#babycorn getting a small crush hitting her like a truck and getting hit by all the emotions my beloved
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hqmillioncorn · 6 months ago
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Dilly dally Shilly shally
With one last pull Babycorn finally managed to pull the helmet off her head. Somehow her hair had managed to become even messier under it. There was probably no harm in taking it off now, neither her or Butter were going anywhere at this point.  “I hope we don’t get in trouble for this…” Butter was sitting next to Babycorn, his helmet at this point was off too.  “I think it’s gonna be okay!” Babycorn smiled. “I think Lunya is gonna be real impressed that I crashed on top of a tree!”  “Maybe…Especially since it's the only tree around here.” Butter looked all over while adjusting himself on the branch he and Babycorn were sitting on.  “Oh!” Babycorn bounced up and down, grabbing Butter’s arm without any warning. “Look! Look! Isn’t the sunset pretty!!?” 
ffxiv write day 1: steer with @windupnamazu 's Butter and also Pancake cinnamon and lunya
something about the beach and a cool motorcycle.? and babycorn continuing to think shes dying of a mysterious disease Takes place during dawntrail but i have no idea when ahaha
Babycorn proudly watched as Cherrypit added the finishing touches on his sand castle again. “Ta-da!” Cherrypit cheered as he finished placing a small rock on top of his latest magnum opus entirely made out of wet sand.
He crawled over to his sister and poked her arm to let her know he was all done and that she could open her eyes now. 
“WahHuh?!” The easily startled Babycorn let her arms drop as she nervously looked around for any sign of danger. There was a part of her that forgot for just a moment that they were on a beach just having a nice time.
“Bebe! Bebe!” Cherrypit cried out to her.
“...Huh? Oh! Hi Cherry!” 
Cherrypit smiled and gestured over to his sand castle that could very well be described as a sand lump instead. “I’m all done!” He poked a hole in the side of the castle. “Look! Look! All done!” 
Babycorn’s eyes sparkled with pride as she looked at her brother and his marvel of modern architecture. “Woaaah! Cherry good job!! It looks great!” Babycorn cheered and clapped and in response Cherrypit began to clap alongside her. “Good job! Good job!” Cherry happily cheered along.  
“It looks almost good enough to eat!” 
Cherrypit instantly stopped and gave her a very familiar look. Babycorn immediately recognized it as the same kind of expression that Lunya would give her when she was about to eat something she wasn’t supposed to. 
It was a look that Babycorn was very used to. Especially since the real Lunya was also giving her the exact same look all the way from her beach chair.
Babycorn crossed her arms and pouted, “...But I won’t eat it cause sand isn’t for eating.” It felt like lately she couldn’t eat any yummy stuff! Not some glowy plants, the rocks in the ocean or even the ocean water itself! 
It was no fun…
Both Lunya and Cherrypit nodded in unison. 
Then on cue–and before Babycorn could ask Cherry if he wanted to go get ice cream because she was suddenly really craving a snack, he began to giggle mischievously to himself. There was a twinkle in his eye as he stared down at his sand castle. 
Babycorn knew what was coming and quickly covered her eyes with her hands. 
With a joyous squeal Cherrypit jumped on top of his sand castle, squishing it down to nothing but sand. “Yay! Yay! Yay!” He grabbed huge piles of sand in his hands and threw them up in the air, kicking up sand everywhere at the same time.
Currently this was his 28th sand castle this morning alone. 
Cherrypit let out a cute growl as he continued to play around in the sand. He was probably imagining himself as a huge monster or something.
At this point Babycorn figured she was in the clear and uncovered her eyes. Years upon years of painful sand in her eyes had taught her the exact signs of when her precious baby brother was finally done rampaging around. 
When next she looked, Babycorn saw Cherrypit drawing a face in the sand. He stopped to look at her and then down at his drawing, “Bebe!” He pointed at her and then went back to drawing. 
“Oooooh!! That’s me?!” Babycorn squealed. “That’s so cute Cherry!” There was no doubt that after drawing her Cherrypit would go on to draw all their other friends–Babycorn was more than ready to go call them over one by one to show them her brother’s artwork. 
Speaking of her friends…
“I wonder where Butts is…?” Not like she was always catching herself thinking about him lately (ahaha) but it was a little strange to see Pancake and Cinnamon around without Butter too. There was a little worrywart in her head wondering if something happened to him. 
Thankfully Babycorn’s natural airheaded-ness was a great countermeasure for that. Because as soon as she found herself worrying–something else would catch her attention and instantly distract her. At least until the next time she began overthinking.
