#back to class 👋🏽
blackprivilege · 9 months
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[ID: Two uncolored sketches of my character Anase, a Black woman with shoulder length hair. The first sketch is very rough and just features a circular head with eye and mouth placements, and floating hands. The second sketch is more fleshed out - it is a side profile and her eyes are colored red with a large glow that follows all the way past the back of Anase’s head. The sketches are dated 9/20/2023 in red. (End ID).]
My idea is kinda like, ‘powers in action’ cuz I’d like to show that in an illustration.
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powerful-niya · 4 months
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Hello everyone! 👋🏽
How's life treating you? Been looking after yourselves? Missed me at all?
I'm sorry that I just ghosted you all. I just had to take a little break from social media, is all. Sometimes you just gotta step back and recharge, you know?
Anyway, let me just cut to the chase. I just posted a new Naruhina fanfic. Yes you heard me right. A New. Naruhina. Fanfic.
More specifically, a dark Naruhina fanfic.
Come check it out (link is here)
Like seriously haha.
Also, let me tell you briefly about what's going on with me during my hiatus.
Spring semester of college has started up for me, and let me tell you, it's been a real grind.
I've got fewer classes left before I graduate, but the workload hasn't lightened up one bit.
On top of that, I'm still involved in a bunch of clubs and working part-time, all while dealing with some personal and health issues. I've gotten sick two times already this year, and I even had to deal with a dental surgery not too long ago.
Life's been throwing a lot my way lately, but I haven't forgotten about you guys or my writing plans. Now that I'm back, I've got tons of stuff lined up, hot and ready to go!
I've put in the hours during my downtime, just writing a helluva lot. So get ready for some awesome content in the coming weeks!
I've missed interacting with all of you, so be sure to drop a comment and vibe with me.
Can't wait to catch up!
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acommonwhor3 · 1 year
Um, Hi 👋🏽. I know it’s been a while and I know ghosted y’all but, I promise I have good excuse. School and work have been kicking my ass. I also was sick last week (just a cold). But here she is chapter 3.
I hope you guys enjoy this. ❤️ I’ve been delaying it so much.
Co-wrote by @caammiiiiii
Disclaimer/Waring: Cursing and Implied drinking
Translation: Molo sithandwa sam- Hello, My love.
Links:Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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You hum along with the song as you finish getting ready for class. It’s been two days since Shuri texted you and you haven’t dared to answer. Every time you open your phone all you see is her notification, drawing you in to respond, to fold for them, and be with them. You don’t even know these girls, but you can’t help thinking of them. The way they carry themselves is so drawing to you. It’s 10, I need to leave. You look in the mirror one last time just in case your outfit needs any fixing. You were wearing a black long sleeved crop top with flared denim jeans, along with black air forces and a wide belt.
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As you walked to class you decide to text Kahliya and Kamryn.
💉Failed Abortions💉
I still haven’t texted her back 😞
Bitch, Be so for real
What did I tell Liya, she a pussy! 😒
Ok, since y’all wanna act smart.
What should I say then???
Hmm, Idk maybe? Yes it is, lets fuck! 😏
^^ Nothing wrong with being honest 🤷🏽‍♀️
No! ☺️
“Excuse me, is this the differentials equations class?” You say as you peek your head into the classroom. “Yes ma’am!” The teacher responded. “Could I get your name?” The teacher asked. “Oh yes. It’s Y/N ma’am.” You said as you took a seat. “Well class doesn’t start till 10:45, so I’m going to go use the restroom. I will be right back.” The teacher said as she left the class. You decide to put in your AirPods and take a quick nap when you feel someone slid into the seat next to you.
“Hey, babe!” Your eyes shoot open as you looked at the person next to you. It was Riri looking you up and down drinking in your skin. “Hi.” You say softly as you look at her outfit.
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“So why didn’t you leave with us at the party?” Riri said tilting her head to the side. Your eyes grew big. “What?” You asked trying to avoid her eyes. “I said, Why didn’t you come with us?” She said while quickly glancing at your lips. “I don’t understand.” You said with a nervous smile. “Y/N, my girlfriend told me you she saw you starting to follow us out the party. She also texted you, and now it’s like you are avoiding us.” She said with a knowing look.
“I’m not avoiding y-“ “Ok class, please turn your books to page 435. Y/N, here is your book.” The teacher said signaling you to come and get it. You quickly got up from your seat to get away from the conversation. With a quick thank you, you take your book and walk back to your seat. As you got closer to your seat Riri slipped a note on top of your desk. She glanced at it with a slight grin. When you sat down you read it and quickly turned to her. We aren’t done with this conversation Y/N. She looked at you with knowing eyes as you turned back around slightly panicking.
