westvalleyfaultph · 8 months
Earthquake Rocks Northern Luzon, Triggers Class Suspensions and Safety Measures
Residents of Northern Luzon were jolted by a magnitude 5.4 earthquake, striking around 12:05 p.m. on Wednesday, according to state seismologists. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) reported that the epicenter of the quake was approximately 16 kilometers northwest of Pagudpud in Ilocos Norte. It was of tectonic origin, with a depth of 10 kilometers. Intensity 6 was…
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silurisanguine · 8 months
OC Questionnaire
thank you darlin! @fangbangerghoul I tag @code1r15 @lakritzwolf @eridanidreams @atonalginger @staticpallour @bearlytolerant @a-cosmic-elf @lisa-and-shadow @aro-pancake @sentryskyhawk @samcoesclub @vorchagirl and ANYONE who'd like to do this!! Ill shall do this for my main 3 as always. First up Seren Coe Jones
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Name: Seren (Coe) Jones
Nickname/chosen name: Star, Ren.
Gender: Cishet Female.
Star Sign: She doesn't know, living in the settled systems means earth zodiac mean nothing! Plus she is Starborn now.
Height: 5' 5"
Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality/ Ethnicity: Freestar Collective/Human
Favorite fruit: Plums.
Favorite season: The equivalent of warm autumn afternoons
Favorite Flower: Akilan bloodrose (aka roseblack bacarra)
Favorite Scent: Sam.....also rose and amber.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Any nice tea. Also loves a hot chocolate with all the trimmings
Average hours of sleep: tries for at least 7
Dogs or Cats: Cats
Dream trip: I mean she's a starship captain whose travelled the multiverse. A dream trip for her is a trip home and home is Sam.
Number of blankets: 1.
Random Fact: Her name is Welsh for star, an irony not lost on her now she is Starborn.
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Name: Zofie Orel
Nickname/chosen name: Sofia Croft, Zo, Bílá Ruka aka White Hand.
Gender: Cishet Female
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5' 7"
Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality/ Ethnicity: Welsh/ Caucasian
Favorite fruit: Crisp sweet nectarines
Favorite season: Spring
Favorite Flower: Wisteria
Favorite Scent: Vanilla and musk
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Anything as long as it's hot.
Average hours of sleep: 5
Dogs or Cats: Cats
Dream trip: A deserted beach on a warm tropical island, just the birds singing and waves lapping against the shore. A dream she knows she'll never have with her duty. She would love to see Rabi'ah though.
Number of blankets: 0
Random Fact: She took up jewellery making to rebuild her fine motor skills after she was augmented.
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Name: Kiara Aeryn Black
Nickname/chosen name: Kia, Little Magpie
Gender: Cishet Female
Star Sign: 18th Month of Songs under The Tusked Leviathan (Sagittarius)
Height: 5' 3"
Orientation: Straight
Nationality/ Ethnicity: Morlesian
Favorite fruit: Tyvian pear
Favorite season: Autumn
Favorite Flower: Blue hydrangea
Favorite Scent: Leather and freesia
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Sweet tea
Average hours of sleep: 8
Dogs or Cats: Cats
Dream trip: Cullero as it's full of rich tourists.
Number of blankets: 4
Random Fact: Her pale sage green eye colour is incredibly rare, the old ladies of her town considered her born heretical.
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nightlight-rising · 4 months
scrolled a bit so hopefully this isnt super late, buuut heres this!
🥭Share a snippet (3-5 sentences / 1 paragraph) of lore you wrote and give us the author's notes/director's commentary!
this answer is so late im sorry ToT i had a hard time deciding what to share bc honestly i kinda just.. dont write lore lol (most of it is just kinda basic/straightforward descriptive stuff) BUT HERE !! :
"Forgotten legend tells of an ancient minor deity; a God of Flowers known as the Darling of the Glades, whom the Gladekeeper loved dearly. The God was a peacemaker and entertainer known for her kindness and carefree nature. In a conflict between the plague and nature siblings, the God of Flowers stood before the Plaguebringer and sacrificed herself to save the flora and fauna of the Viridian Labyrinth."
- Exerpt from my Clan progenitor Anemone's lore
i've had the idea of Anemone being a shapeshifter with a special connection to the Gladekeeper for a while now, but haven't written her any actual lore until recently. A really long time ago (back when I first joined in 2016) i wrote a little bit about how Anemone and her mate Bacarra met, but I didn't really feel attached to that story at all and basically haven't thought about them until a month ago.
