#back on the gif making train ig πŸ˜”
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lizmitches Β· 3 months ago
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CORONATION STREET | 22.11.2024 β€œYou're right. It's not fair. And it's bloomin' painful. I know. But surely that's why you've got to find your way through it and out the other side, lovey."
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bnhxx Β· 2 years ago
Coming out of my shell to say that I'm petitioning to be Leon's annoying little sister
Some platonic sibling hcs under the cut!!
Warnings: Platonic! Au, a little bit of sibling violence and A LOT of sibling banter, mentions of ptsd, drinking and alcoholism and events in RE2 and RE4
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It's always I want him to rail me! I want his babies! And I can respect that I can I can but...have you ever considered being his annoying little baby sibling that adopts him as your new family member πŸ˜‡
Like yeah nah bro I wanna annoy him and tease him for having no rizz AT ALL and just all around annoy tf outta him 😀
Like he's an orphan but not AnYmOrE, scooping this traumatised boy up and making him WISH he never met you but also is weirdly protective you who "adopted" him as their "sibling", and now won't stop saying "point and laugh!" out loud everytime he does smth stupid in the middle of the office when hes back from a mission.
Like, please he just needs an annoying little sibling in his life, I know I can't fix him but by God can I be the annoying little sister he so desperately needs in his life
Like....I KNOW his heels have never known the wrath of MY FEET clipping his shoes up when he's walking too slow but he NEEDS to 😭😭😭 I need to post this and find my PEOPLE
Also I feel like being a sibling vibe you'd have tagged along as a civilian in RE2, also not knowing what the fuck was going on but hey, you're in this fucked up shit together now ig. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ And you have some family/friends out of state so after the event you take him to chill at a beach or smth w your family/friends bc you're both well deserving of a fucking break while this ptsd hits the both of you
n everyone talks about how fucking awkward he was w Sherry in game but ayo hes REALLY feeling it now...
Like you're joking when you're like "it's like you've never been to one of these Leon 🀨"
N he just looks at you like "Yeah I haven't 😐"
"You're like 😢....bro....you have now been absorbed.....as my older brother"
And he's like 🧐🧐🧐 at first bc what??? How do I interact w these ppl??? Why me???? but ofc they love him, he's RE2 Leon and although he's super fucking traumatised and still awkward asf he just wants to make a good impression on his friends' close ones
Also he's like sitting there like damn,,,,,I wish I had that πŸ˜”
So you're like wELP noW yoU dO πŸ€ͺ
And of course they're super grateful to him bc he saved you so they treat him nicely but he kinda gets that a lot so he's just like 🧍
So after you tell them hes now your older brother you've deemed it so πŸ€— they just start to treat him like that and he just, doesn't know what to do??? Do I salute them, (y/n)???
Do it make him salute them for at least three weeks until you tell him absolutely no one does that and he was stupid for ever believing you 😈
Tbh I feel like this would work for the first couple of times until he mentions it at work in passing n everyone's like 🀨,,,,so then the next time he sees you he just has that pissed off older sibling face and he's coming for you so you better have ran like you did in Raccoon City kahsjehs πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ’¨
But yeah after a while you guys stay in touch, he's training and drowning his pain with alcohol and you're trying to get him into more healthier ways of dealing w his pain as well as laughing at him kshsjdhsjs
your just sort of there to support him even when he's pushing you away bc no idiot I will not leave you alone when you're training I will watch and I will LAUGH when you fall. But I will also cheer you on when you win and give you my favourite hello kitty bandaid if you ever get hurt πŸ₯°
And he's super grateful?? Bc your like this stable sort of annoying person who's there for him no matter what.
Like he knows he can come to yours to crash if he's had one too many drinks to holds his hair when he's puking his guts out hungover.
Yes you are there in the morning to laugh and yell at him for being stupid but he also saw the glass of water you left on the couch next to the ibuprofen and chuck bucket for him. And the little blankets and they you always seem to have waiting on him when he arrives
Yes you will be there to do it all over again if he comes walking to your place after he's drunk again.
And Yes, you will also be there to show him all the dumb photos you took of him drunk on your Kodak once they get developed and cackle in his face 😈
He like actually learns to take a load off with you and relax a little bc you have a bond and you weren't just saying that when you took his ass on holiday, you really meant you'd be there for him and it means a lot to him bc he's never really had that stability in his life before πŸ˜”
Also bc the trauma bonding you just get him ✨️ like you can both relate to the horrors you saw and what you unknowingly found out about Umbrella.
Like maybe you work w him in the field or just as an archivist or smth but you're helping him w this cause too, dealing w the same or similar shit he's been dragged into so ofc you guys form a bond w each other.
