tagged by; @chasinglilies
Name: Linsey Nickname: Lin, Lin-Chan, Shadow, Onew, Sis, Sister...there are more. T_T Gender: Female most days Sign: Gemini Height: 5'’6″ Sexual orientation: Pansexual Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw Favourite colour: Royal Purple, Mint.  Favourite animal: Ones that don’t bite me... Time right now: 12:02 PM Average hours of sleep: 10 Cat or dog person: Cat (I have one named Lily) Favourite fictional character from Harry Potter: Remus Lupin Number of blankets you sleep with: 2 in the winter 1 in the summer Favourite singer or band: Black Veil Brides...but then there is Kpop sooooo Dream trip: London or South Korea  Dream job: Author When was this blog created? September of 2016 Current number of followers:  86 When did your blog reach it’s peak? November? What made you decide to make a tumblr? I have quite a few others to be honest but I made Remus mainly for my bae @backandsiriuslyblack . I had never RPed him publicly before, and I needed something to get me through a bad and unexpected breakup. So here I am. :D I have other RP blogs, shoot me a message if you’re curious
Tagging; @backandsiriuslyblack @puddingseeker @curiousxempath
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treskift · 8 years
backandsiriuslyblack replied to your post “"annoyed at first sight" you cant judge anyone on first impressions...”
Just gonna voice an opinion, if I may. You have every right to like and/or dislike who you choose. I personally have met several people that I disliked right from the start, and more than 50% of the time it turned out that the person I disliked was not that good of a person. The rest of the time I either never saw or spoke to them again, or they proved me wrong and turned out to be great. Thanks for your time. :3
Thanks for your input! Ofc I have been proved wrong in the past too, but it usually takes some persuasion from my friends to change my first impression. It’s just, if someone’s not 100% my type from the beginning I can be hard to win over. It’s true that I can be a little standoffish at new people, especially if I consider them some sort of threat. I’m fiercely protective over my friends and don’t like to share, lol.
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princelydoe-blog · 8 years
“for fuck’s sake…”
three word starters
“Oh for the love of...” Severus started, then pinching the bridge of his nose. “What are you complaining about now?”
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61. Do you often read your horoscope? 62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? 63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
61. Not very often, but often enough to keep me paranoid
62. U because it needs more love
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pigforslaughter · 8 years
Harry crept out of the room, happy he hadn’t managed to wake Ron as he slipped into the dark corridor. As usual he had too much on his mind to sleep, but at least this time it wasn’t thoughts about Voldemort and the impending war ahead. He’d been thinking about feelings a lot, about how he’d felt about Cho what seemed now like forever ago and about how that felt now in perspective. A ball of anxiety twisted in his gut as he moved down the stairs, he just needed some water.
He wanted so badly to talk to someone, but he didn’t even know how to start this sort of conversation. He noticed his apathy towards dating and girls around the time of the Yule Ball, but had assumed it was because he was distracted. But then he’d seen Cedric, so well dressed, so handsome, polite and indiscriminately as kind as usual and he knew something was wrong. Something else was wrong with Harry Potter. 
Harry didn’t know how the wizarding world looked at homosexuals, but he knew how his aunt and uncle felt about them. They were abominations. Something else that was different and bad; like Harry. Stepping into the kitchen he was still reeling to the point where he almost didn’t notice his god father sitting at the table. Blinking, Harry halted, surprised to not find himself alone in the darkness of the kitchen. “Sirius?”
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teaspoonofginger · 8 years
Hey, maybe a song for Sirius? Something that fits his story, if not something he can jam to.
Sure. I think I’ve got one. :)
And, truth be told, I think I might be really proud of that one. haha
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she--knows-it-all · 7 years
Repost and fill in the answers you most associate your character with to each question.
1. ANIMAL: cat 2. COLOR(S): yellow 3. MONTH: august 4. SONG: scar tissue (rhcp) 5. NUMBER: 17 6. DAY OR NIGHT: night 7. PLANT: cherry blossom 8. SMELL: closeted old wool sweaters 9. GEMSTONE: agate 10. SEASON: autumn 11. PLACE: library 12. FOOD: cauldron cakes 13. ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: virgo 14. ELEMENT(S): earth and fire 15. DRINK: peppermint tea
tagged by: @pxtionmaster tagging: @thegravemistergraves, @tolcveistodestrcy, @backandsiriuslyblack and uuuuuuuuh.... idk, you.
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6.Your muse hiding mistletoe everywhere
“Finally the last one!” Remus says to himself, feeling rather accomplished. Finally, he had gotten rid of all the mistletoe that he could find in the house. Sirius had taken it upon himself to hide and hang the stuff in every possible place he could. Not that he didn’t mind kissing Sirius multiple ties a day, it was just obnoxious when he was trying to get stuff done. 
