#backlinks websites
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seotimerank · 1 year ago
I will make 50 unique article submission contextual backlinks
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Article Submission refers to an off-page SEO technique in which you write an article and publish it on the third-party website. It is a method by which you write articles that are related to your business and add them to the famous contents submission directories.
Get your website published on High DA Site permanently. Articles are effective for improving your google ranking as it increase great authority backlinks.
With my service, you can expect:
Proper formatting and optimization.
Increased online visibility and traffic.
Detailed report of all work.
All links will be done manually. No tool will be used for it.
Permanent link building.
Contextual backlinks.
High DA and PA sites.
Unlimited Keywords and URLs.
100% Approval Sites.
On Time delivery.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to increase your online visibility and drive more traffic to your website.
Order my gig now and let's get started on boosting your online presence!
Order Now > WhatsApp +8801730604878
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hosenseo1 · 5 days ago
I will create high quality white hat profile creation backlinks
SEO Expert and Backlinks Creator
Hello there! I'm Hosen ali, your go-to digital marketing expert dedicated to helping businesses like yours thrive in the online landscape. With a passion for strategic marketing and a knack for staying ahead of industry trends, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. I will expert in all types of digital marketing service. Like,On page SEO,Off page SEO,Creatin profile backlinks ,Facebook Ads,wordpress website customization,and other. Looking forward to being your digital partner on this exciting journey  Boost Your SEO with High-Quality Profile Backlinks
Want to enhance your website's visibility and improve search engine rankings? I offer manually created, high-quality profile backlinks from trusted platforms that help strengthen your online presence and drive organic traffic.
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What Youll Get:
Dofollow backlinks from reputable sources
Natural, white-hat SEO practices
Increased domain authority and search engine rankings
A detailed report with all links
Perfect For:
Website owners
E-commerce businesses
Local businesses
Why settle for low-quality links? Let me help you build a strong foundation for long-term SEO success.
Order now and take your website to the next level!
Feel free to customize it further to match your specific services or style! 
Profile backlinks 
Backlink analysis
On-page SEO
Canva design
Business reports
Lead generation
Facebook ads
Off-page SEO
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nayonshaha · 2 months ago
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penjualbacklinkterbaikkilat · 2 months ago
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TERPERCAYA, Hubungi 0857-4514-4476, SEO Backlink Pbn Murah Backlinkkilat
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topicsquest · 4 months ago
Social Sharing and Profile Backlinks List 2024
How High DA and PA Websites Boost SEO
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In the world of digital marketing, building a strong online presence is key to success. One proven way to improve your visibility and search engine ranking is through social sharing and creating profile backlinks on high Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) websites. These links not only increase brand awareness but also drive organic traffic while strengthening your SEO strategy.
Here’s how Topics Quest is leveraging this approach. Check out our profiles on these high-authority platforms:
Mighty Networks
Why High DA and PA Websites Matter
Websites with high DA and PA are trusted by search engines, making backlinks from these platforms highly valuable. Such links pass authority to your site, helping to improve your rankings and diversify your backlink profile. This diversity reduces the risk of search engine penalties and strengthens your overall SEO efforts.
Benefits of Social Sharing and Profile Backlinks
Increased Traffic: Sharing content across these platforms can drive more visitors to your website.
Improved SEO: Backlinks from high-authority websites signal trust and relevance to search engines.
Enhanced Credibility: Having a presence on reputable platforms builds trust with your audience.
Wider Audience Reach: These platforms allow you to connect with different audience groups.
Stronger Brand Awareness: Regular engagement ensures your brand remains visible and memorable.
How to Start Building Backlinks
Create Profiles on High-Authority Platforms: Set up profiles on trusted sites like LinkedIn and Behance.
Optimize Your Content: Include a professional bio, a link to your website, and share valuable updates.
Engage with Users: Interact with your audience by sharing useful content and responding to their comments.
Track Results: Use analytics tools to monitor the performance of your backlinks and traffic.