“Ok class, that will be it for today. Remember that office hours are canceled this week. Y/N, can I see you before you leave?” The teacher said as she packed up her things. “How was class today? I know it was the first lesson and I want to make sure you understand everything.” The teacher said with a smile. “Oh, I could understand the lesson today, I'm just having trouble with the ones I wasn’t here for.” You said. “Oh well, there’s a student in this class that has a perfect 100. Her name is Riri. I believe she sits next to you in class. I can give you her email if you need some help.” The teacher said as you two started to walk out of the classroom. “Oh I’m fine, I can get it myself.” You said with a nervous smile. “Alright Y/N, have a good day.” The teacher said walking off. “You too.” You said smiling.
As you started to walk to mess hall, you see Riri at the end. You turned around quickly but not quickly enough before she called your name. “Y/N, come here.” She said as she walked behind you. You don’t know why but something made you stop. You slowly turn around trying not to look her in the eyes. “Yes?” You said hesitatingly. “I told you we weren’t done talking. Let’s go to lunch, my treat.” She said as she caught up to you. “Where are you going? The mess hall is this way.” You said confused. “Just come on Y/N.” Riri said as walked away.
“Get in, I’ll drive.” Riri said as she unlocked her car. Where the heck is she taking me? The car ride was quiet until Riri’s kimoyo bead lit up. “Answer Griot. Hey, babe, we’re there.” Riri said as she glanced at me. “Ok, I’m already here. Let me know when you get here.” Shuri said. “Alright my love I will. Bye.” Riri said with a small smile. “Bye baby.” Shuri said ending the call. “She’s gonna be there too?” You said turning completely to her. “Yeah, she’s the one who said let’s go to lunch.” Riri said with a chuckle. “Why didn’t you tell me before.” You said. “Because I knew you weren’t gonna come if both of us were there.” Riri said pulling up to the restaurant.
“Ready?” Riri said as she started to get out of the car. “Not really?” You said hesitating to open the door. Riri leaned her head back in the car. “Are you nervous?” She says with a smirk. You nod quickly. “Oh come on Y/N, we don’t bite.” Riri said with a chuckle. “Unless you want us to.” She said with a smirk looking you in the eyes. “Exactly, why I’m nervous.” You said walking into the restaurant. “It’s ok, it’s just lunch.” Riri said as she slipped her hand on your lower back guiding you in. You both are greeted by The Dora Milaje. Why are they doing all of this? The restaurants, the names, the looks it’s all too much.
As you walk in Riri removed her hand from your back to walk up to Shuri. The loss of her touch makes you shiver a bit. “Shuri!” Riri said as she hugs her. “Molo sithandwa sam.”she said hugging her. You meet eyes with her as she hugged Riri. “Y/N, how are you?” She said as she gestured to a seat next to hers. I still can’t get over her accent. The way she says my name…Lord take me now. “I’m great, thank you for inviting me.” You said awkwardly. “Of course, we just want to get to know you more.” Shuri said as she flagged down the waiter. “We’ll take a bottle of Chateau D’Esclans Rose, thank you.” Shuri said before turning back to you. “Ok, before we get started, we wanna apologize for staring at you at the party.” Shuri said as Riri nodded agreeing. “It’s fine, I didn’t mind. I was just confused.” You said reassuring them. “So, I hate to ask, but why haven’t you answered our text?” Shuri asked leaning into her hands on the table.
“I-um.” You stuttered as you tried to make up a lie. “She’s been trying to avoid us.” Riri chuckled. “I haven’t, I’m just confused about why you both seem to be interested in me all of a sudden.” You said as the waiter poured your glass. “Thank you.” You whisper. “Well, Riri was the first to take an interest in you.” Shuri said as she gestured toward Riri, who winked. “I saw you in the painting studio one day and I had to tell Shuri about you.” Riri said with a smile. “And I definitely saw why.” Shuri said nodding toward you, making you get butterflies. “So, the date we had there was for me to actually get to see you.” She said as she sipped her wine. “We’ve never considered adding someone to this relationship, but when I saw you I couldn’t help but humor the idea.” Riri said as Shuri nodded.