This time the distraction happened to be the sound of a motorcycle engine. 
“Whuh?” That was incredibly specific. 
Babycorn looked over to where she knew there was no sand and noticed something strange. A whole motorcycle! Not only that-! There was someone getting off of it. Babycorn didn’t recognize them at first but once they took off their helmet it was clear who it was. 
The two bunny ears on top of his spiky-haired head was a dead give away. 
“Butts?!” Babycorn gasped out loud. “Wha-?! B-Butts?!” Something in Babycorn’s head was short circuiting. Apparently. 
Cherrypit heard what his sister had said and sat up. His hair was covered in lumps of wet sand and his shirt was an absolute mess. “Butts? Butt?” He whipped his head in all sorts of different directions to see who his sister was talking about.
Then he noticed Pancake and Cinnamon run past him. “Butter! You made it!” Pancake yelled out to him.
Cinnamon, who was slightly sunburned, was seconds away from strangling him with her small fairy sleeves. “FINALLY!! You have to promise to never forget the sunscreen again!!” She said through gritted teeth.   
Pancake rolled her eyes, “You’re the one who said you didn’t need it!” Meanwhile, Pancake had waited for her brother under the semi-safety of some cool shade. 
“How was I supposed to know?!” In Cinnamon’s defense she did usually spend her free afternoons baking inside of a hot oven. The sun should have had no effect on her but her creator must have never accounted for Turali weather. 
Cinnamon flapped her wings in aggravation. “Enough speculating! Hand it over!!” Butter held out the sun screen and Cinnamon instantly took it and flew far away from the sun. It caught both siblings off guard. “Hey!” Pancake chased after her, “I need it too! You better not use it all or I’ll tell Butter!”
Butter began to quickly untie his shoes to change them up for a pair of flip-flops. At the same time however, he couldn’t help but try and help.“U-Um I mean if you’re already sunburned I don’t know how it’s going to-Whuh?” Something stopped Butter in his tracks.
He looked down to see Cherrypit pulling on his shorts.  Cherrypit looked up at him with his huge empty white eyes. “BaButts!” He smiled and pulled up his shirt collar to chew on it. 
Butter picked Cherrypit up and gently took the shirt out from the toddler's mouth. “Try not to bite on that okay?” Probably not until he could get a clean shirt on. There was usually nothing anyone could do to stop Cherrypit from biting something. 
Then all at once it hit Butter. The cardinal rule of life itself, something that had only been proven wrong about four times in the history of time itself.
That being; If Cherrypit was somewhere it meant that Babycorn was close by. 
Before Butter could do anything he felt a certain someone grab both his shoulders and turn him around. In just the span of five seconds he found himself from facing the beach to looking Babycorn in her sparkling, heartstopping-ly cute eyes. “Hi Butts!!” She yelled into his face as if he wasn’t standing right in front of her. “I was wondering where you were!” Babycorn continued to yell very loudly.
Butter staggered backwards, his face beginning to turn a familiar shade of pink. “I-I-I was just stopping by the cabins to bring some sunscreen over since we forgot some!” In no time Butter managed to compose himself again. He had grown a lot over the years and that also meant he was able to hide his flustered feelings about Babycorn a lot more better than usual.
But that hardly meant anything when Babycorn had the tendency of sneaking up on him and throwing all of that growth for a loop. 
Butter took Cherrypit and set him down on the ground. He smiled as he watched Cherrypit run over and hug Babycorn’s leg. “Cute swimsuit by the way!” Butter froze as soon as he realized the words that left his mouth. 
For better or for worse Babycorn didn’t even hear what Butter had told her, as her short attention span had already become enraptured by something else. 
As Butter began to think of any words that could have rhymed with swimsuit he noticed that Babycorn was hovering around his motorcycle. “Woah!! What?!” She poked and put her hands all over it, almost like she couldn���t believe it was real. “You have a motorcycle?! Since when?!
Butter opened his mouth to answer her but before he could Lunya (who had not been listening in with everyone else on that beach) helpfully chimed in. 
“I can answer that! Butter bought one right after you said that you were a big fan of motorcycles!” Lunya winked. 
“No I didn't! Don’t listen to her!!”
Babycorn wasn’t sure which of her friends to believe. She wanted to believe both of them. “It does look a lot like the one I saw in my dream where Hildi rode one into the sunset…” Though her describing that dream in great detail to Butter probably had nothing to do with it. 
