘Feather’ or ‘Cloak’ mode to decrease their size and weight. Feather Mode is when the wings are decreased in size and can’t really move, they look like fake angel wings from the No Magic World. But if the pegasus doesn’t want them sticking out like a sore thumb they can turn them to Cloak Mode. This mode turns their wings into cloaks, and they can change the size and appearance of the cloak. While pegasus can fly, some prefer to use brooms for long-distance fights.
When Hu-chan is Kotoha, she is a Unicorn but when she is Cure Felice, she is an Alicorn. When she was young Hu-chan was a pony Mobian.
Mirai is a born horse Mobian but becomes a Pegasus when she transforms into Cure Miracle.
Previously: 👸👑 | Next: 👩‍🍳🎂
Masterpost of AU: Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
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kimbobbp · 1 year
tfw you binge watch both seasons of young royals in the span of literally two fucking days
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artemis-moon101 · 6 months
i told you his tits burned off in that fire
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a-heart-of-kyber · 9 months
Wait, *reviews my type in like 90% of the media I consume*
...I shouldn't be at all surprised Gale got me.
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bluedalahorse · 2 years
I am generally Team Felice Should Be Sapphic And Date A Nice Girl Or She Should Be Aroace And Either Way She Should Revel In Strong Platonic Friendships. But if Felice must do heterosexual things and date a boy next season, I would like it to be Ayub, please.
This isn’t an analysis, or a prediction, or anything I’m backing up with deep thoughts. I just think they both value friendship, and while they’d certainly be an odd couple, they have the potential to be nice to one another. And both of them deserve nice things. I trust Ayub more than I trust the vast majority of boys on this show.
That’s all. Sign my petition.
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vaugarde · 6 months
ohhhh thinking about the parallels between odin/maya and frost/marlow/valerie rn
#the way it all comes down to the need to be in control#like theres more nuance to it than that and there are multiple factors in each dynamic but maya and valerie were both isolated#and their respective toxic relationships w their families were allowed to fester and break them bc of that isolation#man. always imagined that valerie was closer to cheri but maybe she should connect more with maya#maya and cheri are sorta aware of the situation? but they dont know just how bad it is and unfortunately theres not a lot they can do#without marlow denying them access to valerie at all the way he did to felicity and aisling#i think maya would try to talk to him gently without oversharing but he’d probably be quick to shut it down#and even if he did know mayas backstory hed be like ‘’wtf im not like that guy at all!! that guy got aggressive with his kid i dont do that’#which is also what he does with frost. ‘’no ofc im not like my mom. my mom didnt give a fuck about me. i care so much about valerie!!’’#tfw you try so hard not to be like your abuser that you end up being toxic in the opposite way#echoed voice#tbh very curious to know how marlow will be recieved#assuming he’ll either be hated or all his worse actions will be shrugged off as ‘’oh its ok hes dad of the year anyways’’#maybe both w no inbetween whatsoever#personally i like him. hes my personal little trainwreck. he fascinates me. i want to put him in a tube and study him#he needs therapy sooo bad but unfortunately hes way too proud for it#also in his own way sakura does want marlow to stop self isolating w valerie#like hes not as clear about it as like cheri would be. i think hes mostly motivated by their rivalry. he wants marlow to better himself#and be a more worthy rival for him basically which is why hes constantly rubbing souvenirs in his face#sakura likes valerie but i think he kinda like. disregards her compared to her brother. he hasnt really picked up on whats going on based on#their interactions. but hmmmm…: perhaps now that hes staying in serenade for an extended amount of time….?
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nproduction626 · 1 year
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Disclaimer this was way before modern civilization, technology, and Felicity Rosehearts existed. You can scar him but you can’t kill him.
I’m giving credit to @mangacupcake because she has helped me with Polemicists background and to The Prince of Egypt because it’s a Dreamworks movie (the best movie and soundtrack that still slaps)
Polemicists Pisti agapi O grouse tou posidona is Thee Leviathan, he’s an ancient being that has seen civilizations being built and destroyed by each other or themselves.
His older brother is the Behemoth and Polemicists is the Leviathan from the Bible, no mortal or immortal can kill then, only GOD can kill them himself
Been alone most of his life and at one point made friends with the Ashengrotto family and has been the oldest family friend to exist (becomes Azul’s godfather in mordern times)
Joined the Atlanta army cause he wanted to help protect his home with out shedding more blood but will when he has too
What was he like before meeting Felicity, feral and bloodthirsty (she tamed him with love and kindness in the future)
He’s a giant in his 1st Leviathan mer form, and has 2nd one that’s 14ft tall
Has a human form
Bloodthirsty because humans kept hunting him despite the fact that he’s indestructible and powerful
Kill count so high that he can’t even remember
Likes to bother his brother whenever he can
Collects his own shedded scales (he still does that in the future old habits stays)
That is him in the picture from when he was younger, he didn’t have scars back then but after getting long pointy spears thrown at him, and being hunted like a wild animal he had gained them from experience you can scar him but remember that you can’t kill him.
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emystic · 11 months
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send me 👤 and I'll tell you about an npc in my muses life using the template below! / Accepting
Anonymous wanted to see a NPC: 👤
Since a muse wasn't given I decided to use Felicity since she was added today.
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Name: Sam Hargreaves Age: 5 Gender: Intersex (raised as girl) Pronouns: She/Her FC: Misha Takanashi from UzaMaid! Connection with my muse: Her daughter whom she's very protective over, her powers are similar to her own but is more unstable simply due to age (since it's emotional based and she's not a calm child). She's affectionate, lively, and have a close bond with her mother. However, she misses her father and wants to see him again but, don't understand Felicity left him due to him focusing on his research than his family.
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venustrape-arch · 2 years
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...  i’m  so predictable  in  picking  my  muses  it’s  actually  hilarious
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kaiser1ns · 5 months
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𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗸𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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╹synopsis :: good luck appears suddenly, even if it's just for little while, but there is always hope and faith for another tomorrow.
╹contents :: MAP OF THE SOUL PT. 2, 2.4k words, fluff + angst, KAISER BACKSTORY TW: physical abuse, alcohol.
╹taglist :: @chaosinanutshell @rinitoshisgirl @thebluelockroyals
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Closing the door as he heard a glass breaking once he stepped outside in the sun that shined upon him, giving some type of warmth as he put the black hood over his head walking away from the so called 'home'. As Michael strolled through the neighborhood, the faint jingle of a bell caught his attention. Pausing, he realized the sound ceased whenever he stopped. Strange, the boy though and continued walking, the bells chiming anew as he moved forward. Turning, he spotted a sleek black cat with a white collar and a bell attached to it.
A lost cat? Kneeling down, he inspected the collar, discovering the cat's name, Felicity, and a phone number. Too bad he didn't have a phone to call and get the cat out of here. Well, there's nothing for me to do. He patted the cat on the head, got up and continued to walk aimlessly leaving the animal behind. Michael was now a little further away, and there was no sound of the tinkling of a bell. Maybe the cat found its owner already and is taken care of by receiving treats and pats.
