#baby soteriology
owenbroadcast · 1 year
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maggotsandcream · 5 years
Wild Words part 10
More Wild Word vocab!
TW for words relating to drugs, food, insects, gross out factor, Christianity, sex, and illness
barnstorm- travel from place to place stopping for short times (often for political campaigns)
life admin- all the things like keeping track of bills and appointments that normal people do themselves and rich people hire secretaries to do
estivate- hibernate but over the summer
rantsona- cartoon avatars used by some youtubers to accompany their rants
data dredging- using huge amounts of data to deduce things that aren't directly told by the data
tripsitter- a sober person who monitors high people to keep them from doing something dangerous or to call an ambulance in case of overdose
knit in- a sit in with fiber crafting
popcorn ceiling- name for those ceilings with unnecessary bumps
designated hitter- someone who bats in place of a pitcher in baseball
manual babbling- what deaf babies learning sign language do, making various hand signs
monorail cat- another name for catloaf
Klein bottle- this thing
Tenji blocks- those bumps oat intersections so blind people can find the edge of the sidewalk/street
floating timeline- a setting in TV shows where there isn't change between episodes/they happen in no particular order
aioli- mayo with garlic
semihemidemisemiquaver- a hundred twenty-eighth note
fly-strike- myiasis (infestation of a living animal with maggots)
atelier- an artist's studio
mozzie- Australian slang for a mosquito
parrhesia- candid speaking, opposite of rhetoric
soteriology- theology related to salvation (Christian)
mariology- theology related to Mary
copystrike- portmanteau of copyright strike
duogamy- when a bisexual person has tow partners, one male one female
iatrogenic- related to a condition/illness that came about as a result of medical treatment
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morning-walk · 2 years
I just came in from a walk with my Friend. Our talk led me to this.
I was browsing through a bevy of devotionals this morning. You probably saw many of them yourself. Truthfully, many that I read I did so because many of you forwarded them to me.
They can get sort of heavy. Lots of soteriology, eschatology, and ecclesiology. There is also a fair sprinkling of sociology, psychology, and political science.
Then I reviewed my blog from yesterday - which some few use as a devotional. It was about laughter.
At first glance it didn’t stack up too well. Those lofty thinkers with verbal and compositional dexterity can get your attention. Rightfully so I reckon.
But there is only so much of that stuff I can use, being limited like I am.
Then I came across a passage in the Book about foolishness confounding wise thinking. Seems like that author, at least at that moment, was pointing to something important.
Maybe it isn’t as complex as preachers and scholars sometime make it.
What if our Friend just wants us to relax, laugh, be free, and (I think he actually said this) love God and others?
What if we are being given the freedom to engage the goodness around us and within us without having to justify same?
What if it isn’t about figuring God out nearly so much as accepting that God has us figured out, loves our silly selves - and doesn’t hide from us?
What if a belly laugh and an ugly cry are the elements we have been missing that will lift us and cleanse us?
What if a bird song and a baby babbling are the tongues that are unknown - until we realize they have the message of the ages?
So anyway, as I wrap up another week of walks I am just trying to let go of the stuff that is beyond me so that I can fully and freely and finally embrace the stuff that is around me - and within me.
I am a simple man but…
…truth be told, that foolishness gets pretty profound.
You know what I mean?
Your move.
Brother Pat
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apptowonder · 6 years
Sexuality has its significance and its fullness of meaning in itself and does not depend on the biological consequences linked to it. Its fruit is not the pregnancy of the woman, who would thereby be degraded to a machine for producing babies (and the family would be degraded to a baby factory). Its fruit is the union of the partners. The Church has nothing to do with this sensitive, intimate sphere; the Church is not entitled to regulate people's sex lives. The eschatological-soteriological meaning of marriage, on which the wedding ceremony insists, is based on the ecclesiological insight that the blessed fellowship possesses in itself its justification and fulfillment.
Anastasios Kallis, in For I Am Wonderfully Made: Texts on Eastern Orthodoxy and LGBT Inclusion
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alexander-james-ink · 7 years
@girlwhowasonfire I mean I still don't fully know what I believe in the area of soteriology. I think it's a mystery and by grace etc. But anyways. I haven't held to perseverance of the saints for a long time now. Annnnd so I was just driving home and thinking about free will. And I really like the theory put forth by Lutherans that we have no free will until we come to Jesus who then restores our nature. Of course it's still limited by being human but differently. I think they believe it happens at baptism? Since babies are drown- I mean baptized in Lutheran churches and thus are saved but can choose to walk out of grace.
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