“I um-“ You said, but Shuri cut you off. “You don’t have to answer right now, but just consider it.” Shuri said as she waved the waiter over. “We know this is all sudden, but we really like you, Y/N.” Riri said grabbing your hand. You sat in silence as you listend to what Riri and Shuri had to say. I don’t really have to consider it. I like them. But this is so different. Going out with the two of them huh? “Yes.” You say almost instantly after Riri finished. “Yes?” Shuri questioned. “Yes, however I would like to take things slow. I’ve never done this, so I’ll need time to figure out how this goes.” You say with a shy smile. “Oh don’t worry. We’ll take good care of you Y/N.” Riri says with a wink as Shuri nods with a smirk.
Tag List: @melodykisses @chidinma @rxcently @beautybyfire @kofforever @zestgodtj @sundownimup-1 @shuris-whore @shurisnewbabymomma @nightlife-things @kya-rose @yvxmpire @shuri-my-love @mocha-aya @doms_fav @lovely-livvie
~JM ❤️
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nights-legacy · 2 years
Good morning/afternoon/evening 👋🏽💙 can we please have some headcanons for class 1a with a reader who has a sea monster quirk? (like from the movie luca) for context, when the reader is dry, the appear as a normal human, but if any body part comes into contact with water, that part reverts back to its original form.
Hello! I hope you like this and I am sorry it took so long and not posting. I have been dealing with some personal issues for the past month and it has plagued my mind. I am getting better now and plan to start posting again.
I may make a part 2 later.
Sea Monster Quirk - Class 1-A x Reader (platonic)
Masterlist MHA Masterlist
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Sea Monster Quirk
Class 1-A:
• It wasn't until the day of the USJ incident that anyone learned the fullness of your quirk. You had been dropped in the water with Midoriya, Mineta, and Asui. They knew you had some type of sea quirk but were surprised to see you looking completely different. It came in handy with the villains surrounding the ship.
• Light blue scaly Skin with orange yellow and pink ombre fins. You have burnt orange eyes and your tail matches the Ombre of your scales. 
• Midoriya, being the quirk nut he is, asks you a million questions. He hasn't seen many quirks (in person) that have such a drastic physical change.
• Koda is Happy to have someone to relate to when it comes to animals since you can understand underwater animals.
• Mineta started to avoid you after he saw your teeth in your monster form. (You were elated & Kiri doesn't understand why he leaves you alone but not him though.)
• Mina loves that there is someone else in the class that has an abnormal appearance. But she also hates that she can't make up or dress up your monster form since when you dry off you go back to normal.
• The rest of the class is just curious about what is normal life for you. What do you eat?- Sato How cold or hot waters can you stand? - Todoroki Can you still be electrocuted if you live in water? - Kaminari You're not as dumb as a fish are ya? - Bakugou
• They also find it funny when you have a bad case of phantom tail. It was fun explaining that to everyone.
• On another note, the whole class backs you up when Monoma starts to make fun of you for your quirk. Such as calling you 'fish face' or being over dramatic with telling everyone to be nice to the fish or how terrible everyone is for eating fish in a mocking tone (Even though you still eat seafood. What else are you supposed to eat?).
• But Monoma eats his own words when he has to go up against you when Class A & B went to the USJ together. You could hear the rest of Class A rooting you on from the entirety of the building.
• The class also noticed that you changed when the tides changed or when the seasons changed. Sometimes it was your moods or sometimes it was your sea monster form. Your scales seem harder and deepen in color during winter and lighter in the spring.
• It was also revealed that you were more susceptible to actual fire. You can stand hot water but not actual fire. So Todoroki is often careful if he can be. Ever Bakugou has been a bit more careful around you, but he would deny it if asked.
• The one big thing you notice is that almost everyone has picked up on at least one little thing about you and do things to accommodate you. Like how Bakugou makes you a plate to fit your diet when it's his night to cook. Or when Kirishima gets water for everyone, yours has some salt in it after mentioning you like it better next to regular. Or even how Iida isn't pushy when you fall behind in running when he is running training in place of Aizawa, since you're a swimmer not a runner.
Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Okay okay…I’m not saying I don’t also want a drabble that shall not be named 👀 bc yes PLS. But I’d like to share with the class (I thought this was in friends but it’s in stay, so I can’t say justice for friends 🥲😂):
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(Can’t give it all away 👀…but rereading stay might be a nice addition to horny hours 👀😂)
Also I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again but why jealous 3tan yoongi when we have/can get more possessive 3tan yoongi 👀👀👀 (that’s basically the end result of him getting jealous anyways, we just get the best part without the petty behavior/insecurity 👀😂) like damn right reader is his (AND VICE VERSUS).