Speaking of treats his stomach rumbled, and before he went out, he took a little bit of his savings in case of getting hungry. It was strange for him to go into the store and buy something instead of stealing it like his father wanted him to do. He took the most ordinary sandwich with ham, cheese and some sauce. When he was at the register paying, he saw the candy Y/N gave him as a reward — he will keep the location of the sweets in mind.
Walking out of the store, holding the soccer ball in one hand and the sandwich in the other, the blonde boy made his way to the playground where he first saw the girl two weeks ago, and sadly he hadn't seen her since. Well the boy can't blame her — she probably went to school and has other close friends to hangout with, something he doesn't have. Sitting on the ground, leaning against the graffiti wall he began to eat, until suddenly the sound of a bell was heard again.
Michael looked up, his eyes locking with the familiar black cat from earlier. She mewed at him, her white collar glinting in the sunlight as she approached rubbing at his leg. He couldn't help but smile at her persistence. "You again, huh?" he murmured, tearing off a piece of ham from his sandwich and offering it to her.
The cat wasted no time, devouring the ham eagerly. Once they both finished their meal he got up and without hesitation, started dribbling and kicking the ball around. To his surprise, the cat seemed intrigued, her paw batting at the ball whenever it came close. It reminded him of someone, though he couldn't quite put his finger on who. Michael took a break, sitting back against the wall and Felicity wasted no time in curling up in his lap, purring contentedly as he stroked her fur. It was a rare moment of peace for him, every time he goes out it's his free time from the prison with the awful guard that stayed in. He cherished moments like that more than anything and he wished to see Y/N again, so they can play together and maybe win another pack of candy.
As he enjoyed the quiet moment with the cat, he heard footsteps approaching. Turning his head, he saw the angel in disguise running towards him, clutching a poster in her hand that had a photo of the now sleeping pet. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her bright smile and eyes that were glossy, Did she cry?, he wondered but her sad face was quickly replaced upon seeing the boy.
"Michael!" the girl exclaimed, relief evident in her childish voice as she reached him. "Thank you for finding Felicity! I was so worried to where she could have gone."
A smile graced Michael's lips as he realized the cat belonged to her. No wonder it reminded him of someone he knew. "I didn't know it was yours," he admitted, still patting the sleeping feline. "She just followed me all day."
You chuckled, your eyes twinkling with amusement. "She has this habit of following people, though it was only family members and not one of my friends." The word friends echoed in Michael's mind, stirring something warm and unfamiliar in his chest. He looked into Y/N eyes, feeling something that he had never imagined to exist, as if he was lost in the galaxy with millions of stars to explore, falling deeper and deeper into the black holes, losing himself. What's this feeling? Why is my heart beating so fast? He couldn't figure it out, what's happening inside him, and why is she the reason for it?
"And you know animals can sense if a person is good or not, so she chose you for a reason." Michael couldn't help but feel a flutter of warmth at your words, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "I'm glad I could help," he replied softly, his gaze still locked with yours. "And I'm glad you were here, because I was going to ask you to help me, but there is no need anymore."
There was a moment of silence between them, Michael shifted uncomfortably, unsure of what to say next. But before he could gather his thoughts, Y/N spoke again, her voice gentle and caring.
"Michael, are you okay?" she asked, eyes searching his face with concern. "Where did you hurt yourself?"
For a moment, panic gripped Michael's chest as he instinctively reached for the hood of his jacket, pulling it over his head to hide the scar his father had left that morning. "I fell very hard on the ground while dribbling," he lied, of course he would lie not to make her worry about his personal matters and mostly not to scare her, because what if she tells her parents about him being abused? It will not end well.
The girl frowned, clearly not convinced by his answer. But instead of pressing further, she reached into her bag and pulled out some pink bandages. "Sorry, it's the only color I have left," apologizing, a small smile playing on her lips as she gently applied the bandage to his forehead.
Michael's heart swelled as he watched Y/N tend to him with such care and kindness. Despite his best efforts to keep his struggles hidden, she always seemed to see right through him, offering comfort and support without hesitation. It was a feeling he wasn't accustomed to, but one he found himself craving more and more with each passing day.
As she finished bandaging his wound, Michael couldn't help but meet the girl's gaze once again, his eyes soft and vulnerable — a child's look. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper, but it was genuine.
A smile tugged at the corners of Y/N lips as she reached out to tuck a hair behind his ear, wanting to see his beautiful and gentle face. "Anytime, Michael, friends help eachother."
For twelve year old he thought she was very mature, always so kind, so gentle — a beacon of light in his otherwise dark world. He couldn't help but be jealous at her innocence and grace, hoping that she would never lose that spark, unlike him, cursed by the mistakes of two adults.
"Also I'm sorry for not showing up, I know you must have been waiting for me"
He just stared at the girl slowly nodding his head acknowledging what she said but he wasn't mad, not even in the slightest. The cat who slept in Michael's lap woke up and went to her owner "Felicity don't you run away like that!" Y/N scolded the cat but of course the animal just let out a 'meow' as she laughed enjoying a moment with her pet then she looked back at Michael who was still staring.
"Hey, Misha, do you want to play tomorrow?"
"Misha?" Y/N giggled, noticing Michael's uncertain expression at the nickname. "Sorry, is it okay if I call you Misha? It just popped into my head, and it's kinda cute, don't you think?"
Michael blinked, a faint blush dusting his cheeks as he processed her words. "I mean, sure, yeah," he replied, his voice softening at the end. Looking doen kicking the ball with his feet to distract himself from the burning tension in his body. He couldn't deny the warmth that spread through him at the sound of her calling him by that name.
Y/N grinned, delighted by Michael's response. "Great! Misha it is then." She scooted closer, her excitement bubbling over. "So, tomorrow, let's meet at the playground at 14:00. We can play some soccer, swing on the swings, and I can give you the cookies I made. What do you say?"
Michael's heart skipped a beat at the thought of spending more time with Y/N. "Yeah, that sounds cool," he said, his smile widening. "I'll be here."
As they continued chatting, Y/N suddenly leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Hey, Misha, can I ask you something more?"
"Yeah," Michael replied, a hint of curiosity in his voice. Y/N hesitated for a moment before mustering up the courage to ask, "Um, do you have a phone? I thought maybe we could exchange numbers so we can call eachother for when to play."
Michael's cheeks flushed even deeper as he nervously played with the ball. "Um, actually, I don't have a phone," he admitted, feeling a pang of embarrassment. "Sorry."
Y/N's smile didn't falter as she reached out to gently squeeze his hand. "Hey, it's okay. Don't worry about it," she reassured him "We can still meet up here at the playground whenever we want to hang out, okay? And if anyone of us doesn't show up we can always see eachother the next time."
A sense of relief washed over Michael as he gazed into Y/N's comforting gaze. "Yeah, okay," he agreed, feeling grateful for her understanding. With a bright smile the youngster nodded, her eyes filled with happiness. "See you tomorrow at 14:00 then?"