Social sharing and profile backlinks are powerful tools for increasing online visibility and building trust. By following Topics Quest example and creating profiles on high DA, PA websites, you can drive traffic, improve SEO, and establish your brand as a leader in your field. Start today, and watch your digital presence grow!
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kazifu · 8 months ago
Penelitian Kata Kunci
Langkah pertama dalam strategi SEO yang sukses adalah melakukan penelitian kata kunci. Kata kunci adalah istilah atau frasa yang orang gunakan untuk mencari informasi di internet. Menggunakan alat seperti Google Keyword Planner atau Ubersuggest, Anda dapat menemukan kata kunci yang relevan dengan niche Anda dan memiliki volume pencarian yang tinggi tetapi persaingan yang rendah. Setelah Anda menemukan kata kunci yang tepat, masukkan kata kunci tersebut secara strategis ke dalam konten Anda, termasuk judul, subjudul, dan teks utama.
Optimalisasi On-Page
Optimalisasi on-page adalah langkah penting berikutnya. Ini melibatkan pengoptimalan elemen-elemen di halaman website Anda agar lebih ramah mesin pencari. Pastikan setiap halaman memiliki tag judul yang unik dan deskriptif, tag meta deskripsi yang menarik, dan URL yang bersih serta mudah dibaca. Gunakan heading tag (H1, H2, H3) untuk membagi konten menjadi bagian yang mudah dipahami. Selain itu, pastikan gambar dioptimalkan dengan menggunakan tag alt yang deskriptif dan ukuran file yang tidak terlalu besar agar halaman dapat dimuat dengan cepat.
Konten Berkualitas
Konten adalah raja dalam dunia SEO. Mesin pencari seperti Google memberikan peringkat lebih tinggi kepada website yang menyediakan konten berkualitas tinggi, informatif, dan relevan. Pastikan konten Anda orisinal, menarik, dan memberikan nilai tambah bagi pembaca. Menggunakan berbagai format konten seperti artikel, video, infografis, dan podcast dapat membantu menarik berbagai jenis audiens. Selain itu, memperbarui konten secara rutin dapat membantu menjaga relevansi dan menarik kembali pengunjung yang sudah ada.
Backlink dan Link Building
Backlink, atau tautan masuk dari website lain, merupakan faktor penting dalam algoritma peringkat mesin pencari. Mendapatkan backlink dari website yang memiliki otoritas tinggi dapat meningkatkan kredibilitas dan peringkat website Anda. Anda bisa memulai dengan guest blogging, yaitu menulis artikel untuk website lain dengan menyertakan tautan kembali ke website Anda. Selain itu, pastikan internal linking atau tautan internal di dalam website Anda terstruktur dengan baik, sehingga memudahkan navigasi bagi pengguna dan mesin pencari. Penggunaan Media Sosial
Media sosial dapat menjadi alat yang ampuh untuk meningkatkan visibilitas website Anda. Dengan membagikan konten di platform media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, dan Instagram, Anda dapat menjangkau audiens yang lebih luas dan mengarahkan lalu lintas ke website Anda. Gunakan strategi konten yang berbeda untuk setiap platform agar lebih efektif. Interaksi dengan pengikut melalui komentar dan pesan juga dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan dan membangun komunitas yang loyal.
Meningkatkan visibilitas website Anda melalui SEO membutuhkan kombinasi dari berbagai strategi dan teknik. Dari penelitian kata kunci hingga backlink dan penggunaan media sosial, setiap elemen berkontribusi terhadap kesuksesan SEO Anda. Dengan menerapkan trik-trik SEO yang disebutkan di atas, Anda dapat meningkatkan peringkat website Anda di mesin pencari, menarik lebih banyak pengunjung, dan pada akhirnya mencapai tujuan bisnis Anda. Ingatlah bahwa SEO adalah proses berkelanjutan yang memerlukan pemantauan dan penyesuaian rutin untuk tetap relevan dan efektif.