And so by the time RE4 rolls around imagine you're like talking him through his mission on the radio n he's soo serious around Ashley and Luis so you can't help it you burst out laughing bc he's so stiff, and he's like THIS is a LIFE and DEATH siTuAtiOn now do your fUcKiNg jOb SeNd me tHe coOrDiNatEs
And you're like okay okay grumpy pants 😈 I'll give you the coordinates but you have to say pwetty pwease w a cherry on top for me πŸ₯°
If it were anyone else he'd turn the radio off and find it himself but bc he does care for you, and you're like the only stable platonic thing he's had in ages he's like cursing and swearing until he FINALLY caves in and does it
So you give him the coordinates and just as he's about to go back to almost dying your like "I got that recorded fyi" and he's just 😀😀😀 at Luis for no real reason other than his 'little shit of an adopted sibling' kwhsjshdhd
But also imagine randomly calling him constantly bc you're really worried for him bc this time your not there with him and it scares you
And he's like, I'm not dying here bc who else is gonna put up w your shithead behaviour??? n you're just like, 'aww Leon!! πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί'
So hes like 'yeah so stfu and let me do my mission 😀' but you swear you can hear the smile in his voice through the radio
OR if you're there, with him it's even MORE chaos kshdjdhdjdn
Like imagine Luis flirting w you n him being all protective older brother on you, n you're just like πŸ™„ siblings amirite, btw Leon that's a prime example of how to properly rizz someone up you loser πŸ˜‡ n your not running from ganados this time your running from him (again) πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ’¨
If you engage in sibling violence he's like, you haven't hit me once this whole mission n you're like, I'm giving you a vacation since we're running for our godamned lives out here n hes thinking like πŸ₯Ί my shins have never know rest like this before since I met you πŸ₯Ί
but he just gives you a little smirk 'heh' or some one liner and that's it he did it to himself his shins indeed do NOT know rest πŸ’€
Being teased by him more and more as he matures but dw, you're always there to annoy him back πŸ˜‡ and run tf away when he gives that older sibling look like he's about to wreck your shit for ever thinking of crossing him lajsjsjsbs
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destinyc1020 Β· 2 years ago
Thank you! I think you worded it perfectly. Like there is kind of this lack of empathy for Zendaya because she is rich and she will be fine, as if law is not also very rich. But the fact he didn't tell her beforehand is really not right. I get it was impulsive but I can't imagine being Zendaya and sitting in London and going on IG at the end of the day and seeint that. She probably was panicking and thinking something really bad happened and was worried about him and also probably shocked and upset. And then after all that to see the viral hate train go against her on Twitter, ig TikTok etc, to have hate comments on her IG and law to do nothing until like two days later??? I get law is a dramatic dude but none of that was fair to her, when she has been so loyal to him and like he said protected her. But I really feel law was just in it for himself.
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Like I said, we all love Law and have done so for so many years, so that's why this is so tough to say.... But sometimes you just have to call a spade a spade. πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ
I didn't feel like it was right at all for him to just totally blindside her (his biggest client and little sister) like that. πŸ₯΄ It wasn't right to do that to his other clients either, but at least with Z I thought they talked about everything. I guess not πŸ₯΄
Yea, like you said, I'm sure in the end she will be fine (she's Zendaya after all), and I'm sure PLENTY of stylists would be chomping at the bit just to get to be her next stylist (Personally, my first choice would be Jason Bolden since he's black and styles many high-profile celebrities), but that still doesn't negate the fact that the way Law handled this was just really kinda cruel. πŸ₯΄
What Law SHOULD have done (imo) was inform Zendaya and the rest of his clients beforehand that he was retiring, and THEN post it to his IG.
And in all honesty, what he really could have done was told Zendaya privately that he was THINKING of retiring. She could have given him some time off. Maybe he's still grieving his nephew's death.... that's all understandable. Grief comes in WAVES. Some days you're perfectly fine, and other days you're a hot mess and a bundle of emotions. πŸ˜” Little things can trigger you (ie. a memory, a photograph, etc). Like, I totally get all of that.