"Yeah, see you tomorrow," the young boy replied, his smile matching hers as they made plans for their next date. Y/N and Michael stood facing each other as the silence fell, but it was calm and pleasant, not oppressive as if they were expecting some monster to come out of nowhere.
"Thanks for looking after Felicity," Y/N said softly, leaning in and planting a quick kiss on Michael's cheek, it was a tender action, making him melt on the spot, something so simple meant a lot — it was his first kiss, his first touch filled not with anger and hatred but instead of love and care. She was causing his heart to flutter even more, was it not enough for his heart to beat so fast earlier?
"It was no problem," Michael replied, trying to hide the excitement in his voice. With a shy smile, she turned to leave, her cat cradled in her arms. Watching her go, feeling a sense of longing already creeping into his chest as he didn't want this moment to end, not now, not ever. Michael touched his cheek gently, still feeling the warmth of her lips lingering there, is this what it feels like to be blessed with angel's grace? He hopes he will get to experience it again. Realizing he was standing alone in the fading light, the sounds of laughter and play fading into the distance.
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He took a deep breath and he was infront of his home, his heart now heavy with the weight of the inevitable goodbye and the welcoming sounds of glass breaking.
Opening the door he was met with his drunk father who was watching TV but he didn't seem entertained and the bottles and trash on the ground made it for the energy in the house. But before the boy stepped further into the room he removed the patch from his forehead because he knew there would be even more scars if a bystander helped him and he wanted to keep Y/N safe.
His father's eyes snapped towards him, bloodshot and furious.
"Why the hell aren't you home earlier?" His father's voice boomed, shaking the walls of their small house. "I told you to be back hours ago, you useless piece of shit!"
The boy swallowed hard, trying to find the right words to appease his father's anger. "I'm sorry, Dad. I lost track of time."
"Lost track of time?" His father's voice rose, the frustration palpable in every word as he got up from the couch. "And where's the damn alcohol I asked you to bring,huh?"
The boy's heart sank. He had hoped his father wouldn't notice, but the empty bottles strewn across the floor were impossible to miss. "I... I couldn't find any," he stammered, knowing it was a feeble excuse.
The older man's face turned a dangerous shade of red. His eyes widened, his pupils narrowed, and the emotions he displayed were enough to scare anyone. Maybe it's better for his mother that she's gone so she doesn't have to see this, even though that she is the cause of everything. "Couldn't find any? You stupid pig..."
Before he could finish his sentence, the boy's father lunged towards him, his words drowned out by a tidal wave of anger and disappointment. The boy braced himself for the onslaught, knowing that this was just another night in their tumultuous existence. But amidst the chaos, he made a silent vow to be stronger so he can have another day to see his angel.
With a swift motion, his father's hand connected with his cheek, the same cheek Y/N kissed him now is tarnished, sending him crashing to the ground. He layed there, stunned and helpless, as his father's tirade continued, the sound of breaking glass punctuating each sentence. There was no defense, no escape from the torrent of anger that engulfed him. All he could do was endure, his body trembling with fear and resignation but he was already so used to it.
Each blow, both physical and verbal, carved deeper into his already bruised soul. But through the haze of pain and despair, one thought burned brighter than the rest: he had to stay strong, for her. For the hope of a better tomorrow, where he could see his blessing sent from above, but why isn't he blessed with good fortune right now? Is his suffering not enough, dear God?
As his father's rage finally subsided, leaving only a hollow silence in its wake, the boy clung to that flicker of hope, knowing it was all he had to hold onto. Will something be different? But this day will be over when the minute and second hands overlap as the world holds its breath for a little while.
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Felicity means happiness, good fortune
©2024 kaiser1ns do not copy, repost or modify my work.
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throughthebluesea · 11 months
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Caught Between Pink and Blue
pairing: bada lee × swf2 crew leader!reader x kirsten dodgen
word count: 1.44k
den's notes: this is from the prompts listed by @nimixe, and i've been contemplating if i'm gonna write to this, but... i hope i did justice to the prompt, madame. 💪🏻 once again, not proofread! leave your thoughts, and thank you in advance!
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there's already hype with the leader class mission since there's a growing tension between three of the leaders, namely bada lee from bebe, kirsten from jam republic, and you, leader of empireon. both leaders are known for their choreography and overall stage presence.
it's not like you dragged yourself into the said tension. you just happened to be there, a lost cause, like what your members always say.
just a quick backstory, it all happened when the empireon crew entered the fight zone last, the crews' eyes are on you, their leader. your strong physique yet elegant vibe captured everyone's attention.
empireon became the talk of the town for their diverse line-up. although you shine among them all, your crew members were known in their genre. hana for locking, doa for afro, felicity for krumping and vogueing, samara for freestyle, and sora for choreography.
of course, you were known for your diverse genre styles but mainly focused on choreography, tutting, and wacking. (mannequeen members knew you because you've been one of the judges of the contests they joined at.)
ling would gush over their leader that your vibe is almost similar as monika from the previous season, and their fellow competitor, bada lee. the members of team bebe had the same sentiments. although both leaders said nothing and just eyed at their competitor.
their thoughts eventually changed when the no respect battles started and you were selected as their no respect dancers and entered a lot of battles and succeeded in all those battles.
"i like y/n... she's got style and sass." kirsten said to her members, and latrice just eyed her with a small smirk, surprised (and not that surprised) that their leader suddenly expressed interest over their competitor. "well, i gotta agree with you, kirs. she's not all talk, she shows stuff."
"we're all on a shoot break so why not approach her? she seemed pretty chill, plus i heard she's nice even though she's provoked." audrey suggested. the rest of the jam republic dancers agreed.
same goes with team bebe, where they were pushing their leader to approach you. bada is flustered watching you from your recent no respect battles. the diverse styles you show, the facial expressions you used. even flirting with the other dancers when they started to flirt.
"do it for us, unnie!" sowoen pushed the older towards the location of your crew. bada scowled at her mischievous students, but she knew she can’t say no since they rarely make requests, and she is interested with you, as well, so she fixed her cap and approached the said leader.
both kirsten and bada were surprised to see each other in front of the empireon crew's bleachers. they grew suspicious of each other's whereabouts, but they knew you were part of it. they're having this staring contest, and their crew members were watching this 'drama' unfold. they find it amusing that you were just sitting with your back in front of bada and kirsten, having no idea that there's already tension behind your back.
hana, one of your formidable crew member were the first to notice the presence of the pink and blue leader behind your back. she nudged doa, another empireon crew member, who took notice of the tension behind their leader. she nudged you, and you looked at her, confused. she points behind you, and you finally turn around to see the two.
you were the one to break the staring contest. you flashed your smile at the two, and they tried their best not convulse on the spot.
okay, back to the present time. bada's choreography was chosen for the leader's mission. all nine leaders are warmed up, but there's kirsten and bada glancing at each other and towards your direction.
the other crews began to notice the glances and the growing tension.