With that mostly off his mind, he heads to the loo to do his business, getting a slight nagging feeling he happens to look up as he is sitting down. 
“GOD DAMNIT SIRIUS!!” Remus could be heard through the entirety of the house. 
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arrogancex · 8 years
"Prongs? You- oh.... Well shit this is bad then... Erm... Heya mate."
“Bloody hell— Well… I guess now we've really shared EVERYTHING, huh—?”
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princelydoe-blog · 8 years
“i can’t breathe.”
three word starters
“Oh don’t be over dramatic!” Severus said as he tucked his wand away. “I just knocked you back a little!”
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Hey I'm sure you've heard this a dozen times now but... Put ice on your hand to help reduce swelling. Also, maybe see a doctor if you haven't already. And yes I know health insurance can be an issue but it's always better to get things looked at instead of brushing it off.
((OOC: My mom is a registered nurse, she’s done the things. I’m good))
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mrsnorristhewitch · 9 years
When you get this give 5 things that make you happy. Then send this to the first 10 people in your notifications. :)
1. New books that I actually look forward to reading
2. Not having to do my stupid sociology and history essays. 
3. Roleplaying
4. Toddlers
5. Hot wings?
1. Looking beautiful
2. Respectful and adorable children that I can call my own.
3. My garden
4. Having someone all to myself that I can love and that will only love me (obviously that failed. Look what happened with Rapunzel. Gothel you’re a terrible mother.)
5. Felines.
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littleshopkeeper · 9 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this to ten of your favorite followers. (non-negotiable)
“Oh geeze, put me on the spot, why don’t you Siri.” Allie sighs a moment, she hated talking about herself. Grabbing a peice of parchment, she begins her little list.
1. My eyes.2. My knowledge.3. My patience.4. My butt.5. My talent in making potions.
Allie looks over the list and furrows her brows slightly. “You know how self-centered and vain this makes me look right?” She questions as she look up at Sirius. “I refuse to subject anyone else to this.” Pulling out her wand she taps the the piece of parchment and watches go up in a quick burst of flames. 
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she--knows-it-all · 7 years
Bold what applies to your muse.
Tagged by: @pxtionmaster, the bae
I am tagging:  @tolcveistodestrcy, @thedarklordofslytherin, @thegravemistergraves, @backandsiriuslyblack, @hischosenfaith and anyone else who wanna steal thi from me.
1.   smoking:   the  action  or  habit  of  inhaling  and  exhaling  the  smoke  of  tobacco  or  a  drug. 2. binge  drinking:   the  consumption  of  an  excessive  amount  of  alcohol  in  a  short  period  of  time. 3.  drug  abuse:   the  habitual  taking  of  illegal  drugs. 4.   nail  biting:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  anxiety/tension. 5.   lip  biting:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  anxiety/tension. 6.   night  owl:   a  person  who  is  habitually  active  or  wakeful  at  night. 7.   early  bird:   a  person  who  rises,   arrives,   or  acts  before  the  usual  or  expected  time. 8.   negative  attitudes:   a  philosophy  of  approaching  life  with  criticism &   pessimism. 9.   positive  attitudes:   a  philosophy  of  approaching  life  with  optimism   &   confidence. 10.   swearing:   the  use  of  offensive  language. 11.   superstitious:   an  irrational  belief  that  an  object,   action,   or  circumstance  not  logically  related  to  a  course  of  events influences  its  outcome. 12.   inspecting fingernails: a common body language sign of boredom. 13. scratching  your  neck:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  uncertainty. 14. foot  and  finger  tapping:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  stress/impatience. 15.   nose  touch:   a  subtle  body  language  sign  of  deceit. 16.   flipping  hair:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  craving  attention. 17.   twirling  hair:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  flirtation. 18.   cracking  knuckles:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  readiness. 19.   hands  behind  back:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  confidence. 20.   finger  pointing:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  authority. 21.   hands  on  hips:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  readiness. 22.  hands  in  pockets:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  mistrust/reluctance. 23.  frequent  touch:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  warmth/familiarity. 24.  throat - clearing:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  rejection/doubt. 25. jaw - clenching:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  hostility. 26.   eye - rolling:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  irritation. 27.   head - tilt:   a  common  body  language  sign  of  interest. 28.   whistling:   to  emit  high - pitched  sound  by  forcing breakthrough  a  small  hole  between  one’s  lips  or  teeth;   usually  to  a  tune. 29.   humming:   make  a  low,   steady  continuous  sound  like  that  of  a  bee;   usually  to  a  tune. 30.   