“It sure does doesn’t it?” Lunya giggled to herself. 
Butter gently pushed Lunya out of frame and out of the next few following paragraphs, “Okay! Thank you Lunya! I love and appreciate you–pretty please let me handle this!” 
When Butter turned back around he saw Cherrypit biting a part of his motorcycle. He was hanging off it just using his shark-like teeth. Permanent markings on his motorcycle aside, Butter didn’t really mind. 
Honestly something like that was bound to happen. What was catching his attention more was seeing Babycorn zipping and zagging all over to look at the motorcycle. She probably thought he was really cool right now. The thought of that made Butter let out a happy hum.
Babycorn noticed the cute look on Butter’s face and her attention turned from the motorcycle to him. Which also gave her a really cool idea. “Oh! Oh! Can I try driving?!” She bounced up and down on her heels in sheer excitement. “We can totally take turns! It’ll be really fun!!” She bounced all the way around the motorcycle and grabbed at one of the handles while trying her best to make sputtering noises with her mouth. 
Butter thought it was really cute, he couldn’t help but smile and look at anything but Babycorn. He could already feel his face warming up. “Are you sure? D-Do you know how to drive a motorcycle?” 
“Of course!” Babycorn confidently gestured to herself. Still hanging off the motorcycle Cherrypit looked up at his sister with wide eyes before opening his mouth and dropping to the ground. Once he was both feet on the ground he mimicked her gesture. “Can d’ive!” Cherrypit babbled out.  
Butter would have been inclined to believe Babycorn on her word alone. Anyone who knew Butter Moontide at this point knew that he would walk to the moon and back if Babycorn told him she wanted a moon rock.
The only thing slightly changing his mind was seeing Lunya behind a conveniently placed beachside bush vigorously shaking her head back and forth with fear in her eyes. 
“Ummm…How about I drive first and see what happens from there!” 
“Okie-dokie!” Of course Babycorn was going to agree to anything Butter suggested. She liked him a lot after all. “Let’s get on Cherry!” 
“Get on! Let’s get on!” Cherrypit repeated. As expected Cherrypit was able to easily fly up and sit down on a seat with no issues. Meanwhile Babycorn was having a bit more trouble. “Almost got it..!” 
Butter quickly noticed this. “Ah-! Be careful!” He knew Babycorn well enough to know just how clumsy she was. As cute as he thought her clumsiness was, the bandages all over Babycorn were proof enough that it could get her hurt most of the time. 
Right as Butter told her to be careful Babycorn began to lose her footing. “W-Waaauwahh!!” Panicking just made her wobble even more and just as she began to fall backwards. In an instant she lost her footing and she was positive that her next bandage would be somewhere on the back of her head. 
Babycorn shut her eyes tight and prepared for the impact. 
When it never came she was confused. Instead she heard something else hit the ground. That mysterious sound turned out to be Butter’s helmet that he had dropped to run and catch Babycorn. 
Babycorn looked up and finally realized what was happening. Right around the same time Butter realized what he was doing. 
In record speed Butter had caught Babycorn mid-fall catching her in the same manner as one could describe a groom carrying a bride. As if that wasn’t enough, Babycorn could have sworn that Butter was somehow glowing with a warm light. She almost couldn’t take her eyes off him. Except…
“Huh…HUHUHH!?!!” Babycorn’s hands flew to cover her face. “Sorry! I’m really sorry! I didn’t mean to fall!” She was in full on panic mode, her heart was beating faster than ever and her face felt so hot! 
She was going to die for real! This was it! The end of Babycorn Corn’s life!! Babycorn was tapping her feet on the ground over and over while dreading what was going to happen next.
Butter was completely frozen. He had locked eyes with Babycorn when he caught her, he still couldn’t believe just how beautiful her eyes were. Everything about her took his breath away. It was until just now he realized where he was. “HHUUH?! Wait no-! I’m sorry! Did I hurt you? I didn't mean to-!!” 
Butter’s voice was enough to snap Babycorn out of whatever was happening to her. “No! I’m fine! I could never get hurt with you around!” She smiled as wide as she could. She wasn’t really sure why she had said that but it felt right. 
“R-Right!! You’re right!” There was nothing in Eorzea or anywhere else on the star that would hurt Babycorn if he was there. 
Especially if he was the one driving. 
“Now hooold on!” 
Both Butter and Babycorn were brought back to reality at the sound of Lunya’s voice. Apparently they had been staring into each other’s eyes this entire time. Lunya ran from the convenient beach bush and grabbed Butter’s helmet from the ground, slamming it gently onto his head. “Keeping each other safe is one thing but remember safety first!” She reminded them.