"i heard both bada-ssaem and kirsten voted for y/n-nim's choreography when y/n-nim and the others voted for bada-ssaem's..."
"omo?? that's so interesting! i heard they both approached y/n-nim during the no respect battles..."
"what is this love triangle....."
everyone's eyes are on the trio now, and their respective crew members are squealing on the sides.
nob took notice of what's happening, and casually slides in your side. "y/n, how does it feel to have THE bada lee and kirsten dodgen pursuing you?"
you're not sure what to answer either. sure, both leaders are so charismatic and both known by their colorful resume in the dance industry, so it was hard for you to answer such simple question.
you're slightly honored? and at the same time there's pressure, since you have to choose one between these lovely women in the end. she had to erase the looming thoughts first, and she had to focus on the main dancer battle for the leader's class.
the main dancer battle was intense. each of the leaders danced to bada's choreography with their own flavor. the dances were done in batches, and you're in bada's batch and when it's time for you to dance, you made sure that you go all out.
when the judges announced there would be a reaudition for the main dancer, everyone cheered when both you, bada, and kirsten were called, along with akanen and lia kim.
the battle begins once more, and everyone is freaking out, going all out with the cheering for their beloved leaders.
the judges announced yet another call for re-audition. this time, the crowd went nuts when they called your name, bada's, and kirsten's.
"is this the battle of the century? the love triangle's final dance?!" cera screamed as she shooked redlic.
"nah, this ain't a battle for the main dancer, this is a battle for y/n-nim's attention." yoonji added.
"oh to be fought over by bada and kirsten..." yeni cho sighed and shooked her head, making haechi and baby sleek snort at what she said.
you looked glanced at them, shocked that they're both looking at you, as well. there was a tinge of blush on your face after getting all this attention. this is not how it's supposed to be, you just wanna dance and prove everyone that empireon is as strong as the other crews, garner attention and be the top crew.
you sure didn't expect that two of their leaders started to pursue you and your attention.
bada raised her hand, to which daniel approached immediately and gave her the mic.
"before the reaudition starts, i just wanna add something..." she begins, and all the crews went quiet for a minute. "whoever wins the main dancer position, y/n has to go out with for a date." she says firmly, and everyone goes nuts once again.
you watched the tall female in awe, you were speechless. kirsten seemed to like the idea and lifts a thumbs up.
monika then grabs her mic, and looked at the three with an eyebrow raised, "and what if y/n gets chosen as the main dancer, then?"
bada didn't hesitate, "then it's y/n's choice on who is she taking out on a date. it's either me, or kirsten."
"IS THIS STILL STREET WOMAN FIGHTER??" the girls screamed.
monika nods, satisfied with her answer. "so i guess... good luck, y/n-nim. and may the best dancer wins?"
you were a blushing mess at this point, who would've thought you'd be in this situation right now?
both dancers find your current state adorable. the shift on your movements due to your flustered state makes it interesting for them to watch.
"may the best dancer win?" kirsten said to bada, and the latter just smirked. "oh, yes." she answered.
the three began to dance once smoke plays again, dancing with all their stamina and sass. when the "i'm gonna smoke you" part comes in, both bada and kirsten approached you in the middle, doing their best to gain your attention, and you just dance with your lower lip stuck between your teeth. you find the two amusing, but still you're surprised that these two is really fighting for you through dance.
you three did your ending poses, and the whole studio erupted with cheers and screams.
the judges are in a dilemma right now. all three did so well, but they have to choose only one. there was also added pressure since your date with either bada or kirsten is also on the line.
"the main dancer we have chosen is..."
all the dancers were on the edge of their seats for the results.
and when mike song said the final name they chose, everyone is in shambles. there was a lot of screaming and cheering.
there were grins on their faces, and their eyes are on you.
mike song mentioned your name as the main dancer for the leader's class.
daniel steps forward, and asked the golden question.
"empireon's y/n l/n. between bada from bebe and kirsten from jam republic, who are you choosing as your date?"
"first of all... i am honored. and second, these two women are lovely, talented, and beautiful in their own way. if i were to choose one, it will be...."
you mentioned your choice, and the crowd went wild. both leaders were smiling from ear to ear, satisfied with your choice.
- fin.
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den's additional notes: who might be the lucky girl??? 👀👀👀 i'll leave the last part to your imagination. 😌🫶🏻
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1moreff-creator · 19 days
Extra DRDT CH2 Episode 12 Thoughts
Heya! After making my last post where I just live-blogged my immediate reaction to the episode, I had a few more thoughts that I figured I should write down somewhere. They’re all too small for their own posts, but I still think they’re worth sharing.
Spoilers for CH2 EP12
CW: Murder, hanging, suicide.
The Water Thing
This episode brought up two interesting points which had rarely, if ever, been discussed within the fandom: Arei’s body swinging, and her body temperature and its connection to water. And while I’m relatively sure I saw one or two people mention the swinging at some point, the temperature issue is certainly a new one.
The swinging was explained in the trial: Arei’s body was hung shortly before it was found. But J says something interesting; the corpse should have been warm, unless it was drenched in water and dried. Paraphrasing a bit, but you get the point.
However, I actually don’t think this is a big deal, just adds a slight addendum to previous murder theories. We know the killer dumped the fish in the playground to confuse time of death, so I believe the killer likely splashed Arei with the water to cool her down. This is assuming they even thought about the body temperature, but I don’t think this is a large assumption to make.
I have seen people claim that Arei’s hair looks somewhat wet in the BDA, which… maybe? Anyways, this idea would explain that as well.
This might even give us Possible Explanation Number I Lost Count for the damn missing glove. Maybe it got particularly wet and the culprit worried it wouldn’t dry quickly enough? If people discovered a dripping wet bowling glove, the whole “using fish to confuse the time of death” thing would kinda go straight out the window. I have no idea if that makes any amount of sense, I don’t see why the glove would dry any slower than the rest of her clothes, but oh well.
Arturo’s Talent, and his Recap Foil: Levi
(Here’s the link to the original Recap Foil Theory post by gleamingtempest, in case you don’t know what I’m talking about).
Kinda forgot this was a thing when first watching the episode, but now looking back on it, there’s some neat foiling going on. Levi and Arturo’s backstory already were somewhat opposites in some aspects: Arturo got away from home himself while Levi was disowned, though Levi seems to hold a higher degree of respect for his family in comparison to Arturo. Levi is (now confirmed!) a murderer with no remorse, while Arturo accidentally caused Felicity’s death to some extent and clearly feels guilty about it. Etcetera.
Well, we can add a new detail to this foil! Arturo’s been training his talent since he was twelve, while Levi has admitted since introduction that he’s “a novice to fashion.” Neat detail, and certainly adds to this theory.
Terumin VS Xanvid
Thanks to Haru for pointing this out, but Teruko’s “I’ll fix my mistake” echoes Min’s “I’ll fix your mistake” from her Argument Armament. As I mentioned in the linked post, it’s cool that Teruko is taking a sort of Min-like attitude to her mistakes while calling Xander out, while David is taking Xander’s side in the same trial he calls Min pathetic. Foils and all that.