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bergunasekali · 5 months ago
Jasa Backlink Edu Terbaik di Indonesia
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Jasa Backlink Edu Terbaik di Indonesia - Ketika pertama kali terjun ke dunia SEO, saya ingat betapa bingungnya mencari cara untuk meningkatkan peringkat website saya. Salah satu hal yang paling sering dibicarakan adalah pentingnya backlink, khususnya yang berasal dari domain edu. Setelah mencoba berbagai cara, saya akhirnya menemukan Devanseo, yang menjadi titik balik dalam strategi SEO saya. Mari kita bahas kenapa jasa backlink edu ini sangat berharga, terutama di Indonesia.
Saat saya memulai, saya terlalu terfokus pada konten. Memang, konten yang berkualitas itu penting, tetapi tanpa backlink yang baik, semua usaha saya seolah sia-sia. Saya ingat satu momen frustrasi ketika artikel yang saya tulis dengan penuh hati-hati hanya mendapatkan sedikit traffic. Di situlah saya mulai menggali lebih dalam tentang manfaat backlink, terutama dari universitas atau lembaga pendidikan.
Mengapa backlink dari domain edu itu istimewa? Pertama, backlink ini biasanya dianggap lebih kredibel dan otoritatif oleh mesin pencari. Ketika Anda mendapatkan tautan dari situs pendidikan, seperti .ac.id, itu memberikan sinyal positif kepada Google bahwa konten Anda layak dipercaya. Di sinilah Devanseo berperan. Mereka menawarkan paket jasa backlink edu terjangkau yang dapat membantu Anda meraih otoritas tersebut tanpa harus merogoh kocek terlalu dalam.
Devanseo Jasa Backlink Edu Terbaik di Indonesia
Selama perjalanan saya dengan Devanseo, saya belajar beberapa hal penting. Pertama, Anda tidak perlu selalu mengandalkan konten viral untuk mendapatkan backlink. Terkadang, pendekatan yang lebih strategis seperti menghubungi universitas atau lembaga terkait bisa sangat efektif. Mereka sering kali memiliki program yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mendapatkan backlink. Dengan Devanseo, saya merasa didukung dalam proses ini. Mereka memiliki jaringan yang luas dan dapat membantu saya mengakses backlink berkualitas dari universitas.
Selain itu, salah satu pengalaman menarik yang saya alami adalah ketika salah satu artikel saya tentang digital marketing berhasil mendapatkan tautan dari sebuah universitas terkemuka. Rasa senangnya luar biasa! Traffic website saya meningkat drastis, dan itu memberikan saya pelajaran berharga tentang kekuatan backlink. Itu membuat saya menyadari bahwa link building dengan backlink dari universitas itu bukan hanya sekadar teori—ini benar-benar bisa berdampak pada visibilitas website Anda.
Satu hal yang sering saya lihat adalah banyak blogger yang terjebak dalam kesalahan saat mencoba membeli backlink. Mereka tergoda untuk menggunakan layanan yang menawarkan backlink murah tanpa mempertimbangkan kualitasnya. Tentu, Anda bisa saja beli backlink di tempat jasa backlink ac.id dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau, tetapi Anda harus memastikan bahwa tautan tersebut berasal dari sumber yang dapat dipercaya. Devanseo menawarkan jasa backlink kampus yang telah teruji, sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir akan kualitas tautannya.
Untuk para pemula yang baru terjun ke dunia SEO, saran saya adalah jangan ragu untuk menggunakan layanan yang tepat. Misalnya, jika Anda mencari jasa backlink edu terbaik di Indonesia, pastikan untuk melakukan riset dan memilih yang sudah terbukti memberikan hasil. Devanseo, dengan reputasi baik dan banyak testimoni positif, bisa menjadi pilihan yang tepat.
Sebagai kesimpulan, membangun backlink dari sumber yang berkualitas seperti domain edu adalah salah satu strategi SEO yang paling efektif. Dengan dukungan dari Devanseo, saya bisa lebih fokus pada pengembangan konten berkualitas, sementara mereka membantu mengurus aspek teknis yang tak kalah pentingnya. Inilah yang membuat saya merasa bahwa bekerja sama dengan mereka adalah keputusan yang tepat.