Butter adjusted the helmet on his head and looked over at Babycorn with worried eyes. He didn’t have any extra helmets for Babycorn. Or any that would fit her head at least. He had his doubts that Pancake’s helmet would fit her. 
Babycorn seemed to sense his worry. “It’s okay Butts!” She knocked the top of her head with her hand. There was an odd hollow sound coming from it. “I’m sturdy!! Remember?” 
“Like hell you are.” Lunya took out a yellow helmet from out of seemingly nowhere and placed it on the taller girl’s head. Babycorn’s long ears popped out from the side of the helmet. With a satisfied look Lunya dusted her hands off. “Let’s just say I’ve been waiting for this day.” 
Lunya walked over and picked up Cherrypit from chewing on the motorcycle again. “How about we let Butter and Bebe go off on their trip and we can go buy a bunch of ice cream?” She whispered to him, making sure there was no way Babycorn would be able to hear them. 
Cherrypit giggled, he put a finger to his mouth and gave a little “Shhhhh…!” He didn't quite understand but he wasn't about to argue against getting ice cream.
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hqmillioncorn · 5 months ago
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Don't Cry over Spilled Milk!
Babycorn turned to look at where the scream had come from. She had been picking flowers a few seconds ago but if there was a scream that near to her and in the middle of Gridania, there was only one explanation. As it turned out her guess was right. There was Cherrypit, reconfiguring his face and in front of a hyperventilating midlander.  Babycorn rushed up and put herself between the midlander and Cherrypit. “Sorry! Sorry! About that! Cherrypit just really likes to scare people using…Glamours!” Of course that was the biggest lie in the world but her friends had helped her come up with it to minimize the amount of people asking what Cherrypit was.  “And he’s very sorry!” Babycorn looked down at Cherrypit with a smile. “Aren’t you Cherrypit?” Cherrypit looked straight at the midlander and nodded. He wasn’t sorry at all. 
ffxiv write day 28: deleterious with @windupnamazu 's butter
babycorn wake up you fricked up big time and in butters room no less
Having practically raised Cherrypit since she was young made Babycorn very good at apologizing to people for any damage he caused. Whether it be property damage or emotional damage, Babycorn was always ready to take responsibility for it. There was no world where she was going to let Cherrypit take the brunt of people’s anger. 
But. Ironically. Babycorn was very bad at taking responsibility for things she did herself. 
Because if someone found out she broke something or god forbid killed another person in cold blood surely the entire world would turn against her again and chase her down another alleyway to corner her again. Call it an overreaction but Babycorn was adamant in her stance. 
Truly the only way to take care of something she might have accidentally broken was to run away and hide. Sometimes she would go so far as to bribe any witnesses (usually the younger ones) with any yummy snacks on hand just to make sure no one told on her. 
Lately she was a big fan of erasing her mistakes. Sadly that was one method that had its limits. Those limits were called ‘If she used her powers too much she would pass out on the ground and get scolded for doing it.’ 
Which was the reason why she was currently hiding inside of a closet in Butter’s inn room in the For’ard cabins. . 
“Sniffle.” Babycorn said out loud. The closest was dark and kind of cramped but it was the only place she could hide where no one would find her. If she dared to step outside then Butter and Pancake would be outside ready to ambush and kill her with rocks (literally.) Maybe she deserved what was coming to her considering what she had done.
Or rather what her tail had done. 
Right now Babycorn was hugging onto it tightly. Both for the emotional support and to make sure it didn’t cause any more destruction. While it was true that Babycorn was starting to feel a little better about having horns and a tail that weren’t going away for now, her control over her tail was almost nothing.  
It would twitch and grab things on its own if she wasn’t putting her full concentration on moving it. And asking for Babycorn to concentrate on one thing and one thing alone was a lot like asking moogle to walk somewhere instead of flying.  Frankly impossible and way too much trouble. 
Babycorn leaned back against the wall of the closet. “If Butter finds out what I did…He’s gonna hate me for the rest of foreveeeerr…!” Her eyes were watering just thinking about the possibility. Butter would probably get so mad he would kick Babycorn out and tell her that he never wanted to see her again and that for sure meant that he would also never hold her hand ever again too. 
The very thought of that was making Babycorn despair about something that hadn’t even happened yet. 