(Doomed Yuri V Doomed Yaoi, fight!)
This makes me hopeful that Min will still have some importance later. But I’m probably just coping.
What Was David Cooking?
I am kinda sick of talking about this man, frankly. I blame the almost three hour video I made on his MV. But oh well, he’ll stop being center focus soon enough. For now, His Deal is still one of the most central aspects of the episodes, so discuss him I will.
There are two big points of contention with what he said this trial. First, what does he remember about Xander? Second, what was he actually trying to do by pretending to be Arei’s murderer?
The first is pretty simple to assume, I think. David remembers whatever Xander did to become the Ultimate Rebel, and respects him as a result. Especially since Xander’s numeral I in LGI, the Footnote 14 code solved by y-prime, is “I have always looked up to you.”
I don’t think David has Hope’s Peak memories, despite his weird wording with “even if you all lost a year of memories.” He specifically says he and Xander had never met in his Prologue introduction, before they had any real reason to believe they’d lost memories. The LGI video also doesn’t add anything, because… well, it’s not a Milgram MV. It doesn’t come from his memories, it exists purely in meta. This is evident from the comments referencing Byakuya, Nagito and Kokichi, characters these people should have no knowledge of as Veronika claims not to remember anything like the DRDT killing game happening before; certain references to conversations and details David shouldn’t be aware of (mainly in numeral placement), etc.
(While I was writing that, the dev seemingly clarified that David does not have Hope’s Peak memories, then deleted the tweet, so. Just in case, there’s the full reasoning)
The second one is trickier. David is following Xander’s ideals, but that’s all we know. We don’t have a concrete idea of what Xander’s ideals really were, and it’s even harder to know what David thinks Xander’s ideals were.
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David: I’m sure he had a good reason. I believe that he did. Xander is not the kind of person to do anything for frivolous purposes.
He believes Xander had a good reason for trying to kill Teruko, he says he’s sure of it, but he never implies to know exactly what the reason was. And if he doesn’t know the exact reason, he can’t for sure say what ideal Xander was upholding by doing what he did.
But, he knows what Xander was trying to do; kill everyone. Because if it was just Teruko, he wouldn’t have tried to mislead people with the CD thing. Although, Xander was following that one note that said to “kill Teruko Tawaki,” so it could potentially be targeted.
So, taking credit for Arei’s murder to try and kill everyone is because Xander tried to do something similar. But the deeper reason he gave, about the nature of the killing game, is it true?
(Apologies in advance for the particularly horrible collage. I am without a reliable computer atm)
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David [Annoyed]: Ugh, fucking fine. You want an answer so badly? Any answer?
[Face covered] …
[Sweating] Ah… We’re… in a television show, after all. That’s… what MonoTV said, right?
“Entertainment” is an ongoing show.
If Min successfully got away with the very first murder and escaped while we all died, isn’t that way less interesting for a TV show?
What’s the point of roping 14 other people into one murder, only to kill them all off immediately?
The killer is supposed to fail and get executed. We’re all supposed to catch the killer, again and again, and participate in trial after trail. You’re *supposed* to try to survive.
All of you, who are trying to slice these class trials to continue living on are playing straight into MonoTV’s hands.
[Confident] As if I’ll accept that.
I don’t care how low I’ll sink, or how despicable I’ll have to become. I’ll do anything to carry on Xander’s ideals by ending this killing game, even if it means that I have to dirty my hands.
Oh, this man is lying out his ass.
This is not an answer you hesitate over if it’s true. The words David is saying are neutral; the show is meant for entertainment, and it’s not entertaining if people die early. There’s no controversy there, no reason to be nervous. Especially since Eden’s already come to the same conclusion.
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Veronika: You know, Eden once thought of an interesting plan to end the killing game. Based on everything we know, it could theoretically work.
To make a television show so boring they have no choice but to shut it down.
All we have to do is nothing.
You’re not supposed to be sweating when you’re effectively repeating something Eden said, even if under a different context.
First, David says he’ll give “any answer”, already making anything he says shady. Then, he seems to deliberate on what to say, which is already suspicious.
The most notable thing is that when he starts talking about the TV show, and what it means for it to be entertaining, he still hesitates. If his plan really was to make the TV show boring, once he decides to spill the beans, there’s nothing to hesitate about.
He only regains his confidence at the end, ironically when he’s saying the actually insane stuff. He finally finds the character he was trying to play and actually says something true; he wants to uphold Xander’s ideals and end the killing game. But I really don’t think it’s because he wants to make it boring.
In other words, he’s not lying about wanting to follow Xander and end the killing game, but his explanation about the entertainment has nothing to do with that. It’s way too simple of an explanation for the amount he hesitates. At least, that’s what I think, I may be wrong.
That brings us to the question; if he didn’t take the blame to make the game boring, why did he do it?
Well, currently and without too much confidence, I believe it has to do with Xander’s secondary goal; killing Teruko Tawaki.
One of the most well-accepted theories in the community is that David’s secret, “everything in your life is worth killing over [and] the killing game is all your fault,” isn’t Xander’s, but Teruko’s.
(In fact, side theory: I’m betting (on little evidence) that by the end of the trial, it will be David with his fanboy knowledge to point out that the “survivor’s guilt” secret that Min “received” was actually Xander’s, and reveal by process of elimination (since it’s likely going to be revealed in the trial that Hu has Veronika’s secret and Veronika has Hu’s, assuming those theories are true) that Min has the poison secret. It’s a bit of a wild prediction, but I think it’s a reasonable possibility to how the series would go about confirming the secrets of the dead)
That, combined with the fact that Xander followed a note that told him to kill Teruko, would certainly be enough for David to decide that Teruko’s gotta die. And killing everyone in the class trial is probably the best way to ensure that happens, since David probably doesn’t hunk attacking her directly is a good idea. If Xander, physically the strongest student in the cast, couldn’t get past Teruko’s luck, what the hell is David supposed to do? Especially now that she carries a knife, though I’m not sure David knows that.
It’s not even that out of nowhere; in the LGI video, Teruko’s numeral XIII appears next to a quote regarding the child of Omelas among other things. Very long story (skip to 1:22:22 in this video for the full explanation), but the child of Omelas is someone who must suffer so everyone else can live in a perfect world. It’s possible David thinks of Teruko, for one reason or another, as the Omelas child; she’s gotta die so everyone can be happy. She is someone “deeply unloved” after all.
Now, is this a stretch? Certainly. But I don’t think David’s telling the truth about his motivations, and I think this is one of the more likely options as to what exactly he was cooking here. I’m sure there’s better explanations out there, I just haven’t seen them :v
David VS Whit
I kinda skipped over the “Red Herring pun to David Freakout” line at first, but I think it’s pretty interesting that David gets so mad at Whit’s behavior. They are Recap Foils, so it makes sense they’d have strong emotions towards each other.