perfectionism:   refusal  to  accept  any  standard  short  of  perfection. 31.   photographic  memory:   the  ability  to  remember  information  or  visual  images  in  great  detail. 32. paranoia:   a  mental  condition  characterized  by  delusions  of persecution,   unwarranted  jealousy,   or  exaggerated  self - importance,   typically  worked  into  an  organized  system. 33.   exaggeration:   a  statement  that  represents  something  as  better  or  worse  than  it  really  is. 34. intuitive:   using  or  based  on  what  one  feels  to  be  true  even  without  conscious  reasoning;   instinctive. 35.  quick - witted:   showing  or  characterized  by  an  ability  to  think  or  respond  quickly   &   effectively. 36.   interrupting:   breaking  the  continuity  of  a  conversation  with  one’s  own  statements. 37.  doodling:   to  scribble  or  make  rough  drawings,   absentmindedly. 38.   irritable:   having  or  showing  a  tendency  to  be  easily  annoyed. 39.   gambling:   to  play  games  of  chance  for  money;   bet. 40.   travel - sick:   suffering  from  nausea  caused  by  the  motion  of  a  moving  vehicle,   boat,   or  aircraft. 41.   sensitive:   having  or  displaying  a  quick   &   delicate  appreciation  of  others’  feelings. 42.   melancholy:   a  feeling  of  pensive  sadness,   typically  with  no  obvious  cause. 43.   chewing  gum:   the  exercise  of  chewing  flavoured  gum  which  is  not  intended  for  swallowing. 44.   fidgeting:   to  make  small  movements,   especially  of  the  hands   &   feet,   through  nervousness  or impatience. 45.  skeptical:   not  easily  convinced;   having  doubts  or  reservations. 46.  neat - freak:   compulsively  obsessed  with  cleanliness. 47.   gossiping:   divulging  personal  information  about  others. 48.  prim:   feeling  or  showing  disapproval  of  anything  regarded  as  improper;   stiffly  correct. 49.   abbreviating:   giving  others  nicknames/shortening  names/giving  pet  names. 50.   having  a  catchphrase:   having  a  sentence  or  phrase  typically  associated  with  a  specific  person.
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Resurrection || Backandsiriuslyblack
It had been two months, two very long, very lonely months since Sirius passed away. It was a death that Remus just couldn’t accept, it was unjustified in his eyes. It was bad enough they had been apart for twelve very long years, only for him to be snatched from him once again. To him, it was completely unfair, regardless of them being in the middle of a war. 
Remus had taken it upon himself to take over the basement of 12 Grimmauld place. He mourned a good week before he decided he had to do something. Amongst his travels and various jobs, he had heard rumors, rumors of ancient magic. This ancient magic could resurrect a being, but only if one had a strong bond with that being. The very kind of bond he and Sirius shared. The basement served as his base of sorts, where he set forth on his research, research he knew he had to keep hidden. 
It took him nearly two months to gather everything he required, and he had everything except for a body. There was no body for Sirius, the main most important thing to the spell. Luckily he had something close, hair, from when Sirius got pissed and chopped it all. Remus being a sentimental fool had saved it, and it was a good thing he did. 
Currently, he sat in the middle of the basement, focusing his energy, his magic, something he had learned in his research. Once his energy and  magic was built enough he recited the spell that he had worked so hard at memorizing. It was long, but he was desperate, he needed his soulmate. 
He focused on all their good memories, all the love he felt for him, the bond they shared. It was hard not to break concentration and just break down, but he had to give this his best shot, he had to at least try. Glowing energy swirled around him, lighting up the entirety of the basement. An overwhelming sensation washed over him, it was warmth, the same warmth he felt when he was with Sirius. 
The last of the words were recited, the energy peaked before it all subsided completely. It felt almost anticlimactic and he was deathly afraid of opening his eyes. What if it didn’t work? What if it was all for nothing? Did he get his hopes up? 
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girlyrunstheworld · 9 years
Tell Me
Put a “Tell me" in my ask and my character will answer…
If you snuck into my room I would:
[] Go back to sleep[x] Kick you out[x] Cuddle with you[x] Be like “How in the world?”[] Let you sleep on the floor[] Become angry
If you kissed me (or hugged, depending upon character/gender) I would:
[x] Kiss or hug you back[x] Smile and laugh[] Stiffen, and feel uncomfortable[] Push you away[x] Be shocked[] Strike you
If you asked me to go out with you for a day I would say:
[] No[x] Yes[] Most certainly not.[] Without hesitation.
You are:
[x] Cute[] Adorable[x] Attractive[] Beautiful[] Okay[] Ugly[] Am not going to grace this with an answer
You are to me a:[] Stranger[] Acquaintance[x] Ally[x] Friend [x?] Love[] Rival [] EnemyI find you to be:[] Pathetic[] Off no consequence[x] Intriguing [] Frightening [] Unsettling [x] Annoying [] Infuriating [] Pleasant company[x] Comforting [x]  Unable to be lived without [x] Trustworthy
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