A sudden noise outside made Babycorn jump, her horns getting tangled up in some clothes hanging right above her. As carefully as she could, Babycorn crawled over to the door and creaked it open just an itty bitty bit. 
“Is there anyone out there Cherry?”
In her infinite wisdom she had given Cherrypit the important job of guard duty. So while he was busy playing with his wooden blocks he was also doing the very important job of making sure Butter and Pancake didn’t know she was hiding. 
Cherrypit turned to look at his sister and shook his head. “No person! No! No!” There hadn’t been any sign of any people aside from the few people walking by that Cherrypit could see from under the door. He was reading each and every person’s mind just to make sure it wasn’t Butter or Pancake. Or even Cinnamon. 
Honestly, Cherrypit had no idea really why his sister was hiding in a closet or why he was supposed to tell her if he heard Butter or Pancake coming. Oh well. He would always listen to her either way and Cherrypit was having fun either way. So it was a win win. 
Babycorn let out the breath she was holding in. “Phew. That’s good…” Then Babycorn scuttled back into the closet. 
Right now her plan only had one step. That which was she was going to hide inside the storage closet for the rest of her life and only then would Butter never ever get angry with her.  
It took only a few minutes for her plan to crumble before her very eyes. And it all started with Cherrypit opening the door and peeking inside. He was starting to wonder if there was something really cool in there that he was missing out on, like a yummy snack or something. 
“Bebe? Bebe? What doing?” He crawled up closer to her to see what she was doing and ended up forgetting what he was doing halfway and just hugged her instead. “Hi Bebe!”
“Cherryyy!! Noooo!” Though she was desperate she wasn’t about to push Cherrypit out of hugging her. Instead she would just panic and die. “Okay Cherry, can you go back outside and make sure that-!” 
Babycorn was interrupted by the sound of a doorknob turning. Because as it turned out, not only had Cherrypit also opened the door to see what Babycorn was doing, he was also coming to warn her that both Butter and Pancake were home. 
“Wait-!!” Babycorn held her hand out to try and stop the door but it was too late. 
The door opened and Babycorn tumbled right out, alongside Cherrypit. Who was having a lot more fun than her. “Weeeeee!” Cherrypit cried out as he rolled on the floor like a ball. Pancake bent down and caught him in her arms. “Gotcha!” Years of playing with Cherrypit had prepared her for things like this. 
Meanwhile Babycorn was just lying on the floor, flat on her face and unmoving. Desperately hoping no one would see her. Instead she felt someone pet the top of her head. “Babycorn? Are you okay?” The sound of Butter’s concerned voice caused her to spring back to her feet. “AHAhahaha! Hi B-Butts!!” Babycorn said a little louder than she meant to. “F-Funny seeing you here?!” 
“Um, this is our room?” Cinnamon pointed out. “I really think it's much weirder to see you here instead of us.” A thought crossed her mind as she smirked. “...Or are we interrupting an intimate moment between you and Butter??” 
Butter grabbed Cinnamon from the air and threw her over his shoulder. “Don’t listen to her.” 
Of course no cookie fairies were harmed during this action. Cinnamon simply bounced off the wall and flew back, a smirk still on her face. 
“A-Anyway-!” Butter stepped up closer to Babycorn, “Um..So what were you doing here anyway?” He stretched out his arm to pat her head, checking for any bumps that she might have gotten falling out of the closet. “Do you need help with something? I can help with whatever!” Butter grinned. 
Babycorn felt her face starting to get warmer.  “Err um uhhhhh….!” There was just something about what was going on that was fluttering her more than she had ever been flustered. The fear of Butter hating her had been violently pushed to the back of her mind. Replaced with thoughts of her and Butter going out to eat somewhere, holding hands. For whatever reason.
“I’m fine!” Babycorn yelled out suddenly. Her horns had turned themselves a hot shade of pink. Nobody was sure what that meant. 
Pancake looked upon the scene, mentally taking down notes in her head to share with Linnet later. “Your sister is pretty weird–huh Cherry?” She whispered to the toddler she was carrying in her arms. Cherrypit giggled and nodded. Babycorn might be a little weird but he still loved her all the same, and of course so did Pancake. 
“Babycorn? Are you sure you’re okay?” Butter had to ask. It looked like she had been crying. If there was anything he could do to help her feel better, he would do it. Be it climbing the highest mountain to get a once in a lifetime cup of pudding to crossing the widest river in the universe to reach a delicious drink for her. He was definitely normal by the way. 