In particular, I’d like to point out how David gets mad at Whit for something similar to what he does as a motivational speaker.
I mentioned it in the previously mentioned section of my LGI analysis, but I believe part of the reason David hates Teruko is that he sees himself in her (pessimistic, thinks the world won’t change, etc), and this would be the other side of that. David constantly says things he doesn’t believe to make people happy, and he considers that to be pretty stupid, so it makes sense for him to get frustrated when seeing Whit doing something similar, trying to raise spirits by telling jokes. Looking at Whit is sorta like looking in a mirror, and David hates that. The mirror in LGI is labeled “reflection is due” for a reason.
I’m not fully sure this works 100%, but I think it’s at least worth considering.
Updates on Eden!Culprit Levi!Accomplice
In case you’re new here, here’s a link to my post detailing the Eden!Culprit Levi!Accomplice theory, which I came up with alongside some other theorists, and is what I currently believe the murder to be. My thoughts on possible character motivation and the such have shifted a bit since then, but the important part is the physical evidence. In particular, the combination of Lockdown Logic to determine Eden most likely took the tape from the gym and the Fish Timeline to determine someone else must have helped her get the fish, combined with the overly complicated murder method which I describe in detail, leads me to believe Eden is the blackened, and Levi helped her kill Arei.
I’m not going to talk about other theories, I’ll let the dedicated theorists perfect them with the new evidence in their own time. But, how does this theory change?
On the surface, uh, not much. We haven’t talked method much, after all.
(Side note, I know some people are bothered by how long that’s taking, and while I kinda get it, I’m not bothered by it. We’re in no rush; I prefer it if all the character conflict is addressed at some point, even if it delays talking about the actual method. Better than it going unaddressed, after all)
The only change is adding that they splashed Arei with water to hide her body temperature, but as discussed, that’s a minor change.
The big wrench thrown into this theory is the end, because… I’ll be honest, dear audience, I have no clue what Levi’s cooking here. Like, at all. Zero read on why he’s revealing his secret. I could try to speculate, but I can’t find any fully satisfactory answer even outside the Levi!Accomplice theory. Nothing makes sense to me, so I’ll just wait for the next episode before trying to read into it.
There is one unrelated thing I want to bring up, though, and it’s related to Levi’s possible motivation. I know this is one of the biggest sticking points in the theory (obviously), so I’d like to talk about it.
As a refresher: although alternate ideas have been offered, my current guess is that it has to do with his desire to be a good person, and the fact he considers Eden a good person. Cue the whole “A Good Person” hidden title behind “All That Glitters.”
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Levi: Perhaps I messed up yesterday. But I want to move on. I want to keep trying to become ‘a good person,’ like you, Eden.
The idea goes like this. Levi thinks Eden is good, and so he wants to do good by her. Based on the secret quote in the code of his character page, we can tell he prefers to speak through actions. He’s a bold action man, and that can cause him to come off as heartless.
Levi: I always believed that a person is defined by their actions alone. But maybe that’s just a poor excuse for my heartlessness.
My personal theory (again, other Levi motives are possible) assumes that Levi believes someone will win the killing game eventually (and this is an assumption, I won’t deny it), and if only one persona can escape, he’d rather it be Eden than anyone else. Again, “good person.” Levi will die, sure, but unless he becomes a blackened himself, he’s going to die regardless whenever someone gets away with murder.
Now, this isn’t anything drastically different than what I said in the theory post, so why am I bringing it up?
Well, the thing is… Doing something horrible, throwing away your own life and those of most of your peers, all for the sake of the one you’ve deemed to be “a good person”…
Now where have I heard that before?
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David: But doing “good” things requires sacrifice. Sometimes that sacrifice is being seen as a good person.
Even if doing something makes you hated, if that action is for a greater good, then it’s an action you have to take.
Xander is a good person. He’s the only good person I’ve ever known. I swear, I’ll follow in his footsteps and—
Huh. Funny how that works.
My point is that not only is “doing good by the only good person here” now a pre-established line of reasoning these characters can have, Levi doing such a thing for Eden would be a very interesting parallel to what David tried to do for Xander.
This isn’t evidence, to be clear. Just because one guy does it, doesn’t mean a completely unrelated dude is gonna do it too. But I’m calling it now as a potentially interesting parallel to explore, either in canon if I’m right or, like, an AU if I’m wrong :v
That said, I will point out that Hu’s capital G Girlboss Moment is directly after this, the one where she chews David out for deciding what’s best for all of them without consultation. And a little bit afterwards, Levi starts acting weird, apologizing for being useless, revealing his secret, etc. These two things could be connected, if Levi is, like, having second thoughts after that.
I could see a world where Levi’s trying to bring the conversation towards the right answer without fully committing to it, only for something or someone to somehow convince him back to accomplice-hood middway through it. I find that immensely unlikely, to be clear, but again, I genuinely have no idea what Levi’s trying to do right now, so.
All in all, a pretty neutral episode for this theory. Next one could completely break it, though, so I’m excited. I might have to come up with new theories! >:D
God I missed DRDT. And the only drawback of coming back is re-opening LGI trauma :D /silly
Anyways, thanks for reading! See you on the flipside!
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a-blog-for-kat · 18 days
IE; Ace (1), Arei (2), Arturo (3), ect.
1 - Ace is the first name alphabetically in the DRDT cast first name wise because "Ace" means number one, or to be the best at something. Ace is also the first “normal” person on the cast list website, as Teruko is first (protagonist) Xander is second (Support) Charles is third (Antagonist) but Ace is fourth without being extremely tied into the story at this point. It also can signify confidence, something Ace shows in chapter one a little but eventually it got overtaken by just anger and fear.
2 - Arei is number two in the cast, she's the ch2 victim, second person to have her sobbing session before dying (Xander didn’t cry a shocker), or maybe she'll always be second place compared to her sisters, which she has two of? If my memory serves me right (Future Kat here, it does), she’s also the second shortest of the cast after Eden, according to the new biometrics.
3 - In more religious settings, the number three can represent perfection and completeness, which for Arturo is ironic since he doesn’t even have a complete design shown, as we haven’t seen the whole him, only most of him physically (in the sense of we don’t know what his whole face looks like, only the upper part.) Three also represents problem solvers and people who are optimistic in nature and can also be childish. Not like Arturo, but maybe Felicity as she’s three to four years younger than Arturo?
4 - Funnily the first thing that popped up was “earth, wind, water, and fire” so CHARLES IS AN ELEMENT BENDER /j. On a serious note the number four can signify stability and strong foundations. Knowing a little bit into Charles’ backstory (his family spoiled him, he was quite sheltered, he doesn’t remember anything about his brother) he probably had a “stable” homelife until Elliot died, ruining that stability and basically crumbling his foundations, even leading him to gain hemophobia (the fear of blood) and necrophobia (the fear of dead bodies/corpses).