The concept of doomed relationships in general had been stewing in my brain around then, but for Anemone and Bacarra, I went with a more "i will find/love you in every universe" type thing, which for me made their relationship feel 1000% more compelling. From there I took elements like a sacrificial deity relationship and worldly memory loss (which i admit were both inspired by genshin impact iykyk) as well as a deity/worshipper relationship turned romance for Bacarra (which is also definitely not inspired by tgcf). What can I say, my favorite straight relationship troupe is "GOD I LOVE MY WIFE!!" (<- not to say their relationship is entirely straight when one is a genderless shapeshifting ex-deity)
Putting this into lore also helped me connect Anemone to the Gladekeeper more intimately and give her a more solid/direct reason to have beef with the Plaguebringer
anyway I think I rambled enough about this and tysm for sending the ask!! Someday I will be inspired to write more storylike lore for my Clan...
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perduedansmatete · 2 years
ce soir on a mangé chinois et bu un peu trop de rhum avant d'aller dans notre endroit préféré, le groupe qui jouait était un des meilleurs que j'ai vu dernièrement là bas, ça me faisait beaucoup penser aux black keys et ça m'a donné envie d'aller les voir en concert. il y avait une armoire à glace à côté de nous qui était trop bizarre, il aimait bien mimer une guitare je crois ? sauf qu'il nous regardait à chaque fois étrangement et qu'il le faisait assez bas pour que ça ressemble plutôt à un mime de branlette, c'est pourquoi au bout d'un moment j'ai crié en toute discrétion (non) "j'en peux plus de le voir jouer avec sa bite" pendant un demi silence (évidement). ensuite on a rencontré des gens et je ne sais plus pourquoi j'en suis venue à leur montrer mon talent pour faire le dindon, c'était ridicule mais une fille qui faisait très bien le dauphin a été impressionnée par mon talent fou. puis est arrivé le super ami que je m'étais fait la dernière fois, pile au moment où le dj set débutait, on était très bien tous les quatre puis on est devenus super potes avec d'autres mecs très sympas, d'ailleurs deux d'entre eux ressemblaient atrocement à preston et manolo dans lou! mais sans les slips en fausse fourrure (dommage). comme la dernière fois je me suis quand même dit que ce super ami était vraiment très attirant et à un moment j'ai senti son regard un peu changer, je ne sais pas si j'ai rêvé ? quand on s'est retrouvés tous les deux il m'a dit que c'était tant mieux, son regard n'était toujours plus le même qu'avant et j'avais plus vraiment l'impression qu'on flirtait pour de faux, je me suis sentie toute petite. peut-être que je n'ai pas rêvé. puis un peu avant qu'on parte il a pris très fort ma main dans la sienne, j'avais l'impression qu'il voulait me garder mais peut-être que je me suis fait des idées, j'aimerais pas et en même temps ça serait nul que ce soit réciproque et qu'il ne soit pas un super pote de soirée, j'aimais bien l'idée. malgré tout ça m'a fait du bien d'être attirée par quelqu'un d'autre, le reste je verrai plus tard, quand ma voix sera revenue (on a définitivement trop crié sur bacarra)
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speciosuspoematis · 2 years
@charmingbrute // Con't
As the man was presented with a single black bacarra rose from a bouquet, he immediately took notice of its freshness and the delicate fragrance it emitted. Though he had not been previously introduced to the person offering the rose, he had seen them around and heard whispers from their peers regarding their perceived 'failure'. In an act of impulsive protectiveness, he used the grip of his cane to prevent the giver from leaving too soon, for he deemed their conversation unfinished. He expressed his gratitude for the rose, but his tone held a hint of reprimand, as he felt it was impolite for the person to simply depart without further discourse.
Despite the negative opinions of others, he felt a sense of curiosity and intrigue towards the individual, and he was determined to uncover more about their character through a conversation.
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"Leaving so soon, aren't we?" he replied, the tone of his voice almost cold. He shouldn't be here in Elpis to begin with as he has no role to play here. "Ease up. I will have your name. I know it, but introduce yourself to me, will you?"