But he could have taken a much-needed BREAK, maybe even taken MONTHS off (if he needed to), then he could have come back with a more clear head, and then made whatever life-changing decisions he needed to make (if still applicable). πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ
I'm also still kind of miffed that he didn't just WAIT to post that retirement post. πŸ₯΄ He had FULL control over what he posted, and WHEN. This isn't like some paps photographed you one day against your knowledge and consent, and you had absolutely no idea some scandalous pictures of you were gonna come out to the public, so you didn't have time to warn anybody close to you lol. 🀣 πŸ˜‚
Like NO.... he had FULL CONTROL over WHAT he posted, and WHEN. 🀨
Personally, if it had been me, I would have deliberately waited weeks, maybe even MONTHS after the whole LV "no seat" fiasco in Paris before posting my "retirement", because now it just looks like you're retiring cuz you were mad and salty that you couldn't sit next to your client Zendaya at the fashion show. πŸ‘€
It would have garnered way less hate for his client Zendaya as well if he had just waited to release that announcement a little later until AFTER ppl forgot about the whole Paris thing, or at least after you and your client are seen working together on another event.
Everything is all about image in this industry, because everyday fans take little crumbs and run with it, creating a full on narrative, no matter how false it may be. πŸ™„ You have to ask yourself: "How is this going to look to other people?" πŸ€”
I just can't believe he let Zendaya go to London totally blindsided. πŸ˜”
He just didn't think of her feelings and mental health at all as far as I'm concerned. And I'm sorry, but I'm really just SHOCKED because that just doesn't seem like his character at all, but now I guess I know better lol πŸ˜…πŸ‘€
If I were Z I would tread REAL carefully with him. πŸ‘€ I know I don't have all the facts, and of course I have no clue what they've discussed since then, so my knowledge of the situation is clearly very miniscule, and I freely admit that. But for him to basically say out of his own mouth that he didn't tell her (like, we're not just ASSUMING things here.... like, he basically said it himself) is just.... wow. 😳
He just showed me that when stuff hits the fan, he's gonna think about himself and himself only πŸ‘€
Idk.... like I said, I were Z I'd keep both eyes open, that's all I'm saying. πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ
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atsubaka Β· 4 years ago
the type of dads they'd be
w atsumu, osamu, suna, sakusa, oikawa, iwa, kuroo, bokuto & ushijima
warnings: all characters are aged up (married), everyone has daughters cuz i'm soft for that kind of crap, and just domestic stuff ig
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✡ atsumu
ya know those types of dads your friends crush on? that's atsumu. whenever he picks up your daughter from kindergarten after training, your child is always surrounded by a mob of girls from her class - some were even from the higher grade levels πŸ’€ they'd squeal so loud when they spot your husband's sports car come into view, making your daughter think he's their dad. they would even gossip about how lucky you were, to have been married to the blonde and how you're probably not even that pretty πŸ™„ atsumu would be nice to these girls - thinking they were d/n's friends, while they were obviously only being chummy with you bc ur dad was a pro athlete. so d/n couldn't help but throw a dirty smirk their way when her dad carries her and gives her a kiss on the cheek. d/n's not sharing lol
bonus: imagine the look on those girls' faces when both you and atsumu pick up your daughter the next day. they thought u were a literal mowdel cuz u hot sis πŸ’… #powercouple
✡ osamu
perfect husband? mhmm. loving father? oh yes. i see osamu as the family type of guy, who's a super chill parent but isn't lacking in the disciplining department. he's fully aware of the spats he and tsumu had when growing up, so he knows how important it is to be fair in everything involving his twin girls. they want the same toy? samu will buy another one. a twin gets something the other doesn't? daddy osamu to the rescue. what he does have trouble diving equally however, is his attention. to your dismay, both of your girls are daddy's girls - and they'd always argue about who gets to his on your husband's lap, or play with his hair, and even help him make meals. it's exhausting, but your husband wouldn't want it any other way. they're his girls after all, but it doesn't help the fact that you sometimes compete with your kids over his attention lol.
✡ suna
your husband and daughter drive you insane. they're like the exact same person who honestly share the same brain cell. all they do is nap, nap, nap - and you guessed it! NAP 24/7 while you're left doing all the chores. bless ur poor back πŸ₯² you were pretty sure the both of them have atleast ten hours of sleep at night, sometimes a bit less for rin whenever he games with the miyas, but they always seem to be so tired. it also doesn't help that your husband is absolute trash at telling d/n off, so you're left to do all the disciplining. making you the "evil" parent while your daughter sees rin as her saviour. everytime there's an issue, it's always 2 against 1 (ur the minority babe) and you've had enough! when u start ignoring the both of them and giving them the "passive aggressive" treatment, u bet they got their act together and are now at your beck and call 😌
✡ oikawa
another one who just can't say no his darling princess πŸ˜” oikawa would spoil your daughter rotten, to the point where it becomes too much. anything she demands, he hands it to her on a gold platter. clothes, jewelry, toys, electronics, and even her own debit card πŸ’€ (may i remind u d/n's only 6) it's gotten to the stage wherein your daughter was growing up to be super stuck up and over her head. you tried putting her in her place, but the brat doesn't listen to you. lol she doesn't even listen to her father. but to be fair, oikawa doesn't even try scolding d/n, all she has to do is whine and throw out her puppy dog eyes and all is forgiven. but u know who can put your daughter in her place? uncle iwa-chan βœ‹ both your husband and d/n literally line up saluting whenever iwa comes over - courtesy to your invitation of course. after a few whacks to oikawa's head and a firm talking with d/n, the house πŸ‘is πŸ‘ in πŸ‘ orderπŸ‘ .... until they get sloppy and u call iwa again.
