marshthebendyfan · 8 months
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Kawaii aesthetic bendy pfps
This is satire btw
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supr3m3-dark-angel · 8 months
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Here is more BATIm/BATDR and maybe from The Cage but htis is Cute Bendy, Baby Bender/ The Ink Demon but more like Buddy Digital Drawing
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estherretje71 · 4 years
Een route langs herinneringen
Een route langs herinneringen
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Vandaag tweeëntwintig jaar geleden was ik in Schipluiden op verjaardagsvisite bij mijn oudste neefje Peter. Mijn oudste zus was daar op vakantie. Ze had vakantie in het huis van mijn zus die zelf op fiets vakantie was door Friesland.
Die dag zal ik niet snel meer vergeten. Ik was hoogzwanger van wat later bleek mijn jongste zoon. In die tijd hadden we zelf geen auto, maar kon ik met mijn…
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shannonslocker · 5 years
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All the hoopla around Baby Yoda but what about Baby Bender? Let’s raise a cervaza to this Sci-fi tot. #babybender #babyyoda #futurama #shinymetalass https://www.instagram.com/p/B59JG75AeGj/?igshid=1ft30urwjqhw6
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storydays · 3 years
Season 1, ep 7, p2
(3rd POV)
You hummed softly, walking down the hallway with some fire flakes in your hand, and paused seeing Korra spying through a keyhole. You went to grab her shoulder when she stood up straight with a horrified look on her face. "Kor--" she ran down the stairs before you could finish your sentence.
You followed her, slower, and listened to her babble an excuse. "I forgot it's my turn to airsit the babybenders..I-I mean babysit the airbender kids. See you later!" They turned to you with confused looks and you shrugged, swallowing more fire flakes. "It's one of Aunt Pema's daily baby checks." Nevermore squealed in delight as she ate majority of your fire flakes.
"Hey!" You splashed her with water, making the little hothead sizzle. Everyone laughed at the two of you, the old butler even concealing a chuckled behind his hand. "She's been getting so fiesty lately and I don't appreciate the rebelliousness, young lady." You complained and then chided the dragon.
"You know, I read something in a book that says animals tend to imitate their loved ones behavior." Asami teased, making you playfully roll your eyes. "I've been hearing that a lot," you sigh, making your bangs puff in the air slightly. Nevermore curled on your shoulder, chirping happily. "Come on, let's go find my secret stash of fire snacks." You grinned, as Mako and Asami laughed before following you to get some snacks.
You blinked, as your Aunt, Uncle and friend storm up to the Sato mansion. "What's going on?" Mako demanded, pushing Korra's shoulder, wincing when you gripped his arm. "Why are they asking more Hiroshi more questions?" "I overheard him on the phone yesterday. Asami, I don't know how to tell you this, but I think your father might be involved with the equalists." "What?! I don't believe this!" She stormed towards her father's office. You followed her, trying to calm her down.
"A-Asami, maybe this is just a misunderstanding." She turned her green gaze to you, "Don't talk to me, (Y/N)! You were in on this, and you didn't think to tell me?!" Your (e/c) eyes burned sadness into Asami's, as she stalked off. You sigh, running a hand through your hair before trailing sadly behind her, before walking into the office, standing in the corner. You studied everyone from the corner of the room, and you were biting the inside of your lip before closing your eyes, listening to everyone's breathing, and focusing on what Toph taught you.
"My father is innocent. Just because we're not benders, doesn't mean we support those awful Equalists." She went to stand next to Hiroshi. "Is that this is about?" He demanded. "I can assure you, I have nothing  to do with those radicals." Mako butted in, "Yeah, you don't know your're talking about Korra." Mako accused. "I overheard you on the phone. You said that Cabbage Corp investigation bought you time, and your getting ready to strike. Explain that." Korra placed her hand on her hips, staring into the man's eyes.
He chuckled, before looking into the Avatar's eyes. "This is all a misunderstanding,resulting from the Avatar's over-active imagination. My number one competitor was knocked out of the game. It's providing me with an opportunity to strike the market with a new line of Sato-mobiles. It's just business--"
You studied everyone from the corner of the room, and you were biting the inside of your lip before closing your eyes, listening to everyone's breathing, narrowing on Hiroshi's breath hitch. Your (e/c) eyes flew open as you declared loud and cleared, "Liar." All eyes turned to you as you approached the now sweating man. Asami looked at you with hurt and betrayal in her face.