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As swift as the obstruction of a cane presenting itself, was the inhale drawn at speed through ones nostrils - a rapid pounce in the pacing of heartbeats easily signifying the unexpected nature of the forced pause. Startled and surprised, wide and pale eyes (near glossed with a permenant sense of melancholy and fear) turned toward his company though no words yet came from parted lips.
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"Achaeus." His reply is accompanied by the movement of his gaze to the ground nearby: "My apologies... Most do not wish to stop for conversation. I meant no disrespect, Ser."
And for good reason: if the fellow now within his company knew his name then it was easily conceivable to presume he knew his history. Most wished not to linger near those drenched in sadness and weighed down by immense onlooker disappointment. Heavens knew his parents never held back their harshness, regardless of whom they were talking to about him. Mayhap 't was why he scarce left Elpis: at least there he had a sense of belonging and home among the plants and quieter creatures.
"Is... Is there aught I may help you with-?" For it was, after all, only polite to ask and Achaeus had interrupted his company's day by handing him a rose - all in the festive spirit, yes, but still -
In fact - he'd been the first to actually accept one such offered flower, even if countless others had been offered.
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fafer5 · 2 years
Just a quickie.
My top 3 favorite warlocks in no particular order; Shadow, Bacarra, and Eames from Charmedverse.
That's all. Thanks.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Baccarabit Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Baccara (A type of rose that’s very dark in colour) and Bit Classification: Rose Dragon Pokemon Type: Grass/ Dragon Evolution Method: Evolves into Baccarafern at Level 30 Flavour Text: It often hides in bushes hoping to not be perceived. When it is however, it attacks violently with it’s horn.
Name: Baccarafern Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Baccara (A type of rose that’s very dark in colour) and Fern Classification: Rose Dragon Pokemon Type: Grass/ Dragon Evolution Method: Evolves from Baccarabit at Level 30 and into Baccarathorn at Level 60 Flavour Text: It hides in bushes and exposes its colourful back petals to attract Bug Pokemon and then spears them with its horn when they get too close. An easy meal.
Name: Baccarathorn Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Baccara (A type of rose that’s very dark in colour) and Thorn Classification: Rose Dragon Pokemon Type: Grass/ Dragon Evolution Method: Evolves from Baccarafern at Level 60 Flavour Text: It actively runs after prey now, which has expanded beyond Bug Pokemon. It’s thorny tail can stretch and catch fleeing prey in an inescapable constriction. The thorns then quickly do the prey in.
Thorn Storm Grass Physical 100 BP / 85 Acc / 10 PP Baccarathorn’s Signature Move. It spins furiously, releasing a barrage of thorns at the opponents. This attack then splinters causing damage to the opponents every turn.
(The rose petals that adorn this line are a mixture between Bacarra and Rock n' Roll Roses!)
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naughtydynamite · 2 months
I can’t commit to posting anything. I tried and that blog just ended up collecting dust. So now I’ve started a new one with my favourite lyric from the Bacarra song ‘Sorry I’m a Lady’.
Hello :)
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allstarph · 4 months
Top 5 Historical Churches in the Philippines that Stand the Test of Time
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Since the Spanish colonization era in the Philippines, various churches have risen nationwide. Though many of these churches have experienced their fair share of wear and tear, historical churches in the Philippines are still standing strong.
List of Historical Churches in the Philippines
Spain’s colonization of the Philippines spanned over three hundred years and had lasting effects on the country’s culture. Their influence is still evident today in Filipino tradition and structures. This article aims to explore a list of historic churches in the country due to Spanish colonization.
Parish Church of San Agustin of Intramuros
Located in Intramuros, this parish is known to be the oldest church in the Philippines, constructed with stone. Originally, the church was built on bamboo and nipa leaves in 1571. However, due to its weak structure, it was destroyed by typhoons and strong winds. In the year 1586, a resolution was made to build a church with a stronger structure using adobe stone. Large stone slabs were cut from quarries in various places like Guadalupe, Meycauyan, and San Mateo, Rizal.
Additionally, the parish’s design and structure were designed by architect Juan Marcias on the intersection of Calle Real and St. Lucia Street. From its construction in 1587, the church took several years to complete until 1607.
Paoay Church, Ilocos Norte
This historical church in Ilocos Norte was completed in 1710 and recognized as a National Cultural Treasure and UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is popular for having twenty-four large buttresses on its sides and back. The church’s pyramid-like structure makes it so distinctive from other parishes in the country. Moreover, its architecture showcases the earthquake baroque style due to its thick walls made of coral stones and bricks. This style is popular among historical Philippine churches to minimize the effects of earthquakes.