Okay I’ve said my piece. I have to slip away into my cave again 👋🏽😂
LMAO MIKAYLA bringing this gem back bc yes.. we do want the drabble that must not be named but is somehow always named during thirst hours kdlfjlkjf but yes! this did happen!! justice for stay, too!!
anyway.. your little scratched out section has some points in there. and he's matured a hell of a lot since reader last saw him so who knows, he could be completely honest about the whole not being the jealous type👀 him wanting to show reader off is a p good indication of his stance already.
dklfdksjf i think you are still in your cave but this gem needed to be released into the world even if i'm literal weeks behind :')) forgive me!
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halfmoondaze · 2 years
Hi. 👋🏽 I got a request, Jack is performing and you come to his show (your relationship is a secret) you get hurt in the crowd and he comes rushing down to you. You panic worried someone will obviously wonder why he’s coming to your aid but he assures you he doesn’t care he just wants to make sure you’re ok. 🥹
I Would Never Forgive Myself
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Jack was in the middle of performing his song when he noticed the whole energy of the crowd change. 
"Hold on, hold on" he said signaling his DJ to stop the music. 
He then proceeded to examine the crowd noticing something was not ok. Then when his eyes landed on y/n, he immediately walked off stage into the crowd where y/n was and rushed to her. 
"Babe babe are you hurt?" 
"I-I think I sprained my wrist" 
"Can we get security and get her out of here?" he said on the microphone. 
Fans created a path so security could remove Y/N from the crowd. 
Jack then walked back on stage. 
"I'm going to walk off stage, give us a minute everybody. We're going to make sure she's ok before finishing the set, ok?" 
"You guys are awesome" he said before walking off stage. 
The crowd starts clapping. 
When he walked backstage, he sees y/n arriving backstage with security and gets worried.  
“Jack, the paramedics are here” Neelam said rushing to him. 
Paramedics arrive and Jack and Neelam accompany Y/N while being escorted to the nearest medical aid point. 
“Jack you didn’t have to stop the concert for me, now everyone’s going to know we are dating” you said while getting your wrist bandaged by the paramedic. 
“Babe are you serious? You could have seriously got crushed out there in the middle of the crowd.
“But what about our relationship? Now everyone would know you’re not single”
“Forget about that, I would never be to forgive myself if you-“
“Hey, hey, it's ok” you said interrupting him mid-sentence and carefully pulling him for a hug. “I’m fine, thanks for helping me out” 
“Is anything broken?” he asked pulling away from the hug. 
“No, she just sprained her wrist. She’ll be fine” the paramedic said. 
“Good” he said kissing the top of y/n’s head. “Ok, from now on you’re staying at the side of the stage, so I can keep an eye on you. Front pits can get really crowded and I’m not putting you in any kind of danger”
“Ok” you softly said. “You should go back there” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, I’ll be fine” 
“Ok, but if you need anything just let me know” 
“I will” you said smiling at him. 
He pulled her in for a kiss and then walked back on stage.
Jack walks back on stage. 
"Are we good?" 
"Is everyone out here alright?" 
The crowd goes loud. 
"Ok, we're going to keep going"
"This next song goes like this...I've been a"
Then Jack starts performing “First Class” with the crowd singing along at the top of their lungs.
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alastorswifee · 2 years
Hey there 👋🏽 I just got out of high school and was wondering if we could have a little drabble of the turtles (2014) finding a way to see their friend graduate (maybe up in the rafters) and while y/n is feeling nervous, they spot the boys and wave at them before going up to get their diploma 💚
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You were nervous, extremely nervous and there’s no way of backing out and running away from this one..
You had told the turtles beforehand about your graduation and how nervous you are for the event. They all knew about how anxious you were for this, you were excited to graduate but at the same time an event like this was nerve wracking. 
Mikey would start to go on and on about how he wishes he could attend, the other turtles nodding in agreement as they knew how you felt about big situations like this and you confirmed it earlier on by telling them how nervous you are.
You would be sitting amongst the other students, sighing to yourself as you tried to calm your body down from the internal freak out. Your hands were a bit jittery and your mind was begging you to stay calm, you thought you could’ve done it but you can’t..there’s so much people. You would snap out of your thoughts upon hearing your name get called causing you to swallow thickly and slowly stand up, slowly walking to the front stage infront of your entire class.