✡ iwa
finally, somebody you can actually rely on πŸ’€ Iwa's the ideal father figure, and any offspring of his can easily pass for a veteran's account. as ive mentioned in oiks's hc, iwa's an expert at dealing with spoiled children and adults so it's practically a given that he'll be the one doing most of the correcting when it comes to handling d/n. babe's a brat magnet i swear since this is iwa's child we're talking about, your daughter doesn't even have tantrums, even if she doesn't get what she wants. d/n's respectful, obedient, and everything oikawa's child isn't lol. despite being stern though, iwa's really soft with his family. he does d/n's hair and picks out her outfit for pre-school. after picking her up, he'll sometimes take her out for ice-cream, or if she does especially well in a test, he'll reward her by getting her something he knows she would like. 10/10 father material πŸ™Œ
✡ kuroo
good luck to d/n cuz this one's the type to embarrass his kid in front of other people. ya know those parents that demand a kiss when dropping off their kid? hm yup, this is kuroo. when his daughter refused to, man literally followed her outside and it's like time legit stopped when he dramatically called out d/n's name. other kids started whispering, so sucking up her pride, your daughter quickly gave her dad a kiss on the cheek, and turned to leave. but being the annoying piece of *censor* kuroo is, he turns her around and asked her to kiss his other cheek too cuz "it's not fair." ... yo, d/n's so done rn βœ‹ it's her first day of kindergarten and her dad's already messing it up. as well all know, kuroo's a dorky man, so yes - expect the dad jokes πŸ’€ he thinks he's so smooth, and d/n actually asks you if you regret marrying him. on the contrary, your daughter is very, very, very smart. she memorized the entire periodic table, knows how to explain the concept of acids and bases, reads about chemical reactions, and listens to chemistry podcasts. all at the tender age of seven years old πŸ’… so in a way, she does take after your husband.
that really fun dad every kid is jealous of. bo would be a very affectionate father, always squishing d/n's cheeks or spinning her around the living room. it's so precious how he loves showing your daughter off to his teammates, and buying her souvenirs from the places msby travelled to. they'll have this best friend dynamic where you're the third wheel 🀑 that doesn't mean they don't love you though! because they fight for your affections like all the time. like, if they went out somewhere together and you stay at home - they'll make it a race to see who could get to you first when they come back. they'll be such babies about it technically d/n is a baby, and bo's considered one too rip expect these two to always been hugging or whining for your attention. it's all fun and games until one of them becomes emo tho. yup, it runs in the blood so d/n inherited your husband's ridiculous mood swings. if one of them is in a bad mood, the other one who will quickly follow. ur starting to think it's a disease πŸ’€ better have akaashi on speed dial πŸ“²
✡ sakusa
he's super observant! he knows everything there is to know about d/n. from the curl of her hair all the way down to what shoe size fits her. he knows right away if something's wrong, so of your daughter comes home feeling sad, but tries her best to smile, believe me - he knows. sakusa wouldn't confront her about it head on, but would gently coax d/n into confiding in him herself. he understand how important space and patience is, so he implements this in his parenting. once d/n tells him about what's bothering her, he'll listen quietly to what she has to say. your husband may be the silent and aloof type, but you and your daughter bring out a completely different side to him. a side nobody thought even existed, so consider yourself lucky.
✡ ushijima
the type of dad that goes, "go ask your mother" whenever his daughter asks him for permission for something. dads are honestly more lenient than moms, so your daughter always goes to your husband first whenever she wants something, and this man - after being duped by d/n so many times before finally learned how to take a stand. little does your poor husband know... whenever she wants chocolate at night, or wants to stay up passed her bedtime she asked ushijima and when he'd bring up whether or not d/n's asked you for permission, she lies and says you have. toshi, oh poor, poor toshi, doesn't believe his sweet pumpkin to be a liar so he believes her πŸ₯² that is, until you arrive home and demand an explanation for all the mess.
taglist: @tetsuukuroo @amisuh @ebiharachan @kenmaslov3r
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