Welcome to my blog! As it says in the title I am a baby vulture, but I’m excited to learn all about the vulture world! I do have a few bones/skulls in my starting collection so get ready for pictures! Thanks for stopping by!
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taogirl42 · 2 years
Baby Black Vultures
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Found in an abandoned tobacco barn while out adventuring with my older brother (no, we were not trespassing -_- )
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davepryor72 · 6 years
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“Foxes and Vultures” - the theme for the one year anniversary of WATERCOLOR WARRIORS - our once a week watercolor practice group at SciGames. Started by 2 super talented guys that simply enjoyed and wanted to practice painting, Joe Feliciano @thehorsepuppy and Joe Merideth @jomer71. Since then, the crew has grown to a swell family of artists, always ready and eager to paint. This theme was chosen today because these are the first animals that the 2 Joes chose to illustrate. Kudos Joes! Thanks for the spark of inspiration, keeping the #watercolorwarriors torch shining bright, and keeping the fun themes coming every week! ✍🏼💦✨ - @thehorsepuppy @jomer71 @gergonzola @kyrstinavello @nancywiebel @nixartpix @tylerdantuma @1adycupcake @elahay @periscopehorse @satihart @c.louis.baruffi - #fox #🦊 #vulture #watercolor #watercolorwednesday #watercolorpainting #watercolorpractice #lunchtimeart #curiousfox #babyvulture #watercolorillustration #davepryor
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prettydeadstuff · 7 years
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I don’t remember if I have posted this before, but I found it in my drafts :“’) I drew this in my art book at school when I was a tiny child. It appears to be someone with a pocket full of eyeballs processing a pig and labelling the body parts. #BabyVulture
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sproutfavorites · 4 years
How can anyone think vultures are not cute?? This baby California Condor wants to know (Photo by Tim Huntington)#babyvultures #lovevultures pic.twitter.com/I6u87Eb5gY
— Foxfeather Zenkova (@foxfeather) January 15, 2020
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murderofcro-ws · 5 years
Favorite tweets: Someone is being very good and handsome, staying on his baby basket while we clean for houseguests. #babyvulture pic.twitter.com/kgBq923LPy— Foxfeather Zenkova (@foxfeather) December 14, 2019
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bad-latte-art · 11 years
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fetal swan. baby vulture. skeletal duckling.
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