4 cont. - Another meaning to the number four is hard work, which Charles is constantly shown doing. He doesn’t half-ass anything, hell he works as hard as he can to reach his goals. He is the reason the students haven’t absolutely gotten their asses killed yet this trial since he called out Teruko’s wrong.
4 cont part 2. The number four is also a bad omen in East Asia, commonly associated with death. Now, Charles might be Latino, but someone else he's heavily associated with, Whit, is Chinese. Even in the LGI MV, Whit has tetraphobia as a word assigned to him, which is the fear of the number four, possibly hinting to either Charles' or Whits death in the near future.
5 - The number five can symbolize freedom, curiosity, and change. Let's start in order with these three examples, David doesn’t have freedom over his branding and basically his entire public persona. It’s been crafted by his manager to show to the world, the only reason he even was able to escape it was because his secret of being a “manipulator” got revealed and he just had to drop it. There's no point in keeping it up, after all. Curiosity is a bit tricky, but it could mean that he’s curious as to why people do the things they do? Why don't all of them don’t even try to understand Xander’s true intentions with why he stabbed Teruko. Change, well, his entire ideology is “people can’t change.” He believes you’re born either a good person or bad person, and that’s how you’ll stay. If you “changed” you were always a good or bad person to begin with.
5 cont. - One more thing, David’s association with stars, which have 5 points. But all stars burn out eventually, so maybe this symbolizes how David was so burnt out from keeping his public persona that it “died” and the real him is out.
6 - The number six can represent trustworthiness, lovingness, and sympathy. Eden is very trusting, that's actually her entire theme, being very trusting towards others and trying to show Teruko that trust is good. Eden is a very loving person in general, she loves others quite a lot and her secret revolves around kissing a girl, most likely with feelings involved in that. And sympathy. She's a sympathetic person in general. She's basically the glue that holds the cast together.
7 - The number seven usually signifies luck in many modern cultures. It can also signify indecisiveness, which is shown when Hu defends Nico in the class trial but is extremely condescending towards Arturo, even though they have extremely similar situations. (I am not defending either Arturo or Nico, they were both in the wrong for their situations.) It can also be associated with moodiness, which is very much shown in the last two episodes with Hu snapping multiple times.
8 - The number eight can signify being straight-talking and blunt, which we see in J quite a lot. If he doesn’t like something, he’ll state it. When Arturo’s being a creep towards him, he’s justifiably mad and has said multiple times that he wants to be left alone. When he tried to use the remote on MonoTV in episode 4 of Chapter One, he stated that, at the very least, he wanted it to die. He’s also pretty confident, I mean, look at the remote scene. He’s very clearly confident in what he can do.
9 - The number nine can signify humanitarianism and compassion, both things Levi can lack. He’s, at the end of episode 12, revealed to be a remorseless murderer who holds no guilt for his past actions. He is also shown to not know how to feel emotions like grief in situations and even consults Eden about it.
10 - The number ten can mean someone who’s ready to take a new phase in life, this could mean Min was ready to die for Teruko to take a new phase in her life, aka becoming much more untrusting and throwing her into that negative arc. It can also signify order and law, something Min might’ve studied. Also the number ten is a Pythagorean symbol, perfection. Something Min aims to become. Perfect.
11 - The number eleven can symbolize spiritual journeys which….. Unless Nico is going to have some form of spiritual journey, I don’t think this could pertain to them. But it could also be just a journey revolving around their character, becoming someone who’s not afraid to speak their word.
12 - The number twelve is associated with the heavens but can also be cosmic order and perfection, something you strive for as an artist. Being perfect. Which is also a good representative of Rose’s memory, it’s perfect, she won’t forget a detail. But that’s also her downfall, if she sees something awful it won’t leave her memory.
13 - (Has spoken about 13 in the past. Read here.)
14 - The number fourteen can signify new beginnings, a fresh start, and harmony. The last one being ironic as she usually only brings chaos and destruction. New beginnings could mean her using her talent as a new beginning or new outlet instead of hurting herself (if that really is her secret) and a fresh start could mean her starting anew in this killing game? Or even her getting a character arc in the future, though I doubt it.
15 - The number fifteen tends to be associated very sensitive and caring individuals who prioritize the well-being of others over their own. Which can be applied to Whit in a sense, he puts others feelings over others in situations, like trying to make Teruko smile by sacrificing Charles’ dignity. He’s also just a very caring person in general, as it’s shown how he comforted Charles in Chapter One (Sibling Core) or Eden in Chapter Two. Another thing could be how all luxury is in life, Whit seemed to live a relatively normal life before his mother passed, but still tries to make the best of life and make it a luxury.
16 - The number sixteen is a number associated with karma, what goes around comes around. Xander, stabbing Teruko, has done a bad thing, therefore paying with his life. It could also signify pushing others to their life purposes, Xander, after stabbing Teruko, pushed her to her “purpose” of being a cold protagonist. It can also mean a smart mind but Xander isn’t that smart to be honest-
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ego-meliorem-esse · 1 year
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I present to you my years long obsession - female America.
This is not a Nyotalia version it's just a concept of "what if everything is the same but Alfred was born a girl". Like i see so much potential! In a world where all the odds are stacked against her, she despite it all gets to where she is today. Making good and bad decisions along the way.
A lil hc/backstory for my main girl:
• Given name (by dad Arthur) is Elizabeth Felicity Kirkland but during the revolution changes her last name to Jones. Her first name change happens in the 1820/1830s when she changes it to Alexandra, also dropping her second name. (I was young when I came across the name and it means "defender/protector of man" and I was /obessed/ so i just stick to it since she is a loser and just thinks it's a cool sounding name)
• She goes by Alex/Al and I think that's neat :)
• My girl is tall. Like 181 cm tall. Sender but with visible muscles. She does want a bigger behind but her Anglo-Saxon genetics say nah.
• As a child she spent more time in England due to her being a girl so I think even if Arthur was absent he didn't allow her to spend much time alone in the colonies. She resents that ofc
• Just like with Alfred, Alex is very fkn close to Matt even if she forgets to call him or check up on him for months at a time. Al: "Hey man I know I just called a while ago but how've you been? Matt: "you called me 5 months ago..."
• Works at NASA as a part time aeronaitical engeneer. Loves physics, hates chemistry (self projection im sorry)
• During the revolution she dressed up as a boy but the people she worked with knew she wasn't one. People went along with it anyway.
• Other than during the American revolution, she dressed in feminine presenting clothes up until the 1930s. After that it was trousers all the way!
• Alex was never a nurse during wartime but definitely did accountaint work in ww1 and later joined the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) where she stayed until 1943 when she joined her men fighting on the ground ( Conversion to Army status, Women's Army Corps - WAC). That's when she saw actual combat.
• Isn't fond of birds. Canaries are fine. Eagles are unsettling.