“I’m fiiiiiiiiine!!” Babycorn said lying through her teeth. It was very easy to tell when she was lying. “I’m not lying by the way!” She smiled very suspiciously. 
Of course Butter knew Babycorn was lying but if it made her happier to believe her then he would. “Okay…! I’m glad you’re okay.” 
“I’m glad y-you’re okay too…” For some reason Babycorn couldn’t get herself to stare at Butter. That was strange, she had never had this kind of problem before. Maybe she was sick? Yeah. That was probably it…
Pancake decided she had enough of watching her brother and hopefully future sister-in-law flirt in front of her. “If you need me I’m gonna go get a snack with Cherry.“ Before she could even take the first step–Babycorn zipped right in front of her to block her way. “N-No you can’t I…!!” 
Babycorn couldn’t figure out what to say next. “Um…You…I…”
Cinnamon grew suspicious. “Did you eat all our snacks again?” This had happened more than once. More than twice even. “If that’s the case we can just buy more. With the allowance they get from Lunya we got enough to buy an entire store’s stock front and back.” 
“But Lunya said we have to save our money and not spend it all right away?” Pancake brought up. 
“You really gonna take advice from someone who doesn’t follow her own advice?”
“Hmm. Good point.” 
By now Babycorn had pretty much accepted her fate. She sniffled, wiping some tears from her eyes and snot from her nose. “A-Are you gonna throw rocks at me? Or are you gonna chase me away? O-O-Or…?” Twelve forbid there was a knife somewhere at hand’s reach.
“What?!” Butter could hardly believe what he was hearing. In fact he didn’t believe it at all. “Why would we do that?! We would never do anything like that!!” The very idea of it was making Butter wonder if someone had ever done that do Babycorn before. 
If there were people that had–then Butter would make sure to find them and kill them himself. 
“It's cause…cause…” Babycorn looked down at the ground in shame. Her tail slumped down to the ground. “C-Cause…”
“Cause…?” Butter hesitated a bit. 
“I knocked over your juice pitcheeeeeer!!!” Babycorn wailed loudly. “I-I-I didn’t mean to! I was just turning around and my stupid tail knocked it over and it spilled juice everywhere!!” She continued to wail and cry as loudly as she could. 
Cinnamon looked around, true to Babycorn’s words the pitcher was on the ground, scattered and broken into pieces. “So that’s why it smells like fruit punch in here.” 
Without even missing a beat Butter slowly took Babycorn’s hands in his. “We’re not going to do any of that. I promise. Nothing you could do would make us, any of us, do something like that.” Butter looked straight at her, his voice firm to make sure that Babycorn was listening to him. 
“R-Really…?” Babycorn couldn’t stop herself from asking, “No matter what I turn into?”
Butter smiled, “No matter what you turn into.” There was confidence in Butter’s voice. His face wasn’t feeling warm but his heart was overflowing with love. “Babycorn Corn. I want you to know that no matter what you do or what you turn into. Or even where you go, I’ll be by your side.” He paused, “If you want me to, that is.”
“Of course!” Babycorn held Butter’s hands as tightly as she could. Which wasn’t very tight at all, considering her minimal strength. “I always wanna go everywhere with you!” Having Butter at her side made her happy. Even if it felt like her heart was going to explode sometimes when she held his hand.
“Me too!” Butter grinned. 
Pancake cleared her throat, cutting through the atmosphere. “Hey? What happened to us?” She said with a playful smile on her face. “Can you believe this Cherrypit? Let’s leave these two lovebirds alone.” Pancake turned away, nose in the air and walked over to the beach chairs on the other side of their room. 
“Wait-! No! I! I mean we’re not-!!! I mean-! I’m-!” This time Butter’s face flushed a light pink, he brought his hands up to his cheeks and turned away. “I-I’m just gonna clean up! Sorry! Excuse me!” Butter grabbed the closest towel he could then walked over to the juice puddle on the ground. 
Babycorn jumped into action. “Oh! I’ll help!” Her tail wagged from side to side behind her as she walked behind Butter.
Pancake watched from afar and sighed. She had always wanted Butter to be brave and confess his feelings to Babycorn and though he’d made a lot of progress Pancake never imagined the end result would be so…Embarrassing. 
Then again. Butter was always a little embarrassing to watch. 
Pancake handed Cherrypit a cookie for him to chew on. “I really thought she was gonna say she finally ate Cinnamon or something.”
Cinnamon flew right beside Pancake and waved her sleeves up and down. “Hellooo?! I’m right here!!” She angrily chimed at her. 
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