Additionally, the church stood as an observation post by Katipuneros during the revolution by guerrilleros against the Japanese. It has seen its fair share of catastrophes in Philippine history, from surviving natural destruction like earthquakes and typhoons to serving as war headquarters for Filipinos.
Parish Church of Saint Joseph of Baras, Rizal
Another historical church in the Philippines is located in Baras, Rizal. Originally, it was built in 1595 by Franciscans after Aetas burned down the area as an act of rebellion. After the Aeta’s retribution, the town moved to Ibayo in 1636 but returned to its current location in 1682.
The inside of the church has also been preserved with its original external structure. The interior boasts exposed wooden trusses supporting the parish’s roofing. However, the church is unlike other parishes that showcase decorated ceilings since these are not popular in the area. Visiting this church will surely make individuals feel like they are traveling back in time.
Bacarra Church, Ilocos Norte
This church has been included in the list of historical Churches in the Philippines. Visitors can visit this church museum in its former convent, which stores religious and cultural artifacts and other archival images and documents. Moreover, this parish is known for the Torres di Bacarra or its “beheaded” belfry. It is also another National Historical Landmark and a National Cultural Treasure.
The Torre di Bacarra was once one of the highest buildings in the Philippines, with an original design of a sixteen by sixteen-meter base and fifty meters tall. It was once the highest bell tower in the country until earthquakes damaged the structure. The ruined parts of the tower remain untouched and are now filled with beautiful greenery.
Majayjay Church, Laguna
Originally built with plywood, its original structure was not made to last. The current structure of the Majayjay church has Romanesque roots and is two hundred feet long, fifty-six feet wide, and fifty-four meters high. The parish boasts three stories, and at the highest point is a triangular pediment paired with a circular window. It was originally built in 1649 and has been renovated ever since. Today, the parish has azulejo tiles, a glazed and colored Spanish tile.
This church is also declared a National Cultural Treasure by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCAA). Augustinian missionaries spearheaded the structure, partly burned in 1660 and restructured in 1707. Furthermore, it served as an American base during the Filipino-American war and was once restructured in 1912.
Final Thoughts
There are still numerous historical churches in the Philippines to this day. These churches have witnessed numerous strides in national history and culture. They are now more than safe spaces for believers; they are also testaments to Filipino architecture and tourist spots. That said, they always showcase the popular designs in those areas when they were built.
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dyaryobagwis · 7 months
Japan nag-donate ng delivery truck sa Ilocos coop
Nagkaloob ng P2.6 milyong pondo ang pamahalaan ng Japan para ibili ng refrigerated truck na magagamit para sa paghahatid ng mga ani ng maliliit na magsasaka sa Ilocos Norte.
Ipinagkaloob ni Japanese Ambassador Kazuhiko Koshikawa ang grant contract sa Bacarra Multi-Purpose Cooperative sa isang programa na ginanap sa kanyang tanggapan sa Makati City kamakailan.
Umaasa umano ang opisyal na ang pilot project na ito sa nasabing kooperatiba ay makakatulong sa paghahatid ng sariwa at kalidad na mga produkto sa mga konsyumer.
Hangad ng Japan na matulungan ang mga maliit na magsasaka upang madagdagan pa ang kanilang kita.
Pahayag pa ng Japanese ambassador na hangad nila na ang inilunsad na proyekto sa Ilocos Norte ay maging daan para sa pagpapatupad ng “temperature-controlled supply chain” sa buong Pilipinas.
Dumalo sa signing ceremony si Ilocos Norte Governor Matthew Marcos Manotoc.
Nangako rin si Koshikawa na ipagpapatuloy ng Japan ang pagbibigay ng suporta sa pamamagitan ng kanilang Official Development Assistance (ODA) at tulungan na makamit ang pag-unlad ng bansa.
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aoabmur65 · 1 year
ti napapintas a sanga ti jollibee bacarra road, siudad ti laoag.
[nabulod dagiti ladawan a nausar iti EGM Productions]
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11yearsinthemaking · 1 year
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December 12-15, 2022. First ever out-of-town with wobi! Went to Ilocos Norte and La Union with my high school bffs. 