• Obsesses over a certan thing/hobby at a time up to a point where she perfects her skill. When she was about 14 (human years) it was the whole freedom and equality of man and all the politics regarding it. In the 1890s her obession was cars and motor vehicles. The 1910s brought a new obsession on womens rights. 1960s was space exploration where she devoted almost all her time researching and working for NASA, disregarding her goverment/state duties as a country. In the 1980s it was the internet. In 1990s she got really interested in the Balkan wars (self insert >:)) for whatever reason. Today her attention is mostly on social media and her attention span ia short af. Still really likes all things tech.
• Hasn't got many properties/real estate. Al does own a penthouse in Seaport, Boston and a late 17th and early 18th century colonial home in Newbury, Boston (that she needs to renovate asap). The only other real state she owns is in California, though modern and recently buit, it's not big nor does she spend much time there.
• Her personality is basicaly Alfred if he grew up as a woman and had to face opression based on sex and inequality that came with it. So still bubbly, extroverted, a social butterfly but also self-serving, idealistic, manipulative sprinkled in with sarcasm, cautiousness and craftiness. Same feckin sense of humour tho.
• In 1783, at the Treaty of Paris in Versailles both her and her father had to sign the document that started her independence (She herself had a human representitive 'cus of her age/sex bla bla but it was mostly formalities). At that signing Arthur gave her a flintlock pistol that he himself used in the 1640s. Not many words were exchanged, he just put it in her hand to keep. She still has it in her attic. Somewhere. She'd find it if she just takes the time to look for it I'm sure.
• In 1889 she straight up did her first war crime/murder of a fellow nation (if you don't count shooting her pops face off at Saratoga in 1777). After an altrication with Antonio that resulted in him insulting and slapping the girl for her audacity and mouthiness, she punched him straight in the jaw. A fight insued where she got ahold of his belt and straight up strangled him. Took her a while to process that and accept it. On the bright side Antonios scilence was heard around the world and while perplexed and insulted, older and influential (mostly male at that point) nations started to feel a glint of respect forming for the young startup.
• Al was given a family pocket watch by her father in the 90s (No more empire for Arthur so he sad :(((((( ) that was suppoaed to go to a firstborn son of a lord as an inheritance symbol. Everyone thought Jack would get it since Matt is techincally not Arthur's son. But even he would be expected to recieve it before Al. Then in an unexpected turn of events, while visiting her grumpy and nostalgeous empire-missing dad, Arthur pulled out the watch while eating stale kebabs in front of the telly and gave it to her casualy without as much as a word (The empire started with her, it shall end with her). She keeps it in her work desk drawer in a wooden box.
• Al and Zee have an interesting relationship. While being different in almost every aspect, there ia a mutual respect for eachother from eachother. While not really being able to see eye to eye, they are sisters in a certain roundabout and very fucked up way. Girls who learned that they are very much judged by their sex despite being daughters of a high ranking British lord. While aware that she will never be Alex/Elizabeth in her fathers eyes, Zee still gets treated as a treasure by her father. Much to Zee's annoyance.
• It's still Matt who's in Alex's shadow. Despite the dificulties she rises above and is the perfect child of an empire. Smart, intelligent, inquisitive, a fast learner and incredibly aware of the political and historical situation at all times. Even despite being a girl and less than a son in the eyes of a 17th/18th century society, she suceeds.
• Arthur wanted a son to come from his colonial endeavours, as all empires/nobility at the time did. And as all other empires at the time had. But ofc karma is a bitch and he's the only empire with an only child being a daughter. Though at first thougrly dissaponted, when he lays his eyes on his daughter for the first time, the only emotion he can feel is /joy/.
• Instead of sowing/knitting Al's education was very much focused on natural sciences, since that is where Arthur quickly realized she exels at. He swapped her Violin and General History of Music lessions with Astrophysics and The History of Astronomy. All in an attempt to stop her from making his ears bleed from the constant prattling about The Four Square Theorem or The Brachistocrone Curve. It only got worse, but his daughter was happy and content.
I have sooooo many more of these jfc i might do more later but for now this is all I can think of.
TLDR: Female America is great and has so much potential as a character hghhhhhhhh
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eternallyjoedane · 4 months
My Jane Doe Backstory (for our production)
Penny Lamb was born on April 7th, 1990 in Fort Chipewyan, Alberta. Her father, Walter Lamb, was born deaf and her mother, Felicity, was hard of hearing. They taught Penny sign language at a very young age. Penny also learned Spanish as her mother is from Mexico. Penny never liked her name, instead preferred to be called by her middle name, Savanah. When Savanah was three, her brother Ezra was born. At age 5, Savanah was diagnosed with Sickle Cell Disease and began to lose her hearing. Until 11th grade, Savanah and Ezra attended Athabasca Delta Community School. Due to her parent’s disability, Savanah had to take care of her brother a lot throughout her childhood. Right before Savanah’s senior year, her mother died from complications with Sickle Cell Disease. To have more support for his kids, the family moved to Uranium City to live with Savanah’s paternal grandparents. Savanah’s grandmother enrolled both kids at St. Cassian. Being that English was Savanah’s worst language, speaking mostly Spanish or ASL at home, she found it hard to make friends. Eventually, she met a boy named Ricky Potts. Ricky had muscular dystrophy and couldn’t speak. However, he knew sign language. Savanah and Ricky became great friends from that point on. Savanah started developing a crush on Ricky and even confided in him about not liking her name, Penny. From that point on, Ricky was the only one who knew and called her Savanah. One sign of affection that they would show with each other was Sav laying her head on Ricky’s lap. When the choir went to the Fall Fair, Savanah felt very disconnected from the rest of the kids, choosing to sit next to Ricky on the Cyclone Coaster. They held hands the entire ride, and their bodies were found next to each other, hands still connected.
A little explanation:
Basically I wanted a reason for Penny to know sign language to be able to communicate with Ricky. Also in our production, Ricky and I decided that the reason he offers the name Savanah was because of Penny. When Jane asks if Savanah can have the greenest eyes, Ricky starts to put the pieces together. Penny Lamb had very green eyes. Lastly, after that conversation, Jane would lay her head on Ricky’s lap, making him realize that Jane Doe was Penny Savanah Lamb. That was kind of how we interpreted that scene and I built her backstory around that. :))
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bluedalahorse · 2 months
Five Times Felice Ehrencrona Was A Bad Friend (and one friend who reassured her)
This morning I woke up with a fully formed 5+1 fanfic in my head. I spent most of the day typing it up, and now I can finally present it to the world.
I’m very excited to announce… my first Felice-centric one-shot!
Summary: Felice tries her best to be there for her friends, but who’s there for her? A story featuring camaraderie with a side of conflict, the effort to find one’s voice, and the middling-to-bad days that make us all human.
Please note that the title of the story is a little bit facetious. Felice is a great friend and that’s why we love her.
This fic is dedicated to @heliza24, who is a good friend to me even when I am a bad friend, and who introduced me to Young Royals all the way back in the summer of 2021. Shout out also to @sflow-er, who sent me the ask that got this fic cooking in my brain. Some of their thoughts on Felice’s family’s backstory also inspired a little bit of what I wrote.
I hope you all have as much fun reading this as I had writing it!
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