Jadi, jika Anda ingin meningkatkan visibilitas website Anda di mesin pencari dan mendapatkan traffic yang lebih berkualitas, jangan ragu untuk mempertimbangkan jasa backlink edu seperti Devanseo. Dengan pendekatan yang tepat dan dukungan dari layanan yang terpercaya, Anda bisa mencapai tujuan SEO Anda dengan lebih efektif. Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses!
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seokarclick · 1 year ago
100 سایت ساز رایگان برای ساخت بک لینک های فالو، ارزشمند
سلام برای شما لیستی کامل اماده کردم که از بک لینک بی نیازتون میکنه
همچنین ابزار سئو رایگان هم معرفی کردم که دیگه هیچ ابزاری هم نیاز نداشته باشید
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alfotesr · 8 months ago
SEO optimization for search engines
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of improving your website's visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). It involves a combination of technical, content, and link-building strategies.
Measuring SEO Success
AlFotesr Tech
Track website traffic: Use analytics tools to monitor website visits, pageviews, and bounce rates.
Monitor keyword rankings: Track your website's position in search engine results for target keywords.
Analyze conversion rates: Measure how well your website converts visitors into customers.
Remember: SEO is an ongoing process. It requires continuous monitoring, analysis, and adaptation to stay ahead of the competition.
Do you want to focus on a specific area of ​​SEO? I can provide more detailed instructions based on your needs.
Do you have a particular website or industry in mind? I can offer tailored recommendations.
AlFotesr Tech
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today-review · 8 months ago
Search Engine Optimization Service (SEO)
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Have you spent a lot of money and resources on your amazing website and wondered why the traffic doesn't grow much? Being visible in Google search is of utmost importance nowadays. Why? 85% of people who are looking for products or services perform the search online.
Now, the hard truth is…
…if your website doesn't have backlinks, you are NOT going to be visible on Google!
With my advanced link-building strategy, you receive high-quality backlinks that will improve your SEO rankings so you can get more traffic and sales!
What are you going to receive?
High-quality backlinks in a simple report Ahrefs DR 50-70 SEO improvement that works like a charm Trustworthy & safe white hat service
You can also check my premium packages for more link juice and power coming to your website!
Let me do that heavy lifting for you!
🚀 Bringing your business to the extraterrestrial level with SEO & Content Marketing. My name is Virtual Superman and I lift the heaviest weights for you! 🔥
PROVEN Exclusive Backlinks That Boost Your Rankings.
✅ Service Link ✅
Industry expertise: Agriculture • Animals & pets • Art & design • Beauty & cosmetics • Blockchain & cryptocurrency • Construction • Dental care • Education • Energy & utilities • Environmental • Events planning • Fashion & apparel • Financial services & business • Food & beverage • Gaming • Health & wellness • Kids • Legal • Lifestyle • Manufacturing & storage • Marketing & advertising • Media & entertainment • Medical & pharmaceutical • Non profit • Photography & videography • Public sector • Real estate • Religion & spirituality • Retail & wholesale • Science • Services • Society & culture • Sports & fitness • Technology • Transportation & automotive • Travel & tourism • Writing & publishing Language: Albanian • Arabic • Bengali • Bosnian • Bulgarian • Catalan • Chinese (simplified) • Chinese (traditional) • Croatian • Czech • Danish • Dari • Dutch • English • Estonian • Filipino • Finnish • French • Georgian • German • Greek • Haitian • Creole • Hawaiian • Hebrew • Hindi • Hungarian • Icelandic • Indonesian • Irish Gaelic • Italian • Jamaican Patois • Japanese • Kazakh • Korean • Latin • Latvian • Lithuanian • Luxembourgish • Macedonian • Malay • Maltese • Nepali • Nigerian • Norwegian • Oriya • Persian/Farsi • Polish • Portuguese • Punjabi • Romanian • Russian • Serbian • Slovak • Slovenian • Somali • Spanish • Swahili • Swedish • Tagalog • Tamil • Thai • Turkish • Urdu • Vietnamese • Welsh • Sinhala • Marathi • Ukrainian • Telugu • Gujarati • Pashto
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seoinsiderinsights · 11 months ago
SEO Expert
Contact me On fiverr
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toolhub24 · 2 years ago
Creating a Captivating Blog Website: A Step-by-Step Guide
In the digital age, a blog website serves as a powerful platform for sharing your thoughts, expertise, and creativity with the world. Whether you're a seasoned writer, an aspiring influencer, or someone with a passion for a specific niche, creating your own blog website can be an exciting endeavor. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of crafting a captivating blog website that not only engages your audience but also reflects your unique style.