You felt everyone’s eyes on you, you almost felt nauseous from anxiety as you shakily stood with your principal. You took a few quiet deep breaths, looking at the floor quickly. As you did so you could’ve sworn you heard almost a little whisper yell for you, is your anxiety making you hear things?
You would look up and your eyes would widen for a few seconds before softening, all four of your terrapin friends were up in the rafters of your school and watching you with proud smiles on their lips.
You felt your heart rate slowly calming down as well as your shaking, you smiled back at them and turned to your principal. Your principal would smile softly at you as you got presented your diploma, as your classmates cheered you also heard your four friends cheering as well. Your heart warmed, they actually came? You don’t deserve them..
After the event, you made your way to an area where you could meet the boys and hugged each of them tightly, asking them how they even managed to get up there and thanking them for coming.
They would all congratulate you on your graduation and tell you how they got up there, a new chapter was starting and you were so glad they were here to go for the ride with you.
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katsuchans · 3 years
hi👋🏽 I just love bakugou headcanons
And I was wondering if you could make it like if female Y/N have a weather manipulation quirk like storm from x-men series?
That would be good for this one
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a/n: omg hello! thank you very much and ahh, i haven't actually seen the x-men movies yet... rip.... so i just went with weather manipulation and i hope this one's good enough. also it got pretty long i am very sorry. i hope you're having a nice day!!!
being able to generate a cloud to hover on top of you and replicate various weather effects on it just with your mind is a pretty cool quirk to have— but the quirk also comes with its own inconveniences, and one of those is that the quirk is also triggered by your own extreme emotions.
you have to admit, you still have a lot of training to do in order to work your quirk to the best of its ability, both physically and mentally. and it's now like you're being left behind in class, but having bakugou as your boyfriend, you sometimes feel like you have a lot to catch up on.
"you just need to do extra mental training, y/n,"
bakugou says, taking a big bite of his sandwich. the two of you were lucky enough to be placed in the same hero agency for the internship program and today's patrol was pretty uneventful so you both decided to go grab some lunch first while you still don't have any provisional hero duties to attend to.
"that's easy for you to say, you're doing great already Great Explosion Murder God."
you groaned, face planted on the booth table, beside your milkshake that is long forgotten. you couldn't help but mentally beat yourself as you were reminded of how you almost accidentally blasted someone, an innocent civilian, off with a bolt of lightning just because he randomly pop out of nowhere to ask for directions. if it wasn't for bakugou's quick reaction, you would probably be facing probation, both from school and hero work.
"you keep slacking off your training, that's why you're not getting any better. why don't you just train with me?"
he asks, eyes focused on your helpless figure. not that you would notice, you don't even have the guts to look at him directly after the incident. you only responded to him with a small whining, dark clouds building up on top of your head.
"not here, you dumbass!" bakugou, with slight panic in his voice, immediately put his sandwich down and got up from his seat, "don't— don't do anything stupid! cheer up! i'll go get you your favorite burger, just wait here!" he immediately added.
that damn burger. if he knew any better, it was probably one of the reasons why you're feeling extra down. he didn't buy you your favorite burger because 'it might teach you a lesson to not slack off your next training', and now it has finally bit him back.
you finally sat up from your previous position, the dark clouds still hovering on top of your head. 'be careful with your feelings, y/n,' you repeated inside of your head. 'making a mess because of an emotionally induced rain isn't a good look,' you added.
and just when you were close to feeling a little bit better, you spot from the corner of your eye your boyfriend, holding a tray with your burger on it, and a girl who was standing a little bit too close to him, obviously flirting with him. if that wasn't enough to piss you off, the uncomfortable look on your boyfriend's very aggressive face did the job.
even with the usual noise of the customers, the low rumbling of thunder echoed throughout the fast-food place. bakugou's eyes widened in your direction, meeting your angry gaze. he pushed his way past the girl who was also terrified by the sudden rumbling, apologizing to the other customers as he made his way towards you.
"we really need to stop working on your quirk problems, geez."
he frowns, handing you your food which you gratefully took. you huffed at his words, the dark clouds slowly starts to fade away as you took a bite of the food you've actually been craving.
"i'm sorry, i just got jealous—" you mumbled quietly, avoiding his gaze.
"you're allowed to be jealous, dumbass." he replies, taking a bite on his sandwich again. "just as long as we figure out how you can feel things without it affecting your quirk."
"training, later, until curfew," he added right away before you could find an excuse to not train with him again.
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