"(Y/N), how could you? You've known my father for a long time, and you know he's not apart of th-" "And you know me, Asami. I was listening to everyone's breathing, and Hiroshi's hitched when he spoke just now." "That doesn't mean anything!" (E/C) eyes stared into angry green, as everyone watched you silently. "I was trained by the Greatest Earthbender of all time, I'm a spiritual master, and a waterbender master, if anyone knows about lying signs, it would be me. I'm sorry that your sweet fantasy is being destroyed, but---"
A sharp sting burned on your cheek. You met her emerald eyes, and with a bright red handmark on your cheek, you turned your eyes to your Aunt.  "I know your troops are outside and waiting, but you should use your seismic sense and you'll find something in the workshop behind the house. Clearly, I'm not wanted here, so I'll be anywhere else." You avoided Asami's gaze and stalked out, and hopped onto your polar bear dog. You clicked your tongue and soon you and Neo took off. Your (e/c) eyes watered, from both the wind and from the pain you felt in your heart. You willed them away, and the next thing you knew, you were by a secluded part of the park, no one around. You hopped off Neo, and knelt by a nearby pond, placing your hands in the water, before soothing your stinging cheek, wincing at the faint scratch marks from Asami's nails.
'You know, Cub,' you didn't jump when Neo laid next to you, watching you carefully, 'It's okay to cry when your heart aches.' You shook your head, settling into a lotus position against him. "No, I promised someone special to me that I won't ever cry. That I'll be strong." He rumbled against your back, with a disapproving growl. 'I sincerely doubt that's what she meant.'
You huffed, your bangs puffing slightly. "Hush, 'm tryna meditate." The animal growled again before leaving you to find peace.
*Later that night*
You jumped up using a water shield to block an incoming attack. "You've got to be quicker than that, Auntie." Your eyes softened as your Aunt jumped down from a tree. "I thought I'd find you here." Lin said, gruffly before coming over and sitting next to you. She held out a bag of food, and Neo perked up sniffing in the bag for something.
Lin chuckled amused, before reaching in and handing Neo his treat before turning to you with a concerned frown. "Eat, (Y/N), I know you haven't eaten since breakfast this morning." At that moment, your stomach growled, just as the scent of Lin's meat and vegetable wrap hit your stomach.
Not many people knew, but the latest Chief of Police was an excellent cook.Whenever you were in need of some tough love, you went to Lin and that's exactly what her food was. She chuckled as you devoured the wrap. "Hungry, mali heroj (little hero)?" You hummed in affirmation as you swallowed. "For your food? Always." She watched you with gentle eyes. "I'm worried about you, (Y/N). Everyone is, you haven't been yourself in a long time." You put your wrap down and stared at the twinkling stars, thinking about your vision during this last meditation.
"I'll be fine, Aunt Lin. I'm just..." "You are not alone! You have people who love you,and want to help you, but we can't if you continue to block us out." You turned to her, before she held her arms out. You fell into her warm embrace but said loud and clear: "Maybe it's safer for everyone to stay out. Maybe...I don't want anyone to be burdened with my problems. Not even Gran-Gran has any advice for what's going on. No one can." You gripped her waist, and stiffled your sobs against her heart.
Now, not many people could break her walls, but from the moment she met you, you wormed your way into her stone cold heart, and she loved you like a son, and hated seeing you in pain. This was part of the reason she hated the world, when you were a child you were so open and full of love for the world, but then reality hit you way too hard, way too early. You learned to be strong at a young age, and survived things no grown adult could handle.
You were breaking, and you were breaking fast, and she knew what she had to do when she got you home safe in your own bed.
Even though you're 19, you are still a child, and like all children...
you still need your father.
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lucidnap · 5 years
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Sorry for the lack of posts! Weirdsley and I are spending time with family this weekend and celebrating my beautiful niece, Bender B. Rodriguez’s 1st birthday! It seems like an odd name for a baby girl, until you meet her. #family #firstbirthdayparty #creepycouple #creepyauntie #napoleonandweirdsley #weirdsleyandnap #hat #sunhat #fancyhats #familytime #futurama #babybender #benderbrodriguez #weirdbabynames #mustacheparadise #mustache (at Encinitas, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0MjN6JJgrD/?igshid=htjiwqtekzfu
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seyaryminamoto · 7 years
You know what that means.
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the-moose-says-jerk · 4 years
Fanfic Recs - Zukka
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Hi everyone! Sorry I haven’t posted in a while and that this isn’t bottom Sam/Jared content (I’ll try to have some for you soon). I’ve mostly been reading Avatar the Last Airbender fanfiction lately (Zukka specifically) and I thought I would share some of my favorites with you. I know this won’t appeal to all my followers but I hope that there are a few of you that love AtLA as much as I do and will enjoy this rec list. Let me know if you like this and I’ll share more and maybe some of my favorite fanfics from other fandoms. The regularly scheduled programming will be back soon. 
Babybending by TheARTboss
Sokka has always had bad luck. He might just be the meat and sarcasm guy but after getting captured, twice, he finds himself becoming the meat, sarcasm, and single father guy.