Step 1: Define Your Niche and Audience
Before you start building your blog website, it's crucial to identify your niche and target audience. What topics or subjects will your blog cover? Defining your niche helps you create focused, relevant content that resonates with your readers. Understanding your audience's demographics, preferences, and needs will enable you to tailor your content to their interests.
Step 2: Choose a Domain Name and Hosting
Your domain name is your blog's online identity, so choose a name that represents your niche and is easy to remember. Look for a domain name that's unique, concise, and aligned with your brand. Once you've decided on a domain name, you'll need to choose a web hosting service. Popular hosting providers include Bluehost, Site Ground, and HostGator. Select a plan that suits your needs and offers reliable performance.
Step 3: Select a Content Management System (CMS)
A content management system (CMS) is a platform that allows you to create, manage, and publish content on your blog. WordPress is one of the most popular CMS options due to its user-friendly interface and extensive customization possibilities. Install WordPress or Blogger on your chosen hosting platform and you're ready to start building your blog.
Step 4: Choose a Theme
The visual design of your blog plays a significant role in attracting and retaining visitors. Choose a theme that aligns with your content and provides a pleasing user experience. WordPress offers a wide range of free and premium themes that can be customized to match your brand colors, fonts, and overall aesthetic.
Step 5: Customize Your Website
Personalize your blog website by customizing the chosen theme. Add a logo, customize the header and footer, and arrange widgets that display recent posts, categories, and social media links. Ensure that your website's layout is clean, intuitive, and mobile-responsive, as an increasing number of users access websites from their smartphones and tablets.
 Step 6: Install Essential Plugins
Plugins are extensions that enhance the functionality of your blog. Some essential plugins include:
 **Yoast SEO:** Helps optimize your content for search engines.
 **Akismet:** Protects your blog from spam comments.
-**Social Media Sharing:** Allows readers to easily share your content on social platforms.
 **Contact Form:** Provides a way for readers to get in touch with you.
 **Google Analytics:** Tracks your website's performance and visitor statistics.
 Step 7: Create Compelling Content
Content is the heart of your blog. Craft well-researched, engaging, and valuable posts that cater to your audience's interests. Use a mix of text, images, and possibly videos to convey your message effectively. Maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your readers engaged and coming back for more.
 Step 8: Implement SEO Strategies
Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for driving organic traffic to your blog. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally into your content, optimize your images with descriptive alt text, and create internal and external links. This helps search engines understand your content and rank it higher in search results.
 Step 9: Engage with Your Audience
Interact with your readers by responding to comments, encouraging discussions, and addressing their questions or feedback. Consider creating a mailing list to notify subscribers about new posts, updates, or exclusive content.
Step 10: Promote Your Blog
Promotion is key to expanding your blog's reach. Share your content on social media platforms, collaborate with other bloggers or influencers in your niche, and participate in online communities relevant to your topic. The more you promote your blog, the wider your audience will grow.
Step 11: Monitor and Analyze
Regularly review your website's performance using tools like Google Analytics. Monitor metrics such as page views, bounce rates, and engagement to understand what's working and what needs improvement. Use this data to refine your content strategy and make informed decisions.
