#baby zigena
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1-800-i-ship-it · 4 years
ToG S2 Spoilers part 22/many
ft. Urek exposing everyone
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their beauty will never fade~
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Tower of God Season 2 24 Episode Layout
This is a predictive for fitting the first part of Season 2 into 24 episodes (or 23 episodes and one extra just in case we need more space). The reason why I finally decided on 24 episodes is that the first part of S2 and the Workshop battle have the same amount of chapters. And the Workshop Battle definitely needs at least 24 eps.
Episode 1: Prologue and Chapter 1
Important moments: Introduction of Maschenny, introduction of Repellista, Yuri gets Repel to look for Bam, name drop of the Prince of Jahad, introduction of Wangnan, introduction of Lurker, introduction of Nia, Wangnan and Nia’s talk, introduction of Viole
Episode 2: Chapters 2-4
Important moments: Introduction of most of Team Sweet and Sour, Viole antagonizes the group, Arkraptor and Horyang vs Viole, FUG name drop, Wangnan vs Viole, the Thyrrsa heals Bam
Episode 3: Chapters 5-7
Important moments: Passing the first exam, flashback to Rachel, introduction of Ehwa and Prince, introduction of Rapdevil, introduction of Love, Shinsu measuring test, Viole shows off the Flare Wave Explosion
Episode 4: Chapters 8-9
Important moments: The squad makes desperate pleas to Viole, Viole states that he’s a Slayer Candidate, Love proposes a game, Bath scene, Viole finds Wangnan’s ring
Episode 5: Chapters 10-12
Important moments: Introduction of yogurt auntie, the crew plays card games, start of the room test, Ehwa vs Viole, use of Reverse Flow Control, Miseng gets called out to by the yogurt auntie, Arkraptor goes to help her
Episode 6: Chapters 13-14
Important moments: Arkraptor and Miseng bond, Arkraptor vs yogurt auntie, someone comes to see Rapdevil, Goseng and Wangnan bond, Prince learns Rapdevil is dead, Viole meets up with Love
Episode 7: Chapters 15-16
Important moments: Karaka name drop, start of Viole and Love’s fight, Prince vows to kill Viole, Lurker is sus, the random five Prince a drugged drink, Love and Viole continue to fight, Love uses his techniques to push Viole down
Episode 8: Chapters 17-18
Important moments: Prince gives Ehwa the drugged drink, Love’s backstory, Viole copies Love’s techniques, Rapdevil is revealed to be alive, reveal of Nia’s betrayal, Nia’s backstory, Wangnan’s speech to Nia, Lurker kills Nia, Wangnan swears vengeance
Episode 9: Chapters 19-20
Important moments: Wangnan goes to get Viole, Horyang goes to help Prince, ending of Viole vs Love, Wangnan intervenes, some Wangnan backstory, Wangnan gives Viole the connector, Horyang kicks ass, Viole takes the parasite out of Ehwa, Horyang shows off the devil, Wangnan punches Lurker
Episode 10: Chapter 21-22
Important moments: Horyang defeats Rapdevil, Wangnan vs Lurker, Lurker backstory, Wangnan spares Luker, Viole is tricked and team Sweet and Sour wins, the group celebrates, Wangnan and Viole talk, Augusgus reveals he’s in FUG, Boy Scout Khun
Episode 11: Chapters 23-25
Important moments: Inteoduction of Dan, Dan forcibly joins the team, introduction of Novic, Khun and Rachel’s talk, introduction of the rest of the team, Khun reveals he knows Rachel is lying, Khun’s speech to his team, Rachel laughs like a bitch
Episode 12: Chapters 26-28
Important moments: We see how the team currently functions, Ehwa goes after Viole, we meet Hwaryun, introduction of Ha Jinsung, FUG meets Team Sweet and Sour, Hwaryun and Wangnan talk, Reveal Viole is Bam, Wangnan and Viole talk, we see part of Karaka, Team Sweet and Sour name drop
Episode 13: Chapters 29-30
Important moments: The squad takes the 21st floor test, they see and get in the Zigena, introduction of Urek Mazino, the squad sees the baby Zigena, Prince and Viole run into Urek
Episode 14: Chapters 31-33
Important moments: Miseng gets sent to get the Zigena baby, Urek and Horyang talk, Viole sees Urek, Viole challenges Urek, Viole and Urek talk, the fight begins, Miseng interrupts the fight, Viole gets injured, Urek leaves the Zigena, reveal that Viole scratched Urek
Episode 15: Chapters 34-35
Important moments: Jinsung tells Wangnan to leave, the group encourage Wangnan, Ehwa vows to correct her family, Wangnan gives Jinsung lollipops, introduction to Karaka, Jinsung and Karaka talk, Wangnan and Hwaryun talk, we learn of the Workshop Battle
Episode 16: Chapters 36-37
Important moments: Bam’s past with Jinsung, Jinsung’s backstory, Hwaryun encourages Bam, Lero Ro and Quant are on the 77th floor, they meet Hatzling, Lero Ro and Hatzling prepare to fight, Hatzling is told to watch Viole, Hatzling conscripts Lero Ro and Quant to help
Episode 17: Chapters 38-41
Important moments: Introduction of Emily, the 25th Bam gets put into Emily, Khun sees it, introduction to Quaetro and Chang, we see Cassano and learn he’s the “Devil’s Right Arm”
Episode 18: Chapters 42-43
Important moments: We get Horyang’s backstory, introduction to Sophia, Viole and Horyang fight, we learn something was implanted into Viole, Horyang leaves, Khun and co pull up to the Hand of Arlene
Episode 19: Chapters 44-45
Important moments: Viole lies to the group about Horyang, introduction of Xia Xia, Horyang goes to the hand, Ran separates from the group and destroys the lighthouse, Ran runs into Horyang, Horyang vs Ran and Novick, Miseng and Viole talk, Viole promises to bring Horyang back
Episode 20: Chapters 46-48
Important moments: Arkraptor and Viole talk, the squad gets together to get Horyang back, Cassano calls out to Horyang, Khun gets caught in a trap, Viole meets Xia Xia, Cassano vs Ran and Novick, Khun kills a dude, Horyang vs Ran and Novick part 2, Khun begins tracing, reveal of Apple’s betrayal, Cassano punches through Horyang, Viole arrives
Episode 21: Chapters 49-51
Important moments: Viole vs Ran and Novick, Khun arrives, Xia Xia reveals she planted a bomb and that she’s from FUG, Viole’s “Bad guy” performance, Viole reveals Reverse Flow Control, Xia Xia blows up the place, Viole calls out to Khun, Khun realizes it’s Bam, reveal of Micheal’s betrayal, Dan roasts Rachel, Team Sweet and Sour find the destroyed hand
Episode 22: Chapters 52-53
Important moments: Viole adds Ran and Novick to FUG team, Team Sweet and Sour find Khun, Khun wakes up and meets the squad, the squad find Gustang dead and Dan barely living, Khun thinks about Bam and Viole, Hwaryun shows up, S1 teams sees that Khun’s reportedly dead, Rak goes off to find Khun
Episode 23: Chapters 54-55
Important moments: Hwaryun reveals to Khun the truth about Viole, Dan and Khun talk, Khun vows to win the Workshop Battle with Team Sweet and Sour, introduction to Reflejo and Yuto, Viole has the thorn, Khun’s training is hellish, we see the group’s anxieties, the teams receive their invitation to the Workshop Battle
Episode 24: Just here in case we need more time
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