Trigger warning: sexual assault
Behind the War Worn Mask by zeerogue
Prince Zuko saw presenting as an omega as the end of everything. Loosing the war hadn't terrified him as much. Now it had been five years and he was finally being married off in exchange for an ally ship and as part of the peace treaty with the Southern Kingdom. They said the Southern prince was handsome, but Zuko had no expectations for his husband.
Blue by blacklipscurse
Iroh insists they create a new life and identity in Ba Sing Se. Zuko wants nothing more than to bide his time until his next opportunity to return home, until he realizes ‘Lee’ can get away with things Zuko never could. Zuko dons the mantle of the Blue Spirit again only to lose his focus when the Avatar comes to the city. This time, however, his attention is drawn to the annoying Southern Tribe warrior.
Of Love, Unintentional Threesomes, and Sokka by beersforqueers
Sokka stumbled into Pao's Family Tea House one afternoon to find the last person he expected to see in Ba Sing Se. How Sokka's would-be stakeout of Zuko's new life turned into an unfortunate cover up, a potential threesome with the dude he'd sworn to hate for life, and making some really questionable jokes about tea.
Or: Reconnaissance was never Sokka's strongsuit.
Prison and War series by selectiverain
Inside was cramped. There were a multitude of prisoners in there mining- Sokka realized- for coal. Of course. All the fuel for those Fire Nation ships had to come from somewhere. The guard wasted no time in shackling his leg and handing him his tools before shoving him into the cave and staring at him expectantly.
That was when he saw a ghost.
Or, at least what should’ve been a ghost.
Or: Sokka gets captured during Azula's siege of Ba Sing Se instead of Iroh. He's put in a prison meant for the Fire Nation's worst criminals, and in there he sees a face he never expected to come across, especially since they've been considered dead for months now.
Trigger warning: torture
Silk by Traxits
Iroh offered him a strange smile, one that bordered between his usual goofy grins and something harder; almost cruel. Something that seemed much more at home on the Dragon of the West's face than the uncle that Zuko knew. "Make him be the unreasonable one. Bend him to you instead of trying to break him."
Teen Idle (I Wish I’d Been) by ZukoSecondSword
AU: In which everyone is born with flowers in their souls. As they get hurt, the flowers are stolen and instead given to whoever hurt them. If they run out, they become basically living corpses. Zuko loses his last one and Iroh is desperate to save him. That's when Zuko meets Sokka, who might just be his cure.
Trigger warning: abuse
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palmeritasconazucar · 3 years
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marshthebendyfan · 8 months
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slurmed · 4 years
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And old but cute one. 2018 #BabyBender, in your face #BabyYoda! Art by João Alberto Junior / Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryNewNewYork/comments/84kdye/baby_bender_by_baby_bender_jo%C3%A3o_junior/
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tofh-a · 5 years
toph in labour: i’ve invented another new form of bending toph: it’s called babybending and i’m doing it right now katara: it’s called having a baby toph, plenty of people have done it toph: i’ve invented another new form of bending
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notwhelmedyet · 6 years
I need you to know that today I spent 5 minutes driving down the highway, laughing hysterically, because I realized
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purple-squigly-kip · 2 years
BABYBENDER: This Bitch be Bending Babys!
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squeakydoodles-blog · 7 years
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This cute little guy was next. Let me know what you think of baby Bender. Be sure to follow for more. #futurama #bender #babybender #cute #aww #fry #robot #squeakydoodles #fanart #painting #acrylicpainting #neat
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The Aftermath
—how can you say no to Pabu (you can’t)
—“not my cabbage Corp!” they did that and it was Right of them
—Tahno looks so so sad, I hate it. I liked his little bonding moment with Korra until he said “uhvatar”
—Pabu swim!!
—lol Asami didn’t even ask if her boyfriend and his brother could move in, she just did it, what a move
—Bolin STOP haha that poor butler!!
—Asami is so cool
—“ladies powder” ok fancy... Korra doesn’t know how to handle a powder room and I love that about her
—“babybend” haha yikes can you imagine though
—woah Korra leapt like 30 ft to that conclusion, that phone conversation could mean anything
—“we have reason to believe that there’s a factory hidden below the mansion” “I think I would've noticed if there were a factory underneath my house.” “where is your father?” “in his secret factory workshop underneath behind the house.” Ah yes, of course
—Lin pulling a Toph and looking with her feet!!
—Do we really need such big Amon posters in the secret factory. Is such a thing necessary
—Mako and Bolin’s well practiced team work 👌
—surprised that Asami listened to Mako and stayed behind
—I feel like everyone on this show gets knocked out very often
—good thing Mako & Bolin stayed behind before so they could save the day now
—good thing Asami stayed behind before so she could save the day now
—I never should’ve doubted Korra, Asami’s dad is a bad guy (note to self: don’t doubt Korra)
—awww Korra is such a good friend, I’m glad she including Asami to come live at the island too
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