Its quite funny how just after a week of dating, I was already able to bring robi to my home town. That’s something na never ko nagawa with my past relationship (8 years yun ha, pero never siya nakarating sa Ilocos). We stayed at our ancestral house in Bacarra (it was actually kinda scary). But aside from the slightly scary accommodation, we were able to have a good time. 
We spent our days swimming the beach in Pagudpud, going on a 4x4 adventure in Paoay, eating empanada by the plaza, going on a short hike to Tangadan Falls in La Union, learning how to surf (I didn’t cause I have to look after our inaanak), and chilled at our airbnb while drinking and doing karaoke all night, before heading back to Bulacan. 
We were all so exhausted by the end of our trip but, everything was perfect (except for our accom talaga in Ilocos huhu, so scary). With beautiful views of the beach and mountains, plus good company, what else can go wrong? Nothing.
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vulpineocs · 2 years
The twins, Duchess Roseli Sophia Bacarra and Lady Alice Isobel Bacarra.
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Alice is actually the oldest twin by a minute or so, but she never wanted power like her sister because she was taken from her family at birth. Juliette and Roy, her parents, grieved their child heavily because she was believed to be stillborn but was actually stolen by one of their servants. Alice used the Madness Network and her ability as an Oracle to find her way home to her family later on when she'd been Embraced and thanks to her father's ability was re-Embraced into Clan Lasombra as a Flower of the Abyss.
Roseli was trained for power and nobility from birth, and as a result has always been close to her parents and to her nature as someone who was taught for the Embrace since she was a child. Instead of instilling more Humanity based traits in her, Roy taught her the dark arts of the Lasombra and to be clever and cunning just as her sire was. She was Embraced after having children of her own as an adult, and despite her quick temper is very intelligent and good at what she does, from working in business and combat to making a name for herself as one of the Sheriff's Hounds in the French court.
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nightlight-rising · 6 months
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do u love the color of the dragon
(In order: Bacarra, Clementine, Alani | Emerald, Seager, Flaunt | unnamed coatl, unnamed spiral, Etera)
original dragon rainbow post by crying-dragons
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charmingbrute · 2 years
Is Acheus flushed a vibrant red as he offers out one of the bundled bouquets, specifically one made of black bacarra roses? Absolutely. Does it stop him fleeing quickly afterwards to go back to tying the others, pretending nothing has happened? Absolutely not.
//speciosuspoematis 💙
As the man was presented with a single black bacarra rose from a bouquet, he immediately took notice of its freshness and the delicate fragrance it emitted. Though he had not been previously introduced to the person offering the rose, he had seen them around and heard whispers from their peers regarding their perceived 'failure'. In an act of impulsive protectiveness, he used the grip of his cane to prevent the giver from leaving too soon, for he deemed their conversation unfinished. He expressed his gratitude for the rose, but his tone held a hint of reprimand, as he felt it was impolite for the person to simply depart without further discourse.
Despite the negative opinions of others, he felt a sense of curiosity and intrigue towards the individual, and he was determined to uncover more about their character through a conversation.
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"Leaving so soon, aren't we?" he replied, the tone of his voice almost cold. He shouldn't be here in Elpis to begin with as he has no role to play here. "Ease up. I will have your name. I know it, but introduce yourself to me, will you?"
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f4d3dg1rl · 2 years
Lo único que me hace seguir con vida es imaginarme a mí siendo drag poniéndome diversas canciones como "Yes sir I Can boogie" de Bacarra, "By the Firelight" de Matilda, "Lobo Hombre en París" de la Union, "Stay High - Remix"... Mira esto es una gilipollez, ¿Qué coño hago con mi puta vida? Osea hace nada estaba pensando en puto morirme, de que tengo mil problemas mentales (que los tengo) y ahora he interactuado con mi amigo porque contexto (hoy me he alejado de mi grupo de amigos y de la sociedad en si porque necesitaba estar sola no se que...)
////GR4V3 3RR0R 1MB3C1L 4D1CT4 4L 4UT0S4B0T4J3/////
Y claro el al hablarme ha sido como que derepente he cambiado el chip y he actuado normal en plan como si no me pasará nada. Alomejor es un escudo q tengo o alomejor es que estoy exagerando todo porque claro yo me hice una prueba cerebral por otros dramas que no tiene que ver con la ansiedad sino con mi párpado caído y ahí ponía que no le pasaba nada por lo que me note que he vivido en una farsa toda mi vida.
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