 Step 12: Stay Consistent and Evolve
Consistency is key to building a successful blog. Keep publishing high-quality content, adapting to industry trends, and evolving your strategies based on audience feedback and changing algorithms. As your blog grows, you might consider monetization options such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or selling digital products.
Creating a captivating blog website takes time, dedication, and continuous learning. By following these steps and staying true to your passion, you can create a blog that not only resonates with your target audience but also becomes a valuable resource in your chosen niche.
Extra:High Quality Backlinks Using Blog Comments
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marketingminds-214setu · 1 year ago
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satwindersingh · 2 years ago
Conquer Your Local Realm: Elevate Your Business with Local SEO Magic!
Hey there, local business heroes! Are you ready to wield the power of local SEO and watch your business blossom into a digital sensation? Today, we're embarking on an exciting journey into the world of local SEO, where the keys to online growth and success await. No need to don a wizard's hat; with the help of the Fiverr master of local SEO (https://www.fiverr.com/s/jXpKaL), you'll be soaring to new heights in no time!
Local SEO: Your Secret Weapon for Local Domination
Picture this: your business appears at the top of local search results like a shining beacon, attracting hordes of eager customers. That's the magic of local SEO! When potential clients in your area are searching for products or services you offer, you'll be front and center, waving them in with open arms. Our Fiverr guru will work their local SEO sorcery, ensuring your business claims the throne as the local ruler of your niche.
GMB Optimization: Put Your Business on the Map - Literally!
Ah, the wonders of Google My Business (GMB)! It's like having your very own treasure map that leads customers straight to your doorstep. Our expert will optimize your GMB listing with all the right information, ensuring your business shows up on Google Maps and local search results. Get ready to stand out like a dazzling gem on the virtual map of your community.
Navigating the Digital Terrain with Google Maps
Picture this: potential customers out and about, searching for businesses like yours while navigating with Google Maps. And there you are, popping up like a delightful surprise, thanks to local SEO magic! With the help of our Fiverr wizard, your business will be optimized for Google Maps, leading customers right to your door. It's like rolling out the red carpet for local clientele.
SEO Services Crafted with Your Business in Mind
Now, let's talk about SEO services that are tailored exclusively for your business's growth. Our Fiverr maestro understands that no two local businesses are the same, and that's why they'll dig deep into the soul of your brand, grasping its unique voice and identity. Armed with this knowledge, they'll craft a personalized local SEO strategy that will set your business apart from the rest.
So, fellow local warriors, if you're ready to embrace the true potential of "local SEO," "GMB optimization," "Google Maps," and "SEO services," join forces with the Fiverr maestro now! Your journey to local domination begins, and the path to online growth is adorned with local SEO brilliance. Let's embark on this adventure together and watch your business flourish in the digital realm! Visit My Gig for more details: https://www.fiverr.com/satwindernft/offer-local-seo-services-to-increase-online-visibility
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optionsonlineworld-blog · 1 year ago
Learn Digital Marketing With Shabana Khan.
About Me
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I love to listen to all the problems of the people around me. I love to talk and help them to grow. Therefore I have focusd and shaped my career related to people and their problems around. Therefore I chose to be a customer relationship expert
I focus on results, build amazing teams, and quickly adapt to new insights. I create, scale, and optimize product portfolios for that matter.
I have enjoyed many executive positions during my career growth and it helped me grow in a consistent way.
I can help you with all your eCommerce problems, can handle all emails on your behalf, and market your brand to reach out to your target audience.
Expertise is:
E-commerce Platform Management Audience And Product Research and Targeting. Marketing Sales. Lead generation through Social Media Marketing. Handling Amazon, eBay and Shopify.
Reach me on: ShaiMaaz Email. [email protected]
Shabana Khan
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antirepurp · 2 years ago
sometimes researching refs brings me to the real gems of the internet such as this page rating a bunch of finnish slot machines
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translator's note: "paska" stands for "shit"
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